protein food:where you can get protein if you don't eat meat


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Post on 31-Mar-2016




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DESCRIPTION looks at protein and where we can get it if we don't eat meat.Also why we only need 10% in our diet and if we do eat meat we are going way over this figure


Page 1: Protein Food:where you can get protein if you don't eat meat

Stay off meat and you can still get your 10% protein quota.


Andrew Collinson

We need only 10% protein in our diet. You may have heard that you need more than that, especially from the meat lobby who always push that line. According to the World Health Organisation and the National Research Council our protein intake needs to be no more that 10%. Mother's milk provides an average of 6% of protein for growing infants. This is proof that we do not need more that that once we have reached full size. We can think of protein like bricks of a house, we need then to build the house but once the house is complete if more bricks keep being delivered you have a problem. This 10% figure however assumes you are eating cooked food, as much of the protein in cooked food is indigestible. If you eat raw food however then the figure is even less around 5-6%. This just shows the power of the meat industry

Page 2: Protein Food:where you can get protein if you don't eat meat

propaganda machine and how you "must" eat meat to get your quota of protein, is embedded in our culture. Protein is made up of amino acids which are put together in a chain. There are 20 different amino acids of which 8 are essential i.e. the body cannot produce them. It is true that meat has a high proportion of protein as does cheese but spinach comes in at 30%,asparagus 27% broccoli 20% and lettuce 22%. kale 16% cabbage 15% red tomatoes 12%. Mainstream nutritional science defines protein quality by its ability to promote body growth rather than whether it is healthy. Yet look at chimpanzees which are stronger than humans pound for pound. They exist on a diet of fruit and vegetables. Too much protein causes a variety of problems such as kidney failure and osteoporosis. Meat is highly acidic because it contains acidic minerals chlorine and sulphur so the body has to use a precious alkaline mineral, calcium, to counter it, which is drawn from bone. This is why a high protein diet will lead to osteoporosis. As one would expect fruit and vegetables are predominantly alkaline calcium sodium and potassium. So a diet high in fruit and vegetables will keep our ph level right. In conclusion the need for protein has been vastly

Page 3: Protein Food:where you can get protein if you don't eat meat

overstated. Think about it have you ever heard of someone dying of protein deficiency? No neither have I. In third world countries where people are starving to death protein deficiency does exist but this is a function of lack of calories, not just lack of protein. So be aware your protein intake can be low and you will still be healthy as long as that protein comes from fresh fruit and vegetables.Your bones will thank you for it.

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