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    West's North Carolina General Statutes Annotated Currentness Chapter 39. Conveyances

    Article 1. Construction and Sufficiency

    39-1. Fee presumed, though word "heirs" omitted

    When real estate is conveyed to any person, the same shall be held and construed to be a conveyance

    in fee, whether the word "heir" is used or not, unless such conveyance in plain and express wordsshows, or it is plainly intended by the conveyance or some part thereof, that the grantor meant toconvey an estate of less dignity.


    Deeds 124 .Westlaw Key Number Search: 120k124.C.J.S. Deeds 109 .



    Strong's N.C. Index 4th,, Deeds 40 , Fee Simple Estates.

    Strong's N.C. Index 4th,, Deeds 42 , Life Estates and Remainders.

    Strong's N.C. Index 4th,, Quieting Title 27 , Generally; Summary Judgment.

    Treatises and Practice Aids

    Restatement (1st) of Property 39 , Presumption that Estate in Fee Simple Absolute is Created.


    In general 1 Conditional fees 7 Contingent interests 8 Easements 9 Fee simple 4 Fee simple determinable 5 Fee tail 6 Intention of parties 2 Leases 11 Life estates 10 Repugnant or conflicting parts or clauses 3

    1 . In general

    Deeds are to be construed most favorably to the grantee, and all doubts and ambiguities are to beresolved in favor of the unrestricted use of the property. Station Associates, Inc. v. Dare County,1998, 130 N.C.App. 56, 501 S.E.2d 705, m otion granted 558 S.E.2d 185, review allowed 349 N.C.378, 525 S.E.2d 466, reversed 350 N.C. 367, 513 S.E.2d 789, rehearing denied 350 N.C. 600, 537S.E.2d 494 . Deeds 90

    Deed which conveyed property to husband and wife and provided that if husband had no heirs at hisdeath, land would go to remaindermen, excepting lifetime right of wife, created fee simple in husband;currentness%23IN;currentness;F1%23NT;F1;F7%23NT;F7;F7%23NT;F7;F8%23NT;F8;F9%23NT;F9;F9%23NT;F9;F9%23NT;F9;F4%23NT;F4;F5%23NT;F5;F6%23NT;F6;F2%23NT;F2;F11%23NT;F11;F11%23NT;F11;F10%23NT;F10;F10%23NT;F10;F3%23NT;F3;B1%23NT;B1;currentness%23IN;currentness;F1%23NT;F1;F7%23NT;F7;F8%23NT;F8;F9%23NT;F9;F4%23NT;F4;F5%23NT;F5;F6%23NT;F6;F2%23NT;F2;F11%23NT;F11;F10%23NT;F10;F3%23NT;F3;B1%23NT;B1
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    defeasible upon his death without surviving issue, so that when husband's estate ended when he diedwithout surviving issue, deed operated to convey fee simple to remaindermen with life estate in wife,notwithstanding claim that limitation over should not apply because wife was sole heir and thusinherited fee simple. Elliott v. Cox, 1990, 397 S.E.2d 319, 100 N.C.App. 536 . Deeds 125

    Law favors creation of fee simple estate unless it is clearly shown a lesser estate was intended. Vestalv. Vestal, 1980, 271 S.E.2d 306, 49 N.C.App. 263 . Estates In Property 1

    The law does not favor construction of the language contained in a deed which would constitute acondition subsequent unless the intention of the parties to create such a restriction upon the title isclearly manifested. Mattox v. State, 1972, 186 S.E.2d 378, 280 N.C. 471 . Deeds 144(1)

    Where operative clauses of deed raised no ambiguity or contradiction, there was no need forapplication of ordinary rules of construction in determining effect of deed. McCotter v. Barnes, 1958,101 S.E.2d 330, 247 N.C. 480 . Deeds 90

    Prior to Laws 1879, c. 148, now C.S. 991, the word "heirs" was generally necessary in conveyancesto the creation of a fee-simple estate, with the exception of devises and equitable estates, as to whichit was held an estate of inheritance would pass without such word if such was the clear intent of theparties. Whichard v. Whitehurst, 1921, 106 S.E. 463, 181 N.C. 79 . Deeds 124(1)

    Where a deed executed prior to enactment of C.S. 991, was manifestly intended to convey a fee-simple estate and was a substitute for a devise, but failed to use the word "heirs" therein, the court,in a cause submitted on case agreed, in the exercise of its equitable powers, can consider the suit asone to correct the instrument by inserting therein the word "heirs," and so carry into effect theevident intent of the parties. Whichard v. Whitehurst, 1921, 106 S.E. 463, 181 N.C. 79 . Deeds124(2)

