progress report of egeda ewg47 kunming, china 21-22 may 2014 expert group on energy data analysis...

Progress Report of EGEDA EWG47 Kunming, China 21-22 May 2014 Expert Group on Energy Data Analysis EDMC, IEEJ

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Page 1: Progress Report of EGEDA EWG47 Kunming, China 21-22 May 2014 Expert Group on Energy Data Analysis EDMC, IEEJ

Progress Report of EGEDA


Kunming, China

21-22 May 2014

Expert Group on Energy Data Analysis


Page 2: Progress Report of EGEDA EWG47 Kunming, China 21-22 May 2014 Expert Group on Energy Data Analysis EDMC, IEEJ

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Data collection for 2012 annual 2012 Annual Data

7 economies(China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and Thailand) submitted the 2012 data using the APEC format

3 APEC OECD members (Chile; Mexico and New Zealand) submitted the data using the IEA questionnaires. C.A. also share other APEC-OECD member data (Australia; Canada; Korea and United States) as well as Russian data with IEA.

Peru submit the Energy Balance Table. C.A. requests remaining 5 economies (Brunei; Hong Kong, China;

Indonesia; Papua New Guinea and Viet Nam) to submit the annual data.

Annual data collection using the new APEC format started from 2004 data collection. The data quality submitted by member economies, in terms of completeness, has improved.

From this year, the revised questionnaires are used to collect annual energy data. 6 member economies use the revised questionnaires except Thailand.

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Research visit to APEC economies

SE Asian economies: Malaysia, Singapore(14-17 January, 2014)

East Asian economies: China, Korea, Chinese Taipei(15-17 January, 25-27 February, 2014)

Purpose: Improve energy data quality of concerned APEC economies through deep discussion with the economies

Interview of energy data collection system on the economies Discussion on solutions about the data collecting issues Sharing the energy flow outlines in each economy Sharing way to improve the data quality

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APEC Energy Statistics Workshop jointly with ASEAN

APEC/ASEAN Joint Energy Statistics Workshop10-11 March 2014, Tokyo

10 economies participated (Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Korea; Malaysia; Papua New Guinea; Russia; Singapore; Thailand and Viet Nam) Assessment of submitted data (Monthly / Quarterly / Annual Energy data) Lecture of APEC revised annual questionnaires (including origin of import / destination

of export, shale gas / coal bed methane production, etc.) Discussion of collecting appropriate renewable energy data and energy efficiency data

International Energy Statistics Dialogue12 March 2014, Tokyo

8 international organizations (APEC, IEA, IEF, OPEC, OLADE, UNSD, GECF and IRENA) and 10 APEC economies (Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Korea; Malaysia; Papua New Guinea; Russia; Singapore; Thailand and Viet Nam) participated.

Information sharing among the international organizations was achieved and issues encountered by the national administrations were extracted.

The international organizations were requested to reduce burden of national administrations through harmonization among the organizations such as JODI.

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Participating EGNRET, EGEE&C and Joint Meetings

EGNRET 42 (7-8 April 2014, Honolulu) Participating EGNRET42 meeting to share the information about renewable

energy with EGNRET members. EGEDA made presentation about data collection of renewable energy data from APEC member economies.

EGEE&C 43 (10-11 April 2014, Honolulu) Participating EGEE&C43 meeting to share the information about energy saving

technologies and information with EGEE&C members. EGEDA made presentation about APEC energy database and the idea of data collection to measure the energy efficiency.

Joint Meeting of EGNRET and EGEE&C (9 April 2014, Honolulu) Joining the joint meeting of EGNRET and EGEE&C to share the information

about the updates of projects in both expert groups and also discuss establishing a renewable energy goal in APEC region.

EGEDA briefly gave information about the key point of renewable energy goal (definitions and technical barriers).

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JODI Activity

JODI ISWG Meeting (12-13 March 2014, Tokyo) Preparation of launching JODI-Gas database in IEF14

IEF14 (15-16 May 2014, Moscow) Participants: About 30 countries (Brunei, China, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines,

Vietnam), 15 international organizations including APEC-EGEDA, more than 20 companies and around 100 peoples were joined.

Program consisted of 4 plenary sessions, two parallel roundtables, one special session and bilateral meetings. EGEDA communicated with delegates of Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam during IEF14.

The special session for public launch of JODI-Gas database: a key pillar of international gas market transparency.

Heads of 6 JODI partner organizations jointly launched JODI-Gas database officially. Access to JODI-Gas database; JODI Online Forum for JODI users; JODI-Video (5 minutes)

Sharing JODI data with commercial media such as Bloomberg?

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EGEDA Energy Statistics Training Program EGEDA starts the energy statistics training program from April 2014, which

invites energy statisticians from APEC economies to IEEJ;- Short term course

• Three weeks training course: provide basic energy statistics lecture to trainees.

• Targets: beginners of energy statistics. (one person from three economies)

• Date: three weeks from July to August.

• Travel costs including air ticket, accommodation and daily allowance are provided.

- Middle term course• Two months training course: OJT through working with IEEJ’s energy statistics staff.

• Targets: energy statisticians with around 1 years experience. (one from two economies)

• Travel costs including air ticket, accommodation and daily allowance are provided.

- Long term course• Minimum 1 year longest 3 years.

• Work as IEEJ’s staff .(dispatched persons from APEC economies)

• Target: beginners to experienced energy statisticians.

• Salary and health insurance are provided.

• IEEJ’s working regulation is applied.

• One person at a time.