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F Y I Fictional Hills Middle School Informational Video Services

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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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  • 1. F Y IFictional HillsMiddle SchoolInformational Video Services

2. Are you frustrated?Tired ofpulling yourhair out tryingOr maybe you justdont have time to help withbecause of work mathschedules homework? 3. Fret no more.A B = {9,14}Help is on the way! 549 = 3a b 62=3a (3x3)(3) = 18ABC = 30 4. Great NEWS !!!Teacher supported:cooperative onlinehomework studygroups divided bygrade level 5. Monday thru Friday6pm to 8pm Students log in & enter classroomOpen chat allows teachers and studentsto discuss homework problemsPeer tutoring/parentalparticipation is encouraged 6. NO Computer ! XNo Problem! We have that covered! 7. Arrangements have beenmade with local librariesto set aside a designatednumber of computersduring the hours of6pm- 8pm M-F 8. Contact the schoolfor free enrollmentand studentguidelines !Today 9. Musical background provided by: Antonio VivaldiThe Four Seasons op.8 Violin Concerto