properties and uses of fibers


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WOOL FIBER Wool is the textile fiber obtained from sheep and certain other animals, including cashmere from goats, mohair from goats, qiviut from muskoxen, angora from rabbits, and other types of wool from camelids.

PROPERTIES OF WOOL FIBERWools surface structure:Wool fibres have a unique surface structure of overlapping scales called cuticle cells. The cuticle cells anchor the fibre in the sheeps skin. Wools surface is very different to typical synthetic fibres, which have a very smooth surface.Absorbency:When wool absorbs moisture, it produces heat, so if you go from a warm room into a cold, damp night wearing a wool jersey, the wool picks up water vapour from the air, keeping you warm. The reverse occurs when you go back into the warm room the moisture in your jersey passes into the atmosphere, cooling you down.

CHEMICAL STRUCTURE: Wool is a natural protein fiber that grows from the follicles of the sheeps skin. It is like human hair in that it is composed of Keratin type protein. Chemically these proteins contain 5 elements: carbon,hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. These 5 elements are combined into 19 amino acids linked together in ladder-like polypeptide chains.Fibre crimp affects wools properties:The crimp in wool fibres makes it soft and springy to touch. It also adds bulk and traps a large volume of air between the fibres, giving it good insulation properties. Finer fibres with more crimp such as Merino create fabrics that drape better than coarser fibres.Tensile Properties:The tensile properties of wool are quite vari- able but, typically, at 65% RH and 208C individual fibers have a tenacity of 110140 N/ktex (140180 MPa), breaking elongation of 3040% and an initial modulus of 21003000 N/ktex.

Thermal Properties:During the dyeing and finishing of wool, no melting of the fiber occurs. Care should be taken, however, when processing blends of wool and synthetic fibers that require higher temperatures.WOOL IS STRONG: It is often said that a single wool fiber is stronger than steel of the same diameter.

Absorbs dye:Wool absorbs many different dyes deeply, uniformly and directly without the use of chemicals. Because of this ability, wool is known for its beautiful, rich colors.

Warm and cool:Wool is comfortable to wear in both warm and cool climates. This is because wool is an absorbent fiber. When the air is cool and damp, wool absorbs moisture and keeps a layer of dry insulating air next to the skin. When it is warm, that same absorbtion capacity takes up perspiration and keeps insulating dry air next to the skin, making the body's natural cooling system work better.DURABILITY:Wool can withstand being bent 20,000 times without breaking. In comparison, cotton breaks after 3,000 bends, silk after 2,000, and rayon can only be bent 75 times without breaking. Its natural elasticity means that the fibres are less likely to break, and fabric made from wool less likely to tear. The ability of wool to "spring back" into shape, means that woolen garments tend to retain their shape better than garments made from other fibres.

USES OF WOOL FIBERSWool fabric is used for all kinds of clothing, couch covers, bedspreads, tablecloths, and upholstery.Wool felt covers piano hammers, and it is used to absorb odors and noise in heavy machinery and stereo speakers.Villagers used wool to make clothing and bags for traveling.As an animal protein, it can be used as a soil fertilizer, being a slow-release source of nitrogen.Wool fabric is also used to line boxes, shelvingMost active wear is made from wool blended fabric. Shirts, pants, dresses, ties, skirts, and jackets can be made from wool.Wool is also used for decorative and functional purposes.Wool is blended with acrylic and cotton etc. Wool is also used in boots.

COTTONCotton fiber is classified as a natural vegetable seed staple fiber that grow in a boll.

PROPERTIES OF COTTONElasticity: Elasticity refers to the extent to which a fiber can be elongated by stretching and then returning to its former condition of size or length.Cotton fiber has very little natural elasticity.STRENGTH: Strength of a fiber is indicated by the ability to resist being pulled or torn a part when subjected to stress or tension.Cotton fiber is relatively strong due to the intrinsic structure of layer of criss crossed,minute,spiraled fibrils that compose the fiber cell.RESILIENCE: The tendency of cotton fabrics to wrinkle easily may be offset by finishing processes that give a wrinkle resistant quality.

HEAT CONDUCTIVITY: Cotton has a relatively high degree of heat conductivity.Therefore it is,basically a cool fiber.ABSORBENCY: Cotton fiber is composed primary of cellulose,which is very absorbent.CLEANLINESS AND WASHABILITY: Cotton fabrics are not injured even in very hot water with strong soaps or detergents,they launder well and withsand rough handling.EFFECT OF HEAT: Cotton will withstand moderate heat.If pressed with an iron that is too hot or if a hot iron is allowed to remain too long in one place on the fabrics,it will ultimately burn.AFFINITY FOR DYES: Cotton has a good affinity for dyes.It is dyed best with vat dyes,but oxidation bases,azoic,and reactive dyes may also be effectively used.

