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Principles of Econometrics, 4t h Edition Page 1 Chapter 16: Qualitative and Limited Dependent Variable Models Chapter 16 Qualitative and Limited Dependent Variable Models Walter R. Paczkowski Rutgers University

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Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition

Page 1Chapter 16: Qualitative and Limited Dependent

Variable Models

Chapter 16Qualitative and Limited

Dependent Variable Models

Walter R. Paczkowski Rutgers University

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Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition

Page 2Chapter 16: Qualitative and Limited Dependent

Variable Models

16.1 Models with Binary Dependent Variables16.2 The Logit Model for Binary Choice16.3 Multinomial Logit16.4 Conditional Logit16.5 Ordered Choice Models16.6 Models for Count Data16.7 Limited Dependent Variables

Chapter Contents

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Variable Models

In this chapter, we:– Examine models that are used to describe

choice behavior, and which do not have the usual continuous dependent variable

– Introduce a class of models with dependent variables that are limited• They are continuous, but that their range of

values is constrained in some way, and their values not completely observable• Alternatives to least squares estimation are

needed since the least squares estimator is biased and inconsistent

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Variable Models


Models with Binary Dependent Variables

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Variable Models

Many of the choices that individuals and firms make are ‘‘either–or’’ in nature– Such choices can be represented by a binary

(indicator) variable that takes the value 1 if one outcome is chosen and the value 0 otherwise

– The binary variable describing a choice is the dependent variable rather than an independent variable

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

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Variable Models

Examples:– Models of why some individuals take a second or third

job, and engage in ‘‘moonlighting’’– Models of why some legislators in the U.S. House of

Representatives vote for a particular bill and others do not

– Models explaining why some loan applications are accepted and others are not at a large metropolitan bank

– Models explaining why some individuals vote for increased spending in a school board election and others vote against

– Models explaining why some female college students decide to study engineering and others do not

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

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Variable Models

We represent an individual’s choice by the indicator variable:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

1 individual drives to work

0 individual takes bus to worky

Eq. 16.1

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Variable Models

If the probability that an individual drives to work is p, then P[y = 1] = p– The probability that a person uses public

transportation is P[y = 0] = 1 – p– The probability function for such a binary

random variable is:


16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

Eq. 16.21( ) (1 ) , 0,1y yf y p p y

, var 1E y p y p p

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Variable Models

For our analysis, define the explanatory variable as:

x = (commuting time by bus - commuting time by car)

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

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Variable Models

We could model the indicator variable y using the linear model, however, there are several problems:– It implies marginal effects of changes in

continuous explanatory variables are constant, which cannot be the case for a probability model• This feature also can result in predicted

probabilities outside the [0, 1] interval– The linear probability model error term is

heteroskedastic, so that a better estimator is generalized least squares

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.1The Linear

Probability Model

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Variable Models

In regression analysis we break the dependent variable into fixed and random parts– If we do this for the indicator variable y, we


– Assuming that the relationship is linear:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.1The Linear

Probability Model

( )y E y e p e Eq. 16.3

1 2( )E y p x Eq. 16.4

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Variable Models

The linear regression model for explaining the choice variable y is called the linear probability model:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.1The Linear

Probability Model

Eq. 16.5 1 2( )y E y e x e

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Variable Models

The probability density functions for y and e are:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.1The Linear

Probability Model

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Variable Models

Using these values it can be shown that the variance of the error term e is:

– The estimated variance of the error term is:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.1The Linear

Probability Model

1 2 1 2var 1e x x

21 2 1 2ˆ var 1i i i ie b b x b b x Eq. 16.6

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Variable Models

We can transform the data as:

– And estimate the model:

by least squares to produce the feasible generalized least squares estimates– Both least squares and feasible generalized least

squares are consistent estimators of the regression parameters

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.1The Linear

Probability Model




ˆi i i

i i i

y y

x x

* 1 * *1 2ˆi i i iy x e

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Variable Models

If we estimate the parameters of Eq. 16.5 by least squares, we obtain the fitted model explaining the systematic portion of y– This systematic portion is p

– By substituting alternative values of x,we can easily obtain values that are less than zero or greater than one

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.1The Linear

Probability Model

1 2p̂ b b x Eq. 16.7

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Variable Models

The underlying feature that causes these problems is that the linear probability model implicitly assumes that increases in x have a constant effect on the probability of choosing to drive

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.1The Linear

Probability Model

Eq. 16.8 2



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Variable Models

To keep the choice probability p within the interval [0, 1], a nonlinear S-shaped relationship between x and p can be used

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.2The Probit Model

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Variable Models

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.2The Probit Model

FIGURE 16.1 (a) Standard normal cumulative distribution function (b) Standard normal probability density function

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Variable Models

A functional relationship that is used to represent such a curve is the probit function– The probit function is related to the standard

normal probability distribution:

– The probit function is:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.2The Probit Model

2.51( )

2zz e

2.51( ) [ ]


z P Z z e du

Eq. 16.9

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Variable Models

The probit statistical model expresses the probability p that y takes the value 1 to be:

