qlmnsementf. amongt11e houser cl-arkr ijontef bankers ... · .un kcal e.tait jar sau._ n assortment...

-.¦ -'-..¦? ¦. ¦ ¦ .Un Kcal e.tait Jar SaU._ N ASSORTMENT of flrsL-cin-s ¦weiiiDw (01 s«K> oa th* nariiioriy ila* *t sotk-st .iieai Miiilwi. ,: hi.ilt by dav's work, irom deaifni hy r> ,t J J ant me, ambit* < .md pusrt'i'iilari spptr oi ibr iii'viiiises, ©rUK all.l ci-sl _ "CHlli SALK..jiricc very low; New Hat; cor- J. esr4U..SVC, andi ow h-st. RI I. \\ I" ,fe WnTTINO, 5 Beekm.Mt. J3u*in?s» ProBfrin for Sale nil Ha Crt. FOR SALE at a bariMin..Excel.**., avsett- ni'-nii propcni thut v.iit always pay on Wall-ak., near Br sealw iv Court .ami n-*r ilreenwicb IV ari st near tot- toe nefeange Stuae-sl ii"*r Itroirl. tl«e old l*ro<hiee Eg- Ohanfte propelty un \\ lutcha,1, Pearl, Moore sud \\ nter its. _ H. EDDY *X CO, 144 Broadway. rpO'LET..Store*,"lofta and offlcos in Fulton^ JL Beek min. Naman. Aaa, Out*. Winiam, Pearl, Jacob, John aad Water ats. i Kl' IANDA WHIT1.NU. 5 R. Iktiaiul. Cits propcrtB (lo Crt. T 0 REN I.In private family.Comer house on Madison-av*; elegnntiy fnrnUlied Sd ttoor. Sd floor and rooms for vent.emeii; reference*. Address il.. Bog 14, Tribune rytonn Office, 1.21*8 Qlnctiau SjI« ot Real Ctr ute. JAMES E. WELLS. Awemxmem, WILE SELL Al l'l'BI IC AUCTION, at Exchange Saleaioom. Ill Broadway, at lit o'clock noon, TUESDAY. JCNE 17. 260 LOTS, portious of Fox estate irecently partitioned), _ directly »u line of ..CBCRRAN RAPTl) TR VNSir BOTTE. lOITII. 1B7TH, Iii,'lil HTS., M'KlilllN.S AND WIS'iruKsTER AVLt.. AND SOUTHERN- BOULEVARD. Kverv lot ACCF8SIBLE. ATTRACTIVE. ADVANCING. sud a* an investment SAKER TUAN RAN alts OB STOCK,1*. These lots Bte on leading tlmronsrhfares near strim ind t>or*e cara. nov. parka, stores, arti no! a, ch ul, hes. and city con. Teaiaace*. i'valal, teU%raph, tire, aad police MSvMS ax hand. Lots sold without restrtrrtons and ou easy tenn*. Fre*nwv.s snd fall yartlrnlars wltb CHARLES RENNER, rsq.. Attorney, i3"..Na*ssost., and Aactioneer, a Proust. Conntrn pnijiertn lot Sale an 1 So ttl ALL COUNT1T PBOPlavTT OUB SPB- CIALTY..Farms. Residence*, etc., rvorvwher*. T.liti lire I'll I LI. P^ * Vt ELLS, Tribune Building. A FURNISHED HOUSE WITH 10 ROOMS.- Vii-e-envereA etona*, liable. Karden,grapes, small fruit, food wator and thama**. Addie** 441 EJiiauein, New J«T**y._ A FIN F, Residence for Salo, to close an estate, *Ta. situate;! within'-.'...'.I inlier mt New-York, online of D T, ax W. and Eris Hallways. (lelistit'illly located in s channing riliaff.-ol li.i'O i, ...iiiiiaiiiliiig an oxlei.ded flew uf tbl Baa- eucUsiiiu River: nr*t-t las* suhool*. cultniwii *uclety. plc. Sureaque drives, tnt- best of twatlns and Ashing *nd unexrell«d for health. r.sr plief,.«.»p>ilr view, tarma and particular!, Sall or addi en* E. L. BUTLER, 50 Warren-at.. city, IADVERTIREMENT8 .FOR THE NEW-- sta.. YORK TRIBUNE WILL BE RECEIVED AT TnE t'PTOWN OFFICES, Ito. VM Broadway, comer Tbirty irit-it.. un'll p. m.. and $06 West Twentythird-st., corner rhtli-av«-..N'>.I * ast 1-ouitoei.ili-at., innn-r Cmon s.iiiai.. TUTU arr. r<wi:er Fnrtv-rvruth-st j N,,s l.o " rt ii cl r fixtieth-st,, *nd at UBS HARLEM OEFH E. 2,: 00 E eui i P Thtrd-r.ve.. corner Cina-linmlitalauid-tvibniy-flftri-.t., np to 8 p. m., at icruiar oSico rates. COTTAGE, six rooms, '.j acre grernn fl ; fruit; ont- hoor frnnt city. West shore sud inifLvle Road; $15 ¦D_°?tIi!lr . P.aeBBtea. COUNTRY, rH*tnm U._ PXCHANiiE..¦ A good house ot' 9 rooms ' and hana with plenty of fruit and shade at Ituth.i ford, .... i4."> iiiluutes flout New-York', will be exciian^'cd lol euisli bouse in Brooklyn Address J. P. T,. TrlMnne o ttl ce. OR SALE at a sainnce, :»t Woodhill v. Con¬ necticut; s handsome summer reildence. or can beean- r*rt«-d tate a summer hoat.liu-ulai a rejtalu.- ti BOT*! of Hup tand. s larc* ui.Hicrn house o, ll rooms, a smsllor lions* for tiela, fruit trees, aTrapn-vluos, eU3.i two minutes" walk frmn MslofBc.'. s'ores ami churches Apply to il. K. RnOATiKSs, JfewYoi.- Ji.buio-.or O.B. LEWIS, woedl my. FOR SALK..At New-Roche Ile, a aauaisome place. Everv eowreiHrncefor co'ufortable llvlnf. Price low, term* easy. Addi oas L Box 46, Trlbuu*. FOR SALE..Laud- rn every county iii South¬ ern Missouri at .'rom one to five dollin per acre, In lur0e er small tracts. Com apoai!cute aolii-ittd Address M.C RRDWN, No 60(1 iiliv*-»t.. Ht. Loni*. Mo. FOTT RKNT^Tw-o .Mtioiniritf fnetori.-s, with itoretions*. etc.. st 512 l'tue-st: sill conveniences. Has t>een nsi-<l as a >.holes«le f-.i muire manufsctorr. Tbgtf BIS supplied with ample power ti snit any business; will rent whole or part. I'osseaiioii Jiilv 1st Aprlv to P. V. Kcman, 4.'l». Walnut st.. Philadelphia. RE 1 N \V ICH..Desirable shore property; 10 rooms 8 acres abnadance fruit sud «haitr h!^h ground perlectly beaitby ; »7,5i>0. J. W. aIHa. _ Iii' Uro-.!way I S MORRIS COUNTY. H. J., for -tie, country JL seat j u. tami of :'.00 acree; excellent land; la-jre and abundant buildings; healthy location, tit,') feet above Odo water rio e itawuublu. &VLAXD a wniTIXO. ri Be. krna DIT.TLaTR. IS. J..For 8ale",~T'iiaiMiisoiue ne» loifasc. 8-'i:i'i. 10 rooniii baaaatfallr j.:.i>eraxl; fa*, fumsi-i- rao*o, tub*, gt**** brst-claM Blumbrnf; large nlazza, Kton- nalka, cemeDted cellar, tine neigh borhoou; eonveulent to deoot. » HOWE * PARSONS, 79 Cedar-!t, Sew-York RANGE, N. J., properties every variety for for salo tiimlihecl and nuf urnisbed hoiisen to reut .- o- eonorrear. B. 1». CON BIT. opponte Bruk cbun-b -*tatlon. <;,:i; o RANUK, N. J. (and vicinity specialty), real .itatc, everr vaiiety s.ile ab't rout. \\ a'¦' *:1J\\ AKO P. HAMILTON « CO. 2 1'iBo-st.. Niw.York. TO RENT..At Madison. N. J., one mile from depot, with immediate FOs*e*Moo. s (fentl'-ii'an's couutty Beat c.iiiii'k-t-- In all Its arran*.mauts. Larne house aud esr- linfe ho i^ R:.rd.-ri ui.i.t- a!.m.dance of fiult uni shade, also farui ol -j acres opposite, and buildliijis. crops all In. S. r ODY « CO., 146 BrosdWay. AgAA CABmJ. {2.000 INS 1 AL.MKNTS or tjp *)\ ft t afOKTUAGC, will bnv new cottare, eompletely furnished, ea tke waSSr'l edgo, between Baine^at Ray and aeaaa FERDINAND FI8H, 149 Rroadwsy, corner Llberty-it li eal tf state ^gentw. J^ROMAINE BROWN, RKAI. ESTATE, C2 Went .Ol-si.. .NUwTork. illsphoBk No. Ifl oVth-st. SHWiucr Iftvorta. I RK.VARHABLE WAP! Biris-Eye Map Inn New-York lo Montreal, fcllOW I Mi THE LAT.-KILLH. ADIKONDAl KS AM» HIOMLA.VIX, WITH OFFK IAL HKH.IRs*, Jaak*Champlain. I^ike lii-oiire. -niiiusaiid mliMls. st. Law. rere* and Hudson Rivers, with nion- Ciao JOtl lnki-a repia 2entMl wine, "iralos* aft Miiirejor. Coojeratovin. Kieh- eid .^pr.iofs. Hollies i a. e. Tieniou tails. Lai:.* Molionk aud MiaiieR.nljKa, ajul ail Uoiiutalu ItosoiuU tl.e t-uite of New- York pla-. . s'lown, wits ineth.-ds of aces* hire, lix i. Mailwl. ooitage paid, on receltit of 30 cests. J.iL*i I. ii a. «llb or is itiiosi wood*ri lollora, 50 cents. Lii-cu lark, with brass rollen sud kaoM. $1. "Alroi'St In.tlap.Misalile to th* luintuer tourist.".Alliany SrSBtnS J hu i.al. "A veli- hauiiioa.0 mau. ".i-*uatoi Arkell. _ A.Ulri** WALlON VAN LOAM, ( BtafcUl N. _____ A TLANTIC HOTfiL. Loug Brauch, N. J., Will open fur tbe lesion MA'IL'UDAY, .'urie 7. H. HO WI. A rr D. »ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NEW- /V*Vi -I'.K -IKIBf.M. ^^?E KEOKIVED AT THR I'PIOWN OFFICBS, No. 1,298 Broadway, corner Thirty jfjat at natl! W o.m.. sud 30« West Tweuty-tiur.i-Bt.. cora, r tigtth-aM N...5-- i-.ast Fonrteentb-Bt..corner UnionBqnsre. 7S0 ihir.'.-ave., corner Forty -seventh-it.; Nos l.o. 7 TMid- STe.ueiu SiXtlfctb,**., mid al Uie UAltLLi4 Oki'H'V^ °° Oblrd ave, comer On^-hiindxial^kiul-iwengr-lUtb.it., np to . p. m.. ut t .ruUi u(lie* rales. A LADY CAN AC00MM0DATE ¦ fuiuily af tonr p*reBiis, or ttm and wtfo and two children, on a tann ol tilly anea ta the ti^autlfol rlllaao of *.«u«va, N Y Stutter snd "uri ann from thorou«l)hred Jersey e. vs, and dell.:- toa* frail and ve«efables. Ih* farra also is .i?sred for sale. itefer*to Mr I ID'MAS N. HliOK KU.N'ew York lntmueUl- toa. for termsadrtreia P. O. Bos 74, (ieaeva, N. Y. _ A FEW HOARDKKS takon at Hartwell KBrnisfteTJnne2» AddreesOKRTftCDK WMIOINH, Tjulun ute, . iiaus;e ('.Mmty N. Y. ARE YOU GOING .^ TOTIIE corSTIlTT HOME J(.KUNAI,out te-'lay, with extra sheet, has third rditlou ../the Mt MMflll HKtfoitr OTJIDK, r-vinif pisces, prices, aailMirilirf all pt.rtieulars. Bold ey. rrwhere flv* eentTM'tKiti* fHILl IPHJt CO' a Psrk place NewAork A* MANSION HOrSE. ION(i BBAN< H. OPENS JUNE 14, IjUBOX BATEfS RBDCCKI). M. J. BUTLaTR. AVON INN, KEY EAHT BEACH. IT. J., Open* Jan* '-'1. Five iiilu-s south of Lobb Branch; chsnulnijly locited Jnnft- tnre of ocean iud river. ?T*w hou**, new furniture, all con- vernen. . a. luciii.Un*- gsa, elevator, aud wann and cold sea¬ water hat tis ob thr** Boer* Send for iSlu-trafrd "A SI \- HON Al AVON INN.- ASAreMB. H YARD whomav b* eoe* at th* Uottn x%. stare, «th-*t. aud ath-avu.. N. Y every .venial until lune J" ARO'TLE HOTELT BABYISM, L. I. ' l««Bonrav,a i^m Island B. H. see tim* table-. Now own Peitrct tbronxiiont. Ubeial rale* sad inaaaraaienL. MOI.i , HES TU A. Ixe. itlouilly Cae boatinx S.hlns and driving. I MT¥t stable* lor lt H) S; or. l-l lA(,L-.apply»t lilt AltUYUC l-.il.it v utalitc will cali ».t* Ulait)a n If deslr.-il m_ BlCMABIi H HTHAKlff*. A FEW AOI'L'l'S ran b<-:tr-4'ouin)(Mlnti-d with B-H..I i ouiiy i.oard at * farin-hoBB*. monutsin air no fuo*iiult*i« no aular-a. Bare soft, cool apriiis waler, alee awn and lb uta * (>od.<) uoirOy th* house all klu.li of fruite Ila Un-,r K'usoti. Slid pinny of mik Dally nail An i.p».;i- tunity for thuaodeair.ijf i.aiaud ijulet darius tb* *uu.u,ri Ilea*, nahl. teems to pi-nuaneat pairie* Addrtas, W. b.i.ar jVlsttakiii. I laui County, Mew-Yerk. J^MENIA SUMMER RESORT, i. N. Y. ea tbe Ilario* UaUraai isnesfet. Mo ualarla, no mosoal areiBBea. Taraaa 91 te aio pot week. Beiai Vlekhani, *.*., 0. 8. Aaa* Ajspnatawr. L**__t au* ;£to» ste... Dr h. (1. ' ooa, 111 Weat l'-Mh-et f*Jnd«* Thou.i«oa, iwtuu. Brookln. B. lt. AsluvbOa ti. Y. ea the Hsrlces UaUras-1 tire minite*' *I*iiLi?'*1 ***** l*o loslsria, no movqaHoe*. lars*, well _ Bummer tUeorto AMONGT11E .N ro r XT A T NS.-PIeaiuuitri mm aud good board at Lureklll. 1 "j mltet trom KU- nville. Cottages to rent. Address Ml(*i. SC ll (TI.TZ, t-.Uenvllle, N. T. -GEOKOE HOTEL! A. ON LOira IfStANTJ fsorND, Rite) Kock Keech ( ono ...nu nue.h ne*, n. i "un Open Inrteltl Hreitlr enl»rr.*d andlinprovrd a* acott Bf over tstusio. Ore auilone-haJf naKr* fiom New-York. A.l Hie attractions of Newport and Long Rranc i combine ts . I,.- of the moot he*.th fut reeortsta America; i"*"d buthana, boa in,', fishing; channing drives; no iuo*.|nltoeS; no ma. lsria. Clreulai'o and iiboiO'iaubs at Purni's music store. 'JU Luton Si-ui:,., Nev. VorH ORO ROE A, WBLL-4. Mtnager. "ce aid 1-gr.sph addre** ili-tdgeporL OBI» ______ A LIST OF HOTELS mid BOARDING noi'sEB in the Catskills, with mar., Inclose stump to Al MANY DAY BOA I'S, VeeHT Street Pier. Nsw ^ ors BALDWIN HOUSE, SlewbWg**on-Hodio_u the great health resort, now open; niouiiliiin air. msg Biiieeui scenery, hue groumls, fees canl*_c. Iend for pam- plilet._ ULOCK ISLAND, R. I.-Ocean View Hotel; first-class; 19 miles at *ea *nrf lallimg, line han*, hine ¦nd swonl Usliliia-: 3.*>o regular «-n«t»t,.; »ul)in»riu«-cable. M, Y. Oftlce,9'.' ll'*; CM. Rolles. aat..will call if dealreiti. Refer!, Hr. H Curtis, 3fi W. 301h-*t. O. S. M AKDKV. 4* Bowrioin, Bosion. BRANCH COTTAGE, anions the Mountains, open foi summer boarder*. Addro** ELIAS COMPTON. Prop.. Ike! Water Pep, Penn. DERKSHIRE HILLS, I ¦ st south Egremont, ftcrkshlrs County. Mast. For board st theMt. SJverett House, oi for cottage looma with hotel board, or lor tully furulahed eoiuaea with or without bonni, with stable* aad garden* If desiri d. apuly to W. R PECK, Mount Kvetett House, south 1 glemont, Mass. BOARD AMOXO THE CATSKTLL<.-Moun- tain View Farm House-Pleasantly *itnoted seven must from Catskill Lauding. 1'.? miles fran Catskill Munn tain Railroad. Lawrence vi I-* Mati-m. Table supplied with vn,e'»bliss. Butter, milk and egg* iiesh ftoii the rann. Send for illustrated circular flviug bunns and other partlonlatt. Addrees_ I'lilliMd CaSBBiM. If. Y. / 'ni NI KV BOARD al ;i ('arm botue. Terms V>( foi .Tun*Sb per week; July and Autjust SS. MR->. phi SB L. ROAO. Wlng*B Station. Datchets County /CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. V>» TP.KMPKU ITOC-r. opens .Tin)* If. T«rms. SS-iOpsr day. Special arran-r* inents by fie mt-nth. Tke proprietor niue lu sees at the liith Avenee Hotel, N. Y., Monday and Toealay of each week, or addres* _J. ft i iii mci it. ju., Phoenicia, Plater On.». T. COLEMAN HOUSE. AJBBUBT PAHK. SI.J". It'eleailtTichottte of this seaside reaoit will op**n its ainth season June 15, i.*¦-**. 8. L.COLKMAN. r^OLUMBIA WHITE SULPHUR Si'KiNOS, V/ NEAR lTI,li-"N. V V. itoth SEASON, r^ud for Illustrated circular with Ititi partlcnltirs. riOUNTBt BOARD..House larne; plan__.tlj V> lunated wlihin two minnies' walk ola beautiful laka ea:! and Tiiw-bosts; three ville! from New--York ead Harlem Bailroed. Addret* QatOROIC K. RIKHi'K, P.ox Bl. "(baron. Litchfield Cona ty. Coon. pOUNTRY l'.OARD.-Deliiihtful situation. V' shady lawn, flmuel*** aconiatmUtlon,- pl uiy milk, eg .