professor george q. huang dr. y. m. wong - cilt · 1 hong kong ’s logistics industry and land...

1 HONG KONGS LOGISTICS INDUSTRY AND LAND SUPPLY - AN OPINION SURVEY Professor George Q. Huang (HKU IMSE Department) and Dr. Y. M. Wong (BPS Global Group) DISCLAIMER This opinion survey exercise is jointly organized by Professor George Q. Huang of HKU IMSE Department and Dr. Y. M. Wong of BPS Global Group as the project investigators. We have done our best to analyse the survey data and draw potential implications. Opinions expressed by our correspondents and focus group discussion participants are their individual opinions and do not represent those of their affiliated professional bodies or companies.

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Page 1: Professor George Q. Huang Dr. Y. M. Wong - CILT · 1 HONG KONG ’S LOGISTICS INDUSTRY AND LAND SUPPLY - AN OPINION SURVEY Professor George Q. Huang (HKU IMSE Department) and …




Professor George Q. Huang

(HKU IMSE Department)


Dr. Y. M. Wong

(BPS Global Group)


This opinion survey exercise is jointly organized by Professor George Q. Huang of HKU IMSE

Department and Dr. Y. M. Wong of BPS Global Group as the project investigators. We have done

our best to analyse the survey data and draw potential implications. Opinions expressed by our

correspondents and focus group discussion participants are their individual opinions and do not

represent those of their affiliated professional bodies or companies.

Page 2: Professor George Q. Huang Dr. Y. M. Wong - CILT · 1 HONG KONG ’S LOGISTICS INDUSTRY AND LAND SUPPLY - AN OPINION SURVEY Professor George Q. Huang (HKU IMSE Department) and …



The survey team would like to express their sincere gratitude to professionals in Hong Kong

logistics and transportation industry for their participation and supports throughout this survey

project. The team also thanks professional bodies and business associations for circulating the

questionnaires among their members, and for their representatives for focus group discussions.

They include Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association, Hongkong Association of

Freight Forwarding Agents, Institute of Purchasing and Supply of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Logistics Association, Hong Kong Godown Association, Chartered Institution of Logistics and

Transport in Hong Kong, Carriers Liaison Group, Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association, HK

Container Drayage Service Association, and The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

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Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 4

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1. Background ........................................................................................................................................... 6

1.2. Aims of the Survey ............................................................................................................................... 6

1.3. Scope of Survey .................................................................................................................................... 7

2. Research Methodology and Target Respondents .......................................................................................... 7

3. Observations from the Questionnaire Survey ............................................................................................... 8

3.1. Long term development of the Logistics and Transportation Industry (Q1 to Q3) ............................... 8

3.2. Industry Needs and Strategy for Development (Q4 to Q7) ................................................................. 10

3.3. Future Logistics Land Sites (Q8 – Q15) ............................................................................................. 12

3.4. Government Influence (Q16 and others) ............................................................................................. 18

3.5. Future Development of Various Freight Modes (Q17 – Q22) ............................................................. 18

4. Inference from the Survey Study ................................................................................................................ 22

4.1. Success Factors and Challenges .......................................................................................................... 22

4.2. Logistics Land Reservation and Functions to receive priority treatments .......................................... 22

4.3. Geographical Distribution, transportation infrastructures, and policies .............................................. 22

5. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 24

Appendix ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….26

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Executive Summary

• The Hong Kong logistics and transportation industry has been a pillar industry playing

essential roles in the economic development not only of Hong Kong itself but also of south

China. A pressing question is open for discussion: if Hong Kong is able to retain this

industry as a pillar industry and if so, what should be done.

• During March and April 2014, a survey was conducted among Hong Kong logistics and

transportation industry in both forms of questionnaire and focus group discussion. 356

responses were received from logistics professionals and 6 focus group discussions were

conducted with a total number of 31 invited participants, most of them are the executive

members of their respective professional organizations.

• Although it is difficult to estimate the percentage of total population responding to these

email questionnaires, the responses are considered very representative as questionnaires

have been returned from a good spectrum of supporting organizations. The questionnaire

and focus group discussion complement each other with the breadth and depth of this

survey investigation.

• This survey has involved professionals from a spectrum of representative bodies and

organizations involved in supply chain logistics and transportation so that a wide variety of

issues could be addressed including logistics land supply policy, strategic locations and

distribution, road networks, Government subsidies and priority treatments to support the

logistics industry, concessions as well as industry's long-term perspective of various freight

modes of sea, river, road, rail, and air.

• In order for Hong Kong logistics and transportation to remain as a pillar industry, both

pulls from the market demand side and pushes from the supply side are considered


• On the demand side, the recent booming in e-commerce supply chain trading has created

strong demand for e-commerce logistics including warehousing and transportation. As an

in-born free trade region, Hong Kong is believed to have the advantage of being

transformed into an e-commerce logistics hub transformed from its traditional cargo

container logistics hub. This is one example of creating and enhancing an industrial sector

that creates intensive high-value-added logistics services from within Hong Kong.

• The proposed expansion of the Chek Lap Kok Airport and the building of the HZM Bridge

would potentially attract significant market demands for Hong Kong logistics and

transportation services from outside the region.

• Policies within the mainland China and future developments in south China are believed to

have substantial impacts, both as opportunities and as risks, on the market demands for

logistics services from Hong Kong. Hong Kong has to position and integrate itself in a

broad perspective nationally and internationally to secure long term prosperity for the

industry as well as the Hong Kong overall economy as a whole.

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• On the supply side, Government policies, investments and information technology supports,

lands and labour (PILL) are considered as critical factors hindering further development of

Hong Kong logistics industry. This is particularly crucial to SME (Small and Medium

Enterprises) logistics service providers. This is also the area where the HKSAR

Government has key roles to play. The provision of low-cost lands is considered essential

for Hong Kong logistics industry to become competitive while the sector is prepared to

deal with other factors such as skill training. Similar actions could be taken by the

Government to deal with the problem of labour shortage just as construction industry.

• In terms of location distribution plan, the development is emphasized along the western

side of Hong Kong territory to cope with the road and transport infrastructure. Logistics

professionals consider it is better to have de-centralised logistics operations around airport,

seaport, and land gateways. This can spread out the various functions to reduce the level of

traffic congestions as well as to enable residents of various locations can go to work at

nearby locations. This benefits from centralized logistics services within decentralized

parks while radiating to nearby locations for flexible service expansion. Such an approach

to the balance between intra-centralisation and extra-decentralisation should be reflected in

the Hong Kong Government’s strategic development plans.

• There is a supply bottleneck problem of logistics land in the short to medium term to

satisfy the industry needs. A couple of land pieces at the Tuen Mun West seem to be the

only available options for the forthcoming decade. While for the medium to long term

perspective, three decentralized areas are ranked top by logistics professionals are Lantau

(Siu Ho Wan), Northeast NT, and Northwest NT in a ratio of with realistically converging

estimates of land demands for future development in Hong Kong logistics industry. 52%,

27% and 21% respectively.

• HZM Bridge is hoped to create increased demands for road transport which should be

served by land/sea/air multi-modal logistics network. Participants have proposed to

provide adequate lands for creating high value adding logistics services around the airport

especially when the third runway is under construction. Ocean cargo logistics as a

traditional strength of Hong Kong logistics industry still benefits from its efficiency in

container handling and low unit costs per container as compared with road transport. It

remains controversial if Container Terminal No. 10 should be built.

• The logistics and transportation business development opportunities in Hong Kong will be

significantly influenced by four key elements, namely “ABCD” where A denotes Airport

(aviation logistics), B denotes Bridge (HZM Bridge links west PRD to HK), C =

Cross-border (effects of high value-added logistics between China and HK), and D =

Digital (or E-commerce Logistics effects). This survey report will summarize the

recommendations of the industry to the Government and concerned authorities for their

reference and actions.

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1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Logistics & Trade is a pillar industry in Hong Kong with an employment of over 700,000. Over

the past three decades, logistics, transportation, supply chain functions in Hong Kong had

significantly contributed not only to the wealth creation in Hong Kong but also to the rapid

reform and growth of southern China's economic development.

However, Logistics & Trade in Hong Kong has been recently facing intensive challenges due to

substantial changes of the business environment in South China under global competition. On

the one hand, manufacturing activities have moved out of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region.

On the other hand, the World Trade Organisation status of mainland China allows increased

direct trades between manufacturers and overseas suppliers/customers. These changes have

de-accelerated demands for container logistics.

In addition, the logistics, transportation, and supply chain industry is facing strong competition

from neighbouring cities, leading to complicated operations, high investment and low returns.

Freight volume growth was not supported by the continued provision of private storage space, as

there was extremely low increase of space over the past decade. Logistics operators were forced

to survive via ever-improving operations efficiency, optimization, and warehouse automation.

The Government has considered to ear-mark some dedicated land pieces for logistics

applications at Tuen Mun, Tsing Yi, and Hung Shui Kiu; also a plan to develop a large scale

logistics park at Siu Ho Wan (Lantau). Meanwhile, there is a good development of highway

network in addition to HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge such as the Tuen Mun- Chek Lap Kok Link

and Tuen Mun Western Bypass.

Some background information about the overall situation can be referred to Appendix A.

1.2. Aims of the Survey

In recent years, different organizations have attempted studies to identify what is the status of the

Hong Kong Logistics & Trade industry and what roles the HKSAR could play in maintaining

and further developing this pillar industry (e.g. HKLA 2013). This survey project is a

continuation of these recent efforts, adding observations and findings from complementing

perspectives. The objectives of this survey study are multi-folded:

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• To identify key drivers for business opportunities perceived by the logistics and

transportation professionals;

• To identify key factors that Hong Kong logistics and transportation industry must consider

to address the challenges they have recently been facing with; and

• To collect suggestions and proposals from the sector regarding what could and should be

done in short, near and long terms by different stakeholders including the Government

bodies, industry associations, private sectors and educational bodies.

1.3. Scope of Survey

The scope of this survey covers logistics land supply policy, strategic locations and distribution,

road networks, Government subsidies and priority treatments to support the logistics industry,

concessions. The survey also discusses the industry's long-term perspective of various freight

modes of sea, river, road, rail, and air.

2. Research Methodology and Target Respondents

This survey is twinned with a questionnaire survey and a series of focus group discussion.

Opinions are collected from target respondents including members of professional institutions or

industry associations in logistics, transportation and supply chain in Hong Kong.

