prasanna jyothi project october 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in bangalore in spring, 1994...

Prasanna Prasanna Jyothi Jyothi Project Project October 2013 October 2013

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Page 1: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

PrasannaPrasanna JyothiJyothi

Project Project

October 2013October 2013

Page 2: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

BackgroundBackground• Established on the 24th June 1998 by

Prasanna Trust in Bangalore, India.

• An organization that takes care of orphan or disadvantaged girls.

• Main objective: to nurture these children so that they grow up as pure simple human beings inculcating values of universal brotherhood so that they not only become responsible citizens of India, but also of the entire world.

• All living expenses of the girls are taken care of.

• Apart from education the girls learn a variety of vocational skills as arts and crafts including paintings, wall decorations, garlands of artificial flowers, etc.

Page 3: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

Social ContextSocial Context

� Urban Setting

� Parents from low income groups – daily labourers, vendors .

� Parents are divorcees or widowed.

� Some of the children are orphans.

� Children visit their families twice a year and during holidays. Parents are allowed to visit too.

� All children live at PJ Home

Page 4: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

AdministrationAdministration InfoInfo

� The home is run by an older couple, Mr. & Mrs. Srinivasan (Sundari Mami), and a warden (Mrs. Rathna).

� PJ primarily recruits their children through referrals. They also work with agencies that deal with neglected children and also get children referred to them.

� No fees to join PJ� Children study at nearby english-medium school.� Children supported until they complete education –

high school, college etc. and return to their families.� Children with learning difficulties are given additional


Page 5: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

History with ASHAHistory with ASHA

�� PrasannaPrasanna JyothiJyothi Trust had submitted a Trust had submitted a proposal for a project to support proposal for a project to support destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Spring, 1994 at AshaAsha Berkeley.Berkeley.

�� Support from Berkeley between 1994Support from Berkeley between 1994--96 96 –– two two pictures created by PJ kids was on created by PJ kids was on calendar.

�� Break in funding between 96Break in funding between 96--20002000

�� Seattle supported between 2001Seattle supported between 2001--03.03.

�� AshaAsha Austin was born in 2002 and this project Austin was born in 2002 and this project was taken over from Seattle and funded for the was taken over from Seattle and funded for the first time in 2003.first time in 2003.

Page 6: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

ASHA Austin InvolvementASHA Austin Involvement

�� Funded as SAC project since Oct 2003Funded as SAC project since Oct 2003

�� Last disbursal in Nov 2011Last disbursal in Nov 2011

�� Funds left Funds left -- $2055 as of March 2012$2055 as of March 2012

� $45758 disbursed so far by the Austin chapter

Page 7: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

AshaAsha’’s Impacts Impact

�� Monetary impactMonetary impact: : AshaAsha donations cover donations cover

educational expenses and additional educational expenses and additional

academic and extraacademic and extra--curricular training.curricular training.

�� Social impactSocial impact::

�� Site Visits (last in Dec 2012 by Site Visits (last in Dec 2012 by AshaSVAshaSV folks folks

–– MadhuMadhu, , BhanuBhanu and and VenkiVenki))

�� Local volunteers involvement with tuitionLocal volunteers involvement with tuition

�� Field trips by Field trips by AshaAsha volunteersvolunteers

Page 8: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

Funding HistoryFunding HistoryFunding Funding


l Budgetl BudgetExchangExchang

e Ratee RateBudgeBudge

t US$t US$DisbursemeDisburseme

nt by nt by AshaAshaNo. of No. of


OctOct--0303 144000144000 48.0748.07 29962996 16801680 1818

20042004--0505 170000170000 45.6645.66 37233723 36003600 2121

20052005--0606 230021230021 43.743.7 52645264 42004200 1818

20062006--0707 168191168191 44.2744.27 37993799 54765476 1919

20072007--0808 200000200000 44.1844.18 45274527 52505250 1919

20082008--0909 187109187109 39.4139.41 47484748 51205120 2222

20092009--1010 415000415000 48.5648.56 85468546 68006800 2323

20102010--1111 350000350000 44.3544.35 78927892 70207020 2323

20112011--1212 290,950290,950 46.3546.35 64956495 66126612 2121

Page 9: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created


�� PJ completes 25 years this yearPJ completes 25 years this year

�� 3030--40 children graduated and lead a 40 children graduated and lead a better quality life better quality life –– financially financially independent and have their own familiesindependent and have their own families

�� Some of them work in Some of them work in MNCsMNCs, few have , few have work visa to USA toowork visa to USA too

�� Renovations carried out at PJ in 2012Renovations carried out at PJ in 2012

�� Playground in front of the homePlayground in front of the home

Page 10: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created


•• Children being taken back by Children being taken back by parents/relatives. No way to follow up parents/relatives. No way to follow up on their progress after they leave.on their progress after they leave.

•• Assistance in tuition and afterAssistance in tuition and after--school school coaching.coaching.

•• Need for career counselling.Need for career counselling.

•• Funding issues at ASHA AustinFunding issues at ASHA Austin

•• PJPJ’’ss expenses going up due to higher expenses going up due to higher school fees and cost of livingschool fees and cost of living

Page 11: Prasanna Jyothi Project October 2013€¦ · destitute/orphaned girls in Bangalore in Spring, 1994 at Asha Berkeley. Support from Berkeley between 1994 -96 –two pictures created

Going ForwardGoing Forward

�� Some preSome pre--existing SAC donors still existing SAC donors still

interested in sponsoring, interested in sponsoring, AshaAsha--Austin Austin

unable to continue supporting the project.unable to continue supporting the project.

�� Proposed PlanProposed Plan

-- AshaSVAshaSV adopts adopts PrasannaPrasanna JyothiJyothi as a SAC as a SAC project to continue project to continue AshaAsha

-- Year 1: find donors for Year 1: find donors for atleastatleast half the kidshalf the kids

-- Year 2: find donors for remaining kids Year 2: find donors for remaining kids

-- Year 3+: Stable funding Year 3+: Stable funding –– selfself--sustaining sustaining

SAC projectSAC project