-*, fresh vegetables Temi- '. t" ''per week, (itvrw.r- erne. Ad.Ires* h. * HAVJHts. PowimI, vi. DUTCHER HOUSE, PAWLIN'O, DUTCHESS COCNTY, S. Y. New hotel and cottages, elegsnttv furnished sud equipped: ha* all modern Improvements, perfect drainage, pm* moun¬ tain spring water, etc. A \try ileeinible tiiinmsr resort fur familiet: < ..pt* itv for 200 guest* Ii ar Inn p. ail rand, (i.1 miles from >iow i ora. J IoWi uow open. _CalL uraihlreae J. A JEWELL. Mansger i; EIGHl PERSONS eau have good accommo¬ dations for thr**** months; deUrhtfnl rocmt excellent board eBBBBBSSSBaa umnnd* term* |S p**r week; tanja! ls located half-way between Norwalk »*d y*.nth Norwalk, ou line of hort* railroad. Adttrrs* P. o. llox ir", MerwaOt, Conn ELMWOOD HOU8E, NA Hit .Mi AN.SKIT PTKR. R. I Special rates made with faiullles for ;be season. _ r. p. yr, Txnrf. PAST ROCKAWAY, first station from Lonp ku Reach; larc rorafor .ni* rem*: rood board. For particular* sppiy to U A. L I' RTIs. 41 We»t Mi Bl. aTJOOO BOARD..Iii i quiet and heal thy nlti ce, vs near a beanf ifni take. four iuilea from th'-Harlem and two from tbe ( nntiocccnt Western Railroads Term* easy Mr*. F ll. HAMLIN, aharon, Litchi:eld County, Cona, I [IGHLAND VILLA, _^ 1 I STa-rT PcINT*??. Y. choice family reeeri Larne plstiae, Prodnco own fruiL eagetableeand milk, iicsi-nptivecin-ularand cut. _L. M. ('ASM. HlBliIand alls, .V Y. ISLE OF WIGHT, T.AWliKN'CK BTATTOI* LONG WXAXD. TeeOBBOBJIgHOPSK laiea.aaaA. spi iLALTXBKS for the .i-a.iin sta.i.smeei the ll o'elock train frnm Lose Island City Apply af tbs hotel, or address WILLIAM KIMI, Itooui 7... ll'i Broadway, afr. Kishcau be seen siter 7 p. m. at Nu. fi. Weat .-.th-st. ^ELAND'S OCEAN HOTEL, LONG BRANCH. WILL Om SATURDAY, Jt'NE H. 188L L'HAKLKS AM' WAHftKN LLl.ANO, JIL kiend for SPKCIAL FAMILY nATIES foi Seasou of iS-i4. IACl.EL'I'ON" HALL, j cold spbino ha p. non, L. 1^ On ttie sound. :i- units fi.on New-York, open from June to October. Coder nevatanagement, seeuery and drives not excelitni. Li.'iutifuiaud heaithc Bend for clrcnUr. IC S. KI'iiCOMlC I AKF, YIF.W HOUSE, Watkins, N. \.- ! J Head of seneca Lake: beautiful air; fine seewniy; tplen- did roads gat. w;Her au 1 ntsani. Terms model..!*. Ur. o. -NJVl-n>, .Maiiaffsr. JAKE C.EOIM.E, \. V..Hnletta Landing j h.,iel. iiin nu fm tin anaana Taas lit. a favorable re- soit for New.York and bleakly paopla ICxceUenl t«i-le; tenn* un^leiatc. Send for iltscriptlve i-ircii!nr* ssd ref- W. HOWARD llliM'lll, Piopiietor. MOHICAN HOUSE, Bolton on Leake George, N. Y..open tliruB-,'hout the year. E. B. Wivq.ow, I.cseee. ">IAI%HA.lf!<iET HOI SK, WIELTKK IH-Un, L, 1., N. T.. WILL OPJiN BO! THK sKASiiN TOKE.OL Y'arbtlTir. rowlnir. tiathin-/, drlvinjand othsr Hmn«*nients Ker dlaernatl nf rooina and other lufoi-niat ion cull upon or ad dre** the aaeprieter, ; B. V WILSOf. Ths Langham. Ma ave. ami BokkSl MOUNTAIN HOUSE Cornwall Heigata, N. T«. Kirsti last family hotel: pore .«mnt;iin mr; tbe eli. mate a positive cine lor meiari* houte tupplied willi well. perteci ilraiuaie. Atldreaa JAMK.4 W. Mi.A(l/lk.K. MIZZEN TOP HOTEL, OTT A KKK niLT,, DtJTi'UK*,« ((IC.NTY N. V. Three ml BS fron I'awlluf station viaHarl**in K.illroad. This hotel will open for guests June 15. ISM. Infnriimtion and plaua of the hou*e ian t* hud anil rooms -.mik. <l nt F. T. KKtTB. at the Aster House. Bend for eliculur. POETKB A tlilTH, Proprletora. MONMOUTH I5EACIL 1TX ;,ejr Long Branca, Etoes Cottage witt op-n June ao. Do slrxblo iooiiih. cooit table, surf ba'blng. dc. *i*lilre*s HR.** A\.NAN. TsJEPTUNE HOUSE, OCEAN BEACH N. .)., 1* will o|n-u June 14. Klity yi.rdt fro¦ turf. Beuutitul SC(an drive. No uieatiuitoes. AililTRS* C. W s.\ VIil.MAN. at Neptune Tl on sn. (ir'J.-J >outb l-.'tli.«t.. Pbllwlelphla, till JtrnslO. 0 CLAN WAVE. LONG BHANCH, X. J. i'u. in« 'Juan. Fine bathibir, dnvlnir and stabllns- Table d'hote or private table. PAVILION HOTEL, 1 ISLIP, TONIS ISLAND. NOW-OPFN. JAMK.S-f.ATKP- of the Berkeley.'' Bth-ere. and '.nh tt., owner :uid piopiietor. PENINSULA HOUSE, SKA ltniiiUT, N.J., now open. MFA LS SKItVEO. Kosuil aa! room $10 per week uatll Jons 'JO. PROSPECT HOUSE 1 BHELTBB DBLAbTD, T T N. y .Ibis ]iuniil:ir and well-knowa hotel will opee .- hoot .lune Mb l-'oi iliarrams nf room* and other information tail or mldie** the proprietor, t> P. UA1 HAWAY, rrasftet Grove, ^helter Ulaad, N. Y. PROSPECf HOI SE, I XTAI K-ON-TTTT-MTCDSON. NOW OPKN. Twenly-iiabt nuics from New-Yorlt. Iluus.- ha* ai', modem lupiovoaicut*. _IT J. POUTER, .. pR08PECf PARK." 1 CATHKTLL. Coaslderlnn health, comfort auuiaeiuenf*, *e*nerv, walks. iliir.s.m-ceseibility, reioit sunvalled. Aibliess L. W CASgy 1>AK I ll- S A PFECTED ult li net \ on-" ffi aaa have _ood board and thc best of rare In a private fain¬ tly Address F>. l'KKIhNCK. _Tribune Uptown Office, l'J'H Broadway^ PROSPECT HOUSE PAYKHOP.E. LONO T8LANT). Sltaated in full view of the ocean on the (trent Ponth Bay. Ha* ihe tlne.it n>liju»- and ymhtinj tn tbe vicinity of Niw- York. Tb* betel, located directly ou the wobur, IU situation renders lt free from malaria or insects. Special ral** tor Jane. Address _K. PLS*WB*y*__ PAKE EH HOU8E, \VC( iIUlC RV LIT '.FIELD CO.. CO.tlt., It a quiet ana Bealthy place. 3*a hours fm.u New York; good boaid. )'o:u>. (oiiituilt, fre*h Uillk. butl. uml e^h'.i .veiy (lay, pest office and iburches near. Open Juue J A. W, CHAPMAN. POLAND "SPRING HOUSE AND MANSION II Ol'.SE, BOOTH rm.and. maim-;. PolsndSprin*- Hotse o>en jose ls to Oitobtr Manilas li*u»*or«.ii sli toe yeer. .jTi; I'Ol.AMi SPRING AND HOTELS. with their new and attentive slilllloiii wbbh h»»e been mad* eime the fl cse of las: *eaa« n. Hltualal I 0 .-"t *i.ove IbelfcVei ol Ike nea alli A a lo.!". Inn.. iall>oa>l. 1 ll-li .asl in sUIUaosoitituie.it'. stol prououncwl by all to be the Biiast ssammei i. ». :' in -"*. wi .iiw!aii'l. For inl'.i iihI'-ii oi illua tratod rlivular adilrets tbe P Ito Pt*. I KT" Hs. South Polan.l, MalM, or . all atuuraSlce. Hil HaeaaaSi Irihui.e nnrnllng, uk. HliiA.M RD ii neiONM, i'm' mtcis. IfkbsPECT Hoi SE, l.aki* KporTord, Chi held. M H., a thousand ferl abore Ihe tea, 6o elliss Mirth of -p.'inrtleld, Mum Hoatliic, bullung and n*blsa- floute eueu* June 14 htud lor i-ircular. A l( MAHON, Man*_er PROSPECT HOI SE, Iicthlchcin, vVhitl I Moiiiitalns N. II.-A nice, iiuiet, tunaoer hoarding house, h. ud tm nail i. uia,». G-O.W. PM ILL! I .-.. prIILLIi'H UOiJBE, Hupir Hill, FniiiK.ni.i, 1 N H. open Janel Hltuated on sbiuiii t of Hug ar HUI In-tw. tu (he Uouduiuu and Hiu...ri lilli IIhiim For ru. (liars fcdiirsae W. 0. PUlLLips. Prosrietor. Gumnut Beaattt. JENTER HOUSEr CENTRIC JUAItRiil!, N. If. ON LAKi. WINSII -Ai KBK. The r1rt»l nf I.ska ii«.>rir*« linday many considered the merl beautiful lake lu the world. on ,\ june 2 to October "d. (SPECIAL RATES IN JCNE AND 0< TOUEB. J. L. HU.VrB-.fS A »ON. s 3URF HOUHK. orrnn Beach, N. J.. I' HIt mlle* frow. I oar lirmeh. TBS danton Ppot of the 'liena June 14. A Brat.oians family house. Newly pa¬ pered .md jis.nl'd. Tbornna-hlv drained sud ventilated. ,l ida piazza*. .--ur.'bathing. Flailing snd crabbing. a.. L.OABBET90N. JaJAGAMORE HOTEL, OREEN ISLAND. LAKE OEOROC. Isloeaterltn the intdst of fie rla<-st mountain, luke and Uland K-enery on Hu-1 niitln.iBt. The houdini's are nnlijU* in pim, niiairiirtinn. nppllanoe* aid iiirrouBdiiia-s, for the object* .ouifhl iu ssuuint-r resort .1 e.. Rest, Rt* r -at!.ai. Health sod niiif.irt. For lllnstratesl circular giving all neSlod Inform*, tl on at ld ress h. o. brow:i. Bolton Landing, Warren l.'o., if. T. SKAHilKiNT, \. .1..Ther.arnVlrt ootna June 14.noe rn *;,n vtow. Wlthiu tt.ro* min niel ot depot. fUpermr ae. ouinuslatluni for fatulll**. _._ A. ( Lui QI1LY, Manage*. SMITH HOUSE. CORNWALL ON HUDSON. MOUNTAIN AIR. C. H. fMlTH. CPA BKK.HT. N. .L-l.ai.ro and small rooms - » in 'StiiiiH on the 00*1*0. opposite station *.callen* board aud superior Io. atina highest reference* from former K'-iests. Adores* W. M.. 47 Trthnns Uptown Office, XJUm Broad way. ta? IX PERSONS cnn lmve good aorommoda- l-* tlons for the Bummer mouths. DrlljThtfit! rooms tami ntosUsna gronnda, aitui.t-d on Harlem H. II. s.xty irules from Mw-York. Baa/tern* Ad.lre.s E. E. WAITE, 1'ai tenon. Pntnam County. N. Y. CEV1 »J Mn EN 8PRIN08 MOUNTAIN HoCSR. ..jinna*. N. Y nnder rep-ilrs opens in Jnne; elev*. tli-n li.i'i'O loot ilra'clua* family hotel, illacount to tho** ai; Hii»'.n< foi the season, lanie, attention, umiiseaieut*, uiuilc, livery, saddle hore**, wit* tea. li. r of the best _ DAVISON JL ., Proprletore STRASBURG COTTAGE, Atlantic ITighlanda. N J. Superior hoard excellent hoiiting, hatMnir indftstilnr; hasiiftful drives um rrwiery.wlth hn« vlewsof tlie ocean -nd liav. Adtlr*** Misi BONHAM, 10 t- "«t |Sd st., New-York, or ss shove_ CIX Td TEN PERSONS > ' Can get ac . dbi fur fie summer at i-rtvate farm restdeM * large resins. Bath-room, nilla- ami vegetables In quant ity, cnaj'h-house. box slaili. hoe ir.ails mia of the linest pla. es ni Orango Coe A.'i'.re.a L.> HofJl. Ceetral Valley, Oran** Cocnty, w. Y. SARATOGA SPRINGS. O DBA, BTHONOa lRBTHTTBL Th* "hoiua" ol isatliui; niru ut .lunch aud State ax.l Uudr fainl 1 .*. _ Turklih, Rnsslan and other hath*._ CHARON SPRINGS, N. Y.. PAVILION O ItOTKt and cul A'il-> ol'K.N JT'Nt: IS. In Hu. eil .J'lii it liaiil-lloi ai» new aud st leallflo applica¬ tions of fsrt.rm r: W*TBS after most approved Rnropi-an niiiiii.ais PtnvrnBiSAnoa iu.om, inilslai.os-kixim, nea .Ni.KLiLai A-Nii .-ilU-ilLS WA.Ill. JolfN IT OAI'.DNBR * PONS. CUMMER BOARDING Thoaedaslrlni;* (i.iiat, healthv place, with mod tioird, will find it to their interest to a-'dn-si at once th* Brigg! If'in-e, Benaan, Vt, This If..i.s» ls ne* and wall fnmishe*. ti .d lu orrin-1<> establish s business will re eire hoarder! st vary low ni nos. Ia easy of ace** fruin Ti nv and Alt>any. _a. J. BRIOOS, P)..prletor._ T»HE ALLA IRK, L HPBIST41 r.AaTF: r.EArrt, X. J.. f»;.ens inna lt I bjatV bun faially hotel. Electric belli, s*a etc. Every room oe eau we*. Addles. K. M. RICHARDSON. THE ELBERON, The mont unique seaside resort in the world. Now open Rnr Kio SSV Aildi oM C. T. JONES, Ellicron, N. J. THE SREENJIOUOTAIM MT. MANCHU,D HOTEL a/row ri. VI,, snd Tllfc. SCMMIi IIOTBL, (iii Mi U.\.N-iTKI.D, ~ip«n list of .tun*. I'rtcei reduced from last seas*n. For le'rius, Ac, mMr.-s* E. C. BAILEY A SON, *tow*. Vt. I I THE BERKELEY ARMS," Ki-, lt Ki- l.l-.Y. OCEAN COTJKTY, N. J.. 17 miles sort)h of Long Branch, fronting dlreetlv on s mtitmlfl- tent hathlng heath, with Hann-g-at Bay In Ci" reari linnie ailroad fiuiliile hv !*enn*y!vania Halli'oid from Jeraey City. SECOND KKABOlt, ISBt . wUlonnnSATCRl'AY. June 7. 1EOR0E C. RdLDT, Hotel Krllevite, Hulirtclphla, Pro. prietiT. MR. ROl.tiT will st t'o- Motel T>ninsw1e». Vev.York. vlth plans of tL>-betel. WEDNBHDAYis, May 14 aud in, and ton* lo k. IMiorsAND ISLAM'S, vVeHtiniiuter P.irlc I. Ha:n! ons cottage* 7teewA peHr* tai . fl "eur hu¬ rl; nabiag and hosting; price $l,'.t.O ISOJJ, Al lt. ul ii-i. N. Y. rm: qri en brier, JL v> nt iK sn.piirr srniNos«. w. va. Immediately un th* (.'. aod O. Ry. The mostclelirut il of all the mountain morts will open st tb* Bsasoa lane Klfi. i, n>m feet a'.ov c.e s»-a lill -..H..ll,.i- BK Itatea-«J21 per week. J-Tftyer tuonth of SO day*. Pend for amphlet. B. r. EA sf LE. KaperLn.'*udena, THE NEW GRAND HOTEL, CATSKDala ltd >TAI>S, PPE\s .ICNE 19. rarlerrirsdlreet to Oraiiil Hotel Stittoa with*ot ehang* ls Weat Bl *re H;..'ri.a.L Aiiuiit itiinii tor rooiua, .tc, (an :f maile personally at Wind¬ or Hott-l, New-Yoi a City, everv ruaa.lay. El WARD A. (III.T.ETT. Late Mauiat,«u Hot.-I Kaatergklll. VA\ LOAD'S :atskill mountain guide, WITH BIRDSEYE VIEW, MAPS, l'«l BOAHDIVt. llOI'«»F.»* fnllv d**rnb*d. many of th*m ecom panted wi Ci illustrations <.( house* and aurr.u-ndluga lailtsi un receipt of 4o e.-u'i iu tom BJ pustaae siamps. _WALTOB VAX L'lANrf'atsklll. N. Y. WEST END HOTEL Cott.iges and Reitnnrant, LONG PKANCn, N. J. Cottntff.-} and Ki'ntaurant now open. Hotel and ?ea-Watcr Hat as epoa June 21. Moat.it Ilia rooms In tr.* hotnl have h*en entirely r*fnr- irii.al. A lil 11,1.!-, il -RAHM. BINK -l.Ui.vl ;*ol a lush rill also be u.««il aaa HAM, an.l CONCERT n">OM. »nd s A DIEM1 Itll.l.lAItD.I'.iJii.M T^iu curso of ( *ustrueti m olheUOTEl. OBOUNDu, Iii- HOTEL STAHI.ES wUl I. si usual, under the cl .*-uf UYEltsuN A IHtoWN, of be NSW-YOHK CAB I I l). M. ii' I.dui. H. L\7ATEREALL8 FARM..Now ready for " r ju-mIs EjBB>ja.JBseaaaal rooms tahln "uppiid; '>'i- .rsn.e trae. ituylng sb. wi-.-ks. lonni *5 to ri » week, u.oiig tho Lavis...ls. A BHCBALriNcn. Cairo, (lieine Co, N Y. i/ORK HOTEL, RYDE, ISLE OF WIGHT, I BTHOL \ N li -i lieapast hons.- for f*nilll»i sud tourlit* oiuiiiauiiiog wa vi*w eri<-,y acisiinin.a'.atloB. E. atom's. l'r*pii*tor Iain SUMMER HOMES rVMONG the MOUN- #T fl t IAIN-, 2.000 ll ! r A BOVB THE PEA .lopv Bf -ii'iiiiier ii..i ii¦ .," pu'oiished bf .'-.(.»-Y>uk, tiuti.rl.i BM ..¦.ti. a«ay iipo'i avpllcatloa. ontalni li.t ol h-.a- * irro-honse» sn.f hot-ls In iruuge, hnlllvan, Ciller, I^Uswari., ( runaiiiro, snd ()ts*eo (unifies, N. V. *itli raes nf lire, lenna ittstan. .1 from th* tallou, Ae. Re* Bat *f offices in ».hei tiat-ineut of Now-York ad Tbonaand laiiiiui Line ta daily paofat < _ I Ctfaf. SUMMER HOMES..Pre* handbook I «.)* M t r.iutiiiniiir. Ii.tt "f IUIBIBI*' hoti-ls aad boarding ouse- along the Hodson Rtrer and lu Cstsklll niouutjlm, ith teni- attraetteni imps ai.d illn-ti - inaay .tdress noon application, with th'ee-ceat Btaasf ta E 1. itniUTT. Easters rasienger Agent. West hhni* Rou^ BU Hrosdway, New-York Coprof hook may al>o be hail by illili*- at |i>«arcst office ... lo.itiou of ofC*e* »*o West hore luitile timtstuble in itally pi peri. slour.trn ftoaxb iUanteb. ^orNTrtV BOARD..Wanted, for muM ¦J in inouuiaiii- near Uk*, for tau Bril.Ihnys with Uiolr »chor. Auawer, willi toru.s nClMuU No. DM West Stlth-st., Nei-York City. illmdlaneon. k DVERTISEMENTS « r'nil TUC NEW- \ TOBI rttlBDHg WILL Bl IthCElVED AT 1 UB Pl OWN OEFICEs, No. 1,23a Kr.«.lway, .timer Thlrtr rst-it.. until :. p. m., and .10« Wen Twenty-third*t>, corner iehth-avi..,Nn ii Kant l'oui ti euih.st.,, ,,rn. 1 I im Banar*. 80 Tb;r.l-avi ., corni F r:y -.wvi uth-st.: Nus loo? Tt lid- ie, near siit'.-th at , ead at Ole I! M'I FM <'CKI'K, a <00 hird-av*., corner Dne-hindredaunt-twciity-tlfUi-st., np Itt p. uu, at lerulai ollie- rat.