production process contents page

CONTENTS PAGE Production Process

Upload: chantaldavies

Post on 05-Jul-2015




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I had to take screengrabs of my contents page whilst creating it, here I have presented my progess and changes I made


Page 1: Production Process Contents Page


Production Process

Page 2: Production Process Contents Page

Step 1

To begin with I opened up a new project using Quark Express. Following the codes and conventions I created three columns for my contents page.

Page 3: Production Process Contents Page

Step 2

I began creating text boxes and writing up the contents. I had to experiment with different font sizes so that my text filled the page but didn’t fill too much of the contents page allowing space for images etc.

Page 4: Production Process Contents Page

Step 3

After rearranging the layout of the page to fit accordingly and adding all the text, I then imported my images and created a graphic feature with an advertisement.

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Step 4

I then changed the font size and colour of page numbers and adjusted space and positioning.

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Step 5

I decided that a white background was too plain and so utilised a background colour fro the contents page, however I decided the colour red was inappropriate to my rock genre and felt my content images didn’t get across the genre.

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Step 6

Here I edited a photograph I had taken and used it in my contents page. I then changed the colour of my background to black as it made a bolder statement and connoted rock. As well as this it gave my contents page an exciting and statement look.

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I then began experimenting with different layouts and decided that I wanted images to dominate one side of the page. I felt that there was too much writing dominating the three columns.

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From this I decided to restrict the text into two columns. I added a graphic feature behind the regular and feature title to make it stand out but choose the colour green to keep the style of a rock genre magazine. I also enlarged the page numbers.

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I then decided the top of the page was too spacious and after looking at other rock magazines I found they were full of images and text and in effect looked very crammed. Because of this I pushed the text down the page and added the mast head to follow codes and conventions and also put the website and date and issue number at the top of the page. As well as this I began to put graphic features for the page numbers in the corner of my images.