qed528 tg1 g4 educational psychology presentation

Scenario 1 QED528 Educational Psychology Problem-based Learning

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  • 1. QED528 Educational Psychology Problem-based Learning Scenario 1
  • 2. Presentation Outline Introduction of scenario 1 (Kei)- Incorporating research questions Theories, analysis & proposed solutions- Psychosocial development- Parenting- Cognitive development- Motivation
  • 3. Description of scenario What is the role of the teacher in a students learning journey? Great, now I have more things to do on top of the never-ending homework I have. I shouldnt have asked him that question.
  • 4. Description of scenario How does the mismatch between expectations, abilities and skills affect Keis performance in school? Is this mismatch detrimental to learning, and to what extent? If not for my mother Ill be in Why cant you study Poly doing Mass Comm. harder, like your sister? Your mother and I have very high expectations for you!
  • 5. Description of scenario How does Keis identity and self-concept affect how she perceives other peoples words and actions towards her? And stop comparing me with jie. These formulas, they dont make any sense to me at all. I dont think my brain is huge enough to store all these weird symbols and numbers.
  • 6. Description of scenario What are the factors Do not let the school affecting Keis down. motivation to learn? Who affects Im sure your Physics her learning the most? teacher in secondary school must have taught you this right? Why do I need toDidnt you study for your know about nuclearPhysics? How could you have physics? I dontfailed your test? even use them in my daily life.
  • 7. Psychosocial development Identity An individuals sense of self, what their existence means, and what they want in life
  • 8. Psychosocial development - Theories1. Erik Erikson Relationships: affect our formation of personal identity 8 stages of development: confronted with a crisis at each stage2. James Marcia Identity crisis (i) identity diffusion (ii) identity foreclosure (iii) identity moratorium (iv) identity achievement
  • 9. Psychosocial development - Analysis How does this apply to Kei?- 5th stage: Identity vs. Role confusion- Identity crisis: Resolved through foreclosure and now suffering consequences Polytechnic Junior College Kei Kei (the individual) (who is like her sister)
  • 10. Psychosocial Development -Solutions Support experimentation- Parents and teacher: talk to Kei about different higher education options and career paths available- School: organise talks and pastoral care sessions to address these issues as well
  • 11. Psychosocial development Self-concept An individuals cognitive assessment of their physical, social and academic competence
  • 12. Psychosocial development - Theories Academic self-concept- Linked to school performance- Strongest correlation between specific academic self-concept and performance in that subject
  • 13. Psychosocial development - Analysis How does this apply to Kei? - Kei perceives herself as being weak in Physics and consequently performs poorly in the subject
  • 14. Psychosocial Development -Solutions Help Kei develop positive Physics academic self- concept- Teacher: Provide concrete help to her, e.g. one-on-one consultation Recognise effort and dont just look at performance Communicate belief in her ability to excel
  • 15. Parenting The Family: Social System A complex set of interacting relationships where bidirectional influences exist
  • 16. Parenting - Theories Factors differentiating effective parenting styles1. Acceptance of the child and involvement in the childs life emotional connection2. Control of the child maturity of child3. Autonomy-granting self-reliance of child
  • 17. Parenting - Theories Child-rearing stylesChild- Acceptance and Control Autonomy Grantingrearing InvolvementstyleAuthoritative Warm, responsive, Makes reasonable demands Permits child to make decisions in patient, sensitive to for maturity, consistently accordance with readiness childs needs enforces and explains them Encourages child to express thoughts, feelings and desires When parent and child disagree, engages in joint decision-making where possibleAuthoritarian Cold, rejecting, Makes many demands Makes decisions for the child frequently degrades coercively, using force and Rarely listens to the childs point child punishment of view Often engages in psychological control, withdrawing love and intruding on the childs individualityPermissive Is warm but Makes few or no demands Permits the child to make many overindulgent or decisions before the child is ready inattentive
  • 18. Parenting - Analysis How does this apply to Kei?- Makes decisions for the child Mother decides Kei should enter a JC- Rarely listens to the childs point of view Father jumps to conclusion and fails to listen
  • 19. Parenting - Theories Coregulation A form of supervision in which parents exercise general oversight while letting children take charge of moment-by-moment decision- making Consistent parental monitoring Cooperative relationship Adolescent willingly discloses information
  • 20. Parenting - Analysis How does this apply to Kei?- Lack of coregulation - Father is only concerned with results - Parents have no concrete strategies to guide Kei - Kei only voices concern upon prompting by her father
  • 21. Parenting - Solutions Teacher to speak to Keis parents regarding- Keis preference of Mass Comm at polytechnic over JC- Kei as an individual- Physics as Keis weakness- Coregulation
