prophet mohammad and his household

PROPHET MOHAMMAD AND HIS HOUSEHOLD (AHLAL BAYT) Muslims around the world have to pray at least five times a day; and in every prayer they have to recite Salawat Ibrahimiyya (Tashah-hud), this way: “Allahum-ma Sal-li Alaa Moham-madin wa Alaa Aaali Moham- madin, Kama Sal-laita Alaa Ibrahi-ma wa Alaa Aali Ibrahim; In-na- ka Hamidum Majeed!” “O, Allah! Bless Thee Mohammad and Aali Mohammad (his Household) as Thou Hath Blessed Ibrahim and his Household; Verily Thou Art most Praiseworthy, most Gracious.” But . . . . Surprisingly enough, very few Muslims know or even try to know the Aali Mohammad or the people for whom they ask Allah’s blessing so many times a day! Who are the Aali Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)? What is their role in Islam and in the Islamic Society? Why do we have to include them in our daily prayers? And why without including them in Salat, our prayers are not accepted by Allah (S.W.T.)?* Historical Background To know more about Prophet Mohammad’s Household, who are also known as Ahlal Bayt, or Aali Mohammad, we have to go back into the history; and to reduce the chances of any doubt, we shall try to get light, from the Holy Qur’an: “And when Allah tested Ibrahim by some “Words” and he completed (the test), Allah said: Now I appoint thee Imam of the people. (Ibrahim) Said and how about my children? (Allah) Said

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Muslims around the world have to pray at least five times a day; and in every prayer they have to recite Salawat Ibrahimiyya (Tashah-hud), this way:

“Allahum-ma Sal-li Alaa Moham-madin wa Alaa Aaali Moham-madin, Kama Sal-laita Alaa Ibrahi-ma wa Alaa Aali Ibrahim; In-na-ka Hamidum Majeed!”

“O, Allah! Bless Thee Mohammad and Aali Mohammad (his Household) as Thou Hath Blessed Ibrahim and his Household; Verily Thou Art most Praiseworthy, most Gracious.”

But . . . .

Surprisingly enough, very few Muslims know or even try to know the Aali Mohammad or the people for whom they ask Allah’s blessing so many times a day!

Who are the Aali Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)? What is their role in Islam and in the Islamic Society? Why do we have to include them in our daily prayers? And why without including them in Salat, our prayers are not accepted by Allah (S.W.T.)?*

Historical Background

To know more about Prophet Mohammad’s Household, who are also known as Ahlal Bayt, or Aali Mohammad, we have to go back into the history; and to reduce the chances of any doubt, we shall try to get light, from the Holy Qur’an:

“And when Allah tested Ibrahim by some “Words” and he completed (the test), Allah said: Now I appoint thee Imam of the people. (Ibrahim) Said and how about my children? (Allah) Said My Promise won’t be for the sinners (among them).” Holy Qur’an: (2:124).

As we have seen, here Allah granted the request of patriarch Abraham to bestow Imamah (Imamhood or Leadership) on his righteous descendants. (Not the sinners, because sinful people can’t become Imams of the Ummah. So Imams must be impeccable and infallible)

Who are They?

But who are the righteous descendants of Abraham (A.S.)? Well, those who, according to the Holy Qur’an, were granted Imamah or the Leadership of the People of the Book, namely: Isma’il, Is-haq, Yaqub, Yusuf, Dawoud, Solaiman, Moses, Jesus, and finally the last prophet of Allah - - our very own beloved Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H).


They are the righteous children of Abraham or Aali Ibrahim, who received Imamah or God given leadership over the believers. Now, there are two very important questions to be answered:

1. Who are the Aali Mohammad for whom we pray together with Aali Ibrahim, saying:

“O Allah! Bless Thee Aali Mohammad (the same way) as Thou Hath Blessed Aali Ibrahim?” (At-ta-hiyyat, Daily Salats).

2. How did Allah bless Aali Ibrahim that we ask Him to BlessAali Mohammad in the same manner?

The second question has been answered by Allah (S.W.T.) in the verse from the Holy Qur’an:

“Are they (?) jealous of the people (?) for what Allah Hath given them from His Grace? While We Gave Aali Ibrahim the Book and the Wisdom and We Gave them a Great Possession!”

