project completion report institutional id report...

1 Farmers Development Organization Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund Institutional Development 1 st April 2015 to 30 th Sep 2015 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT

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Farmers Development Organization

Pakistan Poverty Alleviation



Development 1st April 2015 to 30th Sep 2015



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Table of Contents

1. Acronyms 03

2. Acknowledgement 04

3. Background 05

4. Project Summary 05

5. Project Objective 07

6. Project Activities 07

7- Overall targets Vs Achievement 08

8- Project Methodology 10

Planned Activities

8. Village Development plan & Union Council Development Plan 11

9. TOT on VDP and Proposal Writing Training 11

10. Capacity building trainings 12

11. Awareness Campaigns, Meetings 13

12. Elections, Staff Training, Show & Tell 15

13. Cricket Tournament 17

14. Community Theater, Cos Activation 18

15. Sign Boards, Networking 20

16. Video Documentary 22

17. Monitoring & Evaluation Process 23

18. Challenges, Lesson Learned & Recommendation 24

19. Case Study 25

20. IEC Material 26

21. Press Release 27

22. Pictorial View 28

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List of Acronym

FDO Farmers Development Organization

PPAF Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

VDP Village Development Plan

UCDP Union Council Development Plan

CO Community Organization

VO Village Organization

LSO Local Support Organization

CRP Community Resource Person

DID Democratic Institutional Development

PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal

FGD Focus Group discussion

UC Union Council

CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination

Against Women

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The completion of Institutional Development Project undertaking could not have been possible

without the participation and assistance of so many people whose names not all may be enumerated.

Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. Farmers Development

Organization (FDO) in Collaboration with Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) carry out the

project work efficiently. Without the incessant endorsement of Government departments, Local

Support Organizations, FDO team might not have achieved all its milestones. FDO team pays

great homage to all government officials; LSOs besides Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund whose

continuous presence and step by step guidance has made this project a success.

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INTRODUCTION Farmers Development Organization DID unit feels immense pleasure to present Project Completion Report of the project titled “Institution Development”. The reporting period is started from Apr-2015 to

Sep-2015. Background of Farmers Development Organization: FDO was established in 1996 as a non-profit and non-governmental public interest organization. It

was registered i n Companies setup under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984. FDO is

working in Southern Punjab, through participatory principals since December 1996, benefiting

hundreds of peasants, women and general communities. The organization has a history of designing

its projects subsequent to conducting Assessments of the problems of people. FDO is promoting

communal harmony among different segments of society, Also the organization has the history of

creating and then engaging the local volunteers in the implementation and monitoring of the projects.

Project Summary: Through Institutional Development project FDO mobilized vulnerable communities for their organization

in order to resolve their problems by taking initiatives and manage their own development through

transparent, equitable, inclusive, accountable and community demand driven processes. FDO's

most successful accomplishment is the identification of hundreds of community volunteers, whom we

call 'Activists', who have been instrumental in implementing all these activities. It is only this "Social

Capital" that will lead to sustainable community development.

We pay tribute to the men and women who have formed COs, VOs and LSOs and given their

time and energy to ensure that local needs have been met. The CO, VO & LSO members, who

are also Community Activists, work tirelessly to bring ideas and improvements to fruition.

Some have contributed by registering their COs as “Citizen Community Boards” while

others have acted as village level specialists in agriculture/livestock, CO, VO & LSO Executive

Body, Lady Health Workers and Village Education Committee members to provide a variety of

services at the grassroots.

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As FDO has already been with Collaboration of PPAF in 06 Union Councils of Bosan Town

District Multan;

1. Buch Khusroabad

2. Punj Koha

3. Durana Langana

4. Binda Sandila

5. Lutfabad

6. Saleh Mahay

Project Name Reporting Period Exact location of the Project Total Project Duration

(months) Start date of the project in

the field Objective Total Number of

Beneficiaries Planned

Institute Development Project (ID)

Apr 01, 2015 to Sep 30, 2015 Country:



Punjab District:

Multan Start Date: Apr 01, 2015 End Date: Sep 30,

2015 Total Duration: 06 Months May 01, 2015

To strengthen the community through capacity development training

for the timely identification and resolution of prevalent issues within

the communities by designing village and union council level

development plans and their execution on both community level

through lobbying and linkages development and on government level

by approaching the government line department. Persons (4680 Male 4302 Female)

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Project Objective: Major objective of project are as under:- To strengthen the community through capacity development training for the timely identification and

resolution of prevalent issues within the communities by designing village and union council level

development plans and their execution on both community levels through lobbying and linkages

development and on government level by approaching the government line department.

