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Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources, and Climate Change A A A P Proceedings Full Papers Ministry of Agriculture Indonesian Society of Animal Sciences Gadjah Mada University th The 16 AAAP Congress th The 16 AAAP Congress A A A P Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources, and Climate Change Proceedings Full Papers

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Page 1: Proceedings Full Papers - Gadjah Mada University of... · Proceedings Full Papers ... Endang Sulastri, I Gede Suparta Budi Satria and Citra Tunjung Sari ... Rirnbo Bujang and Rimbo

Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources, and Climate Change



Full Papers

Ministry of Agriculture Indonesian Society of Animal Sciences Gadjah Mada University

thThe 16 AAAP Congress


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Page 2: Proceedings Full Papers - Gadjah Mada University of... · Proceedings Full Papers ... Endang Sulastri, I Gede Suparta Budi Satria and Citra Tunjung Sari ... Rirnbo Bujang and Rimbo









Krishna Agung Santosa

Edi Kurnianto

Agung Purnomoadi

Akhmad Sodiq

Komang G. Wiryawan

Siti Darodjah

Ismeth Inounu


Atien Priyanti

Peter Wynn

Jian Lin Han

Jih Tay-Hsu

Zulkifli Idrus

The 16th AAAP Congress

Page 3: Proceedings Full Papers - Gadjah Mada University of... · Proceedings Full Papers ... Endang Sulastri, I Gede Suparta Budi Satria and Citra Tunjung Sari ... Rirnbo Bujang and Rimbo

Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

The 16th Asian-Australasian Associations of Animal Production Socities

Proceedings Full Papers

Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of

Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources, and Climate Change

10-14 November 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia / editors Subandriyo et al;

2825 p: ill.; 21 x 29,7 cm

Organized by Indonesian Society of Animal Sciences

In Collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture

Faculty of Animal Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada

ISBN 978-602-8475-87-7

1. Livestock 2. Food Security 3. Policy

4. Genetic Resources 5. Climate Change

I. Title II. Subandriyo

Page 4: Proceedings Full Papers - Gadjah Mada University of... · Proceedings Full Papers ... Endang Sulastri, I Gede Suparta Budi Satria and Citra Tunjung Sari ... Rirnbo Bujang and Rimbo

Proceedings ofthe l6'1'AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. llI 0- I 1 N ove m be r 2 0 I 1, G ad1 a h Mada L| ni te rs i t1,. Yogyo l{ar1t. I ndo ne si a

H 526 ID The Effectiveness of Farmers' Group Functions in Creating Selt-- 1045

sustain of Beef Cattle Farming Activities

Trisakti Harytadi, F., B. Guntoro, E. Sulastri, R. A. Romadhoni, and S.


H 680 ID Farmers Attitude Towards Incentives of Pregnant Ongole Crossbreed 1049

Cattle in Ngurdi Luhur Farmers Group, Piyurngan, Yogyakarta,Indonesia

Endang Sulastri, I Gede Suparta Budi Satria and Citra Tunjung Sari

H 1032 ID The Effect of Characteristics of Farmer, Forage Land and Water 1053

Availability of Dairy Milk Production in Boyolali Central Java

Nr. Hidayah, B.Guntoro, E. Sulastri and Y. Y. Suranindyah

H 1084 ID Social Capital Profile of Beef Stock Farmer in Transmigration Area, 1057

Rirnbo Bujang and Rimbo Ulu" Tebo Regency, Jambi Province

Syafril Hadi, Trisakti Harytadi, Endang Sula,stri and Sumadi

Small Ruminant

F 730 lN Bio-Economic Traits of lndigenous Coat Breeds and Their Effects on 1060Its Market Value

RK Yogi, I'{K Verma DK Jain and RK Singh

H 367 lD Empowering Smallholder Goat Producers in Indonesia: Plights and 1064

Opportunities of Goat Farming

R.l.R.S Putra and R. Agunga


F 272 lD Production and Revenue of Pigs to Reduce Poverty and to Supporl 1068

Food Security of Papuan Farmers in Manokwari

Trisiwi W. Widayati, Iriani Sumpe, Deny A. Iyai, and B. Wahyuni IR

F 368 ID Supply Chain Performance Analysis of Laying Hens Business in 1072Payakumbuh

