:morrissey; ot -...

- . Ji. :MoRRISSEY; . . .- Ot ? . ' VOLUME XXXIII DOJ.LABR PltR . HARBOR FRIDAY, '10, 1892, ( SINGLR COPIES TWO CENTS) NGltBER 46 -CLOSIS UP -fb1t Water rlealert will cloae their bnlioe11 placet at. G o'clock: p m on MoodaJ, for \he aamm•r eeaeoo --- -FlRST E..'tCORSION-1 he Societf United Fith· ermen intend comieg hither oo Tburaday next T hia ia the firJt ncnnion for the aeaeon Codfteh anri ltl!en PCilrCI' lo tbe m;ket tbe rlay11 Tbi11 cf?I03o 't prn.e t hat there il bu t rathr r lh&t •th ll ""' buay either preparioll Cor tbe lAbrador or elae areJempl , oyed at their . ' T HE ANNUAL MEETING of tbe PROf!RIEfORS of tbie Compuy, to the \_. ot of lnoorpor"tioo. will be beld ., 1 Sl o'olo< 'bn SATOIID,\Y, JUNI: nu,, at the _'9uee, in Hackworth Street. for for the porpoJit of eleotina Direoton, and for the dupatoh of'-.bu•io e1111 (By order of the Roard) . GOLDIE. Juae 7 Managu ·A. B. LEHR, Donttst. --o- omoe-1 Gordon Lodge,' Water Street Beat, Harbor cttace. OJBoe Boura-from 10 to l pm ; from D to 5pm rar tlatiafaction Examination free A29 CARD! -Capt w Pc: drl ia now on tbe ahp Judging from the mll8 of m. uauls and other marine growth on her 1t moat be yean sin ce ahe W4l' taken up She 1.1 an . -.a 11 et. being years at:o one of the Br1ga1 tee- She it a fino ataunoh craft Nfld, - Raiiway. W. HOGAN, M.D., - · DIED -William Poole. nn able aeamsn on the s chooner Willie McGmcau died at the Marine Hoepital on tbe 12th MaJ Be wna 41 yeara or ajle. and' Jea• ea a wife and six young children in Newfoundl'fd-B r Colnni&t, May IS -Gor:-oo FoR SMm-Quite a of our R C citizens were buay to.d ay J!elhOC! the achoooer l.kllt (belonainsr to Me!'Sr& .l obo hlonn & C'o) ready to to Salmon Co;o . for n of saud for t he Cnpt N Fttz2ersld ta In : and prominent n.mon2. helpers are Meaara Patrick Farrell, Den1a ::,bes and others of tho t owoameu - FtRSr B4NitER R H Prowee & Sons' banker Rtltna Mhy , arri•ed here on Tuett- (lav niaht from the Cap She laod o.d 215 qtla codfish (equal lo dry) and lU qts bah- bot Tbe weather w11 extremely rou11h oo the for 15 da11 it wu iaJponible to a dory ourboard Fiah wu not nry plenttfnl. Her may be reckoned u a good et.a rt for the aeuon · -FoP. LABRADOR- e S /ctl and Capt Cartle aalltd veaterday mornin2 for Ltbrador with deal- ere and orewa of Mr G Apeey and Capt T Hay- den oo board Se•eral achoooere are a ow about ready to lean bot owing to reported to be·oo northern cout many think: It u well Ia port for a day or two u to lean The Celuity the Swallow and anent other will depart on Moaday ahoald a time offer . . - ·- 1' ChJ nge of Time. ON aod after ' Mobday. June l Sth, Regular Trains will be r un u follows, daily (Sunday• excepterl): Lean St. John'• 10 00 a.m., aod ar- rive at Harbor Grace 3 SO p m. Lena lhrbor UracA 12 00. -anr arrivo at St . John's 5 15 p m. E XTRA TRA : NS -St. John's to Monday moroiat a at G 00: return ing will leave 7 SO;.. T opsail 8 00; arriving e.t St J"ho '" 8 50 a .m St Jubo ' 11 to I Tburadaya at 2 liO p m. returning will '' .vo Holyrood, 1 SO; Kelligrewa 8 Maouola :i'-2:>; 'fopaail M.40; arri•iog at St. John's at p.m. StJohn's to ':elligre,.a,Satorday11 at 6.45 p.m. r eto roiog will I 'ave Kellijlrews 8 10; Topa"il 8 40 i arri•inac • 't se :- Joho 'a 9 sn p m ·K ou od u -will be told at n:ourelon ou Toeei. .a-g od for retoroinQ until tbe following Than Jay ly ; 1nd on Thoreda1•• good for returning uo il the following MoodaJ only Partiea ot more . lfolng to lb.._.. plaS'e, will be allowed ratea aoy.-. da) on rejlnlar ; tickets 10 111utcl b,• ing jlOod for returning the ume or followi.Dg day ool1 When Jraine arrln on time, p ... eogert from St John'• aud Harbor Gnoe, retarDing &be llmt day. will bne retptotiniJ &hlrly, and thirty-an minut.ea at Whi boatDe June 8 T NOBLE, Managtr for MUNN'S FISH FERTILIZER. 'L q Farmer s. Now tho time for F"rme t'll to secure a supply of Olfice and Jl .. ide noe : St. Patrick's St ., Carbonear Office Houra-9 to 10 am.; D to 8 pm.; 7 · to 8 pm. Avoid j ............. ..... (. Ammonia Al¥1 1::::::s omehess BY USING WOO DILL'S GERMAN BAKING Munn & Co., Shipping and Commission Morch._nta, •• 22 ST. JOHN &'.NtKIT, MONTREAL. Special attention glveo to tbft sal e o£ Fish and Fish Oils. A lao, to· tho buying andoeblppiltg Fleor am:l JH O\' il'>ions And Oene ro.l Produc e. AJdress -.Munn, Morit.real. UGSIGNEH & StULPTOR -THr. flJSROP ELECT OF THE Wesr CoA ST- Dr Howley hu lately recei•ed the above cccl esaatical diedoetion Au inflnootiol "nd lorgely attended meetin2-Hoo Mr .Jnati ce Littl e in the ch11i r-wa s hel<i in St Patri ck 'a8Hall, t Jo hn's on Tuesday to roake au.i table ments for his Lo rdl!hif'' il reception Ap pwp t- at e apeeco i!B wero tna,l tt on th e occ:l.• iott ; nnd a committ ee sppoin tllt: Lo tlirect nod prepare 1\ f or th e. evuut A mee tto2 ia to be held th11 cvemog to mnlto t he necessary MU . NN'S FlSH fERTILIZER. KANUFAOTunn AlfD UIPORTU or - STRJCt.:ESTO DEATII-A ead accirle nt occn rr · ' GEMETERY DECOR ATIO NS b I · h A ;mall qua"tit y only is now on hand. I ed e.t St Jobn's on 'fnuday afte rn oon . Y w uc .. -IN- an u afo rtonate m&n, J•c ob Kio11. of 13rond Co•n Fir ML come, tir· ·, sorvorl. Co nception 1\1\y . c:.mo suud.:nl y to his end . h 1\!sti r•IOni ah , fits val no .. a crop increaaer Marble, Scotch and Quincy l ttt'rnl! At 5 4fi o'clocl.: th e tlccl'nn o•l :wnH "' 7nlh nc ar ro tl.lilr co 01i1 J in. jn I ho Brch"' ''·Y d r. ! I•CC•• Ill ... { . 'l •: .' ' , ... ·- I r ur pr icc -libi:O , c b: t u ppl_v at the G!'anites. R tl udull'., wlvu i- 1 ·. -.vi' r r:e•· Uti'. •l ' with ju .. t for 11 c:Ht to o n:r '"" l JORN & Co. wb icb is n st oro, and jtl r tt at th<' womc11t CJ.UTION ! .· s ... . --- 1, )J n1. J ori . Pu l! P ilREY, to hereLy warn llllll l!i' •. ,, .. •icP, to t dl )'t:rao na trPsp:tasiu (Z upua or 1:• wlta te vPr to J o w ilh wy I: . ,.n tl ' hland s, Le.brador, l llllu r .. l to all 11ucl.t, u I pur- poae to UKtt "'' ,. .. iti propert.y my11elf. JOB N PU .• a PH REY. H11rhor Or· .. eo· ,) une 2, 1892Si N()T(CE I .. ALL \\'Ol tK c:s:cc ut ed under persou:tl eupt'r- vi!iorr. OUTPOR'l O KDF:fi S!livon prompt nttontioa Vt:S IG:\ S rurni!lhl•ll by or oth!!rwiao. <.;J:::\1 l"Ud LS aud P111ri s fo r 11r1 t>l 325 & 327 D uclr wort b St., St. Joh n 's . P. 0 . Box 422. ST. J. OHN 40 Upper Jy;zter Street, HAIJFAX, - NOVA SCOTIA. . , . . Mothe r · Seigel's Re111edies. · Just received ex S S. Polino., . . -A Fresh. S'1.1.pp1y or- Mother Seigel's Syrup, · do. - . Pills. do. ·Plasters.·_ W. H. & Co. WHOLESALE RETAIL. Th e balance of o ur stock of New and Fashionable Spring Summer GOODS has just becu I' Cce ivcd ft·nm t he English nnd Scotch markets. The c Goods h aYc been carefully bv our Buyer, and bought nt the v <; r·y hest terms, nnd will be offered to and Retail Plll'- chaset·s at prices th at cannot fa.il to satisfy. \ Ve would oRII at tention to the Milline ry which ia under 6r1t olaaa man• agemPnt and we ll 11tocked with all th o mo11t faahi onabla Novelties of the Season. Th e following Ubenp Lines will b e ofl'dred this week, whiob obanco all our ca.alomen 11honld of- Ladies' Black nnd Celored Mantlt!s (Samples) - half-price Lndies' C0lorcd ·waterproofs ( Princess shApe) -$1.50, worth $ 3. Children';J Snilor HQ.ts, in whit e nud mixed straw, 30 to 50 c -worth double Strip_cQ.. Flannelett es -only 7 cents pcrynrd. roiagonal Suits, Boys' Tweed and Serge Sailor Suit s, Men's and Youths' Tweed nnd In our Boot nnd Shoe De pnrtment ,..ill be fou:td an immense stock of all' kinds of Ladies' nnd Gentlemen's Boots aud Shoes. 15 bales Room Paper-5 cents per piece up. A lot of Cheap Floor Canvas-aU widths. .Ql-.Special prices to \Vholesalc Customers at The Red and White Sign. Water Street. :tv.J:TJN'N' BR..QS. Late Jillard & Bros. Fish Nets, Pounds, Traps and Seines For 1892. · wE INVITE the Fishermen. before they lenve the centres of business to r th e ir aft.ror tho sua soo':t work is ov er, to lll\nd th e ir orders t.o their Merchant, who writA tho UndN-sit ::n cd to m.1ko up for t hem good wares properly moun t ed fo r the seRHon of 1892, 1'0 wp Cf\ n rPCaivf' tlwm in seRson to tukt' pAins and make the we cun. fil'incs for Fortuno Buy sent low·, di rt."Ct from Fac tor y, Lv tbo Gloucust.er winter fioct. _; · WILLIAM STOWE, For Gloucester Net and '£wine Co, :3upt l ,S } .. ---, 11 lr 111 1 Whell. getting ready for ! J' ,. 1 T .: - 'Picnics and Excursions -- 7;" - M ake Sandwiches with - ..on. .... ' Fluid :Beef Spr't!ad 0 11 th in lices of Bread and Butter. Delicious ! Economical I Nutricious ! Michael Kelly. " C'lrml\o, C'\tOe ioto I be nrch · w ay with a·lo1.rl or :hu r nn his cart pcc Jh r coost r nc lioo of tho 1 I!·• cit that t " '' cart bn to deri• · ncnrly half 1\ circle to t ur - Di og ond b Rr t•ly J::riiZin>t tho "nll11, while a post " '' ich llliiDdi ther. ' shb "'s the Dlllrka Of frttqu eot coiJieionl! wi1h 1\:ld WOc!I?IR Mr Wbtte . the storekeep er of the fi rm . tbe wharf "fler the da.y'1 wo rk, met the aJan In tbe ar obway and tbey both etood aelde to uold a c1rt whl. ch came before thie one Mr W t. ite then paaaed on and only by eoteriDIIl au open etable door did be eJOif>O Kelly'• 'fehiole. He continued hia way aod then beard a jlroan and eaw the mao Klo2 etanding witb hla l'laode pre11ed ljlliDit bie abdomen He eoqolred ir wae hnrt, and recelnd an aftitmatln aoewtr and thea the man etaggered a fe• atep1 ,__ and lay doWD 00 the around Wbite 111p. We lr've notice that no penon &-AooommodaUon for Permanent and 'l'ranaient Boardora !lewfoundlandora pulllDg throuch llaU- tax Will &lwaya be welcum.od at the at. .JohD !loUM . HE . RIES! ' . ported him u well u pontble, and Mr Cbarlu poueasion ul or 61th at the ltlltion at Lab• M 1 rebatl, who theo appeared, aammon. ed Mr J ' ra•lor, nr,.r Snnq Harbor. known .•• tbe T O'Mara He 11pplled eomo re11torau•e.c . •nd " l:i alUJ on Ul ltJk," without permi11aion of with t e ueistanee of Mr J Da..•"· of M !\lou- JOHN MUNN & Co. roe's the Q,nfortauate mao Wil l c?mf? rt- .t:Iar b 'l r Sl, 1892. " le till Dr Keepo arrind After uarc.loi\Uoo. :rJ.<OTJ CE I tb octor ordered bim to the aod N Sa Joseph O' Driae procured a carrial(e and too cb•rge of hi m. but Ire exoired oo tho way t here K-elly WM taken into coat.o dy and Jodjl e Prow1e au inquiry ..- RrilJ wu a married mao, with eight childr e n, and u 47 y.,ar1 old It ie euppoaed King "lUI caught between tho poet abon r ererred to a od tho ebeft of t be oort, and bia chet* aad abdomen oruab•d MA.B.B.IAGBS At Sl.. Jobo' a, oo the 8th •92. at St. 'l'ho mu•a Ohorcb bY' tbe Be•. Arthur Wood, Jamea lngTam, aeooad 'voo af T. B. logram. Ll n rpool, Eoglaad, to Ellu.both Victoria, youogea LdaoiJbter or t he Jato J . P. Frecker, E3q 1 Ualt.od CoD.Iul ,r St l4fqoeloo At tho Methodist Ohol'eb. by the flo• Oto· Palao, llr Ol&rke. ol Crocker'- Co•"• to l>tary lalla , ieoxld or Mr L tUmmon11, or lto1qalto Oo Way u tho AhtltodJn P•re ouage, l"OJCo, by t'ba B.eY U r ,\11; .,-t Stoventou, or Jiaroor Graeo, to ll lu Emma J,•yrc.so, of Po&o. DBA'l'HS. Oil WtdDMd•v t!TtOfll8', Jfter one diJI Ulne.1, Wll· llul.,oaiJIOIInf Bobert•UU .6meli•Georp,apcU Jtara. Af Boeloa, 17th !oat., .ttw a brief m .... , Nlcbolu Galllftll, toa of llflobo ... aacl the J.a. Marprr « G•llana, apa ft yaara, a Detfn ol tblt city, 1••- lqa ..U. aDCI &wo dallclr.a A& Vletorfa Geoeral l:loeptul, tDth lnat , O..p E.... , 1p\ IZ Jean, a Md•e o1 Nmo.Dcllaacl. A' llrflru, oa J11ue kb, dill' a HDPrl .. 111114111, Gtorp. .,_ li y•re, tlclttt toa Of Alben ad the lale &!lfpl _ Hc.rwoocl ., 1L 1 OD tht itb fllaf, aflllf' prtttraot..t Ill• The underaigned beg to inform the traJe ' that h"ving juct put up a nlw and improved M11chiue ry for the Mo.uufaoture of MUN'N'S LIQUIJJ FISH GLUE, they are Pl'i!Jlt ed to till for any qnan• tity,-io cukyfrom 6 to •o tallona; ln O&DJ iron 1 pllon t pint; alao, in 1 and 2 OL by 'be 'lroa. We cba.llepge the strength of t.hia Art.iole apinat all OompeUtora. JO RN MUNN & CO., ..... B.usoa GRAo• . '11 E. W. Out.DB&, at tbe Beach Premitei,.)larbor f26t( NOlin promp\ a\tatloa. - . c.r... Vlt'f'OIUA-' W.fr.la B2Uial; BMUIOII QIWC:li, lf: /!• JOHN H.ti1TRY, PBOPJ.J&TO .. GENERAL laa\lranca GaapaaJ . FIRE AND LIFE EBTAJ3LIBHED A. D. 1837 HEA.I>-OFlqCE: NET & TWINB 84 BOSTON, MANUFACTUF:.ERS OF 130 CANNON S'tREE'JX LONDON,. F.. 0 capttal:-.el:'oo o, 900 stg. COD, HERKING & CAPLIN SEINES. -.A.WO·-· Inauranoea effected on almoat all klndt of oroperty in Newfoundland at J. AUGUSTUS OLDT, AgW for NN{ourtdlGnd E. B, THOMPSON, b.,., for Hafltw fhwtJL Por &al.e. A second-hand English Up · .} rltrht wllrftDMclln 1oocl oondlc.ioo. &rdDUD omoe. A8tf HERRING -ALL OP' THE VERY BEST QUALITY AND MA.DE OUR- \ SHEPARD . GOLD MEDAL . TWINES of which we are the exoln.ain mannt'aoturer., .: ...... .. .. ·.

