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Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year 7

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Page 1: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains


Reporting &


Year 7

Page 2: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

A New GCSE Curriculum Our current Key Stage 4 (Year 10 & 11) students are working through new GCSE specifications in preparation for new exams based on a revised 1-9 grading system where 9 is the highest grade. In response to this all subjects at Priestlands have revised their KS3 (Year 7-9) curriculum to best prepare students for these new exams ensuring it; • Is based on developing the key knowledge and skills required for success in KS4; • Is based on our high expected standards of students; • Is based heavily on formative feedback and allows all students to succeed – and so develops a growth mindset; • Incorporates periodic summative assessment to support this ongoing formative feedback; • Is simple and easy to understand – for staff, parents and students; • Has consistent principles, to be used across subjects, but the flexibility to be suitable for all subjects; • Allows all students to experience success – by focusing on the progress they make from their starting point;

Why Assessment without levels? Students will no longer receive levels in their work and assessments and they will not be given a ‘current working level’ on their report. This is why we are saying no levels: Never meant to be a label – Levels were never meant to be a label, they were meant to support progress but this has not always been the case and there has been too much focus on, ‘what level am I?’ Undue pace – There has become an unnecessary focus on getting through levels quickly, rather than embedding deep understanding of key concepts. Levels mean different things – In some instances they are marks on a test, or APP work best matched a descriptor or ‘just in….’ Successful nations don’t use them – Nations with successful educational systems believe that children are capable of anything because of the effort they put in…not because they are level 4, 5 etc. This very much supports growth mindset theory and the Priestlands Path to Progress.

“Study fewer things in greater depth, so a deeper understanding of central concepts and ideas can be developed. Assessment should focus on that.”

Tim Oates

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A guide to assessment and reporting at Priestlands School

This booklet contains an overview of all the key elements students in year 7 will be assessed

on in each subject. We are currently phasing in new GCSEs with new specifications based on

the new 1-9 grading criteria.

All subjects have reviewed their programmes of study from year 7 through to year 11 to

enable the best possible preparation and learning journey for students going on to take

GCSE and beyond.

The first report:

In the first half term students will be assessed on what they currently know and in their

report there is a column; baseline assessment.

This will be one of the following grades:

Accomplished Demonstrates deep learning with fluent application of skills in all strands of the curriculum for this stage.

Secure Demonstrates skills confidently and is able to apply them to meet the challenges of the curriculum for this stage.

Developing Demonstrates the ability to apply skills in some aspects of the subject but still finds some areas of the curriculum challenging.

Emerging Demonstrates some basic skills but needs support to access most areas of the curriculum.

You can see the key assessment objectives for each subject for each of these grades in this

booklet and the teachers will assign a grade that is a best fit based on the evidence from all

the work produced during the first half term.

Students will not receive a grade on each piece of work that they do as we believe that

formative feedback (written comments) with targets linked to more challenging objectives

from the assessment grids are more effective in helping students make progress and this

approach is supported by strong research evidence.

All future reports:

As the year progresses further reports will come home in the Spring and Summer term.

These reports will have a PPG (professionally predicted grade) for all subjects. This is the

grade the teacher believes the student is on track to achieve if they continue to work and

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progress as they have been up to that reporting point. In year 7 and 8 this will actually be 2

grades as we believe it would be unrealistic at this stage to accurately project a single grade.

E.g. 5/6 would mean the teacher believes that on current form the student would go on to

achieve a grade 5 or 6 at GCSE.

We will also indicate whether the student is making expected progress, more than expected

progress or less than expected progress. This will be based on a combination of progress

from our baseline assessment and the information we have received on their KS2


We will use this table as a guide to support these professional predictions:

Baseline Assessment PPG Old GCSE Grade

Accomplished 7-9 A/A*

Secure 5-7 B/C

Developing 3-5 C/D

Emerging 1-3 E/F/G

Once a year students will receive a report that also include a written comment. Part of this

will include a target linked to the area (s) they need to develop from the subject assessment


When you are looking to support your children at home we would encourage you to look at

the subject descriptors in this booklet to help them identify the specific things they need to

develop to progress further in each subject.

If you would like more information about what they need to be doing then you will be able

to find this out at the Parents evenings. Alternatively you can contact the teacher by

phoning the school reception and we would endeavour to respond as swiftly as possible.

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Design & Technology 8





















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Art Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

A01 – Develop ideas through


A01 –Demonstrating

critical understanding

A02 – Refine and explore ideas,

experimenting with appropriate media,

materials and techniques

Ao3 – Recording Ideas,

observations and insights through


Ao3 – Recording Ideas, observations through annotation

A04 – Personal and meaningful Response and demonstrates understanding of visual language


I have a growing ability to develop my own ideas independently through creative and purposeful investigations. With guidance I can identify and create visual links to artists work.

I have a growing ability to demonstrate critical understanding and am becoming aware of artists techniques and processes

I have a growing ability to thoughtfully refine my ideas. With guidance I can experiment with some materials, techniques and processes. I am learning how to experiment with a wider range of materials.

I have a growing ability to record observations and ideas. With guidance. I am learning how to use tone to show light and dark, this is sometimes inconsistent.

I have a growing understanding of artistic vocabulary. I can use basic words that are appropriate and relevant to my intentions. I am beginning to evaluate and critique my own work through guidance.

I have a growing ability to present a personal and meaningful response. I am learning how to link my work to AO1, AO2 and AO3.


I am beginning to develop my own ideas independently through creative and purposeful investigations. With guidance I can identify and create visual links to artists work.

I am beginning to demonstrate critical understanding and am becoming aware of artists techniques and processes.

I am beginning to thoughtfully refine my ideas. With guidance I can experiment with some materials, techniques and processes. I am learning how to experiment with a wider range of materials.

