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Imagine for a moment that your Man is a laptop computer and you are given the task to program his keyboard. It’s up to you to assign different meanings to each key, and figure out what keystrokes combine to get certain programs to run.

This keyboard learns through repetition, so the more

times you press the same key to program the same code, the keyboard recognizes it faster, eventually making typing incredibly fast and simple… but it’s the beginning that can be a pain in the ass.

This techno mumbo-jumbo has a hidden meaning:

every word you use is another keystroke, and the more you say the same word to reference the same thing, the quicker he is to respond to it.

Here’s the bottom line: Your word selection in Dirty

Dialogue depends on the following five things:

1. Association 2. Context 3. Calibration 4. Intention 5. Emphasis

Association: There is comfort in familiarity. The more time your man has heard the same word referenced for the same action/reaction, body part, etc., the more he associates a sexual feeling with that word. Context: Knowing the most effective words in each type of Dirty Dialogue situation is always a plus when it comes to getting that edge over anxiety. Calibration: You need to know where your man is at mentally at all times. Know ahead of time the reaction you will get so you are sure to never “cross the line” of his comfort zone. Intention: Make sure your emotions are behind the words you say. Why are you doing this? If your intention is to please, speak in a way that could communicate the same thing in another language without knowing what you were saying.

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3Emphasis: The way you say it is just as important as the words themselves. Put your own sexual energy behind what you say, and after a while, the words will be irrelevant all together. Tonality is key in Dirty Dialogue.

Each one of these factors is essential for high-octane

Dirty Dialogue, and they will arise naturally from your own sexual energy if you allow them to.

Male/Female Symbols

You’ve probably seen these symbols before, and you

will see the symbols of Mars and Venus used throughout the Dirty Dictionary as a means to associate each word with its relative gender. If the word is gender mutual, you will see a combination symbol.

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How To Use “Dirty” Words The truth is, anything can become a dirty word through

repetition of reference to something sexual. The more times you stroke the keyboard, the more it gets used to your typing.

But some words are already more widely recognized

than others through cultural norm, adult entertainment, and anything “R” rated by today’s standards. These words are already inside your man’s head as sexual trigger words, and they are the foundation for your Dirty Dialogue success.

There are 44 words in the Dirty Dictionary, all nouns,

adjectives, verbs, and adverbs – all with specific references to sex. Use these words frequently as you start to build your own Dirty Dictionary over time. Don’t take risks if you don’t have to. Stick to what’s tried and true, as they can almost never steer you wrong.

How To Use “Dirty” Phrases The second half of the Dirty Dictionary is scripted

phrases to help get you going. These phrases will be “ad lib” style and it is up to you to fill in the blanks. Each phrase is color-coded with its suggested word match.

Use these as a guide. Notice the “Notes” page after

each phrase sheet. Print the Notes pages out and start writing your own. The more this comes from you, the better, as authenticity is the most important part of Dirty Dialogue.

Writing down your own phrases helps you say it like you

mean it. And in Dirty Dialogue, what you “mean” is everything.

Read the Dirty Dictionary and get a feel for the

intention behind it. Feel out what context works in which situations, and how you can associate your sexual energy with each phrase you say, making sure to emphasize how you feel the entire time.

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Nouns (n.) The nouns in Dirty Dialogue are the stars of the show,

none other than the Penis and Vagina. His penis and your vagina are the main sources of sexual pleasure, and therefore deserve the most attention.

Calling attention to the sexual state of your genitals

produces multiple results at the same time: 1) It shows you are engaged in the moment 2) It reminds him how turned on he is by you 3) It shows him how horny you are 4) It shows him how much you want him 5) It gives him something to visualize Each genital breaks down into specific parts. The more

specific you get, the less thinking he has to do, resulting in a much faster instinctual reaction in his pants.

Like the true stars that they are, each genital has its

equivalent back-up dancer to make them shine even brighter than they do. The back-ups are his testes and your breasts.

