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Recommendations from the BESTGRID Project Handbook – Part 2 Protecting Nature in Power Grid Planning

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Recommendations fromthe BESTGRID ProjectHandbook – Part 2

Protecting Naturein Power Grid Planning



Transmission System Operator (TSO) Partners

50Hertz Transmission

Dr Dirk [email protected]: +49 (0) 30 5150 3419Eichenstr. 3A, D-12435 Berlin

Elia System Operator

Jeroen Mentens (Stevin project)[email protected]: +32 (0) 2 546 7957

Christophe Coq(Waterloo-Braine l’Alleud project)[email protected]: +32 (0) 2 382 2334Leon Monnoyerkaai 3, B-1000 Brussels


Mark [email protected]: +44 (0) 7979 708604National Grid, 31 Homer Rd.,Solihull, W. Mids B91 3LT, UK

Phil Pryor (BESTGRID Project Manager)[email protected]: +44 (0) 7795 641 431Warwick Technology Park,Gallows Hill, Warwick, UK-CV346DA

TenneT TSO

Marius [email protected]: +49 (0) 921 50740 4094Bernecker Str. 70, D-Bayreuth

Terna Rete Italia

Fiorenza Roghi

[email protected]: +39 (0) 683139042Viale Egidio Galbani, 70, IT-00156 Rome

NGO and Science Partners


Willem Van den [email protected]: +32 (0) 2 541 07 82Avenue de la Toison d’Or 67,B-1060 Brussels

The Royal Societyfor the Protection of

Dr Ivan [email protected]: +44 (0) 1767 693486The Lodge, Sandy, Beds SG19 2DL, UK

Bond Beter

Erik Grietens (BBL; Stevin project)[email protected]: +32 (0) 2 282 1734Tweekerkenstraat 47, B-1000 Brussels

Fédération Inter-Environnement Wallonie (IEW)

Valérie Xhonneux(Waterloo-Braine l’Alleud project)[email protected]: +32 (0) 81 390 76398 rue Nanon, B-5000 Namur


Julien Taymans(Waterloo-Braine l’Alleud project)[email protected]: +32 (0) 81 390 72098 rue Nanon, B-5000 Namur

German Environment Aid (DUH)

Nadine Bethge(Suedlink/Bertikow-Pasewalk)[email protected]: +49 (0) 30 240 0867 0Hackescher Markt 4, D-10178 Berlin


Rotraud Hä[email protected]: +49 (0) 30 2888 356 83Stresemannstr. 72, D-10963 Berlin

International Institutefor Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Joanne [email protected]

Dr Nadejda Komendantova, [email protected]: +43 (0) 676 83 807 285Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg

Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU)

Eric [email protected]: +49 (0) 30 2849 84-1812Charitéstraße 3, D-10117 Berlin

Elke [email protected]: +49 (0) 511 91105 24Alleestrasse 36, D-30167 Hannover

Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI)

Antina [email protected]: +49 (0) 30 7677 194 58Krausenstraße 8, 10117 Berlin

Thanks also to Sarah Lee, Helen Crow, Andrew Dodd and Dan Pullan (RSPB – BirdLife UK), Andrea Thiel (TenneT), Alida Barbu and Cristina Sut (SOR – BirdLife Romania), Tomaz Mi-helic (DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia), Liutauras Raudonikis and Inga Ringailaite (LOD – BirdLife Lithuania), Ally Rood (National Grid), Roland Joebstl (European Environment Bureau), Simon de Voghel and Gerard Jadoul (asbl Solon), Valérie Xhonneux

and Gaëlle Warnant (IEW), Alexander El Alaoui (Germanwatch) Jean-François Fauconnier (Climate Action Network Europe), Manon Dufour (E3G), Kuba Gogolewski (CEE Bankwatch Net-work), Aida Kowalska (BirdLife International), Wouter Langh-out and Ariel Brunner (BirdLife Europe), Johan Mortier (Elia) and everyone else who organised and/or participated in the BESTGRID workshops mentioned in this report.

For Part 1 of this handbook, on Public Participation and Transparency in Power Grid Planning, visit


This handbook is for anyone who would like to help ensure trans-mission grid development contributes to protecting wildlife and nature, and to sustainable development of our energy systems. It shows how grid development and nature protection interests can work together to achieve common goals for society.

The BESTGRID project has been hugely valuable for the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) involved. It has pro-vided an opportunity to work with electricity transmission system operator (TSO) partners to help develop and test bet-ter practices and to increase understanding of each other’s perspectives and the challenges we face.

When working with grid operators, it rapidly becomes clear that the natural environment is a key consideration in the way projects are approached, in terms of route and technology choices and in efforts to engage with local stakeholders.

Many grid operators express support for environmental pro-tection policies, such as the creation of protected areas for wildlife. These help to identify sensitive routes and thus avoid unnecessary harm to nature. Minimising legal objections or public protests based on legitimate environmental concerns is also an important consideration for TSOs: these objections, if not avoided, may add arguments and voices to local opposi-tion regarding the impact on landscapes and residential areas.

BESTGRID and its partners have taken a broad view on what kinds of ‘better practices’ to test, but the approach is one in-formed by a vision and broad understanding of what more sus-tainable and acceptable development involves. The project partners all recognise and support the role of power networks in enabling clean renewable energy. They also see the urgency with which some developments are needed to prevent inade-quate grid infrastructure becoming a serious bottleneck, hold-

ing back transition to new energy systems. But the climate change challenge is not where ‘the environment’ or sustain-ability stops. BESTGRID puts affected people and nature cen-tre stage as a way to increase sustainability and acceptability, showing ways to improve projects, build support and enable swifter delivery.

Grid operators and conservation stakeholders, such as envi-ronmental NGOs and authorities, face great challenges in get-ting the interests of nature protection heard before commit-ments are difficult to reverse. BESTGRID provides one solution, where NGOs have been invited to help develop project plans that do more to engage with environmental stakeholders. We also need better awareness and implementation of nature protection legislation and for its objectives to be embedded across energy policy and planning at all levels. To make grid development as a whole really sustainable, there is a long way to go to ensure all investments really are positive for both the climate and for today’s nature and wildlife.

This handbook builds on lessons from the BESTGRID project and on BirdLife’s experiences engaging with grid policy and projects to suggest ways that nature conservation interests and environmental NGOs can get involved. By engaging early and working together with governments and industry on solu-tions, nature conservationists and supporters can help enable grid development to become really sustainable. This can be done from the highest levels of policy, down to decisions on details such as the design and location of ‘diverters’ that help birds avoid colliding with power lines.

This Handbook suggests constructive ways in which NGOs and their supporters can contribute and ways in which TSOs and policy makers can work with environmentalists to achieve sus-tainable development in power transmission.

Dr Ivan Scrase

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds(BirdLife in the UK)



Editorial 3

List of abbreviations 5

1. Why is sustainable grid development a nature conservation issue? And vice versa? 6

1.1 Sustainable grid development? 6

Box 1: Sustainable development? 7

1.2 Implications for TSOs and NGOs 6

Box 2: BirdLife partners’ workshop and roundtables on grid development 8

2. Climate risks to nature and the role of power networks 10

2.1 What are the issues? 10

2.2 How are the issues factored into decision making? 11

2.3 What more can TSOs and environmental stakeholders do? 12

2.3.1 Plan and build what’s needed for the energy transition 12

3. Habitat modification 13

3.1 What are the issues? 13

Box 3: Comparing the impacts of overhead and underground transmission lines 14

3.2 How are the issues factored into decision making? 13

Box 4: GIS mapping of land use constraints and opportunities at Terna 15

3.3 What more can TSOs and environmental stakeholders do? 13

3.3.1 Understand risks and opportunities for nature in forests 13

Box 5: Nature and power line routing in a mountainous, forested region of Germany 16

3.3.2 Ecological enhancement in existing forested power line corridors 13

Box 6: Habitat enhancement in existingpower line corridors: the LIFE Elia project 17

4. Bird protection 19

4.1 What are the issues? 19

Box 7: Electrocution risks in distribution networks 19

4.2 How are the issues factored into decision making? 20

4.2.1 EU and national policies and planning 20

4.2.2 Environmental assessment of corridor alternatives 20

Box 8: Case study of SEAfor the Stevin project 22

4.2.3 Environmental assessment of detailed placement and design 21

Box 9: Environmental assessmentof the Nemo Link marineinterconnector project 22

4.3 What more can TSOs and environmental stakeholders do? 21

4.3.1 Start early and streamline procedures 21

4.3.2 Involve NGO experts in advising on risks to birds 21

Box 10: Working with a conservationNGO for bird protection – the caseof the Bertikow-PasewalkBESTGRID pilot project 24

References 27

BESTGRID pilot projects at a glance 28



PublisherStichting BirdLife EuropeIvan Scrase, The RSPB (BirdLife in the UK)The Lodge, Sandy, Beds SG19 2DL, UK

PublishingSeptember 2015

TextIvan Scrase

EditingFinlay Duncan

DesignNatalie MuthAlexander Bernhard www.siebentage.netAndrea Canfora [email protected]

AC Alternating currentBBL Bond Beter Leefmilieu (a Belgian NGO umbrella group)DC Direct currentDOPPS BirdLife’s Partner in SloveniaEIA Environmental impact assessment (of projects)ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System Operators for ElectricityEU European UnionGIS Geographical information systemGW GigawattHVDC High voltage direct currentkV KilovoltsLOD Lithuanian Ornithological Society (BirdLife in Lithuania)NABU Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (BirdLife in Germany)Natura 2000 A Europe-wide network of areas protected under the EU Birds and Habitats DirectivesNGO Non-governmental organisation (used here to refer to NGOs with an environmental/nature conservation remit)PCI ‘Project of common interest’, designated as a priority under EU legislationRSPB The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (BirdLife in the UK)SAC Special area of conservation designated under the EU Habitats DirectiveSEA Strategic environmental assessment (of plans and programmes)SOR Romanian Ornithological Society (BirdLife in Romania)SPA Special protection area for birds designated under the EU Birds DirectiveTSO Electricity transmission system operatorTYNDP Ten Year Network Development PlanWWF World Wide Fund for Nature

DisclaimerThe sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME) nor the European Commis-sion is responsible for any use that may be made of the infor-mation contained herein.

