presentasi kelompok 8

DD • malaria • Hepatitis • bacterial enteritis • dengue fever • rickettsial infections • leptospirosis • amebic liver abscesses • acute HIV infection

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DDmalaria Hepatitisbacterial enteritisdengue feverrickettsial infectionsleptospirosisamebic liver abscessesacute HIV infection1Typhoid fever Dengue feverMalariaHepatitis Epid

in developing nations whose sanitary conditions are poor. warm, wet areas of the world, tropic and subtropic regionsOutbreaks occur in the rainy seasonWarm climates:tropics and subtropicsEtiologySalmonella typhi. virusPlasmodiumHepatitis virusClassification Plasmodium falciparum---####------ vivax---####------ovale---####------malariaeHepatitis AHepatitis BHepatitis CSign & sypmtoms

fever, malaise, diffuse abdominal pain, and constipation.High fever (104 - 105 degrees Fahrenheit), red rash, Headache (especially behind the eyes), Fatigue, Joint aches, Muscle aches, Nausea, Swollen lymph nodes, VomitingAnemia, Chills, Coma, Convulsion,Fever, Headache, Jaundice, Muscle pain, Nausea, stool bloody, Sweating, VomitingLoss of appetite, Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhea, Dark-colored urine, pale bowel movements, Stomach pain, jaundice, yellowing of skin and eyes


Through stool, urin.Hand to mouth transsmissionOral transmission via sewage-contaminated water or shellfish

spread byAedesaegypti

one human to another by the bite of infectedAnophelesmosquitoesfrom a mother to her unborn baby (congenitally)by blood transfusionsHAVEating food prepared by someone with HV who did not wash their hands after using the bathroomHaving anal/oral sex with someone with HVNot washing your hands after changing a diaperDrinking contaminated waterHBVcontact with an infected person's blood, semen or other body fluid. An infected woman can give hepatitis B to her baby at birth.HCVcontact with infected bloodspread through sex with an infected person from mother to baby during childbirth.

3Exam & TestRoutine examinationBacterial examinationsSerological test(widal test)Antibody titerfor dengue virus typesComplete blood count (CBC)Serology studiesto look forantibodies to dengue viruses

enlarged liveror anenlarged spleenTreatmentvarryThere is no specific treatment for dengue fever. You will need fluids if there are signs ofdehydrationAcetaminophen (Tylenol) is used to treat a high fever. Avoid taking aspirin.1) Drugs non-ACT:Klorokuin difosfat/sulfat SPKina sulfat Primakuin.2) Combination drugs of non-ACT:Klorokuin + SPSP+ kinaKlorokuin + Doksisiklin/TetrasiklinSP + Doksisiklin/tetrasiklinKina + Doksisiklin/tetrasiklinKina + klindamisinDrugsVaccine


internal bleeding delirium, bowel perforation, and death within one month of onset .FebrileconvulsionsSevere dehydration

Destruction of blood cells (hemolytic anemia)Liver failure andkidney failureMeningitisRespiratory failure from fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema)Rupture of the spleen leading to massive internal bleeding (hemorrhage)

cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer.5Typhoid fever DEFINITIONTyphoid fever is a bacterial disease, caused by Salmonella typhi. It is transmitted through the ingestion of food or drink contaminated by the faeces or urine of infected people. (WHO)Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. (CDC)8EPHIDEMIOLOGYTyphoid fever as an endemic disease in IndonesiaIn 1990 9,2 per 10,000 citizenIn 1994 became 15,4 per 10,000 citizen1981-1986 improved 35,8% : 19.596 26.606cases9EPHIDEMIOLOGY

Fig. 1. The typhoid fever surveillance study sites

Incidence of typhoid feverStrongly endemicEndemicSporadic cases10Fig. 2. Incidence of typhoid fever and mean age of patients

ETIOLOGYSalmonella typhiStructure :Basil like shaped Gram negativeFacultative anaerobEquipped with capsul to prevent phagocytosis and flagel for movementSalmonella typhiAntigenAntigen HAntigen of the flagelResistance against heat (up to 60 C) and acid (up to 1,5)IgG will be produced to fight against itAntigen somatic (O)Antigen of the outer membraneResistance against heat (up to 100 C) and acid (up to 1,5)IgM will be produced to fight against itAntigen ViLocated above antigen O (capsule)Act as capsule to prevent phagocytosis and intracellular damage

etiologyThe bacteria that cause typhoid fever -- S. typhi -- spread through contaminated food, drink, or water.

A few people can become carriers of S. typhi and continue to release the bacteria in their stools for years, spreading the disease.

Sources of InfectionWaterContamination with feces often results in explosive epidemics.

Milk and Other Dairy Products (Ice Cream, Cheese, Custard)Contamination with feces and inadequate pasteurization or improper handling. Some outbreaks are traceable to the source of supply.

ShellfishFrom contaminated water.

Dried or Frozen EggsFrom infected fowl or contaminated during processing.

Meats and Meat ProductsFrom infected animals (poultry) or contamination with feces by rodents or humans.

"Recreational" DrugsMarijuana and other drugs.

Animal DyesDyes (e.g, carmine) used in drugs, foods, and cosmetics.

Household PetsTurtles, dogs, cats, etc.

