project d e s c r i p t i o n ancient dress-up day

Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

Project D e s c r i p t i o n

Ancient Dress-Up Day

Page 2: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

Salvete! On October 29, 2012 we will masquerade as an ancient and discuss prominent figures from Classical times. So, come and make a fashion statement! Support Caesar or Cicero, join the rallying cry of Trajan or Marcus Aurelius, come dressed as a typical Roman, or make a visitation as a god, goddess or hero from mythology.

In the computer lab, do a (Google) search for your ancient figure. Collect images and information about your ancient figure.

The project consists of three parts:(1) Costume(2) 1-2 Page Speech(3) “Electronic” Poster in the form of a PowerPoint


Page 3: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

CostumeCOSTUME –an accurate representation of the ancient figure.

They should have at least 3 elements: i.e.,

the costume over your clothes + 2 props

They must be homemade.

Please keep costumes appropriate.

Page 4: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

1-2 page speech

in the 1st person and in the character of your figure The 1-2 page biographical description of your historical or mythological figure must be in your own words & in the character of your figure No “Internetese” (no copying and pasting from the internet)! – I will know! Imagine that you are the character you are portraying and give a 1st person description of yourself. You could tell a story about something “you” did or something you represent. Be creative, interesting and dramatic or funny! When you are finished, place it in the nimbus drop box [].


Your rough draft of the speech is due: week of October 15

Page 5: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

The Electronic Poster

“Electronic Poster” – Create 1 slide (2 slides max) on a PowerPoint with ancient images of your ancient figure, including their name and what they’re famous for. Use a white background. When you are finished, place it in the nimbus drop box [].

I will make one big PowerPoint of everyone’s “posters”.

Finish by next Monday, 10/8, and save on your H drive AND on a flashdrive; then put it in the nimbus drop box)

Page 6: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

***Make sure to cite websites and book sources for the information used in your speech and the pictures on your electronic poster. Look for depictions of actual and fictional figures in wall paintings, sculpture, coins, etc. General websites with links are:Perseus Project www.perseus.tufts.eduVRoma The American Classical League On the aforementioned websites, you will find links to other websites and print materials.

Page 7: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

Mythology Figures:1. Zeus/Jupiter2. Hera/Juno3. Athena/Minerva4. Apollo5. Aphrodite/Venus6. Artemis/Diana7. Demeter/Ceres8. Dionysus/Bacchus9. Hermes/Mercury10.Poseidon/Neptune11.Hestia/Vesta12.Hades/Pluto/Dis13. Persephone /


1. Orpheus2. Cybele3. Mithras4. Isis5. Achilles6. Polyphemus

(cyclops)7. Procrustes8. Prometheus9. Atlas10.Arachne11.Scylla12.Chiron (centaur)13.Perseus14.Cerberus15.Daedalus/Icarus16.Minotaur

1. Jason2. Medea3. Daphne4. Io5. Phaethon6. Janus7. a Fury (Eumenides)8. Fortuna9. Tanit (Carthaginian)10.Siren11.Other…

Page 8: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

Historical Figures1. Julius Caesar2. Augustus

Caesar (Octavian)

3. Livia4. Brutus5. Pompey the

Great6. Appius Claudius

Caecus7. Cincinnatus8. Sulla9. Marius10.Agrippa11. Agrippina12.Tiberius

13.Caligula14.Claudius15.Nero16.Vespasian17.Titus18.Domitian19.Cato20.Cleopatra21.Marc Anthony22.Hadrian23.Trajan24.Marcus Aurelius25.Commodus26.Diocletian27.Justinian28. Romulus

29.Numa Pompilius30.Egeria

31.Cicero32. Pliny33.Spartacus34.Crassus35.Alexander the

Great36. Pericles37.Aspasia38.Hannibal39.Other…

Page 9: Project D e s c r i p t i o n Ancient Dress-Up Day

Professions/Roles in Society1. Roman Senator – toga with a purple

border2. woman of senatorial rank3. slave (male/female)4. gladiator5. charioteer 6. centurion7. aquilifer: standard bearer for a Roman

Legion8. pontifex Maximus9. taberna owner10.Roman bride11.consul12.tribunus plebis13.praetor14.quaestor15.poet16.fuller

17.baker18. fireman19. doctor (medicus)20.grammaticus (teacher)21. sailor (nauta)22. priestess of Vesta23. lanista24. candidatus25.censor26. mercator (merchant)27. actor28. ianitor (door keeper)29. agricola (farmer)30. scriba (scribe)
