psy: final project - report

School of Architecture, Building and Design Foundation in Natural and Built Environment [FNBE] Social Psychology Mr. T. Shankar Social Psychology Final Project Research Report and Group Presentation FNBE February 2014 Monday Session, 12pm-2pm Submission: 8th December 2014 Group Members: Foo Shi-Ko 0318262 Bridget Tan Su Ting 0318370 Joshua Yim 0317945 Hariish Kumar 0318852

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School of Architecture, Building and Design

Foundation in Natural and Built Environment [FNBE]

Social Psychology

Mr. T. Shankar

Social Psychology Final Project – Research Report and Group Presentation

FNBE February 2014

Monday Session, 12pm-2pm

Submission: 8th December 2014

Group Members:

Foo Shi-Ko 0318262

Bridget Tan Su Ting 0318370

Joshua Yim 0317945

Hariish Kumar 0318852

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The members of the team would like to express our deepest appreciation to all who

have provided us the possibility to complete this project. We would like to express our

sincere gratitude to our Social Psychology lecturer, Mr. T. Shankar, for his guidance,

monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this thesis and who

gave us the precious opportunity to do this project. We would also like to thank

Taylor’s University for allowing us to film our video on campus premises. Special

thanks to the people who have participated in our video.

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Table of Contents

No. Title Page Number

1. Cover Page 1

2 Acknowledgement 2

3 Table of Contents 3

4 Introduction 4 - 5



a. Apparatus / Materials

b. Procedure

6 - 8

6 Discussion 9 - 11

7 Epilogue (Alternative Ending) 12

8 References 13 - 14

9 Appendix 15 – 23

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For this final assignment, we were required to film a video with the incorporation of

five Social Psychology concepts from different chapters learned in class. Through

research and explorations, we managed to gather adequate information regarding the

five concepts and translated our understanding into the video. The five concepts

include Confirmation Bias (Chapter 1), Extrinsic Motivation (Chapter 2), Stereotype

(Chapter 3), Halo Effect (Chapter 4) and Attitude Formation (Chapter 5). After much

deliberation, we decided on filming a dramedy for the sole purpose of making the plot

more interesting in attempt to grab the audience’s attention. We also wanted to show

the frivolous nature of shallow physical attraction and the foolishness of a relationship

skewed towards physical attraction.

After ample sessions of planning and discussion, we settled on a story about a young

boy who was physically attracted to a girl and about their relationship. Everything was

going according to plan for him until she announced her leaving abroad to pursue her

studies. Her arrival back home a few months later only left him devastated after the

revelation of her boyfriend that she had met overseas. It came to his awareness that he

did not notice the little signs that she was never attracted to him and treated him only

as a friend. This story continued with the boy rediscovering himself after experiencing

this heartbreaking episode.

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Using this storyline, we incorporated the five concepts chosen into the story to show

the effects they have in an ordinary everyday life. This report was composed based on

the study we carried out on the concepts and the effects portrayed in the video.

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a. Apparatus/Materials

The main apparatus used was a Nikon D50 for the filming. Other than that, we

also had other people from Taylor’s University in the background in several

scenes for a more natural surrounding. The props used for this project include a

Samsung Note 2 for Scene 5 and multiple sets of clothing to indicate different

times of the story.

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b. Procedure

For this final project, we decided to use Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus

as our setting due to its convenience for the gathering of the group members.

The areas where we shot the scenes were the lake, Tarragon restaurant and

Pizza Cottage Restaurant. We shot our scenes during the weekdays as we

needed a naturally busy setting as our video background.

The first scene shows Romeo and his friend walking past Sophia, a girl from

their college. During the second scene, Romeo’s friend tells Romeo that Sophia

seemed like a typical pretty girl with a domineering attitude. However, Romeo

is not convinced and still insists on believing that Sophia is a kind hearted girl.

In the third scene, Sophia drops her books on the way to class and is quickly

noticed by Romeo who rushes to help her. He takes the opportunity to spark up

a conversation with her as they both head to class together. The fourth scene

portrays the close relationship between Romeo and Sophia as they light-

heartedly exchange jokes and laughter over lunch. The fifth scene shows

Romeo receiving heart-breaking news from Sophia through a text message.

The message informs him that she would be travelling abroad to pursue her

studies the next day. His devastation leads him to the sixth scene where he

works hard as a barista in order to earn enough money to be able to travel to

meet his crush. The seventh scene shows Romeo and his friend having a chat

about Sophia’s invitation to Romeo to a dinner date. Unable to contain his

excitement, in the eighth scene, Romeo does not hesitate to visit Sophia.