    Where a deed conveys realty to one "and to the heirs of her own body," a reversion remains ingrantor to be enjoyed upon failure of such heirs and which he can convey to others. Sharpe v. Brown,1919, 98 S.E. 825, 177 N.C. 294 . Deeds 130

    The technical rules of the common law as to division of deeds into formal parts will not prevail asagainst the manifest intention of the parties, as shown by the whole deed. Holloway v. Green, 1914,

    83 S.E. 243, 167 N.C. 91 . Deeds 90

    Words in a deed are to be construed according to their usual or ordinary meaning. Holloway v. Green,1914, 83 S.E. 243, 167 N.C. 91 . Deeds 95

    All parts of a deed should be given force and effect, and words deliberately inserted in a deed for apurpose are not to be lightly considered or arbitrarily thrust aside. Triplett v. Williams, 1908, 63 S.E.79, 149 N.C. 394 . Deeds 90

    2 . Intention of parties

    The North Carolina statute providing that conveyance of realty shall be construed to be conveyance infee unless otherwise indicated does not apply when deed discloses intent to convey an estate less

    than a fee simple. Etheridge v. U. S., 1963, 218 F.Supp. 809 . Deeds 124(.5)It is the intent of the parties that controls the construction of a deed. Station Associates, Inc. v. DareCounty, 1998, 130 N.C.App. 56, 501 S.E.2d 705, m otion granted 558 S.E.2d 185, review allowed 349N.C. 378, 525 S.E.2d 466, reversed 350 N.C. 367, 513 S.E.2d 789, rehearing denied 350 N.C. 600,537 S.E.2d 494 . Deeds 93

    Deed is to be construed to ascertain intention of grantor as expressed in language used, construedfrom four corners of instrument. Elliott v. Cox, 1990, 397 S.E.2d 319, 100 N.C.App. 536 . Deeds 93

    The decisions of the courts have extended and broadened the application of the principle that the;B2%23NT;B2;B2%23NT;B2
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    intention of the grantor is to be considered in the interpretation of the deed in accord with the spirit of C.S. 991, so as to give effect to an intention manifested by the whole instrument to convey a fee,though no words of inheritance were used in the deed. Whichard v. Whitehurst, 1921, 106 S.E. 463,181 N.C. 79 . Deeds 124(2)

    Deeds should be construed so as to give effect when possible to the intent of the parties. Triplett v.Williams, 1908, 63 S.E. 79, 149 N.C. 394 . Deeds 93

    A deed reciting a consideration of "natural love and affection," after reserving an estate for the jointlives of the grantor and wife, conveyed land to the two children of the grantor and his wife, providedthat any after-born child should share equally, and appointed a guardian for the children until theyshould become 21 years of age, when they were to "be entitled to take possession of said land andpremises, free of all costs." Held, that the grantor intended to convey a fee to the children, and thatthe deed should be reformed by inserting the words "and their heirs, forever." Vickers v. Leigh, 1889,10 S.E. 308, 104 N.C. 248 . Reformation Of Instruments 8

    3 . Repugnant or conflicting parts or clauses

    In case of conflict between clauses in a deed, granting clause will prevail, especially when grantingclause harmonizes with habendum and with covenants of seizin and warranty. McCotter v. Barnes,1958, 101 S.E.2d 330, 247 N.C. 480 . Deeds 97

    Where deeds were executed to grantees, husband and wife, their heirs and assigns, to their only useand behoof forever and recited as further consideration the restoration to all parties of all rights andprivileges existing between parties theretofore and to restore status quo of all parties as it existed attime of making of deed, recited further consideration was repugnant to premises and habendum andvoid to extent of its repugnancy and term "to restore the status quo to all parties" referred to statusas between grantors on one hand and grantees on the other, and not as between grantors themselvesand grantee wife, the surviving grantee, was sole owner in fee simple of the tracts. Swaim v. Swaim,1952, 69 S.E.2d 534, 235 N.C. 277 . Deeds 97

    When entire estate in fee simple in unmistakable terms is given grantee in deed both in grantingclause and habendum, and warranty is in harmony therewith, other clauses repugnant to estate andinterest conveyed will be rejected. Artis v. Artis, 1948, 47 S.E.2d 228, 228 N.C. 754 . Deeds 124(3)