Holy Qur’an (4:54).

So what was given by Allah (S.W.T.) to Aali Ibrahim, was The Book, The Wisdom and a Great Possession! (Both material as well as spiritual - - the leadership of the Ummah).

Who are the Aali Mohammad?

With regard to the first question, i.e. “Who are the Aali Mohammad?” Some people have tried, in vain, to interpret the Aali Mohammad as the followers of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)!

The answer is that every Aali Mohammad is a follower of Prophet Mohammad, but not every follower of Prophet Mohammad, is necessarily an Aali Mohammad, too!

Specifically the following points should be considered very carefully:

a) If we go to the Arab tribesmen and ask them what do they mean by “Aali so and so,” when they refer to a clan or a tribe, we will know that “Aal” refers only to the “children of a certain chieftain.”

b) In the Qur’anic terminology, except for one or two negative cases, like Aali Farun (Pharoas children/followers), the term Aal is used to mean the children of the descendants of a person. Examples are: (1) Aali Is-haq, (2) Aali Yaqub, (3) Aali Dawoud, (4) Aali Imran, (5) Aali Ibrahim, (6) Aali Yasin, (7) Aali Nooh, (8) Aali Musa, (9) Aali Haroon, etc., etc.


In the Hadith and the prayers, also, the terms Aali Taha, Aali Yasin, Aali Mohammad have always had this particular meaning. (Even in the history of Islam such terms as Aali Mohammad, Aali Ali, Aali Fatimah, Aali Abbas, etc, refer to the descendants of those respectable personalities).

Prophet Mohammad Left No Son

Some people say: But Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) left no male child after him, because his two sons Ibrahim and Qasim both died in their early childhood; then where are the children of the Prophet to become Aali Mohammad?

Well that was exactly what some unbelievers said during the lifetime of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). According to their calculations, the Holy Prophet had no son to carry his name after him and that he was an “Abtar” or without a descendant.

But Allah answered them back in a very short, yet strongly worded Sura of the Holy Qur’an this way:

“In the Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful.* Verily We have given thee (O’ Mohammad!) the Ever Increasing One. Then pray to the Lord and sacrifice. Surely thy enemy’s tail is cut off! (childless).” Holy Qur’an (108:1-3).

Though Allah (S.W.T.) took the sons of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), he left for him a blessed daughter – Fatimah Zahra (Kauthar or Ever Increasing One) who is known as “Sayyidato Nisa-il Aalamin” (The Lady of all Women of all Ages).

Thus, Prophet Mohammad’s descendants or Aali Mohammad continued not through a male child, but through Sayyida Fatimah and her beloved husband Imam Ali. (Just like Prophet Iisa (A.S.) or Jesus, who is son of Prophet David A.S. through Sayyida Maryam A.S.).

To know how the children of Imam Ali and Fatimah Zarha are called “Children of Prophet Mohammad,” we have to refer to the Holy Qur’an once more.

Mubahala Or the Spiritual Confrontation

When the Christian leaders of Yemen came to Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), and after long debates did not want to accept the truth of Islam, Allah (S.W.T.) ordered the Prophet to do Mubahala or the spiritual confrontation with them!

“Say (O’Mohammad!) let’s call our sons and your sons our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves and then ask Allah to destroy the liars!” Holy Qur’an (3:61).


All Muslim historians, without exception, say that in the “spiritual confrontation of Islam vs. Christianity” there were only five people present: They were Prophet Mohammad himself, Imam Ali, Fatimah Zahra, Imam Hassan and Imam Hosain.

(From this Ayah we understand that whenever there is a confrontation between the family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and others, the opposite camp belongs to the unbelievers and the liars upon whom is the curse and the Anger of Allah (S.W.T.)!

Here, some interesting questions arise. For instance, that Allah’s order was “let us bring our sons, and you bring your sons, we will bring our women and you bring your women, and you come yourselves and we shall come ourselves!”

Question No. 1. Who were the sons that Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) brought with him?

Answer: Imam Hassan and Imam Hosain.

Question No. 2. Who represented the women on the side of Islam?

Answer: Fatimah Zarha.