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- .

Ji. :MoRRISSEY; . . .-

Ot •


-CLOSIS UP -fb1t Water S~reet rlealert will cloae their bnlioe11 placet at. G o'clock: p m on MoodaJ, for \he aamm•r eeaeoo ---

-FlRST E..'tCORSION-1 he Societf United Fith· ermen intend comieg hither oo Tburaday next T hia ia the firJt ncnnion for the aeaeon

Codfteh anri Sal~•t' ltl!en PCilrCI' lo tbe m;ket tbe p~~at f~w rlay11 Tbi11 cf?I03o ' t prn.e that there il nosfi~b but rathrr lh&t•thll ID~n ""' buay either preparioll Cor tbe lAbrador or elae areJempl,oyed at their ~:roan~

. '

T HE ANNUAL G~N~;RAL MEETING of tbe PROf!RIEfORS of tbie Compuy,

~uNnao~ to the \_.ot of lnoorpor"tioo. will be beld ., 1 Sl o'olo< 'bn SATOIID,\Y, 18~b JUNI: nu,, at the H•nkin~tp _'9uee, in Hackworth Street. for for the porpoJit of eleotina Direoton, and for the dupatoh of'-.bu•io e1111 •

(By order of the Roard). JAM~ GOLDIE.

Juae 7 Managu

·A. B. LEHR, Donttst. --o-

omoe-1 Gordon Lodge,' Water Street Beat, Harbor cttace.

OJBoe Boura-from 10 to l pm ; from D to 5pm •

rar tlatiafaction guars\i~d Examination free A29

CARD! -Capt w II P-I\n~S8)''elhri t!tt Pc:drl ia now on

tbe ahp Judging from the mll8 of m.uauls and other marine growth on he r bot~.m 1t moat be yean since ahe W4l' taken up She 1.1 an . old-~me -.a11et. being years at:o one of the Br1ga1 tee­hun~re She it a fino ataunoh craft

Nfld, - Raiiway. W. HOGAN, M.D.,

- ·DIED-William Poole. nn able aeamsn on the schooner Willie McGmcau died at the Marine Hoepital on tbe 12th MaJ Be wna 41 yeara or ajle. and' Jea• ea a wife and six young children in Newfoundl'fd-B r Colnni&t, May I S

-Gor:-oo FoR SMm-Quite a numbo~ of our R C citizens were buay to.day J!elhOC! the achoooer l.kllt (belonainsr to Me!'Sr& .l obo hlonn & C'o) ready to ~o to Salmon Co;o .for n l ol\~ of saud for the C"th~dral Cnpt N Fttz2ersld ta In ebar~e : and prominent n.mon2. th~ helpers are Meaara Patrick Farrell, Den1a ::,bes and others of tho towoameu

- FtRSr B4NitER ~Ieana R H Prowee & Sons' banker Rtltna Mhy, arri•ed here on Tuett­(lav niaht from the Fl,mit~h Cap She laodo.d 215 qtla codfish (equal lo dry) and lU qts bah­bot Tbe weather w11 extremely rou11h oo the ~rounda; for 15 da11 it wu iaJponible to ~et a dory ourboard Fiah wu not nry plenttfnl. Her c~tcb may be reckoned u a good et.art for the aeuon

· -FoP. LABRADOR- e S /ctland Capt Cartle aalltd veaterday mornin2 for Ltbrador with deal­ere and orewa of Mr G Apeey and Capt T Hay­den oo board

Se•eral achoooere are a ow about ready to lean bot owing to the\icejbeln~t reported to be·oo t~e northern cout many think: It u well tb.rem~to Ia port for a day or two u to lean The Celuity the Swallow and anent other will depart on Moaday ahoald a time offer

Summer ~ ·- ~rrangements. . . - ·-

1' ChJ nge of Time. ON aod after' Mobday. June l Sth, Regular

Trains will be r un u follows, daily (Sunday• excepterl): Lean St. John'• 10 00 a.m., aod ar­rive at Harbor Grace 3 SO p m. Lena lhrbor UracA 12 00. -anr arrivo at St. John's 5 15 p m .

EXTRA TRA :NS -St. John's to Kell i~rewa, Monday moroiat a at G 00: returning will leave Ke lli~rew11 7 SO;.. T opsail 8 00; arriving e.t St J"ho '" 8 50 a .m

St Jubo'11 to I ~lyroorl, Tburadaya at 2 liO p m. returning will '' .vo H olyrood, 1 SO; Kelligrewa 8 ~0; Maouola :i'-2:>; 'fopaail M.40; arri•iog at St. John's at 9~0 p.m.

StJohn's to ':elligre,.a,Satorday11 at 6.45 p.m. retoroiog will I 'ave Kellijlrews 8 10; Topa"il 8 40 i arri•inac • 't se:-Joho 'a 9 sn p m

·Kouod Trip.:. -~, u -will be told at n:ourelon rate~ ou Toeei. .a-g od for retoroinQ until tbe following Than Jay ly ; 1nd on Thoreda1•• good for returning uo il the following MoodaJ only

Partiea ot ei~tb~ ~or more. lfolng to lb.._.. plaS'e, will be allowed ~xoareinu ratea aoy.-. da) on rejlnlar tr~lna ; ~be tickets 10 111utcl b,• ing jlOod for returning the ume or followi.Dg day ool1

When Jraine arrln on time, p ... eogert from St John'• aud Harbor Gnoe, retarDing &be llmt day. will bne retptotiniJ &hlrly, and thirty-an minut.ea at Whi boatDe

June 8 T NOBLE,

Managtr for &cd~Jtr



N o w i>~ tho time for F"rme t'll to secure a

supply of

Olfice and Jl .. idenoe :

St. Patrick's St ., Carbonear Office Houra-9 to 10 am.; D to 8 pm.; 7

· to 8 pm.

Avoid j .................. (.



~.~.~~.r.~ 1::::::somehess BY USING



Stew~rt Munn & Co., Shipping and Commission

Morch._nta, •• •


Special attention glveo to tbft sale o£ Fish and Fish Oils.

A lao, to· tho buying andoeblppiltg o£ Fleor am:l JH O\' il'>ions And Oene ro.l Produce. ~Cable AJdress-.Munn, Morit.real.


-THr. flJSROP ELECT OF THE Wesr CoAST­Dr Howley hu lately recei•ed the above ccclesi· aatical diedoetion Au inflnootiol "nd lorgely attended meetin2-Hoo Mr .Jnatice Littl e in the ch11ir-was hel<i in St Patrick 'a8Hall, t J ohn's on Tuesday eve~ina to roake au.itable nrrans:~ ­ments for his Lo rdl!hif' 'il reception Appwp t­ate apeecoi!B wero tna,ltt on the occ:l.•iott ; nnd a committee sppointllt: Lo tlirect op~r~t i ons nod prepare 1\ pro~r:upme for the. e.uept~toua evuu t A meetto2 ia to be held th11 cvemog to mnlto t he necessary arraogtm~ota MU.NN'S FlSH fERTILIZER. KANUFAOTunn AlfD UIPORTU or

- STRJCt.:ESTO DEATII-A ead accirlent occnrr · ' GEMETERY DECORATIONS b I · h A ;mall qua"tity only is now on hand. I ed e.t St Jobn's on 'fnuday afternoon . Y w uc ..

-IN-an u afortonate m&n, J•cob Kio11. of 13rond Co• n FirML come, tir· ·, sorvorl. Conception 1\1\y. c:.mo suud.:nly to his end . h 1\!sti r•IOniah ,fits val no .. a crop increaaer Marble, Scotch and Quincy l ttt'rnl! At 5 4fi o'clocl.: the tlccl'nno•l:wnH "'7nlh nc a r ro tl.li l r co01i1 J in. jn I ho Brch"'''·Y ~I d r. ! I•CC• ~ •• Ill ... { . 'l•: ~ .'' , ... ~ ·- I r u r pr icc -libi:O, st~mple~. cb: t uppl_v at the G!'anites. R tludull'., wlvu i-1 ~o 1.rrn · . rl~ · k -.vi' r ~ r:e•· Uti'. •l ' ~nco. with ju .. t ro ~L•I for 11 c:Ht to pn~A. on:r ' "" l JORN ~lU~N & Co. wbicb is huil~ n storo, and jtlrtt at th<' womc11t

CJ.UTION ! .· s ... . ---1, )J n1. J ori. P u l!PilREY, •to h ereLy warn

llllll l!i' •. ,, .. •icP, to tdl )'t:raona trPsp:tasiu(Z upua or h~' 1:• '• )' lhin~ wlta tevPr to J o w ilh wy Fu,la iu:.~ I: . ,.n · ~~~ tl ag~t~J 'hlands, Le.brador, tb~tt l llllur .. l to ~ro~~eCule all 11ucl.t, u I pur­poae to UKtt "'' ,. .. iti propert.y my11elf.

.\l 't.~c JOB N PU .• a PH REY. H11rhor Or· .. eo·, ) une 2, 1892Si

N()T(CE I ..

ALL \\'O ltK c:s:ccuted under persou:tl eupt'r -vi!iorr.

OUTPOR'l OKDF:fiS!livon prompt nttontioa Vt:SIG:\S rurni!lhl•ll by l et~r or oth!!rwiao. <.;J:::\1 J::~'J' l"Ud LS aud t~lnster P111ris fo r 11r1t>l

325 & 327 Duclrwortb St., St. John 's.

P . 0 . Box 422.

ST. J.OHN LiOU~E, 40 Upper Jy;zter Street,


. , . .

Mother ·Seigel's Re111edies. · Just received ex S S. Polino., . .

-A Fresh. S'1.1.pp1y or-

Mother Seigel's Syrup, · do. - . Pills.

do. ·Plasters. ·_ W. H . THO~SON & Co.

WHOLESALE AND ~ RETAIL. The balance of our stock of

New and Fashionable Spring ~d Summer GOODS has just becu I'Cceivcd ft·nm t he English nnd Scotch markets.

T he c Goods h aYc been carefully scl~cted bv our Buyer, and bought nt the v<; r·y hest terms, nnd will be offered to \Vhol~s~le and Retail Plll'­chaset·s at prices that cannot fa.il to satisfy.

\Ve would oRII attention to the Milline ry Dep~&rlment, which ia under 6r1t olaaa man• agemPnt and well 11tocked with all tho mo11t faahionabla Novelties of the Season.

The following Ubenp L ines will be ofl'dred this week, whiob obanco all our ca.alomen 11honld t~~ke advaota~" of-Ladies' Black nnd Celored Mantlt!s (Samples) - half-price Lndies' C0lorcd ·waterproofs ( Princess shApe)-$1.50, worth $3. Children';J Snilor HQ.ts, in white nud mixed straw, 30 to 50 c-worth double Strip_cQ.. Flannelettes-only 7 cents pcrynrd. roiagonal Suits, Boys' Tweed and Serge Sailor Suits, Men's and Youths' Tweed nnd

In our Boot nnd Shoe Depnrtment,..ill be fou:td an immense stock of all' kinds of Ladies' nnd Gentlemen's Boots aud Shoes.