After a series of interactions with professionals in the related fields, a comprehensive

questionnaire has been designed with 22 major questions as shown in Appendix B. The

questionnaire has been disseminated through collaborating/supporting organizations to their

members. 356 valid responses have been collected for further processing. Although it is difficult

to estimate the response rate as it is electronically broadcast to target audience through various

channels of the supporting organizations, the total number of 356 responses is considered very

representative as opinions have been collected across different industry associations and

professional bodies.

After processing the first batch of 250 responses to the returned questionnaires, a set of questions

are identified under five main categories as shown in Appendix C. These questions are used for 6

focus group discussions meetings with executive committee members of selected supporting

organisations. 31 invited individuals belonging to 6 supporting organisations have been involved

in these focus group discussions. These meetings provide a more direct and interactive approach

to obtain comments and ideas so as to get to the problem roots and possible solutions and

identify actions to be taken.

While the questionnaire survey is able to collect opinions of adequate width, the focus group

discussion allows us to collect opinions of sufficient depth. Such complements allow us to

consolidate and amalgamate survey results and derive combined observations and inference.

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3. Observations from the Questionnaire Survey

3.1. Long term development of the Logistics and Transportation Industry (Q1 to Q3)

Hong Kong’s leading positioning in the global trading and competitiveness is often referred as

the result of its outstanding supply chain management (SCM) systems. Over 90% of the

respondents opined that was due to Hong Kong’s free port policy and 75% due to HK’s

important role of the business window and southern trade gateway to China. Slightly over 50%

considered that as a result of the amalgamation of East/ West culture, many elites have been

nurtured to flourish the industry.

The recent trend of electronic commerce has almost overturned people’s buying habits and

modes, and also seen to have high growth rate. The difficult part is how to fulfil the delivery

commitment while keeping a minimum inventory in most of the times. This is very demanding

to the logistics and transportation sectors, particularly for the last-mile distribution to the end

consumers. In order to meet such challenges, 72% of respondents opined that industry players

should optimize the strategic locations of distribution centres and 63% advocate the use of

computerized and automated process in the order management and warehousing operations. The

SME’s will not be competitive in heavy capital investment on the systems, hence may need to

collaborate with partners to share resources and to run the supply chain. Some commented on the

cross-border and customs policy issues that may influence the efficiency of such operations,

particularly when the territory of distribution is the PRD instead of Hong Kong only.











1.00 0.92


0.52 0.48


1a) Hong Kong’s free port policy

1b) Window and trade gateway to China

1c) Amalgamation of East/ West culture

1d) Pioneers with contemporary SCM


1e) Use advanced automatic/ mechanized


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For the long term development of the logistics and transportation industry, the transport network

between Hong Kong and Mainland as well as supply of land pieces for logistics uses are the

most influential factors with a score of 4.28 and 4.20 respectively (out of a max. score of 5).

Other factors such as Preferential policy to the industry from the Government, Transport network

within the territories of Hong Kong , and Collaboration between Hong Kong and neighbouring

cities all have a high score of about 4 out of the maximum score of 5. Some other respondents

also opined that a) human resources/ education/ training/ skill, b) China’s Policy on customs and

excise, c) PRD’s transformation to service or finance base would also give high impact as well.









0.80 0.72





2a) Optimize the strategic locations of

distribution centres2b) Share resources with other companies

2c) Improve training to related professional

talents2d) Use of computerized and automated

process in warehousing2e) Strengthen the transportation team and




4.28 4.06






3a) Supply of land pieces for logistics use

3b) Transport network within the territories of Hong Kong

3c) Transport network between Hong Kong and Mainland

3d) Preferential policy to the industry from the Government

3e) Collaboration between Hong Kong and neighboring


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3.2. Industry Needs and Strategy for Development (Q4 to Q7)

The logistics operating space in HK has virtually not increased over the past decade, averaged at

0.6% p.a. only. The total freight cargo traffic volume increased at a mild 2.13% average p.a. This

forced industry operators to optimize process flow, mechanize and automate operations. Since

the land and space is such a precious resource in the logistics industry, the function that deserves

the highest priority in land use is Large-scale logistics park or distribution centre, taking a score

of 4.16. The others also have scores slightly under 4, they include a) Multi-modal transfer node

(score 4.02), b) Medium to small scale logistics park or distribution centre (score 3.99), c)

Multi-storey logistics centre/ private warehousing (score 3.97), and d) Cargo loading/ unloading

and de-containerisation (score 3.81)

In determining the choice of a newly developed logistics area, important criteria to be considered

are: a) Easy access to high speed road system (score 4.16), b) Near to Sea or River terminal

(score 3.97), c) Have sufficient space for lorry parking and waiting (score 3.82), and Railway

link for high-volume and low cost transport (score 3.70). Other considerations include far away

from residential area while easily accessible for working there, and road network flow





4.16 4.02









4a) Lorry car park

4b) Open storage yard and ground

4c) Cargo loading/ unloading and de-containerisation

4d) Large-scale logistics park or distribution centre

4e) Medium to small scale logistics park or distribution


4f) Multi-modal transfer node

4g) Multi-storey logistics centre/ private warehousing

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Based on the problems incurred in the current location distribution of various logistics facilities

in Hong Kong, the areas for improvement include traffic jam, particularly at around major

festival days and typhoons, with an 84% consensus rate; then the air and noise pollution that 75%

of respondents considered as important improvement area. 44% wish not to disturb neighboring

residents and shops, and only 19% wish to reduce the traffic accident rate (probably due to the

relatively low incident rate of driving safety in HK).

In terms of the geographical locations distribution of logistics operations, 57% of respondents

consider it is better to de-centralise at around airport, seaport, and land gateways. This can spread

out the various functions to reduce the level of traffic congestions as well as to enable residents










0.90 0.84




6a) Traffic jam

6b) Air and noise pollution

6c) Traffic accidents

6d) Disturb neighboring residents and shops













5a) Have sufficient space for lorry parking and waiting

5b) Access to high speed road system

5c) Railway link for high-volume and low cost transport

5d) Near to Sea or River terminal

5e) Food catering and resting facilities

5f) Far away from residential areas

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of various locations can go to work at nearby locations. On the other hand, still some 20% of

them advocate centralization as a logistics park. The balance 20% considers having it centered at

Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi, and radiating to nearby locations for expansion. The above results

indicate that Hong Kong Government should pose strategic development plans to make use of

the advantages of different geographic locations as indicated by the majority of choice towards


3.3. Future Logistics Land Sites (Q8 – Q15)

The Government has recently ear-marked some lands for logistics use at Tuen Mun, and also

considering to build a logistics park at Siu Ho Wan on Lantau. In the Northeast NT and

Northwest New Territories, there are also some areas planned for high value-added logistics

applications, but these will not be completed before 2030’s. Hong Kong’s long term

development has to deploy modern logistics facilities along with high value-added logistics

services. The main operating hub of the industry is currently centred around Kwai Chung and

Tsing Yi, and gradually extended to Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun. In urban areas there are scattered

logistics operations such as those in Tokwawan.

Besides Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi, the most suitable future potential locations for expanding

logistics operations as reflected by the respondents are: (1=least suitable, 5=most suitable)

Lantau North (Siu Ho Wan) 4.05

Tuen Mun West 3.84

Northeast NT (Man Kam To, Lin Tong, Ping Che) 3.36

Tsuen Wan 3.19

Northwest NT (Hung Shui Kiu) 2.97

Proposed New Reclamation 2.76












7a) Better to centralise

7b) Better to de-centralise (at around

airport, seaport, and land gateways)

7c) Centred at Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi,

radiate to nearby locations for expansion

7d) Others

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In terms of road transport structures, the followings should have ancillary and support facilities

with priority: Linkage road network of HZM Bridge, Lantau, and the extended island over

airport (77% of respondents), Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link (74%), and Tuen Mun Western

Bypass (52%). These are areas for the Government road/ transport department to give priority to

make sure they can realise the highest value of these road infrastructures.

The planned Logistics Park at Siu Ho Wan in Lantau is still being considered, but not confirmed

yet. As the HZM Bridge will be completed two years down the road, an overwhelming 84% of

respondents think we should consider developing the park.












9a) Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link

9b) Tuen Mun Western Bypass

9c) Linkage road network of HZMB and














8a) Tsuen Wan

8b) Tuen Mun West

8c) Lantau North (Siu Ho Wan)

8d)Northeast NT (Lin Tong, Ping Che)

8e) Northwest NT NDA (Hung Shui Kiu)

8f)Proposed New Reclamation

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Out of these respondents, the most appropriate land size to be allocated to logistics uses is

around 36±15 hectare with the weighted average area of around 36 hectare. The distribution is as


a) 10 hectare or less 9%

b) 11 to 20 hectare 22%

c) 21 to 40 hectare 25%

d) 41 to 60 hectare 26%

e) 61 hectare and above 17%

The preliminary feasibility study carried out by the Government on developing Northeast NT

(including Lin Tong, Man Kam To, and Ping Che) and the planned Northwest NT Newly

Developed Area (NDA) need 10 to 20 years or even longer before it could be realized. Hence the

current and near-term problems cannot be solved with this proposal. In terms of such short to

medium term means to increase the supply of logistics working space, respondents opined that

we should grant longer lease period for selected spare land within Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi area

(56%, being the highest). Then there are about 48% for seeking more land pieces in Tuen Mun

and Lantau to be made available.


0.16 10a) Yes, should consider Siu Ho Wan

10b) No, should not consider Siu Ho Wan





0.17 11a) 10 hectare and below

11b) 11 to 20 hectare

11c) 21 to 40 hectare

11d) 41 to 60 hectare

11e) 61 hectare and above

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The NDA of Northeast NT has reserved some sites for special industrial and logistics use. This

location is close to the nearby newly developed Lin-Tong gateway to east Guangdong. The

respondents considered the area that should be allocated to logistics application are:

a) 10 hectare or less 18%

b) 11 to 20 hectare 42%

c) 21 to 30 hectare 27%

d) 31 hectare and above 13%

From the above, the weighted average area is 19 Ha with a rough range of ±10 Ha.

According to the original plan, there will have 62 hectares of land ear-marked for logistics use at

the Northwest NT NDA at Hung Shui Kiu. However, the location is far away from the usual

logistics clustering locations. At present there are a lot of scattered open yards and car

parking/repairing sites at Hung Shui Kiu; these do not create many employment opportunities. In







0.60 0.56



0.49 0.47 12a) Grant longer lease period for selected

spare land in Kwai Tsing12b) Convert reserved land into logistics use

12c) Open up and release deserted factorybuildings for logistics use12d) Seek more land pieces at Tuen Mun

12e) Seek more land pieces at Lantau




0.13 0.01

13a) 10 hectare and below

13b) 11 to 20 hectare

13c) 21 to 30 hectare

13d) 31 hectare and above

13e) others

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terms of making the best use of the Hung Shui Kiu NDA to facilitate the logistics industry, 66%

advocate the idea to erect multi-storey buildings to undertake high-value added logistics services,

65% wish to erect high-efficiency automatic warehouse to handle precious goods, and 32% think

that priority should be given to those higher labour-content activities to increase employment.