  • 22. Parenting - Solutions On working effectively with parents- Teacher Collaborate effort with parents to bring about a desired change in behaviour Recognise students strengths, even when communicating information about childs shortcomings Ask for information and be a good listener Be sensitive to parents concern about the limits of their influence
  • 23. Cognitive development -Theories Piaget Cognitive development: Child goes through 4 stages (i) Sensorimotor (ii) Pre-operational (iii) Concrete Operational (iv) Formal Operational
  • 24. Cognitive development - Analysis How does this apply to Kei? Concrete operational stage Unable to see the connection between what she was learning in Physics and its real-life applications Lacks the ability to interpret formulas as illustrations or derivations of basic concepts
  • 25. Cognitive development -Solutions Teacher adapt instruction to cater to concrete operational learners Bruners Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach Use real-life examples as illustration
  • 26. Cognitive development -Theories Vygotsky Zone of actual development Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
  • 27. Cognitive development -Analysis How does this link to Kei? Approached Physics teacher for help but was given a task that was beyond her ZPD Keis friend, Vivienne, is at higher level of cognitive development than Kei ZPD exists between Kei and friend Higher cognitiveLower cognitive levellevel
  • 28. Cognitive development -Solutions Teacher can scaffold Keis learning Assess Keis ZPD by setting her a task and providing hints of varying levels of complexity Provide instruction that puts her within ZPD Incorporate tasks that encourage peer teaching
  • 29. Cognitive development -Theories Feuerstein Mediated Learning Experience: 3 important parameters Intentionality & Reciprocity Mediation of meaning Transcendence
  • 30. Cognitive development - Analysis How does this apply to Kei? Intention of teacher when explaining concepts is not clear to Kei Kei does not respond to intervention Parents & teachers do not help Kei explore meaning of life Parents & teachers more concerned about short- term goal
  • 31. Cognitive development -Solutions Teacher can assess Keis level of understanding and through the use of appropriate examples, demonstrate concepts Teacher & parents can help Kei develop positive career goals and healthy life aspirations Teacher & parents can help Kei develop a future- oriented mindset by focussing on heuristics rather than just content
  • 32. Motivation -Theories andAnalysis Maslows Needs Theory Unmet needs on understanding and belonging results in inability to achieve higher order needs (needs for self actualisation) Extrinsic Motivat-ee Kei clearly needed external motivation, from peers, teacher and parents
  • 33. Motivation - Solutions Teacher should recognise her need for help and provide direct help instead of leaving her to die on her own Parents could provide more encouragement. Teacher should only try to encourage her to be more independent and self motivated after helping her directly Friends can do more to motivate her
  • 34. References Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2010). Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms (8th ed). NJ: Pearson. Tan, O. S., Parsons, R. D., Hinson, S. L., & Sardo-Brown, D. (2011). Educational Psychology: A Practitioner-Researcher Approach. An Asian Edition (2nd ed). Singapore: Cengage. Ormrod, J. E. (2008). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (6th ed). NJ: Pearson. Berk, L. E. (2009). Child Development (8th ed). NJ: Pearson.
  • 35. Picture credits http://data.whicdn.com/images/14450643/identity_crisis_by_sebreg-d4952z5_thumb.jpg (identity crisis) http://beautifullaila.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/tug-o-war1.jpg (tug-of-war) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RgQ_XUDZTyM/SmvIeHU09HI/AAAAAAAACVQ/kaP1pM7_po8/s400/ identity_crisis-291x300.jpg (different masks) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yyObiCw6lWs/Te2EhnycYDI/AAAAAAAADos/sS7- v11P0HE/s400/ReportCard.gif (report card) http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/aba/lowres/aban82l.jpg (report card cartoon) http://mshowalter.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/self-confidence.gif (confidence) http://livelovemath.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/img_manipulativesstages.jpg (Bruners CPA) http://www.innovativelearning.com/educational_psychology/development/zone-of-proximal- development.html (Vygotskys ZPD circle) http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz/blog/2010-05/zone-of-proximal-development/index (cute anime ZPD) http://inschool-sel.blogspot.com/2010/12/behaviour-and-our-beliefs.html (mle) http://www.kurzweilai.net/cartoon-what-is-the-meaning-of-life (meaning of life) http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/topics/conation/maslow.gif (Maslows Hierarchy of Needs) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_G24DPEOWWNU/TFelYktj- lI/AAAAAAAAAbs/9BWtatQ1KKc/s1600/Parenting+Image+2.jpg (hands) http://nakedhealth.avvo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/popup-300x300.jpg (authoritarian) http://www.marketlikeachick.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/payperpost-realrank-decisions.jpg (decision) http://www.athleticmindinstitute.com/images/parents.jpg (boy playing soccer)