(Now why the Holy Prophet did not include any of his own wives in the crucial confrontation of Islam vs. Kufr? The best answer would be that he was carrying out the Order of Allah S.W.T.)*

Question No. 3. Who represented the “selves” in Allah’s command, aside from Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) himself?

Answer: The man who slept in place of Prophet Mohammad when he migrated from Mecca to Madinah; He who represented the Holy Prophet as the governor of Yemen and he who took the Prophet’s place when he left Madinah to fight the Romans. He was none but Imam Ali.

Now, we have the complete picture of the first generation of the Aali Mohammad or the Household of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

And what is the position of this Household or Ahlal Bayt in the Eyes of Allah (S.W.T.)? Well, let’s ask Him.

In the Holy Qur’an Allah reminds:

“Verily Allah wills to remove (all kinds of) impurities from Ye, O Household (of the Prophet) and to clean Ye thoroughly.” Holy Qur’an (33:33)

Some people argue that this verse includes the wives of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also, but as we saw before, they were not present in the Mubahala or the confrontation of Prophet


Mohammad’s family vs. the Christians or Nadjran. The Prophet should know Allah’s orders better than anyone else.

(Of course, all Muslims must respect the wives of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) as their spiritual mothers, but here we are searching for Aali Mohammad/Children of the Prophet and not his wives – may Allah bless them all). **

The Role of Aali Mohammad

After knowing Aali Mohammad or the Ahlal Bayt, now the question will be: So what if they are Aali Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)?

The answer is that: If they are the Aali Mohammad, then they will have some responsibilities over their shoulders as did Aali Ibrahim, Aali Dawoud, etc. And we also followers of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) will have some obligations to them in the same manner that the followers of Ibrahim, Dawoud, (A.S.) etc. had in the previous ages. This belief is confirmed in the following verses of the Holy Qur’an:

“Such has been the way Allah dealt with the people before, and you won’t ever see Allah change His way!” Holy Qur’an (33:62).

“This is the way of those Prophets We sent before you, and you won’t find any changes in Our Way” Holy Qur’an (17:77).

Allah’s way will never change, Allah’s way won’t alter.” Holy Qur’an (35:43), etc.

Their Role is Imamah

Every Muslim believes that the Holy Qur’an is the last of the Heavenly Books and that the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is the last Prophet or Khatamon Nabiy-yin.

In the same manner, the Imamah or spiritual leadership of the Muslims after the death of Prophet Mohammad, cannot be denied by anyone who knows Islam even a little.

For centuries, all Muslims have agreed (Ijmaa) that a Muslim has to have a Madh-hab which he will follow the Fiqah of the Islamic Jurisprudence, and the head of that Madh-hab is called Imam.

That’s why in Islam, we have the following Madh-habs and their respective Imams:

1) Madh-hab Hanafi, which is headed by Imam Abu Hanifa Bin Thabit Bin Marzban whose origin is from Iran, and who is the greatest of all Imams (Imam Azam); * (Born 80 A.H. Died 148 A.H.).


2) Madh-hab Maaliki, lead by Imam Maalik, (95 A.H. to 179 A.H.).

3) Madh-hab Shafe-iy, lead by Imam Shafe-iy, (150 A.H. to 203 A.H.).

4) Madh-hab Hanbali, lead by Imam Ahmad Hanbal, (163 A.H. to 230 A.H.).

The Imams of Aali Mohammad

As we have Imams in the Sunni School of Fiqah (Four Imams that were mentioned above), we also have Imams of the Ahlal Bayt or the Aali Mohammad.

The Imams of the Ahlal Bayt are as follows:

(1) Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib, (2) Imam Hasan Bin Ali, (3) Imam Hosain Bin Ali, (4) Imam Zainol Abidin, (5) Imam Mohammad Baqir, (6) Imam Jafar Saadiq (the teacher of the first Imam of the Sunni Madh-hab who is Imam Abu Hanifa, also known as the Great Imam, as well as another Sunni Imam named Imam Maalik), (7) Imam Musa Al-Kazim, (8) Imam Ali Riza, (9) Imam Mohammad Taqiy, (10) Imam Ali Hadiy, (11) Imam Hasan El-Askary, (12) Imam Mahdi (The World Reformer who is to appear in the future with Allah’s permission). **

However there are some differences between the two concepts of Imamah upheld by Aali Mohammad and the non-Ahlal Bayt Imams.