Only 20% consider that the current operating mode should be maintained.

In terms of the optimal size of land parcel to be allocated for logistics use in the NDA of

Northwest NT, the respondents considered:

a) 10 hectare or less 37%

b) 11 to 20 hectare 32%

c) 21 to 30 hectare 23%

d) 31 hectare and above 7%

From the above, the weighted average area is around 15 Ha with a rough range ±5 Ha.










0.66 0.65


14a) Maintain the current operating mode

14b) Erect multi-storey buildings to

undertake high-value added logistics services

14c) Erect high-efficiency automatic

warehouse to handle precious goods

14d) Priority given to those higher labour-

content activities to increase employment



0.23 0.07

15a) 10 hectare and below

15b) 11 to 20 hectare

15c) 21 to 30 hectare

15d) 31 hectare and above

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As a result of considering the above potential sites for long term logistics use, it can be

summarized as below:

Lantau (Siu Ho Wan) 36.28 Ha 52% Northeast NT 18.62 Ha 27% Northwest NT 14.93 Ha 21%

Total 69.83 Ha 100%

Total land supply in the long term from all sources – under a conservation of total area concept

implies Lantau (Siu Ho Wan) should provide 52% of the future logistics land area, Northeast

New Territories 27%, and Northwest New Territories (Hung Shui Kiu NDA) 21%. View it from

another angle, in the long term perspective; the industry expects a 36 Ha of land should be

provided from the strategic location at Lantau with special emphasis at Siu Ho Wan; then 19 Ha

at the Northeast NT, and 15 Ha at the Northwest NT.

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3.4. Government Influence (Q16 and others)

The Government has been claiming that the logistics and transportation should be groomed to a

pillar industry of HK, and can compete with the nearby cities with comparative advantage.

Besides the highway road networks being built to link HK to various cities in south China, the

HZM (Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau) Bridge can effectively bring closer business relationship

with the Guangxi as well as west Guangdong spots. Internally, the west side of HK will be linked

by a network consisting of the HZM Bridge, its connecting to Lantau Island Expressway into

downtown, the Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link, Tuen Mun Western Bypass, etc. to facilitate

direct transfer of cargoes to various ultimate destination as well inter-modal transfer.

People are expecting the Government to help the industry via subsidizing the operations, 66% of

the respondents prefer discounted land price policy, and 65% think that low-cost public

warehousing service should be provided. 47% wish to get tax allowance on the gasoline and

diesel, and 43% opined that the Government to attract talents to join the industry, also actively

organise training to nurture their professional knowledge.

3.5. Future Development of Various Freight Modes (Q17 – Q22)

Based on the anticipated ocean-going cargo volume growth and competitiveness of Hong Kong

in the region, 60% of the respondents support the building of Container Terminal No. 10 at Tsing

Yi. 20% do not support due to conservative expectation of the future volume growth. The

balance 20% is not sure as the future picture is unclear due to competitive nature of nearby ports

in China as well as the new free-port customs policy that is currently under the testing phase at

Shanghai. Some opined that if this new terminal is erected, it should provide a lower cost

operating environment instead of another conglomerate taking charge which continues the

oligopoly market situation in which case still uncompetitive in terms of costs and charges to the









0.70 0.66 0.65




16a) Discounted land price

16b) Provide low-cost public warehousing


16c) Tax allowance on the gasoline and


16d) Reduction of profit tax

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The current Tuen Mun Inner River Terminal is growing in cargo volume, and operating space

there is becoming more stringent. In order to enable its capability and capacity for medium to

long term development, 44% of the respondents consider increasing the land supply in the

nearby vicinity, and 30% to increase the handling capacity of the terminal.

Cross-border road transport volume has been dropping over the past decade, reduced by about

1/3 from 2003 to 2012, reflecting the fact that shippers are using more of the Mainland’s ports

instead of Hong Kong. With the completion of the HZM Bridge, it will create more cross border

road cargo traffic volume. In order to maximize the benefits at the Hong Kong side of landing,

70% of the respondents think we should build a Land/ Air/ Sea/ Road multi-modal hub. 62%

advocate building some warehouses nearby, and use more automation and computerization to

increase competitiveness. 61% wish to provide land at Siu Ho Wan for logistics operations and

lorry parking applications. There is yet 40% of the respondents want to establish a

state-of-the-art customs checkpoint to handle clearance work efficiently




17a) Support

17b) Not support

17c) Not sure





18a) Maintain the present facilities

18b) Increase the handling capacity of

the terminal

18c) Increase the land supply in the

nearby vicinity

18d) Open another new river cargo


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The railway freight transport had ceased operation since June 2010. Over the years, a no. of

logistics practitioners suggested to establish a multi-modal hub at the Kwai Chung Container

Terminal to enhance efficiency while reduce the cost of transportation. When posed with this

idea, 53% advocate re-building a railway line for freight to link Kwai Chung to Shenzhen. 30%

disagree, and the balance 17% not sure. The main concern for not supporting is due to unclear

development of the future container cargo movement growth and the difficult to find a suitable

location for the railway terminal operations. Moreover, railway line takes up a lot of space to lay

the tracks, hence appears not the right menu of today. This survey result is also close to that of

whether Container Terminal No. 10 should be erected or not.








0.70 0.61 0.62



19a) Provide land at Siu Ho Wan for logistics

and parking applications

19b) Build some warehouses nearby, and

apply computerization and automation

19c) Build a Land/Air/Rail multi-modal hub

19d) Establish a state-of-the-art customs

checkpoint to handle clearance work

0.53 0.30


20a) Agree

20b) Disagree

20c) Not sure

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Hong Kong Air Cargo volume will grow from the present 4 million tons to over 9 million in

2030. This is based on an assumption that we shall have the 3rd runway at the airport. 64% of the

respondents think such a growth volume rate is attainable; 14% think unattainable and 22% not

sure. Those not affirmative are worrying about the competitive attitude of nearby airports like the

Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai who are ready to expand the capacity when the growth

opportunity comes.

Amongst various freight modes, air freight has the highest growth rate. To maintain its

momentum, 77% of the respondents think we should erect more buildings like the AFFC for

goods handling and preparation. 61% advocate the early completion of the Tuen Mun- Chek Lap

Kok Link & Tuen Mun Western Bypass. 56% thinks we should provide more working space for

offices and related functions.

0.64 0.14


21a) Yes, can attain planned growth rate

21b) No, cannot attain planned growth rate

21c) Not sure













22a) Provide more working space for offices

and related functions

22b) Erect more buildings like the AFFC for

goods handling and preparation

22c) Finish the Tuen Mun - CLP Link & Tuen

Mun Western Bypass ASAP

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4. Inference from the Survey Study

In order for Hong Kong logistics and transportation to remain as a pillar industry, both pulls from

the market demand side and pushes from the supply side are considered necessary.

4.1. Success Factors and Challenges

• Among all the parameters that the Government controls, land costs and labour shortage are

perceived as the most important factors for future development of Hong Kong logistics and

transportation industry.

• High land cost and labour shortage have offset the traditional competitive advantages that

have made Hong Kong logistics and transport industry a great success.

• Significant changes in the business environment surrounding Hong Kong have gradually

reduced the demands for Hong Kong logistics and transport services.

• Participants are cautiously optimistic that Hong Kong logistics and transportation industry

could remain as a pillar industry but requiring consorted efforts from all stakeholders

including the Government, the private sectors, Research & Development institutions, and

professional bodies / industry associations.

• On the demand side, the recent booming in e-commerce supply chain trading has created

strong demand for e-commerce logistics including warehousing and transportation. As an

in-born free trade region, Hong Kong is believed to have the advantage of being

transformed into an e-commerce logistics hub transformed from its traditional cargo

container logistics hub. This is one example of creating and enhancing an industrial sector

that creates intensive logistics services from within Hong Kong.

• The proposed expansion of the airport and the building of the HZM Bridge would

potentially attract significant market demands for Hong Kong logistics and transportation

services from outside the region.

4.2. Logistics Land Reservation and Functions to receive priority treatments

• On the supply side, Government policies, investments and information technology supports,

lands and labour (PILL) are considered as critical factors hindering further development of

Hong Kong logistics industry. This is particularly crucial to SME (Small and Medium

Enterprise) logistics service providers. This is also the area where the HKSAR

Government has key roles to play. The provision of low-cost lands is considered essential

for Hong Kong logistics industry to become competitive while the sector is prepared to

deal with other factors such as skill training. Similar actions could be taken by the

Government to deal with the problem of labour shortage just like the construction industry.

4.3. Geographical Distribution, transportation infrastructures, and policies

• In terms of location distribution plan, the development is emphasized along the western

side of Hong Kong territory to cope with the road and transport infrastructure. Logistics

professionals consider it is better to have de-centralized logistics operations around airport,

seaport, and land gateways.

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• This can spread out the various functions to reduce the level of traffic congestions as well

as to enable residents of various locations can go to work at nearby locations. It benefits

from centralized logistics services within decentralized parks while radiating to nearby

locations for flexible service expansion. Such an approach to the balance between

intra-centralisation and extra-decentralisation should be reflected in the Hong Kong

Government’s strategic development plans.

• Policies within the mainland China and future developments in south China are believed to

have substantial impacts, both as opportunities and as risks, on the market demands for

logistics services from Hong Kong. Hong Kong has to position and integrate itself in a

broad perspective nationally and internationally to secure long term prosperity for the


• There needs to consider easy access to go to the working place and the passenger transport

home of the operating employees, and not to spend too much time and cost in commuting

to the workplace and returning back home. Future logistics land sites and areas

• Future logistics land sites and areas are closely associated with HZM Bridge as well as the

airport capacity expansion.

• The logistics and transportation business development opportunities in Hong Kong will be

significantly influenced by four key elements, namely “ABCD” where A denotes Airport

(aviation logistics), B denotes Bridge (the HZM Bridge links west PRD to Hong Kong), C

= Cross-border (effects of high value-added logistics between China and Hong Kong), and

D = Digital (or E-commerce Logistics effects). This survey report will summarize the

recommendations of the industry to the Government and concerned authorities for their

reference and actions.

