progress and challenges of openstreetmap taiwan

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The Progress and Challenges of Mapping in Taiwan

2016 State of the Map Asia Conference x Asia Resilience Forum

Dennis Chen

Hi everyone. I'm Dennis from Taiwan. Today I'm talking about the challenges and progress the OpenStreetMap Taiwan community is facing.

OSM ID: Supaplex

Work in Tech media in Taiwan

Wikipedian, Supervisor of Wikimedia

Board member of OpenStreetMap Taiwan Organization

Taipei Meetup host, translator of OSM related project


Here is my profile. I'm also a Wikipedian. Host of Taipei meetup, and sometimes translating OpenStreetMap material or software.


Taipei Meetup host

Translator of Some projectID, Vespucci

Overpass Turbo, Level0

Image of the week

OSM tasking Manger, LearnOSM, JOSM

Public Transport

I think public transport data is most complicated data to map. So here is the route network of Taipe, to give you the idea of how the mapping in Taiwan is done. All the subway line is mapped and some route are added.

Power Tower use as referece when hiking

Power line in Northern Taiwan

Openstreetmap Taiwan Supaplex

Another example from hiking usage. The power line and tower is well mapped in Taiwan. The hiker use power tower and line to recognize where is he. Compare to another commercial maps have few data, OSM is very usefull.

Customized Bicycle Map
in Taipei

Openstreetmap Taiwan VintageJhan


Taiwan TOPO

Hiking Map data

Already using OpenStreetMap

Some hikers also adding trail to OpenStreetmap

Combining the DTM data from the government, the map rending is more useful for climbing mountain

The hiking community engage more deepl yin OpenStreetMap project. Not only render hiking map, but also add missing trail.

OSM tile server in Taiwan

Serving 22 countries/regions

Activities in Taiwan

Taipei Meetup

Kaohsiung Wikimedia X OpenStreetMap

State of the Map Taiwan

There are more community activities in Taiwan. Not only the big State of the Map Taiwan, but for the meetup in Two cities every month. Kaohsiung meetup is co hosed with Wikimedia community

Here's the photo of the community activities. The Taipei Meetup, and this is the meetup during the Taiwan largest open source conference COSCUP, and the booth on COSCUP.


Monthly meetup

Taipei: Mozilla Community Space, Taipei

Kaohsiung: Labor Education Center, co-Meetup with Wikipedian

Facebook use of OpenStreetMap

Credit: Facebook, OpenStreetMap

Someone already knows Facebook use OpenStreetMap.

State of the Map US

The Facebook guys report how they use AI to recognize road feature on satellite image during the State uf the Map US. It's quite impress to see the progress.

Facebook test of OSM

The Facebook people mention they use OSM map data for Checkin in Japan and South Korea

Actually the also tested in Taiwan, China and North Vietnam

A disaster for OSM Taiwan Community

However, Facebook use OSM on checkin page, note only in Japan and South Korea, they test on Taiwan, China, and North Vietnam. For the community in Taiwan, Facebook act is a disaster

Screensho I took last year when Facebook is testing on checkin page.

They pointed the complain directly by the note, so the language is not very polite (maybe not aware it is public)

The OpenStreetMap road network is not totally complete in Taiwan. Someone complain but doesn't not the complain send to OSM note. Not aware of what OSM is, the language is not polite and probability not aware it is public.

Collaborating tools

Facebook for disusing

Hackpad for document

Trello for project management

Slack and several IM for talk

Drinking Water Map

Openstreetmap Taiwan Supaplex

More information:

Drinking water map

Work with local Environment group: Taiwan Environment Information Center

Host several meetups

Use Overpass API

Challenges of Localization

Different Chinese character (Traditonal/Simplified Chinese)

How to tag temple in Taiwan: there's many deities outside the Christian World

For the community in Taiwan,the challenges of localization is the word and religion: different Chinese character use in different place, and totally different religious system in Taiwan

Different Chinese Characters


Traditonal Chinese / Simplified Chinese

China and Taiwan use different set of Chinese characters

Some terms (place name) are totally different

Name:zh is not enough

First talk about the characters. Theres are twoo different type of characters: Traditional and Simplified Chinese, one is use in Taiwan, the other use in China. And make things worst is some terms (place name) is different. The name zh tag is not enough to distinguish.

Difference Writing in Chinese

zh-hant/zh-hans or zh-tw/zh-cn/zh-hk/zh-mo

Here is an example. Despite Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao use Traditional Chinese, and China use Simplified Chinese

Mt. Everest



Despite the different character set, some terms are different. There are different names for Mt. Elveres, the one use in Taiwan, the another use in China.t

Name tag use in Taiwan (proposed)

So we have a proposed to solve the problem, distinguishing the difference between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

Name tag use in Taiwan (proposed)

We also include the Formosa Austronesian language use in Taiwan.

"Apple Store Carrousel du Louvre, 18 March 2011" by Mikhail (Vokabre) Shcherbakov - Flickr: Paris (). Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Commons -,_18_March_2011.jpg#/media/File:Apple_Store_Carrousel_du_Louvre,_18_March_2011.jpg

Taiwan folklore religion

There are some deities from Taoism and Buddhism

But these temple are neither Taoism or Buddhism

And there are more than one deities

By Suzuki1314 at Chinese Wikipedia (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The temple in Taiwan is hard to define it below to Taoism or Buddhism. We could easy find one taoism deity in a Buddhism temple, and one Buddhism deity in Taoism temple . We usually find one more deities in a temple.

Polytheism and apotheosis of historical figures

There are many Historical figures is apotheosis and has its own temple, like the famous in Taipei.

The way to tag deities and religious (proposed)

Tsihua Temple
Queen Mother of the West


We have another propose to define the complex and totally different religion in Taiwan.

Work with Mapbox

There is a big news for OSM Tawain Community .A task led by mapbox to aligning road network according to Mapbox new Satellite image and Strava GPS trace. It is going on for awhiel . I hope it will finish soon.

Working with Mapbox

Situation in Taiwan

Increase aware of OpenStreetmap

More use cases, mostly in hiking community

Some government use case, sometimes aware of the military landuse on OSM

Thank You

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Openstreetmap Taiwan Supaplex


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Openstreetmap Taiwan Supaplex


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Openstreetmap Taiwan Supaplex