Stichting BirdLife Europe gratefully acknowledges financial support from the European Commission. All content and opin-ions expressed on these pages are solely those of Stichting BirdLife Europe.

Pictures© 50Hertz/Front cover image© Tomaz Mihelic/ 9© Andy Hay/ 10© 50Hertz/page 11© National Grid/page 14© Terna/page 15

© LIFE Elia/page 17 (2)© Vladimir Melnikov/Shutterstock/page 18© Elia/page 22© Eric Neuling/NABU/page 24© 50Hertz/page 25© 50Hertz/page 26

Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union


1 . W H Y I S S U S T A I N A B L E G R I D D E V E L O P M E N TA N A T U R E C O N S E R V A T I O N I S S U E ? A N D V I C E V E R S A ?

Protecting nature is the main objective for nature conserva-tion NGOs and many environmental groups. It is also an impor-tant objective for grid developers and a routine part of their work in planning power line developments. The BESTGRID project recognised these common interests, objectives and expertise and brought together environmental NGO experts and grid operators to explore better practices in sustainable development of our energy systems.

Europe’s biodiversity is already in decline because of (i) habi-tat loss and fragmentation, (ii) unsustainable land use and (iii) the impacts of invasive non-native species. Climate change has been described as a fourth ecological ‘horseman of the apocalypse’. There is a risk we will see dangerous levels of global warming this century, which would drive a significant proportion of species to extinction.

This growing risk of climate change to biodiversity, and is im-plications, are discussed in Section 2 of this report below. Section 3 covers habitat modifications associated with trans-mission lines, and with their construction, principally in for-ested areas. Section 4 focuses on bird protection, which is an important consideration in the routing of new power lines. Discussion of stakeholder engagement and grid planning pro-cedures, such as environmental assessments, are integrated into Sections 3 and 4 using boxed case studies.

1.1 Sustainable grid development

Environmentalists are deeply concerned about climate change. They are aware of the huge challenges it poses and of the need to develop further energy infrastructure to make sure renew-ables can play their part in solving the problem. At the same time, they are also deeply concerned about biodiversity, which is in an alarming state in the European Union (EU) and globally.

Overhead power lines can be a significant risk for some bird spe-cies and may result in habitat changes in power line corridors, par-ticularly in forested areas. This sometimes leads to opposition by environmentalists to overhead power lines. This adds to (almost inevitable) local opposition based on possible health impacts, negative effects on the appearance and character of the land-scape or residential areas and related effects on property values. In some cases, the likely ecological effects of power line proposals have resulted in legal action by environmentalists, leading to long and protracted procedures, with high costs for both sides.

So grid development is clearly a nature conservation issue for reasons relating to local impacts and also because of wider, systemic concerns such as resource use and climate change. Grid developers care about nature and the risks of climate

change too, and are legally required to factor these concerns into their decision making. Engaging with stakeholders and avoiding unnecessary local impacts in order to avoid late ob-jections and protests is an important consideration. So clearly nature conservation is also a grid development issue.

It is therefore important that we find the best solutions for sus-tainable grid developments (Box 1) that contribute to tackling climate change in harmony with nature. The bigger picture, of truly sustainable grid development, urgently needs to become embedded in the way the industry develops and environmen-tal stakeholders engage.

1.2 Implications for TSOs and NGOs

Climate change threatens to become a major cause of ex-tinction of wild plants and animals (see Section 2 below). This means conservation organisations and their supporters increasingly have to factor climate change into their thinking and to understand what they can do to benefit nature when getting involved in debates about infrastructure development.

The best solution for nature in the short term (e.g. putting all new power lines underground) might make tackling climate change impossible in economic terms, doing much greater harm to nature in coming decades. Conversely, a solution that fights climate change might be a disaster for nature, if it unnec-essarily damages a very rare habitat or adds to extinction risk for an endangered species.

Resisting the most damaging projects is a legitimate aim for con-servation organisations and their supporters. Yet the scale of investments needed for energy transition means environmental NGOs will never have the resources to protect nature by reacting to developments individually at a late stage. If it is not well consid-ered, the conflict such a stance entails may be in no-one’s inter-est. It potentially adds to delays in tackling climate change and to the perception that environmentalists (and environmental pro-tection laws) are obstructive and out of touch with social needs.

However, there is a lot that people who love nature can do to help ensure projects are selected and planned in a better way and that the overall benefit for nature and the environment is posi-tive. This Handbook illustrates how proactive approaches can be developed through engagement with TSOs, for example in joint projects and in grid planning procedures. This can help to resolve the apparent tension between grid development and nature pro-tection, by helping to avoid problems and delays from the outset.

In BESTGRID the emphasis is on earlier and more constructive engagement between environmental NGOs and grid operators at the planning stage. This Handbook draws on experiences and wider lessons to suggest what more can be done to make grid planning work for climate and nature and to build public support for well-planned grid development. BESTGRID shows NGOs and TSOs are ready to learn, share knowledge and work together to improve projects. They’re also ready to under-stand the multiple interests and stakeholder groups that grid planning has to serve (Box 2). BESTGRID also shows that it is possible to go beyond legal requirements and standard prac-tice and even to make grids beneficial for nature.

‘Sustainable development’ is clearly a reasonable aspi-ration, so it is an uncontroversial objective. However, dif-ferences arise among stakeholders about what the term means, or should mean, when applied in a specific sector. Sustainable grid development cannot be discussed with-out thinking about wider energy system development and related policies.

Environmental goals, such as dealing with ‘acid rain’, air pollution and the depletion of finite fossil fuel resources, have long been part of the energy policy ‘trilemma’ – the triple challenge of maintaining affordable, secure and en-vironmentally acceptable energy supply. In recent years, however, the ‘environmental’ (or ‘sustainability’) element has, in practice, been limited to climate change considera-tions, rather than considering a wider set of environmental protection issues, such as resource use and preventing fur-ther loss of global biodiversity.

Moreover, ‘sustainable development’ in the eyes of many energy specialists is a process leading to investments that contribute, on balance, to social, economic and environ-mental goals. It is all too easy to go from this to saying ener-gy development is already sustainable or that specific pol-icies or investments that are a disaster in climate or nature protection terms are ‘sustainable’ on balance, because the economic and social gains are so great.

Environmental NGOs fear the impact climate change could have on society and nature and also want cuts in green-house gas emissions to be at the heart of all energy poli-cy and planning. However, there are perhaps three major differences in how these NGOs would see the challenge of sustainable energy development.

Firstly, NGOs take a less positive view of how close to ‘sus-tainable development’ we already are. Climate and energy targets are commonplace, but real and robust national goals and plans to develop clean energy systems (such as Germany’s plans to phase out nuclear power and develop renewables) remain the exception. Political and financial support for continued fossil energy extraction and use cre-ates inertia that is holding back energy transitions across Europe and the world.

In the absence of credible long-term plans for decarbonisa-tion, confidence that support for investments in fossil ener-gy supplies and related infrastructure can be ‘sustainable’

is heavily undermined. Further, global biodiversity contin-ues to be in crisis and decline, despite global agreements and targets. The EU has a target to halt its loss of biodiver-sity by 2020, having failed to meet a similar target by 2010. In 2015, mostly due to human activity, 17% of birds, 39% of freshwater fish and 22% of amphibians in the EU are threat-ened with extinction, according to BirdLife’s mid-term as-sessment of progress towards the EU’s 2020 target1. Spe-cies extinctions are set to accelerate dramatically due to climate change if deep cuts in emissions are not achieved in coming decades.

Secondly, environmental NGOs see sustainable develop-ment as a necessary correction to ‘unsustainable’ develop-ment driven solely by economic and social considerations, at the expense of the environment and the world’s poorest. This was how sustainable development was defined by the Brundtland Commission2 way back in 1987, when the term came into wide use. In this view, the challenge is not to ‘bal-ance’ the three objectives in the energy trilemma, but to make sure the environment and social needs are brought more fully into the heart of decision making so that devel-opment becomes sustainable.

Thirdly, most environmentalists are concerned not just about climate impacts in future, but also about conserving and enhancing the natural environments we have today. This is needed to stop further loss of biodiversity. In addi-tion to other important services nature provides to socie-ty, such as enabling food production, healthy ecosystems are also an important part of the solution to climate risks. Soils, forests and oceans in good condition lock up carbon and nature-rich areas are needed as refuges to enable spe-cies to adapt to warming conditions.

That means we have to think not just about how energy pol-icies affect greenhouse gas emissions, but also how the re-sulting investments might impact on nature. Promoting re-newable power, and the grid infrastructure it needs, clearly adds to sustainability in that it helps cut greenhouse gas emissions. It can also help to conserve finite resources and to reduce the health impacts of air pollution.

However, promoting the right kinds of renewables and grid development in safe locations (from a biodiversity perspec-tive) does even more to help bring the environment into the heart of energy decision making, making grid development more sustainable.

1 . S U S T A I N A B L E D E V E L O P M E N T ?


BirdLife International is a global part-nership of national bird and nature conservation NGOs, each with its own membership base. In Europe, BirdLife has a Partner NGO in every EU member state, with a collective membership of more than 2 million people and more than 4,100 wildlife sites. In addition to its direct conser-vation work, the partnership under-takes world class scientific research and works with industries and gov-ernments to help protect and en-hance the natural environment.