Dwi Yuzaria, Fitrini and lkhsan

F 568 ID The Effects of Satisfaction, Communication, Customization, 1075

Competence, Shared Values toward Trust on Broiler Partnership

Peny Setya Nugraha, Suci Paramitasari Syahlani and Sudi Nurtini

F 995 ID Economic Analysis of Plasma Broiler Farmers at Malang Indonesia 1080

Hari Dy,i Utami and Ainun Pizar Seruni

F 1000 lD Rentability Analysis of Layer Enterprise at Blitar East Java Indonesia 1084

Zaenal Fanani and Hari Dwi Lltami

H 157 ID Self Reliance Analysis of Pelung Chicken Farmers 1088

Syarifuddin Nur, Moch. Sugiarto and Rizka Haryudi


Page 5: Proceedings Full Papers - Gadjah Mada University of... · Proceedings Full Papers ... Endang Sulastri, I Gede Suparta Budi Satria and Citra Tunjung Sari ... Rirnbo Bujang and Rimbo

Proceedings oJ'the l 6rh AAAP Aninal Science Congre"ss L'ol. lll0-14 Novenber 2011, Gadjah l,lada LiniversitJ. Yogl,ukarta, lndonesra

Effect of Farmers' Characteristics, Forage Land and Water Availabilityfor Dairy Milk Production in Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia

Nr. Hidayahl, B.Gunto.o', E. Sulastri3 and Y. Y. SuranindyahaF ac u I t v "'

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This study is one parl of the research potential of the dairy cattle development in CentralJava Boyolali, Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the influence o1'the characteristics ofdairy farmers, forage land and water availability on dairy cow milk production in CentralJava Boyolali, Indonesia. This research was conducted fiom March 2010 untit January 20llin three dairy cooperatives: Mojosongo cooperatives, Musuk cooperative, and Cepogocooperatives using the survey method. Total respondents used in this study were 266farmers divided into three stratum. Primary data was collected through intervier.vs based on aquestionnaire that has been prepared. Data were analyzed using mr"rltiple linear analysissimple. The analysis showed that characteristics of dairy farmers, fbrage Iand and wateravailability together significantly influenced the milk production. At stratr-rm R2 value of0.965 suggesting that rnilk production could be explained by factors independent as much as

96.50 o/o, while the remaining 3.50 % is caused by other factors outside the model. Atstratum II R2 value of 0.635 suggesting that mitk production could be explained by factorsindependent as much as 63.50 %, while the remaining 35.50 %o is caused by other factorsoutside the model. At stratum lll R2 value of 0.681 suggesting that milk prodLrction could be

explained by factors independent as much as 68.10 oh, while the remaining 31.90 % is

caused by other factors outside the model.

Key Words: Farmers characteristic, Forage land and water availability, Dairy mill<production


Dairy businesses in Indonesia have long been developed. Raising of dairy cattle in Indonesiais still largely done in the form of a semi-intensive farm people with small -scale ownership(Setiadi, 2006; Kusmaningsih et al, 2006). In such conditions, the maintenance of dairycattle is usually done in an integrated manner with food crops, spread from the highlands ormountainous regions to plains in various rural and urban areas (Anggraeni,2006). FHmaintenance of dairy cows in tropical climatic conditions in Indonesia tends to decreaseproductivity when compared with maintenance in cold climates or moderate (McDowell ,

1994). Greater productivity occurs under conditions of farm people with very limitedmaintenance patterns (Devendra, 1999). The decline in productivity was greater in FH cattlefarms maintained by the people when compared with FH cattle station seedlings (Anggraeni,2006). The cause reduced productivity losses for farmers due to various causes inefficiencyreproductive performance, increasing the cost of marriage and treatment, the low acceptanceof milk production and the number of children born to shorten long productive life of cows(Anggraeni, 2008). Various factors such as mismatch feeding and management, lacl< ofsanitation and health care can be a source of the cause (Davendra, 1999; Msanga and Bryant,2003; Shieferaw et al., 2005). The results of the study ThaLr (2004 ) factors affecting thetechnical efficiency of milk production , among others, is the level of education, businessexperience, the amount of business loans, education, and training courses by farmers. andthe function of domestic livestock. Among these factors, among others, issues olgovernancedairy cattle business, human resource managers, and resource leed and others. In connection

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Suslainable Liyestock Prodltction in the Perspectiw ofFood Securi\,. Poliqt. Qsas116 Resources and Climate Change

with these factors, this study attempted analyzed various factors related to both human andnatural resources.


