principal’s message€¦ · monday 9th november, 2015 term 4 week 6 4501 kyogle road telephone...

Monday 9th November, 2015 Term 4 Week 6 4501 Kyogle Road Telephone (02) 66897202 Wadeville Facsimile: (02) 66897469 NSW 2474 Email: [email protected] Principal’s Message I would like to personally thank our team of volun- teers who worked in difficult conditions at the Mas- ters Barbeque in Lismore yesterday. Thankyou to Vicki, James, Alison and especially Wren and Lisa who not only gave their time yesterday but put in many hours planning and preparing for the day. Thank you. It was lovely working with such a friend- ly, cohesive and dedicated team. Last Tuesday our 2016 Kinder students attended their final Orientation day. We look forward to them commencing their Primary education at Barkers Vale PS. A special thank you to Julie and Therese for en- suring their smooth transition. Last Wednesday Claragh and XXXX represented the COLOURSS schools at the Speaking Finals in Lismore at City Hall. I was so proud of them—it would have taken a lot of courage to speak in front of such a large audi- ence in such a huge hall. Both deliv- ered their speech- es confidently and with great passion. There were many outstanding speak- ers. Congratula- tions to Claragh who was runner up in Stage 2, and Alako who won the Stage 3 section. As a result of their outstanding performances, we won the Rivers Champion School Award. Thank you to all our students who challenged themselves in this competition. I am sure the skills and confidence gained will serve them well in their future. Well done. Term 4 Week 6 Concert Practice and preparations Wednesday Nov 11th REMEMBERANCE DAY service 11am School nurse visiting K-1 students Thursday Nov 12th: Yr 6- Bullying, No Way—Kyogle HS Week 7 Wednesday-P&C Meeting Thursday 19th November– Concert—6.00pm Week 8 Intensive Swimming—all week Tues 24th Nov: Nimbin CS Orientation for Yr 6 Week 9 Tues 1st Dec-Nimbin CS Orientation for Yr 6 Thurs 3rd Dec: Nimbin CS & Kyogle HS Orientation for Yr 6, Musica Viva Week 11 Monday 14th December: Students Reports home Tuesday 15th December: Year 6 Farewell Wednesday 16th December: Last day of term for students Friday 18th December: Last day of term for staff VALE—In Remembrance On Thursday 22nd of October, Maia Ryall, a for- mer pupil of Barkers Vale School passed away af- ter a 4 year battle with cancer. She was 20 years old. We remember Maia fondly as a quiet, very determined high achiever who excelled at every- thing she put her mind to. Maia was an outstanding student and public speaker. She was the most ex- ceptional fundraiser for charity that our school has ever seen. The solid friendships that she made at Barkers Vale lasted for the rest of her life. She will not be forgotten. Our thoughts and condolences are with her mother Rebecca and her sisters Arky and Mallee. R.I.P. Maia.

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  • Monday 9th November, 2015

    Term 4 Week 6

    4501 Kyogle Road Telephone (02) 66897202

    Wadeville Facsimile: (02) 66897469

    NSW 2474 Email: [email protected]

    Principal’s Message I would like to personally thank our team of volun-

    teers who worked in difficult conditions at the Mas-

    ters Barbeque in Lismore yesterday. Thankyou to

    Vicki, James, Alison and especially Wren and Lisa

    who not only gave their time yesterday but put in

    many hours planning and preparing for the day.

    Thank you. It was lovely working with such a friend-

    ly, cohesive and dedicated team.

    Last Tuesday our 2016 Kinder students attended

    their final Orientation day. We look forward to them

    commencing their Primary education at Barkers Vale

    PS. A special thank you to Julie and Therese for en-

    suring their smooth transition.

    Last Wednesday Claragh and XXXX represented

    the COLOURSS schools at the Speaking Finals in

    Lismore at City Hall. I was so proud of them—it

    would have taken a

    lot of courage to

    speak in front of

    such a large audi-

    ence in such a huge

    hall. Both deliv-

    ered their speech-

    es confidently and

    with great passion.

    There were many

    outstanding speak-

    ers. Congratula-

    tions to Claragh

    who was runner up

    in Stage 2, and

    Alako who won the

    Stage 3 section. As a result of their outstanding

    performances, we won the Rivers Champion School

    Award. Thank you to all our students who challenged

    themselves in this competition. I am sure the skills

    and confidence gained will serve them well in their

    future. Well done.

    Term 4 Week 6 Concert Practice and preparations Wednesday Nov 11th REMEMBERANCE DAY service 11am School nurse visiting K-1 students Thursday Nov 12th: Yr 6- Bullying, No Way—Kyogle HS Week 7 Wednesday-P&C Meeting

    Thursday 19th November– Concert—6.00pm

    Week 8 Intensive Swimming—all week Tues 24th Nov: Nimbin CS Orientation for Yr 6

    Week 9 Tues 1st Dec-Nimbin CS Orientation for Yr 6 Thurs 3rd Dec: Nimbin CS & Kyogle HS Orientation for Yr 6, Musica Viva

    Week 11 Monday 14th December: Students Reports home Tuesday 15th December: Year 6 Farewell Wednesday 16th December: Last day of term for students Friday 18th December: Last day of term for staff

    VALE—In Remembrance

    On Thursday 22nd of October, Maia Ryall, a for-

    mer pupil of Barkers Vale School passed away af-

    ter a 4 year battle with cancer. She was 20 years

    old. We remember Maia fondly as a quiet, very

    determined high achiever who excelled at every-

    thing she put her mind to. Maia was an outstanding

    student and public speaker. She was the most ex-

    ceptional fundraiser for charity that our school has

    ever seen. The solid friendships that she made at

    Barkers Vale lasted for the rest of her life. She will

    not be forgotten.

