prosedur & strategi menulis artikel di jurnal internasional tole sutikno editor &...

Prosedur & Strategi Menulis Artikel di Jurnal Internasional Tole Sutikno Editor & Principle-Contact of three Scopus indexed journals: -TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control , ISSN: 1693- 6930 (terakreditasi “A” Dikti) - International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, ISSN: 2088- 8694 - International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , ISSN: 2088- 8708 Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, 10 November 2015

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Prosedur & Strategi Menulis Artikel di Jurnal Internasional

Tole SutiknoEditor & Principle-Contact of three Scopus indexed journals:

- TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control , ISSN: 1693-6930 (terakreditasi “A” Dikti)

- International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, ISSN: 2088-8694- International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , ISSN: 2088-8708

Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, 10 November 2015

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• Introduction• How to get published• Key Factors for Quality Research• Skeleton (Kerangka) of an Article

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• A good publisher publishes a good quality publication. Among the famous publishers are:IEEE, Kluwer, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Springer, IEICE, MIT, IGI Global, Emerald, Wiley, WSEAS, IOS Press, Pergamon, WorldScientific, ACM, and etc.

• Beall’s list of Probable Predatory Publisher

Basic Journal Publishing Standards

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Motivation: Why we need to write/publish in journals?

• Dissemination of research output• Career progression – moving up to the next rung on the ladder.

• Gaining recognition for work you have done.

• Setting yourself a new challenge.

• Helping your students to gain recognition for their work.

• Learning how to write to a higher standard.

• Contributing to world knowledge.

• Building your institution’s status.

• Developing a researcher profile (author prestige: recognition, networking, promotion).

Why we need to publish a research paper and the impact after publishing

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How to get published

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Kompromi: Agar tercapai kepentingan bersama?

Penulis harus ingin artikelnya bisa di-publish & disitasi orang lain

Reviewer ingin naskah disajikan dengan baik: bidang kerja (area) & kontribusinya tersaji jelas judul jelas (gamblang) menggambarkan isi, temuan utama tersampaikan scr jelas, artikel ringkas, tersaji dgn alur yg mudah dipahami, shg konteks & kontribusi jelas

Editors & Publishers ingin menghasilkan jurnal berkualitas yang dibaca oleh pelanggan dlm jumlah yang besar

Pelanggan (subscriber) ingin cepat mengidentifikasi naskah yang relevan dengan bidang minat mereka & kemudian menyerap poin kunci “key points” dgn sangat cepat

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How to get published

Melihat apa yang semua orang melihat dan berpikir apa yang tidak orang berpikir

From Prof Ian Witten’s Talk

Writing is a critical step in science although scientists are not trained to write.

Bahkan eksperimen sangat kreatif dan hasil baru akan memiliki dampak yang membosankan jika

naskah tidak ditulis dengan baik.

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A good manuscript?

Membuat readers memahami signifikansi ilmiah (scientific significance) secara mudah

Important are both• …the CONTENT – useful and exciting (menarik) • …and the PRESENTATION – clear, logical

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Theoretical Conceptual Experimentation Survey/Case Study/Interview

Data AnalysisMathematical/Experimental Proving

Research Category

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Types of paperArticle type Description Word

count*Abstract Refere


and Tables

Miscellaneous Maximum number of


Book Review 500-700 None 1-3 None Solicited “diminta” & Unsolicited


Original Article

3,000 Structured300 words

50 6 Unsolicited 10

Review Articles

Basic Science / Clinical

4,000 300 words 100 6 Solicited & Unsolicited


Brief Reports 1,500 150 words 20 2-3 Unsolicited 3 & group name

Letters Within 8 weeks of

publication, original

author to respond

500 None 3-5 None Unsolicited 3

Bridging the Gap

1,500 None 10 1-2 Solicited 3

Meeting Reports

4,000 300 words 100 6 Solicited 3 & group name

Commentary 1,500 None 10-12 1-2 Solicited 3

Visual Vaccinology

200 None 1-2 None Regular Feature 2

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Three fundamental rules yang perlu dipahami Authors