I can record observations and ideas. With guidance. I am learning how to use tone to show light and dark, this is sometimes inconsistent.

I can use basic words that are appropriate and relevant to my intentions. I am beginning to evaluate and critique my own work through guidance.

I can present a personal and meaningful response through guidance. I am learning how to link my work to AO1, AO2 and AO3.

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Art Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7


I am learning how to develop my own creative ideas. I am starting to notice visual links between my ideas and other artists work.

I am learning how to develop my critical understanding of artist’s techniques and processes.

I am learning how to refine my ideas. I am learning how to experiment with a wider range of materials and techniques.

I am learning how to record observations and ideas successfully. With guidance I am learning how to use tone to show light and dark, this is sometimes inconsistent.

I learning how to use basic words that are appropriate and relevant to my intentions. I am beginning to evaluate and critique my own work through guidance.

I am learning how to successfully present a personal and meaningful response. Through guidance I am learning how to link my work to AO1, AO2 and AO3.


I am learning about how to put together creative ideas. I am starting to notice visual links between my ideas and other artists work.

I am learning about artist’s techniques and processes.

I am learning how to refine my ideas. I am learning how to experiment with new materials and techniques.

I am learning how to record observations and ideas successfully through the use of shading and tone.

I am learning artistic keywords and how to apply them to my work so that they are relevant.

I am learning how to successfully present a personal and meaningful response.

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Technology Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Investigation Design Development Making Testing & Evaluation Accomplished

I can independently investigate the specific needs of a target audience. I can independently find relevant sources of information and am able to apply them to my work. I can draw relevant conclusions which I use to inform and explore a wide range of different ideas.

I can explain ideas through discussion, drawing, detailed annotation and modelling. I can show an understanding of a design's appearance and costs. I can understand what can and cannot be included in a design idea. I can use my knowledge and understanding of materials, and techniques. I can use the understanding of other people’s designing as my work develops. I can produce and work from detailed plans, changing them as and if needed. I can make decisions independently and provide justifications using Mathematical and Scientific knowledge where appropriate.

I can independently use CAD software (Computer Aided Design) or CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture) equipment if required. I can be creative problem solving. I can quickly acquire new skills and am able to apply them when making a product. I can support and teach other pupils. I can make plans based on my own design decisions, adapting and responding to changing constraints. I can make complex products that are well finished.

I can devise my own methods to test product performance and record results. I can use meaningful conclusions to develop products further. I can compare products with the design criteria and suggests further improvements. I can use and apply a wide variety of technical language.


I can come up with ideas by using different sources of information. I can study everyday products and how they work. I look at designs from other cultures. I consider my own needs and the needs of other users and apply these to the task. I can justify decision made.

I can work within a framework provided by the teacher. I can make decisions with support from my teachers or peers. I can use simple sketching methods with some labels naming parts of a product when drawing ideas. I can create 3D models with some guidance, help and support. I can explain ideas verbally and provide more detail when prompted. I can apply Mathematical and Scientific knowledge to design problems and planning.

I can work with a range of tools, materials, equipment, components and processes with some precision. I can check my work as it develops and solve technical problems. I can, if needed, make changes to work and be creative with the solutions. I can work from own plans. I can produce a completed product which is reasonably challenging and demonstrates a good quality of finish.

I can carry out quality checks, using measuring and checking procedures as my work develops and make modifications when they are needed. I can test and evaluate products, showing an understanding for the situations in which the products will be used in everyday life. I can use appropriate technical language within explanations and justifications.


I can collect and use information. I take other people's views into account. I can consider a client or client group and a target market. I can draw some relevant conclusions from my research.

I can produce different ideas using words, labelled sketches and models. I understand what you can and cannot include in your design ideas. I can use ideas from other people to help with my own work. I can produce step-by-step plans, e.g - flowchart method, bullet points, spider diagram etc. I can apply simple Mathematical and Scientific knowledge.

I can select and work with a range of tools and equipment. I can use my knowledge and understanding of materials and components in my work with some accuracy. I can make sure my work is finished and that it works.

I can find out what is working well and what could be improved to solve problems. I can look at designs as they develop and make notes using my knowledge and experience.


I consider my personal needs but no further. I can use resources which are provided for me. I can work within specific criteria provided by the teacher.

I can try to work within a framework provided by the teacher. I can produce simple sketches. I can explain my ideas verbally. I can use simple labelling on my design work.

I can use materials selected and provided by the teacher. I can carry out tasks as directed by the teacher. I can follow given instructions and cut, shape and assemble materials to make simple products.

I can identify and verbally explain what is working well with limited technical language.

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English Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Reading for meaning AO1

Analysis of language AO2

Analysis of structure AO2

Understanding of context AO3

Comparison AO3

Personal, critical response AO4


-I select a range of ideas from different places in the text. -My interpretations are clearly linked to evidence. -My ideas offer alternative interpretations.

-I include detailed explanations with correct terminology on how language is used and how the choices contribute to the overall effect. -I link this to the writer’s purpose.

-I begin to write a detailed exploration of structural features and how they contribute to overall effect.

-I show clear understanding of implied contextual ideas and links between context and task.

-I show a detailed understanding between differences and perspectives. -I compare ideas in a detailed way. -I Identify and explain how methods are used to convey to ideas. -I select a range of relevant quotations from both texts.

-I include detailed and developed evaluative comments with a range of ideas, including my personal opinion of the ideas within the text.


-I have made a range of relevant points. My comments are securely based on evidence. -I develop an interpretation; sometimes the ideas don’t link together.

-I explain language features used with clear and relevant explanations. I start to consider the effect of both language and structural choices.

-I explain structural features used with clear and relevant explanations.