Project Activities: Project main activities are mention as below;

• Identification of Community Resource Person CRPs (96) from targeted 6 Union Councils.

• Capacity building of CRPs on different trades i.e. Community Facilitators, Youth Champions,

Financial Literacy, CBDRM, Gender Mainstreaming & Leadership, Environmental Social

Management, Financial Management & Procurement, Operations & Maintenance.

• Capacity building of institutional staff (members from LSOs & VOs) on different trades i.e.

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Rural Connectivity, Open Defecation free villages, Values ,

Governance & Management, Development of proposals, system and procedures, PSC Management

and Peace , Pluralism and Inter Provincial Harmony.

• Awareness campaigns on (Polio, Birth/Death Registration, Vaccination, Girls enrollment etc).

• State Citizen Relationship sessions with Government stakeholders.

• District level sports event.

• An event to strengthen linkages with Governmental officials and community “Show & Tell”.

• Elections in VOs & LSOs to strengthen governance.

• Reviews/modifications/development of VDPs & UCDPs through process.

• Community Re-engagement through CO meetings to ensure regularity of meetings.

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• Publication of phone directory, IEC material and kit for key messages.

• Installation of sign boards to ensure visibility of institutes (VOs & LSOs).

• Video documentary of project activities.

• Networking of all 06 LSOs in one group.

• Exposure visit of LSO members.

Overall Target & Achievement

Activity Total


Achieved % age

Identification and development of Community Resource Persons


96 96 100 %

Training of CRPs on different trades 8 8 100 %

Trainings for Institutional Capacity Building 10 10 100 %

Capacity building trainings of Staff members 2 2 100 %

Campaigns/Awareness(dengue, polio vaccination, Immunization,

children enrollment and WASH)

20 20 100 %

State Citizen Relationship meetings 20 20 100 %

CO meetings to ensure regularity of meetings, savings and record


424 424 100 %

Reviews/modifications/development of VDP and UCDPs through


26 26 100 %

Elections in VOs & LSOs to strengthen governance 26 26 100 %

LSO-wide meeting Report back on all it has been done for its

broader membership

6 6 100 %

CRPs and other Community Based Institutions


1 1 100 %

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Inter Provincial Exposures for Harmony and Peace 1 1 100 %

Community Theater on life cycle/social issues (joyful learning) 1 1 100 %

Sports (district level tournaments) 1 1 100 %

Show & Tell (for productive linkages) 1 1 100 %

Video Documentary 1 1 100 %

Sign Boards (to ensure visibility) 20 20 100 %

Directories (CRPs and Community Institutions) 1 1 100 %

Case Studies Books (Best Practices) 1 1 100 %

Kit for key messages 1 1 100 %

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material 1 1 100 %

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Project Methodology:

There are more than One Billion people living in South Asia today. The annual per capita expenditure on

human priority areas of basic education, primary health care, family planning, safe drinking water, and

nutritional programs is just $3 in Pakistan. East Asian nations have highlighted investment in Human

Development as a key strategy of economic growth. This idea has unfortunately not reached the policy

makers in South Asia. As a result, all countries in South Asia (except Sri Lanka) fall into the category of Low

Human Development. Gender inequality and opportunities for women are very less. It is the only part of

the world that defies the global biological norm, with only 94 women for every 100 men (instead of 106

women to 100 men as in the rest of the world), so that 74 million women are simply ‘missing.