• Three decentralized areas are ranked top by logistics professionals are Lantau (Siu Ho

Wan), Tuen Mun West and North NT, with realistically converging estimates of land

demands for future development in Hong Kong logistics industry.

• While in the short to medium term, Tuen Mun West can be a potential logistics land

providing district, in the medium to long term of 10 to 20 years, we could only count on

Lantau, Northeast NT and Northwest NT respectively.

• For the total land supply in the longer perspective from all sources – under a conservation

of total area concept implies Lantau (Siu Ho Wan) should provide 52% of the future

logistics land area, Northeast New Territories 27%, and Northwest New Territories (Hung

Shui Kiu NDA) 21%. View it from another angle, in the long term perspective; the

industry expects a 36 Ha of land should be provided from the strategic location at Lantau

with special emphasis at Siu Ho Wan; then 19 Ha at the Northeast NT, and 15 Ha at the

Northwest NT.

• HZM Bridge is hoped to create increased demands for road transport which should be

served by land/sea/air multi-modal logistics network. Participants have proposed to

provide adequate lands for creating high value adding logistics services around the airport

especially when the third runway is under construction. Ocean cargo logistics as a

traditional strength of Hong Kong logistics industry still benefits from its efficiency in

container handling and low unit costs per container as compared with road transport. It

remains controversial if Container Terminal No. 10 should be built.

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5. Conclusions

Through this study, we have collected first-hand comments and opinions on Hong Kong logistics

industry and land supply through the questionnaire survey and focus group discussion. On the

demand side, Hong Kong needs to run modern logistics modes towards high value-added

services. On the supply side, Hong Kong needs to secure provision of lands, labour skills and


From the viewpoint of the logistics and transportation industry, it is important to seize the market

opportunities arisen from recent developments in e-commerce logistics as potential high-value

adding logistics. This market pulling effect is crucial for Hong Kong logistics to develop and

grow given the fact that other traditional logistics services have been reaching a maturity stage

while it would take some time for Hong Kong to develop high-value adding industries that

require intensive logistics supports. The Hong Kong logistics sector needs to validate if it is

economically viable for Hong Kong to shift from a traditional container logistics hub into an

e-commerce logistics service hub.

From the viewpoint of the Government, supports should not just provided for the logistics and

cargo transportation industry, but also to those industries and business that demand intensive and

high-value adding logistics services in a global context. The participants in this survey and focus

group discussion generally agree that it is worthwhile to investigate if Hong Kong as a whole is

able to take advantage of its status being an in-born trade region to develop itself into an

e-commerce trade centre that requires intensive logistics supports. The Government should seize

this crucial opportunity for Hong Kong to transform both trade and logistics for a global trend

retaining its status as a pillar industry.

Specific voices to the Government include:

• The Government should consider similar arrangement of “Foreign Labour” to the

Construction industry for the Logistics industry to overcome the labour shortage problem.

• The Government should have a vision to support developing new opportunities for Hong

Kong industries such as e-commerce that create intensive demands for logistics services.

• The Government should treat the land shortage for logistics use as a priority for the

industry to gain competitiveness regionally, nationally and internationally. Lost cost land

supply is crucial to SME logistics providers.

• The Government should leverage the airport and provide the necessary lands for

developing high-value adding logistics services, particularly for the air cargoes.

• The Government should position and integrate its policies in a broad perspective regionally

(Guangdong Province policies and development plans), nationally (China national policies

such as free trade zones) and internationally.

• Ensure land supply and logistics facilities around Lantau to handles cargoes from Airport

as well as HZM Bridge

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• To establish "bridgehead" Business Logistics Park at the exit of the HZM Bridge as soon

as possible.

• The Government should consider opening up and release deserted factory buildings for

transformation for logistics uses.

• The Government should increase IT supports for SME logistics providers through the

Logistics and Supply Chain Research & Development Center and local universities.

• Foster the development of businesses and industries requiring intensive modern high

value-added logistics.

• The Government needs to respond to a voice for a “common/public logistics park or


- End -

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A. Project Brief and background information (A1: Chinese and A2: English version)

B. Opinion Survey Questionnaire (B1: Chinese and B2:English version)

C. Focused Group Meeting Discussion Topics (English and Chinese versions)

D. Demographics of the Participants and Respondents

E. List of Supporting Organizations to this Survey

F. Abbreviations and Terms

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Appendix A: Project Brief and background information

(Appendix A1 – Chinese; Appendix A2 – English)

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香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷調查預讀及補充資料 1 / 4

香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷調查預讀及補充資料 (請於填表前先閱讀) 據政府統計處資料表示,物流及貿易行業是香港四大支柱產業之首,就業人數有七十多萬人。其中供應鏈及物流運輸業是本港在中國大陸改革的三十多年來為南方的經濟發展作出了重大的貢獻。行業對香港經濟影響相當大,佔本地生產總值約百分之五,每年涉及八百二十億港元。香港有需要建造現代物流業專用設施,以發展物流業高增值服務。政府之前提出撥出屯門、洪水橋及青衣西專用物流土地,又擬於大嶼山小濠灣填海興建物流園等。 近年來,物流、運輸、供應鏈等的業界都面對不少的困難及鄰近城市的競爭環境,逼使營運愈來愈複雜、高投資額和低利潤回報。這問卷希望能幫助探討其根本問題癥結及尋求改善的方向。 香港在過去 10 年的進出口總貨運平均每年增長 2.13%(請參考下表): 年份 海運 河運 道路貨運 空運 總量 2003 148,618 58,994 39,943 2,642 250,197 2004 158,617 62,262 40,474 3,090 264,443 2005 161,467 68,672 38,719 3,402 272,260 2006 166,208 72,031 37,320 3,580 279,139 2007 177,347 68,086 36,139 3,742 285,314 2008 179,974 79,428 31,734 3,627 294,763 2009 161,591 81,376 26,716 3,347 273,030 2010 182,004 85,811 29,660 4,128 301,603 2011 194,926 82,518 26,717 3,938 308,099 2012 188,860 80,423 26,215 4,025 299,523 2013 152,156* 73,568* 21,270* 4,122 N.A. 平均年增長率(2003-2012) 2.89% 3.71% -4.29% 5.22% + 2.13% 註:1. 以上資料一千噸為單位;2. * 截止到 2013 年 10 月份 另一方面,私營倉庫總面積由 2003 年年底的 3.38 百萬平米到 2012 年年底的 3.57 百萬平米,這九年內的按年年增長率只有 0.6%。這個不相配的現象逼使營運者在效率、營運優化、倉庫高效自動化等花心思。但進步總會走向一個盡頭,不能長期在壓迫環境下生存,只可靠政府提供物流用地和相關的輔助政策支持。 政府在香港的策略性部署有需要建造現代物流業專用設施,以發展物流業高增值服務。總體布局中心在葵青區,逐步伸延到荃灣,後再到屯門等地。在市區內也有零散的物流據點如土瓜灣等。 政府之前提出撥出屯門及青衣西專用物流土地,又擬於大嶼山小濠灣填海興建物流園等的構想。新界東北和新界西北新發展區亦有一些預留給物流業使用。 右圖為屯門西望后石的規劃。屯門第 38區和 49區(約共 10公頃面積)近來已經批准了做物流用途。另屯門第 40區和 46區(A 及 C 位置,約共 10公頃面積)則將會在幾年內可考慮撥作工業或物流用途。這新區將是日後赤臘角-屯門大橋的北落脚點,亦是屯門西繞道的起步點,是非常適合空運後轉往大陸的貨運。(註:1 公頃 = 1 萬平米,大約是香港大球場的足球運動草場的面積) Area 38

Area 49

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香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷調查預讀及補充資料 2 / 4

陸路運輸貨量在 2003-2012 年一直呈現遞减的趨勢(减了約 1/3),反映華南的廠商持續地繞過香港採用內地港口進行更多物料和貨品的進出口。幸虧 2016 年將會落成的港珠澳大橋能給我們一個機會,可以打通香港與珠江西岸高速公路網。

港珠澳大橋落成後,珠江三角洲西岸地區將納入香港方圓三小時車程內可達的範圍。這不但大幅减省兩地間陸路客貨運的成本及時間,亦使來自珠三角西岸地區、以致廣東省西部和廣西省的貨物更能便捷地使用香港機場及葵涌貨櫃碼頭的完善設施,令香港更有效地發揮其區域性貿易和物流樞紐的關鍵作用。同時有助促進香港與珠江鄰近省份的經濟融合,提高珠江三角洲相對於東盟國家和長江三角洲等其他經濟區域的競爭力。 在港珠澳大橋香港段的落橋位置進出市區的貨物最理想能在附近,即小濠灣,可以有個轉運樞紐站或物流園之類的設施幫忙。

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香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷調查預讀及補充資料 3 / 4

政府也正在考慮一些填海的方案,使得增加總的土地供應。現在有五個點供考慮:1.龍鼓灘,2.小濠灣,3. 欣澳, 4. 青衣西,5.馬料水。總增加的土地面積有 490 到 660公頃。但這些都是很多年之後才可以落成使用,用途也不限於物流業的。 現時正進行的發展新界北部地區初步可行性研究(包括蓮塘、香園圍、文錦渡及坪輋)建設要多等十多二十年或更久才發展成熟。東北新發展區計劃預留了一些土地為一些高增值、有優勢的產業及物流用途。對物流來講,這樣可以好好使用鄰近新開的蓮塘/香園圍口岸連接大陸。 新界西北新發展區在洪水橋(右圖黃 色 1區)有 62公頃土地供物流高產 值行業使用的土地。這裡離西部通道 深圳灣口岸比較近,可以利用為陸路 貨物過境的橋頭堡。估計將會在 2034 年完全發展使用。 。

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香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷調查預讀及補充資料 4 / 4

至於道路網絡方面,港珠澳大橋之外,也有以下主要公路發展: a) 港珠澳大橋‧香港口岸 b) 港珠澳大橋香港接線 c) 屯門至赤鱲角連接路 d) 屯門西繞道 e) 中環灣仔繞道和東區走廊連接路 f) 中九龍幹線 g) 啓德 T2主幹路 h) 將軍澳跨灣連接路 i) 將軍澳- 藍田隧道這些新道路基建的管理/營運/設計規劃和執行對未來的發展有著戰略性的位置;其中 a)至 d)都跟物流運輸有著重大的影響;下圖展示了他們的具體位置。



1. 這問卷是由 HKU 及威裕環球集團(BPS Global)聯合設計與執行,也邀得香港各物


2. 問卷調研範圍包括香港供應鏈的成功要素,物流用地的供應,地理分佈及跟公路網



3. 被訪對象為香港物流、運輸、供應鏈行業的專業團體和業界學會、協會會員等。

4. 為感激閣下撥出時間和賜予寶貴意見,調研小組將會對收回來完整答覆的問卷反饋

人仕或單位贈送一份象徵式酬謝禮品 - 超市禮券 50 元整。請在問卷最後部份留下



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Project Brief and Supplementary Information of Opinion Survey 1 / 4

Project Brief and Supplementary Information of the Opinion Survey (Please read before attempting the questionnaire)

Logistics & trade is the leading pillar industry of Hong Kong, employing over 700,000 citizens. Over the past three decades,

Hong Kong’s logistics, transportation, supply chain functions have significantly contributed to the reform of southern

China's economic development. Locally, the industry has accounted for about 5% of GDP; and the future direction of Hong

Kong logistics industry is to run modern logistics modes towards high value-added services. The Government has

considered to ear-mark some dedicated land parcels for logistics use at Tuen Mun, Tsing Yi, and Hung Shui Kiu; also a plan

to develop a large scale logistics park at Siu Ho Wan (Lantau). Meanwhile, there is major highway network planned in

addition to HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) such as the Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link and Western Tuen Mun Bypass.