15 bales Room Paper-5 cents per piece up. A lot of Cheap Floor Canvas-aU widths.

.Ql-.Special prices to \Vholesalc Customers at The Red and White Sign.

Water Street. :tv.J:TJN'N' BR..QS. Late Jillard & Bros.

Fish Nets, Pounds, Traps and Seines For 1892.

·wE INVITE the Fishermen. before they lenve the centres of business tor their homn~~ aft.ror tho suasoo':t work is over, to lll\nd their orders t.o their outfi ltio~

Merchant, who writA tho UndN-sit::ncd to m.1ko up for t hem good wares properly mounted for the seRHon of 1892, 1'0 w p Cf\n rPCaivf' tlwm in seRson to tukt' pAins and make the be~~t we cun. fil'incs for Fortuno Buy ~'i. sent low·, go~ dirt."Ct from Factory, Lv tbo Gloucust.er winte r fioct. _; ·

WILLIAM STOWE, For Gloucester Net and '£wine Co,

:3upt l ,S } --=-~~~-~·~- .. --=....=::t='~-.· =~~~===~ ---, 11 lr 1111 Whell. getting ready for

! J' ,. 1 T .: - 'Picnics and Excursions -- t;~~ 7;" - Make Sandwiches with

-..on. .... ~-- ~Jc~stone's 'Fluid :Beef ~ Spr't!ad 0 11 thin lices of Bread and


Delicious ! Economical I Nutricious !

M ichael K elly . " C'lrml\o, C'\tOe ioto I be nrch · w ay with a·lo1.rl or :hur nn his cart ~-! ,P pcc u· Jh r coostrnclioo of tho 1 ~e i~ I!·• cit t hat t " '' cart bn to des·ri• · ncnrly half 1\ circle to t ur ­Diog ond bRr t•ly c•sc~pes J::riiZin>t t ho "nll11, while a post " '' ich llliiDdi ther.' shb "'s the Dlllrka Of frttqueot coiJieionl! wi1h ~hsft 11 1\:ld WOc!I?IR

Mr Wbtte. the storekeeper of the fi rm. leavio~: tbe wharf "fler the da.y'1 work, met the aJan In tbe arobway and tbey both etood aelde to uold a c1rt whl.ch came before thie one Mr W t.ite then paaaed on and only by eoteriDIIl au open etable door did be eJOif>O Kelly'• 'fehiole. He continued hia way aod then beard a jlroan and eaw the mao Klo2 etanding witb hla l'laode pre11ed ljlliDit bie abdomen He eoqolred ir Kin~ wae hnrt, and recelnd an aftitmatln

• aoewtr and thea the man etaggered a fe• atep1 ,__ and lay doWD 00 the around ~lr Wbite 111p . We h~.ohy lr've notice that no penon ta&.a~

&-AooommodaUon for Permanent and 'l'ranaient Boardora

!lewfoundlandora pulllDg throuch llaU­tax Will &lwaya be welcum.od at the at. .JohD !loUM . HE.RIES!

' .

p orted him u well u pontble, and Mr Cbarlu poueasion u l or 61th at the ltlltion at Lab• M 1rebatl , who theo appeared, aammon.ed Mr J ' ra•lor, nr,.r Snnq Harbor. known .•• tbe T O'Mara He 11pplled eomo re11torau•e.c . •nd " l:ialUJon UlltJk," without permi11aion of with t e ueistanee of Mr J Da..•"· of M !\lou - JOHN MUNN & Co. roe's the Q,nfortauate mao Will m;~~de c?mf? rt- .t:Iar b'lr Gr~o06 ~ay Sl, 1892. " le till Dr Keepo arrind After uarc.loi\Uoo. :rJ.<OTJ CE I tb octor ordered bim to the boe~Jilll, aod N Sa Joseph O 'Driae procured a carrial(e and too cb•rge of him. but Ire exoired oo t ho way t here K-elly WM taken into coat.ody and Jodjle Prow1e be~an au inquiry..- RrilJ wu a married mao, with eight children, and • u 47 y.,ar1 old It ie euppoaed King "lUI caught between tho poet abon rererred to aod tho ebeft of tbe oort, and bia chet* aad abdomen oruab•d

MA.B.B.IAGBS At Sl.. Jobo'a, oo the 8th Joo~. •92. at St. 'l'homu•a

Ohorcb bY' tbe Be•. Arthur Wood, Jamea lngTam, aeooad 'voo af T. B. logram. Lln rpool, Eoglaad, to Ellu.both Victoria, youogeaL daoiJbter or the Jato J . P. Frecker, E3q 1 Ualt.od ~t&t.ea CoD.Iul ,r St Pl~~rre, l4fqoeloo

At tho Methodist Ohol'eb. Molqt~lt.o, by the flo• Oto· Palao, llr Ed~r Ol&rke. ol Crocker'- Co•"• to l>tary lalla, ieoxld ~u,lltllr or Mr L tUmmon11, or lto1qalto

Oo Way ~ihb u tho AhtltodJn P•reouage, l"OJCo, by t'ba B.eY U A~harc. ~ r ,\11;.,-t Stoventou, or Jiaroor Graeo, to ll lu Emma J,•yrc.so, of Po&o.

DBA'l'HS. Oil WtdDMd•v t!TtOfll8', Jfter one diJI Ulne.1, Wll·

llul.,oaiJIOIInf Bobert•UU .6meli•Georp,apcU Jtara. Af Boeloa, 17th !oat., .ttw a brief m .... , Nlcbolu

Galllftll, ~ toa of llflobo ... aacl the J.a. Marprr « G•llana, apa ft yaara, a Detfn ol tblt city, 1••­lqa ..U. aDCI &wo dallclr.a •

A& Vletorfa Geoeral l:loeptul, tDth lnat , O..p E...., 1p\ IZ Jean, a Md•e o1 Nmo.Dcllaacl.

A' llrflru, oa J11ue kb, dill' a HDPrl .. 111114111, Gtorp. .,_ li y•re, tlclttt toa Of Alben ad the lale &!lfpl _Hc.rwoocl ., 1L ~01111 1 OD tht itb fllaf, aflllf' • prtttraot..t Ill•

~&15=· ~-:::.: ~

The underaigned beg to inform the traJe 'that h"ving juct put up a nlw and improved M11chiuery for the Mo.uufaoture of


LIQUIJJ FISH GLUE, they are Pl'i!Jlt ed to till ord~t'S for any qnan• tity,-io cukyfrom 6 to •o tallona; ln O&DJ iron 1 pllon ~ t pint; alao, in 1 and 2 OL

~ttlea by 'be 'lroa.

We cba.llepge the strength of t.hia Art.iole apinat all OompeUtora.

JORN MUNN & CO., ..... B.usoa GRAo•.

Mannraota~ '11 E. W. Out.DB&, at tbe Beach Premitei,.)larbor 0~.


Oo~~o NOlin promp\ a\tatloa. - . c.r... Vlt'f'OIUA-' W.fr.la B2Uial; BMUIOII QIWC:li, lf: /!•


GENERAL laa\lranca GaapaaJ.




AMEHIC.~N NET & TWINB CO~) 84 Co~erci~l Street~ BOSTON, M~·


capttal:-.el:'ooo,900 stg. COD, HERKING & CAPLIN SEINES. -.A.WO·-·

Inauranoea effected on almoat all klndt of oroperty in Newfoundland at lowe~t ~ble rate~~, .

J. AUGUSTUS OLDT, AgW for NN{ourtdlGnd E. B, THOMPSON, b.,., for Hafltw fhwtJL

Por &al.e. A second-hand English Up·

.} rltrht P~o-wllrftDMclln 1oocl oondlc.ioo. &rdDUD omoe. A8tf



SHEPARD . GOLD MEDAL . TWINES of which we are the exoln.ain mannt'aoturer.,


...... ..




'German syrup"

.We have selected two or Croup. three lines from letters ·

freshly received from pa­rents 'Yho ~ave giyen German Syrup to therr children ln·the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, beca~ they come from ~ood, ·sub­stantial people, happy m finding what so many families lack-a med­icine containing no evil dru~, which · mother can administer wtth con­fidence to the little ones in their most Critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry the m through.

ED1 L. WILUTS, of Mrs. ]AS.W. :KJAE Alma, Neb. I' give it Daughters' C~lege' to my c:bil~ren when Harrod.sburg, Ky. i troubled wtth Croup have depended upoa and ne,:er aaw ~ it _in att.ncks of Croup

nratlo~ act hk_e With my little dau~h­It is 11mply m1- ter, and find it an m-ons, valuable remedy.

Fully one-half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger­man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for

·the sudde n and terrible foes of child­'P~. whooping coug h , croup, diph­thena and the dang erous inflamma­tions of d elicate throats a nd lungs. ®

Do not b·e D~pressed

b ecause you have been

unable to rid yourself of

thnt obstinate cough.

You have bee n experi­

menting with new and

worthless comp~nds.


Cheer up! There is hope for you if you will try that stand­

ard prep::tration that has

b een in use for more

. tha n 50 yc::t~

Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.

It u.'iU Cure You. Sold l~v all 7Jruggists.

Wistar's~ Ba~sam

-oF- .., I I



Thlo old rell!,~!~~~ ~


. . '-' Mri s N.oBo~.~ NOW~ERE. Legislative Council . .

Highest of all in LeavenUig Power.-Latest U.S. Gov't Report. BOO:-r m: -ll1el Somebo4T of Somewben -- T A u·6 • l OUDAT1 pr :

}, CHAPTER XIX. (Co1diluud.) Which is perfectly t.rue, !or the little Boo. Mr. T.u • .ai ooald oo' ooateat &o aa1

fell~ has practically diaoounted a great alteration of &be eeolfoo or a.bu la eboold be por6 :on of his expected money. ' omitted from tbe bill, for the idea of h le to m bas paid no bills, and has even bor- eeaore th" beoeftt .of 'heir labour to fbe peo~le towed from his cousin, th~venPrable Van wh? .•ere lodoetr1ooe aod who ebewed a dii­Twl •r "two tbouS&nd dollars to keep him posltloo to help tbemaelvoa Tbe Goveromoot

.~ ' T'- · b . eraot 1be bouoty aod tbl!y ult tbe people in run\.lDg., . ,..1s as been cordially loan~d order t-o ebew their ~ecod-will and earoeetneu by tbe o_.d gentle,man, who hna . sa1d to eubecribe a dollar, the Government l:ivin~ good-naturedly : You young spend- two for eaoh ooe eo eubeoribed. 1f we adopted thrift I But then, boys will be boys. tbe oooree approved "' bJ certain boo. !{eo lie­Col\. \n Basaington return it at yonr men it would be like t.lliog &be people that we Ieist re.' ' did n.ot dealre ao1 improvement io their lpt. U~og this aum entirely forf:ket- tbat Lf. tbty labo?-red . we wlabed tben: to lll\'8

• tbe frmta of the1r to1l to otbere, bot not to mon~y, A.ogustn.s has succee ed tn profit byj.t tbemtelves io aoy way ; th~t we pro­run~mg himself 1~ debt by orders for terred to eeo them idle ancl io waot, 11ookiu~ carr ,go&, horses,bnc-a-brac, works of art, pauper relief and embarruaiog t he country thau and· ( thousand other acces~ories nnd tbat tbey abould •bow aoy manly diapoaidoo to apput~enances necessl\ry to the mainten· support tbemaelvu· ln other wo~ds that it WB8 ance of an English peer. Mos t of his the idle, aelf-aba.udooe~ ani! tbo 1odo~eut wbom apart cash has been bestowed upon the !le.... Goveroa:eot oone1dered . deaerv1og of. oo-

h · · l'ttl R }" 1.1 t " f b CQur~gemeot. He wu aatootabed at tbe vu1wa c ~· omg 1 e osa 1e 1' oun JOY 0 t e held by bia booorablo frieod, for be bad thought Ga11 'J troupe, who has fallen desperately tbl\t be would hue been ooly too glad to aup­in loJe wi~h the little aristocrat smce he" port any mov~meot to encourage oor people to became a lord, and has eummnrily dis- put their banda &o the plough. c harged from her affections the plebian lion Mr ANG&L-Tbe bill beft.:re them had Hicl--1. beeo made neoeaur1 by certain difficultioe that

Co A.,eequently, as Mr. Gussie driv~s ~ad Bri~e.n out of tbe exiatio~t law_on tbe eubjeot Jowl to WaP St t b' b k t . fbe spmt of tbe aot had ~eo v1olateu by per-

• " ree IS !ln ·acooun ld eons who aubacribod' uaore tbao t he feo of one repno~nted by a bala~ce . ~n. two. figures, dollar, with the view of receiving io value 1\_nd RIB debts ~nd h~bii_Ities, lft{'.urred ~ouble the .•mo~ot so eobeoribed J:be tempta. smc e he hna rece1ved b1s t1tle, by n early ttoo to act 10 tbta moaner was · atroo~ when, for twenty tb6usand dollars. Therefore be five dollars oootriba\ed w the society'• lunda is very anxious for hie draft. ten sbonld be paid ~Y the Govaromeot 'rbe

Arriving. at Wall Street. he goes trem- ld~a of tbe pr~aeot bill. waa to prereot the la\V hlingly up to the office be had left in such ~log tbaa.avatled of, aod to piRce . all meUtbore I · h r tb · d l b 1. I of the SOCiety open the same foolloK, eaoo re­ug •ea e~. )Oy, an i ory • ut a Itt e ceiviag lbe aame uaiataooe or ebare from tbe ov~r a. ~or~mgbt before, to d~scover ~bat l(eoeral fund. H be thought that any aelfiab the sql11b 1D \he newspaper IS a borr1ble motive• aotuatod tbe promoter• of the btll or and undeniable fact. tbat it wu iott!nded to be oaed for pol iticAl

But here, to his more rapid and sudden purpoaec. he would f"el bound to oppoae it; but undoing, b e cbaJ}ces to encounter one of he wu eatiafled tllat such wu not the cue.. _He thr r~'norters of a dailh paper. tboo_ebt that p~ople who were ready aud w11hog

