preparation for exams and dealing with stress2

Preparation for exams and dealing with stress

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Preparation for exams and dealing with stress


Basic information:How many exams will you have?When are the exams?What are these exams?How will you be assessed?

Exam instructionsFamiliarise yourself with the instructions on exam papers; these can be difficult to understand if you read them for the first time under the stress of the exam itself. They usually indicate where to write your name or exam number and how many questions you have to answer. (The invigilator may read the instructions aloud at the start of the exam, listen carefully).

Plan out your exam time in advance:For each paper, work out the times that you will start and finish each question this is one less thing to do in the exam room. Remember these and when you enter the exam room, jot them down and keep sight of them.

The week before:Drink plenty of water in the week before the exam so that you are not dehydratedBuild in movement and exercise so that you work off any adrenalinWork daily on relaxation so that your thinking remains clear and focused. You will still feel some nervous energy which is useful for exams.Learn the information on your flash cardsCheck your understanding and memoryAvoid people who may make you feel unsure of yourself those who are super-confident and those who panic.

The night before:

Check over any exam details you have

Prepare what you will need, pens, ruler, water, venue and lanyard (you will not be allowed to enter the Main Hall without this)

Make sure you leave plenty of time to sleep

The day of the exam:

Eat well before the exam, slow-releasing carbohydrates are best

Leave plenty of time for your journey in case of delays

You will be required to arrive at the exam room at least 10 minutes before the exam starts (you will not be allowed in if you arrive late)

In the exam first things:

Try to remain calm and focusedCheck you have been given the correct exam paperRead instructions slowly at least twiceFill out personal details as instructedRead the WHOLE paper, both sidesDivide your time equally among questions that carry the same marks, jot down the times you will begin each question

Selecting questions:Read each question through twiceWork out what is expectedCheck wording carefullyTick all questions you could attemptTick twice ones you could answer best do not rush thisHighlight key words in the titleNotice how many parts there are to the questionRead through phrase by phrase to make sure you have not misread or misinterpreted them

What if I go blank?

Dont try too hard to remember. Leave a space, it may come back laterYou may be too tense use a relaxation exercise that has worked for you beforeKeep writing. On spare paper, jot down any words that have anything to do with the question. These should eventually start to prompt your memory into actionAsk yourself key questions, starting with the most basic who? When? What? How? Until you become more focused

Dealing with stress:

A mild degree of stress can be helpful, providing a challenge with stimulation, excitement and focus. However:

Sleep properly: aim to sleep for 7 hours each day. More or less than this can tire you.Take breaks: give yourself regular breaksLet yourself smileLet your hands and feet be stillRepeat STOP to yourself until you feel calmMonitor your state of mind question your way of thinking, am I getting things out of proportion? What is the effect on me of having this attitude? What can I do to improve matters?

Take care of your body:

Get exercise: do something energetic, walk, run, swim, play a game, clean the room and get rid of pent-up energy and excess adrenalin and get some fresh airHave a healthy diet: checking what you are putting into your body. Could you fill it with less coffee, smoke less, drink less alcohol? Be kind to your body by helping to renew itself with healthy food and waterRelax: take a bath or put aside some time each day (20 mins) to relax quietlyCelebrate success: reflect on your achievements over the day or week and reward yourselfUse relaxation exercises and breathe calmlyUseful reading:NHS, G (1997). Understanding Stress.London: British Medical Association (Family Doctor series).