pride in performance dates to remem er · teaching and learning programs and improve student...

Templeton Primary School Crestdale Road, Wanrna 3152 Telephone 9801 7450 Facsimile 9800 3547 Email [email protected] TERM 3 Week 8 7th September 2018 PRINCIPALS DESK STAFFING NEWS I take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs Andrea Edwards on her provisional appointment as our new Assistant Principal. Mrs Edwards, as you know, has been in the acng role this year covering for our rering Mrs Peel. With big shoes to fill, Mrs Edwards has done an amazing job; so much so that aſter an extensive interview process, I have appointed Mrs Edwards full me in the role commencing at the beginning of 2019. This a wonderful appointment for our school and I trust you will join with me in congratulang Mrs Edwards and wishing her well in this vital role in our school community. NATIONAL ESMART WEEK: 2-8 SEPTEMBER Naonal eSmart Week is an iniave developed by the Alannah & Madeline Foundaon in partnership with the Telstra Foundaon. The eSmart Schools program was developed in response to schoolsexpressed need for a posive and evidence-informed framework to address issues of cyber bullying and cyber safety. Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEMBER TERM 3 Friday 7th September Grade 5 & 6 Summer Sport Monday 10th September School Council Meeng 7.30pm Monday 10th—12th September Grade 6 Camp The Summit Wednesday 12th September Prep Excursion Healesville Sanctuary Grade 1 to 6 Professor Maths Incursion Friday 14th September Prep to Grade 6 Professor Maths Incursion 2019 Prep Transion Outdoor Movie Night 6.00pm-9.00pm on the oval Monday 17th September Grade 6 Special Photo Day Wednesday 19th September Aerobics Naonal Finals in Queensland Thursday 20th September Mrs Peels Special Assembly @ 3:00 pm Friday 21st September Footy Colours Day Term 3 Finish 2.30pm

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Page 1: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected

Templeton Primary School

Crestdale Road, Wantirna 3152

Telephone 9801 7450 Facsimile 9800 3547

Email [email protected]

TERM 3 Week 8

7th September 2018



I take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs Andrea Edwards on her provisional appointment as our new Assistant Principal. Mrs Edwards, as you know, has been in the acting role this year covering for our retiring Mrs Peel. With big shoes to fill, Mrs Edwards has done an amazing job; so much so that after an extensive interview process, I have appointed Mrs Edwards full time in the role commencing at the beginning of 2019.

This a wonderful appointment for our school and I trust you will join with me in congratulating Mrs Edwards and wishing her well in this vital role in our school community.


National eSmart Week is an initiative developed by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in partnership with the Telstra Foundation. The eSmart Schools program was developed in response to schools’ expressed need for a positive and evidence-informed framework to address issues of cyber bullying and cyber safety.

Pride in Performance



Friday 7th September Grade 5 & 6 Summer Sport

Monday 10th September School Council Meeting 7.30pm

Monday 10th—12th September Grade 6 Camp The Summit

Wednesday 12th September Prep Excursion Healesville Sanctuary

Grade 1 to 6 Professor Maths Incursion

Friday 14th September Prep to Grade 6 Professor Maths Incursion

2019 Prep Transition

Outdoor Movie Night 6.00pm-9.00pm on the oval

Monday 17th September Grade 6 Special Photo Day

Wednesday 19th September Aerobics National Finals in Queensland

Thursday 20th September Mrs Peel’s Special Assembly @ 3:00 pm

Friday 21st September Footy Colours Day

Term 3 Finish 2.30pm

Page 2: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected


As 21st century learners, the web is part of our students’ lives and provides a great place to learn, be creative, stay connected and share their learning. However, there are risks. Research shows that one in five young Australians have been cyber bullied and there are many other challenges young people face online. It is therefore vital that our students, staff and community are well supported to be smart, safe and responsible users of technology. The use of technology and online tools continues to provide amazing opportunities for our students. To support this, cyber safety is taught explicitly as a key component of our curriculum at Templeton. This week, we continued this important work with our students through our participation in National eSmart Week. Each class participated in an eSmart activity appropriate to their stage of learning to reinforce cyber safety skills and knowledge and reinforced the importance of a cyber-safe community. The link below is a very useful resource for parents. I encourage you to have a look and keep this link handy as a resource.