In the BESTGRID project BirdLife Eu-rope’s Partners organised a series of roundtables on grid development and nature, bringing together grid operators, NGOs and government officials responsible for energy and the environment. These provided

forums to share knowledge and experi-ences and to identify opportunities to work together for common aims. The roundtables were held in Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. Each explored practices that should help planning and delivery of power lines, in particular EU priority projects, while protecting na-ture and improving public support. The Romania workshop is described further below in Box 7.

The Lithuanian Ornithological Society (LOD - BirdLife in Lithuania), organised a roundtable in Vilnius in April 2015, with a focus on how the ‘LitPol’ power intercon-nector with Poland was planned. This project has been identified as a priority for the European Union. As an EU ‘pro-ject of common interest’ (PCI), EU funds are available for studies and permitting is ‘streamlined’ to meet time limits.

The roundtable was a valuable opportu-nity to bring together first hand experi-ences from work in both Poland and in Lithuania and experts from both indus-try and NGOs. Independent wildlife ex-perts and NGOs were directly involved in environmental assessments on both sides of the border, for example provid-ing data on wildlife and advising on rout-ing options and mitigation measures.

These experts were satisfied that the proposed project has been well planned to serve society’s needs without un-necessary impacts on nature, despite considerable challenges. Nevertheless, the project faced public opposition on both sides of the border. Attempts to delay or stop the project, while not ap-parently motivated by concern for na-ture, have included legal claims that the developers failed to follow rules on the

assessment of impacts on wildlife. Grid projects very often attract public oppo-sition and action groups will often take legal action to try to delay or stop pro-jects, including by using laws that aim to protect nature. The issues were debated at length in the roundtable, with many expressing doubts that stopping the project, or re-doing environmental as-sessments, would really benefit nature or the people of Poland and Lithuania.

DOPPS (BirdLife Slovenia) organised a roundtable in May 2015. Slovenia is heavily forested and has very rich biodi-versity including bears and eagle owls. Because of the European importance of its wildlife, it has many Natura 2000 sites. This rich natural heritage is a great asset to be proud of, but it undoubtedly adds to the challenges of environmen-tally sensitive grid development. These challenges were explained by repre-sentatives of the Ministry of Environ-ment and Spatial Planning and by the national transmission system operator (TSO), ELES, which hosted the roundta-ble. NGOs and independent wildlife ex-perts provided detailed advice on bird

protection issues and related these to specific projects in Slovenia. The round-table prompted all parties to consider the others’ perspectives and priorities and created a strong basis for further dialogue and cooperation.

In addition to the three national round-tables, BirdLife Europe organised two workshops, principally for NGOs, to con-sider how we engage with grid planning. The first, in the UK in May 2015, brought together 12 national BirdLife Partner NGOs and representatives of National

Grid from the UK and Elia from Bel-gium. Experiences and lessons from the BESTGRID project and beyond were shared, for example highlighting the importance of early engagement in planning by environmental stake-holders. A representative of BirdLife International, which works around the world, attended the workshop. She has already been applying les-sons on the value of joint project working and early engagement in plans and projects in her work with BirdLife’s Partners in Africa, the Mid-dle East and the Mediterranean.

A final workshop, in Brussels in June 2015, brought together representa-tives of European NGOs, such as the umbrella organisations European En-vironmental Bureau and Climate Ac-tion Network Europe. Here the focus was on ways in which NGOs can do more to make grid development help tackle climate change and to protect nature. Ideas for initiatives were de-veloped for working with industry, influencing policies and supporting other NGOs to work in this area.

2 . B I R D L I F E P A R T N E R S W O R K S H O P SA N D R O U N D T A B L E S O N G R I D D E V E L O P M E N T

Eagle owls breed in Slovenia’s forests




Local wildlife matters and it needs protection! But is it possible to do more about immediate pressures and also about the longer term?

What does the need for action on climate change imply for grid development?

› Can everyone afford to generate all his or her own electricity? Would you be happy with an unreliable electricity supply at home or work?

› What does this mean for how you and your organi-sation engage with grid development?

› Is it possible to identify and support grid development that is positive for nature and climate protection?

Many concerned citizens look to environmental NGOs for guidance about the acceptability of local infrastruc-ture plans. Environmental and conservation NGOs are very concerned about climate change. Increasingly they can see the consequent need for grid development if it clearly helps the growth of renewable energy and im-pacts on the environment are avoided and minimised.

Explain the climate rationale for projects honestly and clearly.

› Take time to understand NGOs’ concerns, to com-municate with them and engage them in construc-tive ways.

› Contact the Renewables Grid Initiative for ideas about collaboration with environmental NGOs ‘up-stream’ in the planning process and about better practices in stakeholder engagement and nature protection.

NGO statements on the need for grid development› The European Grid Declaration, signed by 15 NGOs and 9 TSOs, supports environmentally sensitive grid development

for renewables:› BirdLife Europe’s recommendations on developing priority power lines in the EU:› Greenpeace’s analysis of the need for renewable energy and grid development in Europe:› Joint action by WWF, Deutsche Umwelthilfe and Germanwatch: (in German)› Deutsche Umwelthilfe’s “Plan N” for sustainable grid development in Germany: (in German)

Good practice guidance for grid developers› For Part 1 of this Handbook, on public participation and transparency in grid planning, by BESTGRID Partner Germanwatch:› For lessons on good practice in grid planning from across Europe:› For a better understanding of stakeholders groups and their priorities, see the EU Grid communication toolkit:


2 . C L I M A T E R I S K ST O N A T U R E A N D T H E R O L EO F P O W E R N E T W O R K S

2.1 What are the issues?

Climate change is already affecting wildlife. Many species are moving towards the poles and to higher altitudes as global temperatures increase. Biodiversity is being affected by the earlier arrival of spring, by unseasonal weather events and by the knock-on effects through food webs.

A few species may stand to gain as their ‘climatic envelope’ or ‘thermal range’ increases and where they are able to exploit new areas of suitable habitat. However, far more species will find that areas of their current habitats can no longer support them and that alternative habitats are more restricted, unavail-able or in too poor ecological condition to support them, lead-ing to population declines and even increased risk of extinction.

Increasing evidence suggests that some species are already failing to adapt to climate change. For example, recent re-search3 has found that bumblebees in the northern hem-isphere are dying out at the southern edges of their ranges, with some species retreating by as much as 300km northwards since 1974. At the same time, they are failing to colonise areas further north. The crops and wild plants that bumblebees pol-linate will likely suffer where these species are lost.

Other studies show that the rate of change of species movement is already lagging behind that of climate. A synthesis report on ‘the accelerating extinction risk from climate change’ published in Science in 20154 found that 5.2% of all species face extinction risk with 2ᵒC warming, 8.5% with 3ᵒC and 16% under a ‘business as usual’ warming scenario of 4.3ᵒC. Endemic species with small-er ranges and certain taxa, such as invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, are predicted to face the greatest extinction risk.

This study also emphasises that other species that are not threat-ened directly by extinction could experience substantial changes in population and distribution and how they interact with other species. This in turn would affect ecosystems and the services they provide to society, such as enabling food production.

A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds5, published by the Cambridge and Durham Universities and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), found that under a 3ᵒC warming scenario there is an overall average shift in the suitable climate conditions for Europe’s breeding birds of some 550km to the north-east. The extent of suitable climate conditions reduces in size by 20%. For some species there is no overlap between the current and future breeding areas under this scenario. For a few species, no future potential range remains in Europe.

These stark projections underline the need for deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to keep warming to below 2ᵒC. For this to be possible, global emissions need to peak by 2020 and then be reduced by at least 50% by mid-century. Renewable energy is central to the solution, supported by energy saving, to limit overall infrastructure needs. Given the high cost, risks and technical challenges of the other low carbon electricity options, renewable energy can be expected to have a very large role to play, requiring massive investment. See Part 1 of this Handbook for an explanation of why transmission grid development is an essential precondition for this shift to a sustainable energy system, alongside energy saving through smart demand management, building-scale renewables and greater energy efficiency.

The vulnerability of nature to climate change also underlines the need to do more to protect the species and habitats we have today. To be able to adapt to warming conditions, wildlife populations need to be strong and healthy. We need to assist the relocation of animals and plants by increasing ecological connectivity across landscapes and, in some cases, by physi-cally relocating species. Our existing protected areas need to be in good condition with healthy wildlife populations in or-

der to (i) produce dispersing individuals to colonise new areas (ii) provide conditions to welcome new arrivals and (iii) retain species at southern limit of their ranges.

Healthy ecosystems are also needed for climate change miti-gation, with soils, wetlands, forests and oceans locking up vast reserves of carbon. Where habitats, such as forests and peat lands, are lost or degraded they release their carbon, adding further to climate change and the risks it brings to both natural and human communities.

2.2 How are the issues factored into decision making?

The European Union recognises the huge threat climate change represents and has committed to reducing its emis-sions by at least 80% by 2050. This is reflected in EU and na-tional targets for the use of renewable energy and for energy saving. The German Government’s plan, for example, is for re-newable energy to meet at least 80 per cent of the country’s electricity demand by 2050. In the UK, the government’s advi-sory Committee on Climate Change says a fully decarbonised electricity system is needed by 2030.

In order to predict the national and international need for new transmission power lines, grid planners develop scenarios about future electricity demand and supply. These scenarios are used to identify future bottlenecks in electricity transmis-sion and to estimate the future economic costs and benefits of grid developments to deal with them. In Germany, again, renew-ables capacity is being developed primarily in the north, where-as large consumer centres are situated in the south of Germany.