Pakistan has been facing a lot of social problems since its inception in 1947. The biggest of these problems

is poverty. 70% population of Pakistan lives in villages. Most of them don’t have access to adequate basic

needs of life. They are struggling for bread and butter. A large chunk of population lives below poverty

line. They live in miserable conditions. Lack of proper food, clothing and shelter, poor sanitation, unsafe

and sometimes contaminated drinking water are just some of their many problems. Poverty itself gives

rise to various other social problems. It deprives children of poor people to access education and

healthcare. A sense of deprivation manifests itself in form of various crimes. Over the decades, despite

decreasing, illiteracy rate in Pakistan has shown an upward trend. Not only has that but enrollment ratio of

students at primary level shown a decreasing trend. The fact that 50 percent of children do not complete

their primary education testifies this fact. Uneducated adults contribute negligibly to the national


South Punjab is most neglected part of Punjab province despite spending millions on it, government has

failed to uplift the socio economic condition of the area, people are still deprived from basic necessities of

life. Unemployment is also regarded as a major social problem. Major portion of south Punjab population

consists of youth and a large number of young people who have the ability and are willing to work are

unemployed. Currently rate of unemployment as per official resources is 7.4% but according to some

private estimates the rate of unemployment is 12%. There are many reasons of unemployment like influx

of machinery that has replaced manpower, due to unemployment indulge in nefarious activities and ratio

of crimes increases. As FDO aims to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of people. This Project

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was implemented in selected union councils of District Multan by keeping in mind the socio Economic

condition of people, Poverty Ranking, vulnerability of people, Food security situation in the area, Public

services status and awareness regarding basic human rights and use the same criteria for the identification

of villages, FDO through this project aims to contribute in the process of development and improving the

living standard of targeted communities, after the completion of this project people are more aware about

their rights as well as their responsibilities as the citizen of Pakistan, violence incidents on women

minimized, self dependability increased, link with line departments have been created to get their problem

solved, education, health facilities upgraded, infrastructure condition improved.

Planned Activities of the Project

Identification of Community Resource Persons: 96 Community Resource Persons (CRPs) are identified from 06 Union Councils (16 from each UC) of Bosan

town and their capacity was build through different trainings (Community Facilitators, Youth Champions,

Financial Literacy, CBDRM, Gender Mainstreaming & Leadership, Environmental Social Management,

Financial Management & Procurement, and Operations & Maintenance). A telephone directory was also

published in which all CRPs names, contact number and their specialty was added.

Revision/ Modification of Village Development Plan (VDP) and Union

Council Development Plan (UCDP):

20 Village Development Plans were revised/ modified

in all union councils of District Multan at revenue

village level with the help of village organization

members and 06 UCDPs were revised /modified. Basic

information was collected at settlement level through

different social mobilization tools like transect walk,

FGDs, Social Mapping, Wealth and pair wise ranking

and seasonal calendar. After that situational analysis

was done with this collected information and action

plan completed in 3 to 5 years for each VDP. VDPs information

was summaries and club in UCDP on prescribed format to reflect a

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wider picture of VDPs and major issues of union councils. In six union

councils Union council development plan were formed with the

collected information of VDPs and finally an action plan was prepared

for future action taken.

Objective of VDP and UCDP formation Major purposes of VDP & UCDP formation are

• Make the community able to raise their voices against the social issues of the areas.

• All PRA Tools expertise were applied

• Community Members became able to develop a quality VDP and UCDP

• To collect data Assigned for developing practical of VDP in form of data collection,

research and baseline

• To coordinate with Government line department for the implementation of UCDP and


• Liaison with political leaders to scaling up the development in the area.

• Market UCDPs and VDPs with other donors and funding agencies.

Capacity Building Trainings (for CRPs & Community Institutes

members) Specifically, capacity building encompasses the

organizational, institutional and resource capabilities.

Capacity building is a long-term, continuing process, in which

all stakeholders participate (communities, local authorities,

non-governmental organizations and others).