Recently all families with children in Years 3 & 5 received their individual NAPLAN results. Last Wednesday preliminary results for all states were released. These results show that Victorian children are doing well, and our state topped the results in 5 areas, and were second in the other five. Our whole school system is focused on improvement and these results show that the Education State is working well.

The individual student results of the NAPLAN tests provide diagnostic information for parents and teachers about a child’s performance in Literacy and Numeracy. This information is used to support our teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected our results, identifying each student and assessing their individual results and needs. We, however, do this in light of the fact that NAPLAN tests are just a ‘snapshot’ of student performance and are conducted under test conditions within short timelines in May. NAPLAN results are considered in conjunction with other assessment data collected by the school.

I’m pleased to say that once again Templeton students have performed exceptionally well in all areas! I acknowledge our students, teachers and our parents, who provide tremendous support to our school. Together, we have created an outstanding learning environment for our students, which has enabled us to achieve these outstanding results! Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher should they have any questions.


Whether it be sitting NAPLAN or taking the stage for Porridge, both can be considered ‘tests’ of resilience. In light of NAPLAN and the stress it can cause, today I share with you a piece from Parenting Ideas I recently read. For your consideration, the following are five skill sets that researchers believe contribute massively to overall student success and contentedness at school. Part developmental and part environmental, it seems they should be recognised and encouraged:

Friendship skills: The ability to get along with others is hugely important for children. Those students with a strong set of friendship skills are easy to like, easy to relate to and easy to play with. The skills they possess include knowing how to win and lose well, how to approach others to join in a group and how to lead rather than boss.

Page 3: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected

Organisational skills: The ability to organise your time, your space, your items and other aspects of your life is a massive plus for any student. The best way to help children who are organisationally chal-lenged is to introduce them to systems and processes to help them organise themselves.

Optimism skills: It may seem strange to see optimism as a skill set, but as leading psychologist Profes-sor Martin Seligman discovered through his research, optimism can be taught. The skills of optimism in-clude being aware of self-talk, reframing negative events into positive events and the practice of per-spective-taking.

Coping skills: Kids will generally face a number of challenges during the course of their school lives in-cluding overcoming the disappointment of not being picked on a team, working their way through diffi-cult learning situations and dealing with rejection. The impact of these challenges will depend on each kid’s own spirit, the support they receive and their coping skills. The good news is that coping skills can be taught or, at the very least, encouraged if adults know what to focus on. Coping strategies include parking problems for a while, normalising difficult situations and accepting and moving on.

Relaxation skills: The ability to relax and get away from it all is vital for the maintenance of mental health, which in turn affects a student’s ability to perform. Many of today’s kids live with pressure. The ability to relax and unwind is paramount to your child’s school success. Relaxation techniques include mindfulness and meditation, participating in hobbies and enjoying creative pursuits.


To all the parents who helped out at our Fathers’ Day Stall last week, I thank you for your time and effort. The kids certainly appreciated your help in selecting dad a great present, however, I’m not sure some of those lollies and chocolates made it all the way home! In particular, I thank Kylie Woods and Gina Djou-ma for their organisation and preparation, we all appreciate the time and effort you both put in to mak-ing it such a success. Thank you!


Congratulations to both Chloe in 5K, and Hunter in 4L. Both girls recently attended an audition for an in-ternational dance team and were successful in being selected in the Dancers Edge Hawaii Dream Team 2019.

The team are travelling to Hawaii in May 2019 to compete in the Global Dance & Cheer Games. The Global Dance and Cheer Games is a World Class Competition held in the beautiful Hawaiian Islands. The 3 Day Event will kick off with the Parade of Nations around the Waikiki Lagoon, an Opening Ceremony fol-lowed by a Cultural Exchange & Fireworks. Teams then battle it out against other dance companies from around the world. The event will finish with a Spectacular Closing Ceremony followed by a Celebration Luau – a traditional Hawaiian feast and party filled with entertainment and hula dancing!

Page 4: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected

All of us at Templeton wish both Chloe and Hunter all the best in May next year.


As is the case every year, we are holding a footy/team colours day on the last day of term where we en-courage everyone to wear yellow and black to show their support of everyone’s favourite sporting team! A gold coin donation will go towards our charity of choice which will announced in the coming weeks.


