protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? when it’s time to choose a...

Protect your interests and shape your future. Top ten questions when planning for financial security.

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Page 1: Protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to work with someone who is not only competent, but

Protect your interestsand shape your future.

Top ten questions when planning for financial security.

Page 2: Protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to work with someone who is not only competent, but

What is the sign of a good decision?®

Figuring out exactly what you want to achieve, what you care about most, and how

life’s uncertainties could affect your goals and aspirations. Basically, it’s all about

taking a look down the block and around the corner. It’s about considering where

every road may lead and setting yourself, and your family, up for success. So your

children and your children’s children, have the chance to live their dreams. Then,

putting a well-conceived plan into action, to turn those dreams into reality.

Our top ten questions and answersThere are so many “Top Ten Question” lists in the financial services world. But this

list is quite different from all others. Those lists focus on questions like “How much

life insurance do I need?” “Should I buy term or permanent life insurance?” and

“how much money will I need in retirement?”

You won’t find any of those questions here. Because Massachusetts Mutual Life

Insurance Company (MassMutual) and our affiliated financial professionals believe

that when you think about how to protect your livelihood, or how to build the

financial resources you need to live your life the way you want, there’s a completely

different set of questions you should be asking.

Page 3: Protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to work with someone who is not only competent, but

1 | Who, and what, means the most to me?

What hopes and aspirations do you have for yourself and your

family? What dreams do you want to achieve? Start there.

Before you even begin thinking about the so-called “right”

financial products, you need to fully consider the people you

cherish most, the things you want to protect, and the support

you want to provide others. Whether you reflect on this ques-

tion alone, with family and friends you trust, or with a trusted

financial professional, this question should come first. No

ifs, ands, or buts about it. Because answering it honestly will

affect every single move you make concerning your financial

strategy moving forward.

2 | Who’s counting on me now? And who might be in the future?

Dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s means you’re taking

care of business today and making sure you’re well set-up to

do so in the future. It’s simple really; it comes down to short-

term and long-term goals and planning. When we think about

dependents, we always think about our spouse and our kids.

They’re the first people to come to mind…and naturally so.

That means we’re always protecting, and preparing for, their

futures. Making sure your children have opportunities that

far surpass those you’ve enjoyed, as well as, ensuring your

spouse’s financial wellbeing if something should happen to

you is already a full time job. But you can’t stop there.

When you take a closer look you’ll find you may have more

dependents than you first thought possible. For example:

parents, in-laws or siblings who, due to age, disability, or

any number of other circumstances, may be unable to care

for themselves. Or, perhaps, one day, you may find yourself

contributing to the home of one of your adult children, who

now have children of their own. Or, another possibility, with

college graduates now needing considerably more time to

find and start their own careers, parents are supporting their

children for longer than ever before.

Then, you also must consider that individuals who are single

and without a family have very important dependents as well,

namely themselves, since their financial wellbeing depends

on their ability to earn income.

Now, with your list of current and potential dependents

complete, you’re better prepared to map out your course

toward greater financial growth and security.

3 | Who’s taking care of my loved ones from day-to-day right now?

Have you ever considered whether there’s someone in your

family who provides non-financial, but invaluable, support

to those you care about? Think about a stay-at-home parent.

They may not support the family financially, but the support

they do provide is just as valuable as any paycheck. And if

a stay-at-home parent were unable to provide that support,

it would surely be expensive to replace their multi-faceted

contributions to the household. So, when you develop your

financial strategy, make sure you account for everyone who

provides essential non-financial support to your dependents,

as well as those who provide financially.


What dreams do you want to achieve?

Page 4: Protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to work with someone who is not only competent, but


4 | What types of risks, possibilities and even opportunities may be slipping through the cracks?

First and foremost, financial strategies are meant to protect

you and your family from a variety of risks. What does that

mean to you in “real talk?” Well, it means you have to be

ready for both the expected and the unexpected. Surely, that’s

not an easy task. But, as you well know, it’s very necessary

and very much worth it.

The simple truth is that life insurance is often considered to

be the most important part of financial strategies to many

people. And yes, it is certainly a very important component

of any long-term financial plan. However, what happens if

you, or your spouse, suffer an injury and cannot work for a

lengthy period of time? You’re still with your family. Yet, you

wouldn’t be able to provide for them in all the ways they’ve

become accustomed. So who would?

While unpleasant to consider, you need to prepare for the

possibility of such an occurrence, in your lifetime. Think

of risks to your financial wellbeing and livelihood such as,

caring for an aging parent, becoming a retiree facing rising

healthcare costs, or trying to preserve a family business in

changing times.

So, while you work to construct your personal financial

strategy, be sure to think about every possible financial risk.

But don’t forget about the opportunities that exist either. For

instance, there may be opportunities to create and grow a

trust, or inheritance, for future generations to support their

educational and professional aspirations. And there’s always

the possibility that you may want to change careers late in

life, or retire a little earlier than you ever thought you’d be

able to. Preparing for a rainy day is fantastic, but preparing to

create some sunshine may be even better.

5 | Will I be able to roll with the punches?

You never know what’s going to happen next. It’s just a fact.

