protist animal like

By Nia Widyastuti

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Protist animal like


Nia Widyastuti

Page 2: Protist animal like

Basic Competency

Describing the characteristics of phyla in Protists and their role in life


Describing the characteristics of Protists

Distinguish among fungi-like, plants-like, and animal like Protist

Explain the basic classification like of fungi like, plants-like, and animal-like Protists

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What’s this picture?

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Characteristics of Protozoaa. Unicell (mono cell)b. Size 100-3000 micronc. Euchariotic (has nucleus membrane)d. Life with soliter (individual) and coloni (group)e. Heterotrof and there are Autotrof in commonf. Free life (Cosmopholit)g. Move with rhizopodes, flagella, and cilia.

h. Vegetative reproduction with self division and shape of bud with Generative reproduction with conjugation

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Classification of Protozoa

1. Rhizopod Has move tools is pseudopod (false

foot) Life Style : parasite and free Habitat: sea and water Example: Amoeba proteus

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Has move tool is flagella called whip feathers

Life Style with autotrof (Phytoflagellata) and heterotrof (zooflagelata)

Habitat: in the sea and water

Example: Giardia sp.

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Has move tools is tremble feathers (cillia)

Life in free area or parasite

Habitat: in the waterExample : Paramecium


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Don’t have move tool, but have spore in their life cycle

Usually life in host animal and human

Example: Plasmodium sp.

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Characteristics of Fungi like Protists

Structure of body shape filamen or threadHeterotrof and absorbtifSometimes has flagel cells in their lifeCell wall composed from cellulose

(especially water fungi like protists), not from chitin like in fungi

All members can shape spores

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Classification of Myxomycophita

1. Myxomycota (mucus fungi plasmodial)

2. Acrasimycota (mucus fungi celluler)

3. Oomycota (water fungi)

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Myxomycota ( mucus fungi plasmodial)

Has ± 500 species Habitat: water, damp soil ,

manure of leaf,and collapse stem or plant

Some of members has bright pigment

Not photosynthesis and all members heterotrof

Eating phase has done by amoeboid massa (not flagel) called plasmodium

Sporangium has shape complex. Spores diploid/ haploid depend on condition nucleus in plasmodium

Example :Physarum, Tubifera

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Acrasimycota (mucus fungi celluler) Has ± 70 species Habitat: water, damp soil,

manure of leaf,and stem or plant which collapse

Some of members don’t has bright pigment

Move by pseudopod (foot false)

Spread cell from membrane, not soenositik, and haploid organisms

Example : Dictyostelium discoideum

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Oomycota (water fungi)

Has ± 580 spesies Saprofit and Parasite Habitat: water, sea and damp

soil Cell wall from cellulose Diploid condition occur in life

cycle oomycota Has flagella cell Different with the other filum

has structure motil (zoospore) spore with 2 flagel

Example: Saprolegnia sp., Phytophthora sp.

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Advantages of Protozoa

Useful in food chain as polution indicator Basic material to make brush tool (Radiolaria) as oil indicator(Globerina) help rotten process food residue

(Entamoeba coli)

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DisadvantagesCause many disease in human, example:

malaria disease→ Plasmodium sp.

sleep disease → Trypanosoma gambiense

disentri disease → Entamoeba histolytica

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Useful of Myxomycophita

Advantages as decomposeras saprofit

Disadvantages Rotten disease in germination plant, example: Phytium

sp. Phytophthora sp. attack potato, coconut, tobacco,

chocolate, kina, and cengkeh plant.

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1. How are euglena to similar to both animals and plants?

2. Can you mention all characteristics of class in Protozoa?

3. Mention two ways protists are helpful and two disease caused by protozoa!

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