-*. . , ECLIPSE EXTB \ DKY. PLKE8T NATLUAL j CEAMPAONI A'isniiitely pu, '.Iso rtioiCO ( allfor- ka c..ru. ^fi'-rrtes, Hiirrtinrl es. .!. K WM. LUTTOBH, Agent_ai Warren-rt. MiiTMi vichy tmnra. specific for Dyip.'psia. ll Llrer. I,'..lucy and l.-dder trioih'-a .1r1.-1t.1r Sew v.rk o*ra 1'."j Pearl-st PURCHASER..A rouiig lu.lr of relined taattfl l wishes to do purehssinr for ont.of.town psrt'es- ill *r- rrifirifullr amt promptly executed; tot references, ur.ua n-i kil(li-ea«, iniur-. ss. tuc oa*e.ek, Iii. \ 1.K. I'rtbuue ufflc*. VO MEET DEMANDS CONSTANTLY 1 reaehlus ns. rhroegD "ur Knropean oitrea, ii..in tiMiu- ict'in ,.|..| u. dei I ti ns reprasi nt atm: la Ulla miiitry, ii.a nsmaa of iii persona willing 1 handle luiiipu a ol foreign foeal» of .?.¦ry kind Intimation! .ot-i am ti. iii r .injuiiilait by r.-fereiiiei, * 111 h* ti'ninptlv voa- .lu's! l.v lt (. M.Nsiii, .1 a.-m 1 I.roaifwa/ ^BEST IN THE WORLD.. CATHERWOOD'S .UPPER TEN* WHISKEY! 8-r*ASK YOUR GROCER. 0FF!CE:-i6 SOUTH WILLIAM ST. _^financial._ Tns Nrw.YosB et.fvstsi. Rtn.noii. m.. 1 SSCBSTABlS OIPICB. 71 J»l'(>AIiWAY. > Nlw-YvKA, Junct!. l-M > A SPECIAL MEETING of tin* ilureWderi Ofthe NKW-YORK KLF.VATET) HAILROAD COnf* 1 an Y will he held st the Company's atfleo In New-Tan cit v. Ho. 71 Jlro.idwsy. nu saTCRDaY, the fouit**nth day of Jiiuu, 1>***4. at'Jii'i'lni k p. ia., touk* toto consideration tb* tels!Inns betwi-eu this ('uiiipRny aud ths Manhattan Railway Company and the Meir ipolftsn Klev-ited R ulw ly Coicpanr, to v.iU* un a iir.ip.ited mer ter airreetnest lietwo.-n th* three ri.Bipanlea sad lo take Kuril meutores and actina in relation to the finnier ntt.-ementsen'f red Into between this Cum|.anv ind either or ill of the other roniusnle*. end. to adopt such measure* aa the stork bo iden of this company mar Seem best lor th* intered of thia t om pt ny. _D. w. mcwilliams Secretary.^ MANHATTAN RAILWAY COMPANY,) becteian 's 'IHee. 71 Broadway, } NBW-YoBB, Jane.., 1 SSA. 1 A SPECIAL MEETINW OK THE SHARE- HdI.DKIIs of the MANHATTAN RAILWAY COM¬ PANY will bwhtldattheCoBipmiy* offio- In New.York City. Na 71 Broadway, ea MATC RDA Y.. th* fonrt«*»nin day of June, lodi, at lio'cl-i. k noon, to take Into e.iuoiier.itiou the relation* between this Company and the New York Klevated Kalli-oM Company an<t tim Meir«p»H(aii ievalurt Ratl-»jr Cnrauuny. tn Totoon a propo-**d nierter arrecmenl between tbe loree romp mles, and to take sin-b nieaaure* and ac (lon lu relsflon to th* former aareeaents entered Into between tbl* Company and either or allot th* artier emupawlea, a_*l to adopt such nieseure* a* the stockholder* td tint Company may deem be»l fer the interett of Du* Vuipany D. OT. Mi vv I t.LLAJta. Secretary. jnERTIFlCATEOF' DEPOSIT."" VJ ivsiBAtrK DrpAtmirTT, ( ALBA.Tr, New-York, Juae IO, UM. J I. John A McCall, tr snpsnnten.ltnt of tha Ins-tram e De- faruneut of th* state ot New-Yors. do hereby fortify ths* the ICTUAL RKSKRVK /TNI) LIFE A*jAoCI ATIOlf. lo- outed In the .tt» sf New.York, lies on deposit in tn I Defer*. mont tho following .leserlbed seeiirttle* for protection of Its nieiuliers, in aucurdanuu with the tatute in undi case* made Slid provided: Ton ctrtiflcstef, SI0,000 e^«.h. rolfed States rar- l..teie.l ii per cent bunda, luteresi payable quarterly..,..Sion OOO 00 Total deposit .SlOO.oOe 00 Ia witness whereof I hov.* iel -unioset my ii md and afflict! mr steels* seal at lae city of Albany thia 10th day of J sue, I'M*. IBeal: JOH* A. Mci AI.L. Jr, *-1171*1 iuteudent. TheMrTCAL RF.SF.RVE PCND LOT ASSOC! \TION ooiiUotios to iu: lusa lifo inidraiice al i.*ts Iii.ii an li Alf the nsual ra(**t It has 'in.OOO members, $!)(>. nitfv.noo tiu«lne*», ajnn.tBnaBSltaa tt hs* ptiid .Bi.n.nnfi lo**!-*, and ts the only assessment enmpnnv Ont bas msde ,t< posit with th* In surance Department for aaa protection of ll i member* for furlhur information apply lo Home Office, mutta r. aUMaWVl FL* _S.T Libertyat. fl WYN NE 6c DAY. TD I.lFK soe TA-MON. Bf-eSr.TO-taT._ ftWYXNE & DAY. E»i.iii!..-,ii.-u 1854 VS No. 48 Wail *"tT*et, N*w-York. TRANSACT A UKNLUAL HANIvINd anil IlllOK KRAOE _BI'S IN ES*} lu RA 11.'A v 1 IK i.M'S, Ar. MsnVKl wajffmb .ii i.-nc Uta* at " per ern inlerast to be teoun-d hy the doest farm L.nrtiu Kum County, IlUnata M I./., k Rei 20S. (ialesbnrr ill_ ANHATTAN RAILWAY COMPANY. NO. Tl B-OADWAT, NlW-YOIK, 1 May I.S. 18*4. i Notice lt lirrtliy tires that thc a_reement between this C'ltipany. the New Yolk Elertted Railroad OflBB] tiny and the Metropolitan K'evated Railway Company, listed November 14, 1*181, commonly known as (lie Meriel- Afiaement, havlna been retcinded. the heUsraof PIBST l'RLFBRRKD STiJC'K of this company m*y srrr**nd«r t.ioii certificates Bb this com¬ pany, and will iln-rc'ipon be cntni.'dto sn i*-nial number of thsr.;* of tba sio. k nf tb.- New.', .irk K!*vstcd ltalliuad Cou- paay. under tke acreeaMate af M»yd, 1HS4. Holders of lh<* ^tnek of'lils eoropsny 'Old" Snd "New") may eau present tb-i»rttdtaie* a MN they now bold snd hav*sls:ii|'*.l lh. liou tin* meitiura.nliini of maeem. ut With the Now-\ oik _ltial.il lullr.-ad Co..ip*.iiy. _D. w VcWiXliaMS, 8arrerary\_ office or ) Tup. HiMpaTEiii iMcaovjircsr co, limited.} 8! Nsw.st , Mw Vi-es; (itt, N Y. .lune l:i l-*.**!. ) NOTICE is HEKEBI GIVENTIIAT THE flitt tiii.itgaae tioml* of tho BXSCPHTRAD III- Pl'.iiYhMi \ I OM PAN Y, I lMH'fc.!i. aambcred 881, BOO, .84,701,871.887, i".' 870. Wit, 943, 177, 83S, SOS, «U, i>0i, Ul Tin ,n'J, and «()*< have been drawn by Jot for redemption, un.'er a provision remained lu tke tlr«t mort*: sje bunds of said company, aud ihat tbe above uumbsrad le.ods nil! be iu,il on pivseniaiion and turren-lei of (be tame at tbe efflce of tbeeompauy on nail after July 1, laaa* from which dat* intel>-st thereon will cesse. _ .1 BAYARD BACKX8. Freeident CEVEX PEE CENT MUNICIPAL VTATER O BOHDn -SMUrtl prnposaltare liiTite.l for VoO.OOO Water Loan milaby for savfaga Saaka and trust funds. Full par¬ ticular* ou *|/ii'ii-atiiiii bi FISCAL AGENT, care of A WILKINS. 89 Liberty lt. New-York. -T-'HE UNDEBSIONED, AS TRUSTEES of the A ionsoild*te.t first nmrtaare of the Kai.s.is 1*,.. -Ino Rall- iras* Company, »iv* r.oti, n n, ii they tr* prepared to apply de sum of $..o ooo io lb* port;.aae and rertcnBiimiu of the bonds seenred ny rae soots aeaurlbed mortat i il ll i leweet pelee foi wblehsaul tninilteao be Ind, sot asesenlas the un.! ai ucl Intei'.tt nf Bald iMnda, parsuant to -the ilniil tub- nil Dbm of Ar Hie 4 of «ai<t mmtgaee. Teuder* for th* aal- i must he made to the un¬ dersigned /it tbeir otTti e. No. lt).". Br»a<i*uy. Hooni l-l (second Hose New.Yark City, prior tu lil o'clack inouu) ot tho -oih cay of Juus, lita. JAY OOLI.D. jTn,.,., ROBSaXL SAOK. iTlBSISSS. _New-York, June 8.1SS4._ oi'iiis or ihk Bu-vaa srAii-- ins o M'o Co. j R.l..*t 1 lil. IIS blK.AIivyAT. Mkw-Yosk (TTT. I TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- I bolSeraof thlaeomnanr for ftieeleetlaa of trestle* for .I- . "lui ve.ir win be Beni al lae aaareenT*. oftiee on Hetarnay. Jobi i-t 4, atlJm. Transfer looks closed from June 16 to 23 both Inclnati a HFiNRY nr \n-T!'.i:..T, Be* rotary. -yy' ii. johnson, BROKK.R IN PETROLEUM. Rooms 5 snd fl, M Broadway. CHTTED UPI URE CERT1TICATE8 bought and cold for cash or ramed ob nurimi. tiuotttloss furnljheil A. 0 nTMINWAY. TRCMAN HF.UfNWAY A.G.HEMINWAY&CO HANKERS AND RRnKKHS, 70 BROADWAY. NLVV-YOHK. liny and sell Stocks, Bonds sad Iuvattineut Seen mica mt St. Paul, Minneapoliai ami ManitoBa Railway Compaay's First Mortgage Sinking Fond 7 Per Cent Land Grant Gold Bonds. Iaeeafsraitty with tbs povltioat of the Mort<s«* Dsedef Trust .erurir-r th* tbov* Bonds, we, the undersigned Tnntseo, hereby (ive cotlc* that 110 B.m.U of tl DU etch, '20 Bends of 1600 each, and A79 Bond* of S1.00O each, of the number* tpociosd BSBBV, were tkit day, lu oar prtoencu. BhMj Bal withiiut Breeereace or dlscrlitlnatlnn, desliruatcd by lot foe redsmptioi st 10". per cent and aSSanel l!*t-*r*nt p iy;ible ont sf fis aicneyi pledjed to as from preceed» of sales of latuls and uow tyallable for that purposs. Tbe Bond* »o drawn will bs paid on pietrtoiation at fie o.Tlco of JOHN a. KKN- NKDY, Ho. 83 WUlismtt. New York; and tho holders thereof ar* horsby nutlfled hat they .di .-.til U* niei.*iilrd ou ¦ l.eiora 1st day of July next, as treat that date inter**! will cease te scents tbsreon i 110 BONDS Ol' $100 KACH. 8~jr~~a'a m ais "tia um 27 r:9 _M 1^5 L193 L4 0 H 6-ld S"?9 9«*i eas 9:0 ter ft sw 944 Pig 1 340 WH 1,279 1.001 pis LOU 1.S1B IOU 191 Bs lin J41 167 is» -}Tt 94fl 2*S B 347 A*.* rn 449 4 (JA 4... bil 640 ess ftftW eas MS 707 710 Ut 7»o 794 "1.143 t| 1.301 1 J'4 l.'.'lj 1 74H I 1 T10 1809 1.7'.8 1 :.JB 1 8R8 1,«H7 I.MS 1.B5B 1 SSS 1 M8 l.SHO 1.B70 1.3D4 Mil lois LMi .! '.! ,134_ S-s i.fccj 1.419 ,*,.» l.auA 3.119 .ISO 1,0-:0 3,134 BM 1.94S 1,188 .i§4 LP'.* 3,181 L_ l,7v!0 l.B" 1,73? 1.98 20 BONDS Of $500 IAC1L le SB '.¦A Bl il Pl 1 379 bokus or fl ,000 eai~il_ lToom.sm nn 8.H8. t"'« ¦'»? 1.9»9 f,|6| * " «I 1.043 !.»7'i M 1.1)78 1.9«7 63 1.(«14 l.SU'l li lilt*, 'J.O'JS SS 1 'H.8 '.'.ll!'* 119 1.117 2.0S4 131 Ins Iii 1.U9 las li --a m }...* __________ 174 I.6IB 9,484 :i,l34 194 1 819 1174 S,4*.i 4*4 l.*S4 3,4^4 \Mtl oil j 6*s ''.ni g,.%.^ |44 LC**.* Til 1.7"7 3,ftM 1 "3< 7»4 1 794 744 1 778 IP *i i,9i4 8,7s« A,itii «;:t*i 6 *-;." 4.741 cf 1 lia I lia 1 i-lt 1 iLittii £& Sm JOHN 8. KENNEDY. J. A. ROOSEVELT, .Trustee*. R. B. ANGUS, «e-.Y*rk. Anni Ik. Hoi, I.{M" - 11.384 2A1B JllBI"! 3>4*i j (en s.s.7 .'. ll *.A '4,7 is |,SSS 1*74 M4 llS 8 719 4,7*10 ,'..8St 4,717 rri iTts s7ii 4,-74 8-ed' financial orrtXEor mr. <'n Am ru oak Lirt ixacnAicKCo. i Habttobd,coxv., juna i., 1*8*. ; THE nnnun! rrteetirtf of the Cl-arkr Oak Life Insnrxnee ( ompHny. of Hartford, Conn., will lie held at th«olrlc*of the Company tn Dunford, on We du**, lay, inly ti, last, nt ll o'clock a. a. efl Mir.l'S K. WIMATIP. ferTetary. Banking Ijontef anb Bankers. Kissam, Whimsy & Co., Bankers and Brokers, ll BROAD «emFET. v?II.r,«» Bl'II.niXJ. INTEREST ALLOWED OX DEPOSIT A( OCNT SUB tMOt TO DKAl-1' AT MHan* .OYafjaUOfKBI 1, ssTATai, MUNICIPAL AND RAILROAD 8KC(Jlill lt S UoUUHT AM) SOLO ON L'tlatUISSIuv, yyi; cash OB CI'O.V HAItOIN. BliTjidcrtf) Vertices. A PYERTISBMENTa Poll THE NP/VVV iV*YDKK TRIBUNE WILL BK HECKIVED AT TlfE UPTOWN OFFICES, No. 1 5Ts broadway, corm r Thirty flrat-*t. until S> p. m.. and Md Wost Tweutj-third-it- corner Elrhth-*v*.,No fl" V.iiet Eoitrteenth-if.. rorni-r Colon Monera. liO ihird-av*., com.r Forty-«ereath-»f i Nos. ),is'7,Third- are. Bear t+i.tteth.». and »r the BA HI.KM OFFK E. 'a.. (X) Third-ave., comer One hnBdrcdaad.twenty-flfth-st., np t* 8 p. ra., at regmar ofhco rates. A OOO ii. s N'KW.TOliK CSIrTSAl. AXU If IDSOS Riven BAfLBoAD CO.. 1 TSBAstaea's owen. S Nkw.VOSS, June 7. 18M.) DIVIDEND of 4 par cent on the capital stock of the New-Tor* and Harlem liat'road Company wlUbenesd tiy the N-u York Cent rsl snd Hudson River Finilroad companr. lc*.** limier tba r.rovision-t nf Um eoe> tract iiitweeu Hie two couipanlea , at tai* uBcr nu Hu- 1st dav of July noxt. Tho transfer lo.ln vin I lo'clesk p. m. Jnne lt. snd reooened sr 1>> o'clock a m. jnlv it next _ E. V. W. BnH8iTK.ll, [reu.orer. BaW-TOBB CKHTBAL AKD III I-"'.' U.\ lol UA1LEOAD CO., TRKAeLKBS'.- Ollirg. .Nrw.Y.itiK, .Inn* 7, lri8l A QUARTERLY DIVIDEND of 2 per tciif on the carwal stock of this company will be paid at this ofUce on H.. .tn of ..'lily next. Ihe transfer Matu will bo closed nt l-l o'clock p. iu. on saturday, the luh mat. and re- oiiruad at IU o'clock a. m. Mundar, the 2l.it of July next f V. W. BO'HITUB, Trt,i«nrer. Non. ;' si: KOAO COHTAST, 1 'I'HRAhL'BSa'S OrFirs, Nu. 17 BB<>AP-ST., > NEw.YokK. June M, 18-Ht. > COUPONS of the genera] first mort, hkm K°ld honda i,f th's corupeny dne Julv 1. l'-'nt will he paid st this nflce on und after that date Tin hoots for the tranter of tbe *.". (Ml:, resrliteri ss will rio** Juna '.'7, and re¬ open July S, lM'4. At th* close of bii«liu-«i inn- SS,eb*0k| for Intarmt due on siimI registered cerrirti-ati-s will tie mailed to holden of ri cord at their respective addresses ROBERT LENOX UBI.KNAP. I ruasursr. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO UTAN Y NSW York, June ll, 1-184. DIVIDKND NO CS. Tli* Hoard of Dlnators have deciured a quarterly dividend of ONE AND I MRKK-FOI7RI IIS PKK CK NT upon the capital stock nf this i-omnanv fr*tn tk* set. earning* of the lin. e un,ultim (liliMir .luiio Hotfi. Inat anl. parable at th* office Of the tTaaaarer, mi ami ufti-r the l.'itli day of Illly nett, to ill ii reh nhl er-, nf roeoul on tho MSB nt lillie, Instant The transfer twiok a will l>«> closed la New.York sud I.ordoo at I o'clonk na lim aiursoou of Jan* itlth. las.ut, and re¬ opened on thc niornlng of the- .1 of July aext. B. H. RoCTIKSTEn, Trei*nrer. irFicai raE boabdor Drascroaa Aaiaii ts Ezras NSW-Yobs. May li, 1834. J THE Board of Directors of thin comiiiiny have this .lay oe-tared » dividend of Three Dollara 'SS) per share, parable oa ih* lu. day of July next. Tin tr»ntfer books will bo cIosj-iI from the 1 (Mular of Jun*to tho Jd day of JtHv next. Bv order of the Board. jr. ar. kv a pp aeersaatx The missouri pacific railway coir FAN'Y, 105 Broadway. Ntw-Yosg, Jnne *5,1384. A qnarterly divllendof ONB AND T11KKE.QUAKTKII* PKll CEN't on th* ciplt.il stk-_ of til* compatir ha* this dav tieeu declared, payable on TDhrtDAY, Jnly 1, ISSI. The frsnsfer-liooki will clo** on saturday, Jnne lt, at 3 p. ui. and le-opon on Wednesday, July '2, st 10 a. rn A H. CA I.KP. Treasurer. Corses ano Carriages. SUITABLE for ircntleiiiMii'is depot work, a kJ nrewater fuur-wliet'.ed dog cart. Knickerbocker .'itaMe*, SSdst. ¦BOWaOt, 1* Waiar-st. ©rates anb ftnbtxs. J. S. CONOVER t% CO., DatUOVnta AND .MANUI'AI.'Tt'f.KRS Of 4*RATIOS A\i> FE.