Nowadays, the logistics, transportation, and supply chain industry is facing a lot of difficulties and under very competitive

environment from neighboring cities, thus lead to complicated operations, high investment and low returns. Freight

volume growth was not supported by the continued provision of private storage space, as there was extremely low

increase of space over the past decade. Logistics operators were forced to survive via ever-improving operations efficiency,

optimization, and warehouse automation. This questionnaire aims to investigate into the roots of the problem, and to

seek directions for improvement. The following table depicts the freight traffic volume statistics of the past 10 years; average annual growth was 2.13%:

Year Sea River Road Air Total

2003 148,618 58,994 39,943 2,642 250,197

2004 158,617 62,262 40,474 3,090 264,443

2005 161,467 68,672 38,719 3,402 272,260

2006 166,208 72,031 37,320 3,580 279,139

2007 177,347 68,086 36,139 3,742 285,314

2008 179,974 79,428 31,734 3,627 294,763

2009 161,591 81,376 26,716 3,347 273,030

2010 182,004 85,811 29,660 4,128 301,603

2011 194,926 82,518 26,717 3,938 308,099

2012 188,860 80,423 26,215 4,025 299,523

2013 152,156* 73,568* 21,270* 4,122 N.A.

Average Annual Growth Rate(2003-2012)

+2.89% +3.71% -4.29% +5.22% +2.13%

Note:1. Above figures are in‘000 tons;2. * update as of October 2013

On the other hand, private warehouse space supply just increased from 3.38 million sq.m. to 3.57 million during the

9-year period of 2003 to 2012, representing a rather flat average annual growth rate of 0.6% only. This does not match

with the freight volume growth, thus forcing industry operators to optimize process flow, and mechanize/ automate

warehousing operations, etc. However, the room to streamline and optimize freight operations become smaller and

smaller, and one cannot survive for long under persistent oppressive conditions. The Government has to support the

industry by providing adequate land to facilitate healthy growth of the industry.

The government has ear-marked some lands for logistics use at Tuen Mun, and also considering to build a logistics

park at Siu Ho Wan on Lantau. In the North NT and Northwest New Territories, there are also some areas planned

for high value-added logistics applications.

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Project Brief and Supplementary Information of Opinion Survey 2 / 4

The figure on the right shows territorial

development of Tuen Mun. Approx. 10 hectares of

Area 38 and Area 49 have recently been approved

for logistics purposes. Another two parcels, Tuen

Mun Area 40 and Area 46 is being considered for

industrial or logistics use. This location is the

linkage point of the future Tuen Mun - Chek Lap

Kok Link and also Tuen Mun Western Bypass. It is

very suitable for air cargo transfer to the mainland

through the Shenzhen Bay Western Corridor.

(Note: 1 Hectare = 10,000 sq.m., roughly equals to the area of football grass field of the Hong Kong Stadium)

Hong Kong’s long term development has to deploy modern logistics facilities along with high value-added logistics

services. The main operating hub of the industry is currently centred around Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi, and

gradually extended to Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun. In urban areas there are scattered logistics operations such as

those in Tokwawan. During 2003 to 2012, road transport freight volume has steadily decreased by about one-third; reflecting the fact

that many mainland manufacturers have bypassed using Hong Kong ports for import and export. Fortunately, the

HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will be completed by 2016, and providing better road network linkage up with western

Guangdong and also Guangxi Province.

After the completion of the HZMB, the west bank of the Pearl River Delta will be within a 3-hours' driving range.

This will not only significantly reduce inter- provincial transportation cost and time for both passenger and freight

traffic, but also facilitate their cargoes to use more of Hong Kong airport’s and container terminal’s facilities. Hong

Kong can perform its key role in regional trade and logistics hub more effectively. At the same time, it helps to

promote economic integration between Hong Kong and nearby provinces of the Pearl River Delta region and to

improve its competitiveness with the ASEAN countries as well as other economic regions e.g. Yangtze River Delta.

Area 38

Area 49

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Project Brief and Supplementary Information of Opinion Survey 3 / 4

Not far from the Hong Kong- Zhuhai –Macao

Bridge’s existing location at Lantau Island is Siu Ho

Wan where the Government is considering having

reclamation of land for logistics use. This location

is strategically ideal for establishing a

transshipment hub/ regional logistics centre to

facilitate cargo movements and between Hong

Kong and the west Pearl River Delta Region.

The Government is also considering

reclamation at various locations in Hong Kong

to increase the total land supply. Currently,

there are five locations under consideration:

1 Lung Kwu Tan, 2 Siu Ho Wan, 3 Sunny Bay, 4

West Tsing Yi, 5 Ma Liu Shui. The total land

supply from these reclamations can be from

490 to 660 hectares. Nevertheless, it will only

be completed after many years in the future,

and the use is not limited to the logistics

industry only.

The preliminary feasibility study carried out by the

Government on developing North New Territories

(including Lin Tong, Man Kam To, and Ping Che)

will need 10 to 20 years or even longer before it

can be fully realized.

While in the proposed Northwest New Territories

in the Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area,

around 62 hectares of land (amber area ‘1’ on the

left figure) has been reserved for high-value

logistics industry. This location is relatively close

to the Shenzhen Bay Western Corridor Gateway,

and can be used as an outpost to transit cargoes

by road. It is estimated to be available by 2024 to


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Project Brief and Supplementary Information of Opinion Survey 4 / 4

Apart from the HZMB linking Hong Kong to the western part of the Pearl River Delta Region, there are also several

other major road projects underway: a) Hong Kong Boundary Crossing of HZM Bridge b) HZM Bridge Linkage Roads to Hong Kong

c) Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link

d) Tuen Mun Western Bypass e) Central-Wanchai Bypass & Eastern Corridor link

f) Central Kowloon Trunk Line

g) Kai Tak T2 Trunk Road

h) Tseung Kwan O -Cross Bay Link

i) Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel

The completion of these new road infrastructure impose a strategic benefit to the future of Hong Kong; wherein

(a) to (d) above have significant impact on the logistics and transport industry. The following shows the respective

locations of these 4 main infrastructures as labeled on the left hand side of the figure.

______________________________________________________________________________________________ Note:

1. This survey is jointly designed and executed by HKU IMSE Department and BPS Global Group, and

supported by various Hong Kong professional bodies and industry associations in logistics,

transportation, and supply chain sectors.

2. The scope of this opinion survey is to search for the success factors of supply chain management,

priority supporting treatment of government, geographic distribution of strategic logistics clusters, and

long term operations mode of different types of freight modes.

3. Target respondents are those members of the professional and industry institutions.

4. As a token of appreciation for your time and valuable advice, the research team will reward those

respondents who have completed and returned the entire questionnaire with a nominal prize …

HK$ 50 supermarket cash coupon. Please leave your contact information in the last part of the

questionnaire, thank you!


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Appendix B: Opinion Survey Questionnaire

(Appendix B1 – Chinese; Appendix B2 – English)

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香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷 1 / 4


1. 香港在全球的領先商貿地位和競爭力常被認為是由於卓越的供應鏈系統所引致,請點出您認為成功的要素 (可選擇多


a) □ 香港自由港的政策

b) □ 香港為中國窗戶及其南方進出口大門的角色

c) □ 長期以來東、西方文化交匯孕育了大量人才

d) □ 先進的供應鏈創導者及高效的物流運輸從業員

e) □ 率先使用先進系統和自動/機械化操作

f) □ 其他,請註明:__________________________________________________

2. 現今的電子商貿已經翻天覆地地改變了商品交易的習慣,也保持著巨大增長趨勢。比較有難度是在指定時間內完成大



a) □ 優化配送中心地點佈局

b) □ 與其他同業協作共用資源

c) □ 加強教育培訓相關專業人才

d) □ 多使用先進電腦/自動化的倉庫設備

e) □ 強化運輸裝備和運輸團隊

f) □ 其他,請註明:__________________________________________________

3. 您認為下列各範圍對物流及運輸行業的中長期有著影響, (1=輕微, 5=很大影響)。

1 2 3 4 5

a) 物流用地供應 □ □ □ □ □ b) 香港境內的交通運輸網路 □ □ □ □ □ c) 香港與大陸和澳門的交通運輸網路 □ □ □ □ □ d) 政府對物流業的優惠政策 □ □ □ □ □ e) 香港跟鄰近城市的競爭和協調 □ □ □ □ □ f) 其他,請註明:________________ □ □ □ □ □

4. 於物流用地方面,您認為該優先用作哪些功能上(請打分, 1=不用優先, 5=該最優先)?