– The probit model is said to be nonlinear

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.2The Probit Model

Eq. 16.10 1 2 1 2[ ] ( )p P Z x x

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Variable Models

We can examine the marginal effect of a one-unit change in x on the probability that y = 1 by considering the derivative:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.3Interpretation of the

Probit Model

Eq. 16.11 1 2 2

( )( )

dp d t dtx

dx dt dx

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Variable Models

Eq. 16.11 has the following implications:

1. Since Φ(β1+ β2x) is a probability density function, its value is always positive

2. As x changes, the value of the function Φ(β1+ β2x) changes

3. if β1+ β2x is large, then the probability that the individual chooses to drive is very large and close to one

• Similarly if β1+ β2x is small

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.3Interpretation of the

Probit Model

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Variable Models

We estimate the probability p to be:

– By comparing to a threshold value, like 0.5, we can predict choice using the rule:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.3Interpretation of the

Probit Model

1 2ˆ ( )p x Eq. 16.12

ˆ1 0.5ˆ

ˆ0 0.5



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Variable Models

The probability function for y is combined with the probit model to obtain:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.4Maximum Likelihood

Estimation of the Probit Model

Eq. 16.131

1 2 1 2( ) [ ( )] [1 ( )] , 0,1i iy yi i i if y x x y

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Variable Models

If the three individuals are independently drawn, then:

– The probability of observing y1 = 1, y2 = 1, and y3 = 0 is:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.4Maximum Likelihood

Estimation of the Probit Model

1 2 3 1 2 3( , , ) ( ) ( ) ( )f y y y f y f y f y

1 2 3[ 1, 1, 0] (1, 1, 0) (1) (1) (0)P y y y f f f f

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Variable Models

We now have:

for x1 = 15, x2 = 6, and x3 = 7

– This function, which gives us the probability of observing the sample data, is called the likelihood function

• The notation L(β1, β2) indicates that the likelihood function is a function of the unknown parameters, β1and β2

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.4Maximum Likelihood

Estimation of the Probit Model

Eq. 16.14

1 2 3 1 2 1 2

1 2

1 2

[ 1, 1, 0] (15) (6)

1 (7)

β ,β

P y y y


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Variable Models

In practice, instead of maximizing Eq. 16.14, we maximize the logarithm of Eq. 16.14, which is called the log-likelihood function:

– The maximization of the log-likelihood function is easier than the maximization of Eq. 16.14

– The values that maximize the log-likelihood function also maximize the likelihood function• They are the maximum likelihood estimates

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.4Maximum Likelihood

Estimation of the Probit Model

Eq. 16.15

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2

ln β ,β ln (15) (6) 1 (7)

ln (15) ln (6) ln 1 (7)


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A feature of the maximum likelihood estimation procedure is that while its properties in small samples are not known, we can show that in large samples the maximum likelihood estimator is normally distributed, consistent and best, in the sense that no competing estimator has smaller variance

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.4Maximum Likelihood

Estimation of the Probit Model

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Let DTIME = (BUSTIME-AUTOTIME)÷10, which is the commuting time differential in 10-minute increments– The probit model is:

P(AUTO = 1) = Φ(β1+ β2DTIME)

– The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters are:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.5A Transportation


1 2 0.0644 0.3000

(se) (0.3992) (0.1029) iDTIME DTIME

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The marginal effect of increasing public transportation time, given that travel via public transportation currently takes 20 minutes longer than auto travel is:

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.5A Transportation


1 2 2( ) ( 0.0644 0.3000 2)(0.3000)

(0.5355)(0.3000) 0.3456 0.3000 0.1037



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If an individual is faced with the situation that it takes 30 minutes longer to take public transportation than to drive to work, then the estimated probability that auto transportation will be selected is:

– Since 0.7983 > 0.5, we “predict” the individual will choose to drive

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.5A Transportation


1 2ˆ ( ) ( 0.0644 0.3000 3) 0.7983p DTIME

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Rather than evaluate the marginal effect at a specific value, or the mean value, the average marginal effect (AME) is often considered:

– For our problem:– The sample standard deviation is: 0.0365– Its minimum and maximum values are 0.0025

and 0.1153

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.6Further Post-

Estimation Analysis

1 2 21

1β β β





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Consider the marginal effect:

– The marginal effect function is nonlinear

16.1Models with Binary Dependent Variables

16.1.6Further Post-

Estimation Analysis

1 2 2 1 2( ) ,



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The Logit Model for Binary Choice

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Probit model estimation is numerically complicated because it is based on the normal distribution– A frequently used alternative to the probit

model for binary choice situations is the logit model

– These models differ only in the particular S-shaped curve used to constrain probabilities to the [0, 1] interval

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

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If L is a logistic random variable, then its probability density function is:

– The cumulative distribution function for a logistic random variable is:

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

2( ) ,




el l


Eq. 16.16

1[ ]

1 ll p L l


Eq. 16.17

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Variable Models

The probability p that the observed value y takes the value 1 is:

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

Eq. 16.18 1 21 2 1 2


1 xp P L x x


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Variable Models

The probability that y = 1 is:

The probability that y = 0 is:

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

1 2

1 2

1 2


1 exp1 x



1 2


1 expp


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Variable Models

The shapes of the logistic and normal probability density functions are somewhat different, and maximum likelihood estimates of β1 and β2 will be different– However, the marginal probabilities and the

predicted probabilities differ very little in most cases

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

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Variable Models

Consider the Coke example with:

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.1An Empirical Example from


1 if Coke is chosen

0 if Pepsi is chosenCOKE

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Based on ‘‘scanner’’ data on 1,140 individuals who purchased Coke or Pepsi, the probit and logit models for the choice are:

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.1An Empirical Example from


1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

β β β _ β _

γ γ γ _ γ _





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16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.1An Empirical Example from


Table 16.1 Coke-Pepsi Choice Models

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Variable Models

The parameters and their estimates vary across the models and no direct comparison is very useful, but some rules of thumb exist– Roughly:

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.1An Empirical Example from


Logit LPM

Probit LPM

Logit Probit

ˆγ 4β

ˆβ 2.5β

γ 1.6β

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Variable Models

If the null hypothesis is H0: βk = c, then the test statistic using the probit model is:

– The t-test is based on the Wald principle

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.2Wald Hypothesis



se β




ct t

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Variable Models

Using the probit model, consider the two hypotheses:

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.2Wald Hypothesis


0 3 4 1 3 4

0 3 4 1 3 4

Hypothesis (1) :β β , :β β

Hypothesis (2) :β 0, β 0, : either β or β is not zero



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To test hypothesis (1) in a linear model, we would compute:

– Noting that it is a two-tail hypothesis, we reject the null hypothesis at the α = 0.05 level if t ≥ 1.96 or t ≤ -1.96

– The calculated t-value is t = -2.3247, so we reject the null hypothesis• We conclude that the effects of the Coke and

Pepsi displays are not of equal magnitude with opposite sign

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.2Wald Hypothesis


_ _

1140 4 1136

_ _

β β

se β β



t t

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A generalization of the Wald statistic is used to test the joint null hypothesis (2) that neither the Coke nor Pepsi display affects the probability of choosing Coke

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.2Wald Hypothesis


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When using maximum likelihood estimators, such as probit and logit, tests based on the likelihood ratio principle are generally preferred– The idea is much like the F-test• One test component is the log-likelihood

function value in the unrestricted, full model (ln LU) evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates• The second ingredient is the log-likelihood

function value from the model that is ‘‘restricted’’ by imposing the condition that the null hypothesis is true (ln LR)

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.3Likelihood Ratio Hypothesis Tests

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Variable Models

The restricted probit model is obtained by imposing the condition β3 = -β4:

–We have LR = -713.6595– The likelihood ratio test statistic value is:

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.3Likelihood Ratio Hypothesis Tests

1 2 3 4

1 2 4 4

1 2 4

β β β _ β _

β β β _ β _

β β _β _ _




2 ln ln

2 710.9486 713.6595



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To test the null hypothesis (2), use the restricted model E(COKE) = Φ(β1 + β2PRATIO)

– The value of the likelihood ratio test statistic is 19.55

16.2The Logit Model for

Binary Choice

16.2.3Likelihood Ratio Hypothesis Tests

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Multinomial Logit

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We are often faced with choices involving more than two alternatives– These are called multinomial choice situations• If you are shopping for a laundry detergent,

which one do you choose? Tide, Cheer, Arm & Hammer, Wisk, and so on• If you enroll in the business school, will you

major in economics, marketing, management, finance, or accounting?

16.3Multinomial Logit

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Variable Models

The estimation and interpretation of the models is, in principle, similar to that in logit and probit models– The models go under the names• multinomial logit• conditional logit• multinomial probit

16.3Multinomial Logit

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As in the logit and probit models, we will try to explain the probability that the ith person will choose alternative j

– Assume J = 3

16.3Multinomial Logit

16.3.1Multinomial Logit

Choice Probabilities

ij = individual chooses alternative p P i j

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Variable Models

For a single explanatory factor, the choice probabilities are:

16.3Multinomial Logit

16.3.1Multinomial Logit

Choice Probabilities

Eq. 16.19a 112 22 13 23

1, 1

1 exp expii i

p jx x

12 222

12 22 13 23

exp, 2

1 exp expi

ii i

xp j

x x

13 233

12 22 13 23

exp, 3

1 exp expi

ii i

xp j

x x

Eq. 16.19b

Eq. 16.19c

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A distinguishing feature of the multinomial logit model in Eq. 16.19 is that there is a single explanatory variable that describes the individual, not the alternatives facing the individual– Such variables are called individual specific– To distinguish the alternatives, we give them

different parameter values

16.3Multinomial Logit

16.3.1Multinomial Logit

Choice Probabilities

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Variable Models

Suppose that we observe three individuals, who choose alternatives 1, 2, and 3, respectively– Assuming that their choices are independent,

then the probability of observing this outcome is:

16.3Multinomial Logit

16.3.2Maximum Likelihood Estimation

11 22 33 11 22 331, 1, 1P y y y p p p

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Variable Models


16.3Multinomial Logit

16.3.2Maximum Likelihood Estimation

11 22 3312 22 1 13 23 1

12 22 2

12 22 2 13 23 2

13 23 3

12 22 3 13 23 3

12 22 13 23

11, 1, 1

1 exp exp


1 exp exp


1 exp exp

, , ,

P y y yx x


x x


x x


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Variable Models

Maximum likelihood estimation seeks those values of the parameters that maximize the likelihood or, more specifically, the log-likelihood function, which is easier to work with mathematically