Take note of the following instances:

1. The Imams who were not from Aali Mohammad started the Fiqah or Jurisprudence some 100 or 200 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), while the Ahlal Bayt started Imamah (Spiritual leadership), immediately after the Prophet’s passing away.

2. The second difference between the two groups of Imams is that the Imams of Aali Mohammad all claimed to have Authority (Olil Amr) from Allah thru their appointment by Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), *** one after the other; the non-Ahlal Bayt Imams never claimed to have such an authority from anyone at anytime, and they had no authority, indeed.

The Right Number of Imams

After knowing the Ahlal Bayt and the non-Ahlal Bayt Imams (12 versus 4) I will be very interesting to ask Allah (S.W.T.) and His Prophet (P.B.U.H.) about the right number of Imams. After all, that’s what Allah (S.W.T.) has ordered when he commanded us by saying:

“O, ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and those who are Authorized (by whom? Of course by Allah, through His Messenger) amongst you (the Imams); and if you dispute in anything (including those who are Authorized/Imams) then take it to Allah and His


Messenger (ask them) if you believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment. This is a better and much agreeable judgment.” Holy Qur’an (4:59).

This Ayah expresses two things very clearly, namely:

a) Obedience to those who are Authorized (?) is obedience to Allah and His Messenger and vice versa, meaning disobedience to those who are Authorized is disobedience to Allah and His Messenger (P.B.U.H.).

This means that those who are AUTHORIZED are spotless and pure (See the Holy Qur’an 33:33), otherwise, how could Allah order us to obey someone who himself is a sinner, or a wrong doer and impure?

b) In all disputes (especially regarding those who are Authorized) a believer should refer the matter to Allah and His Messenger (and not anyone else, as some people tried to do by putting the matter to people’s decision not to Allah and His Messenger’s) see The Holy Qur’an 3:154, etc.

The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Says 12

According to a very popular Hadith from Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), the number of the Rightful Leaders or Emirs after him shall be 12 (no more no less!) and all of them shall come from Qoraish. (Ref. (1) Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 9, p. 250; (2) Sahih Muslim Vol 4, p. 482; (3) Mosnad Ahmad, Vol. 1, p. 398, etc.).

This Hadith could not be about the Khalifahs, because they were not twelve. It also could not be about the non-Ahlal Bayt Imams because they are not twelve, either.

The only twelve Leaders/Emirs in the history of Islam are the Holy Imams of the Ahlal Bayt – i.e. Imam Ali, Imam Hasan, Imam Hosain up to the last Imam, namely, Imam Mahdi. These are the only twelve personalities who perfectly fit the descriptions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

Previous Religions (Ahlal Kitab) and their 12 Leaders

Considering that the people of the Book (followers of Prophets Musa and Iisa (A.S.) also proclaim the same Source of Truth that Islam comes from – i.e. God Almighty, many things are similar or even common among these three Godly religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

In fact, the Holy Qur’an very often talks about those religions, their Prophets, as well as their history and law. It also declares many times that the Holy Prophet of Islam “Has come with the BOOK, confirming what (other books) went before it, and He (Allah) revealed the Taurah and the Gospel before.” Holy Qur’an (3:3).


Considering such closeness between these three Heavenly religions, it will be very interesting to see the leadership style as well as their numbers among them, too.

The Holy Qur’an says the number of “The Chieftains appointed by Allah among the People of Israel, was 12.”

“And We appointed Twelve Chieftains among them.” Holy Qur’an (5:13). (Note the word appointed by Allah not chosen by the people)!

And when Muslims asked the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) about the number of successors he said: “Twelve people, just like the chieftains of Bani Isra-il, “ Mosnad Ahmad Vol. 1, p. 398.

Even in the Old Testament it states that from Ismael there shall come a “Great Nation with Twelve Princes.” See, for example, this verse from that Book:

“As for Ismael, all right, I will bless him also, just as you (Prophet Abraham) have asked me to. I will cause him to multiply and become a great nation. Twelve Princes shall be among his posterity.” Genesis (17:20).