1 2 3 4 5

a) 貨車停車場 □ □ □ □ □ b) 露天儲存和堆場 □ □ □ □ □ c) 貨物裝卸、拆櫃場地 □ □ □ □ □ d) 大型物流園或配送站 □ □ □ □ □ e) 中、小型物流園或配送站 □ □ □ □ □ f) 多模式聯運(Multi-modal)水陸鐵空轉換樞紐 □ □ □ □ □ g) 多層式物流中心、私營出租倉庫 □ □ □ □ □ h) 其他,請註明:_________________________ □ □ □ □ □

5. 就一個理想的新發展物流區域周邊應有的設施及條件,請打分(1=最不重要, 5=最重要)

1 2 3 4 5

a) 有足夠的貨車停車和等候空間 □ □ □ □ □ b) 供陸路運輸的高速公路網絡 □ □ □ □ □ c) 鐵路設施作高容量及低成本的載送 □ □ □ □ □ d) 靠近水運的貨櫃碼頭 □ □ □ □ □ e) 餐飲及休息設施 □ □ □ □ □ f) 遠離民居 □ □ □ □ □ g) 其他,請註明:__________________________ □ □ □ □ □

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香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷 2 / 4

6. 針對現在的地理佈局所引起的問題,日後新發展的物流區域應致力改善設計和監控的方面應包括(可選擇多於一項): a) □ 堵車(尤其是在大節日和颱風前後)

b) □ 廢氣和噪音污染

c) □ 交通事故與意外

d) □ 影響附近民居和商戶

e) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

7. 現在香港的物流行業運作相當集中於葵涌及青衣地區,您認為對行業長遠發展有利嗎?集中有利於上下游的從業者方


a) □ 集中較有利

b) □ 分散(於機場、海港及陸路口岸等)較有利

c) □ 以葵、青區作為中心點,由近到遠向外輻射出去

d) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

8. 香港的物流業除了葵、青兩區以外,也可考慮其他有潛力發展的地點。請在下列的地區對其適合性、交通順暢程度及


1 2 3 4 5

a) 荃灣 □ □ □ □ □ b) 屯門西 □ □ □ □ □ c) 大嶼山北(小濠灣) □ □ □ □ □ d) 新界北區(蓮塘、香園圍、文錦渡及坪輋) □ □ □ □ □ e) 新界西北(洪水橋) □ □ □ □ □ f) 新填海土地及人工島 □ □ □ □ □ g) 其他,請註明: □ □ □ □ □

9. 您認為香港在哪些高速公路地點增加交通配套(可選擇多於一項):

a) □ 赤臘角-屯門連接路

b) □ 屯門西繞道

c) □ 接駁港珠澳大橋、機場島及北大嶼山的公路網

d) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

10. 大嶼山小濠灣的物流園計劃在數年前曾經被考慮過,但至今還沒有確定。鑒於港珠澳大橋將於兩年後建成使用,這計


a) □ 應該考慮小濠灣

b) □ 不用考慮小濠灣 (請轉到第 12 號問題)

c) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

11. 若應該的話,預留給物流業使用的面積該有多大 (參考資料:政府從 2009 年起批出 3 幅青衣物流用地共 6.8 公頃, 合共

可發展約 40 萬平方米的使用面積;據政府統計,現在全港有 3.5 百萬平米的倉儲面積供應)?

a) □ 10 公頃及以下

b) □ 11 到 20 公頃

c) □ 21 到 40 公頃

d) □ 41 到 60 公頃

e) □ 61 公頃及以上

f) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

12. 現時正進行的發展新界北部地區初步可行性研究(包括蓮塘、香園圍、文錦渡及坪輋)和規劃中的新界西北新發展區



a) □ 把葵、青區的港口後勤用地揀出適合物流的給予長期租約使用

b) □ 把那些現時在各分區計劃大綱圖上被劃作「工業」、「露天貯物」、「工業(丁類)」及「其他指定用途」註明


c) □ 將一些空置或較少用戶的政府工業大廈撥給物流界租用

d) □ 在屯門再開闢多些物流用地地塊

e) □ 在大嶼山再開闢多些物流用地地塊

f) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

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香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷 3 / 4

13. 新界東北新發展區計劃預留了一些土地為一些高增值、有優勢的產業及物流用途。對物流來講,這樣可以好好使用鄰

近新開的蓮塘/香園圍口岸連接大陸。您認為應預留給物流業使用的面積該有多大(參考資料:政府從 2009 年起批出 3

幅青衣物流用地共 6.8 公頃, 合共可發展約 40 萬平方米的使用面積;據政府統計,現在全港有 3.5 百萬平米的倉儲面


a) □ 10 公頃及以下

b) □ 11 到 20 公頃

c) □ 21 到 30 公頃

d) □ 31 公頃及以上

e) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

14. 新界西北新發展區計劃於洪水橋以西預留了 62 公頃土地給物流業使用,但它遠離了其他與外圍交通的連接點。這區




a) □ 保留現在的物流操作用地模式

b) □ 蓋多層式的建築物,全作高增值的物流操作

c) □ 蓋高效自動化的倉庫,處理高價值的貨品

d) □ 優先給勞動力較密集的物流操作,促進就業人數

e) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

15. 就閣下認為, 新界西北新發展區計劃物流用地多大最合適(參考資料:政府從 2009 年起批出 3 幅青衣物流用地共 6.8 公

頃, 合共可發展約 40 萬平方米的使用面積;據政府統計,現在全港有 3.5 百萬平米的倉儲面積供應)?

a) □ 10 公頃及以下

b) □ 11 到 20 公頃

c) □ 21 到 30 公頃

d) □ 31 公頃及以上

e) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

16. 若需要政府的優惠或補貼物流運輸業界的話,您認為可從那幾個方面著手(可選擇多於一項)?

a) □ 優惠地價

b) □ 提供低廉的公共倉存服務

c) □ 汽油稅務津貼

d) □ 利得稅減低

e) □ 政府吸引人才進入這行業和鼓勵培訓

f) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

17. 政府正在考慮在青衣準備興建 10 號貨櫃碼頭,依照本港海運貨量增長率及鄰近港口的競爭能力,您會贊成興建嗎?

a) □ 贊成

b) □ 不贊成

c) □ 不肯定


18. 現在屯門內河碼頭的輸送量日漸頻繁,周邊的物流用地亦見緊張。就中、長期而言,您認為日後內河碼頭的發展方向,


a) □ 保留現在設施就可以

b) □ 增加屯門內河碼頭的輸送量

c) □ 增加周邊的物流用地(如第 38 及 49 區)

d) □ 開闢另外一個新的內河碼頭

e) □ 其他,請註明:________________________________________________

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香港物流用地及業界發展規劃問卷 4 / 4

19. 陸路運輸貨量在近十年來一直呈現遞減的趨勢(從 2003 至 2012 年減了約 1/3),反映華南的廠商持續地繞過香港採



a) □ 在大橋落橋位(即小濠灣附近)撥地蓋停車場與物流用的大樓

b) □ 在附近興建倉庫,用高效能和自動化方法處理貨物

c) □ 建立一個陸路/空運/海運多模式聯運(Multi-modal)樞紐點

d) □ 預先設計一地兩檢的高效快速處理大量貨物過關程式

e) □ 其他,請註明:________________________________________________

20. 香港的鐵路貨運自從 2010 年 6 月停止運作。不過,海運/鐵運多模式聯運(Multi-modal)是可以增加效率和減低運作


a) □ 贊成

b) □ 不贊成

c) □ 不肯定


21. 香港空運方面由於將會建築第三條跑道,處理的貨量將會增加從現在的每年 400 萬噸增至 2030 年的 900 萬噸,您對


a) □ 應該可以達到

b) □ 不可以達到

c) □ 不肯定


22. 在眾多交通運輸模式中,空運貨品仍然是有著較高的增長率的。為了保持這個優勢, 政府和業界有何妙策(可選擇多


a) □ 在機場範圍多些提供辦公室面積,讓多些貨代及相關後勤能更近距離操作

b) □ 多建一些像 AFFC 等的物流中心供使用

c) □ 儘早完成興建赤臘角-屯門連接路及屯門西繞道

d) □ 其他,請註明:_________________________________________________

23. 您對香港物流及運輸業界健康發展的總體意見 ____________________________________________________________




a) 反饋人代表:□ 個人 □ 單位/公司 的意見

b) 所屬的專業或業界團體(如有):_________________________________________

c) 從事相關行業年資:___年

d) 從事行業的性質(可選多項):□ 海運 □ 河運 □ 陸運 □ 空運 □ 貨運代理 □ 倉儲

□ 本地配送 □ 第三方物流 □ 快遞 □ 顧問 □ 協力廠商物流

□ 物流服務使用者 □ 其他,請註明____________________________

e) 主要服務對象(可選多項):□ 香港本地客戶 □ 中國內地客戶 □ 國際客戶 □ 其他,請註明________________

f) 以下資料可選擇全部或部份不填寫:

個人姓名/公司名稱 ______________________________________ 職位 _______________________________

聯繫方式 電郵 ______________________________________ 電話 _______________________________


填完這問卷後請郵寄往:BPS Global, 九龍觀塘大業街 2 號聯卓中心 12 樓;

或電郵到 [email protected]; 或傳真到 2343 2021

Page 41: Professor George Q. Huang Dr. Y. M. Wong - CILT · 1 HONG KONG ’S LOGISTICS INDUSTRY AND LAND SUPPLY - AN OPINION SURVEY Professor George Q. Huang (HKU IMSE Department) and …

Note: Information and personal data collected will be treated confidential, and used in this survey exercise

Please send the completed questionnaire to: BPS Global, 12/F, Linkchart Centre, 2 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HK;

or via e-mail to [email protected], or via fax to 2343 2021. Thanks very much!

Hong Kong's Logistics Industry and Land Supply Opinion Survey Questionnaire 1 / 4

Hong Kong's Logistics Industry and Land Supply Opinion Survey Questionnaire

1. Hong Kong’s leading positioning in the global trading and competitiveness is referred as the result of

outstanding supply chain management (SCM) and systems, please tick those success factors (can have more

than one choice):

a) □ Hong Kong’s free port policy

b) □ Being the business window and southern trade gateway to China

c) □ The amalgamation of East/ West culture nurtured many elites

d) □ Many pioneers with contemporary SCM concepts & efficient logistics operators

e) □ Attempt using advanced systems and automatic/ mechanized operations

f) □ Others, please specify: __________________________________________________

2. The current electronic commerce has almost overturned people’s buying habits and modes, and also seen to

have high growth trend. The difficult part is how to fulfill the delivery commitment while keeping a minimum

inventory in most of the times. This is very demanding to the logistics and transportation industry. What

suggestions would you give to meet such challenges (can have more than one choice):

a) □ Optimize the strategic locations of distribution centres

b) □ Share resources with other companies

c) □ Improve training to related professional talents

d) □ Use of computerized and automated process in warehousing

e) □ Strengthen the transportation team and equipment

f) □ Others, please specify: __________________________________________________

3. In your opinion, how do the following factors have influences on the long term development of the logistics

and transportation industry (1=minimal, 5= very influential).