The gap between the electricity supply and demand will con-tinue to widen if further nuclear power stations in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are phased out. This north-south gap may endanger supply security in Germany if the necessary in-frastructure is not provided in time, unless energy is imported from elsewhere (which would likely be more expensive and less ‘green’). According to Germany’s Grid Development Plan

20136, a total of 3,600km of new transmission lines must be built over the next ten years. This includes the SuedLink pro-ject (see Box 5), which is one of the projects in the Plan which must be built under a law passed in 2013.

However, this kind of legally binding requirement to devel-op particular transmission capacity is the exception rather than the rule in Europe. Future electricity supply and demand usually has to be estimated, since firm EU and national com-mitments are not in place over the relevant time horizon for long-lived investments like transmission lines. Many nations, such as the UK, do not develop binding national energy or grid plans, preferring to leave detailed investment decisions to industry. For modelling future energy system development, typically three or four scenarios will be developed and then examined when deciding on the need for grid development and assessing the economic case for specific investments. See Part 1 of this Handbook for more detail on how the need for grid development is assessed at EU and national levels.

Predicting future electricity demand and supply is inevitably uncertain where renewable energy and wider energy system development plans are non-binding, i.e. they do not require any particular investments. The European Network of Trans-mission System Operators (ENTSO-E) develops EU-wide grid plans under a Ten Year Network Development Plan7 (TYNDP). This is developed based on scenarios, most of which fail to meet EU climate and energy goals, and is itself non-binding.

The highest priority power lines for the EU, ‘projects of com-mon interest’ (PCIs), are selected from the TYNDP. PCIs8 benefit from ‘streamlined’ permitting and environmental assessment procedures and access to additional EU funds. However, PCI status does not make a project into a binding commitment. Under current procedures it is not possible for independent stakeholders to verify that the PCIs selected are really the most necessary ones to meet Europe’s needs, nor is there any mechanism to ensure newly identified transmission bottle-necks are addressed by the PCI selection process.Seabirds are particularly sensitive to climate change

Renewables are needed to protect nature from climate change





› Join a campaign for ambitious climate and energy targets in your country and for these to be built into a credible long-term plan for the future of the ener-gy system.

› Find out when the next round of national grid sce-nario building and planning will begin in your coun-try: contact your TSO and ask to be alerted and consulted.

› Plan grid development at EU and national levels based on the assumption we will not fail to tackle cli-mate change.

› Being non-discriminatory with regard to generation sources does not mean TSOs have to be neutral about climate change and the energy system devel-opment needed to tackle it.

› TSOs are influential: for the sake of future genera-tions and the natural world, dare to take a position supporting the transition to renewable energy. Clear targets for renewables reduce investment risks and help to explain the need for grid development. Ena-bling renewables development improves support for grid development with many stakeholders.

› A synthesis of research on the extinction risks creat-ed by climate change:› Research on the contracting range of bumblebees:

abstract› The scientific consensus on the likely impacts of cli-

mate change from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:› Grid planning links – see Part 1 of this Handbook: ht t p://w w w.b e s t gr dia/D8 . 2 _


Where key elements of future energy system development are uncertain, such as the future share of renewable electric-ity and level of energy saving, grid operators cannot assume that climate and energy targets will be achieved. In fulfilling their duty to maintain secure electricity supplies they have to also consider scenarios in which greenhouse gas emissions and use of renewables are not on track to avoiding dangerous levels of global warming. However, by making these targets just one consideration and while also planning for scenarios in which they are not achieved, they may also be seen as ‘plan-ning for failure’, risking a continuation of our unsustainable energy systems.

2.3 What more can TSOsand environmental stakeholders do?

2.3.1 Plan and build what’s neededfor the energy transition

Long range national-level energy system planning and the selection and promotion of transmission projects should no longer ‘plan for failure’ in tackling the threat of climate change. Where credible plans for decarbonising energy systems are not in place, grid operators are required to maintain energy security in the face of uncertain future demand and supply. TSOs are legally required to accommodate whatever electric-ity supplies become available. This does not, however, mean that TSOs cannot express opinions and preferences about en-ergy scenarios and system development.

Renewable electricity supply in Europe took off in countries like Germany and Denmark in the 1990s and then across the EU in the last six years as a result of the introduction of nation-ally binding targets in the 2009 Renewable Energy Directive. Before this many energy experts considered that transmission systems would not be able to maintain reliable supplies with more than a very small share of variable (weather depend-ent) renewables on the system. This pessimism has proven unfounded, but it undoubtedly made national governments more cautious about the prospects for switching to high shares of wind and solar power for a long time.

Now that wind and solar are widely used - on some days provid-ing more than half of the electricity generated in nations such as Germany, Spain and Denmark - grid operators have found these supplies may be variable but not unpredictable and that they can in fact integrate large shares into their systems reli-ably. With additional efforts to make grids smarter, technical challenges to renewables integration will be reduced further. This, coupled with the need for more investment, security and certainty in long term planning, has led some TSOs, such as those involved in BESTGRID, to actively support a strong shift to a renewables-based future.

By expressing confidence in renewables and the grid’s ability to evolve, TSOs send a strong signal to decision makers that tackling climate change does not have to entail risks to energy security. The next step is to ensure the scenarios upon which grid planning is based all assume that the EU and its mem-ber states will take the necessary steps to develop renewables and manage demand so that emissions fall.

In this Section the main focus is on measures to enhance, or avoid damaging, biodiversity in new and existing power line corridors in forests. Wetlands are also considered. In these areas both underground and overhead cables may present significant challenges from a nature conservation perspective, leaving alternative routing as the most acceptable solution. The lessons are also relevant in other habitat types, such as peat lands, which may be particularly susceptible to damage and/or may present opportunities for restoration and ecolog-ical enhancement.

3.1 What are the issues?

Traditionally, tall trees have not been allowed to grow un-derneath or close to overhead power lines, with a c. 50-70m wide area normally kept clear beneath transmission lines. This swathe of land is logged and then kept without tall trees through repeated clearance using heavy machinery.

This is clearly undesirable in forested areas that have high bio-diversity value, such as ancient woodlands. It may be possible in such forests to build higher pylons to prevent the need to manage the vegetation below, but risks to birds may remain. If forests with high biodiversity value cannot be avoided, this may be a better option than undergrounding, which requires extensive vegetation clearance to prevent tree roots damaging the cabling (Box 3).

However, in many parts of Europe dense non-native plan-tations of little natural value have been created. The lack of diversity in vegetation and habitat types in such forests can make them like deserts for plants, insects, birds and other wildlife, perhaps with small, but poorly connected oases of biodiversity. Existing and new power line routes through this kind of forest may provide opportunities to create improved habitats for wildlife.

3.2 How are the issues factored into decision making?

When new transmission lines are developed, forested areas and wetlands are among the land use types that have to be considered in terms of the constraints or opportunities they may offer. Sophisticated geographical information system (GIS) land use mapping systems are sometimes used to clas-sify all parcels of land according to their suitability for grid

development. They also help identify routes with the lowest social and environmental impacts. See Box 4 for an example of a system of this kind used by the Italian TSO, Terna. The chal-lenges of finding an acceptable route for a new power line are addressed in more detail in Part 1 of this Handbook and in the discussion of bird protection in Section 4 below.

3.3 What more can TSOsand environmental stakeholders do?

When considering options for new power line routes it is im-portant to avoid causing fragmentation of high nature value forests. However, there may be opportunities to create more diverse and better-connected habitats for wildlife in some forested areas. This approach should be informed by ecolo-gists with a deep understanding of the opportunities and risks for species and habitats in the area concerned. Where exist-ing lines pass through forests, local ecologists can also help advise on how to manage land beneath the lines in ways that benefit nature.

3.3.1 Understand risks and opportunitiesfor nature in forests

Where power lines are planned that may cross forests with low nature value, there is great value in understanding how routing can benefit nature by creating more forest edge habitats and open habitat that can be colonised by flora and fauna. Power line corridors managed in this way can also help connect any pockets of higher biodiversity value, such as protected areas or nature reserves. See Box 5 for an example of a study un-dertaken by the Lower Saxony branch of the German BirdLife partner, NABU, as part of the BESTGRID project.

3.3.2 Ecological enhancementin existing forested power line corridors

Where power lines already pass through forests, it can be much better for nature to stop clearing vegetation every few years, and instead grow shrubs and small trees or use grazing animals. The NGOs Solon and CARAH have worked with grid operators since 2011, creating rich habitats for nature in the immediate vi-cinity of more than 155km of power line routes in Belgium and on seven different sites in France. This not only benefits nature, but also saves grid operators money (Box 6).

3 . H A B I T A TM O D I F I C A T I O N


Today many low and medium voltage power lines are placed underground. This helps avoid visual impacts in populated areas and valued land-scapes and eliminates collision and electrocution risks for birds. Howev-er, putting high voltage transmission lines underground is technically chal-lenging and is more expensive than overhead technology. The challenges are reduced where high voltage direct current (HVDC) technology is used, compared to alternating current (AC). In either case, impacts on the natu-ral environment may be more severe than with overhead lines, especially during construction. For these rea-sons, undergrounding has rarely been used for stretches longer than a few kilometres. This may change as HVDC technology develops, with plans for its greater use in long dis-tance transmission in Germany and elsewhere.

A 2012 study9 estimated the lifetime cost of underground transmission lines is at least twice as expensive as overhead technology and sometimes much more so (GBP£10.2 - 24.1m per km for underground cables, com-pared to GBP£2.2 - 4.2m per km for overhead transmission lines10). With greater use, costs can be expected to fall. Nevertheless, it would like-ly raise the cost of tackling climate change considerably if all transmis-sion lines needed for energy system development in Europe were placed underground. Therefore it is impor-tant from a nature conservation perspective to consider carefully the long term implications of demanding more undergrounding, as well as un-derstanding local impacts.