EFFECT OF LIGHT: Cotton fiber oxidizes,turning yellow and losing strength from exposure to sunlight over a protracted period of time.Cotton fabrics should therefore be shaded from direct sunlight.Shrinkage: When Cotton fiber is wet,it tends to contract or shrink as it dries

Comfortable: Cotton fiber has large amorphous portion and this is why the air can be in and out through cotton fiber. So, the fabric made by cotton fiber is quite comfortable to use.

Drapability: Cotton doesnt intrinsically have the body and suppleness required for good drapability.However,the nature and compactness of the fabric construction can improve it.This can be enhanced further by sizing and other finishes.

USES OF COTTON FIBERCotton today is the most used textile fiber in the world.Its current market share is 56 percent for all fibers used for apparel and home furnishing.Cotton is used for terrycloth for highly absorbent bath towels and robes,denim for blue jeans,cambric etc.Badsheets are also made from cotton.Soaks,underwear and most t-shirts are also made of cotton.Cotton also used to make yarn used in crochet and knitting. Cotton is also used for pressed paper and card board. Cotton hulls are also used for fertilizer,hulk and packing. Cotton is also used in finishing nets and coffee filters.Cotton can be blended with elastine to make a stretchier thread for knitted fabrics, and apparel such as stretch jeans.Cotton are also used in the manufacture of soap,candles and detergent.Cotton fiber is also used in automobiles,tire core,and plastic rainforcing.Cotton is also used in Dippers.

LINEN/FLAX FIBER Linen is a bast fiber which is obtained from the stalk of the plant.

PROPERTIES OF LINEN FIBERSTRENGTH: Linen is especially durable being two to three times as strong as cotton.Among the natural fiber,it is second in strength.ELASTICITY: Linen has no significant elasticity.It is,infact, the least elastic of natural fiber.DRAPABILITY: Linen has more body than cotton and drapes somewhat better.RESILIENCE: Linen fiber is relatively stiff and has little resilience.Due to its stiffness,linen fabrics should not have creases pressed firmly into them.

LUXURIOUS: Linen is the most costly and luxurious of all the bast fiber.HEAT CONDUCTIVITY: Linen is most suitable for summer apparel,as it allows the heat of the body to escape.ABSORBENCY: Linen absorbs moisture and dries more quickly.It is therefore,excellent for towels and handkerchiefs.AFFINITY FOR DYES: Linen doesnt have good affinity for dyes.CLEANLINESS AND WASHABILITY: Linen launders well and gives up stains readily,its softness is enhanced by repeated washing.REACTION TO ALKALIE: Linen has high resistant to alkalies.Linen may also be mercerized.

REACTION TO ACID: Linen is damaged by hot dilute acids and cold concentrated acids,but not by cold dilute acid.RESISTANCE TO MILDEW: Like cotton,linen is vulnerable to mildew.SHRINKAGE: Linen doesnt shrink a great deal;in fact,it shrink less than cotton.EFFECT OF HEAT: Linen scorches flames in a manner similar to cotton.TENACITY: Dry 5.5 to 6.5 g/d it is 20 percent stronger when wet.DENSITY: 1.5G/CMcubeBACTERIA: Bacteria in soil can also degrade flax.FUNGUS: Can grow on flax,especially in damp and warm

USES OF LINENLinen clothing is a popular choice, especially in warm climate countries.Linen is used as a tablecloth in household.Linen is easily able to absorb moisture, it can absorb the sweat off the users skin very fast.Linen fabric is one of the preferred traditional supports for oil painting.

In some ancient countries,Linen was used only for ceremonial purposes.Flax is used in high quality paper that is used in tea bags and rolling paper for cigratte.Flax as the most common plant used for making rag-based paper.The stem fiber of flax makes a fine parchment paper.Flax contains lignans which reduce the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in Men

JUTE FIBER Jute is a bast fiber which is obtained from the stalk of the jute plant.It is also called Golden Fiber

PROPERTIES OF JUTE FIBER LENGTH: Length of jute fiber is 5 to 10 feet . FINENESS: It is a coarse fibre. Its diameter varies from 6 to 20 microns. COLOUR: Colour of jute fiber varies from yellow to brown. Strength FIbres are not so strong when compared with some othe bast fibres. TENACITY: It has moderate dry strength but low wet strength. ELASTIC RECOVERY: It has low elastic recovery. MOISTURE CONTENT: Jute contains 13.7% moisture content. DURABILITY: Jute fiber is not so durable.