Virulence FactorsDamage to host cellsThe ability to invade cellsForm a coat lipopolisacharideCan remove toxins

18Modes of Transmission Person to person transmition Rarely (bactery 10 - 10 6)Contamination of food products Salmonella live in the chicken intestineContamination of food processing contamination of process equipment food presentation19Risk FactorsWorldwide, children are at greatest risk of getting the disease, although they generally have milder symptoms than adults do. If you live in a country where typhoid fever is rare, you're at increased risk if you: - Work in or travel to areas where typhoid fever is endemic- Work as a clinical microbiologist handling Salmonella typhi bacteria- Have close contact with someone who is infected or has recently been infected with typhoid fever- Have an immune system weakened by medications such as corticosteroids or diseases such as HIV/AIDS- Drink water contaminated by sewage that contains S. typhi


The 1st week Sign & symptomswhich will gradually rise and then settle at around 3940C (103104F), * abdominal painskin rash made up of pink spots 14cm wide (usually the rash is made up of fewer than five spots), and23The 2nd weekIf you don't receive treatment for typhoid fever, you may enter a second stage during which you become very ill and experienceSign & symptomsThe 3rd week ( typhoid stage )

Sign & symptomsbouts of foul-smelling, yellow-green, watery 25The 4th week (Improvement )If a person survives until the fourth week, their symptoms will gradually improve

Though weight loss and physical exhaustion can continue for several months.

Sign & symptoms

Diagnose Diagnose LAB diagnoseRutine check-SGOT and SGPT increase-leukositosis (aneusinofilia and limfopenia)- LED increaseWIDAL TESTAglutination reaction between S. Typhii (antigen) with antibody (aglutinin)TUBEX test Detect antibody anti S.Typhi 09 in the serum of patientTyphidot TESTAntibody IGM and IG G in the outer membran of salmonela typhiIGM dipstick testAntibody IGM specific S.Typhii in the whole blood serumBlood culture Positive if typhoid fever but can be negative too28Laboratory TestSerologyWidal test :Test the titer of antigen O and H (during the 2nd to 4th week of fever)(+) titer > 4x normal titerMicrobiologyDNA ProbeIgG proteinImmunoblottingPCRCulture29Culture of S.TyhpiSelected media : EMB , McConkey , SS (salmonella-shigella) , XLD and TSIA (triple sugar iron agar)Result :Colorless colony in McConkeyTSIA, result : -/+ (H2S without gas)30

McConkey (left)



TSIA31TreatmentBed Rest and treatmentDiet and supportive therapyGiving antimicrobial- Chloramphenicol (first line)- Tiamfenikol- Cotrimoxazole- Ampycilin- Amoxicillin

Treatment of typhoid fever in pregnant women: ampycilin, amoxicillin, and ceftriaxoneTerjadi trombositopeni jika terjadi komplikasiDiet diberi yg rendah serat , lunak

Kloramfenikol adalah DOC tapi daapt menyebabkan anemia aplastik sehingga pranng dengan leukosit 2500 jangan kloramfenikol, tidak diberi pada bayi bikin gray syndrome32Complication Intestinal Intestine bleedingPerforation small intestineIlleus paraliticComplication Extraintestinal Hematology thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia, increase prothrombin time, increase partial thromboplastin time, increase fibrin degradation products, DICHepatitis typhosaMyocarditisNeuropsychiatric parkinson rigidity

33PreventionAvoid risky foods and drinks.Get vaccinated against typhoid fever.

Vaccine NameHow GivenNumber of Doses NecessaryTime Between DosesTime Immunization should be completed by (before possible exposure)Minumum age for vaccinationBooster Every Ty21a1 Capsule oral42 days1 week6 Years5 YearsViCPSInjection1-2 weeks2 Years2

34Typhoid fever vaccineInjection: capsular Vi polysaccharidefor intramuscular use, is a sterile solution containing the cell surface Vi polysaccharide extracted from Salmonella enterica

for age > 2 years oldbooster every 3years

Oral: Ty-21 a vaccinefor age > 6 years

Ty21a is an orally taken, live, weakened vaccination consisting of a set of 4 capsules (each one to be taken on alternate days) PrognosisSymptoms usually improve in 2 to 4 weeks with treatment. The outcome is likely to be good with early treatment, but becomes poor if complications develop.Symptoms may return if the treatment has not completely cured the infection

Mediline plus


Disease-associated factsSalmonellosis: Any of several bacterial infections caused by species of Salmonella, ranging from mild to serious infections. Two main kinds in humans: enteric fever (typhoid and paratyphoid) and gastroenteritis (non-typhoidal).

Principal habitats in different types of SalmonellaTheir principal habitat is the intestinal tracts and bloodstream of humans, and in the intestinal tracts of a wide variety of animals.

The WHO groups Salmonella into 3 types: - Typhoidal (enteric) Salmonella (example: S. typhi) causes typhoid and paratyphoid fever restricted to growth in human hosts principal habitat is in intestinal tracts and the bloodstream - Nontyphoidal Salmonella (example: S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium) prevalent in gastrointestinal tracts of a broad range of animals, including mammals, reptiles, birds and insects. cause a whole range of diseases in animals and humans, mainly gastroenteritis. usually transferred animal-to-person, through certain food products: fresh meat, eggs and milk - fruits, vegetables, seafood house and exotic pets, contamination through contact with their feces - Salmonella mostly restricted to certain animals, such as cattle and pigs; infrequently in humans; if these strains do cause disease in humans, it is often invasive and life-threatening.

Etiology Kesimpulan dan SaranBerdasarkan gejala, Kemungkinan anak ini menderita demam typoid Ganti cairan elektrolit (rehidrasi)Dilakukan pemeriksaan lanjutanMenjaga kebersihan lingkungan dan makanan