16.3Multinomial Logit

16.3.2Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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Variable Models

For the value of the explanatory variable x0, we can calculate the predicted probabilities of each outcome being selected– For alternative 1:

– Similarly for alternatives 2 and 3

16.3Multinomial Logit




12 22 0 13 23 0


1 exp expp

x x

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Variable Models

The βs are not ‘‘slopes’’– The marginal effect is the effect of a change in

x, everything else held constant, on the probability that an individual chooses alternative m = 1, 2, or 3:

16.3Multinomial Logit




2 21all else constant

im imim m j ij

ji i

p pp p

x x

Eq. 16.20

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Variable Models

Alternatively, and somewhat more simply, the difference in probabilities can be calculated for two specific values of xi

16.3Multinomial Logit



1 1 1

12 22 13 23

12 22 13 23


1 exp exp


1 exp exp

b a

b b

a a

p p p

x x

x x

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Variable Models

Another useful interpretive device is the probability ratio– It shows how many times more likely category

j is to be chosen relative to the first category

– The effect on the probability ratio of changing the value of xi is given by the derivative:

16.3Multinomial Logit



1 2


exp 2,31

ijij j i

i i

pP y jx j

P y p


2 1 2exp 2,3ij i

j j j ii

p px j


Eq. 16.21

Eq. 16.22

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Variable Models

An interesting feature of the probability ratio Eq. 16.21 is that it does not depend on how many alternatives there are in total– There is the implicit assumption in logit models

that the probability ratio between any pair of alternatives is independent of irrelevant alternatives (IIA)• This is a strong assumption, and if it is

violated, multinomial logit may not be a good modeling choice• It is especially likely to fail if several

alternatives are similar

16.3Multinomial Logit



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Variable Models

Tests for the IIA assumption work by dropping one or more of the available options from the choice set and then re-estimating the multinomial model– If the IIA assumption holds, then the estimates

should not change very much– A statistical comparison of the two sets of

estimates, one set from the model with a full set of alternatives, and the other from the model using a reduced set of alternatives, is carried out using a Hausman contrast test proposed by Hausman and McFadden

16.3Multinomial Logit



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Variable Models

16.3Multinomial Logit

16.3.4An Example

Table 16.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimates of PSE Choice

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Variable Models

16.3Multinomial Logit

16.3.4An Example

Table 16.3 Effects of Grades on Probability of PSE Choice

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Variable Models


Conditional Logit

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Variable Models

Variables like PRICE are individual- and alternative-specific because they vary from individual to individual and are different for each choice the consumer might make– This type of information is very different from

what we assumed was available in the multinomial logit model, where the explanatory variable xi was individual-specific; it did not change across alternatives

16.4Conditional Logit

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Variable Models

Consider a model for the probability that individual i chooses alternative j:

The conditional logit model specifies these probabilities as:

16.4Conditional Logit

16.4.1Conditional Logit

Choice Probabilities

individual chooses alternative ijp P i j

1 2

11 2 1 12 2 2 13 2 3


exp exp expj ij

iji i i



Eq. 16.23

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Variable Models

Set β13 = 0

– Estimation of the unknown parameters is by maximum likelihood• Suppose that we observe three individuals,

who choose alternatives one, two, and three, respectively

16.4Conditional Logit

16.4.1Conditional Logit

Choice Probabilities

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Variable Models

We have:

16.4Conditional Logit

16.4.1Conditional Logit

Choice Probabilities

11 22 33 11 22 33

11 2 11

11 2 11 12 2 12 2 13

12 2 22

11 2 21 12 2 22 2 23

2 33

11 2 31 12 2

1, 1, 1


exp exp exp


exp exp exp


exp exp

P y y y p p p







32 2 33

12 22 2


, ,



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Variable Models

The own price effect is:

The change in probability of alternative j being selected if the price of alternative k changes (k ≠ j) is:

16.4Conditional Logit



21ijij ij


pp p



ij ikik

pp p


Eq. 16.24

Eq. 16.25

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Variable Models

An important feature of the conditional logit model is that the probability ratio between alternatives j and k is:

– The probability ratio depends on the difference in prices, but not on the prices themselves

16.4Conditional Logit



1 2

1 1 21 2


expj ijij

j k ij ikik k ik



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Variable Models

16.4Conditional Logit



Table 16.4a Conditional Logit Parameter Estimates

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Variable Models

16.4Conditional Logit



Table 16.4b Marginal Effect of Price on Probability of Pepsi Choice

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Variable Models

Models that do not require the IIA assumption have been developed, but they are difficult– These include the multinomial probit model,

which is based on the normal distribution, and the nested logit and mixed logit models

16.4Conditional Logit



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Variable Models

The predicted probability of a Pepsi purchase, given that the price of Pepsi is $1.00, the price of 7-Up is $1.25 and the price of Coke is $1.10 is:

16.4Conditional Logit

16.4.3An Example

11 2


11 2 12 2 2

exp 1.00ˆ 0.4832

exp 1.00 exp 1.25 exp 1.10ip

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Variable Models

The standard error for this predicted probability is 0.0154, which is computed via ‘‘the delta method.’’ – If we raise the price of Pepsi to $1.10, we estimate that

the probability of its purchase falls to 0.4263 (se = 0.0135)

– If the price of Pepsi stays at $1.00 but we increase the price of Coke by 15 cents, then we estimate that the probability of a consumer selecting Pepsi rises by 0.0445 (se = 0.0033)

– These numbers indicate to us the responsiveness of brand choice to changes in prices, much like elasticities

16.4Conditional Logit

16.4.3An Example

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Variable Models


Ordered Choice Models

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Variable Models

The choice options in multinomial and conditional logit models have no natural ordering or arrangement– However, in some cases choices are ordered in

a specific way

16.5Ordered Choice


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Variable Models


1. Results of opinion surveys in which responses can be strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree or strongly agree

2. Assignment of grades or work performance ratings

3. Standard and Poor’s rates bonds as AAA, AA, A, BBB and so on

4. Levels of employment are unemployed, part-time, or full-time

16.5Ordered Choice


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Variable Models

When modeling these types of outcomes numerical values are assigned to the outcomes, but the numerical values are ordinal, and reflect only the ranking of the outcomes– In the first example, we might assign a

dependent variable y the values:

16.5Ordered Choice


1 strongly disagree

2 disagree

3 neutral

4 agree

5 strongly agree


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Variable Models

There may be a natural ordering to college choice–We might rank the possibilities as:

– The usual linear regression model is not appropriate for such data, because in regression we would treat the y values as having some numerical meaning when they do not

16.5Ordered Choice


3 4-year college (the full college experience)

2 2-year college (a partial college experience)

1 no college


Eq. 16.26

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Variable Models

When faced with a ranking problem, we develop a ‘‘sentiment’’ about how we feel concerning the alternative choices, and the higher the sentiment, the more likely a higher-ranked alternative will be chosen– This sentiment is, of course, unobservable to

the econometrician– Unobservable variables that enter decisions are

called latent variables

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.1Ordered Probit

Choice Probabilities

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Variable Models

For college choice, a latent variable may be grades:

– This model is not a regression model, because the dependent variable is unobservable• Consequently it is sometimes called an

index model

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.1Ordered Probit

Choice Probabilities

*i i iy GRADES e

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Variable Models

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.1Ordered Probit

Choice Probabilities

FIGURE 16.2 Ordinal choices relative to thresholds

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Variable Models

We can now specify:

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.1Ordered Probit

Choice Probabilities


1 2*


3 (4-year college) if

2 (2-year college) if

1 (no college) if





y y


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Variable Models

If we assume that the errors have the standard normal distribution, N(0, 1), an assumption that defines the ordered probit model, then we can calculate the following:

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.1Ordered Probit

Choice Probabilities

*1 1



1i i i i

i i


P y P y P GRADES e



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Variable Models


16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.1Ordered Probit

Choice Probabilities

*1 2 1 2

1 2

2 1

2i i i i

i i i

i i

P y P y P GRADES e



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Variable Models


16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.1Ordered Probit

Choice Probabilities

*2 2





i i i i

i i


P y P y P GRADES e



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Variable Models

If we observe a random sample of N = 3 individuals, with the first not going to college (y1 = 1), the second attending a two-year college (y2 = 2), and the third attending a four-year college (y3 = 3), then the likelihood function is:

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.2Estimation and Interpretation

1 2 1 2 3, , 1 2 3L P y P y P y

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Variable Models

Econometric software includes options for both ordered probit, which depends on the errors being standard normal, and ordered logit, which depends on the assumption that the random errors follow a logistic distribution–Most economists will use the normality

assumption–Many other social scientists use the logistic– There is little difference between the results

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.2Estimation and Interpretation

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Variable Models

The types of questions we can answer with this model are the following:

1. What is the probability that a high school graduate with GRADES = 2.5 (on a 13-point scale, with one being the highest) will attend a two-year college?

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.2Estimation and Interpretation

2 1ˆ 2 | 2.5 2.5 2.5P y GRADES

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Variable Models

The types of questions (Continued):

2. What is the difference in probability of attending a four-year college for two students, one with GRADES = 2.5 and another with GRADES = 4.5?

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.2Estimation and Interpretation

ˆ ˆ2 | 4.5 2 | 2.5P y GRADES P y GRADES

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Variable Models

The types of questions (Continued):3. If we treat GRADES as a continuous variable,

what is the marginal effect on the probability of each outcome, given a one-unit change in GRADES?