Respondents determined using stratified random sarnpling method in which respondents aredairy farmers in the region who are members of cooperatives in the District BoyolaliMojosongo, Musuk, and Cepogo. Criteria respondents are: l) dairy farmers who aremembers of cooperatives in Boyolali, 2) Farmers already had farming experience raisingdairy cows for at least 5 years, 3) The number of dairy cattle ownership is divided into 3

levels: 1) have a dairy lactation l-3,2) have a dairy lactation >3- 6, and 3) have more than 6dairy lactation. The total number ol respondents was 266 dairy larmers. The method Lrsedwas a survey in the sense that the information is collected directly from respondents using aquestionnaire.


Dairy larm profiles include characteristics of dairy farmers are age, education, farmingexperience, number of family members, number of dairy. and use of technology. Profiledairy cattle can be seen in Table I .

Table l.Dairy cattle Profile at districts Mo.iosongo. Musuk.and Cepogo Boyolali

Parameter ValueStraturn I StratLrm II Stratum III

The average age of farmers ( years )The average education ( years )

0 years (people)I -6 years (people)7-9 years (people)I 0- I 2 years (people)above l2 years (people)

The average dairy cattle experience (years)The average number of family members (people)The number of dairy (Livestock Units)The use oftechnolosv (score






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16.42) 55gso2,86

From Table I it can be seen that the average age of farmers is still including the procluctiveage. The education level of farmers in Boyolali most still low at elementary schoolgraduation. This low level of education may affect the devetopment of the dairy cattle, soneed for additional education such as counseling and guidance of a technical nature tosupport the development of the dairy cattle. Average dairy cattle experience 14,38 years(Stratum I), 15,09 years (Stratum II), and 16,42 (Stratum III). The length of a person incarrying out the work done then it will be easier to resolve problems and make decisions.Experience also determines the success of a farmer in getting a type of farming in this effortdairy cattle. Boyolali has an average number of family members 2,66 people (Stratum I),2,57 people (Stratum II), and 2,55 people (Stratum III). The total average number of dairy is2,43 Livestock Units (Stratum I), 4,58 Livestock Units (Stratum II), and 9,50 Livestocl<Units (Stratum III). Increasingly number of cattle farmers required farmers made of dairycattle more better.

Effect of Characteristics of Farmers, Forage Land and Water Availibilitv of MilkProduction In BoyolaliBased on the results of multiple linear regression analysis farmer characteristics, lorage landand water avaitibility that influence the milk production in stratum I obtained the coefficie,tof determination (R2) of 0,965. This suggesis that the factors that affect mill< prodr-rction

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,o-,,rlif ,iir,!"';i;;!!:;:[ii:i',1:i;:;:!;:;:;;,?:;'f,1",';i;!,!l

such as farmers age, farmers education, dairy cattle experience, number of larnilymembers, number of cow, use of technology, forage land and water availibility by 96,50ohand the remaining 3,50o influenced by other factors that are not included in this study. Theresults of the regression equation of the variables used are :

Y : 4,502+0,009X 1+0,078X2+0,047Xr+0,006X0+0,197Xs+0,078X6+9,974X2+0,076Xs

VariabelFarmers age (X 1)

Farmers edLrcation (X2)Dairy cattle experience (X3)Number of farnily rnernbers (Xa)Number of cow (X5)Use of technology (X6)Forage land availability (Xz)water availibi lity (xs)

I(oefisien Reeresi Sisnifikan0.043.')0,009



0,007---)0 rQs

o,o lo***t0,034--)0,005 t

0,01 I --)

Constant 4.5020,965

Partially, that have a very real effect (P<0,01 ) is a farmers education, dairy cattleexperience, number of cow, and forage land availability, significantly (P<0.05) werefarmers age, use of technology, and water availability. These results indicate that farmerseducation, dairy cattle experience, number of cow, and forage land availability determine ofmilk production.