-I show some understanding of less obvious contextual ideas and context is specifically linked to text and task.

-I show a clear understanding of differences between ideas. -I compare ideas in a clear and relevant way. -I explain how methods are used to convey to ideas. You select relevant quotations from both texts.

-I consider why the writer wrote the text (evaluate). -I clearly explain the effect of writer’s choices.


-I make some relevant points and link to relevant evidence. -I may have some misunderstandings or retelling. My inference is based on evidence.

-I identify some basic features with little comment (e.g. the writer has used a metaphor.)

-I identify some basic structural features (e.g. the question mark builds tension.)

-I show some awareness of obvious ideas and recognition of some features of context.

-I identify some differences between ideas and perspectives. -I attempt to compare. -I make some comment on how methods are used. -I select some quotations (from one or both texts).

-I attempt to evaluate with an example/examples to support view(s).


-I make a simple point or retell the story. -I sometimes include quotations.

-I make simple comments about the language used: e.g. ‘slimy’ is a good word to use.

-I point out structure in a simple way e.g. beginning and end of story, types of punctuation.

-I show some simple comment of obvious ideas and recognition of some features of context.

-I show a simple cross reference of ideas and a simple identification of how differences and similarities are conveyed.

-I make a simple comment about why the text was written. -I give an example which may explain your idea.

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English Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Communicating AO5

Organising AO5

Spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, sentence structure AO6

Accomplished - My writing is consistently clear and uses a range of successful language features. -My tone and style generally match the purpose of my writing. - My writing is sustained. - I use extensive vocabulary

- My writing is engaging with a range of connected ideas. - I use structural features and I use clear and well organised paragraphs. - I use a range of discourse markers.

-I use a range of secure and accurate sentence structures to create effects - I use a range of punctuation, with success - I have good control of grammar and use standard English and appropriately - My spelling is generally accurate – including complex words. I am including sophisticated vocabulary in my writing


- My writing is mostly successful and uses a range of language features. - I know how to write for purpose. - My writing is presented in some depth. - My vocabulary is clearly chosen for effect

- My writing is controlled with relevant connected ideas. - I use some structural features and I use some paragraphs. - I use some discourse markers.

-I use a range of mostly secure and mostly accurate sentence structures to create effects - I use a range of punctuation, mostly with success - I have control of grammar and mostly use standard English and appropriately - My spelling is sometimes accurate – including some complex words. I am increasingly trying to use more interesting vocabulary.


-My writing is communicated with some successful and I use some language features. I try to write for purpose. - At times my writing is detailed. - I am carefully choosing vocabulary to match the style of my writing.

- My writing is sometimes developed and some of my ideas are simply linked. - I have tried to use paragraphs - I attempt to use discourse markers, but they are not always appropriate.

-I try and use all three types of sentence structure to the best of my ability in my writing. - I have some control of punctuation - My writing makes sense and is clear for the reader. - I try and spell more complex words accurately. I try and vary my word choice.

Emerging -My writing communicates some meaning and I attempt to use language features. -I try and add detail to my writing and write with a clear voice. -I can choose vocabulary that is simple, but chosen for deliberate effect.

- Sometimes I group together some related points in my writing. - I can structure paragraphs, but some are confused. - I use some discourse markers but they are not always relevant.

- I use some sentence structures in my writing. - I use some simple punctuation. - I can use vocabulary that is simple and generally appropriate. - I try to use words for effect. - I have can spell most functional words correctly.

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Spoken Language

English Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7 & 8

Spoken Language Accomplished

- I can vary my use of sophisticated vocabulary and expression, and use different strategies to engage the listener. - I am confident and fluent and talk in a range of different situations, about demanding subject matter. - I can use Standard English vocabulary and grammar in a sophisticated way and use techniques to engage the audience. - I am able to listen to questions and feedback and respond with confidence; I am able to develop and challenge ideas.


- I can use a range of well-judged vocabulary and expression, and use different strategies to engage the listener. - I can use non-verbal features to add impact and I can talk in a confident way in front of an audience. - I can use Standard English vocabulary and grammar and use techniques to engage the audience. - I am able to listen to questions and respond formally and in some detail; at times I am able to reflect on, and develop, others’



- I use some ambitious vocabulary and try to vary my expression, conveying straightforward information. - I can talk in front of an audience, beginning to use some non-verbal features. - I can use appropriate features of Standard English in my presentation. - I am able to listen to others’ questions and feedback and provide answers in a straightforward way.


- I can briefly express my point of view, ideas and feelings. - Sometimes I develop detail to make my presentation interesting. - I use some non-verbal features, and my vocabulary is straightforward. - I am able to make brief and occasional contributions and general statements in discussion.

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Geography Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Map Skills (MS)

Statistical Skills Data and Presentation (SDP)

Fieldwork Skills (FS)

Questioning and enquiry (QE)

Geographical Understanding (GU)

Accomplished I can.. confidently and accurately use a variety of maps. A. Identify physical features

such as mountain ranges B. Identify human features

such as cities and countries

This includes the ability to use and read: C. 4 and 6 fig grid ref, D. directions E. scale & symbols F. gradient & contours

I can.. A. effectively present data using tables. B. complete calculations to help understand data C. Explain what graphs and tables show about the data D. able to create and read a variety of graphs including - Bar graphs - scatter graphs - pie charts - Proportional bar graphs

I can.. A. Describe fieldwork methods in detail B. Explain some problems with fieldwork methods C.. Carryout a variety data collection techniques including -Field sketches -Questionnaires -Counts -Surveys D. Suggest possible improvements E. Evaluate risks involved in specific fieldwork F. Suggest appropriate solutions to reduce those risks.