Since the power of nouns is in indicating arousal, and

there are less obvious indicators in the secondary group (i.e., you don’t know how turned on he is by his balls), they receive less focus. Yet they still deserve attention.

When you start talking dirty use general nouns alone,

then break them down into specifics. The key here is starting off slow and building up the detail, one phrase at a time. Every phrase you say should push a little further, each time, a little bit more.

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Adjectives (adj.)

Adjectives are the heart of descriptive language because they can paint pleasing pictures in your man’s mind. There are two types of adjectives in Dirty Dialogue.

Fantasy Adjectives are subjective words, so it is up to

the individual to perceive and decide what they mean. The advantage you have here is that any subjective adjective you use will immediately be interpreted as your man’s ideal image.

His fantasy is where his “perfect” sexual scenario is,

and by using adjectives that appeal to his fantasy, he will experience that image in his mind. The goal is to have him paint you as that image, which shouldn’t take much effort at all.

Physical Adjectives are objective words, meaning that

they call attention to reality when the critical mind must consider something measurable, tangible, and ultimately primal.

The physical is where his “inner caveman” lives, relying

on instinct and interpreting though the senses, in this case audio and visual.

The goal of using Adjectives is to combine Fantasy

words with Physical words, joining the two modes of perception as one.

With enough practice, you will be able to inject fantasy

images in your man’s head, then pull his attention back to reality, where he can experience both the emotional rush of fantasy and your physical touch of pleasure at the same time, anchoring in his mind that you are the cause.

Adjectives are particularly helpful for both Dirty Dialing

and Dirty Delivery, when you are not physically together and the description you give is his mind’s only frame of reference for visual stimulation.

The following adjectives are just a handful from an

almost endless supply. Find your own that work for you and give it all you’ve got, no matter what.

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Verbs (v.)

Verbs are your power punch. They are the actions you

take, and every step of the dirty deeds you do. Since men are highly motivated by action (especially

when visual and audio stimulation is involved), your use of verbs can act as sex catapults to blast him into action.

The most obvious (and most “dirty”) verb in the sex

book is “fuck.” You don’t have to use the word “fuck” if you don’t want to, as cursing has zero relevance in Dirty Dialogue.

“Fuck” can be used to indicate both giving and receiving

sex, or it can be used as an adverb to add emphasis to your statement (example: “That feels so fucking good!”). Other than that, you can just as easily go without using it at all. That’s completely up to you and what you are comfortable with (and why I didn’t include it in this list!)

All other verbs are different, because they’re used when

one person is primarily giving physical pleasure while the other is receiving. If your man is having sex with you and he’s on top, he’s the Giver. If you’re on top, he’s the Receiver. If he’s giving you oral, he’s the Giver, and vice versa.

Use verbs to comment about your actions, passions,

and desires as they happen, and always refer to your two different states of arousal individually, forcing him to pay attention to what is going on.

If you are giving him oral, you want to use questions

and confessions to get him to admit that he likes it and wants more. Follow that by expressing how much you love to do it, and he’s a happy camper.

Refer to your sexual state as much as you can, and

always repeat that it’s all his fault. Blame him for how uncontrollably horny you are and make him take responsibility for how much you love having sex with him.

Stack multiple verbs as you get more and more in

depth and in detail. Soon you’ll be firing out verbs like a sexual rocket launcher and he’ll have no idea what hit him.

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Adverbs (adv.)

Adverbs are extremely straight forward, because they are simply emphasis that comes deep from within your sexual spirit, right through your soul.

Adverbs are how you pour your heart out. This is exactly

“how you say it” at its finest, and they allow you to draw out your expression for as long as you want.

Imagine you’re getting a professional massage, and the

massage therapist “hits the spot” where it feels sooooooo good! Naturally you let out a deeply felt – purely physical – sigh of relief. Dirty Dialogue has the same effect.

Another way to look at it is to think of your favorite ice

cream or hot fudge sundae. How good did that double chocolate brownie delight taste? It tastes sooooooo good!