Variabel Koefisien Sisnifi kanFarmers age (X 1)

Farrrers education (X2)Dairy cattle experience (X3)Number of family members (Xa)Number of cow (X5)Use of technology (X6)Forage land availability (X?)Water availibility (X a)

0,0000,02 r

0,01 8


0,047.-)0,000.--)0.7 490,033--)0,000---)0,042--)0,000--- )

Constant 4,48IR' 0.635

Parlially, that have a very real effect (P<0.01) were farmers age, dairy cattle experience, useof technology, and water availability significantly (P<0.05) is the farmers education,number of cow, and forage land availability, while not significant is the number of familymembers. These results indicate that farmer's age, dairy cattle experience, use of technology,and water availability will determine the milk production.

Based on tlie results of multiple linear regression analysis farmer characteristics thatinfluence the production of milk in Boyolali in stratum I obtained the coelficient ofdetennination (R2) of 0,635. This suggests that the factors that aflect milk production:farmer's age, farmers education, dairy cattle experience, number of dairy, use of technology,forage land and water availibility 63,50o and the remaining 35,50 cyo influenced by otherfactors tl-rat are not present in this study. The results of the regression equation of thevariables used are :

Y : 4,481+0,021X r+0,01 8Xz+0,023X:+0.010X4+0.074X5+0.331 X6+9,924X7+0,053X3

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Sustainable Littestock Production in the Perspectite ofl.-ood Security. Policv. Genetic Resources and Clinnle Change

Table 4. Results of regression analysis of the factors affecting milk prodr"rction in stratr-rm IIIVariabelFarmer,s age (X r)Farmer,s education (X2)Dairy cattle experience (X3)Nurnber of farnily rnembers (Xa)Number of cow (X5)Use of technology (X6)Forage land availability (X?)Water availibil itv (Xr)

l(oeflsien R Sienifikan0,0020,03 7-- )0.022

0,01 7

0,01 7

0,0200,1 8B



0.01 7--)

Constant 5.0210,68 r

Based on Table 4 can be seen that farmers age, dairy cattle experience, use of technology,and forage land availability has a highly significant effect (P<0,01), whereas farmerseducation, number of cow, water availability significantly (P<0.05), while the number offamity members does not have a significant effect on milk production. Results indicate thatfarrners age, dairy cattle experience, use of technology, and lorage land availability largelydetermines the production of milk. The coefficient of determination (R2 ) of 0,681. Thissuggests that the factors that affect mill< production: farmer's age, farmers education, dairycattle experience, number of family members, number of cow, use of technology, forageland and water availibil by 68,100A and the remaining 31, 90 oh are influenced by factorsthat are not found in this study. The results of the regression equration of the variables usedare :

Y : 5,021+0,01 1X r+0,022X2+0,01 7Xl+0,017X++0,020Xs*0,1 88X,,+0,094X7+0,064Xg


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Kusumaningsih, Susilowati dan K. Diwyanto. 2008. Dairy Cattle and DevelopmentProspects in Central Java Toward the MDGs by 2015. Proceedings of the NationalWorkshop: Prospects of Dairy Cattle Industry Towards Free Trade 2020. CooperationCenter for Animal Husbandry and STEKPI.Pp 404-412

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Setiadi, D. 2006. Improving the Quality of Dairy Cattle Management in lndonesia.Proceedings of the National Workshop on Dairy Cattle. 23tr' November 2006Cooperation Center for Animal Husbandry, Bogor Institute of Agriculture and AnimalHusbandry Directorate General of Livestock. Page: 56-58.

Shieferaw, Y., B. A. Tenhangen, M. Bekana and T. I(assa. 2005. Reproductive Disorders ofCrossbred Dairy Cows In The Central Highlands of Eithiopia and Their E,ffect onReproductive Performance. Trop. Anim. Health and Prod. 37 427 -441 .

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