Now, who are these 12 Princes in the family of Ismael who is the forefather of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)? No one but the 12 Holy Imams of the Ahlal Bayt of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) just like the 12 Chieftains of Bani Isra-il.

Next is the number of the Apostles of Jesus (A.S.) which is also 12. (Also the 12 Gates of Jerusalem, 12 Angels, with the names of 12 Apostles, etc.).

What is the reason that the number of Princes/Leaders/Imams/Khalifahs after Prophets Musa, Iisa and Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) are 12? We don’t know, but there are some other 12 Phenomena in this universe that may explain the mystery behind this number:

a) Allah in the Holy Qur’an says:

“Verily the number of the months of the year with Allah is 12, so ordained by Him, the day He created the heavens and the earth.”

Holy Qur’an (9:36)

b) According to the scientists a big number of natural elements is composed of 12 parts.

c) The Zodiac signs which are based on the ancient science of astrology are also 12 (something to think about).

Despite these quotations, still the instructions of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) are the only reliable foundation of the belief and following his 12 progeny, as he told upon the order of Allah (S.W.T.).


Are the Imams Necessary?

There are some new groups and sects (like the Wah’habis of Saudi Arabia) who preach that there is no need for any Imam. They believe that everybody should read the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and follow them as he understood themto mean! (We shall discuss this later, but first let us see if we need any Imam to guide us in Islam). In order to grasp the question of “Do we need Imams?” better, we may put it this way: “Do w need the Prophets at all?”

The answer to the second question is: Definitely yes, because we need a messenger to bring us the message of Allah (S.W.T.) to us and guide us according to His laws and commandments.

Then you may ask, after the messenger delivered the message, and himself passed away, do we need any teacher of the Book who will explain the meanings and will interpret the difficult parts of it, and who will answer the questions that may arise, long after the messenger had left? *

The Holy Qur’an say yes. Please take note of the following verses:

(1) “And what We have sent to thee (O’Mohammad) from the Book, is the Truth, supporting the revelations before it; Verily Allah knoweth all about people. Then We gave the Book as inheritance to those servants of Us whom we chose. . . . That is a Great Giving!” Holy Qur’an (35:31-32).

(2) “The unbelievers say: Why no sign is revealed from his God (to support his claim)? Well, the truth is that you (O’Mohammad) are a Warner; And for every nation there is a Guide (Imam)” Holy Qur’an (13:7).

(3) “He (Allah) is Who revealed unto you (O’Mohammad) the Book, some verses of which are clear; Those are the fundamentals of the Book, and some are not so clear (thus need clarification).” Holy Qur’an (3:7).

Now, how shall we clarify those verses which are not so clear? Again the Holy Qur’an tells us what to do:

(4) “Then you ask those who are familiar with the Note (Reminder or the Qur’an) if you don’t know.” Holy Qur’an (16:43)

(5) “(And on Ibrahim) We bestowed Is-haq, also Jacob as a grandson and We made all of them righteous. And We appointed them Imams who guided (the people) in accordance with Our Orders . . .” Holy Qur’an (21:72-73).

(6) “And verily We sent Noah and Abraham (as our messengers) and assigned Prophethood and the Book amongst their children.” Holy Qur’an (57:26).


(7) “Verily Allah chose Adam and Noah and families of Ibrahim as well as Imran above all people. Offspring, one of the other; And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.” Holy Qur’an (3:33-34)

(8) “One day (day of Judgment) We shall call every people with their Imam.” Holy Qur’an (17:71).

(9) “O, Ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and those who are Authorized (certified by Allah and His Messenger) amongst you; And if you dispute in anything (regarding the Authority, etc.) then take it to Allah and His Messenger (ask them) if you believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment; This is a better and much agreeable judgment.” Holy Qur’an (4:59).

And what kind of Authority is that? Again the Holy Qur’an guides us:

“They ask you (O’Mohammad!) do we have any share in that Authority? Tell them (No!) the Authority, all of it, belongs to Allah (and those whom He has Authorized).”Holy Qur’an (3:154).