1. Identify your audience2. Think about what it is that interests your audience3. As you write, always keep your audience and its interests in


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Checklist for journal selection

Ketika kita memilih jurnal untuk publikasi, kita seharusnya memastikan hal-hal berikut:

Does the subject of your article match the journal's subject focus? Does the journal accept the article type you intend to submit? Is the journal read by your target audience? Is the journal included in bibliographic and subject-specific databases? Does the journal have an online edition? Is the journal's impact factor in line with your requirements? Is the journal regarded as a prestigious one in its field by colleagues and peers? What is the turnaround time for articles submitted to the journal? How many times a year is the journal published? What are the publication charges? Is the length and structure of your manuscript acceptable to the journal?

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Checklist for journal selection (cont.)

Ketika kita memilih jurnal untuk publikasi, kita seharusnya memastikan hal-hal berikut:

Does the subject of your article match the journal's subject focus?

Advice from Professor Stephen Ball, Editor of Journal of Education Policy:"Some people who send papers ... simply send it to the wrong journal and that's becoming increasingly the case ... And it's surprising how many people submit papers clearly never having read the journal, never opened a page of the journal or read on the website what it is the journal's interested in. And increasingly, as the Managing Editor, I'm fielding papers at the initial stage which we would never send out for review and I write back and I say sorry, this doesn't fit within the remit of our journal."

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Some questions you might wish to consider are:

• Does the journal have an international audience?• Is the journal peer reviewed?• Who is the editor? • Who is on the editorial board?• Which authors publish in the journal?• Is the journal in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI®) database? • Is the journal available online? • Is the journal published by an international association or learned society?

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Writing papers is a skill

• Many papers are badly written• Good writing is a skill you can learn• It’s a skill that is “pembelajaran yang berharga”:

– We will get more brownie points (more papers accepted etc)

– Our ideas will have more impact– We will have better ideas



ng im



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Avoid Plagiarism

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A good manuscript?

Membuat readers memahami signifikansi ilmiah (scientific significance) secara mudah

Important are both• …the CONTENT – useful and exciting (menarik) • …and the PRESENTATION – clear, logical

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• Concise “ringkas” but powerful• Story like• To the point• Free from grammatical and stylistic errors• Recognizing contributions of others • Technically correct

Attributes of a good manuscript

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Some words of wisdom (bijak)

• Innovative application of older technologies is often “good enough”

• You get a publication if you are the first to write about something

Hermann Maurer

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What is peer-review process?

• Membuat reviewer tertarik adalah jauh lebih penting, kemudian membuat tertarik pembaca

• Sangat mungkin bahwa tidak akan ada yang membaca artikel kita lebih teliti dari Reviewers.

• Menyarankan Referees yang menghargai pekerjaan Anda (political)

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How do I submit a paper to a scientific journal?

Sebelum mengirimkan makalah untuk sebuah jurnal ilmiah, dua faktor harus diperhatikan:1. Kebutuhan untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki pesan

yang jelas dan logis kata kunci: ABC (accurate, brief, clear)2. Yang kedua adalah untuk menyajikan kertas Anda dalam

format yang benar untuk jurnal yang Anda berniat untuk menyerahkan kertas.

Meskipun makalah dipresentasikan dengan hati-hati dan indah, sangat mungkin akan di-reject jika pesan dalam makalah tidak jelas. Sebelum mengirim paper, yakinkan bahwa anda memiliki “sesuatu yg penting". Untuk mengetahui hal ini, Anda harus diskusi dengan orang lain yg bekerja pada area/bidang tsb, baik di lembaga Anda sendiri maupun dari tempat lain.

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Proofread, Proofread & Proofread!!!