The main ecological impacts of over-head lines relate to (i) vegetation clearance and management in for-ested corridors and (ii) bird collision and electrocution risks during oper-ation (see Section 4 below). In many agricultural areas farming continues

Every year Terna updates its national electricity transmission grid Develop-ment Plan, which looks ahead over the next 10 years. Corridor alterna-tives are identified using a sophisti-cated GIS database that gives a score to each parcel of land according to a set of criteria, relating to technical, social and environmental considera-tions. This mapping is then one part of a strategic environmental assess-ment (SEA – see Section 4.2.2 below) of the development plan, which is a requirement under national legisla-tion implementing the SEA Directive12.

Four sets of criteria are applied to each parcel of land, labelled ‘exclusion’, ‘repulsion’, ‘problem’ and ‘attraction’ (referred to by Terna as ERPA criteria). Airports and military areas are classi-fied as ‘exclusion’ areas for grid devel-opment. Existing infrastructure corri-dors, such as power lines and roads, and locations where impacts on the landscape are lowest, are marked as areas of ‘attraction’ in the GIS system. However, they become areas of ‘repul-sion’ if they include urban areas, herit-age sites, national parks, protected ar-eas for wildlife and mixed woodlands. ‘Problem’ areas have particular charac-

beneath overhead power lines and their development may make little difference to the nature value of the area provided it does not create additional risks for vul-nerable birds.

Underground cables also require clear-ance and management of vegetation, to ensure plant roots do not damage the cable. According to the UK TSO, National Grid, as many as 12 cables in four trench-es may be needed to match the perfor-mance of a 400kV AC double circuit over-head line, creating a work area as wide as 65m. In addition, large concrete lined ‘joint bays’ have to be constructed every 500-1000m and these are wider than the trenches (Figure 1). These major earth-works could damage, for example, the habitats for rare plants, amphibians and reptiles. Cable maintenance can also be challenging, with risks of further soil dis-turbance.

Soil compaction and damage to soil-based biodiversity is likely during con-struction. Heating of the soil may also be

an issue, but this can be limited de-pending on the technology used. It is important to avoid heating the soil’s upper layer, which is most important for biodiversity, so that soil biota can recover as far as possible.

Undergrounding may be extremely technically challenging in rocky and mountainous areas. Hydrological conditions must also be considered. Wetlands should be avoided when planning underground cables as these may suffer severe or irrepara-ble harm. Alternative routing may be the only option, since many wetland birds are vulnerable to collision with overhead lines. Undergrounding may also be unsuitable in forested areas, due to the need to clear vegetation and prevent the re-growth of trees. Grazing and annual crops, such as wheat, can still be grown above the cable, but deep rooted crops such as vines cannot be grown and construc-tion of housing or other buildings is not possible.

teristics that require further investigation before they are assigned to one of the oth-er criteria. Figure 2 illustrates how broad corridor alternatives, about 2km across, are identified using the resulting maps.

Terna then discusses these broad corri-dor alternatives with an environmental NGO, WWF Italy. The decision on which broad corridor alternative to adopt is made by government ministries. The SEA process helps to integrate environmen-tal objectives into the development plan. It does this by applying a set of environ-mental objectives and criteria to the evaluation of the alternative corridors and ‘feasibility routes’ (about 400m wide) within those corridors. Environmental objectives include ‘minimising interfer-ence with vegetation, flora and fauna’ and others such as ‘respecting cultural landmarks and the landscape’. Though the SEA Directive does not require it, Terna follows a common practice in SEA of also looking at other ‘sustainability’ objectives and criteria, including social, economic and technical considerations. Further details can be found in the Euro-pean Grid Report (see links below).

The SEA and the plan are developed in parallel, so that environmental (and

wider sustainability) considerations are built into the plan. A national SEA group, made up of Terna, national ministries and regional governments, develops the SEA methodology and assesses the sustainability of the plan. Regional SEA groups, involving Terna, regional authorities and local authorities in each Italian region, feed into the process. The final draft plan and SEA environmental report are then open to public consultation for 60 days. Results of the SEA report and the consultation are then taken into account by the government in agreeing the final plan.

The public consultation on the SEA report and plan is an opportunity for NGOs and other nature conser-vation stakeholders to find out what grid projects are planned in Italy and what their impacts on nature might be. The process is designed to avoid impacts on nature, among other ob-jectives. However, if concerns about potential impacts on nature remain, then stakeholders have the opportu-nity through the SEA process to raise these with the relevant decision mak-ers and to influence decisions made in finalising the plan.

3 . C O M P A R I N G T H E I M P A C T S O F O V E R H E A DA N D U N D E R G R O U N D T R A N S M I S S I O N L I N E S

4 . G I S M A P P I N G O F L A N D U S E C O N S T R A I N T SA N D O P P O R T U N I T I E S A T T E R N A


For a 400KV double circuit connection we would needto excavate four trenches each containing three cables

Once land is reinstated, land-userestrictions may apply to avoid risk

of cables being disturbed or damaged

Joining bays are needed whereone section of cable joins the next


A trench approximately 1.5m wide and 1.2mdeep needs to be excavated for each cable

During construction the working widthof the land needed is typically 40-65m


SuedLink is the largest infrastructure project in the German energy transition. It is an 800km central 500kV HVDC con-nection from north to south. With a transmission capacity of 4 GW, it will create the urgently needed link between the wind power generated in the north and the consumer cen-tres in the south of Germany.

The investigation area for possible route corridors was ap-proximately 100,000km², one quarter of Germany’s total size. As obliged by German law, one of the TSOs respon-sible, TenneT, developed an initial working proposal for a single 1km-wide possible corridor as a basis for discussion. Before the formal approval process had begun, TenneT pre-sented it to the public and published it online and a com-prehensive project dialogue was initiated. Local info-marts were the central element of this project dialogue. See Part 1 of this Handbook for more details.

Planning at this time was based on the prioritisation of overhead lines rather than underground cabling and, wher-ever possible, following the same route as existing power lines and other infrastructures, such as railways and roads. In Germany there are no statutory requirements stipulat-ing a minimum distance from electrical transmission lines or transformer stations to nature conservation areas and other sites that are particularly important for nature pro-tection. Instead, individual cases have to be examined in accordance with the requirements of the German Federal Nature Conservation Act.

Protected areas were taken into account for the determi-nation of a 1km-wide corridor, but not generally avoided at this stage. However, options within the 1km corridor for de-tailed routing would, in most cases, allow protected areas to be avoided if later site investigations found this was nec-essary. Other actions may be undertaken to avoid signifi-cant negative effects on the protected areas and species in it. For example, an alternative in some sensitive forest areas would be to use taller pylons and higher lines above the for-est canopy, to avoid the need to clear vegetation.

NABU Lower Saxony, a regional branch of NABU, has 80,000 local members. In BESTGRID, NABU Lower Saxony co-oper-ated with TenneT to conduct a study on the risks and op-portunities for nature of the SuedLink development in this mountainous and forested region. At the start of their work with TenneT, in July 2014, NGO and TSO staff visited sites where ecological conditions have been enhanced beneath power lines in Belgium and France as part of a European project (see Box 6 below).

NABU Lower Saxony experts then undertook a desk study looking at routing options of the SuedLink corridor in their

TSOs Elia (Belgium) and RTE (France) are working with ecol-ogists at the NGOs Solon and CARAH to investigate and implement new approaches to vegetation management in power line corridors. The findings of this exciting work were presented to a group of environmental NGOs at a BESTGRID workshop organised by BirdLife in June 2015.

Under normal operations where a power line passes through a forested area, vegetation is ‘mulched’ every three years using heavy machinery (Figure 3). In other areas (slop-ing and rocky corridors), young trees are removed manual-ly. These are expensive operations and create conditions that are not favourable for biodiversity.

The project has implemented a ‘toolbox’ of actions to re-duce costs and improve biodiversity in forest corridors:› Growing short trees at forest edges; small trees, such as

endangered local fruit varieties, have been grown be-tween forest edges and a 10m strip kept clear for access vehicles; ponds have also been created to add to habitat diversity (Figure 4).

› Restoring Natura 2000 habitats, principally peat and heath lands, which discourage tree growth.

› Mowing as an alternative to mulching.› Using animals to graze vegetation. This is particularly

useful in rocky and steep stretches of a route, where mulching is difficult. It can also help reduce the spread of invasive species.

This work involves an initial investment, but then creates a stable ecosystem that requires less maintenance. Cost ben-efit analysis of the project’s approaches suggest a return on investment within three to nine years and overall costs two to five times cheaper over a 30 year period. It also has clear benefits for nature, creating connectivity between richer biotopes for butterflies, for example, and has proven pop-ular with local people and land owners. With 300,000km of high voltage power lines in Europe and many more under lower voltage lines, there is clearly a case to replicate this work across Europe in places where it can contribute most to nature conservation.

region, focusing on challenges and opportunities for avoid-ing sensitive biotopes such as areas of old growth forest. Additionally, the study looked at opportunities for improv-ing ecological connectivity between isolated patches of richer biodiversity in the vicinity of the route. Further op-portunities were identified to use route planning in forest-ed areas to create open spaces for wildlife, such as reptiles and rare plants, and to create forest edge habitats needed by many bird and bat species.

In Germany, ownership of land and forests, and laws gov-erning their uses, vary from one region to another. Where forests are privately owned they are usually more inten-sively managed than state-owned forests and the owners can also demand financial compensation for lost produc-tion. As a result, there are greater opportunities to use routing for biodiversity gains in state-owned forests in Lower Saxony.

By mapping and advising on these risks and opportunities at an early planning stage, NABU helped inform TenneT’s corridor route planning at an appropriate stage in the project’s development. The work also shows how similar analysis can help TenneT and other TSOs working in similar mountainous and forested regions in many parts of Europe. The results of this work were shared and developed further with state and city politicians and officials, government agencies, other NGOs and local people in two roundtable meetings in September and October 2014.