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.2Estimation and Interpretation


1 2











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Variable Models

16.5Ordered Choice


16.5.3An Example

Table 16.5 Ordered Probit Parameter Estimates

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Variable Models


Models for Count Data

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Variable Models

When the dependent variable in a regression model is a count of the number of occurrences of an event, the outcome variable is y = 0, 1, 2, 3, …– These numbers are actual counts, and thus

different from ordinal numbers

16.6Models for Count


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Variable Models

Examples:– The number of trips to a physician a person

makes during a year– The number of fishing trips taken by a person

during the previous year– The number of children in a household– The number of automobile accidents at a

particular intersection during a month– The number of televisions in a household– The number of alcoholic drinks a college

student takes in a week

16.6Models for Count


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Variable Models

The probability distribution we use as a foundation is the Poisson, not the normal or the logistic– If Y is a Poisson random variable, then its

probability function is:


16.6Models for Count


, 0,1,2,!

yef y P Y y y


Eq. 16.27

! 1 2 1y y y y

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Variable Models

In a regression model, we try to explain the behavior of E(Y) as a function of some explanatory variables–We do the same here, keeping the value of E(Y)

≥ 0 by defining:

– This choice defines the Poisson regression model for count data

16.6Models for Count


Eq. 16.28 1 2expE Y x

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Variable Models

Suppose we randomly select N = 3 individuals from a population and observe that their counts are y1 = 0, y2 = 2, and y3 = 2, indicating 0, 2, and 2 occurrences of the event for these three individuals– The likelihood function is the joint probability

function of the observed data is:

16.6Models for Count


16.6.1Maximum Likelihood Estimation

1 2, 0 2 2L P Y P Y P Y

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Variable Models

The log-likelihood function is:

– Using Eq. 16.28 for λ, the log of the probability function is:

16.6Models for Count


16.6.1Maximum Likelihood Estimation

1 2ln , ln 0 ln 2 ln 2L P Y P Y P Y

1 2 1 2

ln ln!

ln ln !

exp ln !

yeP Y y


y y

x y x y

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Variable Models

Then the log-likelihood function, given a sample of N observations, becomes:

16.6Models for Count


16.6.1Maximum Likelihood Estimation

1 2 1 2 1 21

ln , exp ln !N

i i i ii

L x y x y

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Variable Models

Prediction of the conditional mean of y is straightforward:

The probability of a particular number of occurrences can be estimated by inserting the estimated conditional mean into the probability function, as:

16.6Models for Count


16.6.2Interpretation of the Poisson Regression


0 0 1 2 0expE y x

0 0expPr , 0,1,2,



Y y yy

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Variable Models

The marginal effect is:

– This can be expressed as a percentage, which can be useful:

16.6Models for Count


16.6.2Interpretation of the Poisson Regression





E y


Eq. 16.29


%100 100 %i i

i i

E y E y E y

x x

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Variable Models

Suppose the conditional mean function contains a indicator variable, how do we calculate its effect?

– If E(yi) = λi = exp(β1 + β2xi + δDi), we can examine the conditional expectation when D = 0 and when D = 1

16.6Models for Count


16.6.2Interpretation of the Poisson Regression


1 2

1 2

| 0 exp

| 1 exp

i i i

i i i

E y D x

E y D x

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Variable Models

The percentage change in the conditional mean is:

16.6Models for Count


16.6.2Interpretation of the Poisson Regression


1 2 1 2

1 2

exp exp100 % 100 1 %

expi i


x xe


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Variable Models

16.6Models for Count


16.6.3An Example

Table 16.6 Poisson Regression Estimates

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Variable Models


Limited Dependent Variables

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Variable Models

When a model has a discrete dependent variable, the usual regression methods we have studied must be modified– Now we present another case in which standard

least squares estimation of a regression model fails

16.7Limited Dependent


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Variable Models

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.1Censored Data

FIGURE 16.3 Histogram of wife’s hours of work in 1975

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This is an example of censored data, meaning that a substantial fraction of the observations on the dependent variable take a limit value, which is zero in the case of market hours worked by married women

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.1Censored Data

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We previously showed the probability density functions for the dependent variable y, at different x-values, centered on the regression function

– This leads to sample data being scattered along the regression function

– Least squares regression works by fitting a line through the center of a data scatter, and in this case such a strategy works fine, because the true regression function also fits through the middle of the data scatter

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.1Censored Data

1 2|E y x x Eq. 16.30

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For our new problem when a substantial number of observations have dependent variable values taking the limit value of zero, the regression function E(y|x) is no longer given by Eq. 16.30– Instead E(y|x) is a complicated nonlinear

function of the regression parameters β1 and β2, the error variance σ2, and x

– The least squares estimators of the regression parameters obtained by running a regression of y on x are biased and inconsistent—least squares estimation fails

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.1Censored Data

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Variable Models

In this example we give the parameters the specific values β1 = -9 and β2 = 1

– The observed sample is obtained within the framework of an index or latent variable model:

–We assume:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.2A Monte Carlo


*1 2 9i i i i iy x e x e Eq. 16.31

2~ 0, 16ie N


* *

0 if 0

if 0

i i

i i i

y y

y y y

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16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.2A Monte Carlo


FIGURE 16.4 Uncensored sample data and regression function

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Variable Models

In Figure 16.5 we show the estimated regression function for the 200 observed y-values, which is given by:

– If we restrict our sample to include only the 100 positive y-values, the fitted regression is:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.2A Monte Carlo


ˆ 2.1477 0.5161

(se) (.3706) (0.0326)

y x Eq. 16.32a

ˆ 3.1399 0.6388

(se) (1.2055) (0.0827)

y x Eq. 16.32b

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Variable Models

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.2A Monte Carlo


FIGURE 16.5 Censored sample data, and latent regression function and least squares fitted line