Life is filled with uncertainty. Things change and priorities

shift. So no matter how intelligent and thorough you may

be, it’s nearly impossible to craft a financial strategy that

can account for every possible future contingency. It’s this

unavoidable uncertainty that prevents some people from

planning at all. But doing nothing is not a viable option. You

must be willing and able to adapt and evolve. So, be sure to

build a flexible financial strategy that’s capable of adjusting

to the uncertainties your future is sure to hold. This will allow

you and your financial strategy to not only survive, but also

thrive in challenging times. There are too many financial

product solutions to list here that can be structured to suit

your evolving needs. So when you speak with your financial

professional, ask about solutions that can be upgraded, or

downsized, as different events in your life unfold.

So, how do you find a person you can trust

with your finances and thus, your family’s

financial future?

Page 5: Protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to work with someone who is not only competent, but


Parents are supporting their children for longer than ever before.

Page 6: Protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to work with someone who is not only competent, but


7 | How do I find the right financial services company for me?

Based on your specific needs, your financial professional

should present you with product solutions from companies

they personally and professionally hold in high regard

because of the company’s reputation and their own experi-

ences working with them. Just as you need a strong, proven,

trustworthy financial professional, you need to demand the

same from your financial services companies. In many cases,

the products they offer will be used to address your financial

needs and objectives well into the future. To help ensure that

your financial product providers will be there when you or

your loved ones need them most, work with companies that

have stood the test of time and received high marks from

independent ratings agencies such as A.M. Best, Standard

& Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch. These rating agencies are

independently functioning and measure and report on the

financial strength and safety of companies.

6 | How do I pick the right financial professional to work with me?

When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to

work with someone who is not only competent, but also has

your complete and total trust. So, how do you find a person

who you can trust with your finances and thus, your family’s

future? Go to those you love, respect and trust. Find out who

they work with and why. Then, locate an individual and a

company with a successful history and proven heritage that

demonstrates understanding and vision. This decision is an

important one, so what else should you be looking for?

The best financial professionals are good listeners who aim

to fully understand your specific circumstances and financial

objectives before ever proposing possible solutions. They

have access to product solutions from a multitude of estab-

lished and proven companies. They should be willing and

able to clearly explain how they get paid for their services,

and should provide references upon request. Lastly, be certain

your financial professional has a solid support network

behind them. Those affiliated with strong, reputable firms

will likely have access to better resources to support your

financial goals and changing needs.

Okay, so those are the technical requirements. Those are the

business and investor requirements that speak to qualifica-

tions, track record and numerical results. But, you don’t live

your life by a calculator or a spreadsheet. So when the time

comes, choose a financial professional who enables you.

Choose a financial professional who gives you a reason to be

confident in exactly how you’re going about realizing your

dreams. Find one who is genuinely interested in knowing you

and knowing all about your goals. You’re investing in them

and with them. They should be more than willing to do the

same in return.

Page 7: Protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to work with someone who is not only competent, but


So, you must begin the process. By procrastinating, you

could expose yourself, and your family, to unnecessary risks

and missed opportunities, whether it’s failing to protect your

lifestyle from unexpected events, not insuring your livelihood

and legacy while in a position of medical health and financial

strength, or missing the chance to capitalize on a few extra

days of building and securing a retirement nest egg. Every

day counts, so get the most out of each day now, so you can

continue into the future.

10 | So what am I waiting for?Hopefully, after reading the previous nine questions, the

answer is nothing. You now know what to consider as you

begin developing your own financial strategy, as well as how

to obtain the best resources to make your plan work. Perhaps

most importantly, you now have a better understanding of

how to avoid the common pitfalls that lead some to take what

is perhaps the greatest risk of doing nothing at all.

Now, we encourage you to take the next step by doing some

additional research and fact-finding on your own, and seeking

guidance from an experienced financial professional.

8 | What if I already have a plan?

As discussed previously, life doesn’t stand still. So neither

can you, or your financial strategies. Even the best financial

strategies should be revisited if not revised on a regular

basis. So, at least once a year, as common life events such

as marriage, starting a family, switching careers, moving, or

even simply getting a year older affect your financial needs,

you should reevaluate your plan.

For example, what if “another birthday” means you’ve

reached a financial milestone, like collecting Social Security,

receiving Medicare benefits, or taking distributions from

your retirement accounts. A new crop of questions and issues

could arise that you should be aware of. That’s why you need

an experienced financial professional to review your strategy

with you, to help ensure it remains in sync with your objec-

tives and appropriate for your ever-evolving needs.

9 | What is the downside of putting it off?

Every moment counts. You’ve heard it before and you know

that it is true. You can’t continue to say you’ll start tomorrow.

Or, you don’t have time right now. Or, you’d rather just live

for today. You need to start taking care of business, now.

Financial planning isn’t a sprint. It’s a marathon. Slow and

steady wins the race. Every second counts. So, it’s best to get

started as soon as possible. Or, like many before you, you

may find yourself wishing you had a bigger retirement fund.

You may find yourself wishing you’d done more, sooner, to

leave more to your children. You can’t rewrite history. But,

you can build a better future for yourself and your loved ones

by getting started with your financial planning, now.

Page 8: Protect your interests and shape your future.€¦ · work with me? When it’s time to choose a financial professional, be sure to work with someone who is not only competent, but

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