    At common law, the habendum part of a deed was not allowed to divest an estate already vested bythe deed, and it was void if repugnant to the estate granted in the premises. Triplett v. Williams,1908, 63 S.E. 79, 149 N.C. 394 . Deeds 97

    The rule that the granting, habendum, and tenendum clauses of a deed are independent portionsthereof, each with special function, has been superseded by the rule of construction that the courtmust ascertain the intent of the parties from the whole deed without reference to formal divisions.Triplett v. Williams, 1908, 63 S.E. 79, 149 N.C. 394 . Deeds 97

    4 . Fee simple

    Deed, which stated that grantors granted, bargained and sold parcel of land together with all rights,

    ways, privileges and easements therein to railroad, conveyed an unqualified fee simple estate torailroad, and grantors' heirs at law were not entitled to parcel of land upon abandonment of railroadrunning across such parcel of land. McCotter v. Barnes, 1958, 101 S.E.2d 330, 247 N.C. 480 .Railroads 69 ; Railroads 82(5)

    Conveyance of real estate is construed as a conveyance in fee unless in plain and express wordsconveyance shows, or it is plainly intended by the conveyance or some part thereof, that grantormeant to convey an estate of less dignity. Pilley v. Smith, 1949, 51 S.E.2d 923, 230 N.C. 62 . Deeds


    Grantees took fee-simple title under deed containing habendum clause and warranty in harmony with;B3%23NT;B3;B4%23NT;B4;B3%23NT;B3;B4%23NT;B4
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    granting clause to grantees and "their heirs, and assigns," and repugnant clause limiting such fee-simple title would be rejected. Artis v. Artis, 1948, 47 S.E.2d 228, 228 N.C. 754 . Deeds 124(3)

    A deed conveying realty in fee simple to grantees and providing that conveyance was made duringgrantee's natural lifetime, then to their bodily heirs to the third generation gave grantees a fee simpletitle under the rule in Shelley's Case, since phrase "to third generation" was void as being within ruleof perpetuities, and hence grantees' purchasers could not refuse to accept deed on ground thatgrantees' title was defective. Jackson v. Powell, 1945, 35 S.E.2d 892, 225 N.C. 599 . Deeds 128 ;Perpetuities 4(10) ; Vendor And Purchaser 130(6)

    The statute providing that a deed with or without the word "heirs" should be construed a conveyancein fee simple unless such conveyance in plain and express words shows, or it is plainly intended bythe conveyance or some part thereof, that the grantor meant to convey an estate of less dignity, doesnot change a common-law conveyance of inheritance to a conveyance of less effectiveness, as forexample, only a life estate. Whitley v. Arenson, 1941, 12 S.E.2d 906, 219 N.C. 121 . Deeds 124(1)

    Conveyance in 1877 to school committee "and their successors in office, in fee simple," conveyed fee-simple title, notwithstanding absence of word "heirs." Tucker v. Smith, 1930, 154 S.E. 826, 199 N.C.502 . Schools 65

    Word "heirs" not necessary to constitute reservation in fee under statute. Central Bank & Trust Co. v.Wyatt, 1925, 126 S.E. 93, 189 N.C. 107 . Deeds 124(1)

    Exception of half of all minerals on premises held to be in fee. Central Bank & Trust Co. v. Wyatt,1925, 126 S.E. 93, 189 N.C. 107 . Mines And Minerals 55(4)

    In view of C.S. 991, where grantee was the only child of his mother, who was dead, a deed to him"and his heirs by his mother," "to have and to hold" to him, "his heirs and assigns," held to convey anestate in fee. Seawell v. Hall, 1923, 116 S.E. 189, 185 N.C. 80 . Deeds 124(3)

    Where land was conveyed prior to 1879 to a trustee and his heirs to hold for the sole and separateuse and benefit of a married woman, exclusive of the contract of her husband, and the land at herdeath to pass to heirs of her body of such marriage, with provision that in case she should die leavingno issue the property should go to her husband, held that, though there were no words of inheritance

    associated with the beneficiaries of the trust, the grantor conveyed a fee simple to the ultimatebeneficiaries. Hollowell v. Manley, 1920, 102 S.E. 386, 179 N.C. 262 . Deeds 124(2)

    By provision of Revisal 1905, 946, a deed, though not using the word "heirs," is a conveyance infee, unless the contrary intention appears. Holloway v. Green, 1914, 83 S.E. 243, 167 N.C. 91 . Deeds