I can.. A. Clearly describe location B. Clearly describe patterns C. Clearly describe distribution D. Communicate ideas in an effective way E. Draw detailed conclusions about geographical questions/ issues F. Use evidence to support those conclusions G. Demonstrate excellent understanding of the wider Geographical context H. Can ask complex geographical questions

I can.. A. Describe physical and B. Human features in detail C. Explain geographic processes in detail D. Explain the 3 types of sustainability in detail E. Evaluate complex choices F. Start to make justified decisions G. Consistently put theory into context and H. Use case study examples to demonstrate deeper understanding

Secure I can.. effectively use a variety of maps. A. Identifying physical

features such as mountain ranges

B. Identifying human features such as cities and countries

This includes the ability to use and read: C. 4 and 6 fig grid ref, D. directions

I can.. A. present data using tables. B. complete calculations to help understand data C. Usually explain what graphs and tables show about the data D. Able to create and read a variety of graphs including - Bar graphs - scatter graphs - pie charts

I can.. A. Describe fieldwork methods in detail B. Explain some problems with fieldwork methods C. Carryout a variety data collection techniques including -Field sketches -Questionnaires -Counts -Surveys E. Evaluate risks involved in specific fieldwork

I can.. A. Describe location B. Describe patterns C. Describe distribution D. Communicate ideas in an clear way E. Draw conclusions about geographical questions/ issues F. Use evidence to support those conclusions G. Demonstrate good understanding of the wider Geographical context

I can.. A. Describe physical features B. Describe human features C. Explain geographic processes D. Explain the 3 types of sustainability in detail E. Evaluate and start to F. make justified decisions

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Geography Achievement Descriptors: Year 7 E. scale & symbols H. Can ask geographical questions H. use case study

examples to demonstrate deeper understanding

Developing I can.. usually use a variety of maps. A. Identifying physical

features such as mountain ranges

B. Identifying human features such as cities and countries

This includes the ability to read and use: C. 4 and 6 fig grid ref, D. directions E. symbols

I can.. A. Present data using tables. B. Complete some calculations to help understand data C. Usually explain what graphs and tables show about the data D. Able to create and read a variety of graphs including - Bar graphs - scatter graphs

I can.. A. Describe fieldwork methods in detail B. Explain some problems with fieldwork methods C. Carryout a variety data collection techniques -Field sketches -Questionnaires -Counts -Surveys

I can.. A. Describe location B. Start to describe patterns D. Communicate most ideas clearly E. Draw some conclusions about geographical questions G. Demonstrate some understanding of the wider Geographical context H. Can ask geographical questions

I can.. A. Describe physical and B. Human features C. Explain some geographic processes D. Explain the 3 types of sustainability H. Use case study examples to demonstrate deeper understanding

Emerging I can.. usually use a variety of maps. A. Identifying physical

features such as mountain ranges

B. Identifying human features such as cities and countries

E. Use and read symbols

I can.. A. Present data using tables. B. Complete some calculations to help understand data C. Start to explain what graphs and tables show about the data D. With help, create and read a variety of graphs including bar graphs

I can.. A. Describe fieldwork methods in detail B. Explain some problems with fieldwork methods C. Attempt to carry out a variety data techniques -Field sketches -Questionnaires -Counts -Surveys

I can.. A. Describe location D. Start to communicate my ideas E. Draw some conclusions about geographical questions G. Demonstrate some understanding of the wider Geographical context H. Can ask geographical questions

I can.. A. Describe physical and B. Human features C. Start to explain some geographic processes D. Identify the 3 types of sustainability

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History Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Knowledge and understanding

Change over time Causation Interpretation Using Sources Significance


I can.. Show a detailed understanding of the time period.

I can.. Explain the effects of change on different people.

I can.. Explain why things have stayed the same or changed.

I can.. Explain a few reasons for the interpretation

I can.. Interpret the message/ purpose or meaning of the source Give reasons why the source is useful or not

I can.. Explain why the individual or event was significant.


I can.. Use examples to demonstrate my knowledge. Put events in the correct order.

I can.. Describe the speed of change.

I can.. Suggest/give 1 reason for a cause/consequence

I can.. Give reasons for different interpretations.

I can.. Use details from the source to support my argument

I can.. Describe important people or events


I can.. Describe key events.

I can.. Understand what is meant by the words change and continuity.

I can.. Describe how things have stayed the same or changed.

I can.. Describe the ways that the past has been interpreted

I can.. Describe what a source shows.

I can.. Describe reasons why an event may be significant


I can.. Identify key events and periods of History.

I can.. Identify changes over time

I can.. Identify a cause of an event

I can.. Identify the ways that the past has been interpreted.

I can.. Identify key information in a source

I can.. Identify the importance of an event.

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ICT & Computing Achievement Descriptors: Year 7



Can understand & demonstrate how instructions are run inside a computer. Can use diagrams to describe systems and their components. Can identify similar problems & see how the same algorithm can be used for both.

Can plan, create, test and reflect on a solution to a problem that a computer could solve. Can write sequences of instructions (algorithms) and data in a way that a computer will understand. Can develop solutions for problems that are described to me by someone else.

Can recognise data types and manipulate strings. Can use selection, iteration & variables confidently.

Can recognise similarities between simple problems and the ways in which they can be solved. Can trace instructions using variables, selection and repetition and predict what the result will be.

Can take a problem and divide it into all its sub-problems and show this as a flowchart. Understand what is meant by a computational problem. I can think through an algorithm & predict the outcome. I show care and precision in the syntax of my instructions.


Can explain why accuracy is important to computers, as they work step-by-step and can only do what we tell them. I understand how to make a storyboard of an everyday activity.

Can create a simple sequence of instructions and improve it if necessary.

Can plan a sequence of instructions for something that I want to happen. Can identify algorithms.

Can read a sequence of instructions and predict the result.