\DER9, OTEN aTaJUaXsVCMl DIREC IMPORTERS OF TILES, NO. 30 WEST -i.tls.ST._ Jce vTreom. A FACT..Horton's Ice Cream ia made from pare cream, ls th* teat anti most popular iee cream In th* werld. Try it aad you wdl om bo other. Depot*. 309 4tk>*v* I.SS* Broad nay. 75 Chatharn-st., 110 EaiS l'J6th-*a, Haw York, and *8« Fnltsn-it., Brooklva, vfurouean 'Xiitiertisements. LIEHIO COMPAIfTS EXTRACT OF MEAT. Finest ind Cheapest Meat-tlavonuit Stock for buiili-., Made Dishes and datives, etc. Anuual sale. «.'<0 ilvOJars. _ f IEBIG COMPANY'S EXflUCt OF MEAT. X\J An tarataakla Tunic lu mises of weak dictation, and d.-hlllty. "ls a aUiTrsi sud boon for which Nations ihoaid feel jrrateful." Be* "Medical Tre**," "J-an- _cet," etc._ LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OP MEAT. Oeoalue otfi.T wtth fae-stmlla of Baron i,ii-).i«'s alcuaturn in Blue Ink nero** Label. Th.- title "Baro-i 14' Ins" sad phetognpll having been lars-elr nsort br dea'ar* wtth no i-otinecrton wfth Baron" Ll.-bla, ta* public ar* lafonued that tbe Dleblx Company staas eua offer the article with _Baron I lehl/'s ftiarinteo of ?renolnenei*. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. lo aa had of all storekeepers, Grocers ind ('lu mists. M'le Affects foi tin Cotted states (a hole, isl* only), ('.David dr Co.. 'J leuchurchavenu*. london, Entrland. Beti wholesale hy Park A Tilford, Smith A Vandartxiek, Acker. M.TVali.r. I ondit, McKesrtouA Kohhins, H. K *\ V. B Thurber * ( o ami .Hessri. W. II. rtclueaVliu a Ca _ OHATKPtTt^COMFOnTI>fO. EPPS'S COCOA. BRKAKI'ACT.."By * thm-onjrh kuowledirs of the nitrtral laws which Kovi-rn the .ipeiatloiis of riifesttoa and nutrition, .asl br aoarelolaraUaatsea w Ike Hue properties ot woil-«e- le.te.1 Cocoa, Hr. fops baa provided our breakfast tobies wtth k delicately lluvored b.-veniffe whkh may sire 113 maur hoary In. tors'hills, lt ta by tbe Judicious uso of such articJe* ot illei that a coti.tltiillon niar bt: jjradnally built up until strung li.iieh to resist erery laadsosf tsdlssass. Iiuiulieusiif nih¬ ill' indindie* arr floitliifr around us ready to attack whnr. ever lhere ls a weak point. We may escape maur a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves iv. II foi (.Hind with pure blood anil a riroperly nnurtslu-d frsrne.".Civil Service <):i/rttc. Matte simply wltti hollins water or milk. Kohl only la half ix.11 .1 tins bv Ctiecera, labelled tims J.YMb.-s KPPts & Cs, Ifoinieoputhlt. CbeulMts, Loudon, Kucland. tioaxb anb Rooms. . East Nat* 4 DTIjRTTSEMENTS for the new- JV VURK TRIBUNE WILT, BE HF.CKIVKD AT TUB Uri OWN OFFICES. No. I.3SS Broadway, c.-rner Thlrt*' insist., until ll p. m., aud 3(M West Twenty th.rt-st., corner Eighth.»ve.,No.fl-' Hast Konrtepnth st., comer Union Squire. TliO Ihlrd-Bve., corner Forty-seven thst Baa l.it'T ihtrd- me, near si.xt eth -m.. and at the HA Kl.KM OKKICK, WOO 1 hird-are., corner One-bundied^uul-twiuty-IUUi-iU, up to 8 p. m., at rsffvJar office rates. I!) THST., :?0 EAST..Fut iiished rooius very desirable for stimmer ; reierence. .) I BT-ST. 53 EAST.Third story rooms, 6 I uswly fnrnlal.edi lo xoDlleiueo only; family private; louie and apartuieuta flrit-claa*._ .) I BT-ST.. ~,'A EAST..AplsrTTjTlliinnHtoryl -vi newly fiirnlshod. en Mite er aingly; to gentlemen july houae and appointments ll.sl-clais._ >J/| EAST 20TH-ST.Parlor ami arrnud >) t Hairs, private bathrooiu*. private Ubi* or w. tim ut M>ard. rtinsl* reoma._ ¦ OlEAST 2irrH-ST-NirolrfMniish,il rooms I-wi with board, lu small family; rirvt class hooa* andlo- West Sida. pURNISHBD ROOMS AND BOARD..Nilgie L furniahod wlih ui without b«anl. No. 'JU Weat 4-tili-st f?l WEST :.9TH-ST. 3d btfll.-Hoartl for ill ladlei at moderate price: Hittable for teacher! or itudmtii rufirencei_ ~JL\ WEST 1.>TH ST..YERT PYaEASANT LfU room for 2 gsntlimen fl nt-c lan table lunmier istaaa. _ Roomo atti Hal* 80 tel. A -31 WEST 2RTH-ST., coal, charming * rooms itiuiuierprtcis inddealrablelcicatlo^rejei^oe*. ALAKnE, toni, itirv. fiirinsiicti room to rent ; private fatnlly seutlonien bi (ir*, owlth-sve. R.bs Isiice _ ____________-......_ ALAKOE. ((Hil, »irv, hirnishinl room to t.-tit. Private tauiUy foatieniiB. 66 OreenwlcUaT*. luu* twice._ A PEW HANDSOMELY and newly ftindtdMl rooau to l*t. ref*r*nee*. to irving I'la.-* BURNISHED ROOMS, without iMiard ; sum- A mer prlee* ft: w«nti S7ttt-et._ ^" 10. ld~EAST 42D -sf.-Nlcely funiiahed I reoBis. large and small, fol.Hug beds, all convenience*, it simmer price*; refwsuco*. Board and Booma ~fainted. B"\i:n WANTED with a coo! Mai airy room; upper New Y*rs, Wast isle private family pro- lirrwd. Atl4r*M with partloulari K, Tiiuaa* uSloa. r> QLmnsementf. _ UFFALO RILLS uiu> WEST. AMERICA'S NATIONAL ENTILTA!NMENT. Alf OPEN-AIR I'Ki.roitMAN' ).. :.'KW'V"|H VOLtf OHO|\\ dh. For a Hhort Reason Ouiy, ''o»iiiijeBCinf Jon* ls Fiioiiit Afternoon tnd Kvctiinx Rain or Shine. 1 JaintnBSSd at M »h t hy Klee'rle Ll,T li I. I Le Bi*.*t B'.vsl eetcnaiuoent usdar tb" situ.A da rt ur, thriiUuf. mmtl tai LustracUie sibibltiou. Three Holts with the Ito.-.'.. lil 1 MIA) fllf.L Hen Wm. F Lear . lt.* kadiqdk Kent, intern narkter ann ueide. Aide,! !,y U'| AIN HOOAHUI -. »h* CnaBtploa Shot Ot tbe World ni E boo a Kl Ute Lead baa. Quar¬ tet!*. ,i i.| ».,¦,.:.. ,,r |j..r,!r.- If c .-. \ * ¦¦ t'si. * Meilcsa VanijiWi** Ini|.».is witti Bron.''***, ruffa.ie. t.ik.i 1'etas Hteer, Burr<*>- til romt>i*i:nf to pre wm pu turet of Itt ALMT'C LIFE IN I'llh XIII) WKtft. Oates ouen uti eruooo t o'clock I', fnrnittiro cOTiriiffte? HJ (>*tf-sop.''i .yen i.'7 ni k t if ininiii r rnmnnaott'I.W Aitrairteloe Soe . cbiMrea 94a. BAJ3KBALL. MetrocoUtan Park ty-d.iv* lsfavc ami l"Bli. »t Ann.»c*B Association < h*mp»«Xi*l.lp Match. Tol.i.Do T. MKTHOPOLITAJf. nitst4p.ni. _ _ AAmltaisn 'JA es.ls. BIJOi; i rPERA HOUSE. tTwoj new .D* Every evenln*; st *< Last Matta** Inar sta Last Week of tb* Brllllsst (iiirk»*.iu«> Revival. Th* H it of the *tea*oo, Bl.I KREARD. Secure setts naiirsj.* H"i idfire always opee. _ CASINO. Uroadw.ij uml .{iUh-st. RUDOLPH AtONHON Manafer. Kt*rr evening st 8 Matinee Satardsy al i Tbe Hpiuklinr opera < otnloue, r.4i._a BY TTIE M(i"AL'LL OI'KRA (DM lill'E COMPANY. I*roui«uaite i-iiniert arin |i«rf«ii: iii..'»b Roef 'Uriao. _____ AdmlMloo to ixjlti .nf*n*iiiiiii*nt*, ,'iO cort*. ___^^ EDEN Ml Shh, 5*5 West 234-an. 'Hi N FROM ll to ll. iii ai sk .\.vu LOOA* Cro'sst of All Resorts lltaatlful fkr-.up« «t*^*e»cY»p~s. Lincoln »nd his (*pnrr.lt concerts tfiernooo tod etsaiss ArtuiUsion to *ll. .'.O ceufs. t Uildr.-u. 28 ci-uta M ADISONSLjI-AKE THEATRE. \V. 2 ith-et. EYENIMOSJ st S:ilO. SATI'IUIAY M A > .. M IV BI.HH-.OM | ill) V MAY JJL')*-S'.\f FLAY IO MONTH ALDIiuRIl'M COOLED 11V ICED AIR. N. Y. COMEDY THEATRE. 1,193 Brotdwtr. netr Jvtb ot OPS WILLIAM*-. in uta inw alar. CAPTAIN MI MILER. Marm*** Wt-duesduy ami -alurdMv. r£MIE GREAT ITCTTRE AM) DLSl'LAY, THE STORMING OF PEKIN', BY FAIN, Of LONDON. AT MANTIATTAN lr A" If ON SATURDAY KVK.NTNti. JUKI lt, wm be the sTauden firework szlUblUoa erer glreo la amt nt oi modern innes. '.IL.M' 'i». S KC I. BAND. r*«*e lime tsl.le WALLACK^. " Ln*«t ff MADAMR PIPER Tuesday, Jun*) 17. Orand Bill. RENr.FIT <>r WM A MKttTAYKaV Hal* of seat* now oo.u. _Last ricard Matine* to .!*> at 7 U TH STREET THEATRE. Cor. 6tli-ave. Another sucre** In Oil* tl,eau* of tuccetse*. PENNY ANTIi. Ot. THE LAT OF TIIK. FAfRIB". Kvory evening, Wednesdny an-l Hst'ir-tay M*tineee. (tlie (Tnrf BRIGHTON BEACH HACK TRACK. NEW AM' m ii K Kirf'TFJB VIA BAST UT-Lerr. FERRY* amt Lose Itlaad City. tad via foot of Whitehall »t. RAY R1DOK ROC TE Ou Brighton Ita.* Day*. LeaTS Fast S4tli si I'l.'in, 1 SO, 1-45, hio p. ta. Lear* Whitehall tt. 1'.'1J. 1,1'J. Sill p rn cioee sad dlrectC'.nnectloB made tutu Brighton Railway st **tie*pebtae. Bay. Excurtdoa fare, luclouiiig sdm.saiun Ui race track. 41, Uk fiiiU'l tt_ni!, $1 30,____________ PONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB. Vj HHKKPHHKAtl BAY. OPENINO DAV, 1C»3DAY,JCNB 10. AND EV E. HY 1LLMDAY, TI1LR.HHAY AN D SATCRDAT IX) JULY' 1 RACKHCOMMKNl K AT 3 P. M. Ll.O.'iAKL) W JEilOME, i'Jllv*)lHBNf. _J. O. K. I.AW'RL.M Ii, HL;('RbT.UlYL_ r«ONEY ISLAM) JOCKEY CLUB RACES. V^ LONO IHLAND RAILROAD Direct to the track half hourly from KAST iliTH ST FERRY. SPECIAL PARLOR-* AH TRAJN. B»klne no ttniii. BBBtSS East rilli. .1. ferry 2:10 p. u_. l*m* lilaud City '.' p. m., retiiiuiii. Jtu.ii<*ttlately afUr tbe rae**. Ii in WIlITLITALr.-ST. til minute* pi»< ea*.h hoar asa eitra iioats at It-SB sad 1:33 p. m. See time-tabls tn exnr- sioo column. N JEW-YORK DRIYiNG Ci.UB. JUNE MEETINO. WEDNESDAY, IVNE 13. Ifo, L.Porns fl OOO, for il minite h- r-rt. No. «..Porte »l iNiti. for Brf4 h''r»***. KU DAY JUNK ld. No. 8 .Pnrsc ?1 in t) for'.' C, humes Nu. 4 Pnrw *»I.(S*., for 3*JB liurses. Vur^es divUte.1 int.. fn ir laoneys-.^k. SS. 13 snd 10 pnf mt entraps* fee ft m*" cnt only of pur*.-* t.. rle** at ll m. naturdar. Jane 14 AdoreaeR. Fv/sWIfTBBI, se, retsry Vew-York linylnn Club, Morrlnanla ST. Y\ A. (Zxcnvtion*. -STARLVS OLEN ISLAND, OLEN ISLAND, (.Ll.N ISLAND, GLFN iHf.AS'D. AMERICA'S UAY Ht MM KR RESORT DKLIOHTFLLriAII, K"AI INO, BATMINO. H-HINU, HUPERIOR DINNERS. A IA I ARTE, OLD-FAhh |i rfj | B RHODE 1-i.lMi CLAM-BAKE. KLEIN DKl'TuCK. LAND AND A WORLD OF VARIED ATTRACTION* OLEN ISLAND AT RAME RS LEAVB: JtwtU't Whait, iWd-sl, Plerlfl, N. B. Hrmtklvn. Ess' Ruse 8:1S a. ta. a.-"-' a ni '* '*" i rs 9.15 " »:30 " 1O-.0S ¦ 1013 " 10..!O " 1 in) " lill .. 1130 " c.-in. m. 1 ou p. Bk LIA pm, I fi p ta, 1:4 J " iaff " 'i-M - 2:43 " 8:'0 " SiiH) " 3:43 ¦ 4:00 " 4 30 " 8:15 «* ne'iirntnrlfs-e etym\ Island I0:ir. s. m.. tundtncit .f.td-tt, and Pier ld; 11.13 a. m., 12 i5 i' m, 11 j ii m. f.*r Vu* \4 only: 3:30 u m. for 33*1 sL only, 3:00, COO, 7:Uti sad 3.34 p m. foraltlandlaxs. 40 CBXTS, EKrrftsros ticbeth io cbntm. A^ -HUDSON RIVER BY DAYLIGHT. ORAND DAILY EXCCRMIOH (except i-.un.Uj , to WEST POINT snd NEWBURO, by the fast aad elegant Day Lise steamers ALBANY and C. VIBBAAD. Fn.s Fttlton-st.. Brooklyn 'by Aimer,.S A. af Vestry-tt. p-tr, Noa-York.8J6 " .' West --id st. uitr. " .0 .' Eictimiiitiists will tisye three hours cm sh.in? st Wett Polnl ind one r.ml th ree-.in arter hntrr« ai Vrwhur*. Hetaruluf reacb NswYork 5:!W. Brooklyn i.:15 p. m._ IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. TUE ONLY ALL-WATER HOI TE DIRE' T PO CONKT ISLAND. AND TUB ONLY LINE LANDING AT TH» OI'.r.AT IRonT o*EAN I'lERS. Leave li.ldtt., N. Ii., D, 10. 11 a ni. U m. snd 1, 2, 3. 4, 5,1 uml ? p. m. LcaTO Pier 1, N. II., iHstteiy l'lve. .V) miiiut.** later. Ri tuiutng. lesTi-Coney Islsnd honrly omi me in mg 1 "-.45 o\ m., sad last boat at bbbwb> cb 8VKCIAL NOTICE. Couimenclnf Thursday, June IS, r-srurdoa tickets vtQtll told at tIldo*»n trai'k ttatton-. o'lhi- Kle.at.-d Rall-j. ay* Pr*ce SO ci-ots. tmlndlutf ra.t.ay fsre* both ways The EteTfitoil ltsit-sys hsre eom[defed thMr new *nd *aa* clim* ttalious st llsttory Fla.-.*, mi Hu- "Hi si..I '.eli av* Iluae*, din'.-tly oppialte tho Iron Kt a uboat Couipsii)'» l*svi' sa. I-ierl. N.R. Psssenrns Ce-nrliut to Uko Uie itihi ImmU will ls.**, nears at Uiat point. V*am*u^ .* fi .nu SB nn.1 iW sy* Uue* holilins Iron Ateamhoal en-u->.lon ri, krtt will be tree fi-rred from Rouih Ferry lo Battery I'lace statlur free. DELIGHTFUL OCEAN SAIL 1 TO LONO tOABrCfl, by the eb-ranf snd rapaciou* st*atners of tbe IROM STEAMBOAi IHMI'IW, LOW FARE. NO ( llANdF TO OkEEt HAFETY, 1PKFD, A ND t>)M KORI. NO DUHl'. INVIOORATIMI SEA BREEZES. (."innieiuitij SATURDAY', June 14, tbe powerful s^a ra> ititi steamers 'if tho Iron Stuvuboat' 'mapiny will make laue1 encurslous to tho LONO BRANCTT IRON OCEAN PIER two TRiFH daily Roirttlar hutt lettes every div Suede] s included* fr.m OBSS WeetV'd-st. N R.,l'iU)a. in and »:1.1p. a., Pier 1 N lt 10 a Bk, and A 45 *. m. lUturuin? lc PUB, LoN'O BR ' NCU, 12.30 amt 0 id) p tu. Fare eitlirr wsy waly. 60 coote. Eicurs'iui ticket* (Al.euta Tbs meet economical tad tili-aaanl naiU lo A.HIIL KV l'.AKE AM) I ti.A> I.U'IVK. POX EY ISLAND. Vj 0 \ BK ICU RorTK. irYoul nar 6 n 1 Quickest nnd encat'SSt Uno Excursion ticket* ientlnmea, 40 .ems, lsille*.'J. erin* aud chililreu I-' i ..uni..-¦ eui,; nanaar, Jaee IB i*uat* will iuj half iio.iri/ riesi .Jit-st *Ae»l Kitti *l -jmi Pier U, North Biter Du.., tn (heCoiiey Island I'tviiip.an clim lt.,lie. Hkatiug Illuk and ll'.- W st Iii wl.t. u Untel. with Arbuckkt's famous band sud Hi* laoouiparali'e I..¦->'. On aud after TbuiML.y J uu- J. Ile., tt wu! be og sale all .towu-tra.k ti.ileus ni ttl il" ste.1 Railroads, with froe trai'ii.-r* from the H.ioud.u.l T'.uil Ai.mi.. Ituoi to tue Resior hi n-ei rtutlwu. oi-p-MiU* i'.ai 4. NutUi iuv*r Eldin* o.i tii-kc'is, iu.lu.Unif En v*ud lu.lroad farr* l*ol_ waya Bf oeuta. M AXHATTAN REACH. DIRECT ROCTE VIA FAHT B4TH IT Ferry-boats leaT* Last Sith tl, cvniu-ctinj with mint st LoBK i'slau.1 ny "'1j *(.'.',:..>. 1 l.-.'o a ui uud *yery il nuii-s lue'. * .uh i.our ualll 7 p. in i-fery 15 inliiiitea Slier that uoui iexoe.pl I .' -t N, wlileli m.- u mc** dm* only I. 1'errTBsiata Scare ties! Tth-tt every'i*'minute* aad Jauitsv. tliu terry *«eiy Hu minutes, Oom 7 a m. to 7 p. a_ Leaye Msiilisitau lleacli. <T:.|*>. lu, 11:05 a m. ll:JB sn.l h_U hourly fium i:'-'5 lu ln.54 p ni irx.epi lian, which w'.l run on race dart only:, bee sdTrrtttrmeiit In iportlBg rataau, Eicurslou ticket* ria 3 ith«t-. SD cant*. Including ferry, Y1A BAY RIDOE. Leal o foot of Whltsittll st. (terminus of all the elevated reit- wayti hourly from S 1: a ni la felt B '" Leave Mauhaiiaii Beachthourly fruai "8 15 a ta. toll* IB a ai. Tram* marked tbat' du not ruo un Munday*. -Vl'L'ltrilo.N TICKETS F"R S A I F. AT ALL DOWN- TRACK STATIONS OF YUK ELEVATKI> HXILWAYS, PRICE, (to CENTS, 1NCLVDINO ELEYA. ED RAH- V. AY KARKf AND TERRY, food eltbsr way vu Eas* Mia. St. Ferry or Ral halse. _ I.Ill* Ml'ABASl.E BAND. SIXTY FIVS* Veifvriui rs. Iii.-liil'nn Kitt.cn great sul.dsts la Oraud Ak I 1-K.MUUN AND L\kM.Mj OoNOaUiXla