1 2 3 4 5

a) Supply of land pieces for logistics use □ □ □ □ □ b) Transport network within the territories of Hong Kong □ □ □ □ □ c) Transport network between Hong Kong and Mainland □ □ □ □ □ d) Preferential policy to the industry from the Government □ □ □ □ □ e) Collaboration between Hong Kong and neighboring cities □ □ □ □ □ f) Others, please specify: □ □ □ □ □

4. Which logistics functions should deserve higher priority in land use (1=lowest, 5=highest)?

1 2 3 4 5

a) Lorry car park □ □ □ □ □ b) Open storage yard and ground □ □ □ □ □ c) Cargo loading/ unloading and de-containerisation □ □ □ □ □ d) Large-scale logistics park or distribution centre □ □ □ □ □ e) Medium to small scale logistics park or distribution centre □ □ □ □ □ f) Multi-modal transfer node □ □ □ □ □ g) Multi-storey logistics centre/ private warehousing □ □ □ □ □ h) Others, please specify: □ □ □ □ □

5. Please rate the following points for newly developed logistics area (1=least, 5=most important)

1 2 3 4 5

a) Have sufficient space for lorry parking and waiting □ □ □ □ □ b) Access to high speed road system □ □ □ □ □ c) Railway link for high-volume and low cost transport □ □ □ □ □ d) Near to Sea or River terminal □ □ □ □ □ e) Food catering and resting facilities □ □ □ □ □ f) Far away from residential areas □ □ □ □ □ g) Others, please specify: □ □ □ □ □

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Note: Information and personal data collected will be treated confidential, and used in this survey exercise

Please send the completed questionnaire to: BPS Global, 12/F, Linkchart Centre, 2 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HK;

or via e-mail to [email protected], or via fax to 2343 2021. Thanks very much!

Hong Kong's Logistics Industry and Land Supply Opinion Survey Questionnaire 2 / 4

6. Based on the problems incurred in the current location distribution of various logistics facilities, what should

be the areas for improvement(can have more than one choice): a) □ Traffic jam (particularly around major festival days and typhoons)

b) □ Air and noise pollution

c) □ Traffic accidents

d) □ Disturb neighboring residents and shops

e) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________

7. The current geographical locations of logistics operations is clustered around the Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi

districts. Do you think this is good to future development of the industry? Certainly there are both advantages

and disadvantages of centralisng and decentralizing operations, please state your viewpoints.

a) □ Better to centralise

b) □ Better to de-centralise (at around airport, seaport, and land gateways)

c) □ Centred at Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi, radiate to nearby locations for expansion

d) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________

8. Besides Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi, where should the future potential locations for expanding logistics

operations. Please rate the followings (1=least suitable, 5=most suitable)

1 2 3 4 5

a) Tsuen Wan □ □ □ □ □

b) Tuen Mun West □ □ □ □ □

c) Lantau North (Siu Ho Wan) □ □ □ □ □

d) Northeast NT(Lin Tong, Ping Che) □ □ □ □ □

e) Northwest NT NDA (Hung Shui Kiu) □ □ □ □ □

f) Proposed New Reclamation □ □ □ □ □

g) Others, please specify: □ □ □ □ □

9. Which road transport structures should have ancillary and support facilities (can have more than one choice)?

a) □ Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link

b) □ Tuen Mun Western Bypass

c) □ Linkage road network of HZMB, Lantau, and the extended island over airport

d) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________

10. The planned Logistics Park at Siu Ho Wan in Lantau is still being considered, but not being confirmed yet. As

the HZMB will be completed two years down the road, do you think we should re-consider it?

a) □ Yes, should consider Siu Ho Wan

b) □ No, should not consider Siu Ho Wan (please turn to Question 12)

c) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________

11. If Yes, what is the most suitable land size (For reference: 3 logistics sites at Tsing Yi had been awarded by

Government since 2009 and the total land size is about 6.8 hectare which could provide about 400,000 sq. m.

operating area. The current total HK warehousing space supply is 3.5 million sq.m.)?

a) □ 10 hectare and below

b) □ 11 to 20 hectare

c) □ 21 to 40 hectare

d) □ 41 to 60 hectare

e) □ 61 hectare and above

f) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________

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Note: Information and personal data collected will be treated confidential, and used in this survey exercise

Please send the completed questionnaire to: BPS Global, 12/F, Linkchart Centre, 2 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HK;

or via e-mail to [email protected], or via fax to 2343 2021. Thanks very much!

Hong Kong's Logistics Industry and Land Supply Opinion Survey Questionnaire 3 / 4

12. The preliminary feasibility study carried out by the Government on developing North NT (including Ling Tong,

Man Kam To, and Ping Che) and the planned Northwest NT NDA need 10 to 20 years or longer before it could

be realized, is there any short to medium term means to increase the supply of logistics working space? (Can

have more than one choice)

a) □ Grant longer lease period for selected spare land within Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi

b) □ Convert reserved land zoned ‘industrial’, ‘outdoor storage’, ‘other designated uses’ into logistics use

c) □ Opening up and release deserted factory buildings for transformation for logistics use

d) □ Seek more land pieces at Tuen Mun

e) □ Seek more land pieces at Lantau

f) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________ 13. The NDA of Northeast N.T. has reserved some sites for special industrial and logistics use. This location is

close to the nearby newly developed Lin-Tong gateway to east Guangdong. How much land should be

allocated to logistics application (For reference: 3 logistics sites at Tsing Yi had been awarded by Government

since 2009 and the total land size is about 6.8 hectare which could provide about 400,000 sq. m. operating area.

The current total HK warehousing space supply is 3.5 million sq.m.)?

a) □ 10 hectare and below

b) □ 11 to 20 hectare

c) □ 21 to 30 hectare

d) □ 31 hectare and above

e) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________ 14. There are 62 hectares of land ear-marked for logistics use at the Northwest N.T. NDA at Hung Shui Kiu.

However, the location is far away from the usual logistics clustering locations. At present there are a lot of

scattered open yards and car parking/repairing sites at Hung Shui Kiu; these do not create many employment

opportunities. How can we make the best use of the Hung Shui Kiu NDA to facilitate the logistics industry?

(can have more than one choice)

a) □ Maintain the current operating mode

b) □ Erect multi-storey buildings to undertake high-value added logistics services

c) □ Erect high-efficiency automatic warehouse to handle precious goods

d) □ Priority given to those higher labour-content activities to increase employment

e) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________ 15. In your opinion, what is the optimize size of land parcel to be allocated for logistics use in the NDA of

Northwest N.T. (For reference: 3 logistics sites at Tsing Yi had been awarded by Government since 2009 and

the total land size is about 6.8 hectare which could provide about 400,000 sq. m. operating area. The current

total HK warehousing space supply is 3.5 million sq.m.) ?

a) □ 10 hectare and below

b) □ 11 to 20 hectare

c) □ 21 to 30 hectare

d) □ 31 hectare and above

e) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________ 16. If Government is helping the industry via subsidizing, what are the suggested means? (can have multi choices)

a) □ Discounted land price

b) □ Provide low-cost public warehousing service

c) □ Tax allowance on the gasoline and diesel

d) □ Reduction of profit tax

e) □ Government to attract talents to join the industry, also encourage offer training

f) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________ 17. The Government is considering building the container terminal No. 10 at Tsing Yi. Based on the volume

growth and competitiveness of Hong Kong, will you support this idea?

a) □ Support

b) □ Not support

c) □ Not sure

Please state your reasons: _______________________________________________________

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Note: Information and personal data collected will be treated confidential, and used in this survey exercise

Please send the completed questionnaire to: BPS Global, 12/F, Linkchart Centre, 2 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HK;

or via e-mail to [email protected], or via fax to 2343 2021. Thanks very much!

Hong Kong's Logistics Industry and Land Supply Opinion Survey Questionnaire 4 / 4

18. The current Tuen Mun Inner River Terminal is growing in cargo volume, and land is becoming stringent.

Please suggest the resources deployment for medium to long term development.

a) □ Maintain the present facilities

b) □ Increase the handling capacity of the terminal

c) □ Increase the land supply in the nearby vicinity (e.g. Lot 38 & 49)

d) □ Open another new river cargo terminal

e) □ Others, please specify: ________________________________________________ 19. Road transport volume has been dropping over the past decade (reduced by about 1/3 from 2003 to 2012),

reflecting the fact that shippers are using more of the Mainland’s ports instead of Hong Kong. With the

completion of the HZMB, it will create more cross border road cargo traffic volume. What would you suggest

to take to maximize the benefits at the Hong Kong side of landing? (can have more than one choice)

a) □ Provide land at Siu Ho Wan for logistics and parking applications

b) □ Build some warehouses nearby, and use more computerization and automation

c) □ Build a Land/Air/Rail multi-modal hub

d) □ Establish a state-of-the-art customs checkpoint to handle clearance work efficiently

e) □ Others, please specify: ________________________________________________ 20. The railway freight transport had ceased operation since June 2010. Will a multi-modal hub at the Kwai Chung

Container Terminal help to enhance efficiency while reduce the cost? Do you agree to re-build a railway line

for freight to link Kwai Chung to Shenzhen?

a) □ Agree

b) □ Disagree

c) □ Not sure

Please state your reasons: _______________________________________________________ 21. Hong Kong Air Cargo volume will grow from the present 4 million tons to over 9 million in 2030. This is

based on an assumption that we shall have the 3rd runway at the airport. Do you think such a growth volume

rate is attainable?

a) □ Yes, can attain

b) □ No, cannot attain

c) □ Not sure

Please state your reasons: _______________________________________________________ 22. Amongst various freight modes, air freight has the highest growth rate. To maintain its momentum, the kind of

support that are needed are: (can have more than one choice)

a) □ Provide more working space for offices and related functions

b) □ Erect more buildings like the AFFC for goods handling and preparation

c) □ Finish the Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link & Tuen Mun Western Bypass ASAP

d) □ Others, please specify: _________________________________________________ 23. Please state any other opinions and suggestions for a healthy development of the industry: ________________

________________________________________________________________________________________ Background information of the Respondents:

a) Feedback is a:□ personal □ company or organisation comment/opinion

b) Your affiliation in professional/ industry institution (if any): _________________________________________

c) Have been in the industry for: ___ years

d) Business involved (can have more than one choice):

□ Sea Freight □ River Freight □ Road Transport □ Air Freight □ Freight Forwarding

□ Warehousing □ Local Distribution □ 3rd Party Logistics □ Courier □ Consultant

□ Freight Associate □ Logistics Service Users □ Others, please specify: _________________________

e) Major customers (can have more than one choice):

□ Local HK □ Mainland China □ International □ Others, please specify: ______________________

f) The following information are optional to be filled:

Name/Co. Name: _______________________________ Position: _________________________________

Contact e-mail: ______________________________ Telephone/mobile: _________________________

Address (for mailing coupons) _________________________________________________________________

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Appendix C: Focus Group Meeting Discussion Topics

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Hong Kong's Logistics Industry & Land Supply Focus Group Meeting Discussion Topics

Scope of Discussion:

A. Long Term Development of Logistics and Transportation Industry

B. Industry Needs and Strategy for Development

C. Future Logistics Land Site Locations and Sizes

D. Government’s Influence

E. Future Operating Scenarios of Various Freight Modes

Sub-topics to be discussed

1. Outlook of logistics and transportation Industry

� Challenges – from a) local environment, b) neighboring cities, c) others, etc.

