project of marasa maroofpur pdf

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  • 7/28/2019 Project of Marasa Maroofpur PDF


    Current Building

    Proposed Building

    Madrasa Dars

    runemail: darMobile: 95Bank name: Or

    Branch : K A/c Head : M

    A/c No. : 13

    Bank code : O

    A project ofah Islami Maroofpu

    y Al Falah Society (regd.)sgahislamimaroofpur@9622344,9198617075

    iental Bank of Commerceetasarai Jaunpurdrasa Darsgah Islami92191028070

    BCILDDACRP (for outsid



  • 7/28/2019 Project of Marasa Maroofpur PDF


    Basic information of the project:

    The name of theProject

    Madrasa Building project

    The address

    where the project

    is proposed



    Jaunpur (INDIA) 222139

    email & Contact

    [email protected] 9559622344 , 9198617075


    about the area

    The area is called slim area.Muslim population ismostly illeterate.By this Madrasa and project

    we shall improve the education in muslim

    comunity (Insha Allah)Detailed list of the

    project items

    (1)Prayer(Namaz and Hifz

    e Quran )room for Girls in

    Alimah Section

    size:1250 sq. fit

    (2) 4 classrooms size:2000 sq. fit

    (3)1computer lab with 10

    computerssize: 500 sq. fit

    (4)1 library room size: 500 sq. fit

    (5) 1 practical room(for


    size: 500 sq. fit

    (6)furniture for 4 classes 80 desk,bench

    (7)water Supply System in

    primary sectionmotor,handpump,water

    tank of 5000 ltrs.

  • 7/28/2019 Project of Marasa Maroofpur PDF


    A brief introduction of



    Al Falah Society is an Islamic educational society in aninterior area of Jaunpur district.Madrasa Darsgah Islami Maroofpur isan educational institution running by Al Falah Society.

    Vision:Serving mankind is the most virtuous act and serving the most

    needy is the virtue of high order. Communities change moreeffectively by internal strength by choosing the right course. Acommunity can enjoy respect, empowerment and progress only onthe guidance of its visionary leadership and toil and labour of its selfless activists.


    1. To establish a Madrasa from nursery to inter college . whilerefering to the educational rights of minorities enshrined in the article30(2) of the Constitution of India.

    2. To make arrangement for the education of Urdu, Hindi, Arabic,Persian, etc in maktabs-madrasas apart from the traditional religiouseducation in them.

    3.To emphasise character building as an essential ingredient ofeducation.

    4. To persuade children to take admission at the right time inappropriate institutions.

    5. To bring into practice such a syllabus which is suitable forMuslim even though it would empahsise religious and moraleducation along with modern subjects.

    6. To establish training centers of arts and crafts for girls, adulteducation centers, libraries, free distribution of books on moral

    education.7. To provide financial assistance for the relief of poor and

  • 7/28/2019 Project of Marasa Maroofpur PDF


    handicapped persons, patients, widows, aged persons, orphans, andother deprived persons and to make arrangements for the marriage ofgirls of poor families and to provide scholarships for both boys andgirls.

    8. To work for the achievement of Hindu-Muslim unity whileshunning from any political aspiration.

    9. To work for the establishment of peace in the area b resolvingissues of conflict between the contending communities and to work forrelief and rehabilitation at the time of any calamity.

    10. To work for other welfare and socially relevant objects suchas child labour, environment, sanitation, water, health promotion, ruraldevelopment, human rights, etc.

    Society Registration certificate by Indian Government

  • 7/28/2019 Project of Marasa Maroofpur PDF


    Madrasa Darsgah Islami at a glance:

    Madrasa Darsgah islami is a dream of Maroofpur,shared by

    thousands of muslims within Maroofpur and Jaunpur, a one of a kindschool that provides exelent academic education based on Islamicguidlines.

    MDI is an earnest effort to set a new standard of education thatwill produce students of knowledge and virtue,with hearts filled withlove and trust in Allah,skilled verbally ,mentally and socially , who aretru representatives of the Muslim ummah and beneficial for allmankind.

    Keeping in mind the needs and demands of such schools ,MDIaims to develop a High-class campus at the current building ofMaroofpur.

    Current Available Main Features of Madrasa(1) 10,large airy classrooms(2) separate classes for boys and girls

    (3) well equiped library

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    (4) islamic integeation in every subject(5) Hifz programme for girls(in future)(6) 15,Qualified teachers

    (7) Big mosque for Boys (not available for Girls section)

    (8) 700 students

  • 7/28/2019 Project of Marasa Maroofpur PDF


    Future Plan

    Details of Madrasa need(1) Prayer (Namaz and Hifz e Quran) room :prayer

    room is the most important need of Alimah section in ourMadrasa. By this room the girls will pray Namaz and Learn the

    Quran.(2) Class rooms : There are running 14 classes inMadrasa,but only 10 class rooms are available.4 class roomsare most important need .By these rooms the students willlearn systematicly.

    (3) computer lab with computer: computer tecnology isthe new genration tecnology.Without this khnowledge anystudent can not play his role in this world. For this purpose

    madrasa want to establish a computer lab with 10 computers.(4) Library room: Library is the soul of education.There are

    many books in Madrasa library but no room available forlibrary. In current time all books are in the mosque.

    (5) Practical room: Cooking,embridery etc are main featuresfor girls students.By this the girls students can earn money inhis future life in any accidental case. So it is compulsary.

    (6) Furniture: some classes of Madrasa are running on themat,because thre are no rooms available,after constructionclassrooms ,furniture will main need.

    (7) Water supply : water is the main source of life. Madrasawants to fix a handpump and motor system with 5000 ltrswater tank immediately for primary students.