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Page 1: QLmnsementf. AMONGT11E HOUSEr Cl-arkr Ijontef Bankers ... · .Un Kcal e.tait Jar SaU._ N ASSORTMENT of flrsL-cin-s ¦weiiiDw (01 s«K>oath*nariiioriy ila**t sotk-st.iieai Miiilwi.,:

-.¦ -'-..¦? ¦. ¦ ¦

.Un Kcal e.tait Jar SaU._N ASSORTMENT of flrsL-cin-s ¦weiiiDw

(01 s«K> oa th* nariiioriy ila* *t sotk-st .iieai Miiilwi.,: hi.ilt by dav's work, irom deaifni hy r> ,t J Jantme,

ambit* < .md pusrt'i'iilari spptr oi ibr iii'viiiises,©rUK all.l ci-sl


"CHlli SALK..jiricc very low; New Hat; cor-J. esr4U..SVC, andi owh-st.

RI I. \\ I" ,fe WnTTINO, 5 Beekm.Mt.

J3u*in?s» ProBfrin for Sale nil Ha Crt.

FOR SALE at a bariMin..Excel.**., avsett-ni'-nii propcni thut v.iit always pay on Wall-ak., near

Br sealw iv Court .ami n-*r ilreenwicb IVari st near tot-toe nefeange Stuae-sl ii"*r Itroirl. tl«e old l*ro<hiee Eg-Ohanfte propelty un \\ lutcha,1, Pearl, Moore sud \\ nter its.

_H. EDDY *X CO, 144 Broadway.

rpO'LET..Store*,"lofta and offlcos in Fulton^JL Beek min. Naman. Aaa, Out*. Winiam, Pearl, Jacob,John aad Water ats.

iKl' IANDA WHIT1.NU. 5 R. Iktiaiul.

Cits propcrtB (lo Crt.

T0 REN I.In private family.Comer houseon Madison-av*; elegnntiy fnrnUlied Sd ttoor. Sd floor

and rooms for vent.emeii; reference*.Address il.. Bog 14, Tribune rytonn Office, 1.21*8 B»

Qlnctiau SjI« ot Real Ctrute.


at Exchange Saleaioom. Ill Broadway, at lit o'clock noon,TUESDAY. JCNE 17.

260 LOTS, portious of Fox estate irecently partitioned),_ directly »u line of





These lots Bte on leading tlmronsrhfares near strim indt>or*e cara. nov. parka, stores, arti no! a, ch ul, hes. and city con.Teaiaace*. i'valal, teU%raph, tire, aad police MSvMS ax hand.

Lots sold without restrtrrtons and ou easy tenn*.

Fre*nwv.s snd fall yartlrnlars wltbCHARLES RENNER, rsq.. Attorney, i3"..Na*ssost.,

and Aactioneer, a Proust.

Conntrn pnijiertn lot Sale an 1 So ttl

ALL COUNT1T PBOPlavTT OUB SPB-CIALTY..Farms. Residence*, etc., rvorvwher*. T.liti

lire I'll I LI. P^ * Vt ELLS, Tribune Building.

A FURNISHED HOUSEWITH 10 ROOMS.-Vii-e-envereA etona*, liable. Karden,grapes, small fruit,

food wator and thama**. Addie** 441 EJiiauein, NewJ«T**y._A FIN F, Residence for Salo, to close an estate,

*Ta. situate;! within'-.'...'.I inlier mt New-York, online of D T,ax W. and Eris Hallways. (lelistit'illly located in s channingriliaff.-ol li.i'O i, ...iiiiiaiiiliiig an oxlei.ded flew uf tbl Baa-eucUsiiiu River: nr*t-t las* suhool*. cultniwii *uclety. plc.Sureaque drives, tnt- best of twatlns and Ashing *nd unexrell«dfor health. r.sr plief,.«.»p>ilr view, tarma and particular!,Sall or addi en*

E. L. BUTLER, 50 Warren-at.. city,IADVERTIREMENT8 .FOR THE NEW--sta.. YORK TRIBUNE WILL BE RECEIVED AT TnEt'PTOWN OFFICES, Ito. VM Broadway, comer Tbirtyirit-it.. un'll (» p. m.. and $06 West Twentythird-st., corner

rhtli-av«-..N'>.I * ast 1-ouitoei.ili-at., innn-r Cmon s.iiiai..TUTU arr. r<wi:er Fnrtv-rvruth-st j N,,s l.o " rt ii cl

r fixtieth-st,, *nd at UBS HARLEM OEFH E. 2,: 00

Eeui i


Thtrd-r.ve.. corner Cina-linmlitalauid-tvibniy-flftri-.t., np to8 p. m., at icruiar oSico rates.

COTTAGE, six rooms, '.j acre grernn fl ; fruit;ont- hoor frnnt city. West shore sud inifLvle Road; $15

¦D_°?tIi!lr . P.aeBBtea. COUNTRY, rH*tnm U._PXCHANiiE..¦A good house ot' 9 rooms

' and hana with plenty of fruit and shade at Ituth.i ford,.... i4."> iiiluutes flout New-York', will be exciian^'cd lol

euisli bouse in Brooklyn Address J. P. T,. TrlMnne o ttl ce.

OR SALE at a sainnce, :»t Woodhill v. Con¬necticut; s handsome summer reildence. or can beean-

r*rt«-d tate a summer hoat.liu-ulai a rejtalu.- ti BOT*! of Huptand. s larc* ui.Hicrn house o, ll rooms, a smsllor lions* fortiela, fruit trees, aTrapn-vluos, eU3.i two minutes" walk frmnMslofBc.'. s'ores ami churches Apply to il. K. RnOATiKSs,JfewYoi.- Ji.buio-.or O.B. LEWIS, woedl my.

FOR SALK..At New-Roche Ile, a aauaisomeplace. Everv eowreiHrncefor co'ufortable llvlnf. Price

low, term* easy. Addi oas L Box 46, Trlbuu*.

FOR SALE..Laud- rn every county iii South¬ern Missouri at .'rom one to five dollin per acre, In lur0e

er small tracts. Com apoai!cute aolii-ittd AddressM.C RRDWN,

No 60(1 iiliv*-»t.. Ht. Loni*. Mo.

FOTT RKNT^Tw-o .Mtioiniritf fnetori.-s, withitoretions*. etc.. st 512 l'tue-st: sill conveniences. Has

t>een nsi-<l as a >.holes«le f-.i muire manufsctorr. Tbgtf BISsupplied with ample power ti snit any business; will rentwhole or part. I'osseaiioii Jiilv 1st

Aprlv to P. V. Kcman,4.'l». Walnut st.. Philadelphia.

RE 1 N \V ICH..Desirable shore property;10 rooms 8 acres abnadance fruit sud «haitr h!^h

ground perlectly beaitby ; »7,5i>0. J. W. aIHa._

Iii' Uro-.!wayI S MORRIS COUNTY. H. J., for -tie, countryJL seat j u. tami of :'.00 acree; excellent land; la-jre andabundant buildings; healthy location, tit,') feet above Odowater rio e itawuublu.

&VLAXD a wniTIXO. ri Be. krna

DIT.TLaTR. IS. J..For 8ale",~T'iiaiMiisoiuene» loifasc. 8-'i:i'i. 10 rooniii baaaatfallr j.:.i>eraxl;

fa*, fumsi-i- rao*o, tub*, gt**** brst-claM Blumbrnf; largenlazza, Kton- nalka, cemeDted cellar, tine neigh borhoou;eonveulent to deoot. »

HOWE * PARSONS, 79 Cedar-!t, Sew-York

RANGE, N. J., properties every variety forfor salo tiimlihecl and nufurnisbed hoiisen to reut .- o-

eonorrear. B. 1». CONBIT. opponte Bruk cbun-b -*tatlon.


oRANUK, N. J. (and vicinity specialty), real.itatc, everr vaiiety s.ile ab't rout.

\\ a'¦'*:1J\\ AKO P. HAMILTON « CO.2 1'iBo-st.. Niw.York.

TO RENT..At Madison. N. J., one mile fromdepot, with immediate FOs*e*Moo. s (fentl'-ii'an's couutty

Beat c.iiiii'k-t-- In all Its arran*.mauts. Larne house aud esr-

linfe ho i^ R:.rd.-ri ui.i.t- a!.m.dance of fiult uni shade, alsofarui ol -j acres opposite, and buildliijis. crops all In.

S. r ODY « CO., 146 BrosdWay.

AgAA CABmJ. {2.000 INS 1 AL.MKNTS or

tjp *)\ ft t afOKTUAGC, will bnv new cottare, eompletelyfurnished, ea tke waSSr'l edgo, between Baine^at Ray andaeaaaFERDINAND FI8H, 149 Rroadwsy, corner Llberty-it

li eal tfstate ^gentw.J^ROMAINE BROWN,

RKAI. ESTATE,C2 Went .Ol-si.. .NUwTork.illsphoBk No. Ifl oVth-st.


Biris-Eye Map Inn New-York lo Montreal,fcllOW I Mi THE LAT.-KILLH. ADIKONDAl KS AM»

HIOMLA.VIX, WITH OFFK IAL HKH.IRs*,Jaak*Champlain. I^ike lii-oiire. -niiiusaiid mliMls. st. Law.

rere* and Hudson Rivers, with nion- Ciao JOtl lnki-a repia

2entMl wine, "iralos* aft Miiirejor. Coojeratovin. Kieh-eid .^pr.iofs. Hollies i a. e. Tieniou tails. Lai:.* Molionk aud

MiaiieR.nljKa, ajul ail Uoiiutalu ItosoiuU tl.e t-uite of New-York pla-. . s'lown, wits ineth.-ds of aces*hire, lix i. Mailwl. ooitage paid, on receltit of 30 cests.

J.iL*i I. ii a. «llb or is itiiosi wood*ri lollora, 50 cents. Lii-culark, with brass rollen sud kaoM. $1.

"Alroi'St In.tlap.Misalile to th* luintuer tourist.".AllianySrSBtnS J hu i.al. "A veli- hauiiioa.0 mau. ".i-*uatoi Arkell._

A.Ulri** WALlON VAN LOAM, ( BtafcUl N._____

A TLANTIC HOTfiL. Loug Brauch, N. J.,Will open fur tbe lesion

MA'IL'UDAY, .'urie 7.H. HOWI.A rrD.

»ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NEW-/V*Vi -I'.K -IKIBf.M. ^^?E KEOKIVED AT THRI'PIOWN OFFICBS, No. 1,298 Broadway, corner Thirtyjfjat at natl! W o.m.. sud 30« West Tweuty-tiur.i-Bt.. cora, r

tigtth-aM N...5-- i-.ast Fonrteentb-Bt..corner UnionBqnsre.7S0 ihir.'.-ave., corner Forty-seventh-it.; Nos l.o. 7 TMid-STe.ueiu SiXtlfctb,**., mid al Uie UAltLLi4 Oki'H'V^ °°

Oblrd ave, comer On^-hiindxial^kiul-iwengr-lUtb.it., np to

. p. m.. ut t .ruUi u(lie* rales.

A LADY CAN AC00MM0DATE ¦ fuiuilyaf tonr p*reBiis, or ttm and wtfo and two children, on a

tann ol tilly anea ta the ti^autlfol rlllaao of *.«u«va, N YStutter snd "uri ann from thorou«l)hred Jersey e. vs, and dell.:-toa* frail and ve«efables. Ih* farra also is .i?sred for sale.itefer*to Mr I ID'MAS N. HliOK KU.N'ew York lntmueUl-toa. for termsadrtreia P. O. Bos 74, (ieaeva, N. Y.


A FEW HOARDKKS takon at HartwellKBrnisfteTJnne2» AddreesOKRTftCDK WMIOINH,

Tjulun ute, . iiaus;e ('.Mmty N. Y.

ARE YOU GOING.^ TOTIIE corSTIlTTHOME J(.KUNAI,out te-'lay, with extra sheet, has thirdrditlou ../the Mt MMflll HKtfoitr OTJIDK, r-vinif pisces,prices, aailMirilirf all pt.rtieulars. Bold ey. rrwhere flv*eentTM'tKiti* fHILl IPHJt CO' a Psrk place NewAork




AVON INN,KEY EAHT BEACH. IT. J., Open* Jan* '-'1.

Five iiilu-s south of Lobb Branch; chsnulnijly locited Jnnft-tnre of ocean iud river. ?T*w hou**, new furniture, all con-vernen. . a. luciii.Un*- gsa, elevator, aud wann and cold sea¬water hat tis ob thr** Boer* Send for iSlu-trafrd "A SI \-HON Al AVON INN.- ASAreMB. H YARD whomav b*eoe* at th* Uottn x%. stare, «th-*t. aud ath-avu.. N. Y every.venial until lune J"


l««Bonrav,a i^m Island B. H. see tim* table-. Now ownPeitrct tbronxiiont. Ubeial rale* sad inaaaraaienL.

MOI.i , HESTUA.Ixe. itlouilly Cae boatinx S.hlns and driving. IMT¥t stable*

lor lt H) S; or. l-l lA(,L-.apply»t lilt AltUYUCl-.il.it v utalitc will cali ».t* Ulait)a n If deslr.-il


A FEW AOI'L'l'S ran b<-:tr-4'ouin)(Mlnti-d withB-H..I i ouiiy i.oard at * farin-hoBB*. monutsin air no

fuo*iiult*i« no aular-a. Bare soft, cool apriiis waler, aleeawn and lb uta * (>od.<) uoirOy th* house all klu.li of fruite

Ila Un-,r K'usoti. Slid pinny of mik Dally nail An i.p».;i-tunity for thuaodeair.ijf i.aiaud ijulet darius tb* *uu.u,riIlea*,nahl. teems to pi-nuaneat pairie* Addrtas, W. b.i.arjVlsttakiii. I laui County, Mew-Yerk.

J^MENIA SUMMER RESORT,i. N. Y. ea tbe Ilario* UaUraaiisnesfet. Mo ualarla, no mosoalareiBBea. Taraaa 91 te aio pot week. BeiaiVlekhani, *.*., 0. 8. Aaa* Ajspnatawr. L**__t au*;£to» ste... Dr h. (1. ' ooa, 111 Weat l'-Mh-et f*Jnd«*Thou.i«oa, iwtuu. Brookln. B. lt.

AsluvbOa ti. Y. ea the Hsrlces UaUras-1 tire minite*'*I*iiLi?'*1 ***** l*o loslsria, no movqaHoe*. lars*, well


Bummer tUeorto

AMONGT11E .N rorXTA T NS.-PIeaiuuitrimmaud good board at Lureklll. 1 "j mltet trom KU- nville.

Cottages to rent. Address Ml(*i. SC ll (TI.TZ, t-.Uenvllle, N. T.

-GEOKOE HOTEL!A. ON LOira IfStANTJ fsorND,Rite) Kock Keech ( ono...nu nue.h ne*, n. i "un

Open Inrteltl Hreitlr enl»rr.*d andlinprovrd a* acott Bfover tstusio. Ore auilone-haJf naKr* fiom New-York. A.lHie attractions of Newport and Long Rranc i combinets . I,.- of the moot he*.th fut reeortsta America; i"*"d buthana,boa in,', fishing; channing drives; no iuo*.|nltoeS; no ma.lsria. Clreulai'o and iiboiO'iaubs at Purni's music store. 'JULuton Si-ui:,., Nev. VorH OROROE A, WBLL-4. Mtnager.

"ce aid 1-gr.sph addre** ili-tdgeporL OBI»______

A LIST OF HOTELS mid BOARDINGnoi'sEB in the Catskills, with mar., Inclose stump to

Al MANY DAY BOA I'S, VeeHT Street Pier. Nsw ^ ors

BALDWIN HOUSE, SlewbWg**on-Hodio_uthe great health resort, now open; niouiiliiin air. msg

Biiieeui scenery, hue groumls, fees canl*_c. Iend for pam-plilet._ULOCK ISLAND, R. I.-Ocean View Hotel;

first-class; 19 miles at *ea *nrf lallimg, line han*, hine¦nd swonl Usliliia-: 3.*>o regular «-n«t»t,.; »ul)in»riu«-cable. M, Y.Oftlce,9'.' ll'*; CM. Rolles. aat..will call if dealreiti. Refer!, Hr.H Curtis, 3fi W. 301h-*t. O. S. MAKDKV. 4* Bowrioin, Bosion.