Our Preps had some strange and slimy visitors last week as part of their Reptile Encounters incursion. Students had the opportunity to pat some of their favourite animals. Even I was brave enough to over-come my fear of snakes!

Have a great weekend.

Rod McKinlay


Page 5: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected


School Crossings

We have noticed again that some parents and students are not accessing the

school crossings on Crestdale Road and Birchfield Crescent before and after

school. There have been some instances of dangerous driving around the

school, with some staff cars hit and some very near misses with students. It

would be devastating if an incident was to occur and one of our students was

injured or worse. We request that all parents adhere to the road rules around

the school, and to continue setting a positive example for our students.

Uniform Policy

Last week I visited every classroom and reminded students about our Uniform Policy. Although most of

our students adhere to the policy, there are still a number of students who continue to wear coloured

or white tipped shoes to school. The policy states that unless it is a specified sports day or sports les-

son day, all students must wear plain black shoes and white socks. I f parents have already purchased

coloured shoes for school, we request that the next pair you purchase please adhere to the uniform.

Female students are also reminded that only plain studs or sleeper earrings, and plain black, green or

gold hair ties are permitted. Special permission is required from Mr McKinlay for any jewellery that is

worn for religious purposes. Watches are encouraged at school, on the condition that Smartwatches

and Fitbits are not a distraction in class, and are brought to school at the wearers' own risk.


Thank you to all of our parents who have embraced our changeover to XUNO this year. We are con-

stantly striving to provide our parents with the most effective communication tools. Term 4 will be ex-

tremely busy again, with an enormous number of excursions and events planned. All parents have ac-

cess to the XUNO calendar and website to keep up to date with what is happening at school. Please

remember to keep logging in to approve excursions, pay for events and read your child’s upcoming De-

cember Report.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that the Richmond hysteria at our school needs to end. Let’s

hope the Mighty Pies can begin to restore order on Saturday night with a win over the Eagles.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Mr Marc Crilly

Assistant Principal

Page 6: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected

3M Nude Food Warriors

Well done to the Nude Food Warriors in 3M and their commit-


CLE). There has certainly been a positive environmental impact

with students reducing landfill waste to one jar per week and

food scraps being donated to the class worm farm. All other clas-

ses can join us in the war on waste at Templeton Primary!

Page 7: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected

Siena C, PG—for your beautiful behaviour and enthusiasm during our ‘Reptile Encounters” incursion. You listened

carefully and were very brave when holding the lizard. Well done, Siena!

Flynn C, PS—for your persistence to improve and develop your fine motor skills. I was very proud of the way you

carefully cut along a very tricky zig zag pattern.

Rayansh G, PF—for showing great enthusiasm in guided reading with lovely expression.

Lexi N, PS—for having a positive attitude and always trying your best at school.

William Q, PZ—for being a responsible “helping hand” this week. You completed all your jobs very well. Keep it


Evie W, PV—for your outstanding behaviour during our Lee Fox and Reptile Incursions. We can always rely on

your best behaviour at all times.

Chloe W, 1S—for working well in Maths sessions this week when we were learning about division. You did a

wonderful “Think Map” showing lots of different ways of showing 15 shared between 3.

Kyle C, 1C— your letter writing this week has been amazing! You have followed the correct structure and the

questions that you have asked are very thughtful . Keep it up!

Kobe R, 1N—for always putting your best foot forward at school and for presenting your bookwork in a tidy

fashion. Fantastic work, Kobe!

Amy T, 1N—it has been fantastic to have you in 4N over the last few weeks. You have learnt so much and made

many new friends. We will miss you.

Lucius W, 1W— for your efforts in improving your handwriting. You have practised and worked hard to neaten

your work. Congratulations!

Chloe B, 1W—for your excellent behaviour, listening and enthusiasm at our Scienceworks Excursion. You had a go

at all of the activities and listened carefully to the presentations.

Archer L, 1N—for working well is Maths sessions this week when we were learning about data representation.

You were able to make a picture graph of our grade’s favourite fruit and then write four sentences about the

data. Great work!

Daniel W, 1N—for leading by example and being on your best behaviour during our trip to Scienceworks this

week. Well done Daniel!

Ivy Z, 1C—what a fantastic letter you wrote to “Boy” this week. You asked some very interesting questions and

your comments about “Boy” were very kind. Well done!