    Our thoughts and condolences are with her mother

    Rebecca and her sisters Arky and Mallee.

    R.I.P. Maia.

  • Dear Barkers Vale families,

    Phew! Our Masters BBQ fundraiser was certainly not boring. The weather was far from ideal

    but it kept things interesting Humungous THANK YOU to Wren, Graeme, Vicki, James,

    Kathy, Alison & Drew (Ms Ryan's stepdaughter). Also special mention to Edens parents for

    supporting the P&C by buying lots of sausages sandwiches! I certainly had a great day with

    you all & considering the weather we actually made a profit! Yay!

    We can all look forward to the final weeks of term 4... Champion effort to all our recyclers!

    Anyone that can contribute to canteen with home cooking (sweet or savoury) or their time

    don't hesitate to contact me on 0414411435.

    Take care folks, Lisa (P&C president)

    (P&C president)

    Recycling Roster Term 4 Thank you to all Recycling volunteers for this term, especially those who offered again. Here is the roster so


    As we have been doing in Term 3, the children will collect the paper and plastic and leave it on the cupboards

    near the Library each Thursday afternoon. Thanks again.

    Regards, Julie McT and the SRC

    Week Who

    6 - 12th Nov Trish Strange

    7 - 19th Nov Wendy and Albie

    8 - 26th Nov Therese Hedwards

    9 - 3rd Dec Marley and Jamie

    10 - 10th Dec Jacqueline and Martin

    11 - 17th Dec Julie McTaggart

    Our School Recycling Team

  • Attention Year 6 students BULLYING NO WAY

    Kyogle High School is holding a 'Bullying No Way' day aimed at building resilience and acceptance of diversity. Great way to meet the class mates of 2016!

    WHEN: Thursday, Nov. 12th, 9:30am travel by bus or private transport WHERE: Kyogle High School, Summerland Way Kyogle, NSW MORE INFORMATION The KHS Bully No Way Day aims to educate primary aged students about the causes, effects and management of bullying to facilitate a smooth transition into high school. The day will also focus on celebrating diversity to encourage students to be tolerant and accepting of others and their differences. Year 10 mentors will de-liver and guide students through a range of anti-bullying activities whilst providing so-cial and emotional assistance to create a safe and trusting environment.

    Agenda 9.30am - students meet the Year 10 Mentors Sign up for free Connect with Gae Masters 11am - morning tea (canteen is available or bring your own food) 1pm – lunch 2.45pm - students collected or supervised for the bus

  • School Swimming Scheme We will once again be taking the whole school to Kyogle Pool for swimming lessons, during week 8 of this term (the week beginning Monday, 23rd November). There will be

    no teachers at school during swimming times. Children from Years 2 to 6, who cannot

    swim 25m confidently, unaided in deep water, are eligible to participate in the School

    Swimming Scheme run by instructors employed by the Department of Education. Children

    in Kindergarten, Year One and those older and more confident swimmers will be instructed

    by BVPS teachers and parents.

    Dates: Monday, 23rd November to Friday, 27th November, 2015.

    Times: Session One: 10:25 to 11:10

    Session Two: 12:15 to 1:00

    Travel by BUS

    Cost: Pool entry and instruction is FREE. Bus cost is $25 per child

    And $45 in total for 2 or more children

    Each day of swimming lessons your child will need to bring their swimmers, towel,

    recess and lunch with drinks, hat and sunscreen. There will be NO canteen. It would be

    best if the children could come dressed and ready to swim, as we have an early start.

    We need parent helpers to make the week run smoothly. If you can help, please

    fill in the form below. It’s a fun, rewarding week and the children benefit from your


    Please return the consent form with the correct money by Thursday, 19th

    November, 2015.

    Regards, Julie McTaggart


    School Swimming Scheme

    I hereby consent to the attendance of my son / daughter ___________________________

    at the Barkers Vale Swimming school classes to be held at Kyogle Pool from Monday 23rd,

    November to Friday, 27th November, 2015. Travel will be by bus. I have enclosed

    $___________ which is the total cost for the week.

    In the event of injury or illness, I also authorise (on my behalf) the seeking of such medical

    assistance that my child may require. Special needs of my child of which you should be

    aware (eg. Allergies, sensory impairment etc) are:


    I can help on (please circle): NAME: _______________________________________

    Monday: Session 1 Session 2 Tuesday: Session 1 Session 2 Wednesday: Session 1

    Session 2 Thursday: Session 1 Session 2 Friday: Session: 1 Session

    Signed: __________________________________________________Date: __________