
· . .. .. . .. 'f . YOL OME XLIV. -' - · PostOffice Provialona, Orocerlea, Fishery Sup,llea of all Klnda. R. D. McRAE & SONS, Harbor Crace. Want Get An 01' Weddi11g Bing, a Waieh or a Olook, tlum go fH mad to th4 .&liabu Jetoilen. Our atock·ia of 'rBll BIST and the PBIOBS llODERATE. (\ur R&PAtai.HG DBPAllTDNT ia tully equipped to do kinde of Watch, Clock and Jewelery work. 1 All kinde of Engraving, Monograms, &c., to order. A large 1110rtment of Silver 4Wd Silver-p1ated Ware always on hand. lVd guara,._, «tt&.factlon. Gitld m ct · l. T. J. DULEY & Co .. Jeweler Wam &red, St. Jo1an'•, Njld. SEND YOU R /creauing and Dyei.Jig, also your Shirta, ColliU1!, Cuffs, LMe Cur- taint, Pillow Shams and nll old Gumenta to the Globe S team Laundry and Dye to be made like new gooda.- Work done at'very amllll coat Orders will receive prompt nt- teotion.( Goods shipped every Monday, and delivered on Sat- urday. .tt & J. DUFF, A,_., Harbor ltlra. 0. McCARTHY, ..t,.m

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Post on 09-Oct-2019




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-· PostOffice ~otroe

Provialona, Orocerlea, an~ Fishery Sup,llea of all Klnda.

R. D. McRAE & SONS, Harbor C race.

Want Get An Bngt~gmumt 01' Weddi11g Bing, a Waieh or a Olook,

tlum go fH mad to th4 .&liabu Jetoilen. Our atock·ia of 'rBll BIST and the PBIOBS llODERATE. (\ur

R&PAtai.HG DBPAllTDNT ia tully equipped to do ~au kinde of Watch, Clock and Jewelery work. 1

All kinde of Engraving, Monograms, &c., to order. A large 1110rtment of Silver 4Wd Silver-p1ated Ware always

on hand. lVd guara,._, «tt&.factlon. Gitld m ct · l.

~ T. J. DULEY & Co .. Jeweler Wam &red, St. Jo1an'•, Njld.

SEND YOU R /creauing and Dyei.Jig, also your

Shirta, ColliU1!, Cuffs, LMe Cur­taint, Pillow Shams and nll old

Gumenta to the Globe Steam Laundry and Dye

~Works,~ to be made like new gooda.­Work done at'very amllll coat Orders will receive prompt nt­teotion.( Goods shipped every Monday, and delivered on Sat-urday. .tt & J. DUFF,

A,_., Harbor ~~ ltlra. 0. McCARTHY,

..t,.m Gwbon~.

STBONQ PRAISE. frotn'one w~;b~ pr~ved ihe

·value of Dr .. Williams' Pink Pills ..

• "We haYl, aaed Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla ia oar home for the P.Ut eicbt Jur& for Y&riOUII tro.ble.. &ad b&ft always fouad them aacc:aafaL '' Tbaa write. Mra. R. Ben:oor, of 'We.t GraYeDharat. Oat., and abe acSda :-"At the ace of ei,bt yeara.

~ litUe bo1 waa aftlldred with Ia!l the troublede•elo~d In· St. Vltua' dllace from wbacb be

tdered in a anere form. ·Be wu aadcl' eeYeral doctora at dilfCRDt­timea. but none of tb~elpcd bim. Thea I decided to tr . \ViUiam, Piok Pilla. and the1 retrton:d him t'o perfect health, and there baa aot aince boca aa1 return of the trouble. More recenU7l ba\"e uaed tm: pill• IIIJKif for mUKular rheumaham, aad they were equallyaacceas(ul in aktiL&' a cure. The JJills baYe

u a dollar JA doctor's U,~~~~·~~r9110 wlao

"W;ml••-•' Piak Pilla. cure all troablea due to poor or watery blood or JrQk Derfta. and that lathe rc:&· aoa wbJ the' are the moat popular medldac in the world, and have a mach laqer aale tbaa any other mned7. Tbey cure sucb troublea aa rheomatism. ~atica, p."lrtial par­alyaia.St. Vitus' daace, 1\naemia, io­dl(eatlou, neuralp. heart tf'oublea. aad tbJ aihoeata common to woman, slmpiJ because the1 make new, ricb. red blood, &trearthen the nerveL aad thua driYe clieeue £ro1n the bodJ. • -

SOld by allllealers in medicine, or wiU be eent bJ mail, post paid, at SO ceala per bOx. or six boxe& for $2. 70. bJ' addreuiog Me•sra. T. Me· Kardo & Co., St. John's. wholesale ageata for Newfoundland.

to iron deposita and working of coal areas in the colon,.

Oa motloa, the bill was relld a ee· cond Ume and ordered to be referred to a committee of t~e 1Vhoie hoaac on to-morrow,

Mr. Chaplin aal(cd lea•t' to pre· eeat a petition from Sal~e Bay,

Adn:oture, Sandy COYC aDd --·--··-~aettlemeata. The petition

)farJ'a• lit, ~b. 110 belieted it wu AD~ t nbject. It ... a petit qel7 alped. aad tllerdA)~ d ..rof cooeideratlola.

Mlalatcl' of ~llc Worn tabled the ac:.coaats a for by Mr. Wat~ n Ba7 Robert court bo~~~~e anc\ Old Perlican roads.

On motion the bouse adjoaraed until4 o'clock to-morrow. j

(To be continued.) --.~-

-llanl~ad .. bla ero tait'lnonth. 4cMitro)"ed 1\ thooaand boWIOa, IUid ION la e~~.U It'd ll t $8)0,00(1.