    A deed to two persons, husband and wife, held to be in fee. Holloway v. Green, 1914, 83 S.E. 243,167 N.C. 91 . Deeds 124(2)

    Under Revisal 1905, 946, a conveyance of land to the incorporators and trustees of a college, tohave and to hold to them and their successors in office forever, held to carry the fee. ClaremontCollege v. Riddle, 1914, 81 S.E. 283, 165 N.C. 211 . Colleges And Universities 6(3)

    The ancient common-law rule was that the word "heirs" should appear, as indicating the grantee'sestate, either in the premises or habendum, and generally, when appearing in the warranty clausealone, it would not enlarge into a fee a life estate conveyed in the premises or habendum. CarolinaReal Estate Co. v. Bland, 1910, 67 S.E. 483, 152 N.C. 225 . Deeds 124(1)

    The modern rule in this state as to deeds executed prior to Acts 1879, c. 148 (Code, 1280; Revisal1905, 946), providing for construction of a deed as a conveyance in fee, even without the word"heirs," was that, to carry out grantor's intent where it could be gathered from its face, a deed shouldbe construed to pass an inheritance in all cases when the word "heirs" was joined as a qualification tothe name or designation of the bargainees, even in the clause of warranty, or when that covenant was
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    confused with the premises or habendum, if by transposition, or by making a parenthesis, or in anyway disregarding punctuation, such word could be made to qualify the words of conveyance in thepremises, or the words "to have and to hold" in the habendum clause, even though thereby made todo double duty, but when there are no words of conveyance, or when the word "heirs" does notappear in any part, except in connection with the name of the bargainor, or with some expressionsuch as "party of the first part," usual in the warranty or elsewhere to designate grantor, the deed, if executed before the act of 1879, will be construed as vesting only a life estate in the bargainee,unless the instrument contains on its face conclusive intrinsic evidence that a fee was intended topass. Carolina Real Estate Co. v. Bland, 1910, 67 S.E. 483, 152 N.C. 225 . Deeds 124(1)

    Following the description in a deed it continued: "The title to which I, the said I.W.W. (the grantor), of the first part, do warrant and defend against the lawful heirs of myself and any other personwhatsoever unto the said J.D.P. (the grantee), his heirs and assigns." Held that, though the word"heirs" appeared nowhere else in connection with the name of grantee, the deed conveyed a fee, andnot merely a life estate. Carolina Real Estate Co. v. Bland, 1910, 67 S.E. 483, 152 N.C. 225 . Deeds124(1)

    Under Revisal 1905, 946, providing that a conveyance of real estate shall be construed to be in feewhether the word "heirs" shall be used or not, unless the conveyance shall in plain words show thatthe grantor meant a less estate, all conveyances of land are in fee simple, unless the intention of thegrantor is manifest to convey a less estate, and the intention of the grantor, and not the technicalwords of the common law, governs in determining the estate conveyed. Triplett v. Williams, 1908, 63S.E. 79, 149 N.C. 394 . Deeds 124(2)

    5 . Fee simple determinable

    Where language of deed manifested intention that land be used by the United States only as a site forlifesaving station, deed, under North Carolina law, conveyed a fee simple determinable, so that whenthe United States ceased using the land for lifesaving station land automatically reverted to grantorsby operation of law. Etheridge v. U. S., 1963, 218 F.Supp. 809 . United States 55

    6 . Fee tail

    Where a deed conveyed a fee tail and attempted to pass the reversion to others in default of heirs of

    the grantor's body, nothing passed by the reversion; estates in tail having been converted by Revisal1905, 1578, into estates in fee simple, and the reversion thereby cut off. Sharpe v. Brown, 1919,98 S.E. 825, 177 N.C. 294 . Deeds 127(2)

    Where a deed conveys property to grantor's granddaughter "and to the heirs of her own body," thegranddaughter takes a fee tail which Revisal 1905, 1578, converts into a fee simple in her. Sharpev. Brown, 1919, 98 S.E. 825, 177 N.C. 294 . Deeds 127(2)

    Where a deed conveyed a fee tail and attempted to pass the reversion to others in default of heirs of the grantor's body, nothing passed by the reversion. Sharpe v. Brown, 1919, 98 S.E. 825, 177 N.C.294 . Deeds 130