Can describe the goals of a given problem. Can test my work and suggest improvements.


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ICT & Computing Achievement Descriptors: Year 7


Have a basic understanding of why accuracy is important to computers, that they work step-by-step and can only do what we tell them. I can make a simple storyboard of an everyday activity.

With help I can create a simple sequence of instructions and make some simple improvements if necessary.

With help I can input a simple sequence of instructions for something that I want to happen. Can sometimes identify algorithms.

With help I can read a simple sequence of instructions and sometimes predict the result.

With help I can describe some of the goals of a given problem. Can perform simple tests on my work and maybe suggest improvements.


I vaguely understand why accuracy is important to computers, and that they work step-by-step and can only do what we tell them. With help I can make a simple storyboard of an everyday activity.

With help I can create a very simple sequence of instructions but am not able to identify or make improvements.

With help I can input an extremely simple sequence of instructions for something that I want to happen. I cannot usually identify algorithms.

With help I can read some simple sequences of instructions but am not usually able to predict the result.

With help I can describe some of the goals of a given problem. I cannot perform simple tests on my work and or suggest improvements.

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ICT & Computing Achievement Descriptors: Year 7




Can create a flatfile database using several features such

as validation rules and combo boxes. Can use a

variety of data types. Can carry out complex searches

and sort & filter data.

Can create my own tables, use some formatting features

for easier use, and use worksheets efficiently. Can use some functions such as, 'What If', Sum, Count If. Can

confidently use formulae including the 4 operators & autosum. I can make graphs

with labels.

Can regularly score above 85% in tests, and give detailed, full

written answers. Can confidently recall terms and give accurate definitions when asked

or tested.

Can design simple solutions to ICT & Computing problems that sometimes work. Can plan out and show these

designs. Can organise my time to complete some tasks in given time-

frames, including homework tasks. Can evaluate my work both as I am going

along, ; and at the end can state some of the good and not so good elements. Can

both give and receive some peer evaluation, upon which I sometimes act.

Can sometimes catch up work I have missed.


Can create a flatfile database with guidance, using some features. Can sort and filter

data and perform simple searches.

Can create tables with help and use some formatting features for easier use. Can use some simple functions. Can use formulae including the 4 operators & Autosum

with reminders. Can produce graphs.

Can regularly score above 75% in tests and give quite detailed written answers. Can usually

recall terms and give definitions when asked or tested.

Can design some simple solutions to ICT & Computing problems with help. Can

roughly plan out and show these designs. Am improving at organising my time to

complete some tasks in given time-frames, including homework tasks. Can evaluate some of my work both as I am

going along; and at the end can state one of two of the good and not so good elements. Can sometimes give and

receive some peer evaluation.

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ICT & Computing Achievement Descriptors: Year 7


Can create a simple flatfile database with a little help,

but without additional features. Can carry out

simple searches with help and sort & filter data.

Can create tables with help and use a few formatting features for easier use. I can

use some simple functions and formulae including the 4 operators & Autosum with

reminders. Can produce graphs which are usually not


Can regularly score above 50% in tests, giving fairly concise

written answers. Can recall some terms and give simple definitions when asked or


Am improving my ability to design simple solutions to ICT & Computing problems,

using very basic plans. I am improving my time organisation, so that I finish some tasks in the given time. I occasionally

evaluate my work and can come up with 1 good element & 1 for improvement.


Can use a database I am given to sort and filter data.

With help I can perform simple searches.

Can create simple tables with help, that contain few formatting features. With guidance I can use the 4 operators and Autosum. I sometimes produce graphs, but without labels.

Am improving my test scores to around 50% and can give short written answers. Can recall a few terms and give some simple definitions when asked or tested.

With guidance I can design simple solutions to some ICT & Computing problems, using very basic plans. I often do not complete tasks in the given time. With help I can evaluate my work very simply and may come up with 1 good element & 1 for improvement.

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Maths Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7 The 3 objectives in each stage are examples taken from the SOW and are being used to demonstrate the progression of and structure within the curriculum.

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

The Origins of Maths

Healthy Eating Fairtrade Building Design Sporty Data Introduction to



I can use index notation for small positive integer powers

I can calculate reverse percentages

I can recognise if a formula is used to find a shapes length, area or volume

I can enlarge 2D shapes by fractional and negative scale factors.

I can find the median and interquartile range for large data sets

I can solve equations with unknowns on both sides including brackets and fractions

I can use mental and written methods to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals

I can use measures of speed and other compound measures to solve problems

I can use knowledge of similar triangles to determine unknown lengths

I can use ruler and compasses to make accurate constructions

I can draw a box plot I can derive an equation and solve it

I can find LCM and HCF

I can use all four operations with fractions.

I can calculate the volume of a cylinder

I can prove that shapes are congruent

I can estimate the mean from a grouped frequency table.

I can factorise a simple expression


I can substitute into simple expressions using the rules of BIDMAS

I can calculate percentage increases and decreases with/without a calculator

I can rotate shapes about a centre of rotation and describe rotations in correct detail

I can solve problems involving scale

I can draw axes and scatter graphs to compare 2 variables. I can draw a line of best fit by inspection and make inferences

I can substitute into formulae with positive and negative values

Page 20: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Maths Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7 The 3 objectives in each stage are examples taken from the SOW and are being used to demonstrate the progression of and structure within the curriculum.

I can order, add and subtract negative numbers.

I can add and subtract fractions without a common denominator without a calculator.

I can understand the relationship between interior and exterior angles for regular polygons

I can make accurate scale drawings

I can find the mean from ungrouped frequency tables

I can expand double brackets

I can check solutions by estimating, inverse operation and checking order of magnitude.