FDO team organized different trainings for C R P s VO &

LSO members to enhance their capacity like Community

Facilitators, Youth Champions, Financial Literacy, CBDRM, Gender

Mainstreaming & Leadership, Environmental Social Management,

Financial Management & Procurement, Operations &

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Maintenance, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Rural Connectivity, Open Defecation free villages,

Values , Governance & Management, Development of proposals, system and procedures, PSC

Management and Peace , Pluralism and Inter Provincial Harmony. In these trainings, participants got

knowledge and deep understanding on different aspects of the topic. VOs and LSOs members are well

aware regarding basic civic and constitutional rights, developed their linkages and resource

mobilization, highlighted the different issues of their UC and villages and submitted the proposals to

different donors, after these trainings.

Objectives of Capacity building training:

• To capacitate the participant’s concepts of Development.

• Introduce different research tools, PRA and capacity enhancement for conducting good

quality research

• To make more confidence participants to engage in research and Village Development Plan


• To sensitized the community regarding linkages development and resource mobilization

• To build the linkages through resource mobilization and lobbying

• Capacitate the VOs to resolve their issue at their own

Output /Outcome

• Community institutions empowered to deliver the specific subjects among the community

• Governance, Financial Management, Environmental, social management, Operation and

maintenance and other relevant trainings enhance the capacity to meet the minimum standards of

the trainings for their organizations.

• Internal and external systems improved and capacitated for further opportunities.

• Approach of short term converted to long term benefits and sustainable development steps.

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Awareness Campaigns at Union Council Level:

20 Awareness campaigns were organized at Union Council level by our LSO members on “Dengue, Birth/

Death registration, Polio, Immunization, WASH, and Children Enrollment”. These campaigns were held at

all 06 UCs in which local community participated and in each campaign a session to highlight the addressed

issue was conducted and after session , a walk down the streets was also held to promote the cause.

Objective of Campaigns:

To capacitate LSO members after identification of issues they highlight the issue and an awareness session

was also held to raise awareness among community.

Output of Campaigns:

- Around 750 (men & women) were sensitized through different campaigns like immunization &

polio, birth registration, WASH & dengue during 20 campaigns in 06 UCs.

State Citizen Relationship: After each campaign a state citizen

relationship meeting was also held to address

the issue on Government level, meetings with

UC Secretaries, PHED Staff, BHU Polio team,

BHU Immunization team, Education

department were held in each Union Council. 20 state citizen relationship meetings were held in 06 UCs.

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Objective of Meetings:

- To address the issues at Government level

- To build a strong liaison with Government stakeholders

Output of Meetings:

- In 20 meetings, 390 (men & women) participated and shared their social issues with relevant

Government stakeholders.

- Coordination and liaison building

Elections in VOs & LSOs: Elections were held in 20 VOs and 06 LSOs in all UCs in Elections were

conducted at LSO office on given date, Voters used their right to vote

on ballet paper showing each candidate with allotted signs, Ballet box

was used to collect votes, CNIC was checked at vote casting by

election committee, in the end ballet box was opened in the

presence of election committee for the counting of votes.

Objective of Elections:

- Promotion of democratic nature of community institutions through practical actions

- To elect new executive body of LSO through transparent democratic process.

Output of Elections:

- New executive body in 20 VOs and 06 LSOs were elected through process.

- Leadership was Increase at gross root level.

- Right to membership and expression was fulfilled at community level.

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Staff Trainings:

02 Staff trainings were also conducted on “Peace, Pluralism &

Interprovincial Harmony”, “Knowledge Management, Publication

and Data Consolidation”. Each training consists of 03 days in

which professional trainers facilitated the staff trainings.

Objective of Trainings:

• To build capacity of 10 staff members on above

mentioned topics

Output of Staff Trainings:

• 10 staff members are familiar with the topics covered in 02 trainings and will replicate this

knowledge in the community.

