psy481 ub substance abuse and the family - m1 a3

Running head: SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE? Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence Roberta Simpkin Substance Abuse and the Family PSY481-UB – M1:A3 Argosy University 1

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Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence

Roberta Simpkin

Substance Abuse and the Family

PSY481-UB – M1:A3

Argosy University


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Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence?

Substance abuse has become one of our biggest and most important social

problems in our society today. There are programs today in our schools and in our

communities aimed at preventing this disease. In our schools here, it is a topic of utmost

priority and talked about most frequently.

There are “three different terms used to define substance-related disorders;

substance abuse, substance dependence, and chemical dependence. Substance abuse

refers to the misuse of a drug, whether legal or illegal”, (Yale Medical Group). “Its

continued use will mar our friendships and/or our family relationships. Substance

dependence is continuing to use a drug even though it is shown that significant problems

have developed related to their use. The term chemical dependence refers to the

compulsive use of chemicals (drugs or alcohol) and the inability to stop using them

despite all the problems they cause”, (Yale Medical Group).

Substances “most abused by adolescents include, but are not limited to, alcohol,

marijuana, and cocaine”, (Yale Medical Group).

To look at what causes substance abuse/chemical dependence, “we have to look at

the cultural and societal norms that influence acceptable standards of substance use.

Substance-related disorders in adolescence are caused by many factors, which include but

not limited to; social pressures, individual personality characteristics, and psychiatric

problems”, (Yale Medical Group).

“Two factors that contribute to a youth’s decision regarding substance use are

parental use and peer pressure. Some adolescents are more at risk of developing


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Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence?

substance-related disorders, such as children of substance abusers, adolescents who are

victims of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, adolescents with mental health

problems, especially depressed and suicidal teens”, (Yale Medical Group).

“Therefore, substance abuse describes the social consequences and substance

dependence describes the physical and emotional symptoms”, (Argosy, 2010).

Our subject is named Jose. Jose “initially said he used cocaine only on the weekends.

Now he uses it everyday. He spends most of his paycheck on his cocaine use. His wife

threatens to divorce him, and he is close to being fired from his job for under-performing.

Yet, he continues to use cocaine”, (Argosy, 2010).

Is Jose’s behavior evident of substance abuse, substance dependence, or

chemical dependence? My viewpoint regarding Jose’s cocaine addiction is that he is

incapable of stopping this behavior alone nor does he sound like he wants to change. I

would consider Jose’s behavior to be evident of substance abuse because “his life

describes a pattern of significant problems in his life, which includes failure to attend to

his performance at work, relational difficulties with his family, and the misuse of an

illegal substance, cocaine”, (Argosy, 2010).


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Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence?

What category of substances does cocaine fall under, and what are the

implications of this category on the body?

“Cocaine is a stimulant. The implications of this category on the body can be

devastating. The regular presence of cocaine, or any drug will distort Jose’s ability to

think rationally and nurture important relationships. Over time, Jose will distort what the

family considers “normal.” Unfortunately, each member of the family must develop an

individual method of coping with the neglect, abuse, indifference, or other responses by

Jose”, (Argosy, 2010).

My opinion for what Jose needs to break his habit and abstain from cocaine use,

is to attend rehabilitation and a support group. In fact, the whole family would benefit by

attending a support group.

What Jose needs is professional help. What Jose needs is substance abuse treatment

and the whole family needs family therapy. “Family therapy in substance abuse

treatment has two main purposes: (1) to use the family’s strengths and resources to help

find or develop ways to live without substances of abuse, and (2) to ameliorate the impact

of chemical dependency on both the identified patient and the family”, (Argosy, 2010).

“Substance abuse brings the greatest damage to the lives of those people whom the

abuser is closest to. This is because the abuser caught up in relying on a substance that


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becomes a case of substance abuse is less available to the people they should be caring

for”, (Argosy, 2010).

Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence?

“The regular presence of any drug will distort the user’s ability to think rationally and

nurture important relationships”, (Argosy, 2010).

“In family therapy, the unit of treatment is the family, and/or the individual within the

context of the family system. The person abusing substances is regarded as a subsystem

within the family, the person whose symptoms have serious implications for the family

system”, (Argosy, 2010).

The “effects of substance abuse are widespread and it is slowly destroying the lives of

those closest to the problem — the family members of the addict. Substance abuse

wreaks the greatest damage in the lives of those closest to the person abusing substances.

This is so because, in many cases, substance use is an alternate way of coping with the

pressures and stress of life. But it is a maladaptive way of coping. The more Jose relies

on cocaine to cope with his problems, the less available he will be to his family, the

people he should be caring for.” (Argosy, 2010).

“There are a variety of treatment programs for substance abuse that Jose would

benefit from, programs that are available on an inpatient or outpatient basis.

Detoxification (if needed, based on the substance abused) and long-term follow-up

management are important features of successful treatment. Long-term follow-up

management usually includes formalized group meetings and developmentally age-


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Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence?

appropriate psychosocial support systems, as well as continued medical supervision”,

(Argosy, 2010).

“Individual and family psychotherapy are often recommended to address the

developmental, psychosocial, and family issues that may have contributed to and resulted

from the development of a substance abuse disorder”, (Argosy, 2010).


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Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence?


Argosy University (2010). PSY481-UB: Substance abuse and the family, Module 1,

Online Lecture, Retrieved on September 9, 2010, from:

Yale School of Medicine (2010). Yale Medical Group, Module 1 Online Lecture,

Retrieved on September 9, 2010, from: