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Biological science


  • 1. A tool that is used to separate the parts of the cell by spinning it around a solution and

    separating it into several layers according to density. K

    A. Electron Microscope B. centrifuge C. micromanipulators D. stereomicroscope

    2. The following are characteristics of microscope EXCEPT K

    A. Reveal finer details of the surface structure of whole specimens

    B. Produce an enlarge view of an object

    C. Use extensively to separate materials of different densities

    D. Produce greatly magnified images and pictures

    3. A type of microscope that uses streams of electrons that bend in much the same way as beams

    of light are bent by glass lenses. K

    A. Light microscope C. stereomicroscope

    B. Phase-contrast microscope D. electron microscope

    4. It is a science of life that deals with the study of plants and animals. K

    A. Biological science C. Physical science

    B. Natural science D. Developmental science

    5. Alfred is a college student in the Institute of Biology whose interest is studying insects. What

    field of biology he is most interested? K

    A. Ornithology B. Entomology C. Conchology D. Helmintology

    6. Your body has a thermostat that maintains a constant internal temperature. When you feel hot,

    you sweat and your body cools off. What characteristic common to all life forms is being

    described in the statement? C

    A. Living things require a constant supply of energy

    B. Living things respond to the environment

    C. Living things adapt and evolve to survive

    D. Living things maintain a state of stability

    7. When a starfish loses a body part, it can grow a replacement part. If the lost body part contains

    enough genetic information from the parent, it can form into an entirely new organism. What

    way of asexual reproduction in animals is being exhibited by the starfish? C

    A. Regeneration C. Fission or budding

    B. Fragmentation D. Gemmules

    8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics common to all forms of life? C

    A. Living things undergo growth and development

    B. Living things are composed of single cell

    C. Living things are capable of movement

    D. Living things can reproduce

  • 9. Living things adapt and evolve to survive, which of the examples best fit the statement? C

    A. Migration of birds during winter

    B. Species of jellyfish- Turritopsis nutricula appears to achieved immortality

    C. Splitting of an organism into two

    D. The makahiya closes its leaves instantly when touched

    10. Both plants and animals require the use of a high energy compound called ATP in their cellular

    processes and continuously recycled in organisms. This is because C

    A. plants and animals need supply of water as a vital component of the cell

    B. plants and animals maintains homeostasis

    C. plants and animals need a constant supply of energy

    D. plant and animals undergo growth and development

    11. A scientist notice that incidence of dengue is increasing. What should the scientist do to know

    what prompts the increase? A

    A. He should conclude that the cause of increase is attributed to rainfall or wet environment

    B. He will proceed to gather information that helps generate a possible explanation

    C. He will get the number of individuals who got infected by dengue

    D. He will perform an experiment on how mosquito can cause dengue

    12. Scientists do not usually accept an explanation without evidence or proof. To prove their point,

    they usually consider the scientific method. What are the steps they should follow? A

    1. Observing and stating the problem

    2. Testing the hypothesis

    3. Forming a conclusion

    4. Forming a hypothesis

    5. Recording and analyzing data

    A. 4,1,2,3,5 B. 4,2,1,5,3 C. 1,2,4,5,3 D. 1,4,2,5,3

    13. It is a process by which water molecules are removed to form bonds joining the monomers

    together forming a more complex compound. A

    A. Hydrolysis B. Dehydration Synthesis C. Polymers D. Isomers

    14. An organic compound considered as a chief source of energy for all organisms. A

    A. Lipids B. Proteins C. Carbohydrates D. Nucleic Acids

    15. A complex diverse group of naturally occurring organic compounds which are insoluble in water

    but are soluble in organic solvent. A

    A. Lipids B. Proteins C. Carbohydrates D. Nucleic Acids

    16. Complex macromolecules which store information that determine the type and structure of all

    specific proteins found in an organisms body. A

  • A. Lipids B. Proteins C. Carbohydrates D. Nucleic Acids

    17. A vital organic substance in the organisms body and are large molecules consisting of long

    complex chain of amino acids. A

    A. Lipids B. Proteins C. Carbohydrates D. Nucleic Acids

    18. A hypothesis must be ____ A

    A. Proven correct B. testable C. observed D. experimental

    19. Which group of organisms can interbreed and successfully produce fertile offspring? A

    A. Biosphere B. community C. ecosystem D. species

    20. Which level of organization of life consists of region on earth where living things are found? A

    A. Ecosystem B. biosphere C. community D. Ecology

    21. The smallest unit capable of carrying out life functions is___ A

    A. Atom B. tissue C. cell D. DNA

    22. A specific cell is transparent under a microscope, what laboratory technique should be

    employed to bring out more details of a cell? AN

    A. Fixation B. sectioning C. Staining D. Embedding

    23. A separation technique that is based on the migration of electrically charged particles in

    solutions or suspensions in the presence of an applied electric field. AN

    A. Electrophoresis C. chromatography

    B. Spectrophotometry D. Centrifugation

    24. A procedure using agar medium to grow microorganisms like bacteria. A

    A. Cell and tissue culture C. Culture media preparation

    B. Aseptic techniques D. Embedding

    25. Which among the following is NOT a role of carbohydrates in the body? AN

    A. It is the most common source of energy in the body

    B. It serves as stored energy

    C. It serves as transport molecule

    D. It serves as the backbone of other molecules

    26. Lipids are important to living things because___ AN

    A. It provides the instruction in making proteins

    B. It serves as the highest energy-giving foods in the body

    C. It bring about individual differences

    D. It combines with proteins to form structural components of living cells.

  • 27. Below are the roles of Nucleic Acids in living things EXCEPT AN

    A. Determines what kind of proteins should be synthesized by an organism

    B. Control the organization of enzyme

    C. Serve as the constituent of the protoplasm of living cells

    D. Serve as the genetic material of all living things

    28. Proteins are most abundant organic compounds in living cells and plays significant roles in the

    body. Which of the following is NOT an importance of proteins? AN

    A. Proteins are essential in building and repairing body cells and tissues

    B. Proteins provide protection as antibodies

    C. Proteins bring about individual differences

    D. Proteins act as insulators by protecting animals from extreme cold.

    29. It is the simplest form of carbohydrates made up of one sugar unit. A

    A. Monosaccharide B. Disaccharide C. Oligosaccharide D. Polysaccharide

    30. During low blood glucose level, fats are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids through the

    process of___ A

    A. Dehydration synthesis B. hydrolysis C. polymerase D. denaturation

    31. Which of the following is NOT a true distinction of DNA and RNA? AN

    A. DNA is located in the nucleus and cytoplasm while RNA is located inside the nucleus of a


    B. The sugar of DNA is deoxyribose while RNA is ribose

    C. DNA is double-stranded while RNA is single-stranded

    D. Base pairs of DNA are C-G, A-T while base pairs of RNA are C-G, A-U

    32. Starch is normally broken down into sugars during digestion in the mouth in just three minutes,

    this is because___________ AN

    A. Of an enzyme lipase that speeds up the digestion of starch

    B. Of an enzyme salivary amylase that speeds up the digestion of starch

    C. Of a high temperature and nonacidic condition

    D. Of a room temperature and acidic condition

    33. A carbohydrate that is formed through combination of glucose and fructose which is considered

    as an excellent natural preservative. A

    A. Maltose B. galactose C. Sucrose D. lactose

    34. Why cellulose is recommended to be part of daily diet? AN

    A. Because it is a source of roughage or dietary fiber

    B. Because it provides strength and protection to organism

    C. Because it is a source of energy

  • D. Because it is a significant component of blood

    35. A bond that linked together the nucleotides to form the polymer nucleic acids. A

    A. Glycosidic bond B. Phosphodiester bond C. Peptide bond D. Ester bond

    36. A polysaccharide that is used in making surgical threads and is biodegradable that wears away

    as the wound heals. A

    A. Starch B. Chitin C. Glycogen D. Cellulose

    37. Eating foods that are rich in fats are found to be unhealthy, which of the following fats is

    believed to be better for your health? AN

    A. Lard B. Butter C. Margarine D. Vegetable oil

    38. A monosaccharide that is considered as the sweetest among the sugar has applications in

    commercial food industry.

    A. Glucose B. Galactose C. Fructose D. Sucrose

    39. A layer of phospholipids in the cell membrane that are directed away from the watery

    environment of the cells. A

    A. Hydrophilic heads B. hydrophobic tails C. sphingolipids D. phosphoglycerides

    40. It is a steroid that is harmful to the body because it causes heart ailments. However, it helps

    regulate the fluidity in cell membrane and therefore aids in the transport of materials. A

    A. Cholesterol B. sex hormones C. adrenocorticoid hormones D. waxes

    41. Why is it that complex carbohydrates and even other monosaccharides must be converted into

    glucose units? AN

    A. Because it serves as a marker that can help in identifying blood

    B. Because it serves a chemical marker important for cell-to-cell recognition

    C. Because it is the only form of sugar used by the body to provide energy

    D. Because it serve as the storage of energy

    42. Humans cannot digest cellulose, however animals particularly ruminants and termites can digest

    it, why this happened? AN

    A. Because the enzyme needed for digesting it is absent

    B. Because the enzyme needed for digesting it is present

    C. Because there are symbiotic microorganisms that live in their intestines

    D. Because their digestive system worked enough to digest the cellulose

    43. Below are subgroup of lipids EXCEPT

    A. Fats B. waxes C. steroid D. glycogen

  • 44. Which of the following is mismatched? AN

    A. Protein--amino acids C. Nucleic acids-- nucleotides

    B. Carbohydrates--glucose D. Lipidsglycogen

    45. Which of the following is a correct complementary base pairing in DNA? AN

    A. A-U and C-G B. A-T and C-G C. A-G and C-T D. A-U and C-T

    46. The segments of DNA that carry genetic information. A

    A. Nucleotides B. amino acids C. genes D. nitrogen bases

    47. Which form of carbohydrate do newborn mammals first consume considerably in large

    amounts? A

    A. Lactose B. maltose C. sucrose D. glucose

    48. Below are the types of RNA named after the functions they perform in relation to protein

    synthesis EXCEPT AN

    A. ribosomal RNA B. transfer RNA C. messenger RNA D. translation RNA

    49. It is the main protein in egg white which function as a storage protein. A

    A. Keratin B. ovalbumin C. collagen D. Casein

    50. What are the four important organic compounds found in all living organisms? A

    A. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

    B. Glucose, fats, amino acids, nucleic acids

    C. Fats, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins

    D. Protein, fats, nucleotides, carbohydrates