public health leadership & mdg

TRANSFORMATION PUBLIC HEALTH LEADERSHIP Prof. Dr. Ridwan Amiruddin, SKM., M. Kes., MSc. PH Ketua Penjaminan Mutu Fak. Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hasanuddin 1 Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012

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  • 1. TRANSFORMATION PUBLIC HEALTHLEADERSHIPProf. Dr. Ridwan Amiruddin, SKM., M. Kes., MSc. PHKetua Penjaminan Mutu Fak. Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hasanuddin Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 1

2. Outline presentation Essential Public Health MDG achievement Public Health Challenge Leading the Transformation of the Public Health SystemSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 2 3. Public Health Prevents epidemics and the spread of disease Protects against environmental hazards Prevents injuries Promotes and encourages healthy behaviors Responds to disasters and assists communities inrecovery Assures the quality and accessibility of healthservicesSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 3 4. Essential Public Health Services Monitor health status to identify community health problems Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 4 5. Essential Public Health Services Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 5 6. Essential Public HealthServices Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and qualityof personal and population-based health services Research for new insights and innovativesolutions to health problems Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaSource. 1990 Centers for25-26 Feb 2012 Kalla Disease Control and Prevention 6 7. Public Health: The foundation of a national health system Tertiary MedicalCare Secondary Medical Care Primary Medical CareEssential Population-Based Public Health ServicesHuman Resources Development (Training)Information SystemsCommunity Planning SystemsCapacity to Deliver Public Health ServicesPublic Health System InfrastructureHuman Resources Development (Training) Information SystemsSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Community Planning SystemsKalla 25-26 Feb 20127 8. Main characteristics of PH and CH Public HealthCollective Health Microbial paradigm, based Critic to the positivism.Origin biomedical model Structural adjustment Flexner report - of experimentalProposals: "Health For All in the YearModel of reference character of sub-individual the 2000" and Promotion base. paradigm (Ottawa Letter)Health-disease-intervention Natural history of the diseases andObject of studyprocesss social physiopathology determinant. Endemics/epidemicSustentationlogic controlPromotion and prevention Proposes visions, forms, figuresPracticePreventive predictiveand scenes in a holistic and systemic context .PublicIndividualCollectivities Management, epidemiology,DisciplinesExplain the disease natural history statistic, demography. 9. Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 9 10. Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 10 11. Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 11 12. Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 12 13. Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 13 14. Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 14 15. Dengue Haemorhagic Fever DecentralizationSource: Bappenas, 200815 16. Malnutrition Problem DecentralizationMoH ProjectionSource: Bappenas, 2008 16 17. Under Five Mortality DecentralizationSource: Bappenas, 200817 18. Infant Mortality Rate . DecentralizationSource: Bappenas, 200818 19. Maternal Mortality Rate DecentralizationSource: Bappenas, 200819 20. Delivery attended by trained health workersStagnant Decentralization20 21. Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 21 22. Public Health ChallengesSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 22 23. Public Health ChallengesEmerging Diseases (SARS, Pandemic Flu)Re-emerging Diseases (XDR-TB) Food SafetyBioterrorism Natural DisastersObesityAging PopulationHealth Disparities Global Warming Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 23 24. Health Care Crisis Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 24 25. SARS and Pandemic Flu Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 25 26. Health Care Crisis PopulationAging Re-emerging DiseasesEmerging Diseases Obesity Health Disparities Access to Quality Health CareHealth Insurance Costs Uninsured and UnderinsuredSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 26 27. Pyramid of preparedness : components of an effective public healthsystem (from Rowitz 2006) Categorical Public Health Programs: Environmental Health, HIV/AIDS, Chronic disease prevention and healthProgramservices promotion,Immunization, Infectious disease control, injury Leadership prevention, occupational Safety and HealthProgram capacitySupporting scientificand technicalcapabilitiesLaboratory Behavioural EpidemicSurveillance practicescience investigationCore PublicInformation/WorkforceOrganisationalHealth communicationcompetencycapacityInfrastructure capacity Leadership 28. The skills of the prepared public health leader in crisis (Rowitz, 2006)Community buildingSystems thinkingAssets planningSocial Capital Knowledge of public (capacity building)Collaboration health law Crisis Management Change and Visioning resilience Systems change Emotional intelligenceTipping point PUBLIC HEALTH awarenessINFRASTRUCTUREForensic Crisis and riskepidemiology communication 29. Public Health leadership principles (fromRowitz, 2003)1.Core public health values2.Health Prevention3.Community coalitions4. Local and state collaborations and equity in access5.Partnerships and shared visions6. New leaders must learn from experienced leaders mentoring7.Continuous development of leadership skills8. Commitment to lifelong learning and personalgrowth 30. Public Health leadership principles(from Rowitz, 2003) (cont.)9. Infrastructure built on notion of healthprotection for all10. Need to think globally but act locally11. Need to be good managers12. Need to walk the walk13. Proactive not reactive14. Leadership at all levels of an organization15. Strong belief and commitment tocommunity16. Must practice what they preach 31. Quotes on Collaboration None of us is as smart as all of us Edward C. Register, 1915 Cooperation! What a word! Each working withall, and all working with each. Warren Bennis, 1996 Collaboration is damn tough Focus group participants, 1997 All quotes from Medicine and Public Health: The power