Show & Tell (For Linkages Development)

Creation of networks and linkages are an essential component of

any development program and provide synergies for the

program to build upon from a point of advantage to a point of

strength. In ID Project, our main focus was on linkages

development of our community institutes and to achieve this we

had conducted different state citizen relationship workshops in

which our members from community institutes shared their issues with relevant Government

stakeholders, we had also arranged a grand event “Show & Tell” in which all 06 LSOs got together for

experience sharing, linkages development with Government

officials and private stakeholders. Our LSOs installed stalls of

their institutes to promote their achievements, best practices,

success stories and UCDPs, in this event people from different

walk of the life visited LSO stalls. Main theme of this one day

activity was “Linkages Development”. Stalls allocated to each

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LSO in which representatives from LSOs shared their community institute introduction, progress, success

stories and UCDPs with visitors. Government officials, civil society members, lawyers, journalists, key

politicians and people from society were among visitors. In this activity promotion of ID project was

ensured through IEC material and Pena flexes, the work of our LSOs was also highlighted and their linkages

development with public and private stakeholders was also improved.

Objective of “Show & Tell”

• Linkages Development of our community institutes.

• Promotion of Institution Development Project

• To highlight the progress, success stories, best practices and UCDPs of our Community Institutes.

Output of “Show & Tell”

Around 300 participants are well aware about work of our community institutions and UCDP plan of each

Union Council has also been shared with the line departments and other civil society organizations.

Sports “Cricket” Tournament:

Sports are the main source to promote peace and pluralism in the society, we arranged a Cricket

Tournament, in this activity 2 teams from each UC participated and each team played the matches within

UCs and intra UCs matches. Schedule of the team was as follows:

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UC Team Matches (Methodology)

Lutfabad, Binda Sandila,


Poll-A (Qualifying round)

(6-Teams played 3 matches

with each other)

Top scorer will qualify for next round

and one winner from two teams will

also qualify for next round

Durana Langana, Salahy

Mahy, Panj Koah

Poll-B (Qualifying round) (6-

Teams will play 3 matches with

each other)

Top scorer will qualify for next round

and one winner from two teams will

also qualify for next round

Qualifying Union


Poll-A (Semi final round) Top scorer and winner from two teams

from previous round will play each

other (semi final)and qualify for final


Qualifying Union


Poll-B (semi final Round ) Top scorer and winner from two teams

from previous round will play each

other (semi final)and qualify for final


Qualifying UCs Final Qualifying team from Poll-A & B will

play final for winner and runner up

Objective of Sports Tournament:

To promote peace and pluralism in the society through sports

To engage Youth in healthy recreational activities for the development of their positive characters

Output of Sports:

Over 300 people from 06 UCs entertained and engaged in healthy activities, coordination among

community of 06 UCs has been improved and promotion of peace and harmony has been done.

Community Theater:

In this activity peace building was promoted at local level,

understanding about social issues was strengthened and the

theme was the promotion of peace and pluralism at grass

root level.

In this activity a team of artists from our UCs performed an

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act to highlight our unawareness about rights and social issues from daily life of a poor man was also

addressed in the performance.

Objective of Theater:

To promote peace and pluralism in the society through community theater

To sensitize community about social issues and their negative consequences on our lives through

community theater

Output of Theater:

Over 150 people from 06 UCs entertained, message of peace has

been shared with community and they will spread this message

in their respective communities.

Cos Activation Meetings:

CO is our basic institute at hamlet level and in ID Project we had

formed Cos in each UC, but after the formation of VOs and LSOs,

the main focus shifted from Cos and VOs to LSOs and with the

passage of time most of our Cos become inactive, to address this issue, Cos activation meetings (424 Cos in

06 UCs) was held through our CRPs.

In those meetings Cos were searched through old data and refresher meetings were held to activate them,

in most Cos a new body was also formed to ensure regularity of their meetings.

Objective of Activation Meetings:

• To ensure regularity of Cos meeting on regular basis

• To form new Community Organizations at grass root level.

Output of Cos Activation Meetings:

424 Cos have been activated, around 5534 (2578 Male and 2956 female) community institutions members

participated and fully engaged in the process of institutional development.

Telephone Directory:

Telephone directory was also published which contains name, address and contact number and specialty

field of our CRPs , Community Institutes members, influential persons from 06 UCs, key Government

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officials in different sectors i.e Health, Education, TMO, Agriculture, Irrigation, Revenue, Police, Lawyers,

Judges , Politicians, Numberdar etc etc.