1. Are all words spelled correctly? (Use a paper or online dictionary is unsure!)

2. Did I capitalize the beginning of each sentence and all proper nouns?

3. Did I punctuate correctly?

4. Do I use grammar correctly?

5. Did I answer all of the topic questions, and fulfill all of the requirements on my rubric.

6. Did I include an introduction and conclusion?

7. Did I type the paper using the correct font type, size, line spacing and margin requirements?

8. Did I paraphrase all content?

9. Did I use parenthetical notations for quotes?

10. Do my sentences make sense when read aloud?

11. Have I had my paper peer edited?

12. Does my paper flow well?

13. Did I include a bibliography page?

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Cover LetterI know that when you submit an article to a journal, you should also have a cover letter. but what should you say in that cover letter?

When you submit your paper, the cover letter should contain: • Your name, address, phone, fax and e-mail numbers.• If you are going to be away from your usual address for any length of time during the three

months after submission, include this information (dates and, where relevant, alternative contact details).

• State briefly, in a sentence or two, why you think the paper is important and why the journal should publish it (in other words, state the main conclusion of the paper).

• If anyone in the field has read the paper and commented on it before submission, name these people in the cover letter, particularly if they are individuals of high standing in the field and/or if they are on the editorial board of the journal.

• If you would like a particular person in the field to referee your paper, suggest this person (although you must be confident that the person is independent, in other words does not collaborate with you or have any other reason to be biased in your favour).

• Similarly, if there is anyone you would not like to review your paper because you think they would not give an objective assessment, state this person's name and laboratory.

• Any other details you think are relevant.

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Elsevier Journals

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Nature Publishing Group a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited

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Key Factors for Quality Research

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Ukuran kualitas articles?

What are the key factors to measure the quality articles? Originality Novelty Addressing new problems/complex issues Useful for real world applications Adaptability (flexibility)- diversified Data , scalability Applicability Generality Future Directions

(from: T. Herawan slides)

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Originality “Keaslian”

• What is Originality?– An original work is one not received from others nor one

copied from or based on upon the work of others.– It should be unique solution and invented by ourselves

based on our own thinking but not from others thinking or any existing papers/concepts.

– How to Prove Originality? –Literature review Introduction section

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Novelty “Kebaruan”

• What is Novelty? – It is some thing new or Modified one or Motivated one or

Inspired one.– It may be based on existing concepts or basis/Hypothesis.– Originality can be a Novelty but Novelty cannot be Original

- This is my argument.– Basis should be supported either by mathematical Model

or Facts (if he is not good in mathematics).– Most important is Literature Survey and Experimental

results with state of the art methods .

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Addressing a New/Unsolved Problem/Complex Issue

• What are New Problem and Complex Problem?– Problem should not have been addressed in the past.– New problems may exist because of new applications and


• How to prove, it is a new problem? – Literature Survey and citing new applications.

• New Problem vs Novelty ????

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Useful for Real World Applications• Identify exact Applications rather than citing general

applications.• Introduction should pin point exact application.• Clear experimental results for the specific

application.• Comparative study with the state of the art methods.

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• The method should work for different data, size and large data.

• It should have ability to cope with distortions and unexpected.

• It should require minimum changes.• How to prove it

– Experimental results on diversified data, large data along with the benchmark data

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• The concept or idea should work for different applications with minimum changes.

• The same concept can be used to solve different problems.

• In other words, it should be easy to implement and understand.– E.g. Conference work

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• The idea or concept should work for general data.

• In other words, it should give optimal solution to both specific data and general data.

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Future Directions

• The scope of the problem or the method should be expandable.

• One should not say, we have solved the problem completely (100%)-impossible.

• Present failure cases of the method and mention drawbacks/weakness.

• idea or concept should give insights about future issues when the researcher read the paper.

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Skeleton (Kerangka) of an Article

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Key to writing skills

• The path to writing well is to read excellent writers and

write…….and write…and write• “Free write” your thoughts. Don’t worry about structure initially.

• Use the best paper in your field as a template and try to convert your free write-up into a format.

• Keep writing concise, dynamic and simple in construction.

• Convey enthusiasm in your writing so it attract the audience.

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When to write a draft of manuscript?

• Best practice- Prepare the figures and write the draft as the experiment is progressing

•Second Best practice- Write the first draft at a meeting where work is first presented. The experiment will be fresh in mind and free time in the evenings may be sufficient to write a draft.