I can solve simple ratio and proportion problems

I can calculate the circumference and area of a circle

I can draw plans, elevations and isometric representations of shapes made from cuboids

I can construct pie charts.

I can solve equations with unknowns on both sides


I can do short and long multiplication and division using written methods

I can recognise the equivalences of fractions, decimals and percentages.

I can construct regular polygons using circles and marking circumference at equal intervals

I can enlarge a shape by a positive whole number scale factor.

I can draw conclusions from scatter graphs and have a basic understanding of correlation

I can solve simple equations

I can order decimals to three decimal places.

I can understand what a ratio is and recognize simple equivalent ratios

I can calculate the volume and surface area of a cuboid

Work out which product is better value for money

I can use stem and leaf diagrams

I can multiply a single term over a bracket.

I can recognise and describe number patterns and relationships including factors and multiples.

I can recognize and calculate simple percentages of quantities

I can use formulae to find the area of shapes made from rectangles and triangles

I can identify reflective and rotational symmetry in 2D shapes

I can create and use two way tables

I can use simple formulae involving one or two operations.

Page 21: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Maths Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7 The 3 objectives in each stage are examples taken from the SOW and are being used to demonstrate the progression of and structure within the curriculum.


I can use mental recall of multiplication facts and corresponding division facts

I can convert between metric units of length, capacity and mass

I can give the order of rotational symmetry of a shape

I can reflect simple shapes

I can construct and interpret bar charts and pictograms

I can substitute values into simple expressions

I can use decimal notation in context such as money

I can recognise when two simple fractions are equivalent.

I can find the perimeter of shapes made from triangles and rectangles

I can tessellate shapes I can read timetables and solve problems associated with time

I can simplify an expression by collecting like terms

I can show understanding of place value

I can round numbers to the nearest whole number, 10, 100, 1000

I can describe 3D shapes using correct terminology - Faces, Edges and Vertices

I can construct accurate nets of cuboids and tringular prisms

I can calculate statistics for small sets of data: find the mean, mode, median and range.

I can use letter symbols to represent unknown variables. I can recall the meaning of the words expression, terms and equation

Page 22: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

MFL Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Skills Grammar Vocabulary Accomplished

I can understand and apply grammatical concepts with a high level of accuracy. I can insert new words into existing structures. I can learn, understand and use new vocabulary and structures readily. I can decipher some unfamiliar vocabulary using context. I can use the present tense, including irregular verbs. I can recognise and use the immediate future tense. I can translate accurately to and from the TL. I can identify and correct own mistakes. I can produce a short paragraph, showing planning and editing skills. I can ask and answer several questions. I can give a short presentation. I can pronounce correctly with excellent intonation. I can understand, give and justify simple opinions. I can spell accurately.

I can confidently, effectively and accurately use: Sound patterns Phonics Nouns and gender Agreement of adjectives Word order Pronouns Regular and irregular verbs Future tense Opinions Connectives Bilingual dictionary Verb tables

I can confidently, effectively and accurately: Say the alphabet Say numbers to 100 Use basic greetings Say ages and birthdays Say the months and days Express feelings Identify countries & nationalities Describe daily routine Describe towns Discuss the family Describe animals Refer to the time Describe the school day Describe transport Discuss leisure activities Describe the weather


I can understand grammatical concepts and apply them with some success. I can insert words looked up into existing structures. I can Learn, understand and use new vocabulary and structures readily. I can decipher some unfamiliar vocabulary using context, especially cognates. I can use present tense fairly well, including some irregular verbs. I can recognise and use the immediate future tense with some success. I can translate fairly accurately to and from the TL.

I can successfully use: Sound patterns Phonics Nouns and gender Agreement of adjectives Word order Pronouns Regular and irregular verbs Future Tense Opinions

I can successfully: Say the alphabet Say numbers to 100 Use basic greetings Say ages and birthdays Say the months and days Express feelings Identify countries & nationalities Describe daily routine Describe towns

Page 23: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

MFL Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

I can identify and correct my own mistakes with some prompting from others or teacher. I can produce a short paragraph, showing planning and editing skills. I can ask and answer several questions and give a short presentation with mostly accurate pronunciation. I can give and justify as well as understand a simple opinion. I can spell mostly accurately.

Connectives Bilingual dictionary Verb tables

Discuss the family Describe animals Refer to the time Describe the school day Describe transport Discuss leisure activities Describe the weather


I can understand grammatical concepts and apply them with some success within the existing context. I can adapt some existing structures. I can learn, understand and use new vocabulary and structures within context, not always accurately. I can decipher some unfamiliar vocabulary using context or cognates. I can use the present tense fairly well, including the most common irregular verbs. I can recognise some immediate future tense verbs. I can translate to and from the TL and convey meaning, not always accurate. I can identify and correct some of my own mistakes with some prompting from others or teacher. I can produce a short paragraph, showing planning and editing skills. I can ask and answer several questions. I can give a short presentation with reasonably accurate pronunciation and intonation. I can understand, give and justify a simple opinion. I can spell with errors but meaning is understood.

I have some understanding of, and success using: Sound patterns Phonics Nouns and gender Agreement of adjectives Word order Pronouns Regular and irregular verbs Future Tense Opinions Connectives Bilingual dictionary Verb tables

I have some understanding of, and success in: Saying the alphabet Using numbers to 100 Using basic greetings Describing ages and birthdays Saying the months and days Expressing feelings Identifying countries & nationalities Describing daily routine Describing towns Discussing the family Describing animals Telling the time Describing the school day Describing transport Discussing leisure activities Describing the weather


I can recognise and learn a small number of words within a new topic. I can work out some cognates. I can understand a little about the formation of verbs but need support. I can correct mistakes with clear guidance from teacher. I can produce a few sentences using a template. I can ask and answer one or two questions or give a short presentation.