Your best bet when starting off is to hold the Adverb for

two to three syllables, whatever you are comfortable with expressing naturally. Let it breathe out through your mouth as you express the pleasure you feel.

Emphasize your moan with a physical, lustful thrust of

excitement to express your own dirty desires. When fully embracing the moment and 100% engaged in your body’s physical pleasure, you will allow your spirit to do the talking and let it all out.

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- Nouns (n.):

o Stars: Cock

Shaft Head, Tip

Pussy Lips Clit Hole

o Back-Up: Balls

Sack Boobs/Tits


- Adjectives (adj.):

o Self: Horny Turned-On Bad Naughty Good

o Stars: Hot Throbbing Aching Pounding Pumping Pulsing

o Physical Hard Wet/Pink

o Fantasy Big Tight

- Verbs (v.): o Oral:

Suck Lick Taste Kiss Swallow Eat

o Manual: Touch Rub Feel Stroke Finger

- Adverbs (adv.): o So o Such o Really o Very

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Part 2: Dirty Talk Phrases

As I mentioned earlier, outside of mutual sex, most Dirty Deeds are a matter of giving and receiving pleasure. There are certain things you can say when enacting the role of Giver, and likewise when enacting the role of Receiver (or “Getter,” just because it sounds better).

When you are playing Giver, you should be coming from

a frame of mind that you are absolutely thrilled to please him, and that every tidbit of feedback he gives you is another reason to celebrate.

When you are playing Getter, you should be coming

from a frame of gratitude and appreciation, letting him know how well he’s doing by allowing yourself to give in to pleasure, letting yourself go.

I’ve written up a generalized script of potential word

choices and phrases… But guess what? I can only give you a script for the Giver role. Playing

the Getter role is completely and 100% entirely up to you. All you really have to do is repeat back to him what he says to you with more enthusiasm than he does, and he’ll be satisfied, knowing that he’s pleasured you.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy being the Getter. Let your

expression run freely. If he asks you how bad you want it, tell him “sooo bad.” Escalate your voice and scream “Yes!” over and over, faster and faster, encouraging him to do it whatever way you like most.

In the following script, the blue text indicates that the

word is directed at your Man, and can be either Mutual or Man-specific. Same goes for pink text and you.

Ready? Ok!

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The “Giver” Script

Let’s go back to the “fireworks” principle: a man will always go from zero to orgasm in a three-step process.

1) Ignite 2) Launch 3) Explode

Opening statement: Tell me what you want me to do to you. How To Ignite

This is where you take initiative and throw out a spark with the intention to light his fire. You do this by tossing out a sexual remark designed to give him a mental image of him doing sexual things to you, triggering his fantasy mind to go to work.

You are essentially teasing him, building a desirable future to ramp up his sexual anticipation. This is the best form of sexual tension you can spark in a man since it won’t be quenched until the Dirty Deed you tossed out actually goes down.

Whether he has to wait a few hours, or even a couple of

seconds, he will get a jolt of anticipation no matter what time frame you’re working with. The longer you can draw it out, the better.

Actively play-resisting him along with this mind frame will

motivate him at his primal core of caveman domination, so toss that in the mix as well.

(Hint: Two steps forward, one step back.)

Take note, once again, that this is only ONE out of THOUSANDS of ways to go about talking dirty and turning a man on. This is not the end-all, be-all of talking dirty. That will come from practice and effort to figure out what works best for YOU.

Feel free to change any of the lines in this script as long as

the concepts stay the same. The phrases are constructed in a way that anticipates his positive response, then goes to the next step in your Dirty Dialogue. Only choose one per section and keep it moving forward at all times!

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16 Confess Intentions

I want to (V.) you right now. I want to (V.) your (N.) right now. I want to (V.) your (N.) with my (N.) right now. I want to put your (N.) in my (N.) right now. I want you to give me your (N.) right now.

Ask Permission Can I please (V.) you right now? Can I please (V.) your (N.) right now? Can I please (V.) your (N.) with my (N.) right now? Can you please give me your (N.) right now?