Through all these verses we got the following messages: (1) Every people have an Imam (Qur’an 13:7) with whom they shall come in the Day of Judgment (Qur’an 17:71); (2) The Book has been given as inheritance (after the Prophets) to those servant of Allah who were chosen by Him/Children of the Prophet’s Noah, Ibrahim, etc. (Qur’an 57:26); (3) The Holy Qur’an has some points which are not clear to everyone; (4) We have to ask those who are knowledgeable about this Book; (5) There are some Imams who guide people in accordance with the Orders of Allah versus those who don’t; (6) We have to obey Allah and His Messenger and those who are Authorized; and finally (7) The whole Authority comes from Allah and not from men!

But Why The Household?

One may ask: Why such an Authority or Imamah is limited to the Household of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)? Why not free for all? After all, Islam is the religion of the people and for the people (though not by the people) and Allah is the God of the people?

The answers are as follows:

(1) That is the Sunnat-Allah (or Allah’s way) throughout history (among all nations and after every Prophet) and Allah’s way does not change (see Holy Qur’an 33:62 and 17:77, etc.).

As He decided for Aali Ibrahim, Aali Nooh, Aali Imran and other Prophet’s families, the same He did for Aali Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) See Holy Qur’an 57:27 also 3:33-34, 11:73, etc.

(2) The Holy Qur’an points out some specific Houses that are chosen by Allah (S.W.T.) to do His work (like the Houses of the Prophets):


“The Light of Allah shineth . . . in those Houses that Allah has allowed (chosen) to rise high/grow, and to mention His Name, in which, He is praised in the morning as well as in the evening by (those) men whom no business or buying (and selling) will prevent from remembering Allah and establishing the prayer and giving charity (sharing) and who are fearing The Day in which the hearts and eyes shall tremble (Day of Judgment).” Holy Qur’an (24:36).

(3) Allah says: “None shall touch (handle or explain) this Book except the Purified Ones!” Holy Qur’an (56:79).

And who are the “Purified People” in the eyes of Allah? Again the Holy Qur’an identifies them:

“Verily Allah wants to remove all impurities from you O’Ahlal Bayt (Aali Mohammad) and clean you a thorough cleaning.” Holy Qur’an (33:33).

In another verse, as we noted earlier, the Holy Qur’an further emphasizes that some people are chosen by Allah to “Inherit” the Book:

“Then We Gave the Book as an inheritance to some of Our Servants whom we Chose (…) This is a Great Blessing!” Holy Qur’an (35:31-32).

(Also look at the Hadith of the Holy Prophet regarding the “Two Important Valuables” he left for Muslims after him, namely 1) The Book of Allah, and 2)The Ahlal Bayt, as teachers of the Book. See Sahih Muslim, Vol. 5, p. 272 and Sahih Tirmidi, vol. 2, p. 308, etc.)

The Wah’habi – Saudi Concept of Imamah

In recent years, the Saudi royal family and its twin brother, the Wah’habi sect, who are both by-products of the infamous Lawrence of Arabia, the British Secret Agent (please read the book of the same title or see the movie called Lawrence of Arabia to know the truth better)* are spreading a new concept of Islam in general and Imamah in particular.

The money they are using to propagate this idea is the American Petro-Dollar and the company that pays for its propagation is the so-called Arab-American Oil Company (ARAMCO). The agency that orchestrates all this “American Islam” is the Satanic Organization of the CIA, which is the evil instrument of the U.S. imperialism to destroy Islam and all other Godly and human values that may stand against their Satanic plots. (No wonder, Imam Khomeini called America, the Great Satan)!

Among the many tools that they use for their unholy purposes are the so-called “Ulama” who receives their monthly salaries in U.S. dollars coming from doubtful sources.

What Is the Comcept?


The Saudi-American Islam preaches that there is no need for any Imam and every Muslim should read the Holy Qur’an and follow what he understands from the Holy Book. (This is exactly the same concept that the CIA-backed American missionaries preach in the name of Protestantism -- Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, etc. in the Christian world). They are telling the people to read the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith (without a teacher) and to understand Islam (without a guide or Imam) while they know very well that 60% of Saudi Arabians are “no read no writes!” Also a big percentage of the Muslim population in the Middle East or elsewhere, either don’t know how to read and to understand the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith or they are simply illiterate.

What Is The Purpose?

Apparently, this plan, or plot, is pretending to believe that the Book of Allah is complete (which is true) and that every believer can understand all that is revealed in the Book (which is not true). See Holy Qur’an (3:7).