'l'b · tl f k • to g1ve their ume aod mooey to•urda a move-• 115 gen. eman ~ t e press, . no-vm.g ment of thieltind, so oaloolated to cooler .rttneral

hl~ lordsh~p by. atgbt, and nohn~--< h1s benefit opoo a diatrioc. abonld he enoour'Ked as agtta t '!d and excited appearance, H\tro- 'ar aa poaaible. h wu rarely fouod io tbe oo . duces himself and b egs to ask if Lord porta or eno lo Sl Jobo'a. tba' people wt ra KI\Rs j. uton has eufferod any losa by the l.llllp61ed to oombioe lo eo laudable an endeavor abfJCC ding firm. for tbe geo.era~ welfare; benoe aoy _inceutive to

: U3s p screams Gussie. • The beg~ars auoh combtoauooe ~b~t oould be ilven lo tbe h d d ft M B St l way of mooe1ary ueletaooe from Government

a ~ ty ra on essrs. rown, u ey olieht to meet with the approval of all. W1tb & Wilberforce, of London, for ten thous- regard to the diatribotioo ufelOOk by the •ooietiea a nd pounds I Two weeks ago they an- t.e tboo~bt tile mode of do1og eo mil(ht be ar· nounoed the discover:y of iny accession ranged by the majority, u wu the rule io moat t o tbe Barony o! BasSlDiton and its es· •ooie1iee, Tbe majority could decide opoo the tutes ,so .I drew through them on my Lon- ~aooer of diet~ibouo~r Ule. auet~, _aod t~• ~loor­d o n solicitors for ten tboueabd. That 1ty abould ab1do by tbeu dec1a1on. fb11 w11 io fernsl d 1 St"ll tb - tbe was 11uch matter~ were ueually dealt wltb,

, scoun re 1 mn? wna ? man cveo io parli.u!)eotary affair• He felt bo~nd to who . rst. bro~tght me th.e 10format1on of giYe hie 11upport to tbe bill •• it etood, •uy E g hsh tlLle, and patd m e a thousand The ameodmeot being put, wu lost apoo a a n d p >unds that bad been cabled to him divieiou. to m y c redit I, Oo motioo, the committee lbeo rQn and re· ~ t t u is extraordinary information • the portac.l the bi}l. witll ~o amendment. Theo report

kmght of tbe quill' opens his eyes and was. on mono~. rc~e1ved aod tlte btll ordered b :s <"!a~ :1 lso and proceeding to sympa to l.te read a tbtrd tu_ne to-morrow. . tbiz • tl "th .,. d B . · Hoo Mr ANO£L wtahed to ref.,r to a n error 10

,e re_ry grea Y WI +-tO~ ~SSlng· . the oflicial reporte of tbe do bates np:m tbtt to_n ::l vtde nt loss , ~ecomes 9u1te frie ndly Sealiog Bill, by wbicb he waa ropresenteJ as wti.h I e unsuspectm~ Gusste, aud finally 11avin~ etateu t llat coaling a steAmer oo Sunatay clrawt. fr om. him the whole story of his '""' jwllifhbl" uoder certAin ciroumetanr.cs wondt o us elevation to the p eerage ~·~o _boo Mr Monroo ~1\u ask~d ltim. tltu q uee t~ rougb Stillman,, Myth & Co. ~lon. •f be tbou_llht coo.hng a abtp ou s_unday was

AI IEJr •!vinrr this in formation in a n ex- Jns llfiablo. II II ooswor was. ewpb~ttOoll'!ly,_ no; . g b • ~honl(b there were people who coual•1eroJ 1t eo

cttet.l but. son e what Irrelevant manne r, io case where a few bour:s ao i111ved would un&b:., :\1 r . G ~s1e ~ol t s for n telegraph office anrl 11 shiv to go out agBio ou n accoad trip, t.ud •mwe1 tate!y ca}?les Brown, Studley and where, iUbey did oot work on tbBt uay tbe clo~e \Vi lbetforc&, stating t hat, a s Lord Bass- ~~~aaoo would l.lo upon Aurl pro:Vt>~ thtir por­ington, ~bose rents thev collect, be has tioip:~ ti:t ~e .i n tho voyn~e. lla did oot 11tato it ns drawl on the m for ten thousand pounds bia own opioiou . but. merely eai~ that tlJOrtt in fav ,r o f Messrs. S t ill man Myth & Co w~re JH•.rso~e wi.Jo c:o_oa1dorud ·~ob clrcutuat:lncus . d st · f tb' ' woald JOitlfy them 1n perform1og a work of tbu

Whereu.-The propoeed iodemoity lo refer· delegl\tes bad made 00 report, tbat th ree meet­eneea to halt licenses ie & violation of eub-eeoUoo IDKI bai beeo held, "but be did oot kcow the 7 of •eotion 17 of tbo said draft of ioetrootiona, •net ~atea. It woe ttot io his power to.frunieb u p_rejndiciog the rights nod properly of Brulab tbe mtnute8 or tbo•e meeti"oaa•

1&3 nooe bRa bc>en

eubjeors not rtt~iden' in thi11 colony ·, &Ad kept A th fl " "\Vb r · t e r11t a>eetinl.' two membere of the . o_rPu,--:-' h~ section i!O IJ08iog differential del.lll&lion. were cleap.atclted to draw up a draf•

dntlea 11 n Vl olnt1nn of eub-soctioo ~ of aeotioo t b ~ 17 of the said drtlft of inatructiooa wbiob La aimed ropor . w lOb they .did. aod t hat ropor$ wu die-to preveot encb differen tial d uties. oas~ed at .the aecood and third WPelioga, bot B 1 no ... oocloaton bad beoo arrived at. It waa diffi-. d it lesolved-ThBt tbie bill • boold oo•be re"d oolt to aoewer tbe. qneation whether tbe fane-

a •e~ood time, ~ut ebonld be replaced by a bill tioos of the ·delell&t4;a have ceaatd or not. He deahn~r eolely w11h the aubjeot of a ret~nue for ld b the oountry. wou eay, owever, that tbey bad diecbarged

M M tba duty that had been iocumbeot upoo them r. OHlNE wouiJ like to" ny a few word.a lo namely : the etayiog of tbe peruaoent bill tbat

explanation or t hu 1\mdndmeot.a wbiob he bad wu before tbe Hoalt of Lorda at tba• tt'-e and jost propoaod i ~ ... ' H t may be cooeidered that their faoctiooe ban

oo. ~be l'll t.llt .:K-If tbe hoo. geotlemao eeu ed. wbilat otbere may cooteod tbe.-contnry would wuhdraw hia propoaition he could briog until their roporte hlld beeo preaented. Tbe boo it forward wbeo the Revenue bill weot into com- b b roittee. mem er a onld not have directed tbe q oeetion

M ~ to biro aa Premier, u the matter waa not a r. t'1oc:tNE-The amendment nffected the G ·

principle of the Reveuoe Hill. aod therefore be ovoromoot qoutlon, and he waa simply a mem. would oat withdraw it. There were in tbo Re- ber of the committee. He might ••1 tbat the v_enue bill !Paoy tmportaot and far-reacbioo eeo- d elegates were not nnauimoos conoeroiog the

... report thllt. bad be eo made. uooa tl ealiog witil three dialioct clauea of aub-jeota Ftrat, tho «ectioo to indemutfy Her Majesty Mr. MoRtsr:- Tho boo Premier wae mistaken t?r t~e d utiea colleoted last year ; 2od. the aec· ~heo he u.id that no cooclueioo bad beeo ar­tloo 10 refereuoe to tbe bait lioonee; aod Srd tbe rived at. The report WIUI adovted o~s a whole one rel&tiog to the differential du tiee, and there- aod carried by ~ majority of the delegatee, aod fore be did uot lui warrat'led in givio~r biuaeent t he reaeoo tbat It had not ~eo aigned wu tbaa to tbe aecood read ing of tbe bill. Arter mnoh tbe bon · tbe Premier bad not called the dele-d~tbate tbe amcndwaat propnaed by tbtt boo mem- gBtea together for that por2ose. . ber Mr Morioc, betng pot that tbe worde por- · Hoo. tbe PRnttER-The boo. member wu po111d to be lt:f' out. ,taod pare of tbe queatloo oorrect wbeo be aaid that the report had been 1be l:looae div ided tbereou. wheo there appeor: adopted by a maj, rity, the oqmber being three ed for the af.llrmative twenty· ooe. vi:t.: Hon. to two. Wbeo that fact wae aeoertaioed be tbe Premier , bon. Colonial Seoretary. bon He- ••ked tboae preaeut a t tbe laat meetiog ,;,hen oelver Geoaral. hon Surveyor Geoeral bon E p llley would m~et a11ain. aod ooo of the commit­Morris. the Uhairmao of tbe Board o! Works tee anawered tb"t they would meet wLeo tbey lb11 Fibaooial Seorecary, Moura. Murpby,Tbomp : pl~ased, lt wu oot for him. · being in tbe 100 Hurgeu, Webber, Peywo. White, I>ulT mtoorlty, to have calle.d a meetinll, nod if the \\' hiteley, Clift. H&llareo. F Morri ... Woodford' delel(ates barl not met einoe, it wu not bie fault. Rot-bw,ell aud Dr. Tait; aod for · tbe nei&tive. Tbe Ron~e then went into CommiUee of the fteveo, oa•oely. Moura. Morioe Murray Mori- whole ?n Publio Health Bill: Mr. Wbit~ley io eoo, Greoue. Carey; Rolla and Fearn. ' , the obatr After ront:h debate participated io by

1 he. queeti~o that the llt ll btt now reo~d a ee.' 1•everal boo members. tbe bon Premier uid that ooud tluHt be toll pot, it P"~<~ed io tbe au:ra atlve be believed the objeotiooe poloted out by tbe aotl wu ordered aeoordlogly, bon membere would be got over by ameodlog

The aaid Uil l w•• 1beu renal a eeeood time &be let &botion 110 that it may read u followe ._ and ordered til be referred ~o a oommiueu of tbe • Where there ehaH be no BoArd of fe%ealtb "'bole tO· morro w. t b (' • ~ :rovernor-in-Counoil may, 111 ocoaeion re-

Purw&ot to order of tho dl\y, the bill 11nli- ~a1rn. appoint a stipendiary magittrMo, a joe. tied • Ao Allt for tbo publication of tbe Con- t!oo ot the peaoe e>r other peraou to be 11 pu~ aulidated Statute• (seoood ~eried)' waa read a Ito health otliMr in aay di4 triot to be n"med and aecood time and it wBs orrlerod that the earue de~ed l.o euoh appolotroenc, wbo ahall e.terci•e be OOillmltted to the wholo Uonso tomorrow all aod lln~tull\r tbe powera of a bon d of health . Oo. IPOtioo of Mr :Oiurr"y p•tnunnt to ~o- u~der tbe publio bealtb ao\, 1889, with tbe dia~

tlno, It was or•lerod t hll t th~:~ f,, JJowiog bo a 811· tnct •o OAmed nud de6nerl . And ill cue uo Ieee commiuee to a adit t he Accounta of t !Je board of health or puhlio beolth oftioer aball Muolcipal, \ . ."ouncil for tbe pas~ year. namely: have b?co Bf\pointQu, a eUpendlar) m&flatrate llou. E. r Morris. Mes.-ra. Murray. Greeue, or. jottiCO of the peaoe m'y exeroiae all the

'1 be Honea tbenadj?u•oe to-morrow. Car1y, Rothwell . Hallaren ~Fox. u1d powers of a board of health.'

The section IUS read was adopted.

-{ T UESDAT. !\by !l. Tho other section were theo read and adop•. Th II ed, after whicb the committee roaa and report.

e •m•e opeued at 4 o'cloolr, p m. ed t~ .. t tbey b&d pused tho bill witb eoma

tMr. A.h:tu:A'r preeeut"d t ll11 follo••.oll petitions ameodmeuta. tbel su t.J•'C~ of a modru viut.udi with Ctauada coi••Ullrl'alll tuauera, oa1ut.:ly: froau J . w. The bill .wiUI orde red to be read a \ bird lime

J;"e~~otiu~. ·u · l o b~ro oi C bl\uu..l; from James toruorrow. I··~~D! P•o", 1\0 t l utl. ers of lsl e- Aux- ~l orta; fro4U \\ 1lhan:. I r,o:c. ·• .• 1 or lu: rt~ , of Cape Hay i from J uhu ll uu;o· .. •u a111l others, of F<> x Roost. He would ep.,Jk 011 tbi1 eubj 11ct w!Jen bia reso>lu­tiooe oame up for oo~idtuat ion \bia oveoioi.


(To be continued.)

CAUTION ' • for coughs, colds and oil f diseases of a pulmonary $ nature e as ily r etalne It a popularity among tho peo• pie, thousands of whom /! may almost be s old to have # been ralaed upori It since It has eo long been the lini· veraal cure-all In &:> many homee. Ita record for up• warda of a hatf century Ia known to all end attest a Jte remarkable merit. f :or a ale

an opp•ng payment 0 ~ ea~e. it iod on the Sabbarh1 Ue oeed uotny tLet tbia , T~ef\ be goes hom~ and IS mtserably w11s an opio ioo iu wbit:b Jae did uot aharl'. > · .m::r.101 s all day for hls money. He tellfl Ut~liar oo oircoont.aooea be ~bouahl would it be ) ,'the men at the".club that 'be fears be's ,,rutltable to work a ve111l oo ~undar to eo-

b,en robbed by tbot9 infernal scoundrels. able her to 110 oo tbe aeoood trip. paruularly if Stilloum Myth & Co., o~all Street of •nob vel8ele bad beeo aoooeaful 0::1 a previoue a cool t~n thousand pounds; they bad trip. H.e did oot bla10e tbe r~porter for tbia e~· bis q aft on his London agenta for ror. ~· It wu evldeotly a anecoooepuoo of bu1

Mr. i\lunRAT - -To aelt hoo the Premier (I ) why rhe roport of French 8bore Delegation rtt­ferred to io tbe opeulng tpseob baa oot yet been preeeuted to til• l:iooae ;· (~) wbetber the eai rl report bu btten 11iguedr aou if eo, br wbom; (8) whether 1\ny meetiu~ of lbo llt\td d ... legatioo b10ll been held, ood If _eo. when, &!Jd {4) to furoilb a oopy of tbe rotoutee of aoid meotiog; aleo. (6) to alate wbeo the funotioue of lbo Delegntiou lloally oeue,


M.YRTlE NAVY! by all Druaarata. .