Based on this work, TenneT and NABU defined three key recommendations for future corridor route planning:› Initial corridor planning should be 4km-wide rather than

1km, to allow for more variation in detailed routing later.› Bundling with other infrastructure should remain the

objective, but where such routes pass through protect-ed areas an alternative route avoiding the area should also be proposed.

› Avoiding protected areas and consideration of opportu-nities for biotope connection should be taken into ac-count at the stage of corridor route planning.

TenneT agreed to implement the findings where possible in the SuedLink planning13 and to continue working together with NABU to take the recommendations forward and to monitor the effects. TenneT reports that the collaboration was very productive, with a focus on practical issues and drawing on strong local knowledge. NABU Lower Saxony found the cooperation was a great way to get the grid plan-ners thinking about nature at an early stage, so they are not confronted with it as an ‘obstacle’ after more technical is-sues have been considered and decisions have been taken that limit flexibility.

5 . N A T U R E A N D P O W E R L I N E R O U T I N GI N A M O U N T A I N O U S , F O R E S T E D R E G I O N O F G E R M A N Y

6 . H A B I T A T E N H A N C E M E N T I N E X I S T I N GP O W E R L I N E C O R R I D O R S : T H E L I F E E L I A P R O J E C T







› Existing power line corridors may offer opportunities to create rich habitats for biodiversity. Approach your grid operator to find out if it might be an option. Help them to learn about the LIFE Elia project.

› If new power lines are planned in your region, offer your expertise and detailed local ecological knowl-edge early in the planning process to help the devel-oper avoid damage to good wildlife habitats/pop-ulations and to identify opportunities to enhance diversity and connectivity in poor wildlife habitats.

› Send this report to the TSO team that deals with envi-ronmental planning.

› Use the contacts provided in this document to find out more about how to benefit from working with lo-cal nature conservation organisations on route plan-ning and environmental assessments.

› Work with environmental NGOs to identify opportu-nities for ecological enhancement in existing power line corridors.

› The LIFE Elia project enhancing habitats in power line corridors:› Details on Terna’s approach to grid planning see pp.

53-61 at:

port.html› More information on underground cabling:

rgi-cable-workshop.html› NABU Lower Saxony’s work with TenneT on ecologi-

cal risks and opportunities in a mountainous forest-ed region:

sourcen/aktionen-und-projekte/bestgrid/index.html (in German)

4.1 What are the issues?

Collision with objects such as cars, power lines, windows and wind turbines is a hazard for flying birds. Whether this presents a risk to the conservation of a population of birds is a com-plex question to answer. The observation that cats and cars kill far more birds than power lines is misleading. From a con-servation perspective it also matters what kinds of birds are involved, their population size and their conservation status.

Some species are at much greater risk than others, for two main reasons. First, some species are more vulnerable to col-lision because of their flight characteristics, such as their typ-ical flight height and how well they’re able to avoid obstacles. This is closely related to their body shape and wing dimen-sions, termed ‘morphology’. Birds with heavy bodies and short wings are at the greatest collision risks14. Many spend most of their time on the ground or on water. Secondly, species that are long-lived and slow to reproduce - often larger birds - can-not sustain additional mortality in the same way that short-er-lived, fast-breeding species can.

Compared to major causes of bird population declines, such as illegal killing or loss of habitats, the risks posed by high voltage power lines are relatively minor. However, in the wrong place the additional mortality caused by collisions could be enough to send a local population into decline when combined with other pressures. For endangered species, population recovery is a priority, so it is vital that further risks are not created.

In contrast, electrocution is already a serious conservation threat for some bird species in parts of the world with poorly designed low and medium voltage power lines, including many former Eastern Bloc countries in the EU. Stakeholders there who are interested in bird protection may identify dealing with existing electrocution risks as the first priority (see Box 7).

Electrocution typically affects birds with large wingspans, for example storks, eagles and pelicans. This issue was not a major focus in BESTGRID, since the project related to better practices in the higher voltage transmission network. Due to the length of insulation required between power lines and the earthed parts of pylons, no bird species is large enough to be at risk of electrocution when resting on high voltage infrastructure. However, when birds urinate on live equipment or build large nests on pylons, electrocution may be possible. Providing safe nest boxes on pylons can help eliminate this problem.

Species that are known to be at risk of collision and electro-cution are listed by the Council of Europe’s Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention)17. Annex I of the Birds Directive18 lists 193 European bird species and sub-species that are in danger of extinction, vulnerable to specific changes in their habitat, considered rare because of small populations or restricted local distribution or requiring particular attention for reasons of the specific nature of habitats. For these species Member States must conserve their most suitable territories as Special Protection Areas, which are part of the Natura2000 network19. Information on these species is available from the European Commission’s pages on wild birds20.

4 . B I R D P R O T E C T I O N

It is well established that electrocution on existing low and medium power lines is a major cause of bird mortality, with negative effects documented on populations of Eagle owls, Golden eagles and Saker falcons15. By comparison, scientific evidence has not yet established that the overall or national population of any bird species has been depleted by colli-sions with high voltage power lines, nor with wind turbines16.

New medium and low voltage power lines can easily be designed so that electrocution cannot occur. Where elec-trocutions occur in existing networks these can be elimi-nated through relatively simple technical changes, such as retrofitting insulation material around support structures. This is a priority for many bird conservation organisations in Europe and around the world.

In May 2015, SOR (BirdLife in Romania) hosted a BESTGRID roundtable in Bucharest with representatives of the nation-al grid operator, several distribution network operators, the Ministry of Environment and the environmental pro-tection agency. NGO experts who have worked with grid developers in Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania shared their

experiences. Many of these related to identifying poor-ly-designed stretches of medium voltage power lines and making them safe for birds by insulating the live parts at the support poles. This prevents electrocutions, which are a major cause of bird deaths in many parts of the world. Electrocutions also cause power outages, which cost mon-ey and inconvenience electricity users.

In Hungary, 50,000 poles have been insulated in this way and a national law now forbids the construction of new support poles that can cause electrocution. Neverthe-less, making the whole network in Hungary safe for birds remains a big challenge – 90% of potentially dangerous poles remain un-insulated according to BirdLife Hungary’s experts. In other nations, such as Romania, there is even further to go in dealing with existing problems and mak-ing sure new dangerous poles are not constructed. This important work has real benefits for wildlife, addressing a significant risk with practical solutions. The workshop led to discussions on collaboration between SOR and the TSO and distribution network operators in work to protect birds from collision and electrocution risks in Romania.

7. E L E C T R O C U T I O N R I S K S I N D I S T R I B U T I O N N E T W O R K S


Determining whether a power line in a specific location or route could have significant effects on a bird population is a complex scientific question, normally addressed through en-vironmental impact assessments (EIA) and/or ‘appropriate as-sessments’ required under the Birds and Habitats Directives21. These studies might determine that significant harm can be avoided through the use of undergrounding or bird diverters – devices such as spirals or flaps attached to the line to increase its visibility and reduce collision risks. However, significant impacts can often be ruled out without requiring a detailed assessment, or a precautionary decision is taken to avoid the location based on knowledge of the species present.

4.2 How are the issues factored into decision making?

Where a proposed line is within, or close to, areas that are pro-tected for birds that are vulnerable to collision risk, it may be a legal requirement to avoid the area, use additional mitiga-tion measures such as bird deflectors or put part of the route underground. To a large extent these considerations have not entered thinking about how energy systems will develop at European and national levels. The location of areas used by vulnerable birds is typically only considered after the need for a line from point A to point B has been decided. This may be in a ‘strategic environmental assessment’ (SEA) of corridor alter-natives or an EIA which addresses both corridor alternatives and detailed placement of the line and mitigation measures.

4.2.1 EU and national policies and planning

The EU has committed to halt the loss of biodiversity by 202022, which is its contribution to the global targets set under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. The Birds and Habitats Di-rectives are key instruments used by the EU in its efforts to halt the decline in wildlife. The requirements of these Direc-tives are applied through national nature protection laws.

The Directives create the Natura 2000 network of Special Pro-tection Areas (SPAs) for birds and Special Areas of Conserva-tion (SACs) for other species and habitat types. These areas protect around 18% of EU land area and are designated on a scientific basis according to the importance of the wildlife population or habitat for conservation efforts. They are not strict ‘nature reserves’ and are often not indicated by anything visible on the ground, such as a notice board or entrance gate. However, detailed maps and information on the Natura 2000 network are easily accessed (see under ‘Links’ below). Rules governing development affecting protected areas that are not part of the Natura 2000 network vary from country to country.

Only sustainable development is permitted in SPAs and SACs, i.e. developments compatible with the nature conservation goals for which the areas were designated. The Directives there-fore require precautionary avoidance of damage. In practice this means if it is not possible to exclude from the start that de-velopment proposals will have a significant effect on the Natura 2000 site, either alone or in combination with other plans and projects, an ‘appropriate assessment’ is required under nation-al legislation implementing the Birds and Habitats Directives.

The appropriate assessment is a scientifically rigorous proce-

dure and is normally applied during spatial planning and/or at the EIA stage of detailed project placement and design. Only if the assessment finds that risk to the relevant conservation interests can be ruled out (or is insignificant) can the develop-ment then go ahead. An exception applies where a project is needed “for imperative reasons of over-riding public interest” and no alternative solution (or route) is available and provided that compensatory habitat is created. Where these conditions have been met, a project may go ahead even if risks to the rel-evant conservation interests are identified.

