presidential files - jackson - 2011-2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Presidential Files - JACKSON - 2011-2012


    Andrew Jackson 7th President (2 Terms) PARTY Democrat (the Democratic - Republican Parsplit!)

    1. Trivia

    a. First president to ride a train!

    b. Nicknamed Old Hickory b/c he was as tough as hickory wood!, lived 15 minutes from hec. War hero (Battle of New Orleans, War of 1812)

    2. Election of 1828 focused less on issues and more on MUDSLINGING (pimps, gamblers, prostitutes, and murderers)


    i. Democrats Jacksons supportersii. National Republicans John Quincy Adams supporters

    b. 1st grass roots (start from the ground=the common people) presidential campaign in U.S. history!

    c. Jackson dominated and proclaimed it a victory for the COMMON MAN

    d. Inauguration The Peoples Inauguration spittoons in the White House and punchon the lawn!

    3. The Peggy Eaton Affair (scandal) -a. Kitchen Cabinet Andrew Jacksons closest friends met and discussed issues in White House kitchen!

    4. Maysville Road Veto, 1830 - The Maysville Road Bill proposed building a road in Kentucky(Clay's state) at federal expense. Jackson vetoed it because he didn't like Henry Clay.

    a. HOW - Jackson applied strict interpretation of the Constitution by saying that thefederal government could not pay for internal improvements.

    5.Nullification Crisis (caused by the Tariff of Abominations)

    a. (Daniel) Webster/Hayne (Robert) Debate, 1830 Hayne argued for states rights and nullification!

    b. South Carolina Exposition and Protest, 1832

    i. written anonymously by John C. Calhoun (vice president) called on southern states to nullify the tariff

    South Carolina nullified the tariff!

    c. Tariff of 1832 attempt to ease nullification crisis by slightly lowering the tariff (itdidnt work)!

    d. Force Bill Jackson asked congress to use force if necessary to collect tariff duties (they granted it)!

    e. Compromise Tariff of 1833 Henry Clay is a hero as he help negotiate a gradual reduction of the tariff over

    years South Carolina gave in.

    6. The Indian Removal Act, 1830 -

    a. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 1831 -

    b. Worcester v. Georgia, 1832! -c. Bureau of Indian Affairs established in 1824 for the government to deal with Nativ

    Americansd. The Black Hawk War, 1832

    7. Gag Rule, 1830 Instituted by congress in 1836 to shelve anti-slavery petitions inWashington (there were several versions of this until the Civil War)

    8. Election of 1832 First nominating conventions (before they were picked by thecongressional caucus) and party platforms (list of stuff the party believes in)

    a. 1ST 3 party election (Anti-Masonic Party)b. Andrew Jackson v. Henry Clay!

    9. The Bank War (Andrew Jackson v. the 2nd National Bank)

    a. Nicholas Biddle -

    b. Jackson vetoed the re-charter of the 2nd National Bankc. Pet Banks (their lending led to speculation in the West)

    d. Wildcat Banks

    e. Speculation -

    f. Specie Circular, 1836

    10. Texas independence (They become a country, not a state!)a. American settlers asked to settle in Mexican territory (Mexico agreed, if settlers followed the rules)

    b. Mexico outlawed slavery!

    c. The Alamo - 1836 (Remember the Alamo, The Goliad, San Jacinto)

    d. General Santa Anna, Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie!

    11. Election of 1836 Martin Van Buren v. WHIGS (William Henry Harrison, Daniel Webster,Hugh Lawson White)

    a. NEW PARTY The Whigs (formed as opposition to Andrew Jackson)

  • 8/3/2019 Presidential Files - JACKSON - 2011-2012


    b. Whig strategy by running several candidates, no one would receive a majority of the electoral vote sending it

    House of Representatives (where they thought they could defeat Van Buren and the Democrats)!

    c. Martin Van Buren won big!

    12.TRANSPORTATION Tomb Thumb (first steam powered locomotive, built by Peter Cooper,only 20 ft. long)

    a. Raced a horse and won, signaling the changes to come!, 15 mph!13.Slavery

    a. Nat Turners Rebellion, 1831

    b. The Liberator, 1831 William Lloyd Garrisons abolitionist newspaper!

    14. OTHERS: American cooking (melting pot, not British any more)