BRANCH COTTAGE, anions the Mountains,open foi summer boarder*. Addro**

ELIAS COMPTON. Prop.. Ike! Water Pep, Penn.

DERKSHIRE HILLS,I ¦ st south Egremont, ftcrkshlrs County. Mast.For board st theMt. SJverett House, oi for cottage looma

with hotel board, or lor tully furulahed eoiuaea with orwithout bonni, with stable* aad garden* If desiri d. apuly toW. R PECK, Mount Kvetett House, south 1 glemont, Mass.

BOARD AMOXO THE CATSKTLL<.-Moun-tain View Farm House-Pleasantly *itnoted seven

must from Catskill Lauding. 1'.? miles fran Catskill Munntain Railroad. Lawrence vi I-* Mati-m. Table supplied withvn,e'»bliss. Butter, milk and egg* iiesh ftoii the rann. Sendfor illustrated circular flviug bunns and other partlonlatt.Addrees_ I'lilliMd CaSBBiM. If. Y./ 'ni NI KV BOARD al ;i ('arm botue. TermsV>( foi .Tun*Sb per week; July and Autjust SS. MR->.phi SB L. ROAO. Wlng*B Station. Datchets County/CATSKILL MOUNTAINS.V>» TP.KMPKU ITOC-r. opens .Tin)* If. T«rms. SS-iOpsrday. Special arran-r* inents by fie mt-nth. Tke proprietorniue lu sees at the liith Avenee Hotel, N. Y., Monday andToealay of each week, or addres*

_J. ft i iii mci it. ju., Phoenicia, Plater On.». T.


It'eleailtTichottte of this seaside reaoit will op**n its ainthseason June 15, i.*¦-**.



itoth SEASON,r^ud for Illustrated circular with Ititi partlcnltirs.riOUNTBt BOARD..House larne; plan__.tljV> lunated wlihin two minnies' walk ola beautiful lakaea:! and Tiiw-bosts; three ville! from New--York ead HarlemBailroed. Addret* QatOROIC K. RIKHi'K,

P.ox Bl. "(baron. Litchfield Cona ty. Coon.

pOUNTRY l'.OARD.-Deliiihtful situation.V' shady lawn, flmuel*** aconiatmUtlon,- pl uiy milk,eg .-*, fresh vegetables Temi- '. t" ''per week, (itvrw.r-erne. Ad.Ires* h. * HAVJHts. PowimI, vi.


New hotel and cottages, elegsnttv furnished sud equipped:ha* all modern Improvements, perfect drainage, pm* moun¬tain spring water, etc. A \try ileeinible tiiinmsr resort furfamiliet: < ..pt* itv for 200 guest* Ii ar Inn p. ail rand, (i.1 milesfrom >iow i ora. J IoWi uow open.

_CalL uraihlreae J. A JEWELL. Mansger


EIGHl PERSONS eau have good accommo¬dations for thr**** months; deUrhtfnl rocmt excellent

board eBBBBBSSSBaa umnnd* term* |S p**r week; tanja! lslocated half-way between Norwalk »*d y*.nth Norwalk, ouline of hort* railroad. Adttrrs* P. o. llox ir", MerwaOt, Conn


Special rates made with faiullles for ;be season.

_r. p. yr, Txnrf.

PAST ROCKAWAY, first station from Lonpku Reach; larc rorafor .ni* rem*: rood board. Forparticular* sppiy to U A. L I' RTIs. 41 We»t Mi Bl.

aTJOOO BOARD..Iii i quiet and heal thy nlti ce,vs near a beanf ifni take. four iuilea from th'-Harlem andtwo from tbe ( nntiocccnt Western Railroads Term* easy

Mr*. F ll. HAMLIN, aharon, Litchi:eld County, Cona,

I [IGHLAND VILLA, _^1 I STa-rT PcINT*??. Y.choice family reeeri Larne plstiae, Prodnco own fruiL

eagetableeand milk, iicsi-nptivecin-ularand cut.

_L. M. ('ASM. HlBliIand alls, .V Y.


TeeOBBOBJIgHOPSK laiea.aaaA. spi iLALTXBKSfor the .i-a.iin sta.i.smeei the ll o'elock train frnm LoseIsland City Apply af tbs hotel, or address WILLIAMKIMI, Itooui 7... ll'i Broadway, afr. Kishcau be seen siter7 p. m. at Nu. fi. Weat .-.th-st.




kiend for SPKCIAL FAMILY nATIESfoi Seasou of iS-i4.

IACl.EL'I'ON" HALL,j cold spbino ha p. non, L. 1^On ttie sound. :i- units fi.on New-York, open from June to

October. Coder nevatanagement, seeuery and drives notexcelitni. Li.'iutifuiaud heaithc Bend for clrcnUr.


I AKF, YIF.W HOUSE, Watkins, N. \.-! J Head of seneca Lake: beautiful air; fine seewniy; tplen-did roads gat. w;Her au 1 ntsani. Terms model..!*.

Ur. o. -NJVl-n>,.Maiiaffsr.

JAKE C.EOIM.E, \. V..Hnletta Landingj h.,iel. iiin nu fm tin anaana Taas lit. a favorable re-

soit for New.York and bleakly paopla ICxceUenl t«i-le;tenn* un^leiatc. Send for iltscriptlve i-ircii!nr* ssd ref-

W. HOWARD llliM'lll, Piopiietor.

MOHICAN HOUSE, Bolton on Leake George,N. Y..open tliruB-,'hout the year.

E. B. Wivq.ow, I.cseee.

">IAI%HA.lf!<iET HOI SK,WIELTKK IH-Un, L, 1., N. T..

WILL OPJiN BO! THK sKASiiN TOKE.OLY'arbtlTir. rowlnir. tiathin-/, drlvinjand othsr Hmn«*nients

Ker dlaernatl nf rooina and other lufoi-niat ion cull upon or addre** the aaeprieter,

; B. V WILSOf.Ths Langham. Ma ave. ami BokkSl

MOUNTAIN HOUSE Cornwall Heigata, N.T«. Kirsti last family hotel: pore .«mnt;iin mr; tbe eli.

mate a positive cine lor meiari* houte tupplied williwell. perteci ilraiuaie. Atldreaa JAMK.4 W. Mi.A(l/lk.K.


DtJTi'UK*,« ((IC.NTY N. V.Three ml BS fron I'awlluf station viaHarl**in K.illroad.

This hotel will open for guests June 15. ISM. Infnriimtionand plaua of the hou*e ian t* hud anil rooms -.mik. <l nt

F. T. KKtTB. at the Aster House.Bend for eliculur. POETKB A tlilTH, Proprletora.

MONMOUTH I5EACIL1TX ;,ejr Long Branca, Etoes Cottage witt op-n June ao. Doslrxblo iooiiih. cooit table, surf ba'blng. dc. *i*lilre*s

HR.** A\.NAN.

TsJEPTUNE HOUSE, OCEAN BEACH N. .).,1* will o|n-u June 14. Klity yi.rdt fro¦ turf. BeuutitulSC(an drive. No uieatiuitoes. AililTRS*

C. W s.\ VIil.MAN. at Neptune Tlon sn.(ir'J.-J >outb l-.'tli.«t.. Pbllwlelphla, till JtrnslO.


i'u. in« 'Juan.Fine bathibir, dnvlnir and stabllns- Table d'hote or private


PAVILION HOTEL,1 ISLIP, TONIS ISLAND. NOW-OPFN. JAMK.S-f.ATKP-of the Berkeley.'' Bth-ere. and '.nh tt., owner :uid piopiietor.


now open.MFA LS SKItVEO.

Kosuil aa! room $10 per week uatll Jons 'JO.

PROSPECT HOUSE1 BHELTBB DBLAbTD,T T N. y .Ibis ]iuniil:ir and well-knowa hotel will opee.- hoot .lune Mb l-'oi iliarrams nf room* and other informationtail or mldie** the proprietor,t> P. UA1 HAWAY, rrasftet Grove, ^helter Ulaad, N. Y.

PROSPECf HOI SE,I XTAI K-ON-TTTT-MTCDSON.NOW OPKN. Twenly-iiabt nuics from New-Yorlt.

Iluus.- ha* ai', modem lupiovoaicut*._IT J. POUTER,

.. pR08PECf PARK."1 CATHKTLL.Coaslderlnn health, comfort auuiaeiuenf*, *e*nerv, walks.

iliir.s.m-ceseibility, reioit sunvalled. Aibliess L. W CASgy

1>AK I ll- S A PFECTED ult li net \ on-" ffiaaa have _ood board and thc best of rare In a private fain¬

tly Address F>. l'KKIhNCK._Tribune Uptown Office, l'J'H Broadway^


Sltaated in full view of the ocean on the (trent Ponth Bay.Ha* ihe tlne.it n>liju»- and ymhtinj tn tbe vicinity of Niw-

York. Tb* betel, located directly ou the wobur, IU situation

renders lt free from malaria or insects. Special ral** tor

Jane. Address _K. PLS*WB*y*__PAKEEH HOU8E,

\VC( iIUlC RV LIT '.FIELD CO.. CO.tlt.,It a quiet ana Bealthy place. 3*a hours fm.u New York;good boaid. )'o:u>. (oiiituilt, fre*h Uillk. butl. uml e^h'.i .veiy(lay, pest office and iburches near. Open Juue J



MANSION II Ol'.SE,BOOTH rm.and. maim-;.

PolsndSprin*- Hotse o>en jose ls to Oitobtr Manilasli*u»*or«.ii sli toe yeer..jTi; I'Ol.AMi SPRING AND HOTELS.with their new and attentive slilllloiii wbbh h»»e beenmad* eime the fl cse of las: *eaa« n. Hltualal I 0 .-"t *i.ove

IbelfcVei ol Ike nea alli A a lo.!". Inn.. iall>oa>l. 1 ll-li .asl in

sUIUaosoitituie.it'. stol prououncwl by all to be the Biiastssammei i. ». :' in -"*. wi .iiw!aii'l. For inl'.i iihI'-ii oi illuatratod rlivular adilrets tbe P Ito Pt*. I KT" Hs. South Polan.l,MalM, or . all atuuraSlce. Hil HaeaaaSi Irihui.e nnrnllng,

uk. HliiA.M RD i» ii neiONM, i'm' mtcis.

IfkbsPECT Hoi SE, l.aki* KporTord, Chiheld. M H., a thousand ferl abore Ihe tea, 6o elliss

Mirth of -p.'inrtleld, Mum Hoatliic, bullung and n*blsa-floute eueu* June 14 htud lor i-ircular.

A l( MAHON, Man*_er

PROSPECT HOI SE, Iicthlchcin, vVhitlI Moiiiitalns N. II.-A nice, iiuiet, tunaoer hoarding house,h. ud tm nail i.uia,». G-O.W. PM ILL! I .-..

prIILLIi'H UOiJBE, Hupir Hill, FniiiK.ni.i,1 N H. open Janel Hltuated on sbiuiii t of Hugar HUIIn-tw. tu (he Uouduiuu and Hiu...ri lilli IIhiim For ru. (liarsfcdiirsae W. 0. PUlLLips. Prosrietor.

Gumnut Beaattt.JENTER HOUSEr


The r1rt»l nf I.ska ii«.>rir*« linday many considered the merlbeautiful lake lu the world.

on ,\ june 2 to October "d.(SPECIAL RATES IN JCNE AND 0< TOUEB.

J. L. HU.VrB-.fS A »ON.

s3URF HOUHK. orrnn Beach, N. J..I' HIt mlle* frow. I oar lirmeh. TBS danton Ppot of the

'liena June 14. A Brat.oians family house. Newly pa¬pered .md jis.nl'd. Tbornna-hlv drained sud ventilated. ,l idapiazza*. .--ur.'bathing. Flailing snd crabbing.

a.. L.OABBET90N.


Isloeaterltn the intdst of fie rla<-st mountain, luke and UlandK-enery on Hu-1 niitln.iBt. The houdini's are nnlijU* in pim,niiairiirtinn. nppllanoe* aid iiirrouBdiiia-s, for the object*

.ouifhl iu ssuuint-r resort .1 e.. Rest, Rt* r -at!.ai. Health sodniiif.irt. For lllnstratesl circular giving all neSlod Inform*,

tlon at ld ressh. o. brow:i.

Bolton Landing, Warren l.'o., if. T.

SKAHilKiNT, \. .1..Ther.arnVlrt ootna June14.noe rn *;,n vtow. Wlthiu tt.ro* min niel ot depot.

fUpermr ae. ouinuslatluni for fatulll**._._

A. ( Lui QI1LY, Manage*.



CPA BKK.HT. N. .L-l.ai.ro and small rooms- » in 'StiiiiH on the 00*1*0. opposite station *.callen*board aud superior Io. atina highest reference* from formerK'-iests. Adores*

W. M.. 47 Trthnns Uptown Office, XJUm Broadway.

ta? IX PERSONS cnn lmve good aorommoda-l-* tlons for the Bummer mouths. DrlljThtfit! rooms tamintosUsna gronnda, aitui.t-d on Harlem H. II. s.xty irulesfrom Mw-York. Baa/tern* Ad.lre.s E. E. WAITE,

1'ai tenon. Pntnam County. N. Y.


EN 8PRIN08 MOUNTAIN HoCSR...jinna*. N. Y nnder rep-ilrs opens in Jnne; elev*.

tli-n li.i'i'O loot ilra'clua* family hotel, illacount to tho**ai; Hii»'.n< foi the season, lanie, attention, umiiseaieut*,uiuilc, livery, saddle hore**, wit* tea. li. r of the best

_DAVISON JL ., Proprletore

STRASBURG COTTAGE,Atlantic ITighlanda. N J. Superior hoard excellent hoiiting,hatMnir indftstilnr; hasiiftful drives um rrwiery.wlth hn«vlewsof tlie ocean -nd liav. Adtlr*** Misi BONHAM, 10t- "«t |Sd st., New-York, or ss shove_CIX Td TEN PERSONS> ' Can get ac . dbi fur fie summer at i-rtvate farmrestdeM * large resins. Bath-room, nilla- ami vegetables Inquant ity, cnaj'h-house. box slaili. hoe ir.ails mia of the linestpla. es ni Orango Coe A.'i'.re.a L.> HofJl.

Ceetral Valley, Oran** Cocnty, w. Y.

SARATOGA SPRINGS.O DBA, BTHONOa lRBTHTTBLTh* "hoiua" ol isatliui; niru ut .lunch aud State ax.l Uudr

fainl 1 .*.

_Turklih, Rnsslan and other hath*._

CHARON SPRINGS, N. Y.. PAVILIONO ItOTKt and cul A'il-> ol'K.N JT'Nt: IS.

In Hu. eil .J'lii it liaiil-lloi ai» new aud st leallflo applica¬tions of fsrt.rm r: W*TBS after most approved Rnropi-anniiiiii.ais PtnvrnBiSAnoa iu.om, inilslai.os-kixim, nea.Ni.KLiLai A-Nii .-ilU-ilLS WA.Ill.


CUMMERBOARDINGk» Thoaedaslrlni;* (i.iiat, healthv place, with mod tioird,will find it to their interest to a-'dn-si at once th* Brigg!If'in-e, Benaan, Vt, This If..i.s» ls ne* and wall fnmishe*.ti .d lu orrin-1<> establish s business will re eire hoarder! stvary low ni nos. Ia easy of ace** fruin Ti nv and Alt>any.

_a. J. BRIOOS, P)..prletor._T»HE ALLA IRK,

LHPBIST41 r.AaTF: r.EArrt, X. J..f»;.ens inna lt I bjatV bun faially hotel. Electric belli, s*aetc. Every room oe eau we*. Addles.


THE ELBERON,The mont unique seaside resort in the world. Now open Rnr

Kio SSV Aildi oMC. T. JONES, Ellicron, N. J.


a/row ri. VI,, sndTllfc. SCMMIi IIOTBL,(iii Mi U.\.N-iTKI.D,

~ip«n list of .tun*. I'rtcei reduced from last seas*n. Forle'rius, Ac, mMr.-s*


Ki-, lt Ki- l.l-.Y. OCEAN COTJKTY, N. J..17 miles sort)h of Long Branch, fronting dlreetlv on s mtitmlfl-tent hathlng heath, with Hann-g-at Bay In Ci" reari linnieailroad fiuiliile hv !*enn*y!vania Halli'oid from Jeraey City.


wUlonnnSATCRl'AY. June 7.1EOR0E C. RdLDT, Hotel Krllevite, Hulirtclphla, Pro.

prietiT.MR. ROl.tiT will h« st t'o- Motel T>ninsw1e». Vev.York.

vlth plans of tL>-betel. WEDNBHDAYis, May 14 aud in, andton* lo k.

IMiorsAND ISLAM'S, vVeHtiniiuter P.irlcI. Ha:n! ons cottage* 7teewA peHr* tai . fl "eur hu¬rl; nabiag and hosting; price $l,'.t.O

ISOJJ, Al lt. ul ii-i. N. Y.

rm: qri en brier,JL v> nt iK sn.piirr srniNos«. w. va.Immediately un th* (.'. aod O. Ry.

The mostclelirut il of all the mountain morts will openst tb* Bsasoa lane Klfi. i, n>m feet a'.ov c.e s»-alill -..H..ll,.i- BKItatea-«J21 per week. J-Tftyer tuonth of SO day*. Pend foramphlet. B. r. EA sf LE.



PPE\s .ICNE 19.

rarlerrirsdlreet to Oraiiil Hotel Stittoa with*ot ehang*ls Weat Bl *re H;..'ri.a.LAiiuiit itiinii tor rooiua, .tc, (an :f maile personally at Wind¬

or Hott-l, New-Yoi a City, everv ruaa.lay.El WARD A. (III.T.ETT.

Late Mauiat,«u Hot.-I Kaatergklll.

VA\ LOAD'S:atskill mountain guide,

WITH BIRDSEYE VIEW, MAPS,l'«l BOAHDIVt. llOI'«»F.»* fnllv d**rnb*d. many of th*mecom panted wi Ci illustrations <.( house* and aurr.u-ndlugalailtsi un receipt of 4o e.-u'i iu tom BJ pustaae siamps.

_WALTOB VAX L'lANrf'atsklll. N. Y.

WEST END HOTELCott.iges and Reitnnrant,


Cottntff.-} and Ki'ntaurant now open.Hotel and ?ea-Watcr Hat as epoa June 21.

Moat.it Ilia rooms In tr.* hotnl have h*en entirely r*fnr-irii.al. A lil 11,1.!-, il -RAHM. BINK -l.Ui.vl ;*ol a lushrill also be u.««il aaa HAM, an.l CONCERT n">OM. »nd s

ADIEM1 Itll.l.lAItD.I'.iJii.M T^iu curso of ( *ustrueti molheUOTEl. OBOUNDu, Iii- HOTEL STAHI.ES wUlI. si usual, under the cl .*-uf UYEltsuN A IHtoWN, ofbeNSW-YOHK CAB I I l). M. ii' I.dui. H.

L\7ATEREALL8 FARM..Now ready for" r ju-mIs EjBB>ja.JBseaaaal rooms tahln "uppiid; '>'i-

.rsn.e trae. ituylng sb. wi-.-ks. lonni *5 to ri » week,u.oiig tho Lavis...ls. A

BHCBALriNcn. Cairo, (lieine Co, N Y.

i/ORK HOTEL, RYDE, ISLE OF WIGHT,I BTHOL \ N li -i lieapast hons.- for f*nilll»i sud tourlit*oiuiiiauiiiog wa vi*w eri<-,y acisiinin.a'.atloB.