But the real intention of its advocates is to prevent the formation of any Islamic Organization under the leadership of a spiritual Muslim leader or Imam that can unite Muslim Ummah to stand against the Satanic forces of Imperialism and declare Jihad against America and its puppets in the world, namely Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Just to know how successful this Anti-Islam, Anti-Imamah scheme has been in the Muslim world, it’s enough to note that for more than half a century, all Islamic movements in the Muslim world have failed to establish an Islamic rule. (Look at the Ikhwan Al-Muslimin in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, etc. or those Islamic movements in countries like Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. and you will see failures after failures of such Islamic Organizations or Fronts).

The only successful Islamic movement that was able to establish an Islamic government in a Muslim country so far has been the Islamic Revolution of Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini; and the major factor for this successful Islamic Revolution was Imamah or the spiritual leadership rising up against the corrupt regime of the Shah of Iran.

This phenomenon – Imamah vs. the corrupt governments, is what the Saudi royal family and the rest of the corrupt regimes in the Muslim world and their “mother” the U.S. imperialism, are so afraid of. That’s why they spend so much money and use so many “Ulama” as a tool just to preach that there is no need for Imams and that everyone is an Imam for himself! (Thus there are no united fronts against Imperialism and there is no Ummah, no Jihad and nothing at all!) But as Muslims, we should think that if there be no Imam, who else then shall declare Jihad (which is emphasized in more than 200 places in the Holy Qur’an)? We can’t even have a Friday prayer, Id-Al-Ad’ha, Id Al-Fitir prayers, etc. without an Imam; how then do we expect that the Muslim Ummah could march forward (both spiritually and materially) without an Imam?


Do you think that all Muslims for many centuries have been wrong by following Imams? Are we to accept that only the newly established “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its new Wah’habi sect” are right and the rest of the Muslim world is wrong? Can you believe that?

But The Holy Qur’an Says It Differently

The Holy Qur’an tells us a different story. It teaches us that we need an Imam or a spiritual leader who will follow the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and will implement the Commandments of Allah (S.W.T.) (not the dictates of the U.S.) in the Muslim society. It does not allow the community to be without a spiritual guide or Imam, even just for a day!

When Prophet Musa (A.S.) was called by Allah (S.W.T.) to Mount Sinai (for 30 days), the Holy Qur’an says: “He appointed his brother Aaron as his Khalifah and leader (Imam) of the people.” Inspite of this, some people did not want to follow him and started worshipping a calf (!). This is the case which proves that you can’t follow what you think is right - - certainly you need a guide or an Imam.

The Holy Qur’an tells it better:

“And We (Allah S.W.T.) invited Moses for thirty days; then We (testing the people) increased it by ten more days; thus making it forty nights; And Moses told his brother (Aaron) take my place among my people (lead them), improve the situation and follow not the ways of corrupt men!” Holy Qur’an 7:142. (See, corrupt men even among the followers and companions of Moses and Aaron)!

In the history of Islam the same event was repeated. When Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) left Madinah to fight the oppressive government of Rome, he assigned Imam Ali to run the Islamic City State of Madinah during his absence for a few days. But some people did not want to follow Imam Ali. (The same story for Musa and Aaron. No wonder Prophet Mohammad said: “O, Ali you are to me like Aaron to Musa (A.S.) except the fact that there is no Messenger after me.” Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5, p. 492). *

So, the Imam is needed in a Muslim society, not only for a long period, but for every single day in the life of the Ummah. (To our opinion, the basic reason why the Muslims of the Philippines could not reach their goals despite 400 years of Jihad, is the lack of a united front under the leadership of a qualified Imam acceptable to the majority of the Muslims in the country).

The Love of Aali Mohammad

Allah in the Holy Qur’an says:


“Tell them (O’Mohammad) I don’t ask any compensation for it (preaching Islam) except (that you) love the loved ones!” (of the Holy Prophet). Holy Qurian (42:23).

According to the Islamic historians, a group of Sahaba (companions of the Holy Prophet) came to him and wanted to offer him some material things as a token of their appreciation of what Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) had done in guiding them towards Islam, and out of the Jahiliyyah and Ignorance. But Allah told the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to tell them that he needed nothing of their material possessions! However, if they wanted to repay the Holy Prophet, they would better be kind to his relatives and descendants. Unfortunately, many so-called Muslims did the exact opposite!