There are advantages to factoring in the need to avoid harm to the Natura 2000 network at earlier stages than spatial plan-ning or EIA for each power line. In developing its TYNDPs for Europe, which are renewed every 2 years, ENTSO-E makes an attempt to anticipate the social and environmental sensitivi-ty of the power lines in the plan. This is achieved through the ‘social and environmental impact indicator’ in the cost-benefit methodology which is used to assess each project. A simple indication is given of the number of kilometres of each power line which is expected to pass through an area protected for environmental reasons or through a densely populated area.

Anyone interested in knowing what major transmission lines are proposed in their country, and to have a very basic indica-tion of how these might affect protected areas, can find this out in the TYNDP. This is far from perfect, but it is a rare exam-ple of nature protection being taken into account in EU-lev-el infrastructure planning. Where national grid development plans are not subject to SEA (and in the case of ‘third party’ projects proposed by developers other than TSOs) it may be the only source of information available about the potential environmental impacts of energy infrastructure ‘projects of common interest’ (PCIs), which are selected from the TYNDP.

Some EU Member States develop legally binding national or regional (sub-national) plans for grid development or for en-ergy development more widely. In these nations, the planning process provides an early opportunity for nature conservation stakeholders to engage ‘upstream’ with the way their energy system as a whole will develop. For example, national planning can consider which areas are most suitable for wind energy development and therefore likely to require new grid connec-tions. This process should provide opportunities to promote solutions that are positive for wildlife and nature. However, not all nations develop ‘plans’ of this kind, so these opportunities do not necessarily arise. The first public consultation and en-vironmental assessment processes are often at the stage of identifying corridor alternatives.

4.2.2 Environmental assessment of corridor alternatives

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is a process of studying and consulting on a broad range of expected envi-ronmental impacts under alternative ways to achieve a plan’s objectives. The process aims to make the proposed plan more environmentally friendly and the findings are one consider-ation in finalising the plan, alongside economic, social and political considerations. The location of protected areas (and the species that are protected) is one important consideration when alternative routes are considered in a SEA.

There is a requirement to consult the public on a SEA’s find-ings. Environmental authorities (government bodies with re-sponsibility for nature and environmental protection) are also consulted earlier on the scope of the studies, i.e. the kinds of impacts and alternative options that will be considered. There may also be opportunities for NGOs and the public to comment at this earlier stage, but this is not normally a legal requirement.

SEA applies to ‘plans and programmes’, in particular to spatial plans such as choice of corridor alternatives. EIA applies further ‘downstream’ in the planning process, to clearly defined ‘pro-jects’. At this stage a more detailed study is made regarding the likely environmental impacts of the exact routing of the line and placement of pylons or use of underground cabling etc. Again there are opportunities for environmental stakeholders to com-ment on the findings, for example to provide access to relevant studies or data or to raise concerns if an environmental impact has not been considered correctly. See Part 1 of this Handbook for a detailed explanation of the stages of grid planning.

The opportunities which SEA provides for earlier or more ‘up-stream’ engagement by wildlife and nature conservation inter-ests vary from one nation to another. In many nations, SEA is used by a spatial planning authority to inform their decision on the choice of a corridor and then EIA is used by the per-mitting authority when approving the detailed project design. This is the approach in Belgium, illustrated in Box 8.

4.2.3 Environmental assessmentof detailed placement and design

Once a corridor has been selected, a detailed design for the project has to be agreed and permitted. This involves deci-sions on the exact location of pylons and their design and the placement of any risk mitigation measures, such as bird divert-ers. The ‘appropriate assessments’ required under the Birds and Habitats Directives may also be made at this stage, de-pending on the way in which power lines are planned and per-mitted in each nation. The later in the decision process these issues are considered, the more likely it is that difficulties will be encountered in meeting the Directives’ requirements.

National Grid in the UK does not develop legally binding grid development plans. It instead develops a non-binding Elec-tricity Ten Year Statement (see under ‘Links’ below). National Grid consults on the scenarios that underpin the Statement and on the Statement itself, but developing it does not involve carrying out an SEA process. For onshore power line develop-ments there is no formal spatial planning process as in Ger-many or Belgium, so again SEA is not undertaken at the stage of corridor planning. Nevertheless, National Grid undertakes a similar process of mapping possible corridors and consulting with authorities and stakeholders before making a decision.The first legally binding environmental assessments for on-shore power lines are therefore at the permitting stage. Under-ground and marine cables, however, are not listed in the an-nexes to the EIA Directive23, so EIA is not a formal requirement in the UK. Nevertheless, National Grid usually undertakes an EIA study in the same way as it would for an overhead pow-er line. Box 9 below explains how environmental assessments were applied in the Nemo Link project.

4.3 What more can TSOsand environmental stakeholders do?

4.3.1 Start early and streamline procedures

In Europe, the data available on the distributions of vulnera-ble species and on the protected areas network are good by world standards. There is also a good understanding of how sensitive various species and habitats are to grid development and to the development of energy supply technologies, such as wind power or bioenergy crops. It is possible to develop maps that indicate the ecological sensitivity to energy supply and grid development of each square km of land area and to use this as a basis to inform national energy system planning. ‘Sensitivity mapping’ of this kind is already used to help wind farm developers find suitable sites in several parts of Europe such as France, Germany and Scotland. It is also used to map electrocution risks in distribution networks in several nations where this is a problem (see Box 7).

At EU level, a more sophisticated approach to grid planning could be taken to understand and communicate the environ-mental risks of priority power lines. This would help devel-opers to plan ahead to avoid impacts and help conservation stakeholders to engage early to help find solutions where there may be real concerns for wildlife and habitats. Nature would also be better protected if more nations developed credible, long-term energy system and/or grid plans that take ecological sensitivity into account.

These recommendations sound like they would create addi-tional work in what is already a lengthy process of grid planning and permitting. However, done well they should, in fact, reduce procedural requirements at later stages because much data and information has already been collected and many issues have already been identified and problems avoided or solved.

The idea of ‘streamlining’ environmental assessment proce-dures is promoted by the European Commission as one way to speed up delivery of priority (PCI) projects without compro-mising on environmental protection. It means doing the work more efficiently, sharing data across the various assessment processes and reducing the number of authorities that devel-opers have to communicate with. The principles set out in EU guidance for PCIs (see ‘weblinks’ below) are a good basis for more efficient procedures for all power line developments.

4.3.2 Involve NGO experts in advising on risks to birds

Often the most knowledgeable experts on local ecology may be employed by nature conservation NGOs. It can be very valuable to involve them in the design and development of studies and assessments. They can provide local, up-to-date knowledge about species distributions, advise on how to find the most accurate and complete data and may help in making contact with other environmental stakeholders. In BESTGRID, for example, NABU experts worked with 50Hertz on the en-vironmental assessment process for the upgrade of the Ber-tikow-Pasewalk overhead power line, to help ensure nature conservation concerns were addressed as fully as possible during planning (Box 10).


The need for the Stevin project (see Handbook Part 1, p. 14) was established in the Belgian National Grid Devel-opment Plan 2005-2012. These 5-yearly national plans are legally binding (i.e. the connections it identifies have to be built). An SEA process accompanies their develop-ment. The SEA informs and consults authorities, other stakeholders and the public and provides recommen-dations on the plan. However (as noted in Part 1 of this handbook and in a review of stakeholder engagement undertaken for BESTGRID by Belgian NGO Bond Beter Leefmilieu), public engagement was very limited at this stage by stakeholders.

This may reflect the fact that SEA at this stage is rather ‘abstract’ in terms of likely environmental impacts, as it remains unclear which broad corridor alternatives may be considered. Nevertheless, by publicising the opportunity to engage more widely and enabling engagement by environ-mental stakeholders, this national planning stage should provide opportunities for all concerned to start thinking early about climate and nature implications, such as the consequences for renewable energy generation and the geography of important wildlife habitats.

There was detailed consideration of wildlife habitats at the stage of the SEA of corridor alternatives for the Stevin project, which was undertaken in 2009-11. The public and NGOs, such as BBL and Greenpeace, were consulted on the scope of the study and this led to proposals for route al-

For interconnectors between the European mainland and the UK marine cabling is required. In all nations with a coastline an offshore route may be possible for certain power lines, with advantages such as greater public ac-ceptability, but for a much higher financial cost than over-head routing onshore. Marine cabling has clear advantages for bird protection as there is no potential for collisions.

Cables are buried in the seabed to avoid risk that they could be damaged. Seabed surveys are used to find a de-tailed route which avoids areas of high biodiversity value. For example, in the NemoLink project the cable system was routed to avoid areas of Sabellaria spinulosa aggregations. This species of worm lives in a tube built of sand, gravel and

ternatives and variations and many calls for the use of under-ground cabling. Figure 5 shows a map produced in the SEA re-port which addressed route alternatives in the area between the port of Zeebrugge and the city of Bruges. The area has a high population density and also some large protected areas.

The large green area in the centre of the map is a Natura 2000 area designated for overwintering geese, which are known to be vulnerable to collision with power lines. The Birds and Habitats Directives, which create and protect the Natura 2000 network, require precautionary avoidance of damage to the conservation of such areas. These effects may arise where a power line runs close to, not just within, a protected area.

The SEA process determined that significant effect on the geese could not be ruled out using overhead lines through, or very near to, the Natura 2000 area. The lines marked in red on the map, therefore, were ones where underground cabling would be the only option. The lines in orange are ones where the SEA determined that overhead lines would be acceptable provided bird deflecting spirals were used to reduce collision risks. The green lines were acceptable overhead, even without added mitigation of collision risks.

The SEA findings were one consideration used by the Flem-ish Government in deciding on the final route. Public con-sultation on this plan and its SEA report attracted 1,700 statements of opposition, many calling for full or partial un-dergrounding. Overhead lines through dense habitation to

pieces of shell. Surveys undertaken to inform the EIA found large aggregations of these worms forming reefs on the sea-bed. These ecologically important areas were avoided by dis-tances of 90m for the larger reef formations and 150m for the smaller structures, following advice from the government’s nature protection authority, Natural England.