Demand Direction: Do you want my (N.) right now? Do you want my (Adj.) (N.) right now? Do you want me to (V.) you right now? Do you want me to (V.) your (N.) right now? Do you want me to (V.) your (N.) for you right now? Do you want me to (V.) your (N.) with my (N.) right

now? Do you want me to put your (N.) in my (N.) right now?

How To Launch

Once you start physically pleasing him, you can force him to admit how good you’re making him feel. You do this by asking him the following questions and confessing the following statements when you already KNOW that whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it right.

If he’s already feeling pleasure, these phrases make him openly admit his pleasure, which also makes him repeat it to himself, out loud. If you know he’s already feeling good, then his answers can never be “no.” Express Fascination

Him o Your (N.) is (Adv.) (Adj.) .

Declare Desire

Love o I love your (N.) right now. o I love (V.) your (N.) right now. o I love having your (N.) in my (N.) right now.

Want o I want your (N.) (Adv.) bad right now. o I want your (N.) in my (N.) (Adv.) bad right

now. o I want your (N.) in my (Adj.) (N.) (Adv.)

right now.

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17 Get Feedback

Want o Do you want me to (V.) you like this? o Do you want me to (V.) your (N.) like this? o Do you want me to (V.) your (N.) with my (N.)

like this? Like

o Do you like that? o Do you like when I (V.) you like that? o Do you like when I (V.) your (N.) for you like

that? o You like when I (V.) your (N.) like that? o You like when I (V.) your (N.) with my (V.)

like that? o You like when I put your (N.) in my (V.) like

that? Feel

o Does that feel good? o Does it feel good when I (V.) you like that? o Does it feel good when I (V.) your (N.) like

that? o Does it feel good when I (V.) your (N.) with my

(N.) like that?

Express Reaction Making

o Your (N.) is making me (Adv.) (Adj.) right now.

o Your (N.) is making my (N.) (Adv.) (Adj.) right now.

o Having your (N.) in my (N.) is making me (Adv.) (Adj.) right now.

o Having your (N.) in my (N.) is making my (N.) (Adv.) (Adj.) right now.

Emphasize Intensity

My (N.) is (Adv.) (Adj.) right now. That feels (Adv.) good right now. Your (N.) feels (Adv.) good right now. Your (N.) feels (Adv.) good in my (N.) right now. Your (N.) feels (Adv.) good in my (Adj.) (V.) right


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18How To Explode

At this point you’re either going to switch it up to do something else, or keep performing your Dirty Deed until he has an orgasm. If you are ready to take him down that route, read on.

(Note: Notice the subtle “permissive” behavior that you are actively portraying. This is the dichotomy that will drive him mad.)

Command Attention Ask

o Can you (V.) for me? o Can you (V.) on my (V.)?

Want o I want you to (V.) for me. o I want you to (V.) in/on my (V.). o I want your (N.) to (V.) on me (Adv.) bad right

now! o I want your (N.) (Adv.) bad right now!

Give o Please give me your (N.) right now. o Please give me your (N.) on my (N.) right now.

Inject Fantasy

Suggestion o Do you want to (V.) my (Adj.) (N.) right now? o (V.) my (Adj.) (N.) with your big, hard (N.) right

now? o Put your (N.) in my (N.)?

Redirection o I’m not done (V.) you yet!

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19The Big Bang The last leg of your sexual performance is to bring him through orgasm. You want to highly emphasize how bad you want this to happen, as you are emphasizing your desire to receive him. The more you want it, the better it will be for him when it happens.

Encouragement Yeah

o Yeah baby, cum for me! Please! o Please cum all over my (N.) baby, Yeah! o Yeah cum for me baby, yeah!

Demand o Give

Give me your (Adj.) cum right now. I want your (Adj.) cum right now. Cum for me right now on/in my (N.).

Receive o Moan “Yeah” as long and drawn out as you can, a

split second faster than the rhythm he’s feeling as he penetrates you.