I am beginning to understand and use some of the following: Sound patterns Phonics Nouns and gender

I am beginning to understand and be able to do some of the following: Say the alphabet Say numbers to 100 Use basic greetings Say ages and birthdays

Page 24: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

MFL Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

I can give and understand simple opinions. I can spell with errors but meaning is mostly understood.

Agreement of adjectives Word order Pronouns Regular and irregular verbs Future Tense Opinions Connectives Bilingual dictionary Verb tables

Say the months and days Express feelings Identify countries & nationalities Describe daily routine Describe towns Discuss the family Describe animals Tell the time Describe the school day Describe transport Discuss leisure activities Describe the weather

Page 25: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Music Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Musical Understanding Music Making Musical thinking Accomplished

I can… demonstrate how the different processes of making music lead to it being created or realised in different ways across different styles, genres and traditions and how the different ways that musicians work reflects their different cultural contexts and the genres they are working in.

Through creatively engaging with the practical processes of ‘music making and thinking in context’, I learn practically how to:

Make subtle adjustments to fit their own fluently realised part with group performances to improve the overall quality

Develop and sustain musical ideas when improvising or creating music to achieve intended outcomes

Choose and use appropriate ways of creating and realising music in different styles genres and traditions

Through creatively engaging with the practical processes of ‘music making and thinking in context’, I learn how to think musically by:

Evaluating the impact of different styles, genres and traditions on their own work and that of others.

Identifying analysing and assessing how the way pieces of music are created and realised reflects their contexts and origins

Improving own work and that of others in relation to the intended purpose and function


I can… demonstrate how and why sets of musical devices are used in different types of music and how venue, occasion and purpose affect the way music is created, performed and heard.

Through creatively engaging with the practical processes of ‘music making and thinking in context’, I learn practically how to:

Make a significant contribution when improvising and performing in an ensemble, including as a class group

Take different roles within performing and composing activities, demonstrating a range of individual skills

Compose music for a specific purpose making use of appropriate musical devices

Through creatively engaging with the practical processes of ‘music making and thinking in context’, I learn how to think musically by:

Justifying the musical devices selected to convey ideas in own work and that of other pupils.

Listening for, identify and explain the use of musical devices in context

Refining and improve work, taking account of venue, occasion and purpose

Page 26: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Music Department Achievement Descriptors: Year 7


I can… demonstrate with support how and why sets of musical devices are used in different types of music and how venue, occasion and purpose affect the way music is created, performed and heard.

Through creatively engaging with the practical processes of ‘music making and thinking in context’, I learn, with support, how to:

Make a significant contribution when improvising and performing in an ensemble, including as a class group

Take different roles within performing and composing activities, demonstrating a range of individual skills

Compose music for a specific purpose making use of appropriate musical devices

Through creatively engaging with the practical processes of ‘music making and thinking in context’, I learn how to think musically by:

Justifying the musical devices selected to convey ideas in own work and that of other pupils.

Listening for, identifying and explaining the use of musical devices in context

Refining and improving work, taking account of venue, occasion and purpose


I can… demonstrate how musical ideas relate to each other within musical structures and how parts fit together and how music reflects intentions.

Through creatively engaging with the practical processes of ‘music making and thinking in context’, I learn how to:

Sing and play music in parts with a sense of ensemble

Create patterns in sound within musical structures

Combine different musical elements to achieve intentions

Perform by ear and from simple notations

Through creatively engaging with the practical processes of ‘music making and thinking in context’, I learn how to think musically by:

Identifying and explaining how different elements have been combined to achieve intentions

Evaluating how well composing and performing intentions have been achieved and suggesting improvements.

Page 27: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Physical Education Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Set up

Transfer of energy

Exaggerated finish

Decision making

Execution of skill

Body control Athleticism Spatial awareness

Quality of movement



My set up for the skill is

always balanced and in

place early. I use appropriate

footwork to position the

hips, allowing a high quality skill

to take place

I have consistent and evident weight

transfer throughout the

skill. I have effective leg

drive and rotation enables

consistently powerful and

accurate skills.

I have a clear and over-

emphasised finish to all skills. This leads to

consistent accuracy of all


I make the correct decision almost

every time. I select the correct

skill and adjust the skills to bring continued success in a competitive


My skill is executed

accurately and consistently under varying degrees of

pressure and is completed with

maximum certainty and

efficiency, with minimum outlay

of time and effort.

I maintain stability and balance

throughout the skill. I always maintain

fully extended and exaggerated poses to all skills and the

control is so precise that skills can flow whilst maintaining


There is a clear strength and power

about me, irrespective of size.

There is a developed CV

endurance and I show speed and

agility. My movements are co-

ordinated and in time.

I am very aware of my

surroundings and can

recognise where space is. I have

a clear understanding of how utilising space allows for

potential penetrative


My movement is sharp and accurate. I move with ease and

cover ground effortlessly. I have a

clear control and precision about my movement and the

timing is always accurate to exploit


I have a clear willingness to learn and be better. I

am attentive and focused and will

accurately replicate the advice given, even if the

outcome is less successful.


My set up for the skill is side on to allow for

an effective transfer of

energy. I use appropriate footwork to position the

hips, allowing the skill to take


I have occasional

weight transfer throughout the skill. Leg drive and rotation

enables occasional power and accuracy

within skills.

I have a clear finish to all skills. This

often leads to a good

accuracy of all skills.

I make the correct decision often. I

select the correct skill to bring success in a competitive


My skill is executed

accurately under pressure and is completed with

certainty and efficiency, with

minimum outlay of time and effort.

I maintain stability and balance

throughout a simple skill. I often

maintain fully extended and

exaggerated poses to finish skills and the control is so


There is a good CV endurance and I show speed and

agility. My movements are co-

ordinated and in time.