Xlnarcl'• Ll !mont eu..- eolde elclo-

-'l'hcro aro O\"~ "'"~'" bundtcd llblpo bulld.lng yarclt In tbo woTld at presmL

Minard'• Llnlmontenre. OaJ'iOL In Cow; -- . Tboro aro ov~r 2.\,000 n~:w1papera and

m~ulnea publt.hl'd In .tbe UnJted 8tal8 at prueut.

""'~ ---A Now"Woman elal• that abe •oppora• hl't"ll and two chUdND on llrtcion cent.tpt'rday. Tbcfood1bo baya Include. bt-ana, bread, ouloau and beer.

• At tba '\"lll'mouth Y. H. 0. A. Boy•'

Camp held at Tuaket P..U. In .A.Ilgtloll· found ~UNAltD'S LI~"UIR.'~~ -~ boneftclal for ennbo.rn and au hnmodlate roller tor eolle and toothache.

ALYRED STOKES, • Ocneral Soe.rctary.

-A aold•IIJh fa.rm It • but!· n- fil tbo town of Waldron, ludlana. Tba propria tor nndcrttanda hill bualnHS ao well that ho makea twenty thooaaod doiiiU'I a year on' of II.

LOOK ON THE BRlGJJT STDE. The eaJrcrer from nervoua axbautlon

le ~;enorall_y blno and dl.eolli"Qed. llt' look• on tile dark 111de of lh£il~ and fear• paral•l.l, loeomotor ataxia or lntan· lty. All thlllle ebanltfd bJ tbe pen'-' tent u.cof Dr. Cbue'a No no Food. wblcb Aftllually and IUitw'ally roldDdf• and ro"f'ltal~ lhe wu~ norn colla 11nct IMIIU now vlror and t'DOftQ' \~to Uae whole .,.tom.

-The •t~~u.&~"'e~.,~-o::ofto-n~d now det'larN that more J*ll>le c:ommlt mtelde on. afondaJ than uyotbordayof t~owoek.

COMFORT FOR TOE AOED. Joclaln« (tom tho lot tan of J*?ple up

Ill 7111r11 there Ill oo medlelao which ao ~pUy rr- them of achea and ~lu it.Dcl ware~ ~rtty of the lln~r1 ,k ld· aqa aJid bcnn• .. u Dr. Cbue'• IUQDt'Y Ll...,.. PIU.. EftD when all other mcaae ban failed old J>OC1J)IeAIOan turn to lbll ~rreat IDOdlc!lno wtth full u.urauoe. ot ~ltof aDd core.