Alex S, 1H—for writing an interesting letter to the book character, “Boy”. You thought carefully about what to

include and structured your letter correctly. Well done, Alex!

Holly A, 2H—for being so kind and generous. You are always thinking about other people. Thank you for sharing

your “Coles Little Shop” collectables.

CJ L, 2M—for being a fabulous scientist during our Science lesson this week while testing the properties of


Kingsley Q, 2M—for the excellent effort you put into your Maths work this week trying hard to remember

location words.

Evie R, 2W—for working well in group activities and being a kind friend.

Mathura P, 2W—for always being respectful and kind to others. You work well in a group and are always

including others in your activities. Keep up the fabulous work Mathura.

Dev G, 3F—for a fantastic effort with our information report on the Emperor Penguin this week. Great work, Dev!

Page 8: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected

Lachlan S, 2D—for your caring and friendly nature in the classroom. Well done and keep it up!

Claire M, 3F—for working hard to improve on your fluency when reading texts aloud. Keep up the great work


Ethan M, 3P—for an excellent improvement in reading. It is great to listen you pause at punctuation, read carefully

and answer questions so thoroughly. All the hard work is paying off, keep it up!

Victor R, 3P—for always trying your best when learning about multiplication and times tables. Keep it up!

Tanay P, 3A—for continuing to try your best with your handwriting. You have persevered and it has shown in the

neatness of your work. Keep up the great work!

Aahaan K, 3M—your enthusiasm at the Melbourne Aquarium was infectious! Thank you for being a wonderful

representative for Templeton Primary on the excursion.

Isabelle N, 4E—for your hard work during our Maths lesson on “Balanced Equations” this week. You showed your

workings our clearly and confidently presented your findings to the class. Well done!

Ishaan K, 4L—for producing exciting and creative storylines this week for our narrative writing. Well done, Ishaan!

Santino P, 4F—for the mature and responsible way you approach all school tasks. You make sensible decisions in

the classroom, persist through challenges and support others at all times. You are simply fantastic Santino!


Bailey H, PS—for always displaying self control and waiting with patience for your turn to speak.

Arjun M, 1S—for always showing great self control and sensible behaviour when working in the classroom. You

know when to have fun and when it is time to be sensible again. Well done!

Mitchell C, 2W—for always showing excellent self control whilst remaining on task during our Science lesson on


James S, 3F—you have improved in your ability to organise your self quickly between lessons and are always one

of the first ready for the next activity. Keep it up!

CJ K, 4L—you can always be trusted to focus on your learning, even when there are distractions around you. You

model excellent behaviour and self control in the classroom.

Matthew B PG — For demonstrating self-control in the classroom by raising your hand and waiting to be called


Rachel L, 1H—has successfully learnt all the words in the 600 Fry’s Phrases. Congratulations.

Myra C 1C - has successfully learnt all the words in the 600 Fry’s Phrases!


Isaac T, PS—for a cracking effort in Reading Eggs. Congratulations on completing all 120 lessons.

Page 9: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected
Page 10: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected

Schools Bag Design Competition

Templeton Primary School is giving the students an opportunity to participate in the Coles schools bag design competition. This competition is open to all primary and secondary school students across Australia and gives the students the chance to win fantastic prizes. The new range of sturdy, durable, multi-use shopping bags are great for the environment because they can be used over and over again. These bags are also great for the community because a portion of the proceeds from the sale of these bags will go to Coles community partners. Each selected bag design will be rewarded with $5000 for the school to spend on an environmental or sustainability project, plus a $500 Coles Gift Card awarded to the student who created the winning design. No less than 7 amazing bag designs will be selected. The bag designs need to be original, bold, creative and desirable. The bag design should be based on one of the following design themes:

1. Nature and our environment.

2. Delicious, fresh food.

3. "Happiness is ____?"

4. "Where my imagination takes me..." The design style is completely up to students. Designs could include photography, illustrations, graphic designs or drawings. Students can enter as many times as they like however, each design must be an original. More information on the competition will be given at school on Monday and can also be found here: We look forward to seeing some great designs. Student Council, Mrs Hynes and Mrs Bavage

Page 11: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected
Page 12: Pride in Performance DATES TO REMEM ER · teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. At Templeton, our Management team sat together earlier this week and dissected