pstti effective curriculum planning for a dyslexic pre schooler


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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teachers as

well as our principal Ms. Sadaf Mazhar, who gave me the golden

opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic ‘Effective

Curriculum Planning for a Dyslexic Pre-schooler’, which also

helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many

new things. I am really thankful to them.

This project not only for marks but to also increase my

knowledge .


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• To Develop an Effective Curriculum Planning for a Dyslexic Preschooler.


• To develop activities that enable dyslexic students to use both sides of the

brain and therefore concentrate better and keep focus longer.

• To provide activities to improve short term memory, as they get distracted easily.

• To help them to improve comprehension skills.

• To improve their oral language processing.

• To enable the student to keep a mental picture of the words in his/her head.

• To strengthen the early literacy skills of pre-schoolers.

• To provide the time and resources necessary to enhance the development of the child's gifts.

• To develop organizational skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

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•In the Past was thought that the earliest that a Child could be identified as having a dyslexic profile was at about the age of six.

•This was because, by six, the child was already giving cause for concern particularly as regards reading, writing and spelling, all are very important in school curriculum.

•Parents and Pre-school careers as well as educators in those early years are amongst those in the best position to recognize these signs, and to provide appropriate activities to help.

•Tanning in some of these activities will help to build firm foundations for later firm tanning.

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Dyslexia has been defined in different ways.

● In 1968, the World Federation of Neurologists defined dyslexia as "a disorder

in children who, despite conventional classroom experience, fail to attain the

language skills of reading, writing, and spelling commensurate with their

intellectual abilities. ● According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, dyslexia is a

learning disability that can hinder a person's ability to read, write, spell, and

sometimes speak. ●Dyslexia: Dyslexia is a name for a condition where people have

difficulty with reading and writing. People with dyslexia have normal intelligence

and are not in any way mentally retarded or intellectually challenged. The

difficulty with certain tasks is believed to be related to problems with perception capability in certain parts of the brain. Researchers have discovered that there are a number of genes linked to an increased susceptibility to dyslexia.

Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in children and persists throughout life. The severity of dyslexia can vary from mild to severe.

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Symptoms of Dyslexia

A short list of possible dyslexia symptoms would include some, but not all, of these in a dyslexic child: A noticeable difference between the pupil's ability and

their actual achievement; A family history of learning difficulties; Difficulties with spelling; Confusion over left and right; Writing letters or numbers backwards; Difficulties with math/s; Difficulties with organizing themselves; Difficulty following 2- or 3-step instructions.

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It is caused by an impairment in the brain's ability to translate images received from the eyes or ears into understandable language.

It does not result from vision or hearing problems. It is not due to mental retardation, brain damage, or a lack of intelligence.

The severity of dyslexia can vary from mild to severe. The sooner dyslexia is treated, the more favorable the outcome;

It is never too late for people with dyslexia to learn to improve their language skills

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Physical Skills Do not neglect the physical skills such as throwing, catching, kicking balls, skipping, hopping, jumping and balancing. Many children find these activities difficult and will need a great deal of practice.Book Knowledge Research has shown that where children make an early acquaintance with books, the results are beneficial. It is important to talk about books, using the language of books – pictures, words and letters - to realise that books can be looked at, read and enjoyed over and over again. It is not automatic for a child to know how to hold a book, to know which way it opens, where the story starts, where the top of the page is or in which direction the words flow. All these things often have to be taught. Dyslexic children in particular, need to have such points drawn to their attention many times over. 15-12-2012 PSTTI 23Writing Rather than copying letter shapes, large writing movements should be encouraged. These can be done as part of music and/or movement lessons, or by using the forefinger with tactile materials such as sand.

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It would be helpful if information from all these sources, plus parents’ comments and pre-school educators’ observations could be made available to the head teacher

When the child enters his first school.

In many cases it can take several years for a child to be Identified as having a specific learning difficulty/dyslexia, by which time failure and consequent behavioral problems may well be all too apparent.

The valuable observations and record keeping of parents and of the early years in education could prevent this sad Situation arising.

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CONCLUSION Dyslexics are capable and are brilliant if encouraged to

believe in themselves.

They can process one instruction at a time, which can be increased by visualization activities and they are distracted easily.

Just remember these students can not be hurried.

They need positive reinforcement. They will not process a problem as we do, so have patience

and focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses.

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