RETTING: Jute is obtained by retting process. BLEACHING: Jute fiber is difficult to bleach and can never be made pure white because of lack of strength.RESILIENCY: Jute resiliency is very low.ELOGATION: Jute is relatively inelastic.DENSITY: Density of jute is 1.5g/cmcube.WEAKNESS : Jute is weakness against salt water.RESISTANCE AGAINST:ACIDS: Not resistant to concentrated acid.ALKALI: High resistant to alkali.SUNLIGHT: It doesnt effect jute.HEAT: Jute burns readly.INSECT:It has good resistance against insects and microorganism

USES OF JUTEJute is used for threads for carpets,coarse fabrics,heaving bagging. Jute is used together with sugar for build aeroplane panels.Jute is used chiefly to make cloth for wrapping bales of raw cotton.Jute furniture is also favored by consumers all around the world. Jute also may be combined with wool to make imitation silk.Jute is used as a substitude for hemp,as binding threads for carpets and rugs.Jute is also used for chair covering.Jute is made into coarse,cheap fabrics,such as burlap novelty dress goods and heavy bagging.

SILKSilk is a protein fiber made by silk worms and is the only natural fiber that is a filament fiber.

PROPERTIES OF SILKSTRENGTH: Silk is the strongest natural fiber.The continuous length of the filaments in thrown yarns provides a factor of strength above what is possible with short natural fibers.ELASTICITY: Silk is an elatic fiber,its elastic varies,as may be expected of a natural fiber.Silk fiber may be stretched from 1/7 to 1/3 its original length before breaking.It returns to its original size gradually and loses little of its elasticity.RESILIENCE: Silk fabrics retain their shape and resist wrinkling rather well.Composition: The silk fibre is chiefly composed of 80% of fibroin, which is protein in nature and 20% of sericin, which is otherwise called as silk gum.DRAPABILITY: Silk has a excellent drapability.HEAT CONDUCTIVITY: Silk is a protein fiber therefore it is a non-conducter of heat.

ABSORBENCY: Silk fiber can generally absorbs about 11% of its weight in moisture,but the range varies from 10% to as much as 30%.CLEANLINESS AND WASHABILITY: Silk fabric does not attract dirt because of its smooth surface. The dirt, which gathers can be easily removed by washing or dry cleaning. It is often recommended for the silk garments to be dry-cleaned. Silk fabrics should always be washed with a mild soap and strong agitation in washing machine should be avoided.REACTION TO BLEACH: Strong bleaches containing sodium hypochlorite will deteriorate silk.SHRINKAGE: Due to the straightness of the filament,smooth surfaced silk fabrics have only a normal shrinkage.EFFECT OF HEAT: Silk is somewhat sensitive to heat.

REACTION TO ALKALIES: Silk is not sensitive as wool is to alkalies,but it can be damaged if the concentration and the temperature are high enough.

AFFINITY FOR DYES: Silk has good affinity for dyes.It readily absorbs basic,acid,and direct dyes.REACTION TO ACIDS: Concentrated mineral acid with dissolve silk faster than wool.Organic acid donot harm silk.RESISTANCE TO PERSPIRATION: Silk fabrics are damaged by perspiration.EFFECT OF LIGHT: Raw silk is more resistant to ligtht than degummed silk

USES OF SILK FIBERSilk is used in wedding dresses,evening gowns,blouses,necktirs.Silk is used in pillows,wall hanging,draperies,upholstery.Silks attractive luster and drape makes it suitable for many furnishing applications.Silk is used in bicycle tires, comforter filling and artillery gunpowder bags.Silk's absorbency makes it comfortable to wear in warm weather and while active.Silk is used in the manufacture of fishing fibres,cartridge bags, insulation coils.Silk is used in filter clothes for flour mills, and in medical dressings and suture materials.Ribbons for typewriters, computers, cash-registers, etc. are often made of silk.Silk is often used as an insulator in sophisticated devices such as space vessels.Silk is unbeatable for their lightness and are frequently used for bridal veils and dresses.Men can also enjoy, in a masculine style, the advantages of silk shirts, silk pyjamas, dressing gowns.Silk contributes to the worldwide prestige of the fashion industry. The ready-to-wear sector is also a large user of silk, especially in the luxe category.Silk fabrics in the home, remember that silk fabric is very absorbent and stains easily, so moisture should be kept away from silk.Silk is used in curtain because it is very good fall.

