probability and statistics week 4 onur doğan. random variable random variable. let s be the sample...


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Onur Doğan

Random Variable

Random Variable. Let S be the sample space for an experiment. A real-valued function that is defined on S is called a random variable.

Onur Doğan

Random Variable

1.Discrete Random Variable: Has a finite (or countably infinite) range.•Tossing a coin: X= 0 for head and X= 1 for tail

2.Continuous Random Variable: Has an interval of real numbers for its infinite range.•The life length of a light bulb: X ≥ 0

Onur Doğan

Reminder !

2. s2 and s are the variance and standard deviation of the sample

x3. , s2, and s are called sample statistics

4. (lowercase Greek letter “mu”) is the mean of the population

5. 2 (“sigma squared”) is the variance of the population

6. (lowercase Greek letter “sigma”) is the standard deviation of the population

7. , 2, and are called population parameters. (A parameter is a constant. , 2, and are typically unknown values.)

x1. is the mean of the sample

Discrete Random Variables

Let 4 coins tossed, and let X be the number of heads that are obtained. Let us find the distributions of that experiment.

Onur Doğan

Probability Distribution

Onur Doğan

Discrete Random Variables

ExampleThree balls, a, b, c, are randomly distributed in three boxes. Determine the distribution of the random variable X ="the number of non-empty boxes".

Onur Doğan

Discrete Random Variables

ExampleConsider a group of five potential blood donors; “a, b, c, d, and e” of whom only a and b have type 0+

blood. Five blood samples, one from each individual, will be

typed in random order until an 0+ individual is identified. Let the rv Y=“the number of typings necessary to identify an 0+ individual.”

Find the pmf.

Onur Doğan

The Cumulative Distribution Function

Onur Doğan


Onur Doğan

The Expected Value of X(Mean of a Discrete Random Variable)

Onur Doğan

[ ( )]x.p x

The Expected Value of X(Mean of a Discrete Random Variable)

• The mean, , of a discrete random variable x is found by multiplying each possible value of x by its own probability and then adding all the products together:

Notes: The mean is the average value of the random variable, what happens on average

The mean is not necessarily a value of the random variable

The Variance of X

Onur Doğan


The grades of n = 50 students in a statistics class are summarized as follows:

Find the pmf, mean, variance and sd.

Onur Doğan

Grade (X)

1 2 3 4

Number of Students

10 20 15 5


Variance and Standard Deviation of a Discrete Distribution. Suppose that a random variable X can take each of the five values −2, 0, 1, 3, and 4 with equal probability.

Determine the variance and standard deviation of X.

Onur Doğan

A Shortcut Formula for V(X)

Onur Doğan


Determine the mean, variance, and standard deviation of casting a single die (X).

Onur Doğan


Onur Doğan


A shipment of 8 similar microcomputers to contains 3 defective one. If a school makes a random purchase of 2 of these computers, find the probability distribution for the number of defectives.

Onur Doğan


Onur Doğan

P xx

x( ) 815

for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

ExampleExample: The probability distribution for a random

variable x is given by the probability function:

Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation

Discrete Uniform Distribution

A discrete uniform random variable X has an equal probability for each value in the range of X= [a, b], a < b. Thus, the probability mass function of X is;

P(x)= 1/(b-a+1) where x=a,a+1,…,b

Onur Doğan


• Casting a die…

Onur Doğan


Suppose that product codes of 2, 3, or 4 letters are equally likely.

• Determine the probability mass function of the number of letters (X) in a product code.

• Calculate the mean and variance of X

Onur Doğan