Seth W. Fowle & Sons, nonmron, .

BOSTON, Mll88.

Sold by T. lf'Murdo & Co., St, Jobn'11


.AssUrance Compa,ny Qlr~~ON

' --ESTABLISHED 'A.D., 1812 8111180BIUD OAPITAL ......... .£2,000,000 ·~ TOtiL bvaT&D FOlfDI UP-

WAG 0~ •••• ••• ·••• •••• ••• •• . •• 2,760,000 " Anvu. boo•• UPW.&B.Ds or 350,000 "

The" GUARDIAN" being a firs~ olaM Blaalilh lnaurance Company offets all thoee achant.ge., most qeairable to ina'ltet·a Tiz 11Ddoubted 1t&bility, favorable T e(tnS auJ prompt lettJement to claima for •loaa.

The UDderaigned haviag been appoinlf!C .Ac-ta for. Newfoundland are prepared ~ U· •• Policiee apin.et lou by Yire, · ·


. . · St. JohD' .. ·JOSEPH GODDEN, ~u~Agent Harbor llNOfl,

·aoiSUIPYION. aa...,..__.,,. ............ ,:S _.._.. .. _, .. _ ....... .. ._.. ................. ~-~~~ .... = .... ,,..._.no~~..., ..... _ ............ ,.... .. .., ............. --... .0. ....

T~~~~ADIUI-•8'r. • na-··

, meamog wbeo be apoke oo tbt eubj~toc.aod be re . that a. nounl;, e~ .• etc. ferrtd to lc oow met ely to correoc a11y impreulon

.But, wonderful to relate, no doubt of tbat roay bave beeo oreated bytbe report of llit title or weaJth •ver entera his ~ead. He reawU. has ~ajoyed them {or a little time. •nd Uo mo~loo tbe Hoolt adjouroed till Tb11rada1 they are lo him u fi~d and real aa the t~eat •' i -30 P·IJI: streets be walks up · ~tnd the dinner · ~~ be t~aflo. \ 'l"BRRSD.U, April H.

Wt . e tblJ bu b•en going on, however, Hoose npe.,td at 6 o'clook p.m.

Hoo the PREUlER-Jn aoawer to tbe bon member'e qaeetlon. be d11eired to eoy lbat t he

r tb~ office of hit oity editor. ,.nd after Oo mctloo of boo Mr Harny tbe 1 Partoer - -.-........._ ~e 8\ atlemari ·of the pr~ss has ruBbed ORDER or TB& l>.u,

lating to him the extre.ordlna1"17 pon- ablp Bill' wu aead a tblrd tlrue aod paued, aod -., ordered to he eeo t to tbe fiou1e of A11embl7,

ersation b.e bas bad with t.be newly· made •hh me111ge that tbia Houee bad puaed the Eoglion peer, a cable ie sent to the Lon· aame whboot an1endrullo~ •

. tl~.i"D representaUv~ of their paper, direct- Oo nlctlon of hoD Mr Pille, tbe •Rricqlturol in~ .h1m to· call on ~be well known · bill wee re-oomwitttd to a oomruitlee of tbe so"cito

1:s and cable at ?DOe t~e e~,.aot faets whole Honee; bon Mr. Harria lo tbe chair.

regarding . Lord Base10~ton s ti~lp and Bon. Mr. l'ttTS dld aoc wiah to prolong dia­estates ; and n~xt mormng VAN BBilK:· ouaa.ion •' tbe preeeot time. bu.' alwply to give .. 'N's •atsTOO .. •T:O BUBBI..E BURSTS 1 an Qpportunity to boo, aentlemilo who were oot IIUL ... J'Uio • preeent when ~be bill pa!Md tbro•gh oomruinee

Ari,ing· to his breakfask, Gull8ie finds to upre11 '"el~IPPI ~ to tbe practicability a on~ his mail a telegram f'ddressed to of tile meuure Hf ( Mr P) . w~".Rf the opioion

1Buse: ol{ton, ' tears it opened and re~Lds, lba• tbe eeoood ettelluu wu aot oaloutated to and a:, lie does so 'the sweat of horror giv$ aal\afa~ion, aod. lh11t the bill ~oold be com-com~ upon his br~w, for theae are ita paratlvely uaele• uot., .. l~i· te(Jtion wu tmeoded aw( u •jworda : l:lou )l.:r MoNnoc uld be bad atroo11 objec·

, u.i alo~ton title ••Ill lo abeyance. N 0 reota tione to -tbe bill lo il• phHot ~rm. Tbe ker· ~~ ooli,ct for JOD. 'foo llave bt~eo impC'eed oel of the meAit\t& waa tba& htt member• of upoo. J:S1tOWH Sruour, Wu.lu:aroaor. &:ltiouUu~·~ aoiced ea abould bav tho power to

, Coll' divide •.abe :Cuods of i•oob aocieuea amooge& , . Wi•h a gas~ of dlemay he s~nk•, w-k tbem•elvee. aotJ be (llr. M) etroojtly maintained

' "'1 t oat aucb power ,.ould oo• t e e~eroieed ln u.e and tmnerve , in~ a chair, muttering : f .. terp~~ Af publlo good. Ioattad of &be fuude 'The )diota 1-tbere mu1t be a mlatake. of 611Cb aopletlet ~ploJ dnotol.l to tbe eocourage-J POflpOBe they'll say they didn't cable a ~au& of agr colt!Jri, tbi!T WOWd btt " iYl4ed lhu~d pouuda to me next I' •moopr peopl• the alaJilri~ -ef "hom have no

Thu a '\:JD of agony ehoote through lotereat-.bateflrlD lhe t~teueioa of tbe lodqetrJ.

hi • d ~h .riek o( horrified an He <•tr M) wao'fd to raiae lbe bill ~ • b~ber -:Q• 4Ul W ~ - l~el aod mah ''I mort"I"Denlly oeefol mea.

guiih be bo de 1'J J!ie obair and ·(alii . eqre, Ut ·would therefore uioye to ameod .. en' limp rod O~ &b,e l}oor, {or biJ tba& lbe ltOODd ltOtlOD be &DitDded bJ ltrlk.inJI rolli~ eyM baye oaugbt" It~ .qf M open oDt &be wo;~ • for dlatrlbaliou amooan lb• 1 new1 per upon ~he table, ana_ 'D J&a ,.aewben ol 11oeb IOOie\lea," f~llowiol tmmedi. '.,... lark ~Jpe, and beadlnll\1 moR F.CJDl~ atelJ •lft:iE' liD leautD .. ' aad eabeti&aUDf tbere. ' inen ,}um~ ~~ bu rel:d s for-' l~t bJ J . ed •fGOrdlolf to a 111aforla7 •ole

BJ BOOUIS BASSINQTOX I ot ~•wob ••: Aacl 1M !~• .. •ada oa •aa" .. 84 J BA II B.A. 111 " 1 UlladatDt '-"., beaD pDt lUte . appeared

" P.ire Bloo9, Petftct Hnllh ...

Sick Headache Symptoms.-Is apt to belfln ln th~

!"ornlng, on J"''klng frqm a d~p 'loePt /o~ llrtl \llerf ~· 1111 bJlpri:tsl~a ~llnrc U. thl bud, which gradually me1ll'H iuto • 11 aeve(e hcaYy pain in t bc umple•, fuJ. neu aad tendemcs"> in bne eye lln.J. '

/ cstendln&' IICTOII the forehead, ILDd c1J.a. tre11lng alck.neu 11t the stomach!

Sick headaches are the out­come of biliousness or d isor· . dered state of the stomach, cause great suffering, and often lead to serious· illne~~, · .

J(icl<aJ).oo · ~dian Sagwa .promptly· removes the causes Of lick headache by clean,Si'ng, the •tem.~nd regulating the ltOID,.db,· 4ver, and bowels.

, · · · •• +11otUe. All 4ntnMit

:. : kick&i»oo 'ind·l~ -ou " :cna. .,... .......,,, -.will.






V .FNETIAN BLl.lf~ made, refitted and reu01 vate<r. ·

Alao wfa)la. to intimate that he {• now ·prepared to do Freeoo paintintt at reuonabl._\\ ntee. D

A. ·small quantity of Oeillpg P apert aocl Borde'ra for aale.

Satiltfaction '{Uilt".lnteed.


"CONC:8PTJON BAY Al>VER.'J.f.fMH, . Ia printed aud poblilbed eYllry TQ..,_ -od Ptt. dar ennlnl. u the , Standard Odlae, Viotorfa .Stree,, Harbor Gn.ae, by 1-l\JI'If • Ou.

SUB8CUPJ'IO!'t RAn ' --$1 !)tr aoDDIIlt •1 60 balf{ear; to foreigq •ubtari.,.,. ,.,. ntee wll Wt 60. . '· A.DVUTI.IIX~ R.u'd--60 oenu p~lo¥ to .. flret luerdon ;~weotJ ' oen• .,.r IDola for~

~oootinaalioo. ~pedal rat .. for tbr~t• ~..r lDCif~ ~utba.. 'l'b11 oomber ol i-"mnDI of OMI&Siad• • nr"--m'eota maet be~ .bJ .a&• ...t .. t .... c



• • I" •

TUE BAltBOR GRACE . ' :S'l'AND.ARD • • .

no~J l,.l h 1-:.: or.u>-.!7 =C: e x ~IS ~\...:-:: :r . ,_·:.)!'\!!:!' Ll.::uoot 1z:.4! a.:u.

:-ot!c!' :.·~~ t~10 1 C'70:"'i t p a:X..




CHOt. !RA l¥10RBUS, 11114 ~ BOWEl,. CO¥PLAINTS.


TH~ PAIN·KiL.L.EP.. In C an:1diO·"\ Choloro. :1nd Bowel

C o r.1pl:11nts ts effe ct Is mag lo:ll. l t curas ln 1 very short time .




Sou:) EVIZRYWI'~RI! AT 250. A SOrT£..-•

/2r Jkware oC OUDtufoi\a &.11411D!I&UGM.


Pure!laton should look to tho Lllhol on tho Pol• :u .• , :oxe1. . . U the addreaa ill not ~33, OXF ORD ST&El:.T,,J OUDO~, they &re q::u.nou.a..

THE - U Nl()N · .. - S~\VING.· - 1\JACfii~E


It Leeds them all It is t';Jo L.i:;hloJt Running It make• t.l1e L enat N oi:Jo 1t ia the M ost D uroble l t is Warra.nte t for lS yeru-s

Bee the Union before b uyiDJ D'&ALERS WANTE D

----------m--<~~·~----------•. DO )'~ I<EEP l'f IN THE r..O\JS£ t



House ofAssemblv .. BYBOPSIS OF PB.OOKDUlG5.

( C:o~rti11utd. )' MOitDAT, May2 •.

1"be boo~n opened a\ 4 o'clock. Mr. C'kTY pre11nt~ a petition [roan Israel

Galpin aod 14 uumber of iobabitaola of Coliroy, on · lbe aubjeet of \ modtu viotncli between thil eolooy aur\ C aoCLda. .

Capt. l>AW~> prl!aeutc:d a petition from John Ruaeell . and otbo e, of <.-oley'e Point, oo the iubjeot of &be '"eonetruotion of 1 wharf at that plsct.

The Hooeo thea wrot into. Cnmmittee of the wh:>le oo waya ao·d meaoa. Mr. llur~e~a lu the cb11ir. A very loo~t d11bate hereon eoaaed, olter 111 hioh the committt'e rnee, aod the eh&irmao re­por ted t hM thc·y loud r.ool!iderect aud 11doptell ccrt:sio ru olnt ioua oo \\' ~y• and Meao11. .

Oo quu tion put ' lhat the aaid r eport be - dopted,' it waa moved In a~eudn.t'nt by Mr. Morine, et.'cCiodod by Mr Mortaoo, tbat tbe fol­lowing be eubatituted for 'tbe eigbtu reeolutioo, and ita preamble aa adopted, namely:

W/l(r~l doo,bta !Jan ariaoo·ae to whether tbe additional crQtiu levied. collected• aod paid under t.od by virtue of oectioo IS of 'be Roveoue Act of 18!>1, bavo been ao levied, collected an d paid in a..c:lordaoce with tiJo 11pirU or letter of the uid R evenue Act;

A nd WMrtas certain poraoos paid aoob ad­ditions! duties onder proteet, and ac tioos at law are oow puodlog to recover lbe amount of ad­•litiooal duties paid by tbom;

,111d W~£Tl03 It is atill competep t for persons wbo h:1ve paid snob additional dotiea to bd~s act :oo io tho Supreme Court of Newfound land, ror the purpoee of teatiog the legality of t!le levyiolt ood collecting lhureof;

And ll'he•cas it ie oow propo11d tbRt an oct 11bould be paued to indemnify the Governor in Council for such all e6{ed ille~al levyi ug and col. lectiog, and to deprive all perstloe of a ri~b·t to recover tlnl amount of auch addibonal dutioe by aeliona at law,

& it tht rtfore .&so/utd,-Tbat it ia the opinion of tbi11 Hoose tbat eucb tx pcut facto legislation ., ould oot be in aeeordaute with precedout or aouod practice, aod abould oot be enacted. Tl~tl ameodmeot beiug put, tbe Houee divid,ed

thereon, wbeo t here appeared for tbe amend · meot seven, namoly. l\le118rs Morine, l.lorieoo, Groen Corty .Rolle, Fearn and M urray; aoJ a~oins~ it acveo teeo, oC\mely, Houa ;ho l'r•Jtnic•, Kectiver Geooml, Surveyor General. E 1'. Morrie, the FinauoiCLI Sfcreury, Meaars M urphy, 'fhomptoo. Bargeu, Gerao, Webber, Peyton. C h it. Halleru, F. Morrie, Woodf~rd, Rothwell and Dr. Tail 8o it paaaed in the negati , e.

U wu then moved in amendment by Mr· Morine aod aeconded by Mr. Moriloo, th.at the following bt aobetituted for the olnth reaolution, and pretnable aa adopted, viz :

• JUsoliH!Il,-Tbat the aoction logalidog the collection or lloeoae fee• io 1890 ehould oot be collected, u prejadicing the ri,K hta of lhr Mlljeaty'a aubjecte DOt reaideot iu thie oolooy, and being t bereforo a •iolatioo of the G overnor's iu1trootiooa.