forth that the diatanc:e from theee eettlements to tha railway waa about 26 miles; that a ~ aam­ber of mea wea:coatlaaalfi-tRten­lwr tbe distance to aad frona the rauwa1; tbat iD wlatet time the journey was a Yery aaplcaaaat one, -The JIOOl'lo of Eop:land '"'."!tow '"o tea or twelYe IUUC. of tbe distaace bnndred ~ llfll' mlllloo pJJ • .,..rr laJ on:r laad, aaa tlo ~eat of Uae Joar. dlataace O'U Ice: bt DO iababit· :» MILES TO PROC\TRF. 'MEDICINE uta liftd akiQ' t•e 'road, and ao

~~~~t&i;t!f_t!a~bal:Jita• u...a aloq- the road. aacl110 of &af sort wa.y to be ba4; tlaat CUlpa '*I time and apia beea Cftded b;J ~ a:o•era· IIICIIt. b11t In eac1t f11Miu~y had almoat I Ill me=~·~ ~t~ocl by lawle.a . :""'Ua&t S&mael 'D'1-. bad a wl11tel' laouae at the j11DCtio11 of lud.. aud ice. aod it wonld eene epleadldty as a h:ilf· way shelter, tbat for the consider&· tion $40 dollara he would aane to liYe ia. aad 1reep ia proper repair, that hoqM . during the winter sea· lOllS, for thereat of bls life. Be felt aare that tile hoaiiC could rndUr appreciate the neceulty of aome­tftfac.belq doae whereby a _P.Crma· -=ot half-way c:oulcr be P':O"Jded oa that loDe roaUt. ud hoped that tbe s..._al amount of money required would be'fortMGmiq.

Mr. MaddOCk alked lene to pre­seat a petition hlo• Patriclc Walab. Eqeue Bopa. Micbael W~. '1'. Walsh aad a a11111ber of otbet' resi­dents of Iamea RoU. oa the South Side of Carbonear. ll'be peUtipd.

he here reacl. ~et forth that ia it waa ftr1 dlftlcult to ob­

tain suitable drinlrinc wabr In that n~borhood. The aature of the laaa was aacla thal aa elfectiYe weU woald haft to be sunk to a COD· alclerable depth, and the petltlonera ulred for the sam of $60, ao that a poblic well mipt be con•tructed.

}k. Wataoa-Be had mutb plea· aaN Ja auppnrtiq the prayer of the

titioa. pe Boa. Minister o£ Finance aad Gll&toms (Mr. Jackmu)-Be alked leaft to preaeat a petition from Juaea Brace, Mallrice lfurray Rob­ert Marra1 aad 'othert. of ~ Poad. Plactatla Ba1. Also a peta­ttoo frotll- JohD &mlth. Micb•el Sm.lth. T~s 1DeD1 aud othera, or Little P'laceutla • .I A lao ODCI from Joha O'ReiiJJ. Wn Deady. Wm. Kiac. PbiUp J)ayit, and otlaen. of Foz Harbor. A1110 ooe froll'l Rob­ert Leadwell, Tlaoa. Leadwdl. Jaa. MacpiiJ .... otlaera of 81tlP.1farbor. AJaO oae &om Patridr Fiupraltf. Jolla R7&U. Michaelllyaaaod other& Of Preaqft. Alao oae from John Hollett. "FreeL Dtcb, Joeeph · Maa· Dlar aud othen, of Barbor Bllffett. AI.o one fro111 Jamea 'Brown. Wm. Browa aDd othera, of Barren Island. alao oae from Joha Gilbert. Stephen Gilbert. Wm. Mardi aad Ray Sfaek. Also oae &om BamaelBest. Ri.:banl Eaala. Thomu Pittman aad otbera. of Meruheea. .A'Iao oae from

Wlnfteld, On a. W. B. C9!11JT00 Broc:kvnlo. Du• san:- m eelii.Dit ron.r •oil,

Mono'llndl Root Pllll'f lu tbllllou • ty, I ban tof!lor• WhO qpmo!)) miiH f<>r tlu• e ol lfottln(t lrono.. Plla.. Th ... ~I for Hlf U 10 tbclr nloo. l - ... IQ 0111' tuail.}"Wftbfi.U-' -~ PHDltll." My wtle hu *11 C!Drod ot elck·bMibeb-._ by their ~ We eollld oot do wltbonf them.

Yoara, elc., A. KftAXl'lllJr, ------Two ~ltoonlllaa r«ently eo,.ered tl07

mllea In tb!rly hnura, eaartln« rrom l'arte and lalldlDg beyoDd Budapest.

BRONCUlTlS. }~m 10011 FLAOO, E,.q.,of Bonulll&·

ton,N, U. · "Three year• tlneo I wu TOry muob

,octuood with a drelldtul oooJb wblob ,... tuU.od In BronobiU.. atreeUq •• eo aenral_yu to .-.odor ftdUJioalt toi!DMk In aa audible ~oloo. To tbLI wu .adecl

..eyero nlabl aweata, and I wu r.rtu1 ot (tOinll (ilto e decllno. A(ter tOCIOCIIte to \'¥rotU relll«lJat, to no ~ I aaade uaa Of Dr. \VJITAa'l O"LLUI Wn,D Caa•aT, a . fljW boUlee of wbleb tully rtttortd me to health, SJJICiillheo I baT" bad eeTeral eenre atta6ka of ooq.b1 but tho B.u.a.&x bu "'-"' ,... mona them. I alwa.Y• kae~ ll ti.7_ aaa, and eboold nol know' bow to do Wl\boOt II." ~ ClOD. aAd tt per botUo. Sold b..J

dealers ~noraUy, and b.Y T. )(oMucro ~Co., St. John',. f"

-~--A Rllll!lan eolenllal bu parfeetad a nit of oloae for elootrtclant wblc!b wUI render them lmmane from d~cr of death by eollllDJin eollt4ct wtth wtrea.

-Pblladclpbla 11 now after tho elaj>o lr .. hman. A tow day1 aao tbo \Tnltld Irtab Soeleu .. ol that elly pauod " onll­nlmo.q reeolotlon 10 'boyoolt aver.r ball or theall'e.ln whlob lha II&IIO lrtibman ap~ Tho reeotulto11 bu llad tbt dWrad.-.oL

CRAMPS, LIKE BOROLARS, oomo Jue' wbeu lbey oro not expeotl'CI and are leut woloomc. Ooo liltnute for Cllmp II wbal you want. NervUioo •Imply act. lautantaneoculr. lla uo­d_yne power II nnlqu~tor Ita eomJ!Ojlt• Uon u:prea- tbe hl$.bC!It medical­rr~ of tho U\1. :Nervllloe Ia a ru. comfort lo tba &mll1, for In all doru~ menta of tbo etomach and bowele it Ill an ablolota~fle. Five Umea ITtat­ar aaedlclnal value then any other p,. paratlun eold, II Norvlllno.

Midlael Marplay, Wm. Wiflio. Jaa. -Deaplte the watchfulneaa and Orilla and oUaera of Ram• Ialaad, untiring care of the New York caa­Joaa:. The.o peUtioas all prayed tome' detect! Yea. It lseatimated that (ot &D alteratloa la the lshef'J laws ten million dollara worth of precious With respect to tile herring lahery stoat• are smu&cled lato that port. Ia Plac:ritia Bay. (rom Europe, CYerJ year. Moat of

Mr. MCOratb-Tbeeabjec:tmatter the jewclaare women. of u.e.i petltiou waa oae of areat --haportaace. -.4 driened moat -The celebrated Ferris Wheel, at Iedou c:oaahlefttloa at the handa Chicago, is to be sold by p~llc auc­qf t~b\y. tloa. SeYeral penona ate after it

Capt. Boala-lll tbe matter of with a Yiew to IK'ivior t to St. tills ietfttoa ~ted to the hoa.e Loala, for the exblbitiOG, a t year. by th boa. Plaaace Mlnlater aac:t It iacomputcclthat itatalduc own, aacl coemeet.s apoa b7 the bon.1 haullac to St. Loaia. and re-erec:t· -- for PlaCeatla ud St. illf wiD coat$US.OOO.

Mother's [ar , A- .. MOrlf-· IIAIII WHC" ...._. •• ••NV~T, .. o 111 r Ha

:::-,:·· THArJ CO.• •• ,.,.. FHAr

ecOT'Jle •MUIAION ~ _,.. T'il• •.rru ·-OTH A H Q IJOCMI.,..••r eo •~•a..•r ,-o,. Tff. •IIM.r• - eor• IIOTH!Ut IUIQ CHII..I!I.

SciMII« .... _...

T-~ & BOWN&, ~IMio.. 1 JK._.,.,.., all~ _.. I

Shlloh,.s Consumption . ,

Cure .. ··v Cues Couebs and Co14s at .once. It baa bcco doU11 • tbJa for IWf a ccotury. It lala ..- haAcSJcda of tbOcssa.:S. of fma.: It wlll u.Tc yours tf you RiTe it a cbaacc. 25 ccnb a bottle. U after usJna it JNS arc not u.tisfkd with results, co to your dtu~rlst and ret your moaq back.

Write to S.C. Wa.u a: Co., Toro~to, • Cau. 1 for free trial boUle.

• 26 ceote, eo ~lite and 11 per box­Sold t.y dw6a 1tot>nll1- For ealo by Thomlll Uollwdo .t Co., St. J oho'L

llA~ JlEJ'OllT ST. Joaa•a, Jun: 20, 1903. nau x.uutlt1'.

Fbh, lute mercbantabla, per 'lLI. t4 ro .Fiah, ami1l muohaatable ............ S.f~) Fieb, IUJO Madeira..................... 3 -{Q Flab, inWllladelra. ..... .., .... _ .... , SJQ Pllb,tarae W•Uodla .................. 2.-10 Plab, emall Wn\ .Ioella ................ ,l.bll. ~~~radar ........ ~_ ............... .. I -80 B , per brl., No. 1 ...... ..2.!Ui to 2.60 Haddoek, per q0 ... :-1"""""""' "''2.00 Ooc1 Oil per \ua { h&nhrood-..... 76 00

• eoCtwoocl ......... 70.00 Salmon, No.1, large, per t.n: ......... IO.OO Salmoo, !fo. l, email, ~r tro ......... tS.OO Lobeterw, per cue, No.1, Bata, t8 LO 12.7.>

l'IIOYIGO-Fiour,pef brl.,cbolee pateotfUO to 5.!!0 P'loar, per brl. eop. e.-c. ..... ~-00 to 4 2J Floor, pu brl., extra ....... _ 8.80 LO 8.00 Pork, per brl., mt~~~ ........ .IUlO to 2'2m Bu" Porr1 per brl ............. JU.OOto 22..60 Pork, per orL. ram ........ 16 00 ~ ~ i .J Por\, bean ............... ,"'"18GO LO 10 60 Bu~r, J)('r lb., C.Jladlan ... 0.90 to 0.80 Oleo, per lb ..................... O.J3 to 1).2:2 &It, per hbd ..... .............. ' l.lO to 1.1!0 MoiUica, pun, per &&lion 0.4!! to 4 I Sacar, ll&b' brown, per owt U-'10 LO 6.40 Supr, ~~~ulatNI, J)('r o"t.. 0.60 &Q 6.70 .,..., loaf, I* aWL-..... 6.00 t6 8110 Oonamn11_~ brL .... _,.,_" to a.oo Oa~ .,..- brL ........ .&...~IS 80 to 6.50 Brud, per bac,No.l .. t ...... uo to M O Bread, per ba&, Nee'!...... 00 to 8.10 Btef, per brl .................. 1 .00 to 18.00 tcero.ene 011, per caUoo ... 0.281 to 0.26 Bar1 per ton .................. .JN.()O Fodoer, pn ton ............... .ti.OO &o 1300 Peu, per brl, rouod .......... ~.50 LO 4.60 Peu, per brl., rouod ...... lUO to 2..50 Peu, per 8.90 &o G 60

..... UIS to 8 ~; DUIIDU""""'"' "" 65 &o

'1'01'""10, •• 0.~9 to 0.70 --·.~-· ...... 1.80 to 1.40

.eaolr 180 1"0&&104!a, pe.r brt. ............. 2.60

per bd ................ 2.60 Panalpa. per brl ............. 2 80 Ch .... , per lb .................. 0.18to 0.184 Bam, per lb,. Oanadb.n .... 0.16 &o 0.!!7 Bam, per lb., BaUut. ....... 0.28 &o 0.30 Bam, per lb .. Up&oo'a. ..... 0.28 Baooo, Pfr lb ................. 0.18 lo 0 2.) &a.. per doaen ............... - -oDTOO., per brl ............... _ 2.70 lo 8.00 Coal, per too, N. 8ydoey .... 6..60 Coal per &on An&brt.c:fte ... none ~na, per \,Ox ............ _ 2.80 &o 2.00 Ctarran&t, ~ ow\.. ........... 800 to s...:;o Lea\her, tral"• per lb. ..... _ M7 to o;,.1 Leather, eole. per lb ......... 0.24 to 0.:!;; Luther, ham~, per lb .... 0.85 Leather, 11p!J~ pe.r lb ...... _ 0.25