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Unfortunately, when he arrives at their dinner date, Sophia reveals and

introduces her boyfriend, Hariish to Romeo in the ninth scene. The tenth scene

discloses an internal monologue of Romeo’s thoughts about Sophia’s boyfriend

and how he thinks that the whole scene was an act. He tries to convince himself

that Sophia is actually interested in him and the relationship with Hariish is

only a fling. In the eleventh and last scene, Romeo comes to his senses and

understands that he should leave the two alone. He decides to turn over a new

leaf and starts working hard in order to become successful in the future.

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The discussion would be on how the concepts influence and affect an ordinary life.

Questions such as how the main character could have acted and why the character has

acted as such will be frequently thought of and explained through the video. Most of

the psychological concepts are based on the thought process of the protagonist during

the conflict.

The first concept, stereotype, is defined as a widely held but fixed and oversimplified

image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Stereotyping is first seen in the

video during Romeo’s conversation with his friend. Upon noticing Sophia, Romeo

quickly tells his friend about his fascination over Sophia’s beauty. His friend however,

proceeds by stating that she had the face of someone bossy and domineering. This

stereotype was later proved wrong when Romeo establishes a close friendship with

Sophia and finds out her true nature.

The second concept, the Halo Effect is defined as the tendency for an impression

created in one area to influence opinion in another area. The Halo Effect can be

distinguished during Romeo’s internal monologue upon noticing and being astounded

by Sophia’s beauty. His impression automatically brings upon an assumption of

Sophia as a kind and diligent young woman.

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The third concept, extrinsic motivation is defined as a behaviour that is driven by

external rewards such as money, fame, grades, and praise. Extrinsic motivation can be

seen through Romeo after the announcement of Sophia’s leaving abroad to pursue her

studies. He then takes up a job in a café as a barista in order to earn enough money to

visit her. This motivation was driven by the thought of money and how Romeo would

be able to see Sophia again.

The fourth concept, confirmation bias is defined as the tendency to interpret new

evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories. It is when one pays

attention only to information that supports their beliefs and disregarding information

that conflict with their beliefs. Confirmation bias can be seen through Romeo’s

infatuation with Sophia. Romeo had been so physically attracted to Sophia that despite

witnessing the exchanged intimacy between Sophia and her boyfriend, Hariish, he

refuses to believe their relationship and convinces himself that the whole scene during

dinner was an act. He had not noticed the little signs that showed she was never

attracted to him and only treated him as a friend.

Attitude formation is the establishment of positive and negative evaluations of

people, objects, events and ideas. Attitude formation is portrayed through Romeo

when he rediscovers himself towards the end of the story. After days of pondering

upon the whole scenario of Sophia and her boyfriend, Romeo finally becomes aware

that he had manipulated the interpretation of the whole scene according to his liking.

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He then evaluates the situation in a positive manner and rediscovers himself, leaving

the couple undisturbed.

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Epilogue (Alternative Ending)

A paralysed Romeo is wheeled out from the University Hospital. He stares with empty

eyes at a park. A young couple is seated on a bench holding hands in this park. The

hospital attendant beside Romeo greets another hospital staff and when asked about

the patient on the wheelchair, says that it is very pitiful that this young man attempted

suicide and fell from the sixth floor of his apartment but did not die. He now suffers

brain damage and is paralysed and technically brain dead. With a blank face and non-

blinking eyes, Romeo is totally unaware of his surroundings. The couple on the park

bench, still holding hands, is giggling. Tears flow from Romeo’s eyes.

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Allport, F. H. (1920). The influence of the group upon association and thought.

Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3(3), 159.

Baron, R. A., Byrne, D., & Suls, J. (1989). Attitudes: Evaluating the social world.

Baron et al, Social Psychology. 3rd edn. MA: Allyn and Bacon, 79-101.

Cherry, K. (n.d.). Why We Favor Information That Confirms Our Existing Beliefs.

Retrieved from:


Duff, K. (2012). Think Social Psychology. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson.

Goodwin, C. J. (2010). Research in psychology: Methods and design, 6th edition.

New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.

Gray, P. O. (2011). Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers.

Mcdougall, W. (1908). An introduction to social psychology. Londres: Methuen.

McLeod, S. A. (2007). Social Psychology. Retrieved from:

Owad, T. (2006). Confirmation bias: A ubiquitous phenomenon in many guises.

Review of General Psychology 2(2), 175–220.