Objective of Directory:

To make easy access of community to relevant stakeholders

Output of Directory:

Community of our 06 LSOs will be well aware about contact details of key person, Government officials,

Social Activists in the area and coordination will be developed and access to relevant person to address the

issues will be easy.

Sign Boards:

20 Sign Boards were installed for visibility of our community institutes (14 VOs and 06 LSOs) in 06 UCs, Sign

board contains logos of FDO, PPAF, Pakistan Government, Map of relevant village, name, contact number

of President and Secretary of institute. These are made of iron and installed firmly in the ground outside

the offices of our Community Institutes.

Objective of Sign Boards:

To improve the visibility of our community institutions and institution development project

Output of Sign Boards:

Visibility of our 20 community institutions and institution development project has been improved;

community has easy access to our community institutes.


A platform/ network of our 06 LSOs was formed in which

executive body of LSOs voted for President, Secretary and

Coordinator of Network, SOPs to operate the network were

also developed, Network Specialist was hired to complete this

process and duties of LSOs were finalized to strengthen the


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Objective of Network

Close coordination of 06 LSOs after the exit phase of ID-Project in 06 UCs.

Strong lobbying and advocacy of identified social issues in 06 UCs through network.

Output of Network:

Due to close coordination among 06 LSOs strong lobbying and advocacy of identified social issues will be


Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material:

IEC Material was developed and published which consist of basic Human Rights, UN Convention on Child

Rights, CEDAW, Women Rights in Pakistan Constitution, Human Rights of Person with Disabilities, posters

and stickers to promote different messages of importance of Birth/ Death registration etc were also


Objective of IEC:

• To improve the Visibility of ID Project

• TO convey social messages to community in short period of time

• To increase awareness about rights among communities

Output of IEC:

• ID Project will be highlighted in the community; social messages will increase awareness about

rights among community.

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Video Documentary

All activities of ID-Project (Awareness Campaigns, State Citizen Relationship meetings, Trainings,

VDP/UCDP Revision/Modification, Elections in VOs/LSOs, Show & Tell, Community Theater, Cricket

Tournament , Cos Activation meetings etc) were captured in video clips and in the end a short

documentary of 15-20 minutes was developed from clips for the visibility of ID Project.

Objective of Video Documentary:

• To highlight the activities of ID Project

• To increase the visibility of FDO-PPAF partnership

Output of Video Documentary: Activities of ID Project will be highlighted and visibility of FDO-PPAF partnership will be increased Exposure Visit:

Exposure visits are necessary to develop understandings about cultures of different communities; we also

planned an exposure visit to Swabi KPK in which representatives from our LSO participated and the main

objective of this visit was the exposure of LSOs working in different province, in this visit our LSO members

met with 02 LSOs working in Swabi and they also exchanged work experiences in different communities

with different cultural norms and they also shared their best practices, overall it was a good experience for

LSOs from both sides and it also increased inter provincial harmony.

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Objective of Visit:

• To share work experiences with community institutions working in different cultures

• To build peace and inter provincial harmony

• To exchange best practices with community institutions working in different cultures

Output of Visit:

11 LSOs representatives (FDO) and 30 representatives from NRSP LSOs are well aware about working

experiences of each other. Learned best practices will be adopted on both sides to improve the capability

of community institutions.

Monitoring and Evaluation Process: Monitoring and Evaluation Process (MER) Unit was fully involved to ensure the quality of the program. LFA, Monitoring matrix and a frame work was developed by the MER Unit for continuous facilitation to

project team for the effective implementation.

MER officers had arranged daily and weekly visits in the field. The purpose of these monitoring visits

were to monitor the quality of running activities and highlight the area of improvement.

A f t e r the visits, de-briefing was arranged with field staff and project coordinator to improve

the quality of project interventions.