ofcollaboration, Lasker, et al. 32. A mutually beneficial and well-definedrelationship entered into by two or moreorganizations to achieve common goalsAmerst H. Wilder Foundation 33. Why Collaborate Shared Concern Pool Power Overcome Gridlock (get unstuck) Add Diversity Increase Ability to Handle Complex Issues 34. Context for Collaboration Identify the problem Understand what makes leadership difficult Identify stakeholders Assess extent of stakeholder agreement Evaluate communitys capacity for change Identify where the problem/issue can be most effectively addressed Chrislip and Larson 35. Rebalancing Health Priorities GeneralTargeted Primary Secondary Tertiary protection protection preventionprotection protection Affected people Safer withoutAffected people Vulnerablecomplications Healthierwith people(undiagnosed complications Peopleasymptomatic)Death fromComplicationsSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 201235 36. Traditional HealthcareAffected PeopleSafer withoutAffected PeopleVulnerablecomplicationsHealthierwithPeople(undiagnosed complicationsPeopleasymptomatic)Traditional Healthcare Disease CareSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 36 37. Traditional Public Health Affected PeopleSaferwithout Affected People VulnerablecomplicationsHealthierwith People(undiagnosedcomplicationsPeople asymptomatic)Public Health System Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 37 38. Need to Rebalance HealthPrioritiesAffected PeopleSafer without Affected PeopleVulnerablecomplicationsHealthier withPeople(undiagnosedcomplicationsPeopleasymptomatic)Public Health NetworkHealthcare Delivery SystemHealth Protection: Health Promotion,Disease CarePrevention, and PreparednessSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 38 39. QuestionsGiven the significant public health and health carechallenges we face, are Public Health Leadersadequately prepared to address these issues?What are the requisite leadership competenciesneeded to address these challenges?Do we have a system of leadership development thatcan meet this challenge? Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 39 40. Transforming the Public HealthSystem Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 40 41. Transforming the Public HealthSystem Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 41 42. StructureStandardsFunctionsSetting Agency and Public Health Accreditation BoardSetting System Standards National Public Health Performance StandardsEstablishing Public Health Laws and PoliciesCommunity EngagementDecentralization (central local gov. interaction)Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 42 43. Transforming the Public HealthSystem Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 43 44. WorkforceCompetencies for Public Health professionals Epidemiologists Environmental Health Nursing Nutritionist EtcCredentialing and certification National Board of Public Health Examiners (etc.; 2005) Existing programs in nursing, environmentalhealth, laboratoriesSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 44 45. Transforming the Public HealthSystem Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 45 46. The Strategic Influence of Public Health Leaders PoliticsPolicyProgramsPHLeadersResources ExperienceCommunity Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 46 47. Crisis Leadership CompetencyModelThis model lays out the nine competencies that weredetermined to be the most critical for leaders in a publichealth emergency response situation. Team Leadership Communication Situational Awareness Connectivity Crisis Leadership Competency Integrative ThinkingModel Courage and PerseveranceEmotional EffectivenessCredibilityDecisiveness 48. IntegrationThe crisis leadership competencies supplement both the four-tier leadershipcompetencies and the emergency response competencies. Four-Tier HHS Leadership Competencies Emergency Response Competencies Basic Supervisor ManagerExecutive Leadership Emergency All ManagersAll SupervisorsCompetencies, Management SystemsAll Basic Competencies,plus: Agency Preparedness All Core Competencies, plus:Strategic Thinkingand Emergency Competencies,plus: Creativity/VisionResponse Roles plus:ResilienceInnovation External Informatics Support FlexibilityConflictFinancialAwareness InterpersonalManagementManagement Political Savvy for Responses Skills Team Building Technology Risk Communication Self-Direction Influencing / Management and Media Relations TechnicalNegotiating Entrepreneurship All Hazards Concepts CredibilityHuman Resources Organizational Disaster Mental ProjectManagementSystems Management Service Awareness Health PerformanceMotivation Management Accountability Leveraging Four-Tier CDC Leadership Competencies (supplement HHS) Diversity Cultural Awareness Ethics Leads Change Dealing with Ambiguity HHS/CDC Operations Personal Leadership Emotional IntelligenceCrisis Leadership Competencies Communication Credibility Emotional Effectiveness Situational Awareness Connectivity Decisiveness Integrative Thinking Team Leadership Courage and Perseverance 49. Transforming the Public HealthSystem Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 49 50. Goals and PrioritiesNational-level Goals and Priorities Health Protection Goals Healthy PeopleState and Community-level Goals State and Local Health DepartmentsSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 50 51. Leadership is Essential to Success Agency StandardsLeadership System Standards Improved + Laws and Policies Improved Performance Health Outcomes Community EngagementWorkforce Portfolio ManagementSeminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 2012 51 52. Issues Surrounding Leadership Development Continuum Dilemma Leadership vs. Management competencies Basic vs. Advanced Regional vs. National Crisis Leadership Integrated or single program? Discipline specific Leadership How to build effective networks Fragmentation Develop a system for Leadership Shared vision, shared funding, common purpose Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 2012 52 53. recommendation Leadership course for public health leader for all level Develop collaboration with all stakeholders Regular meeting to response public health issue Prepare response for emergency crisis Develop program for rebalancing health care system Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. Wasma Kalla 25-26 Feb 201253 54. Final ThoughtsSuccess is the child of audacity (Disraeli)Seminar Nasional Alumni FKM UNHAS. WasmaKalla 25-26 Feb 201254