project 42

PROJECT 42 - COMMENTS "Dear Blayne, I've enjoyed looking through Project 42 very much. It's a very witty way to do a survey and share the results and I can see why you had so much fun with it. Victoria." "Blayne Finally found time to look at Project 42. Excellent, I am still smiling at the antidote where the punch line is man dress as a rabbit. Very high number of people looking to be semi-retired. But I suppose that could be age related. Speak to you tomorrow Sally" Hi Blayne, A fansanting insight into the industry, with some interesting comments, especially the importance of trust and integrity which is great to see and vital in any role. "Dear Blayne, Even I have never met before, I could fell your optimistical and professional attitude regarding career from your study. Thanks alot for your kind sharing. Best Regards, Thomas Hu." "What a joy to read. - Thanks After 33 years of employment in our industry there is not too much I have seen and achieved that is not covered by my industry peers here. It is heartening to see that so many of my peers feel the same as myself. Thanks again Mark Beech" Blayne, Thanks, quite fascinating. I recognise many of the responses, both personally, and maybe some of the original contributors who made them too!!! Kind Regards, Steve Very nice as good a presentation and I’ve seen Blayne. There was a book HOTEL and SHARK etc. Maybe you should write one called TELEPHONE, everybody had something they can fill a chapter with. Gene

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Post on 24-May-2015




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As Project 42 seems to be enjoying a revival I thought I would publish all the comments. These can actually be found via my linked in profile but for some reason they are not carried over to slideshare??


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"Dear Blayne, I've enjoyed looking through Project 42 very much. It's a very witty way to do a survey and share the results and I can see why you had so much fun with it. Victoria."

"Blayne Finally found time to look at Project 42. Excellent, I am still smiling at the antidote where the punch line is man dress as a rabbit. Very high number of people looking to be semi-retired. But I suppose that could be age related. Speak to you tomorrow Sally"

Hi Blayne, A fansanting insight into the industry, with some interesting comments, especially the importance of trust and integrity which is great to see and vital in any role.

"Dear Blayne, Even I have never met before, I could fell your optimistical and professional attitude regarding career from your study. Thanks alot for your kind sharing. Best Regards, Thomas Hu."

"What a joy to read. - Thanks After 33 years of employment in our industry there is not too much I have seen and achieved that is not covered by my industry peers here. It is heartening to see that so many of my peers feel the same as myself. Thanks again Mark Beech"

Blayne, Thanks, quite fascinating. I recognise many of the responses, both personally, and maybe some of the original contributors who made them too!!! Kind Regards, Steve

Very nice as good a presentation and I’ve seen Blayne. There was a book HOTEL and SHARK etc. Maybe you should write one called TELEPHONE, everybody had something they can fill a chapter with. Gene

THis is a great presentation. If you have never done powerpoints before you have outdone yourself. In addition to this you know people that have been in weird places. Rgds from sunny Dubai, Alex

Blayne, Congratulations on an extremely interesting and entertaining outcome – nice job!!! I would be interested to understand where you will now take this research. Regards Chris

Blayne, Good job a very entertaining read, quite enlightening to see that most of the people you canvased seem to have a very similar mindset. Liked your comment about your experience with trying to work with the government in the UK, sounds just like BT was in the old days (and probably still is) and that's the reason I left.

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When it comes to screwing up a good thing by overloading it with bureaucracy the Brit's are the world champions, nobody else comes close. Dave

Hi Blayne Very interesting and humorous Kind Regards Paul

Hey Blayne, I DID see this yesterday and thought it was pretty good. Some of the stories were hilarious, I have to say! HeatherBlayne Excellent, some very poignant statements, interesting on the stats as well. Graeme

Hi, have read it and need to read it again. This is cool and a lot to learn from. Thx Frank

Blayne, Had a chance to read through them and found the whole exercise very interesting and worthwhile. It was nice to see that there are a broad cross section of like minded people out there who have similar views on the industry. Thanks for the opportunity to participate, Gordon.

Very good Blayne . . you have put alot of effort is this and the results speak for themselves . . the only comment is that the data is still rather “raw” and after a period of reflection . . i am sure you will see more “focussed” uses of the data . . job well done . . i look forward to the next iteration of the results . . Cheers Andy

Interesting read but as you say in the slides, not a lot of correlation. Jon

Its really great. You have done an amazingly good job. Keep it up and Cheers!! Thanks, BR/Adnan.

thanks - some interesting bits Peter

Thanks Blayne - I read with interest - quite lots of comments I share fully and interesting statistics. Let's stay in touch, Dennis

Dear Blayne, Received with thanks. Amazing effort! Sami

Hi Blayne, Great report makes excellent reading. Many stories behind the phrases and answers. Could write a book or a whole series!! Some good laughs Well done Thanks Foster

Blayne, Thank you for sharing this presentation with me. I found it very interesting and informative. Some of the answers were quite surprising. Take Care. Regards, Cory

Thanks Blayne, Had a chance to read through the slides. For not being a ppt expert-------you did very good. I enjoyed reading through this and found a lot of interesting information and things I will refer back to in the future. Where do you

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plan to publish this ? Any other plans for the data ? Thank again for including me on your project-------it was fun to participate and interesting to review your finished product. Regards Ross

Blayne, Interesting, educative and amusing! Wale

Hi Blayne, Very well executed and summarised. I often wonder how come I could never think of it this way :). The more I come to think of it, the more I tend to deep dive but for time ....

This is an excellent stuff. I like it from the bottom of my heart. Best Regards, Alikhan

Thank you for sharing this with me. I quite enjoyed the presentation, and [naturally] discovered much similarity to my own experiences, and impressions; very well done..! Best regards, James

Comment from viewer Blayne, That was wonderful! Many of the points rang so true in my brain. Responsive Chords are still occilating! I will forward to my son, who just started a telecom career 4 years ago. Joel

It's been an intriguing project founded on some thought provoking questions. I think Blayne has done the difficult part well, and that is to draw the data together with some useful analysis and interesting conclusions, conclusions which themselves ask a load more questions. I will certainly be dipping back into the report from time to time. Well done Blayne.

Blayne, this is a terrific presentation. You should consider putting the data into book form. I especially liked your graphic presentations.

Hmm Blayne - this is a scary insight into the life of an expatriate in many ways as most of those participating fall into that category. I general an insightful project and if you distil all the information down you will find common views and experiences. Well done.

Nice job Blayne. Project 42 makes for some good reading & highlights some interesting thoughts. You have obviously interviewed quite a few people & come up with some fantastic responses. I am not alone in this world of contracting conundrums after all!. Well done :)

That slide presentation was great, good reading. Amazing how many people think that money makes them happy, isn't it? Well, it helps for sure, I guess they will find out one day that money doesn't solve everything. It was nice to see the general response seemed to centre on people "being good" to other people. Basic human

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goodness. That was a mammoth task in assembling the data. congrats on a brilliant presentation.

A very interesting presentation and some comments handy to take on board on my next project. Ingrid van Veen.