•Alternatively, the script of a seminar can often be used as a starting draft.

•The worst practice- to write a paper after you have left the place (lab.) where the work was performed.

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Divide and Conquer (mengatasi) !!!!!!!

• Divide and work on.....Eat an elephant bit by bit

• If you get stuck on a particular section, just skip to a different section that is easiest to write.

• It means the easiest first and the most difficult latter.

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Four questions of manuscript writing


What did you do? METHODS

What did you find? RESULTS

What does that means? DISCUSSION

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Parts of a manuscript





Results, and




Title, key words and abstracts are used for electronic searches

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Title- The backbone of an article

It indicates content and main discoveries and attracts the readers attention.It decides whether article is worth reading or will get attention of the readers.Go for the Journal instruction in writing titles.

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Attractive and Catchy

Title –makes reader going through the article for sure

Graphics plays an important role in Catching “penangkapan” the eyes of readers.

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• Most published articles are not cited- the title play a vital role

• Construction of an article title has a significant impact on citation frequency.

• By a study conducted by Thomas S. Jacques and Neil J. Sebire* there was a strong association between increasing title length and citation rate.

*J R Soc Med Sh Rep 2010;1:2. DOI 10.1258/shorts.2009.100020

The impact of article titles on citation hits

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• Electronic searches are now preferred over other means, which includes SciFinder, PubMed, Web of Sceince, Google Scholar, etc.

• These searches are based on the title or key word .• Longer, comprehensive titles are more likely to

contain given search terms.• Therefore the title should provide clear description,

finding of study

*J R Soc Med Sh Rep 2010;1:2. DOI 10.1258/shorts.2009.100020

The impact of article titles on citation hits-contd.

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Nature’s style -Manuscript Formatting Guide

Titles• Titles do not exceed two lines in print. • Titles do not normally include numbers,

acronyms, abbreviations or punctuation. • They should include sufficient detail for

indexing purposes but be general enough for readers outside the field to appreciate what the paper is about.

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• Should be informative, indicative and reflects the main ‘story’ of the article.

• The only chance you have to get the reader’s attention.• Should be crisp, concise and accurate.• Gives the quick idea of the contents (Stand alone).• What and how was done• Provide a brief conclusions• I generally write abstract at the end The detailed information must be present in the body text,

not in abstract.

Abstract- Most critical part of paper

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• Structured–IMRaD formula (will discuss more on next


• Unstructured–Paragraphs- few sentences summarizing

each section

Skeleton (kerangka) of an Article

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IMRaD structure- Writing a draft

Introduction--- What is the? Materials and methods/experimental procedures-- What did you do? Results-- What did you find? andDiscussion-- What does it mean?

Huth EJ. Writing and Publishing in Medicine, 3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1999.

Skeleton of an Article (cont.)

Scientific Writing: My Approach and Irreverent Opinions, Mark Yeager.

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• < 2% readers actually cite your article• And among these < 2% approximately 98% reader just read

the introduction

• Brief background information of the current study• Focused• Integrated review of pertinent work • Updated literature citation• Should not be too long• Importance of current study/advancement

needed/summary of new findings

Introduction- Setting the Scene

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• Ask question to yourself that why should anyone read your paper amongst the 1000’s appearing that month?Create-A-Research-Space

• It should introduce the topic and relates to the existing research.

• significance of your research. • Capture your audience. Why is your experiment

important?Avoid comprehensive review, self citations, etc


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Material and Methods

• Write the methods section first because it is the easiest to write.• Provide enough details for competent researchers to repeat the

experiment (Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why?)• Start writing when experiments still in progress • Sufficient information must be provided for reproducibility• Study design-new methods must be described in detail• Supplies, manufacturer, country needs to be added• Animal, human, protections details• Measurements/ instruments• Statistical analysis and data collection• Descriptive subheadings– general experimental methods, animals,

spectral data, etc

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You are not expected to do it…..

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• Use descriptive headings that concisely state the results.

• Data representation-concise and accurate.