I am aware of my

surroundings and can

recognise where space is. I have

an understanding of how utilising space allows for

potential penetrative


My movement is sharp and accurate. I have a clear control

about my movement and the timing is often

accurate to exploit space.

I have a clear willingness to learn and be better. I

am attentive and focused and will often

replicate the advice given.

Page 28: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Physical Education Achievement Descriptors: Year 7


My set up for the skill

occasionally allows for an

effective transfer of

energy. I have limited footwork which is used to

position the hips, therefore the skill is often


I have occasional weight transfer throughout the skill. Leg drive is

limited and therefore occasional

rotation leads to the skill having little power or


I sometimes have a clear finish to all skills. This

often leads to inconsistent

accuracy of all skills.

I make the correct decision

sometimes. I select the correct

skill, from a limited repertoire

to bring occasional success

in a competitive situation.

My skill is executed

accurately under limited pressure and is completed with certainty and


I sometimes maintain stability

and balance throughout the skill.

I fully extend and exaggerate poses to

skills, but often don’t finish the

movement. I control the movement, but

struggle to link it into one flowing


I am able to carry out the demands of

a PE lesson and shows elements of

speed. My movements are sometimes co-


I am aware of my

surroundings and can

recognise where space is. I can often create space by not


My movement demonstrates a

change of speed and direction. I have a

degree control about my movement and the movement is

often accurate into space.

I sometimes have a willingness to learn and be better. I listen and

will sometimes replicate the advice given.


My set up for the skill

occasionally allows for an

effective transfer of

energy. I do not use footwork to

position the hips, therefore the skill is often

rushed and inaccurate

I have limited weight transfer throughout the skill. Leg drive and rotation is

limited and therefore the skill has little power or


I have a limited finish to all skills. This often leads to

inconsistent accuracy of all


I am often rushed in my decision

making. This can lead to inaccurate

choices, which doesn’t allow the

skills to be executed


My skill is executed

accurately, however often breaks down

under pressure. The skill is

performed with certainty, but

often with a large amount of effort.

I struggle to maintain stability

and balance throughout the skill.

I control the movement, but

struggle to link it into one flowing

movement or to an external factor.

I am able to carry out the demands of

a PE lesson with regular rest.

Changes in speed are seldom seen.

My movements are discrete and lack


I am sometimes aware of my surroundings

and can sometimes

recognise where space is. I can

sometimes move into


My movement is clear and into space. I have

a limited control about my movement.

I have a limited willingness to learn and be better. I listen but fail to attempt to replicate

the advice given.

Page 29: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Religious Education Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Knowing and understanding beliefs (religious & non-religious) (K)

Constructing well informed and balanced arguments (A)


I can explain… K1 How the Good Samaritan would affect the life of a religious person and how non-religious people might respond to this story. K2 Which Guru might be most important to Sikhs and why Moses is important to Jews. K3 How the features of three places of worship link to beliefs. K4 How stories are used and interpreted, using examples.

I can… A1 Analyse and evaluate statements from more than one view to reach a conclusion. A2 Use good knowledge of beliefs to support my argument. A3 Use key terms with mostly accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. A4 Justify my opinion.


I can explain… K5 How the 5 pillars, 5Ks, 5 precepts, 10 commandments and BHA values would affect someone’s life. K6 How Muhammad and the Buddha established Islam and Buddhism. K7 The features of two places of worship and why they are important. K8 The similarities and differences between religious stories.

I can… A5 Consider statements from more than one view, sometimes reaching a conclusion. A6 Use basic understanding of beliefs to support arguments. A7 Use key terms with mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar, but meaning is still clear. A8 Start to justify my opinion.

Page 30: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Religious Education Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Developing I can explain… K9 The importance of the 5 pillars, 5 Ks, 5 precepts, Good Samaritan and 10 commandments. K10 Basic information about key religious leaders. K11 What happens in some places of worship. K12 The meanings of religious stories.

I can… A9 Consider statements from more than one view. A10 Use knowledge of beliefs in my arguments. A11 Use key terms with mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar. A12 State my opinion clearly.

Emerging I can identify… K13 Some of the 5 pillars, 5 Ks, 5 precepts and 10 commandments. K14 Some key religious leaders, holy books and places of worship. K15 Some religious stories.

I can… A13 Sometimes use my knowledge of beliefs in arguments. A14 Use some key terms. A15 State my opinion.

Page 31: Priestlands Reporting & Assessment Year · • Is based heavily on formative feedback ... This booklet contains

Science Achievement Descriptors: Year 7

Explanatory writing Average test % Revision skills Literacy Accomplished

I can always… • Use keywords accurately in my

written explanations. • Sequence my ideas in a logical

manner. • Complete my writing with



I can always… • Identify areas of

weakness and tailor my revision accordingly.

• Show a personal commitment to self-testing.

I can… Frequently identify KEY information in complex exam Qs


I can… • Use keywords accurately in my

written explanations • Sequence my ideas in a logical

manner • Complete my writing with



I can… • Sometimes identify

areas of weakness. • Show a personal

commitment to self-testing.

I can… Frequently identify KEY information in exam Qs


I can… • Use keywords accurately in my

written explanations, when they are provided by the teacher.

• Sometimes sequence ideas in a logical manner.


I can…

Show a commitment to self-testing in the classroom but my use of this strategy at home is inconsistent.

I can… Sometimes identify KEY information in exam Qs


I can… • Use keywords when they are

provided but I often use them inaccurately.

• Provide good verbal explanations but struggle to sequence ideas in written explanations.


I can…

Show an inconsistent commitment to self-testing both in the classroom and at home.

I can… Often misunderstand the KEY information in exam Qs and I need to develop my ‘reading to learn’ skills.