E. atom's. l'r*pii*tor

Iain SUMMER HOMES rVMONG the MOUN-#T fl t IAIN-, 2.000 ll ! r A BOVB THE PEA .lopv Bf-ii'iiiiier ii..i ii¦ .," pu'oiished bf .'-.(.»-Y>uk, tiuti.rl.i BM

..¦.ti. a«ay iipo'i avpllcatloa.ontalni li.t ol h-.a- * irro-honse» sn.f hot-ls In

iruuge, hnlllvan, Ciller, I^Uswari., ( runaiiiro, snd ()ts*eo(unifies, N. V. *itli raes nf lire, lenna ittstan. .1 from th*tallou, Ae. Re* Bat *f offices in ».hei tiat-ineut of Now-Yorkad Tbonaand laiiiiui Line ta daily paofat <


I Ctfaf. SUMMER HOMES..Pre* handbookI «.)* M t r.iutiiiniiir. Ii.tt "f IUIBIBI*' hoti-ls aad boardingouse- along the Hodson Rtrer and lu Cstsklll niouutjlm,ith teni- attraetteni imps ai.d illn-ti - inaay.tdress noon application, with th'ee-ceat Btaasf ta E 1.itniUTT. Easters rasienger Agent. West hhni* Rou^BU Hrosdway, New-York Coprof hook may al>o be hail byillili*- at |i>«arcst office ... lo.itiou of ofC*e* »*o Westhore luitile timtstuble in itally pi peri.

slour.trn ftoaxb iUanteb.^orNTrtV BOARD..Wanted, for muM¦J in inouuiaiii- near Uk*, for tau Bril.Ihnys with Uiolr»chor. Auawer, willi toru.s nClMuU

No. DM West Stlth-st., Nei-York City.

illmdlaneon.k DVERTISEMENTS « r'nil TUC NEW-\ TOBI rttlBDHg WILL Bl IthCElVED AT 1 UBPl OWN OEFICEs, No. 1,23a Kr.«.lway, .timer Thlrtrrst-it.. until :. p. m., and .10« Wen Twenty-third*t>, corneriehth-avi..,Nn ii Kant l'oui ti euih.st.,, ,,rn. 1 I im Banar*.80 Tb;r.l-avi ., corni F r:y -.wvi uth-st.: Nus loo? Tt lid-ie, near siit'.-th at , ead at Ole I! M'I FM <'CKI'K, a <00hird-av*., corner Dne-hindredaunt-twciity-tlfUi-st., np Ittp. uu, at lerulai ollie- rat.-*. . ,

ECLIPSE EXTB \ DKY. PLKE8T NATLUALj CEAMPAONI A'isniiitely pu, '.Iso rtioiCO ( allfor-

ka c..ru. ^fi'-rrtes, Hiirrtinrl es..!. K WM. LUTTOBH, Agent_ai Warren-rt.

MiiTMi vichy tmnra.specific for Dyip.'psia. ll Llrer. I,'..lucy andl.-dder trioih'-a .1r1.-1t.1r Sew v.rk o*ra 1'."j Pearl-st

PURCHASER..A rouiig lu.lr of relined taattfll wishes to do purehssinr for ont.of.town psrt'es- ill *r-rrifirifullr amt promptly executed; tot references, ur.uan-i kil(li-ea«, iniur-. ss. tuc oa*e.ek, Iii. \ 1.K. I'rtbuue ufflc*.

VO MEET DEMANDS CONSTANTLY1 reaehlus ns. rhroegD "ur Knropean oitrea, ii..in tiMiu-ict'in ,.|..| u. dei I tins reprasi nt atm: la Ulla miiitry,

ii.a nsmaa of iii persona willing1 handle luiiipu a ol foreign foeal» of .?.¦ry kind Intimation!.ot-i am ti. iii r .injuiiilait by r.-fereiiiei, * 111 h* ti'ninptlv voa-.lu's! l.v lt (. M.Nsiii, .1 a.-m 1 I.roaifwa/^BEST IN THE WORLD..


_^financial._Tns Nrw.YosB et.fvstsi. Rtn.noii. m.. 1

SSCBSTABlS OIPICB. 71 J»l'(>AIiWAY. >Nlw-YvKA, Junct!. l-M >


1 an Y will he held st the Company's atfleo In New-Tan cit v.Ho. 71 Jlro.idwsy. nu saTCRDaY, the fouit**nth day ofJiiuu, 1>***4. at'Jii'i'lni k p. ia., touk* toto consideration tb*tels!Inns betwi-eu this ('uiiipRny aud ths Manhattan RailwayCompany and the Meir ipolftsn Klev-ited R ulw ly Coicpanr,to v.iU* un a iir.ip.ited mer ter airreetnest lietwo.-n th* threeri.Bipanlea sad lo take Kuril meutores and actina in relationto the finnier ntt.-ementsen'f red Into between this Cum|.anvind either or ill of the other roniusnle*. end. to adopt suchmeasure* aa the stork boiden of this company mar Seem bestlor th* intered of thia t om ptny.

_D. w. mcwilliams Secretary.^MANHATTAN RAILWAY COMPANY,)

becteian 's 'IHee. 71 Broadway, }NBW-YoBB, Jane.., 1 SSA. 1


PANY will bwhtldattheCoBipmiy* offio- In New.York City.Na 71 Broadway, ea MATC RDA Y.. th* fonrt«*»nin day ofJune, lodi, at lio'cl-i. k noon, to take Into e.iuoiier.itiou therelation* between this Company and the New York KlevatedKalli-oM Company an<t tim Meir«p»H(aii ievalurt Ratl-»jrCnrauuny. tn Totoon a propo-**d nierter arrecmenl betweentbe loree romp mles, and to take sin-b nieaaure* and ac (lon lurelsflon to th* former aareeaents entered Into between tbl*Company and either or allot th* artier emupawlea, a_*l toadopt such nieseure* a* the stockholder* td tint Company maydeem be»l fer the interett of Du* Vuipany

D. OT. Mi vv I t.LLAJta. Secretary.

jnERTIFlCATEOF' DEPOSIT.""VJ ivsiBAtrK DrpAtmirTT, (ALBA.Tr, New-York, Juae IO, UM. J

I. John A McCall, tr snpsnnten.ltnt of tha Ins-tram e De-

faruneut of th* state ot New-Yors. do hereby fortify ths* theICTUAL RKSKRVK /TNI) LIFE A*jAoCI ATIOlf. lo-

outed In the .tt» sf New.York, lies on deposit in tn I Defer*.mont tho following .leserlbed seeiirttle* for protection of Itsnieiuliers, in aucurdanuu with the tatute in undi case* madeSlid provided:Ton ctrtiflcstef, SI0,000 e^«.h. rolfed States rar-

l..teie.l ii per cent bunda, luteresi payablequarterly..,..Sion OOO 00

Total deposit .SlOO.oOe 00

Ia witness whereof I hov.* iel -unioset my ii md and afflict!mr steels* seal at lae city of Albany thia 10th day of J sue,I'M*.

IBeal:JOH* A. Mci AI.L. Jr,

*-1171*1 iuteudent.

TheMrTCAL RF.SF.RVE PCND LOT ASSOC! \TIONooiiUotios to iu: lusa lifo inidraiice al i.*ts Iii.ii an li Alf thensual ra(**t It has 'in.OOO members, $!)(>. nitfv.noo tiu«lne*»,ajnn.tBnaBSltaa tt hs* ptiid .Bi.n.nnfi lo**!-*, and ts theonly assessment enmpnnv Ont bas msde ,t< posit with th* Insurance Department for aaa protection of ll i member*for furlhur information apply lo Home Office,

mutta r. aUMaWVl FL*

_S.T Libertyat.


TD I.lFK \«soe TA-MON.

Bf-eSr.TO-taT._ftWYXNE & DAY. E»i.iii!..-,ii.-u 1854

VS No. 48 Wail *"tT*et, N*w-York.TRANSACT A UKNLUAL HANIvINd anil IlllOK KRAOE_BI'S IN ES*} lu RA 11.'A v 1 IK i.M'S, Ar.

MsnVKl wajffmb.ii i.-nc Uta* at "

per ern inlerast to be teoun-d hy the doestfarm L.nrtiu Kum County, IlUnata

MI./., k Rei 20S. (ialesbnrr ill_


May I.S. 18*4. iNotice lt lirrtliy tires that thc a_reement between this

C'ltipany. the New Yolk Elertted Railroad OflBB] tiny and theMetropolitan K'evated Railway Company, listed November14, 1*181, commonly known as (lie Meriel- Afiaement, havlnabeen retcinded. the heUsraof PIBST l'RLFBRRKD STiJC'Kof this company m*y srrr**nd«r t.ioii certificates Bb this com¬pany, and will iln-rc'ipon be cntni.'dto sn i*-nial number ofthsr.;* of tba sio. k nf tb.- New.', .irk K!*vstcd ltalliuad Cou-paay. under tke acreeaMate af M»yd, 1HS4.Holders of lh<* ^tnek of'lils eoropsny 'Old" Snd "New")

may eau present tb-i»rttdtaie* aMN they now bold sndhav*sls:ii|'*.l lh. liou tin* meitiura.nliini of maeem. ut Withthe Now-\ oik _ltial.il lullr.-ad Co..ip*.iiy.

_D. w VcWiXliaMS, 8arrerary\_office or )

Tup. HiMpaTEiii iMcaovjircsr co, limited.}8! Nsw.st , Mw Vi-es; (itt, N Y. .lune l:i l-*.**!. )

NOTICE is HEKEBI GIVENTIIAT THEflitt tiii.itgaae tioml* of tho BXSCPHTRAD III-

Pl'.iiYhMi \ I OM PAN Y, I lMH'fc.!i. aambcred 881, BOO,.84,701,871.887, i".' 870. Wit, 943, 177, 83S, SOS, «U,i>0i, Ul :¦ Tin ,n'J, and «()*< have been drawn byJot for redemption, un.'er a provision remained lu tke tlr«tmort*: sje bunds of said company, aud ihat tbe above uumbsradle.ods nil! be iu,il on pivseniaiion and turren-lei of (be tameat tbe efflce of tbeeompauy on nail after July 1, laaa* fromwhich dat* intel>-st thereon will cesse.

_.1 BAYARD BACKX8. Freeident

CEVEX PEE CENT MUNICIPAL VTATERO BOHDn -SMUrtl prnposaltare liiTite.l for VoO.OOO WaterLoan milaby for savfaga Saaka and trust funds. Full par¬ticular* ou *|/ii'ii-atiiiii bi

FISCAL AGENT, care of A WILKINS.89 Liberty lt. New-York.

-T-'HE UNDEBSIONED, AS TRUSTEES of theA ionsoild*te.t first nmrtaare of the Kai.s.is 1*,.. -Ino Rall-

iras* Company, »iv* r.oti, n n, ii they tr* prepared to apply desum of $..o ooo io lb* port;.aae and rertcnBiimiu of the bondsseenred ny rae soots aeaurlbed mortat i il ll i leweet peleefoi wblehsaul tninilteao be Ind, sot asesenlas theun.! ai ucl Intei'.tt nf Bald iMnda, parsuant to -the ilniil tub-nil Dbm of Ar Hie 4 of «ai<t mmtgaee.Teuder* for th* aal- i must he made to the un¬

dersigned /it tbeir otTti e. No. lt).". Br»a<i*uy. Hooni l-l (secondHose New.Yark City, prior tu lil o'clack inouu) ot tho -oihcay of Juus, lita.

JAY OOLI.D. jTn,.,.,ROBSaXL SAOK. iTlBSISSS._New-York, June 8.1SS4._

oi'iiis or ihk Bu-vaa srAii-- ins o M'o Co. jR.l..*t 1 lil. IIS blK.AIivyAT. Mkw-Yosk (TTT. I

TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK-I bolSeraof thlaeomnanr for ftieeleetlaa of trestle* for

.I- . "lui ve.ir win be Beni al lae aaareenT*. oftiee on

Hetarnay. Jobi i-t 4, atlJm. Transfer looks closed fromJune 16 to 23 both Inclnati a

HFiNRY nr \n-T!'.i:..T, Be* rotary.

-yy' ii. johnson,BROKK.R IN PETROLEUM.

Rooms 5 snd fl, M Broadway.CHTTED UPI URE CERT1TICATE8

bought and cold for cash or ramed ob nurimi. tiuotttlossfurnljheil



70 BROADWAY. NLVV-YOHK.liny and sell Stocks, Bonds sad Iuvattineut Seenmica


St. Paul, Minneapoliai ami ManitoBaRailway Compaay's

First Mortgage Sinking Fond 7 PerCent Land Grant Gold Bonds.

Iaeeafsraitty with tbs povltioat of the Mort<s«* DsedefTrust .erurir-r th* tbov* Bonds, we, the undersigned Tnntseo,hereby (ive cotlc* that 110 B.m.U of tl DU etch, '20 Bends of1600 each, and A79 Bond* of S1.00O each, of the number*tpociosd BSBBV, were tkit day, lu oar prtoencu. BhMj Balwithiiut Breeereace or dlscrlitlnatlnn, desliruatcd by lot foeredsmptioi st 10". per cent and aSSanel l!*t-*r*nt p iy;ible ontsf fis aicneyi pledjed to as from preceed» of sales of latulsand uow tyallable for that purposs. Tbe Bond* »o drawnwill bs paid on pietrtoiation at fie o.Tlco of JOHN a. KKN-NKDY, Ho. 83 WUlismtt. New York; and tho holders thereofar* horsby nutlfled hat they .di .-.til U* niei.*iilrd ou ¦ l.eiora1st day of July next, as treat that date inter**! will cease tescents tbsreon i

110 BONDS Ol' $100 KACH.

8~jr~~a'a m ais "tia um27 r:9 _M 1^5 L193 L4 0

H 6-ld S"?99«*i eas 9:0ter ft sw 944

Pig 1 340WH 1,279

1.001 pisLOU 1.S1B





4 (JA4...bil640essftftWeasMS707710


"1.143t|1.3011 J'4l.'.'lj

1 74H I1 T10

1809 1.7'.81 :.JB 1 8R81,«H7 I.MS1.B5B 1 SSS1 M8 l.SHO1.B70 1.3D4Mil

lois LMi.! '.!



,*,.» l.auA 3.119.ISO 1,0-:0 3,134BM 1.94S 1,188.i§4 LP'.* 3,181L_l,7v!0 l.B"1,73? 1.98

20 BONDS Of $500 IAC1L

leSB'.¦A Bl il Pl 1

379 bokus or fl ,000 eai~il_lToom.sm nn 8.H8. t"'« ¦'»?

1.9»9 f,|6| * "

«I 1.043 !.»7'iM 1.1)78 1.9«763 1.(«14 l.SU'lli lilt*, 'J.O'JSSS 1 'H.8 '.'.ll!'*119 1.117 2.0S4131 InsIii 1.U9las li --a

m}...* __________174 I.6IB 9,484 :i,l34

194 1 819 1174 S,4*.i4*4 l.*S4 3,4^4 \Mtloil j 6*s ''.ni g,.%.^|44 LC**.*

Til 1.7"7 3,ftM1 "3<

7»4 1 794744 1 778IP*i

i,9i4 8,7s« A,itii «;:t*i 6 *-;." 4.741cf 1 lia I lia 1 i-lt 1 iLittii £& SmJOHN 8. KENNEDY.J. A. ROOSEVELT, .Trustee*.R. B. ANGUS,

«e-.Y*rk. Anni Ik. Hoi,

I.{M" -

11.3842A1B JllBI"!3>4*i j(en s.s.7.'. ll *.A'4,7 is |,SSS 1*74

M4 llS 8 719 4,7*10 ,'..8St 4,717rri iTts s7ii 4,-74 8-ed'

financialorrtXEor mr. <'nAm ru oak Lirt ixacnAicKCo. i

Habttobd,coxv., juna i., 1*8*. ;

THE nnnun! rrteetirtf of the Cl-arkr Oak LifeInsnrxnee ( ompHny. of Hartford, Conn., will lie held at

th«olrlc*of the Company tn Dunford, on Wedu**, lay, inlyti, last, nt ll o'clock a. a.

efl Mir.l'S K. WIMATIP. ferTetary.

Banking Ijontef anb Bankers.

Kissam, Whimsy & Co.,Bankers and Brokers,



BliTjidcrtf) Vertices.A PYERTISBMENTa Poll THE NP/VVViV*YDKK TRIBUNE WILL BK HECKIVED AT TlfEUPTOWN OFFICES, No. 1 5Ts broadway, corm r Thirtyflrat-*t. until S> p. m.. and Md Wost Tweutj-third-it- cornerElrhth-*v*.,No fl" V.iiet Eoitrteenth-if.. rorni-r Colon Monera.liO ihird-av*., com.r Forty-«ereath-»f i Nos. ),is'7,Third-

are. Bear t+i.tteth.». and »r the BA HI.KM OFFK E. 'a.. (X)Third-ave., comer One hnBdrcdaad.twenty-flfth-st., np t*8 p. ra., at regmar ofhco rates.


OOOii. s

N'KW.TOliK CSIrTSAl. AXU If IDSOS Riven BAfLBoAD CO.. 1TSBAstaea's owen. S

Nkw.VOSS, June 7. 18M.)DIVIDEND of 4 par cent on the capitalstock of the New-Tor* and Harlem liat'road Company

wlUbenesd tiy the N-u York Cent rsl snd Hudson RiverFinilroad companr. lc*.** limier tba r.rovision-t nf Um eoe>tract iiitweeu Hie two couipanlea , at tai* uBcr nu Hu- 1st davof July noxt. Tho transfer lo.ln vin I lo'cleskp. m. Jnne lt. snd reooened sr 1>> o'clock a m. jnlv it next

_E. V. W. BnH8iTK.ll, [reu.orer.


.Nrw.Y.itiK, .Inn* 7, lri8l

A QUARTERLY DIVIDEND of 2 per tciif onthe carwal stock of this company will be paid at this

ofUce on H.. .tn of ..'lily next. Ihe transfer Matu will boclosed nt l-l o'clock p. iu. on saturday, the luh mat. and re-oiiruad at IU o'clock a. m. Mundar, the 2l.it of July next

f V. W. BO'HITUB, Trt,i«nrer.Non. ;' si: KOAO COHTAST, 1

'I'HRAhL'BSa'S OrFirs, Nu. 17 BB<>AP-ST., >NEw.YokK. June M, 18-Ht. >

COUPONS of the genera] first mort, hkm K°ldhonda i,f th's corupeny dne Julv 1. l'-'nt will he paid st

this nflce on und after that date Tin hoots for the tranterof tbe *.". (Ml:, resrliteri ss will rio** Juna '.'7, and re¬

open July S, lM'4. At th* close of bii«liu-«i inn- SS,eb*0k|for Intarmt due on siimI registered cerrirti-ati-s will tie mailedto holden of ri cord at their respective addresses



NSW York, June ll, 1-184.DIVIDKND NO CS.

Tli* Hoard of Dlnators have deciured a quarterly dividendof ONE AND I MRKK-FOI7RI IIS PKK CK NT upon thecapital stock nf this i-omnanv fr*tn tk* set. earning* of thelin. e un,ultim (liliMir .luiio Hot fi. Inatan l. parable at th* officeOf the tTaaaarer, mi ami ufti-r the l.'itli day of Illly nett, toill ii reh nhl er-, nf roeoul on tho MSB nt lillie, InstantThe transfer twiok a will l>«> closed la New.York sud I.ordoo

at I o'clonk na lim aiursoou of Jan* itlth. las.ut, and re¬opened on thc niornlng of the- .1 of July aext.