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Variable Models

We can compute the average values of the estimates, which is the Monte Carlo ‘‘expected value’’:

where bk(m) is the estimate of βk in the mth Monte Carlo sample

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.2A Monte Carlo


Eq. 16.33 ( )1


MC k k mm


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If the dependent variable is censored, having a lower limit and/or an upper limit, then the least squares estimators of the regression parameters are biased and inconsistent–We can apply an alternative estimation

procedure, which is called Tobit

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.3Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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Tobit is a maximum likelihood procedure that recognizes that we have data of two sorts:

1. The limit observations (y = 0)

2. The nonlimit observations (y > 0)– The two types of observations that we observe,

the limit observations and those that are positive, are generated by the latent variable y* crossing the zero threshold or not crossing that threshold

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.3Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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Variable Models

The (probit) probability that y = 0 is:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.3Maximum Likelihood Estimation

1 20 [ 0] 1i i iP y P y x

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Variable Models

The full likelihood function is the product of the probabilities that the limit observations occur times the probability density functions for all the positive, nonlimit, observations:

– The maximum likelihood estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal, with a known covariance matrix.

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.3Maximum Likelihood Estimation


221 2 21 2 1 22

0 0

1, , 1 2 exp

2i i

ii i

y y

xL y x

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Variable Models

For artificial data, we estimate:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.3Maximum Likelihood Estimation

10.2773 1.0487

(se) (1.0970) (0.0790)i iy x

Eq. 16.34

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Variable Models

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.3Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Table 16.7 Censored Data Monte Carlo Results

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Variable Models

In the Tobit model the parameters β1and β2 are the intercept and slope of the latent variable model Eq. 16.31– In practice we are interested in the marginal

effect of a change in x on either the regression function of the observed data E(y|x) or the regression function conditional on y > 0, E(y|x, y > 0)

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.4Tobit Model


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Variable Models

The slope of E(y|x) is:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.4Tobit Model


1 22

|E y x x


Eq. 16.35

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The marginal effect can be decomposed into two factors called the ‘‘McDonald-Moffit’’ decomposition:

– The first factor accounts for the marginal effect of a change in x for the portion of the population whose y-data is observed already

– The second factor accounts for changes in the proportion of the population who switch from the y-unobserved category to the y-observed category when x changes

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.4Tobit Model


| | , 0 Prob 0Prob 0 | , 0

E y x E y x y yy E y x y

x x x

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Variable Models

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.4Tobit Model


FIGURE 16.6 Censored sample data, and regression functions for observed and positive y-values

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Variable Models

Consider the regression model:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.5An Example

1 2 3 4 5 6HOURS EDUC EXPER AGE KIDSL e Eq. 16.36

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Variable Models

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.5An Example

Table 16.8 Estimates of Labor Supply Function

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The calculated scale factor is– The marginal effect on observed hours of work

of another year of education is:

• Another year of education will increase a wife’s hours of work by about 26 hours, conditional upon the assumed values of the explanatory variables

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.5An Example


2 73.29 0.3638 26.34



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If the data are obtained by random sampling, then classic regression methods, such as least squares, work well– However, if the data are obtained by a sampling

procedure that is not random, then standard procedures do not work well

– Economists regularly face such data problems

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6Sample Selection

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Variable Models

If we wish to study the determinants of the wages of married women, we face a sample selection problem–We only observe data on market wages when

the woman chooses to enter the workforce– If we observe only the working women, then

our sample is not a random sample• The data we observe are ‘‘selected’’ by a

systematic process for which we do not account

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6Sample Selection

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A solution to this problem is a technique called Heckit– This procedure uses two estimation steps:

1. A probit model is first estimated explaining why a woman is in the labor force or not–The selection equation

2. A least squares regression is estimated relating the wage of a working woman to education, experience, and so on, and a variable called the ‘‘inverse Mills ratio,’’ or IMR–The IMR is created from the first step probit

estimation and accounts for the fact that the observed sample of working women is not random

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6Sample Selection

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The selection equation

– It is expressed in terms of a latent variable z*I

that depends on one or more explanatory variables wi, and is given by:

– The latent variable is not observed, but we do observe the indicator variable:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6aThe Econometric


*1 2 1, ,i i iz w u i N Eq. 16.37

*1 0

0 otherwise




Eq. 16.38

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The second equation is the linear model of interest:

– A selectivity problem arises when yi is observed only when zi = 1 and if the errors of the two equations are correlated• In such a situation the usual least squares

estimators of β1and β2 are biased and inconsistent

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6aThe Econometric


Eq. 16.39 1 2 1, , ,i i iy x e i n N n

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Variable Models

Consistent estimators are based on the conditional regression function:

where the additional variable λi is the ‘‘inverse Mills ratio”:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6aThe Econometric


Eq. 16.40 *1 2| 0 , 1, ,i i i iE y z x i n

1 2

1 2





Eq. 16.41

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Variable Models

Consistent estimators are based on the conditional regression function:

where the additional variable λi is the ‘‘inverse Mills ratio”:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6aThe Econometric