To ensure the quality and strong impact of activities, MER officer continuously visits the targeted

Communities in order to ensure the quality, transparency and effectiveness of the project including

the accountability. During the Project period, MER officer has successfully visited to the field. It is regular

practice in FDO that FDO management and monitoring unit arrange de-briefing meeting by the end of

the day so that gaps can be overcome and best practices and learning can be shared and replicate. CO,

VO and LSO executive body were also involved in all activities like account opening, saving collection and

transfer in their accounts, conducting meeting, training, skill development, capacity building

workshops, linkages developing and self initiatives etc. FDO Management also facilitates field team and

gave suggestions to ensure quality of work. Due to these visits, many gaps identified and suggested them


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o Late approval for trainings/ activities from donors

o Short duration of Project as compared to a large number of activities

o Time sharing problem for community institutions (04 projects CPI, LEED, ID, GBV were

running simultaneously)

o Activation of 424 community institutions in short period

o Low response from line departments

Lesson Learnt:

• It is necessary to keep in touch with all community institutions after completing

the project activities.

• Learned how to increase potential of community and modify interest in terms

of obtaining goal.

• Close coordination with all stakeholders (Local and international organization

NGO’s, Government line departments, Cluster and Communities) can prevent

overlapping. So close coordination can prove useful in better Management of the


• Mechanism should be developed to keep active our community institutions after

completion of the project.

• NOC process should be completed at the start of the project.


• Measures should be taken for sustainability of community institutions after

completion of project to continue the process of development.

• Low grant projects should be given to LSOs to keep them motivated.

• Network should be strengthened through capacity building trainings and low grants

should also be given to network to keep them motivated.

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Case Study:


Birth registration is the process by which the birth of a child is officially recorded and documented by the

state. This registration is the first step towards establishing both

the existence and identity of the child. Granting and recognizing

this legal status not only gives the child an identity, it also gives

him/her the status of a legal entity, instrumental in allowing the

child access to a wide range of rights and freedoms that are

guaranteed by the state. An unregistered child will not have legal

status in the eyes of the state and, for all practical purposes, will

be considered invisible and unprotected. For this reason, unregistered children are vulnerable to being

exploited, trafficked or married young. Birth registration is therefore the first fundamental right of the

child that paves the way for all other rights.

Pakistan ranks amongst the countries that have the lowest levels of birth registration. According to

UNICEF’s 2011 State of the World’s Children report, only 27 percent of total births in Pakistan between

2000 and 2009 were registered. In rural areas of Pakistan especially Southern Punjab birth registration

ratio is very low due to lack of education and poverty.

For awareness raising about importance of birth/death registration we

started campaigns on this issue in our targeted Union Councils through our

Local Support Groups (LSOs). Major Activities in this campaign were

sessions with community, meetings with Union Council Secretaries and walk

to promote the importance of birth registration.

Output of Campaign:

Result/ Output of this campaign in 02 Union Councils is as follows;

Union Council Nawab Pur:

In UC Nawab Pur Moza Buch Khusroabad, LSO team surveyed and registered over 100 children in Union

Council office and they have also built a strong liaison with UC Secretary for birth/death registrations in

the future.

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Most of the parents of above mentioned 100 children are very poor and work as daily wages labor and

registration of their children was also pending due to their unavailability during office hours to visit UC

office, after survey our LSO team filled their forms in the presence of parents and submitted to UC office.

LSO team will continue this practice of registration for poor families.

Union Council Durana Langana:

In our UC Durana Langana Moza Babran Wala, LSO team surveyed and registered over 50 children in Union

Council office and they have also built a strong liaison with UC Secretary for birth/death registrations in

the future.

Most of the parents of above mentioned 50 children are very poor and work as daily wages labor and

registration of their children was also pending due to their unavailability during office hours to visit UC

office, after survey our LSO team filled their forms in the presence of parents and presented to UC

Secretary who was present in LSO office.

Durana Langana is a large UC and UC office is far away from some villages so after meeting of our staff and

LSO members with UC Secretary, we conveyed him to visit our LSO office in UC on monthly basis for

birth/death registration cases as most of the community is very poor and daily wages labor and cannot

afford to visit UC office for the registration during working hours.

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IEC Material:

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Press Release:

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Pictorial View:

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