Cable laying causes short term damage to the seabed and may temporarily suspend sediments, with potential ecological im-pacts24. However, lasting damage to sea beds and significant risks to marine wildlife are unlikely with careful routing and good practice in laying the cable. Greater risks may arise at the coast where a cable comes onshore through the ‘intertidal’ zone. Habitat damage at the coast can be avoided using hori-

zontal directional drilling or routing through soft sediments that quickly recover after a cable has been laid.

Coastal zones are often important for birds and other wildlife, so it may be necessary to take precautions, such as carrying out construction work at a time of year when a protected spe-cies is not using the area. Further onshore, there is also a need to consider the environmental impact of building a convert-er station near the coast, the potential ecological impacts of underground cabling to the converter site and of any new or reinforced overhead lines in the onshore network.

National Grid Nemo Link Ltd chose to carry out an EIA for all elements of the Nemo Link project, even though this was not a legal requirement for the offshore cable itself in the UK (nor is it in France, but is in Belgium). A licence under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 was required for certain aspects of the project, such as the laying and burial of the cable between the top of the intertidal zone, 12 nautical miles offshore and horizontal directional drilling.

the south of the protected area were not socially acceptable and within the protected area they were not legally accept-able. As a result, the route chosen in the approved land use plan includes a 10km stretch of underground cabling through the south-west corner of the protected area.

A project EIA then considered detailed placement of the pylons

There are several conservation sites of importance within the cable route corridor, including Thanet Coast and Sandwich SPA, Sandwich Bay SAC, Thanet Coast SAC and the Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay Ramsar Site. The competent au-thorities responsible for licensing, the Marine Management Organisation and the local planning authority, concluded that a Habitats Regulations Assessment (i.e. an ‘appropriate assessment’ under the Birds and Habitats Directives) was required. They requested further information on installation methods and quantification of potential impacts on the SPA and SAC sites in order to carry out the assessment.

Impacts upon the designated sites and birds were limited by routing the cable system to avoid the areas of greatest sensitivity and directional drilling. Impacts were further mitigated by avoiding installation works in the intertidal ar-eas in the key months when birds use the area. After a nine month licensing process, the authorities established that the project would not cause significant harm to the protect-ed areas, so could go ahead.

and more detailed mitigation of environmental impacts such as bird deflectors. However, at this stage the broad route was already established, so decisions had already been taken on how to avoid impacts on protected areas and species. This underlines the importance for conserva-tion stakeholders to get engaged ‘upstream’ in the planning process, when route alternatives are still open.

8 . C A S E S T U D Y O F S E AF O R T H E S T E V I N P R O J E C T

9 . E N V I R O N M E N T A L A S S E S S M E N T O F T H EN E M O L I N K M A R I N E I N T E R C O N N E C T O R P R O J E C T



In order to minimise impacts on new areas of housing or nature 50Hertz aimed to follow the route of the existing line from Bertikow to Pasewalk as much as possible when planning how to upgrade this connection. However, the environmental assessment process also considered some route variations, to further reduce impacts. NABU accom-panied the planning process. This involved advising on the scope of the assessment, joining site visits, researching and providing information on ecological risks at public events and assisting 50Hertz with stakeholder mapping.

All proposed route variations avoided crossing any Natura 2000 areas. However, the line is in the north-east of Germany, which is an important area for protected breeding bird spe-cies. There are seven SPAs in close vicinity to the project. NABU researched the distribution of breeding birds known to be at risk of collision with overhead power lines, such as cranes, storks, bitterns, lapwings, curlews, snipes and eagles. 50Hertz mapped protected areas in relation to the routing options (Fig-ure 7) and NABU provided in-depth analysis of the actual risks, based on detailed species-specific and local knowledge.

This enabled NABU to identify six locations where the pro-posed line could add to conservation risks for vulnerable

species (Figure 7). As a result of NABU’s work, an additional route variation was added for consideration, avoiding the for-ested area called Pasewalker Kirchenforst, at the northern end of the route illustrated in Figure 7. An ecologically sensitive approach to re-using the existing corridor through this forest was also proposed. NABU advised against a western corridor option, as it runs close to two SPAs designated for vulnerable bird species, and avoidance of lakes, grasslands and wetlands used by vulnerable birds (Figure 6). NABU also made recom-mendations on additional and more up-to-date ecological data sources and on the safest designs for pylons and bird de-flectors from a conservation perspective.

Eric Neuling, who led NABU’s work in BESTGRID, reports that early and intensive engagement with the TSO in this project has had multiple benefits. By engaging more thoroughly with independent environmental experts, 50Hertz was able to take nature protection into account more thoroughly and to build trust among nature conservation stakeholders, with benefits for environmental compliance. For NABU, working with 50Hertz in this way provided a great opportunity to engage early in pro-ject planning for the benefit of nature. It created space for infor-mal dialogue and developing working relationships that could never be achieved by simply reacting to plans at a late stage.

1 0 . W O R K I N G W I T H A C O N S E R V A T I O N N G OF O R B I R D P R O T E C T I O N – T H E C A S E O F T H E

B E R T I K O W - P A S E W A L K B E S T G R I D P I L O T P R O J E C T







› If bird electrocutions occur in your region, consider approaching your local electricity supplier to de-velop a joint ‘sensitivity map’ which shows where vulnerable species and dangerous pole designs co-incide. This can then be used to prioritise actions to save the birds and to reduce the number of power outages and forest fires that electrocutions cause.

› Contact BirdLife Europe to learn more about success-ful projects where NGOs have worked with distribution system operators to make power lines safe for birds.

› Find out what new power lines are planned in your re-gion or nation. Offer your detailed local knowledge on the distribution of birds that are vulnerable to collision risk early in the planning process, to help the develop-ers take it into account when deciding on routing.

› Work with BirdLife or other experts to map bird colli-sion risks, to avoid adding to the mortality of threat-ened species when building new lines and to target mitigation measures in the existing network.

› Develop national grid development plans using stra-tegic environmental assessments, to make sure risks to nature are taken into account early enough.

› Undertake SEA and EIA even where it is not a legal requirement: if they are done well they ensure stake-holders are fully informed and have an opportunity to provide input and help to create better plans and projects.

› Monitor and report on bird collisions, to improve knowledge about this risk and its management.

› Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Habitats (Bern Convention) agreement on pro-tecting birds from power lines: s/072011_IKB/Protecting _birds _from_powerlines.pdf

› Guidelines on how to avoid or mitigate impact of electricity power grids on migratory birds in the Afri-can-Eurasian region:

› Interactive map of the Natura 2000 network:› National Grid Electricity Ten Year Statement:

tion/Future-of-Energy/Electricity-Ten-Year-Statement› More info on NABU’s work with 50Hertz (in German):

gie/stromnetze-und-speicher/16876.html› BESTGRID report by NABU on Bertikow-Pasewalk:

energie/nabu_final_report_bestgrid_2015-04-30.pdf› Guidance on streamlining environmental assessment

for priority grid projects (PCIs):




2 “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of ‘needs’, in particular the essential needs of the world’s poor, to which over-riding priority should be given; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.” Our Common Future, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987.

3 Kerr J.T. et al (2015) Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents. Science Vol. 340 Issue 6244, pp. 177-180.

4 Urban, M. C. (2015) Accelerating extinction risk from climate change, Science, Vol. 348 issue 6234, pp. 571-573.

5 Huntley B, Green RE, Collingham YC, Willis SG. (2008) A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds (Lynx Editions, Barcelona).




9 Parsons Brinkerhoff (2012) Electricity Transmission Costing Study.

10 In 2012 1EUR was worth approx. 0.8GBP.11 Undergrounding High Voltage Electricity Transmission Lines. National

Grid, January 4 2015.

12 In 2015, legal changes favouring underground cabling for HVDC lines were

under consideration, requiring further route planning and environmental assessment processes.

14 Bevanger, K (1998) Biological and conservation aspects of bird mortality caused by electricity power lines: a review. Biological Conservation, 86, 67-76.


16 There is some evidence of negative local population impacts of wind farm development, for example on red kites in the state of Brandenburg in Ger-many. Bellebauma J., Korner-Nievergelt F., Dürrc T. and Mammen U. (2013) Wind turbine fatalities approach a level of concern in a raptor population. Journal for Nature Conservation 21, 394–400.

17 Bern Convention Recommendation 110 (2004)





BESTGRID project visit to bird protection site identified by NABU

BESTGRID pilot projectsat a glance

UK/Belgium Nemo Link project, AC cable from 400kV Richborough substation in south-east England to DC converter station on the coast,DC undersea cable between DC converter stations on English and Belgian coasts, length: ~ 120km, AC cable from DC converter station on the Belgian coast to Zeebrugge substation (National Grid Nemo Link and Elia). Expected start of operation: 2018.

Belgium Stevin project, 380kV AC line/cable, length: 47km, out of which 12km new overhead line, 10km underground cable, 25km upgrade of existing 220kV line (TSO Elia). Expected start of operation: 2017.

Belgium 150kV AC underground cable project Waterloo-Braine-l’Alleud in a densely populated area near Brussels (TSO Elia); length: 5km.Project put on hold in 2014.

Germany SuedLink project, a 500kV DC transmission line from northern to southern Germany (TSOs TenneT and Transnet BW), length: 600/800km. Expected start of operation: 2022.

Germany Project Bertikow-Pasewalk, upgradeof an existing 220kV line by a new 380kVoverhead power line in north-east Germany(TSO 50Hertz Transmission), length: 30km.Expected start of operation: 2019/20.

Italy Workshops on the international transferability of good practices and testing communication tool for good practice sharing (TSO Terna).