Eq. 16.40 *1 2| 0 , 1, ,i i i iE y z x i n

1 2

1 2





Eq. 16.41

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Variable Models

The parameters γ1 and γ2 can be estimated using a probit model, based on the observed binary outcome zi so that the estimated IMR:

– Therefore:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6aThe Econometric


1 2

1 2





1 2 , 1, ,i i i iy x v i n Eq. 16.42

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Variable Models

An estimated model is:

The Heckit procedure starts by estimating a probit model:

The inverse Mills ratio is:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6bHeckit Example: Wages of Married


Eq. 16.43 2ln 0.4002 0.1095 0.0157 0.1484

(t) ( 2.10) (7.73) (3.90)


1 1.1923 0.0206 0.0838 0.3139 1.3939

( ) ( 2.93) (3.61) ( 2.54) ( 2.26)



1.1923 0.0206 0.0838 0.3139 1.3939

1.1923 0.0206 0.0838 0.3139 1.3939



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Variable Models

The final combined model is:

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6bHeckit Example: Wages of Married


Eq. 16.44

ln 0.8105 0.0585 0.0163 0.8664

( ) (1.64) (2.45) (4.08) ( 2.65)

( -adj) (1.33) (1.97) (3.88)




( 2.17)

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Variable Models

In most instances it is preferable to estimate the full model, both the selection equation and the equation of interest, jointly by maximum likelihood– The maximum likelihood estimated wage

equation is:

– The standard errors based on the full information maximum likelihood procedure are smaller than those yielded by the two-step estimation method

16.7Limited Dependent


16.7.6bHeckit Example: Wages of Married


ln 0.6686 0.0658 0.0118

( ) (2.84) (3.96) (2.87)



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Variable Models

Key Words

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Variable Models


binary choice models

censored data

conditional logit

count data models

feasible generalized least squares


identification problem

independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA)

index models

individual and alternative specific variables

individual specific variables

latent variables

likelihood function

limited dependent variables

linear probability model

logistic random variable


log-likelihood function

marginal effect

maximum likelihood estimation

multinomial choice models

multinomial logit

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Variable Models


odds ratio

ordered choice models

ordered probit

ordinal variables

Poisson random variable

Poisson regression model


selection bias

Tobit model

truncated data

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Variable Models

Consider the probit model p = Φ(β1 + β2x)

– The marginal effect at x = x0 is:

– The estimator of the marginal effect, based on maximum likelihood, is:

16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details


1 2 0 2 1 2β β β β ,βx x

dpx g


1 2β ,βg

16A.1Standard Error

of Marginal Effect at a Given


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Variable Models

The variance is:

16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details

2 2

1 2 1 21 2 1 2

1 2

1 2 1 21 2

1 2

β ,β β ,βvar β ,β var β var β

β β

β ,β β ,β 2 cov β ,β

β β

g gg

g g

Eq. 16A.1

16A.1Standard Error

of Marginal Effect at a Given


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Variable Models

To implement the delta method we require the derivative:

16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details

1 2 0 21 2

1 1

1 2 0 22 1 2 0

1 1

1 2 0 1 2 0 2

β β ββ ,β

β β

β β ββ β β

β β

β β β β β



x x

16A.1Standard Error

of Marginal Effect at a Given


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Variable Models

To obtain the final result, we used and:

We then obtain the key derivative:

16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details

21 2 0

21 2 0

1β β1 2 0 2

1 1

1β β

21 2 0

1 2 0 1 2 0

β β 1

β β 2

1 12 β β


β β β β




e x

x x

2 1β β 0

1 21 2 0 1 2 0 2 0


β ,ββ β 1 β β β


gx x x

16A.1Standard Error

of Marginal Effect at a Given


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Variable Models

Using the transportation data, we get:

16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details

1 1 2

1 2 2

var β cov β ,β 0.1593956 0.0003261

0.0003261 0.0105817cov β ,β var β

16A.1Standard Error

of Marginal Effect at a Given


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Variable Models

For DTIME = 2 (x0 = 2), the calculated values of the derivatives are:

The estimated variance and standard error of the marginal effect are:

16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details

1 2 1 2

1 2

β ,β β ,β0.055531 and 0.2345835

β β

g g

1 2 1 2var β ,β 0.0010653 and se β ,β 0.0326394g g

16A.1Standard Error

of Marginal Effect at a Given


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Variable Models

The average marginal effect of this continuous variable is:

We require the derivatives:

16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details

1 2 2 2 1 21

1β β β β ,βN



16A.2Standard Error

of Average Marginal Effect

2 1 21 2 21

1 1

1 2 211

1 2


β ,β 1β β β

β β

1β β β


β ,β1













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Variable Models


16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details

16A.2Standard Error

of Average Marginal Effect

2 1 21 2 21

2 2

1 2 212

1 2


β ,β 1β β β

β β

1β β β


β ,β1













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Variable Models

For the transportation data:

The estimated variance and standard error of the average marginal effect are:

16AProbit Marginal Effects: Details

16A.2Standard Error

of Average Marginal Effect

2 1 2 2 1 2

1 2

β ,β β ,β0.00185 and 0.032366

β β

g g

2 1 2 2 1 2var β ,β 0.0000117 and β ,β 0.003416g se g