    7 . Conditional fees

    Where property was conveyed to grantor's granddaughter "and to the heirs of her own body" and achild was born to such granddaughter, the conveyance passed an estate in fee tail converted byRevisal 1905, 1578, into a fee simple, defeasible if no child was born, but absolute on the birth of such child who was an heir of her body, although not technically so. Sharpe v. Brown, 1919, 98 S.E.825, 177 N.C. 294 . Deeds 126

    If a conveyance to grantor's granddaughter "and to the heirs of her own body" be construed to mean"children" instead of "heirs," no child of grantee's body having been born at the time of the executionof the deed, and there being no intermediate estate, after-born children could not take, and theconveyance would be to the granddaughter alone in fee without words of inheritance, the deed being;B5%23NT;B5;B6%23NT;B6;B7%23NT;B7;B5%23NT;B5;B6%23NT;B6;B7%23NT;B7
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    executed since Revisal 1905, 946, but defeasible if no child were born and absolute upon the birthof a child. Sharpe v. Brown, 1919, 98 S.E. 825, 177 N.C. 294 . Deeds 126

    8 . Contingent interests

    Where a husband had a contingent interest in lands, in the event of the death of his wife, withoutissue, his devise to her of all estate which "I shall die possessed of" included the contingent interest,the word "possessed" being used to denote ownership, and not merely personal or corporealoccupation (citing Words and Phrases, Possession). Hollowell v. Manley, 1920, 102 S.E. 386, 179 N.C.262 . Wills 560(3)

    9 . Easements

    When seeking to establish easement by necessity, it is sufficient to show such physical conditions andsuch use as would reasonably lead one to believe that grantor intended grantee should have the rightto continue to use the road in the same manner and to the same extent which his grantor had used it,because such use was reasonably necessary to the "fair," "full," "convenient and comfortable,"enjoyment of his property. Boggess v. Spencer, 2005, 620 S.E.2d 10, review denied 360 N.C. 288,627 S.E.2d 619 . Easements 18(1)

    Easement by necessity arose upon conveyance of parcel of property from common grantors; therewas no public-road access to parcel by means other than gravel road over common grantors'remaining property. Boggess v. Spencer, 2005, 620 S.E.2d 10, review denied 360 N.C. 288, 627S.E.2d 619 . Easements 18(2)

    Deed conveyed easement of right-of-way to property described in deed where granting clausedescribed interest conveyed as "right-of-way" and, at end of description were words "to be allowed asright of way to the highway." Crawford v. Wilson, 1979, 257 S.E.2d 696, 43 N.C.App. 69 . Easements


    Deed conveying one acre and granting right to convey water "from a spring above the tract, with nocontrolling privileges" granted an easement appurtenant to the land conveyed rather than a merepersonal license limited to original grantee even though words "heirs and assigns" were omitted afterwords designating grantee and grant did not use the word "appurtenant," but that right to take water

    was nonexclusive of continuing rights of grantors' successors in interest to make reasonable use of the spring. Gibbs v. Wright, 1973, 195 S.E.2d 40, 17 N.C.App. 495 . Licenses 44(3)

    Fact that words "heirs and assigns" were not inserted after name of easement grantee did not controlinterpretation as easement in gross rather than appurtenant. Shingleton v. State, 1963, 133 S.E.2d183, 260 N.C. 451 . Easements 3(1)

    Use of term "right of way" in description of strip of land conveyed to railroad did not limit conveyanceto an easement. McCotter v. Barnes, 1958, 101 S.E.2d 330, 247 N.C. 480 . Railroads 69

    Where an easement is created by an exception in a deed, words of inheritance are not necessary tocreate a perpetual easement in fee. Ruffin v. Seaboard Air Line Ry., 1909, 66 S.E. 317, 151 N.C. 330 .Easements 25

    A reservation of an easement appurtenant to the land retained by the grantor is not within the rulethat the word "heirs" must be used to create an estate which will extend beyond the grantor makingthe reservation. Ruffin v. Seaboard Air Line Ry., 1909, 66 S.E. 317, 151 N.C. 330 . Easements 25

    A grantor in a deed of land for a depot site, stipulating that the grantor may erect a warehouse on theland, provided he does not encroach on any portion of the depot ground of the width of 115 feet onthe grade, retained for warehouse purposes a determinable fee in the land conveyed outside of the115 feet for the erection of a warehouse, and this right is an easement appurtenant to the ownershipof the adjacent land of the grantor, not terminating at his death, whether the right is created byexception, in which case words of inheritance are not necessary to create the right in fee, or whether;B8%23NT;B8;B9%23NT;B9