proposal music magazine

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Post on 12-Jan-2017




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The type of music magazine that I will be crating will be focused more on an indie type of band or more of a rock type of band. The music that I will be talking about will be a mix between upcoming artists, and already established music, and established bands working together with new bands. I have chosen this style of the magazine because I believe that it will attract loads of readers and loads of people from vastly different ages, as this type of music is well known and respected. I’ve also chosen rock due to the unique style of guitar that is played and used which will attract many readers and many rock fans. Since Indie music and rock music are rather similar in some ways, this will also attract more fans as the mix between genre's will prove useful. I think the most important aspects of this genre in a magazine is the way the music is developed. People tend to fall in love with a song more or a band more if they’re original, make their own music and interpret their feelings and emotions through their lyrics and songs. Also another way I think this magazine will be successful is due to the band, and their connection to their fans. If a band is more loyal to their fans and love them as much as they love each other then, they’ll remain more faithful towards one another and will tend to buy my magazine more often.

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I will be posting my magazine monthly – and this is due to the fact that I believe that if my magazine is less frequent, it’ll be of more higher quality and rarely, rather than releasing it weekly. Due to the extended time space I’ll also be able not write a lot more information in my magazine's and make it extremely more detailed and interesting as I’d write it. It will also allow me to implement more bands in it – established and upcoming bands as well and talk about them and go into more detail. Also in my survey when I conducted a test, the majority of people voted that releasing a magazine monthly instead of weekly will attract more customers and will allow you to establish repeat purchases among my customers. Due to the large frequency that I’ll be releasing these magazines, this will more or less lead to me having an extremely larger number of pages in my magazine in order to fit in more content. The quality of content that I’ll be implementing in my magazine will be extremely high due to the amount of time that I’ll have to edit it.

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Target Audience

My target audience will be more aimed at teenagers. This is due to the fact that at this time in their lives, music will be a huge influence towards them. And in my opinion and other experts opinion, indie music influences more people to do stuff or change their lives other than any other genre, such as R&B. So I believe that if I create a magazine just perfect enough for people of a certain age, mostly around 13-18 I’ll be able to establish a well known brand throughout the world. I think they will benefit from reading our magazine as they’ll be able to read about their favourite artists, and what they do in their spare time, why they do it, what influenced them to make music, why did they make music, and then focus on each individual member of each band and give them a two page article each just to increase their knowledge.

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Similar Magazines

Another magazine that is similar to mine is a magazine called “Indie” magazine. It’s name is relatively similar towards the indie brand, being well established and known throughout the entirety of England. I consider the most important thing about these magazines ifs the brand name and how well your brand name is known. I think this is because with the revenue you’d receive from your magazines, the more money you’re able to put in to the next magazine and include more artists, bands and whoever you want. Also if your brand is more established and has a stronger established name, you’re more likely to receive messages from other artists in order to ask to be in your magazine. I reckon that I’d be able to included more detailed information, and would be able to talk about my artists more. I’d improve the website and would make it more interesting, with varying images and more links to the information.

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Just like each page has it’s own structure, so does the entirety of the magazine. The first part of the magazine will include a cover page – that including the main band of the entire magazine. I will make the front cover rather basic in this instance, with only the brand name and the picture of the band. Then, on the contents page I will leave everything around the page numbers and just litter them with information, tiny facts about the bands themselves. I do think it’s a good idea to look at similar magazines such as indie because you can see what you’ve missed out and then you can improve on it. During the month time period that I will have creating the next magazine, I will spend time constantly renovating it and remaking it and looking over the entirety of the magazine to ensure that ti’s absolutely perfect.

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I do actually have quite a lot of ideas at this stage. First of all I know who I’m going to include in my magazine but for the time being that’ll remain behind closed doors so I don’t end up leaking any information. Second of all I know what my magazine will look like and where I’ll put the main pictures and pictures of the scenery or background. I think I’ll have to add something unique to my magazine, in order that it stands out from the rest of the other magazines. I’ll also have to include a deal along with the monthly subscription. For my feature article I’m going to have to include an upcoming band that shall remain unnamed for now, but I reckon that they’ll attract a lot of interest. I think I’ll focus my pictures on something not in a studio, but externally, in different places – maybe a crowded city or a deserted park. I think I’ll have to see what colours that the pictures will come out with but I think that I’ll focus more on silver and green and maybe black.