
In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? I believe that my Film ‘Absolution’ mainly conforms towards the convention of the thriller genre however in places challenges it. For the conforms I bring attention to a recently released trailer for the new series of ‘DareDevil’ which was released after my piece was made and it uses the same idea of the church and voice over, which is direct evidence to my piece conforming to the most update thrillers. The thriller genre is defined as ‘uses suspense, tension, and excitement as its main elements. Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods, giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and terror. Films of this genre tend to be adrenaline-rushing, gritty, rousing and fast-paced. In the opening of my piece we open with a shot of a person hanging which is in black and white, suggesting that this action has already or is going to happen this is used in many thriller pieces as a way to hook the audience in to think about what has happened here. This is followed by an establishing shot of a young woman on her knees in a church with the voice over “forgive me father for I have sinned” this gives the audience an immediate idea who the main character is and builds on the intrigue of what she has done Another part where I believe I conform is the setting up of things to come, like most thrillers I left the main antagonist out of the picture for now only mentioning them with pronouns in the line “Then they will burn with me” this like the

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I believe that my Film ‘Absolution’ mainly conforms towards the convention of the thriller genre however in places challenges it. For the conforms I bring attention to a recently released trailer for the new series of ‘DareDevil’ which was released after my piece was made and it uses the same idea of the church and voice over, which is direct evidence to my piece conforming to the most update thrillers.

The thriller genre is defined as ‘uses suspense, tension, and excitement as its main elements. Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods, giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and terror. Films of this genre tend to be adrenaline-rushing, gritty, rousing and fast-paced. In the opening of my piece we open with a shot of a person hanging which is in black and white, suggesting that this action has already or is going to happen this is used in many thriller pieces as a way to hook the audience in to think about what has happened here. This is followed by an establishing shot of a young woman on her knees in a church with the voice over “forgive me father for I have sinned” this gives the audience an immediate idea who the main character is and builds on the intrigue of what she has done Another part where I believe I conform is the setting up of things to come, like most thrillers

I left the main antagonist out of the picture for now only mentioning them with pronouns in the line “Then they will burn with me” this like the flash back I used as a chance to build a more emotional drive for the audience to draw them in

. The protagonist in the tradition Thriller is usually on the task of finding revenge or to overcome an evil. For my character I decided to conform to this with having the protagonist as a person who has lost the one she loves and now seeks revenge for this action. However I decided to use a female as my protagonist following in the steps of such films such as Hanna (2011), Columbiana (2011) and “Le Femme Nikita” (1990) where they play a strong, independent character who has little need for a male counterpart, in a way this could be seen as challenging the convection as in the majority of thriller films use a male as the lead role.

In the movies mentioned above all the female protagonist’s play the role of a killing machine built for one purpose. This seemed in the older films of the genre rather under played with little movies containing a strong female protagonist however in recent times it is becoming

more of the norm. In this aspect I followed this as it seemed like a chance to attract a larger audience.

On a whole I believe that my piece majorly conforms to the modern Thriller as demonstrated in this essay, furthermore I feel that it would suit quiet well to the current market of films.