'l'he uid ameodmeo\ being put, tbo House divided thereon . .,, ben tbero. appearet! fo r tho ameodwent, ao•oo , a~ainat it , eucnte<u; tbo name• being tbe ~~nme as upou the Iaiit clivisic u : aod t he original q a t=&tion bsin~t pat that the u id report be adopl~d . U pat~cd iu the affirmatin, aud it wu ordered t hat tho said reaolutioua bo adopted,

\\' i&b the &.!&ent of t he Untue, tbe qnl!slion bcin~ put tbuL the Ko~eooo Hil l bu ouw rPad a lilat titnl', the llouao div&ded thereon. ~dn· u tberu apve!.lrct.l for the C\fl\rwalive l t:vuu tc:cn f\Jr tbo ne.:a tivu 80Vt'D. '1 be namt:l Oeiog tho j;'\106

a& upon the laat t wo cliviaious, and it waa orJurcol , accnrdi u~tlY

1 ltu &aid Heve ::n:o Dill WIUI then read " b t lime, nuu : t 1'/lld nrJurcd tllnt tho snmo atuud fur 2nd reftlliu;t 10 · UIOrrow.

Mr. Mowsos. - To osl.:. boo. the Premier to lny on the table n copy of t he aet imate r11 ferred to bv the boo. A. \\' . H llrfcy i c hia let te r tJ> Lord Knu tdord, da ted JaoUOily 7, 1892, in whicn b11 nys that • the estimbted lluect lo" to N ~:w fnuud ­loud by not having lho Newfouodlt4Dd· United Statea Cooveutioo rati8td wbto eerel!d to in Deo. 1890, wae ao emcJont eqaal to ooe·&hlrd of the revenue of lhe Coloot.'

Hon. the PnKlER-No each elatemeot wu·io the banda of tb11 Goveromanc, oor bad be n or eeeo it.

0RDIR OF TBE D.lT. Commit~e of tbe Whole on the .l:'ubllo Health

Bill { Mr. White ley iu lhe obair. After a abort couaideratioo of the matter the

Committee roee, r eported proereu, and ukod leavo to eh llf(ain to-morrow.

lion. Sunvuoa G t:NiRAL tbeo moveli the u con(l reading of the S unday Sealing 13111. A good ~cal of debate eneued thar~oo, being par­ticipated In by boo. Membera oo both atdea ; the queatfoo being put, tha Uooae dl~ided tbereoo, when there appeared for the aecoad readioR eix­teen, o1111ely · Bon the Premier, boo. , Colonial Secretary, bon . Sa"eyor General, Me.are Thompeon, Burgeu, Webber. Pe,too, White, Duff, Wbi~ley, Tal~. Blandfora, Rolla, Morine, Morison and Morray; aod n~taioet h fourt~oo, namely : Boo. Receiter General, bon. E. P. Morrie, the obairruan'·of the Buard of Workl, lbe Financial Secretary, Meaara Murphy, Olih, Ballareo. F . Morria, Woodford, Rothwell, Fox, GreeDe, Cart1 aod F oam. So it p111od io the aftlrmative anll • a• 10 ordered. Tbfl aaid bill wa• then read a second time, aod h wae ordered t ha' tho same be oomml~ a oommltteo of &bo wbolo Houee to-mor~~"· J .

Scoond re:ldlog of tbe H.nenoe Bill. Mr. Mor.INt moved ttilt followlog amendment

to t ho aocoud reading of the bill :.-, W berea11-Jo thie bill there ll a eecliou in·

teodod tO lodeUJnify the Governor in-Co~ll for lnylng aud collecd og extra dotiu ooder 11 etlan 18 of the Rovenue Ac t of 189>1, OODll'ary t rhe aphit aod tottter of that ao~; aod

W hereas,- T be bill tlto oootaloa a uotlvo in · tended to inde.mnlr7 the Governor. io-Cou~:~clllor colleotio~ feu ror b:1it 1lceooee fn 1890. eoutrtry to &be epiri' and letler of tbe Ua" ~cl, 11 OE· pooodsd by a jodt~mtot of , tho Supremo Court ; aod

W bercua-tho bill nlao oootala• a aeo:loo im­~IDJ dllf• t llt.llal du tiM opuo oertalo prodoo&a wt.en oomi~ }oto tbla q.Jiouy; aud \Vbtre~-T he 1•re~ocos of th... eeoclooa of

h d emoiLJ lo tbe Lv11 oo Act lot 1892 Ia c.b · Jtodoo. ble, al~, b.-o.ul'll •lury ha.,. oo p roper .. a.tJon to tbe ~nbJ~ct' ot A t6.o'DU rar tbla JMf, aDd II. Ylvlaliou or HOliUU II Of tiM draf• of tutnedou to till Go•eraor of Me•fCMUidlW r ... .

eontenta • Hoo.. Meean Monroe, Pitt• 1111d Rendell ~OD·oooteDte : Bo~• the Pr011idoot, Meure llarvet, Cleary, Angel , S:.el tou. 'l'•lbot aod lol 11ck11J So it pas!Od io tbe nu~:~tlve.

Anrl the q ntstlno .o ro tho ori&.:iMl r»otlon bein ~: ,pttl, i c. pU8ell io tho nffirmative aod •aa orJ.,a·t.l accordiogiT. .

On mouon of bon Mr Talbot, lbo committPu ro!e aod repo• ted tbe bill withou' fortbcr t mewl­mgut

U rdered tbat the bill, aa ame:1ded, b11 read a ~bird tiruo to-tnorrooov.

n oo Mr lfarve1 l11iol on the ~ble of tbo Hou•e t he repoH of the Lloyd'a tianeyor of ebippio l!!. . Hoo. Mr Mo~moE anid be b\d, oo a former oc ca11ion, u.ked ~he boo. reprnentatlve of the Goveromeot ro ata~e the inteu tiooa or theGon ro­ment in rellard to survey anrt io11peotioo ot craft a likely ttl !)OJ.!IIf;tO io thu L.,brador Oshory du rintt tb u cominll ~(11180o . &c 11od thllt if the rcpot~ of the Lloyds' Survoyor did not cou'-11in tho uecea­eary informat ion relstio~t to this q uestion, be would ropeat it when tbe Houao nne mol

( ro bo continued)

•• Mioard"e Liniment ie the H air Reetorer.

- Tho ovorage bumao h fe ia t birty-ooo Y"MS. - Don"t let t hu atre:~.m of your 1ife bo a mur-

muri o~r stream. - T bo ave rnjla bar ber doea not heaitato to

&erapo an acbuCLin taoce.

Minard's L ioiroont cores L' G rippe.

Tbt.l beat medic3l nutborities s:1y tho propor way to treat catnrrb is to tBlto a oonatitutiona l remedt. like Hood's Su aapari lla.

1 hnve sold WtsTAI:·L BALSA~ o•· WtLD Cu::RR\' many years., b:H"ll rcc<:ived great benefit from 1te uso. 1\nd C.lO re:lomrncnd it t o oil wh.) pu fi~r from cou~bs. colds or nny nnlroooary coan· plniot. C tlARLES II. LEHUY, l'utm3u, Coon.

- Should a knife :1ucl fork be used in catinlo"( a 83ndwicb? If it is at n rnilfo:~d s tation, we would rather rielt eating tile lc nifo aod fork.

- B EATIT s Toun OF Til£ WoRLD - E x-:\lllyor Daniel r' u .. atty , or Dent:) 'e Celebrated Or~ an 1\nd P il\008, w a, bitlgton. Kow J erOIIJ', baa re­t llrued homo from an oxwndod tour of t ile wor ld llc:id bis a•h·orti~ement in tbia paper ADd aood for C."tl.!llogue.

,...- - -­Mioard"s Linitnco t is t be Best.

- • Cao't you pivo a poor fe llo" " lift ? • aakecl a troiUp. • Not vert well 1 I 've only got my slippere oo, uid the fnrml'r. • Bol if a little pu;IJ will hcl p you. thoro it i•. • And be shoved him out iuto tho mgbt.

- NEW Ali ERICAN P OSTAL CAr..os.- .O,jm'ngfield, M a11, May :!:J-Tbo Mor~:uu Eovelop11 Company, of this city , bna r eceived from tho Uuited States Govoromoot nn ordo r for 24 000 000 postal CA rda o f a new dovico. Tl•t~ cord will uc J oublt<d io tho midrllo. O ne · h :oi( will be utilil cd by rbo aeoder, tho otb~: r h11tf for tLa o.?e"llr, 1f lhtl recipio:u t aeee fit to wal.,.. coe Tbe c-.rc1K will bo !'>~ x Si iocheo io eizo uod will cost t wo ccuta

-Tht' mao who f.:Ot>-3 to IJod ao l11to tha~ bu tneots himself gottln~ · up iu tho morning is oot au early riser. ·

/Jullutc•n!/s Oiu/1•oe1tl 1111d J>tl•• . -G iandulr.y e"·olliucll 111 H • .., thr· . t. ue uralr.;ia , t ic r heu:n:.ti21u, t:cur. lumhll~:o. nvj ot!•Jr 1 ~ , ee ofitCi iLI( tl1e A: IUnd&.IOU~ItlS and nen ·es o£ 6 .1·

tto;a :au r..:~DI 3UCOtly t'rQr!ic•IICU by thiB hcalills;! <iU L!-fobrilo nnu 80Ctb· o~ prupRmtiou. ! tin nino J\ rbrfcct rer~ (IOy for nfl Pl.:in d t8Cft£C8, BUd every kir••l of '' '' i l·rlicinl inllar:Jtunlicu, which 60'>11 lo'" !l•rir ru t: r.\ 11nd p111n f11l r.hnrnoter nn<ior tid~ 1 11 \'blufthl~ Uw11n~:ur. Tllo l'lllll b11ve oevur been urlmini .. tt!rt·d oither by hospita l or priuto proct.t louor iu dyupep11ia or liver compl~ooio L witb · ou t prodactn~ tbo dcaircd r o:eul t .

Mioard'e Lioiweut for Rhcowatiam. •

- W hen " l{ir l e lopes "ith hor fGtbor'a coach­man &ow•J o ther mao ie saved from getting a mig bt) poor wife.

- Dt9ASTilliUS E AIHIIQUAJU! - A dieaatroaa earthq uake baa oconrro\1 iu 'fraoa.Caocuia. Only meo,:ro dct11ile Lave b~oo recoivod, but it I• k11uwo that l llree v&llnrse" uea r tho fortified towu of Briuu. on tbe ZcnJ(I•i, hue boon llu­fl ltoycd tHod l hul t wenly·&eV('D panone t. .. vtl been killed aod o large oumbor lnjrued The 'ibrat iona wure 1 0 "rent tbat t bo roo• ' aolld bnildiog11 wer e abllk lltl from thtir fonodatlone and eeut oraab inJl to tiH1 oortb. Tbo lnhabi· taot• rnal.t61i terrified t rou1 tb->ir tottoriug booeea. only to be killed and maimed bt tbe falliu(lltructurea. Tho moat intenae noitemeot followed tho a wful viaitatioo,

• 'fble Ron for 1ale, ' the placard And ere there waa a bid,

AK110141 oyo!ooe etrook the plact­Aud. ~oure enough , I ' did ,

0 . C. Rtoa.aos & Co.

read ,

Gent&,- 1 epraiot d my leg 10 badly that I bad to be d riven bome in a carrieRe. I Immediately applied MlNAlto'S LINlMEN'.!' freely and in ~ honra could .oee mt log all"ln u •ell u ever.

JosaoA. \VntA.oORT, Rtl~gewater, ~· S~-

'l'bat strlnlf oa your flo2er meaDe I Bring home a bottle of MINARD'S LINIML~T.'

'£be oolt nrlatlon lD qaellt1 wblob will e".•r be fooud in · Myrtl e N"vy' lot.Gco Ia Ia the de

r.eet of moleture wbiob it ooolalot. Tobacco a ,.,, rudy abeorbeot of· mcria~urt, aod in

unuen~l • '•tee ot tbe W'eather It mar beooroe a littlo too molet or 1 little too rlry to eai• the taete of IOOitt' Tbi1 it a rolnor matteo bo•n er , u cbn u sen•l I q o.lii'J of the tobacco ie n.t cbanjC_erl lrt combuetlon ia a lltlle ell)wer o ' a llttl~ lll•l• r accorui iJil to the df·~rM of moi4,ate. tb• ' i1,.11. 'f?le d"rktlr t lut vl"i ttle greM"r tbe mu'-turo, a11d u;"" l pfuru tbe dark. ln each o.clq1 tio• ner, tbe r»~fereaoe ror .,_..,au bt Glt&.


nc~h ibo t:iC~bci! and r·.:::nlt.:; 't."COI! S\ r • .mofli"i~~ !:; td :r.n; it is 111e.-.:.unu ~d refr<.t3b1D~ to t!.J ~ ~~9. :md e.cts !!t!Dtly yet prompilyon the Kidneys, ! ivel' and Dowels , clcans~s tha sys­tem o~otuc1l7, dizpcls colds, he.ld· aches and fevers and cures hnbitucl constiuali~r.. Brru p of Figs is thtl only ict:'lcc1y o~ ;ts kind ever pro· duccd, plca~ing t · tbo t:lsto nnd oo­ceptnb!o to t!:e: t'i.Om:to!!1 prompt in i ts nction :1r.ll ::·l.l:; bc:~C;:ici~ i:l its ct:rec~, prcJ>:.r:::tl "~: ! ~1 f !·o::1 tho m~st; hcnlthy a;:d ~!:t' :·:t1Jic :;u I.Jst.!!.nccs, 1ts mnnycx(:dh·nt c1 ua!i!i:;scommondi~ t<> all a:d l:nY~ n;::d~ iL the moo~ popular r~:l1 ~oly k :.10\:·n.

Hvrup of Fi~~: is fer s:.J~J in 75o bottles b~? a~ l l<':;dbr. druSt,-rists. Auy rclit.blo<i::u!:'·:::--1. ."· ho mny n~? have it on h:.:.nlt l i llL procurl) 1~ promptiy fo~ :l!ly one w110 ·wishes to try it. !.bnuf:tc:·urcd only by tho

CAUHJHW,1 Fm SYRUP CO., DAl; I" It.!. :l c: IJ•:;O, OAL.