untJlD, Spruce board, No. 1 .......... 18.00 lo 20.00 Spruce plank, Joltllnr. etud·

din& aDa aeanLiiog- .20.00 lo 24.1'0 lin. p. • &. apruoe Ooorlnr.!!O.OO lo 24-tQ It ln. p • .t &. tpruoe 8~

I.Jig ...... _ ............... .90.00 to 24.00 It ln. p . .t ~ IJ)naee Ooor-

htf ....... M ............ -.90.00 lo 24.f~l Pine board, (cloar) ......... - 40.00 to 60.(11.1 Bard wood pl.nlt ............ ..80.00 LO 30.00 Sbloclee, eeder~.,!fo.J~er M. 4.80 Sblnglea, p!oe, .L"lo.l..... None. 8blo1Jee, trr., No.1........... L80. .La\bi.............................. 00. ~ ...... ·-················· t.o l .G() Tbe abcmt qu.Aa&looa are boltu lc -Trade Rfo•lew.

Post Office Notice I It abould l)e o~rved that t he

poatal Act p\'0\'ldes that " E\"er\' •• person who i& i:nown to have useil "or attempts to ll.'le :aa prepayment "of poataare on an1 letter, or mail­" able mafter poated in Newfound· "land, postage stamp.. post cards. "stamped enYelopea or "''rapperll "whicfi hue been USEO FOR A "LIKE PURPOSE aball Incur a "peaalt7 not exceedln' $4<. oo Cor "e'Yer)' sucb offence."

I B. J • .B. WOOD .. WANTED.-FAlTi:h'UL P ER·

SONS to tr:l.\"el for well eata.blishc•~ bouse Ia a few countiea, callin~ uu retallmercba.ntAa.nd ag-ents. Lo.:al territor')'. f-ialllry $102~ a. year and expenaea. payable $19.70 a week in cat~h and ezpentea adnnced. P o .. i· tion perma.neot. Bualneu '"~cct , .. ful and ruabiaf. Stnoda?d Hou .:. 334 Dearborn St., Cbtcaco-26in.


• Gas and <1asql~ne. Engines

Fairhan:lfs!' S~andard Scal~s .Wrought Iron Pipe,

Valves and Fittings.

catalogues and prices mailed ori request.

I Dr. MORSE'S Root Pills.

Dr· Morse's Indian ROOT PILLS


- To Save Doctors Bills, Or. Morse's Indian Root Pills. B-;;t~TPIU in Use I

Shylock ~ $e ~ Who ' wanted • 'Powxl. of ""human

flesh. ~· are: ~any SbyJocks a.qw,. the convale&-~ the toosumpti~ the sfcldy child. the pale ~ng

1-w•:ma.n. all want human flesh and they can get it-tab Scott's EmulSion. , · Scott•s ~ion is flesh. and blood, bODe and muscle. It feeds the QerYeS. strengthens the digestive organs and Che, feed the whole body.

yere coan~llecl to ~ fret~h liab ; bat be l&id a · b:lt there i~t not ode fro bc:giaing- to end in tbla bUl regar export-.&tlon of freah flab; an lo it providt:11 for a meaaa of ia ag the catch by a coaataat 11apply o1 bait-the gTeat delideratum~u outlet for fre11h fi11h aucb as would prevent congealed salt fish m:trket• je en· tircly IOM &ight of. Mil auch a otea&ure ltltis{y tbc fiaber#len of this colony'?~te price wbica any company mua barge for b:Ut will be con11idet hiJ:h rate by the fiabermen. and t lstheywbotbrough tnxatiou, mu~ot provide tbe bounty wbich secures them the b.,it ; but

f • I apendinr your J.oney for wotth· ·

:;) leu midlclnu and buy 1 boltle of


THAT Utey won't profit by more bait ot: • . £ • more fJ.Sh until a better demnnd for will pocwe of tneltlmable nlue, fish has been created. and tbia nloue a u it t1 almo~ unain to cure can bring- about better prices. Any·

UU"18UIOU, tolling- that WiiJ ptoride an OUUet for a cooaidcrnble ~rtioo of our tjah iu a freah condltro1S';' he is ready to s upport, and he belieycd in tile JrOY• ernment nuiatiog iu n reasonable way any agency working within pro­per linea to attend that object bat he CloeA not belinl! ia lfOTero•~t in· alatfng that it ma't be dooe accord· ing to theirtfdea--, aad that it mu&t be a close monopoly. He submitted that this is not the beat wa1 or t).te proper wn1 to encourage aa-export freah·fiah buaiocu, and that if be- • ... .,; . .:. ro gina at the wrong-end. If we are to m m ~ ~ .e belieYe the half of what we bear, it ·U ~ o c:> ::I ia not bait to catch more fish that ~ C:O ;?;- -o~ 12 forma our .immediate need, bat .-.. r-c -:: c:> d

where can we tind a demand for Q ,.0 a ~ g more fieh tbaa we ehall be able to ·~ '" s ~ ·:-:: aupply? Thia. to hi~< mind, is what 8 .. ':' ~ u the go\'erament should coqaidet' be· ,!::4 ~ d ~ !ore placing before them propoaals ... J.-4 .& ~~ for ao1 such expenditures a& are rl1 O o: z gf here intended. One other proYiso Q) <D c p., . ,.... ~ -= s-cs in this bill s truck him aa pecultar. 1'-4 It 'nndR: .. J,.lability for RaJment .-t ~ 0 'c e § shall not nttacb until the company ,0 ~ ~;;, C:O ~ P-ro" has flatie6ed the GoYernor... Pre- ~ § m u -; ~ c:> s untably the go\'ernment of -the cor- 1M C%1 ..,.... ~ 1:: ·;·~ ony is meant. but ia this not most "V ~ -v 0 o' ~: ,...; unusual. It bu not occurr~ \a ~ ~ - a5 r-c .. c:: s.. bill which b aa ef"el" come under b&l •.1.1 Q) .d c; G) a notice. He admitted the necessity

0z ~ 0 · ..::: '0 ,

l::!~~~ or esportera. an leu new of aa effort to test the ~ssibilities ... ,..... ~ <D ~ oaUet are aecuted. Be o{ freah·fiah exportation. but be cu.n ~ · f-J .:! ~~

t<'ll,nt~suled that this bill ~eeurea ao aee no merit in this bill, and mur.t I'Zl rJf t1l : ~ .a 1aeh outlet; for a compau1 c:an anil' vote a~:tinst it. He should li~e. how- p.. ...f.;) ..,.... t ..!! -g of ita prOYilioas and not export a e-rer to aee a select commtttee llp- I $:1 -~ "O ~ c= aiagle qaiaW of fiah, Like many pointe<! to consider and report upon Q) M ~ ~ oc: otber billa tJiat we haft had before & bill. d m >. Q. CP

u, we abaU. ao doabt. be tol4 ibat Ron. Mr. Greene op~&e'tl the. sec- J;:l .D = .~ .o aac:h ia not the "ioteuliort." and the ood ~adiug o{ this bill because :- ,..., ] 0 ali> more uacertaiaty aad antiquity con· .ht, it makes no proTision for the f-J ..... ~ 8 tallied la ita proriaioas tbe more uportatiou of !re&h fiah ; 2nd. it · Q. ;


~ ~ complete ud aatiafactorJ will tht c:rentea a mQnopory : 3rdl it grnnls 0 - 1.0 biD bo ~rd«l by Ita proanotera. a aubsidy ; 4th. it. is ~ceptiooal. in ~ ,..:) ' 3 a He yu clirlou .to know lf the bon. granting ca:empt1on from dutJea, .-::::1 ; S o the repreaeatatiYe of. tbo goTero· aud at a later stage J:l)ay propoee t--.,-----..-:--o. .... · ___ .... __ meat would undertake to enlighten s uch a courae. ·

OS rapectiag the real mt;aalng or Hoo. Mr. Baird \Yillhed to .. , ,. a ··a · ue ..... --.. ..:--1::::;. .. .-inteatloa of cl¥10 (a). e.ectioo 3~-;- few words on the bill before the. ·. : ~ 'J • -

" Tlaat the company shall \Yitbta house. He was sorry to ba•c to t>:ly g meat erect Ill fbe colony oa a aite to comme.udiu,:r it.elf to his approval. ~

. .

ooe-,ear.from the date of tbe a.fTee· that he could not regard the bill a a ,. • • U .• 1 n ft

be~ DP.OD• acold.atorage ware- Re waa fUlly in accord with tbe boa.e. mach&Dery, boalen, eas-tnee -.lews expreaaed by hia boa. .ad oaddalr boase and machulery Mr. Blsliop, aQd t~o!Jgbt that . -for t'be reduction of. otfal a~.,oll- bou. gentle111en sbouJd consider

fish m~tenal, ba.YJII" a. what they were doing- before giYing a.tDac:sn of !reeatng at least tlitrty their aanction to this -measure.

fiah iD lwent~·four What Ute object of tbe bill waa be, waftiiiOtllMI capac: ~f Mr. B., coul<J not sec unless it wa11

b_!_!d..! .. llf~- ( to create a monopoly that would be .._. ..... """•

0.. more likely to be a source of dia·

twenty-four houra. satisfaction than unythiOg' ~lae. Be SY USING What~ earth Ia the ·meaolng of understood that we were to have -.

tblt.? Tobia mind mean bill for the encouraJrement of cold a paaolacto..,. Tb11 must storage. but tbie bill seems to be Dr. Morse'slndltn Roof PHi~ coidaaed with the bait depot.a which rather a complicated one. The tbe bill p10rides Ioria aoo~ber para· third section provided f6r the mann-

f!: THEY aro Ills R..omedJ that th• I bount@ul h11rtd of natul'B bua

,, orld1d (of all diiii.UI arl&!r.~ (ron: ,lli'URE BLOOD. ~

••••• Morse's are••• ... c ... ,., •• n .. o c ··~ u.aa.o.un.;

l't: UtOiiiiTIO~. l.n~U C' ... 'l.U:n', Dllll~

P 'II •• £.. -=·"'· a .. 1 s \ I'll:: UL£ IT ILl. ~~t~S


~pb. and which be netJeed gave facture or guano from certain fisft nception Ba7 that requir~ ao!'e ofJ'al and in his opinion the pl'oyj. lelt ~ 8ve depots: while dts-t sioos or this section were altogether

trlcta that bave.~rm<?us coall unreasonable nod auch as could llne-&a in caae of"Piacenb-.and St. ne•er be carried into effect. Why Mary's, comprialag three baya, the mix up the manura,ture of guano whole of whoae population .a~ fieb· with cold storage? Be, Mr. B., waa ermen-must be con teat wtthtn .one quite surprised to ftnd that a bill so c}epot. Tl&la pa~ph pro·ndea impracticable and so imperfect (or a eite clearly aadtcating- that llbould be presente<.l to this bouse. one cold sto~ wareb~se. or Be bad e.tpecled to see :r bill intro­gualto factory l8 all ~~at Jl ahpu· duced dealing with colct atorage lated for. The conditions of the alou~. and one that wonll be prnc. bill are that two hundred ILDd iil9' ticable and that would commend it­tbonlllDd dotlara ($250,000) must .tie self to the good senae of this branch

upended OD baiJciiD.I'e and macbtn• of the legislature. It WllS DOt 3 bill n•~r=:=~~='l=U=·=D=It\==~=-=·:III=;'I.S;r.J:Jl';lll;;-~ ... ery, aad two handreCl thousand ®1· dealing with th~ manufacture of laUI per auoum for flab, &c. The guano or fish offul that we wanted· 1 bait cJepots will coat. he aeau~ed, but our bearing on tbe staple pro- Tho Wholo Story tbe $250.000: and to keep thtrty duct of the country. and holding out In o. Iotter 1 tons of bait at all times in tbe d~- some hope that our g reat atapfe in-pot wiJI certainly entailnn CX~Ddl- dustry \VOUJd be benefitt<:<l then: b)'• ~Q·tn•)(,· \\ew ture of two hand red thousand ($200,· 1{ he. Mr. B .. could find anything m \ 000). But assuring that wo are ~o the bill to lead. him to hope tbat ("u" 11.0fu'.)

l .ai'fllaer not what on the btll what was sometimes termed "coo-what is the lntenhon of the got"· ~ted markets" would be relieved ., r:!~::.. tn·!:'>~~~,::. ~i:.~

erament. an e.q>eoditure of $200,000 1f. we pa sed it be wou!d most -.I'll· J> ... n»' l'.uot·ll:n.ut" r ... ,..,,.. r .. ,.,.,_ ucalledfor, ll'leanlonlyonemont~'a Jingly accord ft bia apport-. But ~,.:14=1~ ..... ~f.!:..~Uy~i operation at the tllinlm1_1m capactt 1 would not· have this effect; Ute lletalli.:cBh> ...l.T-'Uoa. J lla•• ~~~>beoi-of the ware houae. Thta it all that only hope in thia direction mus t ~~~~~..!J':,'b.;!J.~ "~ woald be required if il company come !rom an improved method for llH<t hternau

7 and _.n,..

curing our staple product. Our fi&h Ttro&Ua, ~-•c.l~ could ne~r hold ita own iu the truU'ket-. but would always be nt a disadvantag-e n• long a11 the cure. wae neglected u at the prc~nt time. A defectl'-e method Ol cure was the chief catrse why our fiah bad aufJ'ered depn:cialion ju compe· tition with other fish in the Con:t{:"n marketa. J( tbe government would take this matter. up and conaider tbe adri&abllity of giving a.. prcm· ium to fishermen on aucb fiah " might come up toacertaiu standard of cure. then they would do very much more {:"ood than they possibly could do by wuating- their lime with such n measure os that before lbia bou~. Uc. :'11r. D .. did not wis1l to convey the idea that he "n• oppo:a­ed to colt.l .. torn{:"e. tre \vns not op­poscJ to at, but he land to confess that his faith in. the in the pre~cot !Jill was tcry atJ)nJI. lntlecd. Tak· in~:" the bill ns it stand • Mr. B. C()ultl tocnrccly conceive w)1at Wna its

.<,:j:~tl):: ,~:~::~~~:.::~~~:~·~~ tho ·~or torturQii IUillhf C\Jr mercy. lllvC' on> mc.-rc.r In tho tdrm oc All<•n•• l.UllJt • 111m, whleh I• u"<!d '' lth t\)\)d t-ft't'Ct ovtn lo conaumJtllon'll tla'fly eta;tw. • · o,·er u.-gle.:ta oouah,


· ~UE[ Jnsuranc-e Coa L011t in the Great' ConOagro­

ti.on the &um

$541,ooo and the

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. paid out to 898 of its .patrons, .rhose policies were involv€!d in the ~~~ exactly tL similar o.mount, VIZ.,

$541,000 · JOHN CORMA.CK,

Agent, St. John's, JOHN FOLE-Y,

.Age.ot, Harbo~· Grnce •


Jleid · undland Co'•· System of Railway and Steamers, ,

and visit Notre Dame, Trinity, Bona vista, abet' Placentia Bars; or take a trip ar:ound the Island, and to

Via ~) o~s~ds~!!~ t;l.,d~H~.i. ilie~e by Labrador steamer.

Dialog and Sleeping Cart on' all Espreu Trahia. Steam en dord e•ery mod•m comlorL

CasWia and the United Stutes,. who intend uOJd Home," to tee that their tic.ket read

... ,._.., _ _ ,..,.,_Newfoundland CompaaJ'a R~ay a ncl ,...,,_,,..... to ia Newfou~Uand b,·

Ra.ilw-a'i. ia Canada or Uic

'What 'makea hb hoa.te and fence look 10 ~lc IUIClapao, IUICIIWJlteU you that 1.1 ta P.A.R801C8' PAilC'.l'-the b8t ln t he -ltn. Ueotln, ~om teal, durable

" oh.-p.-ReedJ for -. a gallon roe. a ar-t wa:J' aa4 pN ample return for what II 001~ call per-. Uuurpau · eel u a pnMrnUn, st•e. handtomo llllbh,la1tbUatered b7 tbeallnora1Ject· b7 the-ther. A porteclpalnt. Wbho kaltomi.De, red ADd 7ellow ochr-.

PIIUQliiAt-Wi • .John Forrlatal (wbo.

Water Street.-

• ., lteltgtap!). --;;;; Yoai, .Jctnc 2t.

Wllmlngton. n.l-A llflt'O IWDed Oco ~. wu taro boa tho jail Mn~ by " fllrfou mob eacJ bu:naecl at tho atakc on a.. -ne wb6nl be cd.mJD&UJ-ulloed aad mwderoct a white oleqyman'il daagbter. Flw tboaaad peoplo wit· neo.ed hla death llfJOIIIN. Thl\ trolly oompaulea ran apectal car. to the tuner­al PYTO to accommodate the CJ'OWd.f.

Be.lpad, ................ _ fl'Gia OMlr IO"ft ....... Ute l'nMh, Dateh, .. '1'wldda ........ JDUowed BrtUab Dalatater'a example lllcllett Bel· 8falle 7Ntud&J, u their OOillltrila will not reeogol.o the:Be"~aP rttt- It I& undentooellba& Ule $-at·=to be au b. mlttecl to Kine Po~ 'nu aa act pre­~recl bJ the )(J.D!Aer o1 l srant­J.Dc amneaty to all JIOIIUoal o«ad41rs.

Londo_ A_.,_... ,_ roached 1..tada.T "'hrMD the •, 1aDdJordl aad piw.-...., whereby aortou "'PPI"'d ... to lrtab laad bl1l ,.,Il l be 111tlldnnra. .fta lllMnN which eomeo liP Ooamou to-day II now llkelJ 2 epoedJI,. paeaed.

IAad Tbe a«omptof tho "French· lll&D IMQaoa Latancl,r, to a tart a ltiDa'do1R on Weal eout of Africa, 11M oaaMd • ~r lD Britlah Ul4 Spanub ~ornmoata.

Pan.-e.oaoe Dnmont yeaterda.;r nil· ecl onr Parta ta:hla now alnhfl~J after. W1U'Clt clropplna clO'II'll lD front of hl~ own boOM ~r brealttut, whJoh ahowed be bad tho alnhJp 11Dd~ abeolntc con· trol all lbe time.

N-York,.Tuno~ Now York-8lrThomu Lipton arrln•d

yMterday on tho •4umahlp ~anlc• Be WU&Ifto a rolWq reooptlon. :\Ia· ~eral Corblo welcomocl h1m on boba1t of Prtllcloat. Rooaot~t~~ tho• gl\·· lq the yaeM nee oftiolal tocogalllor:· Upton wu:lDYitecl to Ute White B ou"V'

LoacJoe-<:hJef Secntar,. Wyodh~rn lD tbe Bon.. o1 Commou )'eaterday ln­troclacecl au amendment deaJaned 10 rt'· mo .... obetnac*a to the L4nd BJlL 1 1 ~ ..-lnd cloDM eheen and oonsratuln· tiona from the NaUonalllt benchca. T l"' but feelJar aow pren111. Millo c1o1na from Loadoa, QDiado, 10me

foal' W'Mitll ~OU I Ylalt)1 left for 8t. ..... ,,.,.,.,lohn't on MOicl&y, where btl wW ~~pend

a r.w cl•JW ~ro 1-noc tor home. Mr. PDrrttital oaJoJ'ocl la .. t)dd 'riall to Harbor Onoo, aicf ol4 frleDd.t u wo.U aa th - 01100 were plouecl to ......

-...Tad-Kina Peter arrived here nr 10 o'eloek )"Nterclay mornlna. B e wll· mol at Ule railway atetlon by Sen'lan oblnet, and wu formally IIUtalled In the new~ Th ty wu alven up to NJofcsbiiiMt af&'ll t.

-Jt;!laof tile BalifazScbool foe tbe will be lien aut week. ucl ci_ye a CIOIICIIIt bd exhlbi-tioa of ttiar aldU lD 8t. Paal'a Ball 011 WlidCf.· CUboaear, Bay ltoberb, '1i Coateot aocl otber p1licee ate to be 'flaited. Dr. Frater, U.. aai*lateaclellt of tbe Jaetitu· ~ w11l bela daaree of the part,, CIM Gf wbo-. 'BaiP.b Moqaa, Ia a

• .-........ of S.leOil O,te. Tbc GoY· of ~ ia JllOAeJ

tile object of tbe .......... ~ la to make ua

hoaa tile oftlie

.. ....._.JiaMr ONee. Mr.· J'. will

....... make auothor 'l'falt to IU DOJtt

~:,.. J. L~ob, P.P~ Llt11o Bay, wu borolaat week on a vUlt to bls mother and ttlenda. Be It now ln St. .rolla•., and will return qaln 1n a tow daya time. Dartoc b .. frlp, It .. l.a'-odecl to make au r.PIIialto fr~Ocb tor uatataoco to warda &lie oreotloD ot • now C~arob ancl rr.b,.~ at Little Bay, to"teplMe tb- riiOIIDtly clea...,-od by llro. The loot to 1bo rOY. centleman and bla doek waaao •mall oao; and hla ap))ell11rillao cloubt meet wltb a r041dJ'aoa •ubetanUal

~:':i.ev. J. T. Newman and Mra. Yew~~aao "me hlther OD Satarday from Bonnlata, oa lbelr w9 to 8&. lobn'l, whore )lb. Newmau wtll atleod tbt Con· ~NDCO. Wblle heN tho7 were tho POIC. of Kr. B. H. Panou, &lid &IMk fdeucb wore pleeaecl to aee thea here 00

r:...1fts.ymou1 ot Rel4 NM C~ la bore T.:ndl~ a 1ow dap wtth ltlj

two..'r~w~ Mlile wtanlo MoNab. are to aa. ID&tiMclln lH..Jobn•a on )[~. The .,...t prom~ to bo ¥fte "' biiportaDt OM;

Mr • .JobOoetea,t!!•lYof *U town, la DOW ID KaMui ~Yl leo and .. I'U• aaaed with tMJIIdl~~ae~B el"G. xr. l'. .. ~., lD 1 letclr to a fi 1lcl h~>re,' --• 5.11 wn bot, the r~ oeat ralu we.. U.. ... t tor~ c:aa-= or.-.w... tonr

W ... bJn&tblt-It la ro ted here thor the United 8tatea Allula r to Sen I~< will toUow tho oxamplo ol ropreaen· tau,.. of Oreat Brttai.D, Oormany ami ot.ber powen by r.tuatng 10 rC!C<>j;· alae tho now 8erf1an JOVOr;nmen t.

l.oocloD-alnely--eJgbt Unlolllat mem· bert of tho Commooa bold a meeting"' WcermJ.Dater yoaterday, ~od pledgl-d tho101e.h·ea to aupport Obamberlaln"• a-t polfoy.

Tho Khedive ol Egyp~ arrh·ecl her< Jul lllcbt on a week 'a prlnte vlalt.

THE WORLDYEEDS N ERYE. N~a ltln bulneu.ln tbeatudy, In

the hoaaebold. lrrllabJIIty, woakn,.,. •. laok ot •treqatb-tbe blue foellng-wh' tlle7 Juat tell 1011 that :yo" lack ncn ; .. You•n oae Ferroaone? My what an •1~ poUte .J:OU'U aea. How qctlckly th• color will ntun .to JOur cheelc~t, ho11 bnof..OlfOil Will fcoll Wo?klot cour., you M wort. tor rou wUlenJoy iL Th~tr U, It yon wlU nae 1-'enozone. h glv<'• n~>rve atronj!tb1 muaoular enduran~' and lnYigwa&eo tbe brata ~pl~>ndldil . Sold by all drqpt~t--and m«Uclne deal· on.

-Tho lrar1 ~nd tho Cyprua ulled tbl• lfornlna for Labrador. The St. ClaroiiDCI Vollul ... r are tlaoouly labra· clor. lollooaen lot& In port. ,