The Biggest Tragedy in Islam

Inspite of the Holy Prophet’s repeated recommendations and clear instructions, all the Imams of Aali Mohammad and a big number of Prophet’s children and grandchildren were either killed by sword or poisoned by the people, immediately after the death of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

Fatimah Zahra, the only child that Prophet Mohammad left behind him, and wife to Imam Ali, mother of Imams Hasan and Hosain, and the lady whom all Muslims remember during the Khotbah of Friday prayer and other Salats, was critically wounded by a mob who attacked and burned her house. They injured her physically and killed the fetus in her womb! This tragic event took place even as the body of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was left unburied. Because some people thought that the election of a Khalifah or a successor was more urgent than the burial of the body of Prophet Mohammad! (Leadership of the Ummah seemed so important to the Sahaba; then why did the Prophet say nothing about such an important issue? Or did he say, but some people did not want to follow)!

Fatimah Zahra was injured severely and died of complications six months after her father passed away. She was only 18 years old at the time of her tragic death. She requested Imam Ali to bury her secretly as a sign of protest against those ungrateful “followers” of her father!

Until now, no Muslim knows exactly where is the tomb of Fatimah, the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

Imam Ali, the husband of Fatimah, and the cousin of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was disobeyed, hurt, and finally martyred inside the Kufa Mosque during a morning prayer.

Imam Hasan, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad, (son of Fatimah and Ali) was disobeyed and dastardly poisoned by Mo’awia, the governor of Damascus, who was also a former companion of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

Imam Hosain, the second grandson of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was beheaded by Khalifah Yazid, son of Mo’awia! Along with Imam Hosain, 72 other Muslims (some Aali Mohammad and some Sahaba of Prophet Mohammad) were killed by Yazid’s soldiers.


His sisters, Zainab and Ummi Kulthum, the granddaughters of the Holy Prophet, and Imam Hosain’s own daughters (Sakina and Roqayya) were taken as captives, and were introduced to the people of Iraq and Syria as “non-Muslims!” (And today the followers of Yazid and Mo’awia call the followers of the Ahlal Bayt as non-Muslims. Is it amazing? Like father, like son!)

All other Imams of Aali Mohammad, except for Imam Mahdi, have been jailed (Imam Musa Al-Kazim for 14 years) and killed through poisoning by the Khalifahs of their times, both the Umayyads as well as the Abbasids.

This is how the so-called Muslims returned the services of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) after his death.

And now, the Saudi government and its Wah-habi rulers have destroyed the tombs of four of those Imams of the Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet, namely: Imam Hasan, Imam Zainol Abidin, Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir, and Imam Ja’far As-Saadiq. They argue that, according to the Wah-habi / Salafi Islam, construction of any tomb for anybody is a “Bid-ah” (!) or un-Islamic.

(What about the tombs of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) or Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) and other Prophets)?

How come building palaces with golden faucets for Saudi royal family is not a Bid-ah and contrary to the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad? Why the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not a Bid-ah and against the teachings of Prophet Mohammad; but having a tomb built upon the burial ground of a good Muslim or an Imam, whom we are all supposed to remember, love and follow, is a Bid-ah? **

The truth of the matter is that, as the Munafiq people in the early days of Islam hated the Holy Family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and massacred them, their children today (lead by the Saudi royal family) are doing the same; as did the Jews with the descendants of Abraham or Aali Ibrahim. A.S. (See the Holy Qur’an 3:112, etc.).

The Saudi-American unholy alliance knows very well that even thetombs of Aali Mohammad can inspire Muslims in uprising against the corrupt regimes in the Islamic world – just like what Imam Hosain did when he and his followers fought against Yazid, and his anti-Islamic rule.

If these regimes were allowed to continue their crimes against Islam and the Ahlal Bayt, maybe one day, they would remove even the name of Aali Mohammad from the prayer: “Allahum-ma Salli Ala Mohammad wa Ala Aali Mohammad, Kama Sal-laita Ala Ibrahim wa Ala Aali Ibrahim.”*

May Allah forbid it! Insha Allah!