� Problems - imbalance of space & volume, cost of operations

� Government’s role to help (or to destroy) the industry

� Future trend of business focus, e-commerce growth

� Success factors (and failure factors)

2. Hong Kong’s cargo traffic volume growth Vs. warehousing space supply

� Forecast – from the Delphi & Linear Regression analysis

� Its implications

3. The Logistics function that is suffering most now. How to improve the situation?

� Car park, Open storage yard, Cargo loading/ unloading, break-bulk

� Multi-modal transfer node

� Logistics park or distribution centre of varying sizes

� Multi-storey logistics centre/ private warehousing

4. Should HK Logistics operating locations be centralized or decentralized?

� Why?

� The strategic (or ideal) distribution plan

5. Potential locations for development into logistics uses

� How to match with the road infrastructure and facility sites

� Main Criteria to choose a new location

� Other criteria, such as:

a) Have sufficient space for car parking and waiting

b) Access to high speed road system

c) Railway link for high-volume and low cost transport

d) Near to Sea or River terminal

e) Food catering and resting facilities

f) Far away from residential areas

6. How to make the best use of HZM Bridge?

� To increase the business of L&T industry

� To explore new markets

� To test new approaches to achieve high value-added logistics

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7. How to develop Siu Ho Wan, Tuen Mun West, NENT NDA, NWNT NDA

� How much Logistics area should be reserved for each of the above locations?

� Conservation of total figure for the land areas

� Make reference to the fact: 3 logistics sites at Tsing Yi had been awarded by

Government since 2009 and the total land size is about 6.8 hectare which could

provide about 400,000 sq. m. operating area. The current total HK warehousing

space supply is 3.5 million sq.m.

8. Discuss on the 62 hectares of land ear-marked for logistics use at the NWNT NDA at

Hung Shui Kiu.

� How can we make the best use of these land spaces?

� How to cater for those car parking areas and open yard that are existing now

� Erect multi-storey buildings to undertake high-value added logistics services?

9. If Government is helping the industry, what are the suggested means?

a) Discounted land price

b) Provide low-cost public warehousing service

c) Tax allowance on the gasoline and diesel

d) Reduction of profit tax

e) Government to attract talents to join the industry, also encourage training

10. Short to medium term means to increase the supply of logistics working space? Is it

practical to

a) Grant longer lease period for selected spare land within Kwai Chung & Tsing Yi

b) Activate those reserved land plots marked under ‘industrial’, ‘outdoor storage’,

‘other designated uses’ to convert into logistics centre applications

c) Convert some public industrial buildings with a few tenants into logistics use

d) Seek more land pieces at Tuen Mun

e) Seek more land pieces at Lantau

11. Future development of Sea, River, Road, Rail, and Air freight cargo volume

� Business outlook and HK’s capability to handle such volume

� Multi-modal traffic hub

� Collaboration with China in the PRD region

12. How the industry practitioners in the sectors of freight forwarding, air cargo, sea cargo,

distribution, 3PL, warehouses, etc. should strive for success

� in the near future

� in medium to long term?

13. What helps do we need? Also, how we unite to strengthen ourselves?

14. What voices should we make to the Government or related statutory bodies?

15. Any other topics

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香港的物流業及土地供應 行業專家專注研討會 討論議題


A. 物流和運輸行業的長期發展

B. 行業需求與發展對策研究

C. 未來物流地塊的位置和大小

D. 政府的影響

E. 各種貨運方式的未來的工作模式


1. 展望物流及運輸行業

� 挑戰- 本地、周邊城市,其他

� 困難- 經營成本、操作空間增長不均衡

� 政府的角色- 幫助(或破壞)本行業

� 業務重點,如電子商務增長的未來趨勢

� 本行業的致勝因素(以及致敗因素)

2. 香港的貨運量增長比 Vs.倉儲空間供應

� 預測 - 來自 Delphi 統計和 Linear Regression 線性回歸分析

� 有何展望?

3. 最需重視的物流功能;如何改善現今情況?

� 停車場,開放式堆場,貨物裝載/卸載,打散/再拼櫃

� 多模式樞紐 Multi-modal Hub

� 物流園區或大小不等的配送中心

� 多層式的物流中心/私人倉儲

4. 應香港物流經營場所進行集中或分散?

� 考慮因素

� 理想的地區分佈策略

5. 潛力的地區發展為物流用途

� 如何配合道路基礎設施和設施用地

� 選擇新位置的主要準則

� 其他準則,例如:

a) 有停車場和等待足夠的空間

b) 靠近高速公路系統

c) 連接高容量的鐵路,減低運輸成本

d) 靠近外洋或內河貨櫃碼頭

e) 有食物、餐飲和休息設施

f) 遠離民居

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6. 如何使港珠澳大橋發揮最大效用?

� 增加物流量

� 開拓新市場

� 測試新的方法來實現高增值的物流

7. 如何開發大嶼山小濠灣、屯門西、新界東北新發展區、及新界西北新發展區

� 應保留多少物流用地於各上述位置

� 土地面積多少

� 可參考以下實例:政府自 2009 年授予在青衣 3 個物流地塊,總規模約為

6.8 公頃,可提供約 40 萬平方米 GFA。目前香港總倉儲空間供應約 350 萬


8. 討論在新界西北新發展區(洪水橋)的 62 公頃土地用於物流運作

� 怎樣才能使這些土地空間物盡其用?

� 如何滿足現有的停車區和露天堆場需要?

� 可否考慮分階段發展,並首先使用配額的一部分;剩下來的將來按實際需


� 建立多層式工業樓宇以作高附加值的物流服務?

9. 如果想政府協助業界,應從哪裡著手呢?

� 補貼地價

� 提供低成本的公共倉儲服務

� 減免汽油和柴油稅

� 減低利得稅

� 政府吸引人才加入這個行業,並鼓勵培訓

10. 提高物流工作空間的供應的短至中期的手段,如

� 對葵湧及青衣區內臨時空閒土地給予較長的租賃期

� 啟動保留地塊,如“工業”、“室外儲存”、“其他指定用途”等,轉為


� 將一些租客稀少的政府工業樓宇租作物流用途

� 於大嶼山及屯門尋求更多的物流地塊

11. 海、河、路、鐵、和空運貨運量的未來發展

� 業務前景和香港處理這運量的能力

� 多模式交通樞紐 Multi-modal Hub

� 與中國珠三角地區城市協作

12. 業內人士(貨代、空運、海運、配送、協力廠商物流、倉庫等)如何爭取成功

– 短期、中期、長期?

13. 我們需要什麼説明?另外,我們如何團結起來,壯大自己?

14. 我們應該向政府或有關當局發出什麼聲音?

15. 其他討論議題。

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Appendix D: Demographics of Participants and Respondents

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Demographics of Participants and Respondents

1. Focus Group Meetings

No. of Meetings held : 6

Period of meeting held : March 18 to Apr 8, 2014

Organizations Participated : HKSTLA, HAFFA, HKCDSA, HKLA, IPSHK, CILTHK

Attending Participants : Leaders of supporting organizations such as chairman,

president, council or committee member, etc. (even

one is the current HK LegCo councilor).

The participants are usually very renowned and respected figureheads in the industry

and are successful practitioners in their expertise sectors; usually having over 20

years of professional experience.

2. Respondents to the Questionnaire Survey

There are a total of 356 valid feedbacks. All respondents are the members of the

respective supporting organizations as depicted in Appendix E. The no. of feedbacks

collected during the 5 weeks’ window from March 6 and April 10, 2014 are shown as


Supporting Organisation No. of Feedback

HKIE 136 38%

CILT 90 25%

HKSTLA 45 13%

HKLA 39 11%

HAFFA 14 4%

IPSHK 13 4%

Other Supporting Org. 19 5%

Sub-total 356

Due to privacy of personal data, not all the respondents have filled in their personal

particulars. From those who have disclosed, the usual range of experience is

between 4 to 20 years, with a median of 10 years and average at 13 years. Around

one tenth are the top leaders of their own companies, while the majority of the rest

are in the management or supervisory positions. In terms of business, most of them

are involved in the sea, road and air freights. The majority also involve local

distribution and warehousing. Their major customers are mostly local, and followed

by international firms.

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Appendix E: List of Supporting Organizations to this Survey

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List of Supporting Organisations to this Survey (in alphabetical order)

CILT HK 香港運輸物流學會 Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong

CLG 香港國際機場航空公司

貨運聯絡小組 Carriers Liaison Group of Hong Kong International Airport

HAFFA 香港貨運物流業協會 Hongkong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics

HKCDSA 香港貨櫃拖運業聯會 Hong Kong Container Drayage Services Association

HKIE 香港工程師學會 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

HKLA 香港物流協會 Hong Kong Logistics Association

HKLSA 香港定期班輪協會 Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association

HKSTLA 香港航運物流協會 Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association

IPS HK 香港物資採購與供銷學會 The Institute of Purchasing and Supply of Hong Kong

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Appendix F: Abbreviations and Terms

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Abbreviation and Terms

ABCD Airport, Bridge, Cross Border, Digital/ E-commerce

AFFC Air Freight Forwarding Centre

CILT HK Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong

CLG Carriers Liaison Group of Hong Kong International Airport

HAFFA Hongkong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics

HKCDSA Hong Kong Container Drayage Services Association

HKIE The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

HKLA Hong Kong Logistics Association

HKLSA Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association

HKSAR Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

HKSTLA Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association

HZM Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao

IPS HK The Institute of Purchasing and Supply of Hong Kong

NDA Newly Developed Area

NT New Territories

PILL Policy, IT, Lands, Labour

PRD Pearl River Delta

SCM Supply Chain Management

SME Small and Medium Entreprises