B. H. RoCTIKSTEn, Trei*nrer.irFicai raE boabdor Drascroaa Aaiaii ts Ezras

NSW-Yobs. May li, 1834. J

THE Board of Directors of thin comiiiinyhave this .lay oe-tared » dividend of Three Dollara 'SS) per

share, parable oa ih* lu. day of July next. Tin tr»ntferbooks will bo cIosj-iI from the 1 (Mular of Jun*to tho Jd dayof JtHv next. Bv order of the Board.

jr. ar. kv a pp aeersaatx

The missouri pacific railway coirFAN'Y, 105 Broadway.

Ntw-Yosg, Jnne *5,1384.A qnarterly divllendof ONB AND T11KKE.QUAKTKII*

PKll CEN't on th* ciplt.il stk-_ of til* compatir ha*this dav tieeu declared, payable on TDhrtDAY, Jnly 1,ISSI.The frsnsfer-liooki will clo** on saturday, Jnne lt, at 3

p. ui. and le-opon on Wednesday, July '2, st 10 a. rnA H. CA I.KP.


Corses ano Carriages.SUITABLE for ircntleiiiMii'is depot work, akJ nrewater fuur-wliet'.ed dog cart. Knickerbocker .'itaMe*,

SSdst.¦BOWaOt, 1* Waiar-st.

©rates anb ftnbtxs.




Jce vTreom.A FACT..Horton's Ice Cream ia made from

pare cream, ls th* teat anti most popular iee cream In th*werld. Try it aad you wdl om bo other. Depot*. 309 4tk>*v*

I.SS* Broad nay. 75 Chatharn-st., 110 EaiS l'J6th-*a, Haw

York, and *8« Fnltsn-it., Brooklva,

vfurouean 'Xiitiertisements.

LIEHIO COMPAIfTS EXTRACT OF MEAT.Finest ind Cheapest Meat-tlavonuit Stock forbuiili-., Made Dishes and datives, etc. Anuualsale. «.'<0 ilvOJars.


f IEBIG COMPANY'S EXflUCt OF MEAT.X\J An tarataakla Tunic lu mises of weak dictation, and

d.-hlllty. "ls a aUiTrsi sud boon for which Nationsihoaid feel jrrateful." Be* "Medical Tre**," "J-an-


Oeoalue otfi.T wtth fae-stmlla of Baron i,ii-).i«'salcuaturn in Blue Ink nero** Label. Th.- title"Baro-i 14' Ins" sad phetognpll having beenlars-elr nsort br dea'ar* wtth no i-otinecrton wfthBaron" Ll.-bla, ta* public ar* lafonued that tbeDleblx Company staas eua offer the article with

_Baron I lehl/'s ftiarinteo of ?renolnenei*.

LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT.lo aa had of all storekeepers, Grocers ind('lu mists. M'le Affects foi tin Cotted states (a hole,isl* only), ('.David dr Co.. 'J leuchurchavenu*.london, Entrland.

Beti wholesale hy Park A Tilford, Smith A Vandartxiek,Acker. M.TVali.r. I ondit, McKesrtouA Kohhins, H. K *\ V. BThurber * ( o ami .Hessri. W. II. rtclueaVliu a Ca



EPPS'S COCOA.BRKAKI'ACT.."By * thm-onjrh kuowledirs of the nitrtral

laws which Kovi-rn the .ipeiatloiis of riifesttoa and nutrition,.asl br aoarelolaraUaatseaw Ike Hue properties ot woil-«e-le.te.1 Cocoa, Hr. fops baa provided our breakfast tobies wtthk delicately lluvored b.-veniffe whkh may sire 113 maur hoaryIn. tors'hills, lt ta by tbe Judicious uso of such articJe* otillei that a coti.tltiillon niar bt: jjradnally built up until strungli.iieh to resist erery laadsosf tsdlssass. Iiuiulieusiif nih¬

ill' indindie* arr floitliifr around us ready to attack whnr.ever lhere ls a weak point. We may escape maur a fatal shaftby keeping ourselves iv. II foi (.Hind with pure blood anil ariroperly nnurtslu-d frsrne.".Civil Service <):i/rttc.Matte simply wltti hollins water or milk. Kohl only la half

ix.11 .1 tins bv Ctiecera, labelled tims J.YMb.-s KPPts & Cs,Ifoinieoputhlt. CbeulMts, Loudon, Kucland.

tioaxb anb Rooms.. East Nat*

4 DTIjRTTSEMENTS for the new-JV VURK TRIBUNE WILT, BE HF.CKIVKD AT TUBUri OWN OFFICES. No. I.3SS Broadway, c.-rner Thlrt*'insist., until ll p. m., aud 3(M West Twenty th.rt-st., corner

Eighth.»ve.,No.fl-' Hast Konrtepnth st., comer Union Squire.TliO Ihlrd-Bve., corner Forty-seven thst Baa l.it'T ihtrd-me, near si.xt eth -m.. and at the HA Kl.KM OKKICK, WOO1 hird-are., corner One-bundied^uul-twiuty-IUUi-iU, up to8 p. m., at rsffvJar office rates.

I!)THST., :?0 EAST..Fut iiished rooius verydesirable for stimmer ; reierence.

.) I BT-ST. 53 EAST.Third story rooms,6 I uswly fnrnlal.edi lo xoDlleiueo only; family private;louie and apartuieuta flrit-claa*._.) I BT-ST.. ~,'A EAST..AplsrTTjTlliinnHtoryl-vi newly fiirnlshod. en Mite er aingly; to gentlemenjuly houae and appointments ll.sl-clais._>J/| EAST 20TH-ST.Parlor ami arrnud>) t Hairs, private bathrooiu*. private Ubi* or w. timutM>ard. rtinsl* reoma._¦OlEAST 2irrH-ST-NirolrfMniish,il roomsI-wi with board, lu small family; rirvt class hooa* andlo-

West Sida.pURNISHBD ROOMS AND BOARD..NilgieL furniahod wlih ui without b«anl. No. 'JU Weat 4-tili-st

f?l WEST :.9TH-ST. 3d btfll.-Hoartl forill ladlei at moderate price: Hittable for teacher! oritudmtii rufirencei_~JL\ WEST 1.>TH ST..YERT PYaEASANTLfU room for 2 gsntlimen fl nt-c lan table lunmieristaaa.

_Roomo atti Hal* 80 tel.

A -31 WEST 2RTH-ST., coal, charming* rooms itiuiuierprtcis inddealrablelcicatlo^rejei^oe*.

ALAKnE, toni, itirv. fiirinsiicti room to rent ;private fatnlly seutlonien bi (ir*, owlth-sve. R.bs

Isiice_ ____________-......_

ALAKOE. ((Hil, »irv, hirnishinl room to t.-tit.Private tauiUy foatieniiB. 66 OreenwlcUaT*. luu*


A PEW HANDSOMELY and newly ftindtdMlrooau to l*t. ref*r*nee*. to irving I'la.-*

BURNISHED ROOMS, without iMiard ; sum-A mer prlee* ft: w«nti S7ttt-et._^"10. ld~EAST 42D -sf.-Nlcely funiiahed

I reoBis. large and small, fol.Hug beds, all convenience*,it simmer price*; refwsuco*.

Board and Booma ~fainted.

B"\i:n WANTED with a coo! Mai airyroom; upper New Y*rs, Wast isle private family pro-

lirrwd. Atl4r*M with partloulari K, Tiiuaa* uSloa.




Alf OPEN-AIR I'Ki.roitMAN' ).. :.'KW'V"|H VOLtfOHO|\\ dh. For a Hhort Reason Ouiy, ''o»iiiijeBCinf Jon* lsFiioiiit Afternoon tnd Kvctiinx Rain or Shine. 1 JaintnBSSdat M»h t hy Klee'rle Ll,T li I. I Le Bi*.*t B'.vsl eetcnaiuoentusdar tb" situ.A da rtur, thriiUuf. mmtl tai LustracUiesibibltiou. Three Holts with the Ito.-.'..

lil 1 MIA) fllf.L Hen Wm. F Lear .

lt.* kadiqdk Kent, intern narkter ann ueide.Aide,! !,y (¦ U'| AIN HOOAHUI -. »h* CnaBtploa Shot Ot

tbe World ni E booa Kl Ute Lead baa. Quar¬tet!*. ,i i.| ».,¦,.:.. ,,r |j..r,!r.- If c .-. \ * ¦¦ t'si. * MeilcsaVanijiWi** Ini|.».is witti Bron.''***, ruffa.ie. t.ik.i 1'etasHteer, Burr<*>- til romt>i*i:nf to prewm pu turet of

Itt ALMT'C LIFE IN I'llh XIII) WKtft.Oates ouen uti eruooo t o'clock I', fnrnittiro cOTiriiffte? HJ(>*tf-sop.''i .yen i.'7 ni k t !¦ if ininiii r rnmnnaott'I.W

Aitrairteloe Soe . cbiMrea 94a.

BAJ3KBALL. MetrocoUtan Park ty-d.iv*lsfavc ami l"Bli. »t

Ann.»c*B Association < h*mp»«Xi*l.lp Match.Tol.i.Do T. MKTHOPOLITAJf.

nitst4p.ni._ _

AAmltaisn 'JA es.ls.

BIJOi; i rPERA HOUSE. tTwoj new .D*Every evenln*; st *< Last Matta** Inar staLast Week of tb* Brllllsst (iiirk»*.iu«> Revival.

Th* H it of the *tea*oo,Bl.I KREARD.

Secure setts naiirsj.* H"i idfire always opee._

CASINO. Uroadw.ij uml .{iUh-st.RUDOLPH AtONHON Manafer.Kt*rr evening st 8 Matinee Satardsy al i

Tbe Hpiuklinr opera < otnloue,r.4i._a

BY TTIE M(i"AL'LL OI'KRA (DM lill'E COMPANY.I*roui«uaite i-iiniert arin |i«rf«ii: iii..'»b Roef 'Uriao.

_____AdmlMloo to ixjlti .nf*n*iiiiiii*nt*, ,'iO cort*.


EDEN Ml Shh, 5*5 West 234-an.'Hi N FROM ll to ll.

iii ai sk .\.vu LOOA*Cro'sst of All Resorts lltaatlful fkr-.up« «t*^*e»cY»p~s.Lincoln »nd his (*pnrr.lt concerts tfiernooo tod etsaiss

ArtuiUsion to *ll. .'.O ceufs. t Uildr.-u. 28 ci-uta




N. Y. COMEDY THEATRE.1,193 Brotdwtr. netr Jvtb ot

OPS WILLIAM*-.in uta inw alar.

CAPTAIN MI MILER.Marm*** Wt-duesduy ami -alurdMv.



SATURDAY KVK.NTNti. JUKI lt,wm be the sTauden firework szlUblUoa erer glreo la

amt nt oi modern innes.'.IL.M' 'i». S KC I. BAND.

r*«*e lime tsl.le



Tuesday, Jun*) 17. Orand Bill.RENr.FIT <>r WM A MKttTAYKaV

Hal* of seat* now oo.u.

_Last ricard Matine* to .!*> at 7

UTH STREET THEATRE. Cor. 6tli-ave.Another sucre** In Oil* tl,eau* of tuccetse*.


Kvory evening, Wednesdny an-l Hst'ir-tay M*tineee.

(tlie (Tnrf



amt Lose Itlaad City.tad via foot of Whitehall »t.

RAY R1DOK ROCTEOu Brighton Ita.* Day*.

LeaTS Fast S4tli si I'l.'in, 1 SO, 1-45, hio p. ta.Lear* Whitehall tt. 1'.'1J. 1,1'J. Sill p rn cioee sad

dlrectC'.nnectloB made tutu Brighton Railway st **tie*pebtae.Bay.Excurtdoa fare, luclouiiig sdm.saiun Ui race track. 41, Uk

fiiiU'l tt_ni!, $1 30,____________PONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB.Vj HHKKPHHKAtl BAY.


IX) JULY' 1 RACKHCOMMKNl K AT 3 P. M.Ll.O.'iAKL) W JEilOME, i'Jllv*)lHBNf.

_J. O. K. I.AW'RL.M Ii, HL;('RbT.UlYL_r«ONEY ISLAM) JOCKEY CLUB RACES.V^ LONO IHLAND RAILROADDirect to the track half hourly from KAST iliTH ST FERRY.

SPECIAL PARLOR-* AH TRAJN.B»klne no ttniii. BBBtSS East rilli. .1. ferry 2:10 p. u_. l*m*lilaud City '.' 2» p. m., retiiiuiii. Jtu.ii<*ttlately afUr tbe rae**.

Ii in WIlITLITALr.-ST. til minute* pi»< ea*.h hoar asaeitra iioats at It-SB sad 1:33 p. m. See time-tabls tn exnr-sioo column.



Ifo, L.Porns fl OOO, for il minite h- r-rt.No. «..Porte »l iNiti. for Brf4 h''r»***.

KU DAY JUNK ld.No. 8 .Pnrsc ?1 in t) for'.' C, humesNu. 4 Pnrw *»I.(S*., for 3*JB liurses.Vur^es divUte.1 int.. fn ir laoneys-.^k. SS. 13 snd 10 pnfmt entraps* fee ft m*" cnt only of pur*.-* t.. rle** at llm. naturdar. Jane 14 AdoreaeR. Fv/sWIfTBBI, se, retsry

Vew-York linylnn Club, Morrlnanla ST. Y\






Plerlfl, N. B. Hrmtklvn. Ess' Ruse8:1S a. ta. a.-"-' a ni'* '*" i rs

9.15 " »:30 " 1O-.0S ¦

1013 "10..!O " 1 in) "

lill .. 1130 " c.-in. m.1 ou p. Bk LIA pm, I fi p ta,1:4 J " iaff " 'i-M -

2:43 " 8:'0 " SiiH) "

3:43 ¦ 4:00 " 4 30 "

8:15 «*

ne'iirntnrlfs-e etym\ Island I0:ir. s. m.. tundtncit .f.td-tt,and Pier ld; 11.13 a. m., 12 i5 i' m, 11 j ii m. f.*r Vu* \4only: 3:30 u m. for 33*1 sL only, 3:00, COO, 7:Uti sad 3.34p m. foraltlandlaxs.40 CBXTS, EKrrftsros ticbeth io cbntm.


(except i-.un.Uj , toWEST POINT snd NEWBURO,

by the fast aad elegant Day Lise steamersALBANY and C. VIBBAAD.

Fn.s Fttlton-st.. Brooklyn 'by Aimer,.S A. afVestry-tt. p-tr, Noa-York.8J6 "

.' West --id st. uitr. ".0 .'

Eictimiiitiists will tisye three hours cm sh.in? st Wett Polnlind one r.ml th ree-.in arter hntrr« ai Vrwhur*.Hetaruluf reacb NswYork 5:!W. Brooklyn i.:15 p. m._



o*EAN I'lERS.Leave li.ldtt., N. Ii., D, 10. 11 a ni. U m. snd 1, 2, 3. 4, 5,1

uml ? p. m.

LcaTO Pier 1, N. II., iHstteiy l'lve. .V) miiiut.** later.Ri tuiutng. lesTi-Coney Islsnd honrly omime in mg 1 "-.45 o\

m., sad last boat at bbbwb> cb

8VKCIAL NOTICE.Couimenclnf Thursday, June IS, r-srurdoa tickets vtQtll

told at tIldo*»n trai'k ttatton-. o'lhi- Kle.at.-d Rall-j. ay*Pr*ce SO ci-ots. tmlndlutf ra.t.ay fsre* both ways

The EteTfitoil ltsit-sys hsre eom[defed thMr new *nd *aa*clim* ttalious st llsttory Fla.-.*, mi Hu- "Hi si..I '.eli av* Iluae*,din'.-tly oppialte tho Iron Kt a uboat Couipsii)'» l*svi' sa.I-ierl. N.R. Psssenrns Ce-nrliut to Uko Uie itihi ImmU willls.**, nears at Uiat point. V*am*u^ .* fi .nu SB nn.1 iW sy*Uue* holilins Iron Ateamhoal en-u->.lon ri, krtt will be treefi-rred from Rouih Ferry lo Battery I'lace statlur free.



by the eb-ranf snd rapaciou* st*atners of tbeIROM STEAMBOAi IHMI'IW,


NO DUHl'. INVIOORATIMI SEA BREEZES.(."innieiuitij SATURDAY', June 14, tbe powerful s^a ra>

ititi steamers 'if tho Iron Stuvuboat' 'mapiny will make laue1encurslous to tho


Roirttlar hutt lettes every div Suede] s included* fr.m OBSSWeetV'd-st. N R.,l'iU)a. in and »:1.1p. a.,Pier 1 N lt 10 a Bk, and A 45 *. m.

lUturuin? lc PUB, LoN'O BR ' NCU,12.30 amt 0 id) p tu.

Fare eitlirr wsy waly. 60 coote.Eicurs'iui ticket* (Al.euta

Tbs meet economical tad tili-aaanl naiU loA.HIIL KV l'.AKE AM) I ti.A> I.U'IVK.


irYoul nar 6 n 1Quickest nnd encat'SSt Uno Excursion ticket* ientlnmea,

40 .ems, lsille*.'J. erin* aud chililreu I-'i ..uni..-¦ eui,; nanaar, Jaee IB i*uat* will iuj half iio.iri/

riesi .Jit-st *Ae»l Kitti *l -jmi Pier U, North BiterDu.., tn (heCoiiey Island I'tviiip.an clim lt.,lie. Hkatiug

Illuk and ll'.- W st Iii wl.t. u Untel. with Arbuckkt's famousband sud Hi* laoouiparali'e I..¦->'.On aud after TbuiML.y J uu- J. Ile., tt wu! be og sale

all .towu-tra.k ti.ileus ni ttl il" ste.1 Railroads, with froetrai'ii.-r* from the H.ioud.u.l T'.uil Ai.mi.. Ituoi to tueResior hi n-ei rtutlwu. oi-p-MiU* i'.ai 4. NutUi iuv*rEldin* o.i tii-kc'is, iu.lu.Unif En v*ud lu.lroad farr* l*ol_

waya Bf oeuta.


Ferry-boats leaT* Last Sith tl, cvniu-ctinj with mint stLoBK i'slau.1 ny "'1j *(.'.',:..>. 1 l.-.'o a ui uud *yery il

nuii-s lue'. * .uh i.our ualll 7 p. in i-fery 15 inliiiiteaSlier that uoui iexoe.pl I .' -t N, wlileli m.- u mc** dm* only I.1'errTBsiata Scare ties! Tth-tt every'i*'minute* aad Jauitsv.tliu terry *«eiy Hu minutes, Oom 7 a m. to 7 p. a_Leaye Msiilisitau lleacli. <T:.|*>. lu, 11:05 a m. ll:JB sn.l

h_U hourly fium i:'-'5 lu ln.54 p ni irx.epi lian, which w'.lrun on race dart only:, bee sdTrrtttrmeiit In iportlBg rataau,Eicurslou ticket* ria 3 ith«t-. SD cant*. Including ferry,

Y1A BAY RIDOE.Leal o foot of Whltsittll st. (terminus of all the elevated reit-

wayti hourly from S 1: a ni la felt B '"

Leave Mauhaiiaii Beachthourly fruai "8 15 a ta. toll*IBa ai. Tram* marked tbat' du not ruo un Munday*.


I.Ill* Ml'ABASl.E BAND. SIXTY FIVS*Veifvriui rs. Iii.-liil'nn Kitt.cn great sul.dsts la Oraud

Ak I 1-K.MUUN AND L\kM.Mj OoNOaUiXla