• Short and easy to understand

• Consistent with the abstract and introduction

• Give tables and figures where needed

• With sufficient information so that minimum text is required.

• Don’t repeat information in graphics and text.


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• Appropriate numbering of figures and table mentioned in the text.

• Use significant figures where required.

• Avoid speculations and over discussion.

• Avoid using words such as proves, confirmed, removed all doubts, etc. Remember science is dynamic and ever changing.


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• Hardest section to write, but it is also the most important.

• Use descriptive headings that concisely summarize the interpretation of the results.

• Answer the question posed in introduction

• Correlation of your finding with the existing knowledge

• Discrepancies between new results and previously reported results.

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• What is new without exaggerating.

• Conclusion/summary, perspectives, implications.

• Research limitations and need for future research.

• Theoretical implications and possible practical applications.

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• Identify key findings and application

• Should not be a summary of the work done- abstract is doing fine with that.

• Consistent with experimental and introduction


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•Cite current and key pertinent references

•Reference citations must be accurate and complete

•Read the references

• Use correct style for journal

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ACS Style References Citations

• Abstract:Beharry, S.; Bragg, P.D. Properties of Bound Inorganic Phosphate on Bovine Mitochondrial F1F0-ATP Synthase. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 2001, 33, 35-42

• Book:Beall, H.; Trimbur, J. A Short Guide to Writing about Chemistry, 2nd ed.; Longman: New York, 2001; pp 17-32.

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• Journals:Labaree, D.C.; Reynolds, T.Y.; Hochberg, R.B. Estradiol-16a-carboxylic Acid Esters as Locally Active Estrogens. J. Med. Chem. 2001, 44, 1802-1814.

• Encyclopedias:Diagnostic Reagents. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 5th ed; VCH: Weinheim, Germany, 1985, p. 196

ACS Style References Citations

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Modern electronic tools for writing manuscripts

Use for references

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•Funding agencies

•Intellectual contributions

•Dedications •Notes

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Final Step is Revision and Proofreading

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Revision, Revision, Revision

• After writing the first draft, at least a dozen revision are usually needed to improve to the text.

• Make sure that all authors read the first draft. Give them timeline...

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• Effectiveness of the study• Supporting information• Order and flow of the article• Must be leaving reader with a new


Revision and Proofreading

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• Proofreading All authors should participate

• Grammar and spelling errors• Consistent verb tense• Vocabulary• Tighten the sentences• spell-check• Punctuation• typos

• Technical terms• Scientific symbols• Reaction scheme• Chemical structures/names• references

Revision and Proofreading

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To avoid

Jargon Preferred use

a considerable amount of much

on account of because

a number of several

Referred to as called

In a number of cases some

Has the capacity to can

It is clear that clearly

It is apparent that apparently

Employ use

Fabricate make

Day, RA. “How to write and publish a scientific paper,” 5th edition, Oryx Press, 1998.

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Responsibilities of Authors from Preparation of Manuscript to Submission

• New and original research • Manuscript have been checked by all the listed authors.• Obtain copyright permission if figures/tables need to be

reproduced• Proper affiliation • Acknowledgement

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• Originality

Novel or creative research methodology

New and important research findings

• Scientific Quality (It is impossible to write a good paper on the basis of lousy science!!!!)

•Experimental design and methodology•Research data representation•Depth of the investigation•Thorough and logical discussion of results

Criteria for Acceptance

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• Clarity of Presentation

– Organization/ presentation– Readability/ clarity of writing/ grammar– Paper is much more likely to be rejected based on

inadequate analysis than lack of originality

• Importance in the scientific world

Criteria for Acceptance

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Major Reasons for Rejection

•The study is just confirmation of previous research i.e. not novel

•Poor experimental design

•Targeted journal is not suitable

•Weakly written/presentation and language

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Process of Research and its Publication

Completion of research

Preparation of manuscript

Submission of manuscript

Assignment and peer review








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The most important factors that influence whether your manuscript will be

considered/reviewed for publication are the title, abstract, cover letter, and your

reputation based on your previous work.

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Thank you very much

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