Tajfel, H., Billig, M. G., Bundy, R. P., & Flament, C. (1971). Social categorization

FNBE Feb 2014 – Social Psychology: Research Project Page 14

and intergroup behaviour. European journal of social psychology , 1(2), 149-


Weiner, B. (1986). An attributional theory of motivation and emotion. New York:


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Narrator: How about a story, a story about a boy who falls in love with a girl and like

all the other stories this starts with a simple distraction.

*Romeo and Joshua walking and talking, one of the stares at the girl who sits nearby*

*The boys sit down at the table*

Romeo: Hey you got see the girl just now? She looks pretty. I think she’s from our

class. Her name is Sophia, I think.

Joshua: Yeah she looks pretty, but she looks like the kind of that girl that would be

bossy and ****. I don’t know man, I have seen her around those places and she hangs

out with girls who are bossy and ****.

*Romeo nods his head*

*Random guy jumps into screen*

Random guy: Stereotyping is a thought about a different group of individuals.

*Romeo stares at the lake thinking about something’

Romeo’s thoughts: Man, I think she is pretty. I think she is really hardworking

because she was using her laptop. I am really attracted to her. I think she will make a

really good wife.

*Romeo thinks about Sophia*

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*Random guy appears in screen*

Random guy: The overall impression of a person influences the observer’s thoughts

and feelings about that person’s characteristics. That is the Halo Effect.

*Sophia and Romeo walk when Sophia drops her papers on the floor*

*Their hands touch when picking up the papers*

Romeo: Hey, you are Sophia right?

Sophia: Yeah, I’m Sophia.

Romeo: I am Romeo.

Sophia: Yeah, hey!

Romeo: Are you going to Design class?

Sophia: Yeah, I am going now.

Romeo: Who’s your tutor?

Sophia: It’s Ms. D.

Romeo: That must be really sad, how’s your project going?

Sophia: Yeah, it’s well.

Narrator: And since then Romeo and Sophia has become inseparable. They would do

everything together, eat together, go out together and then out of the blue, Romeo

received a text from Sophia.

(Sophia: Romeo, I have something to tell you.)

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(Romeo: What?)

(Sophia: I know this is happening all of a sudden, but I am going overseas tomorrow.)

(Romeo: Why suddenly?)

(Sophia: I am going overseas to pursue my studies .I am so sorry for informing you so


Narrator: And so, Romeo skips classes. He works a part time job at a bar, working

really hard, day after day. Just to get the money to see Sophia.

*Random guy appears on screen*

Random guy: Extrinsic motivation, a behaviour that is motivated by external rewards.

*Romeo and Joshua hanging out*

Romeo: Hey, how’re things between you and your girlfriend?

Joshua: We are doing fine, what about yours?

Romeo: Sophia, she’s coming back next month. We are going for a date you know, in

Friday’s. I am going to buy new clothes and impress her.

Joshua: That’s good man.

*Random montage videos of Romeo being happy*

*Romeo meets Sophia*

Romeo: Hi Sophia!

Sophia: Hey, Romeo!

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Romeo: Long time no see.

Sophia: Yeah, long time no see.

Romeo: New dress?

Sophia: Yeah.

Romeo: It’s beautiful!

Sophia: Thank you so much!

Romeo: So, how’s your life?

Sophia: It’s awesome! Do you want to order first?

Romeo: I am not hungry, you go ahead and eat first.

Sophia: Actually I am waiting for my boyfriend, he’s in the bathroom.

Romeo: Your boyfriend?

Sophia: My boyfriend, Hariish.

Romeo: I don’t remember you telling me about him.

*Hariish sits down beside Sophia*

Hariish: Hey baby, who’s this?

Sophia: This is my very good friend, Romeo.

Hariish: Hey Romeo, I have heard lot about you. You have been good to my

girlfriend. Thank you a lot!

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Romeo’s thoughts: I don’t think it’s true; the way they act together is… I think she is

lying to me. It looks fake; and Sophia always hangs out with guys. I don’t think they

are together.

Romeo: Look at the time, I have to go now.

*Romeo leaves*

*Random guy appears on screen*

Random guy: Conformation bias, the tendency to interpret information in a way that

confirms one’s belief.

Romeo’s thoughts: I can’t believe she has a boyfriend, he’s too ugly and I don’t

believe it’s true. The way they act is like she is lying. Even if he’s a boyfriend, I don’t

think it will last long. I think after that she will come to me. She’s just confused now.

But then, I realised that I shouldn’t let this get to me and I should improve myself and

become a better person. That’s what I did. I worked hard every day, although the

thoughts kept haunting me and one day I became really successful and the thoughts

didn’t hurt me anymore.

*Random guy appears in screen*

Random guy: Attitude formation, how people make evaluations of other people,

places and things.

*The End*

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Stills from the video

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