KAPOK FIBERKapok is a natural fine,white hairlike fiber obtained from the seed capsules of plant.

PROPERTIES OF KAPOK FIBER LIGHTER THAN COTTON: It is eight time lighter than cotton.ELASTICITY:Since it is inelastic and to fragile,it cant be spun. GROWTH: Kapok is now widely spread in rainforests around the world and is grown commercially in Java,Thailand and other countries.HARVESTING:Harvesting kapok is labour intensive.LUSTROUS: Kapok fibres are lustrous, yellowish brown and made of a mix of lignin and cellulose.PHYSICAL STRUCTURE:The Kapok fiber has a hollow structure with external radius around 8.25 (4) m, internal diameter around 7.25 (4) m, and length around 25 (5)mm. DISTINGUISHED:Kapok can be easily distinguished from cotton.

SIMILARITY TO SILK:It is sometimes called silk cotton because its luster is almost equal to that of silk.RESISTANCE:It is also light weight,resistance to rot and odorless.STRENGTH:Kapok fiber dont have high strength.MOISTURE REGAIN:kapok resists clumping it also bounces back to the original shape after washing, a useful property when stuffing soft toys.REFUSED :It can be reused many times without developing mould or decaying

USES OF KAPOKIt is also used as a thermal insulator.Kapok fiber is is used for sound proofing and for insulating.During the war, kapok was employed for insulating tanks, for lining aviation suits, for filling floats of army assault-bridges, and generally for replacing cork wherever lightness, moisture-resistance and floating power were needed. The kapok fiber once used in floatation vests and has been used as building insulation has a hollow fiber and looks like glass fiber under the microscope. Refined kapok seed oil is used for the same purposes as refined cottonseed oil. It is used for matches.

COIR FIBERIt is a natural fiber obtained from the husk of the coconut.

PROPERTIES OF COIR FIBERHARVESTING:The fruits are harvested when still green to obtain the best quality coir. Husk usually forms 35.45 percent of the weight of the whole nut, when ripe. STRUCTURE:Coir fibres are found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut.BRISTLE COIR:Bristle coir is the longest variety of coir fibre. It is manufactured from retted coconut husks through a process called defibring.WATERPROOF:The coir fibre is relatively waterproof, and is one of the few natural fibres resistant to damage by saltwater.STIFNESS:It is little stiffness .ELASTICITY:It has a good elasticity.TENACITY:It has high tenacity.ABSORBENCY:It absorbent is resembled as jute fiber.LENGTH:Its length is 35cm while diameter of 12-25 microns.

USES OF COIR FIBERCoir is used for stuffing and upholstered furniture.Coir is also suitable for cordage,sailcloth,and coarse mattings.Coir is used to make floormats,doormats and brushes.Coir is used for to make bags.White coir is used to make string and fishing nets.Coir is also used as a substrate to grow mushrooms.Coir can be used as a terrarium substrate for reptiles or arachnids.Coir is an allergen, as well as the latex and other materials used frequently in the treatment of coir.

SISAL FIBERSisal fibre is a hard fibre extracted from the leaves of the sisal plant.

PROPERTIES OF SISAL FIBERDURABILITY:Sisal Fiber is exceptionally durable with a low maintenance with minimal wear and tear.RECYCLABLE:It is Recyclable.LENGTH:The length of sisal fibre is between 1.0 and 1.5 m and the diameter is about 100-300 mm. BUNDLE OF HOLLOW:The fibre is actually a bundle of hollow sub-fibres. ABSORBENCY:It exhibits good sound and impact absorbing properties.FIRE RESISTANCE PROPERTY:Its leaves can be treated with natural borax for fire resistance properties.DYES EASILY:The fine texture takes dyes easily and offers the largest range of dyed colours of all natural fibers.

USES OF SISAL FIBERSisal is used for the better grades of rope,for twine,for the bristle of inexpensive brushes.Sisal is subtitude for horsehair in upholstering.Sisal is used in carpets and wall coverings, handicrafts.It is also used as a binding material for plaster mouldings.Sisal is used in the construction industry to reinforce plaster in ceilings and walls.