professional magazine double page spread

Analysis of professional magazine: double page spread

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Professional magazine double page spread

Analysis of professional magazine: double page


Page 2: Professional magazine double page spread

NME Large main image which is contextual to the article. Medium- shot of Lily Allen. Bright lighting on the side of her face to suggest that she is in either a good light or in the spotlight.

The font is key as it is all the same however, it is in different sizes and is not all level with each other. This unorganized effect is relatable to the article as it is a quotation of Lily Allen in a revealing interview which suggests the font is used to create a crazy hard hitting feel to it. The basic black and white does abide by the colour scheme of the overall magazine, however there is no red.

To the side of this quotation is the name of the person being interviewed. The black and red not only abides by the colour scheme of the magazine, but also matches the clothing the Lily Allen can be seen wearing.

This small subheading is a code and convention of double page spread article as it acts as almost an introduction to the main body of the article. It gives brief information of what to expect in the passage. It does abide the colour scheme of the magazine as the black and red is the main colours used throughout the magazine.

The drop cap is a code and convention of a double page spread which is often used. It is the same as the font for the headline and fits the colour scheme of the page.

The clothing that Lily Allen is wearing matches that of the colours on the spread. This therefore fits the colour scheme of the magazine with the theme of red, black and white runs throughout.

Page 3: Professional magazine double page spread

QThis medium close of Lady gaga presents to the audience the key story behind the article. The bright lighting, yet black and white image produce a classy feel to the photo providing the audience with a professional finish to the double page spread.

The large red drop cap is contextual to the article as the letter L is for Lady gaga. The red fits the colour scheme of the magazine as Q is predominantly red and white. Also, the font matches the font of which the magazine name is in making it a professional layout to the page.

This is the main heading of the article which clearly tells the audience who it is about. Lady is in low key italic writing to produce a lady like feel to the font, where as Gaga is in large capital letters to provide the font with an impact.

The article is split into columns , this provides a professional finish to the magazine making it look organized and clean. Also, this is a code and convention of double page spreads .

Page 4: Professional magazine double page spread


These black and white main images recreate the rock feel that the magazine is appealing for. The larger image is contextual to the rock theme as it is the lead singer of a band whilst the others also show the other band members. The colours abide by the overall colour scheme as the black, white and dark reds really produce a rock feel.

The main headline is a quote of one of the band members. This too abides by the colour scheme of the magazine with the white and red, whilst also the font which looks worn also provides the rock feel to the magazine. The largest font in white is used to create emphasis on 2the best MCR.”

This column down the side is another code and convention of magazine providing the reader with further information on the band. It looks professional and finished as it abides with the colour scheme of the magazine and organized down the side meaning that not too much attention is drawn away from the main article.

This subheading is also a code and convention providing the audience with brief information on the article and acting almost as an introduction. The bold font highlights the band name making it more likely to attract the attention of the reader.

Clear heading demonstrates which section of the magazine the reader is on. It meets the colour scheme and the font is the same as the rest providing a professional finish to the magazine.

The drop cap is in large bold red font which is contextual to the magazine as it abides with the colour scheme and also means the article looks professional.

The article layout is in columns which is a code and convention of double page spreads. This makes the spread look professional and provides a neat finish to the magazine article.