LOUlSV l~. I:Y. ~~~\'/ YOIU;.li. ~


Hypophosphites of Lime and SOJla.

l No ot"aer Emulsion is so

1 easy to t ake. It does not a'!para:te nor

spoil. It · s ah.':"ay:; swc~t as cream. The most sensitive stomach

C<:!.r:. retain i t

CURES --Scrofulou~ and

Vvast inp.; Diseases. CbroHic Coug-h.

, L o.:;s of Appetite. I iV!cn~:..l ~d .1\: c~ous 1 P rostratio::J. /; Gencr\ll Debility, &c. li { '"',~··-·~ ~r "11 t·-: .... ; ... r: - ""' · "or \

._ , _ , .' ........ .. ~ ......... . .,., -· l~ , .

1 ~.t" · ~ r- . ?= L ." E-:1t::-::ou, and re!ll!:c r ~I c~.:r:;.

L_~·.::.~~ .. --:~ o ~~ ~:n_ c~~Lc.

NORTHERN A.ssura,nce Company.


lSCO~tB AND PUND B (1887) : E'i.re P roruiuros ... .. . .................... £ 007,000 Lfe Pramiuma .. . . . ..... . ... . .. ......... )97,000 tntereat... .•... •••••....••.•••..•.....•• .•. 14.3,000 ~ulat.ed J!'u.ode ............ .. .... £3,til,OOO

.rhe underai.Rned is ":r.powered to efi'eot in­surances 0 :1 "11 Jdntle of Property in New• lonndlaod at oarren t Rates of Pr~mium.

The above Company ie wnll known for i• ibemlity and prorupcnol!S ia Hott.ling 1~.

P roepoot nllce, Forms of Application for F"ue and Life Insu riUloc, and all other la• formation can be obtained at the office of

4. O. BAY W A..RD, ST. Joo's,

Agne for NtM!Dt.Lndlarul. W. H . THOMPSON,

$u1l·AatnC foi Harbor fhaec.


WILLIAM RYAN Custom Ta.ilor.

Satlaft.ot.lon and a Good J'it Guaranteed

Shop nezt door to St.rathl•'• Tinware Be. · tabU..hment




.. .

· ' THE HARBOR . GitA.ct~i .:s'i'AND.ARD . : . -. .. .

r •

• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-· -= j. •• -

Florid&) ~ble and eeveral ~\he! eoterpriaee or By Telegraph. ~e a.ro. 300.000 coaunercial t rnollera in !b3 C• fadun . ~raq . i~al.~~h -AJID-

CONCBP'l'JON BAY. ADVBRTISElt. ·: --..--.- .- ... -------FRIDAY, JON~ 10. 189i. ____ ,_,

" 'l'ha.t Zila of 3eoonollilttion." THAT the discontinuance o£ the rigorous

enforcement, for the remainder or the p~nt season, of the Colony's ionlpable B:tit. Act ahoold meet with 'be atern disapproval of the Labrador fiabermen, here and eleewhere. ia ·not much to be wondered . a&t. Indeed, 'twould bave been matter of 111rpriae. ha·d it been otherwiae • . For they, lnckleas wistht.s I have felt b'adly the pinch of th" iniquitous bounty 'eyatem-to an extenl that will posi· tively lorbiu ~hem fl'om regarding with the emalleet. composure any dalliaoue witu \he French, or the relaxation of the reat.rictiooa which, in the be~~t interest of the Col?ny, lhe people, and the t~. it. .,as found absolutely necessarv to have stringently enfos~gatust. t.bem. For they were groasly unf•ir cvw · p etitont, were.the~~e gre.ed~, avariciouK rivlll~ of tltei; s · .......,d 1t. wa11 r~ght tbey·ahould, these

'~ . fore be trOI&ted with the ut.woat r&~or. Tru~h t.o t.ell, our hardv toilora could not forget. tb~&t tbuir prime staple-the iooomptr able cod-had been actually driven out of markets which hi~herto had been Lhe bt•s t. and the m011t Jucrati"'e within their roach. Nor could they forga• either tho other ft>ct that, ~iz., the French are insatioblo-~tre, like tht! tlUCiunl. hnnn:lcech's dan;_(hl~>r:~, r <n·

tinually crying" ~ivl'. J::i'u !'' 1!-ou our rilluur­men, th&€eloul -n:"~vnin.: fnHu what they had seen aUll t~ullt!roo..l iu Lit~ pad~, tus well us from what they lat•Kr 1\tl i rot~rl an•l observe in the presen t-han• lo•·~ Ki •u:u c·ltUe to tho conclusion th•t th~> Fl'buCh will f6t r~ltt con­tent until they h,•vu nb•~tin l'd full illld com. plete control of 1 t. .. l .. rl(,. ... t ttnd 1110s t profit.· able of all t.hPir l;'lrPt:tu ti-.h·m~&a kP.tl:l. Ana then, when thKt hS>O ht:on KCCO mtJii"heJ, we may grumble and frut ami fnru11. !~ut that -..ill serve Ul! llllll>(llt. The dtt au•tr(e has been dooe-Lhorou~l.ly .nJ inu!J•H .. L.ly do:1e, lt may chance.

Un<ieu' cumeta.~ 1\lul in "iew of prOS• pccta such aa h(fi09, i• it, t.ll~>n, lADY wonde; that our people R'"mld fo·al .. nnoyed aod grieved that th11 L.l.trl, ~,f the on If :rue~y, relilllble weKpon tlu• I .u lou,v L .. J an ltll armory 1llould h·• tduntC'd llod dullt:d ; and that comequeu r.l .v t hu to'. ··noh llh}•ulol. Cor the Tttwainder of llti ~ tho ver y Ill!"~ IJK rt of tho season, h~~ove full .. n•l unofl.oltr .. au c:J ..:out•ol of old Tera a .N ov"'" snusLr111" ' ' '" u .. n prt-aerves ; and-VPXIlliOOII l O h t\' · -d1111 "0 pridlo~:PO to obtRiu all, 1\nd m.~, o ti.J,. u all, the c.•plin and squid tbay m .. . v lt.lluia o for their own soltiah pnrpt: !tf'S '.\"loa • :ll,.,i'l "' c f}ll f people know only t•: n ~ ,, , 1 ; '''"' u · Lll ••••t. therefore to be reUilindu. i thllt ouu of llw vhj··C' !I ha.l in view is to kill. it can be, tbe reull y ami the prvfitable ' aRlo of the Colony's prime L"lbrn . dor product. in hl'r old-tim~> mllrketot Clf the J\lediterrt~ne rn. \VIout t h .. t "' ill •u•·>t ll to N ewfoundland, 't· ... ·e•··· '"" '!C;~"i t. .. , ... to toll, It is to be uevow.ly ho, .. d t.l,, ~ vu r I".:Oplo may not bavl:l t o regret :•nrl mourn over the short-si,gb t<'d policy which p' ··cecl th~i r invalu· auJe bait po·f'~erv .. ~ t<t tltto lr•·" ri iKI'n""l of their greedy, gri)!!Rly unlo~ i t nv.do~. Thttt, Ul.'yond doubt, ia .. nd ruuilt lo .. t h·: n.1t.J• .. i • ···lilt of the k i, t! of reconcil i<\Lio"l PI') 11\t .. ::: l .~,r o ·vcd.

From the Fa.r Off B:..hl!.l:-..t;' : A :Ciew· foundlandor S:.lo~tk3.

'Trs pl.:l!\RtJJl~ to huJ ou t· > .... n~ ~l'ltlH nt t be soil, wbeu tbey lettvo the shore.'! u l •hll old c .>lony a ooRre perch .. ncc fu ,. diKt>~llt!'rf'm t hem turoiJ?g tbeir thonght.q hither\lf'tn~-t. The'fol .. lowing letter from '' ?\ ~wfuunUI11.nJer -:.r. na· tiYe of tlsia to\lf'o, who has mi\•IR hiR home in the H•hamu now a&nd fur •um" time put under the able adminit~trKtion of our t.lllftnt.ed fellow·countrymau, Sir Arubro~W ~ht!a.-~ill, beyond doubt, be perua.ed with interMt by our people wbo, like Mr. Oreun, "have r.•~&IIOn to be prc.aucl of hiru and of hia work, Writ· ing from Androe I11laud,uoder date .May 23, our youn& friend r~marka :-

. [TO,TBI IDITOR OF TU'£ S1'4SDARD.] DuaS'ta,-

Permit a Newfouotllaoder, who haa cut lot in with tbe Bahaw&6e, a little apace

your valued col11moa for a few remarks a~ may pe~bapt be of intereet to many. of ur 1eadti~ eepeoi.ally now thll~ a gif~-e:i 8oo Te.rra Nova ~&blr rulea as Uovaruor over

naG iiDj ~oe &o ~e colony. Here there . - United S~te1a la an er I of 'proeperlty brought about by the • H.u.lru, Jue 8.-Tbe Republlcua Oou: · --

Local an<\ other Items.

muter ' a»Jnd of a noble' 100 of Te. rra Nova. •entiOA at Mintteapolu met and orpnised , -los TO Tn Noannruo-Yeeterdaya tele--- I • L-1--.:o. Tb lll'&m wu ~elved here ftom Twilliante ·by

The wr. \e : of ~heee few • Unee being ODA . of whh Pallett u temporary 0-;-u~ e Meemt C W ROte It Co. atatlar tha• lbelr IObr.

The moaaylou bylbe flood• in~lhe. nei1htior. hood of SL Loail f1 10,000 000. · •

toe {e~ :.:N)wroanJlandera liere feet. .proud plat.form oomaaittee wu llOaunated and the & 11 Stat. wblob bad lett ben oa ibe lit foe,, over th ' I TOIIperby or lbe oolony, beoau•e h oonnntion adjCMtrud ~U tolday. Blaine lind bad. reta,;,,.l\ to thal place : abe bd reached u waa b~ /a .ht about by one of themee1vea. Harriaon foroee are each determined to nomi- '"' u tbe Freacb Shore. bal. meetlncr a be&YJ Whd t~f' · a'ativea here think:or their talent• nat.e the chairman. 8bflrman looma u &~dark jam of fee wu f6rood to retaro to Twlllln~rate. fl<l ·.Go' ~or, a few (minutea' conversation bor1a. , · A bea.Yy nle of wiad from 'be oorthnrd wu with at, 10,t any peraoii you meet. here on Congreu hu admitted, u n1w 1t.ate~, New also reported.

The aut aona-t OI)DYeadou· of raUroad tele­·crapbert Ia to be held Ia Toronto.

Twao'y etoae Idola ba~e beea dlloonred Ia exoant\t~Cf A1teo raiaa ia &be dfrtotloaJof Chaco caaoa Mtxfco. -- '

tho · ~\1\ eu will reveal that Sir Ambro11e Mexico and Arisona. ~bea ~ jlle moet popular, the moet buaineea' Jon 9.-The Oriental Bank of London like, a~. ~he moat level-headed Governor au•J>«mded. Liab.ilitlOI teven and a quarter the Babff:tu ltave ever had ; this is tl:.e verdict million pound•, Senaatioo in 6nanoial oiro)ea of the w~le com10~nity My1Harbor Graoe Rumou111 o£ tho death or Emin Puha in friend• rendered a similar verdict concern · the interior of Africa are oon6rmed. ing him ' for twenty odd yeara., . Several very dee~ruotive &rea bt.Yo recently

Your~ truly, oconrred in Ruuia; yeaterday' at Botohinki ~ M. GRE&'l, 310 houae1 '![ere burned. Much mieery.

Me(cier ia eeriously ill at Quebec. He .f. • --. Notes a.n4 Comments.

CA...'i.\ 1U.N :UnnoRATION.-The people wbo eP.ek a lOme within the wide areaa of the Oreas U 1m inion are not confined to any one nlltion. :.11 few days ago over 300 German and Au t ;ian immigrants arrived at Winni­t•fl~ to ~Ice up }and in Manitoba. Thi11 will solliice t ·ehow that tho fame of our nAighbors hilS apt :d wide and far acroas the aea. l~oreigo, iJ• 'evtln, are well aware tbat a Wllrm welcom6 ~waits them there.

•' l'IIE UrseRAL ExPORTS of tho C tmadian

nomini.-. 1 •ue no mean factor in its economic l.iot t~cy. , Theile durin~ three fiscal years w~re : ·l888-Si,l10.937; 188!>-$-!,419,. 170 ; and 1890-$4,855,751.

lT.A.LY's. NEw PRDl&R-Giovani. Giolitti -i,., remarks the Toronto Empi.r~, ~aid to be " man of strong pereonality, poeaested of a Litter prrjudiOA against France, and with a political ~reer o£ some 26 y11art1 behind him. I Cis o~ e appeua to be satisfectory to tha lllt'tuurra. )f tbe Triple Alliance and to be a· new pro' ·: of ita oontinued atrengtb . 1t i11 underat.Oo ~ thst he is strongly oppotted to any ~C. · tion in the arm•. hlit~vin~ that in ~<pite of~ ~e "tleht and diflicnlty onder which I ta.ly lahore, a he oan beat sue money by uaa&int.:i'k'u· her full military Coree io aid of the pe • wera. He ia, however, aaid to fo~.vor a·n& . foal reduction in railway expendi­t,lre and the Of'ei&Lion o! rurtber oolonizing exploita in ~&IIOwah or eltewhere.

SEcRETARY Butlf&'a GALLANTRY C.&uus 1 hll A .FALL. A. W aabiogton despatch at a tea. tq.-: at that. city on tbA afternoon of the 12.b u •t., Secretary Blaine attended· a &tr~wherry. festival given in the north· ,;..edtern part of the city anti came n ear rneetio~· with a serious accident. While a!lproRco ng the lar~te pllvil~on in which the ~~·e.ater nJlTlber of the gueats were gathered, lad Rtopped on the narrow eleuted board walk run.ning along lhe driYftway to ~reet ~>ome friends. Amoog the ladies was Miaa I .eiter, "': · .,, selecting a red roeebud from A

c'u11t.or ~ her belt, (aatened it in the l~&pel of hiR coat. Raising his bat in acknowledg· mont of H • pretty 11ct, the Secretary of St.ate m11do n 'n. ~~Step, and before he could regain his l)al~tnca:, his fllot slipved off. the board and ia•!' l t~ roxth was me~tanred on the ground. He w~tA nt once hel~f'd to his feet, and in re "l'onqo to anxiou .. • enquirie'l dP.cl"rod himself •\·holly 11 ~hurt. After mounting tbe abort Ooght of Jir~ Secretary B'"ino reated for Hhont ' nv .1 minutes and then insisted npon .i •ining tl } C'lmpnny outside, wi~h whom be o olmained some time.

hu abandoned all bia )'roperty for the bene­fit of his oreditohl.

