presentation sna summer school

Online Social Capital in Political Contexts: Does the ”Online” Make Any Difference SNA Summer School 2013 1 Javier Sajuria Department of Political Science Science University College London August 2013 1 Paper: Slides:

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Online Social Capital in Political Contexts:Does the ”Online” Make Any Difference

SNA Summer School 20131

Javier Sajuria

Department of Political Science ScienceUniversity College London

August 2013



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Research Question

How does online social capital differ from offline social capital?

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What is Social Capital?

”Social networks that operate under norms of trust andreciprocity, and able to mobilise resources and information. ”

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Based on this definition, my doctoralresearch attempts to cover three dimensionsof social capital:

• Networks operating under norms of trust and reciprocity• Resources• Outcomes

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”Social Capital Dichotomies”

• Individual vs. Collective• Network structure (brokerage and closure)• Offline and online→ Internet as a research framework

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Social Capital NetworkTheory(Burt 2005)

• Closure: Tight groups→ norms→ trustOperationalisation: average clustering coefficient

• Brokerage: bridges across structural holes→ mobiliseresources across the networkOperationalisation: average network constraint index

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Data and Methods

• Occupy Research Project

• #OWS• #OccupyWallStreet• #OccupyOakland• #OccupyBoston• #OccupyLondon

• September/October 2011 to February 2012• Twitter Streaming API (for a discussion on the representativeness

of the streaming API, check Morstatter et al. 2013)

• Social network analysis using gephi, R (igraph, rgexf)

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Descriptive Statistics

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Closure and Brokerage

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Network GraphsVisualizations using OpenOrd algorithm

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Concluding thoughts

• Interplay between brokerage and closure seems consistentwith theory

• Closure is low→ if there is social capital here, where istrust created?

• Offline interactions→We can’t see where it is created• Bonding and Bridging Social Capital• Conceptual problem→ there is no social capital here, just

interactions with no trust• Utopian rhetoric

• Network performance→ if social capital is related withsuccessful networks, then how can we assess it?

• Another events/contexts/methods.

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