• The Pretbyterian Aaembly met yeeterdlly at bl-o~real ; elecc.ed Dr. C.1van moderator.

JuNv. lQ.-Oiadetone addre88ed a meeting of Liberala at Hawardon on Tueadn. He referred to the fact of the Tode~ admitting the henefit of lhe battle on the Free Trade question ; but the Liberate would stick to the FrOfl Trade Bag. The Liberals never had a more hopeful oaulle than that to be decided at the c::>ming elections.

Hor~tce . Ociborne, lo'bbyiat Maesachusetts Legislature, lau been anested for attempting to bribe meml.ers.

Tbe Republican convention hu dono nothing ; it. ie generlllly acknowledged the Bl~t.ine booiL hu burst.

M~rcier and Pacand have beelf committed to t,aial at Quebec for oooapin.cy to defraud the Province of $60,000

Dr. Buchanan, a Nova Sootiaa, practieiog in New '¥' ork, hu been arre~ted for poison. iug his wife.

The '!teamer Bet" !rom Ha..,.na baa ar . rived at H~&lifax with Lbree o.uec of email pox among orew.


Two Orana AT Gnu Bu

(Special to Harbor Grace Standanl) -ST. J oalf'•, Tbl• alternono. · Durlog yeeterday'• b~, Georae Clarke,

while ~ndeavoring to beat hie boat int.o Reart'a De11ire, awamped aqf!tt four miles off shore and waa dro•ned, r.t. brother, who wu in "aotber boat eome d~tance-to lee•ard, oeuld not bt~lp him, and ··~ f~rcect to .a& bin:. drown before hi. eyee. Ol;~e lain• a wife a&od one obild. ··, · · .

'£hree men-:-Janetl, Bri~er, and Temple Knight-we:e drown~ a_t ~?.n_th We1t Arm, GreP.n B•y, on Wednesday:"· The three left for Colchester in the momi.og ; a few boul'8 l"ter the boat waa found, bottom up, near Ra&ttling Broolc. One bMy wu recovered ." Bridger leans a wife and three children Knight a wife' and one. child.

- The •~amer Lady Glouer i1 expected to ar­rin bere lbie neoing frow l:i\Jobn'e

·-----S?eace'e noaster Pembloa anlved thla mora­

ing froo11 St John'• witb a fall load of freigh\

-Fiau rio oot' aeem to exi•t below 4000 fa.tb l"l-nR (2-lOO feet) with the exception o! tbo 1bark, wutob baa beua caught at a greater depth.

- The &muear's cargo of ealt wbiob wu dia­char~ted at Ca.rb:~aeu h,st week, waa purobaaed by Me11ar1. Dnlr & I3.11rner for their supply­ing &rade.

- Tbe Freocbmeo are at it &Rain .h appun by meua~re to ,JaJDtl Haird, Eeq, tba~ c!nrlo~r tbe wele of tbe 8tb and 9~b of lla7. 1ome of the trap• belooaina to Mr Baird were drlno from tbeir moorings Tbe ~·reach oama up wiUl 'bem sod cut t.bem to pieces and carried awa1 &be ropu, &o 'l'be cue i1 oow aader ln"tlgatlon

-The Sohr. Manfe Footf, owaed by Foote Uroa,, Graad llaut, arrived Jut enoiaa to Maura Bowrloa Bro1, with 300 oui1 lobeter1 aod ROO qclotala fi1b 'J:be eealor partner of the ftrm, M.r Tbo• Footo,cacDe by her, aad re­por'- that 'be baoklag feet ol 'bat pleoe, baa doae yery well ap to the P."'tDl 'fbe Yeuell owoed by bll 8rm have ooc beaa &be mo1t aoo­ceuful, bnloa only 180 qolatala for three bah! a a•; bu' tbe ruah of the eea1oo'e opera­Ilona, on tbe wh..,le,IA rar in no ... of lau year'• work.-Uer'ald, Juno 7 __ .._.

-Pdr ROthwell M U A ill •lowly htd aurely hnpro'fio~r. and bla frfea'd• and pbyalolaoa be­lleYe tb•t be fa out of daa~r The lmmedlate CIOie ,of Mr Rothwell'• aUaok Will aolaw oat tblot, clad tbe al~rbt of tbe flre fe B•ra'a block, ia which hla balfaere place II lltuted

-Mr. MdLellan, " aon.fo.Jaw nf Richard Cor­m&ck, Eaq .. of St John'•. arrind by &btl Cob11n to take the poaitioo 'Of con1trao,lo~r eo~riaen on the R&ll'e Bay railway in aucce•lfon to 'Mr. G. R. M(ddletoo. who hu severed bia coaaeoUoo with the Railway Company.

- rnr.: SROR£ FISHERT.-A Twillfogate dea­pdob of Monrtay afternoon 1tated that tbe week IJa.d opeoetl with a. ~reoetal Improvement in flt~h­io~e operation!!. Fair work wu done oo Monday at Rerrlncr Neck. ft. le report-ed that one trap 1t Little Harbor "V' .a,t twenty q'uintllle the 11arne ri&y. S:dmoo llrt: h · i o~ takf'n at differeo' pl1oes. Caplin lately etrock 10 et Little Harbor. Re­ports from around the Bay are eoconragiog,

-TH£ BANK FtsR£RT.-Mellflra P . & L Tee­•ier'" h11n kio~ ecbnooer St. Clair. Capt. .Joho Renry Willil\m!l. Arrived 11t R•v Bulle no Sltnr­d"y from F lemish Cap with 200 qtle fi11b, She

.~pnrt" ha.vinl! loat a mao. on M11.y 8th, 011med )CoroPiin~ Glyoo. "'re~ideot or that plAce. How the di~11etM ocoorred ia oot etated. but in 1111 probability he wae w11h1d onrboarit dnrlo~r tbe leYere 11torme lately experienced. Oo Saturday enninll, "Pl•no~~otla de11oatoh atates. the IOhoon­er Edith Ann~ FitzpatTiok m11eter arri•ed previon1 uenin~r from Flemi•h Cao. with 880 qaiotal1. She reporte flab fairly pleotlfnl. bnt weath10r no anally ro:12h Tile 10hoooer ~emo. Whel"" muter. bu &rrived from the we~tward. with 170 qnintel1. Poor repnrta from Ct~PII St Mary'• -Meara, .Job Bros & Co'a ecbr CM .. ming LaA~. Capt Ju Power, bu "rrived to '-lr Weeb, Bay Halle. wltb eqnal to ~ qtla dry They 61bed kS'lb11 •edward -~ieure. A. Goodrldwe & Sons recelnd a

DliiiUile from St. Mary'• on Wedae1day to the etftot tha' flOOd catobN of 6th bad beeo Haared at Holyrood in tbat bay aad that pro1pecta were •ery ,f&Yorable.

Tbe ICbooaer Marg~te. or Gloacw-ater. Oapl Joe. Boola, wu at Bay Bolla on Wedneet!ay morolna. with the lou of Ga1. Sperrow, of ~la­oeatla. who w&e carrierl OYerboard.

-Meut'l P & L Teuler'a baalter Robie -~· Capt R Wllllame. aniYori at' Hay Ball•. on Monday, with 850 quintals of fleb

'fh11re wore two b"nk arrivala at St Marya oo Theeday; oae bad SO qulotala of fttb, the other (00

-The ba.nklnll 1oboooer Ef!U M. CAptain Crocker, &rrlntt at Trinity, oo Satardav eYeD­

ina. to MeSI!M! J .J 1\toni~ whb a.boat 100 qtle of codfish. t&keo ·on her!flnt,b&itiitg of herriol!' Durio~ the firet part of ~be trip tbe weather ex· perlenceri was rather Ptorrny aod f!eb wu very ICJirce; bat tbe latter part of tba vo~&lle wu atteoC:ed with tioer wntber and a better appear-aaoe of 61b ~

. ..:..& M PraU, Eeq. City Kol(foeer. s• Jobo'a hu realgaed from tba$ important podtlon Moob regret II feU at tbe Jo., of bia·akllledjlemoee

' Tbe Ronmaalan crowo Ia made of met11l from the oanaon oaptartd from the '.1'arb at PleTDa Ia 1877. -

Capt Drlaooll who wu atrlckea with paraly· •II oa board \hl acbr Fair Wind oa Friday oighl, died Mooday moroio~.

Rev. Fraolc W. Pslmer and hi11 wife reeolved to li.Ye witboot eating, bat the effort wu a fail· are. Bolb died.

A company of loc~ New York capi~llala bne acquired a latlle coal area In Cape BretoD aad propose t'O develop " · •

Coon& Telelci, the Haogariao re£agee. who was ooooerned io reYolutiooary moYementa ia Spaia, Aattria aod Italy. ia dead in London.

-The Supreme Coart met on Satorday at elnen o'clock parauent to adjourorneot Preaent Mr Ju•tice Pi011eot and Mr Juetice Little In the csre between !>ir A Shea. aod the Government, the Court srave jnd~me'lt for the GoYeroroent bot • itbout coetll Mr Kent. Q C, for the plato· tiff; the Attorney Geueral for the Government

-The eteamer C'oba•• arrived at St. Jobo'e from Montreal 11t 6 p m. on Saturday. She broacrht a la.r~re frei~bt 11nd. fht> following p1111· eeo~rere :-Miu May Webber, Mile Earle. M:r. aod Mre. Mellis· Tbe bo\t ulled oo Tues­day for Montreal tAkio~r tb~ following paueo. aere for that port: .Min Haney, aod Mr. Tbornu • and to Syitaev-Bri~tadier Jicoba and Hoare, S. A., aud Mr. 1'horn11.

-TJu: ScHoONER 'Rll'PLt ' POitCRASID-We ar~t told by the Htrald that tbe Swedi•h oatnr­alletc b&Ye bought the 1cbr Rippk from her owner Capt Woodbine Pike, of Carbonear, aod •Ill •non 1111 ia her on their northern exptdilion Th11 Ripple I• 86 tooa. bat po11euea •nperior oapabllltae• for tble eervioe,over the 1maller Y81• 1el which \bey propQMd takfor aod i• therefore mach more enlteble ··rhey b&Ye had moab difll­oal\y ta aeulo~r a oapteJn and a crew of three mea for ber. bu' after a 'lme aeccre them

-The Amnlean baakinl!' ~hoooer Thttu, ., . rind at Bay Balli, from Fleml1b Cap, Jut Tbarad&y bavia,;c to put loto tbat port to re. aew her 1appliee She ' bad beeo oo t he Baalt for ~ daye, aoti wu noly able to eet her tra.wl1 on three oooa11iooa For 17 days it •as impnll­lible to leue tbe ahip owin,:: to extremely aev. ere weather, aod tboogb the 1hlp came tbrougb the ordeal without aoy d&mage, the captain con­eider• ic about the ron~beat gale he wu ever oaugbt b7-llerald June 7

The S S Ct rthagenian a.rrived at St J obo'a on Wednesday from Ralifax aod eailed again at 7 She broaabt the followio~r paueog&rl: Mn BloomBeld. Mrs J Hawken aod iufaot, Mn F C Simp3oo, Mi1111e1 Doady, M Tobi1_1. M E Woods aod Me11ra T D Darby, J F O'Brien, Robio11oo. R Ro•~. Clareoce Smith. W Tbompsoo, R 0 Vao Horae and C C Wat~ No 11teerage p•ueoger1 were by her Tbe rarthagenian carried a deck­load of cattle

The Best Authoritiel Such 11 Dr. Dto Lewie, Prof Groaa aod otber11, ~ree that oalarrh ill oot a local bat a r,ooatitu­tional diseue. It therefore requires a oonetito· tiona! remedy hire Hood'e Sar11parilla, which effectually and perrnaueatly curea catarrh, Tuoaaaods praise, h.

-~ EARJOL Loss OF LtF£.- The Caapiaa aea lte,mer Alnander IVolcorc which, It was reporr­ed from A1uakbaa on Ma7 16, bu aadoabted­ly foaadered. left " Perelan port for Habo, &be eod of Marob, No doabt I• now eatenaloed bat thawb• foaodered lo a borrlcane wblob oo­carred oo the 19th of Marob The Woloow did not carry a aloalo .lifeboat, and her 260 paueogere are ~rlYen up all loet. She •Ill ham­pered with a heavy deck cargo, and .it Ia edp. po1ed that ber cargb 1blfted, ca01iog lba Ye&kl to capaise.

The Rapid InOl'e&M o! La Grippe throqh­out all Pro'f'inoe1 i• c&Uilng Great Alarm A report h ill jan beeu received here, from

New Yorlc City, IZIYlDif details of a oetr feature of tbe dlteue \~ m Hanle7 of &hac City recent• ly died -tter aa lllneu or oo!J four daya. in bor· rible agony HI• IOQ4l111 •w1lled to 1och aa ex • teot u to reader It lmpo11lble for bim to •peat or 1wallow •

· • tbt. intereating group of ltlland.i.

MoaT · : . .ut£ oUT LIC&.'iSES.;_Saya our con· : emporar~ ·, the Cape Aon A.dvertieer of Srd· in,t. : •' A despatch from T. N. Molloy, &he A merican conan! at St. John"•, N. F., to President Preuon of the Gloucester Mutual lntort.n<* Company, atatet that the govern· aoent hai utabliehed a lioeoae fee of fl.60 )'er ton ou Amert.n •euele 1eeldng baiting "nd otber 61hinsr privile'{81. No partii.lnlar1 arct givel{, b•u thia ~probably the ontai"'wlh of the ne~ ar.rangement with C•nada giVing to CanadLn 6ehin~r veuela the ~me pri•i­legea &ha t are enjoyed by N ewfoundll\od oraft. IAat year t.be Oanadi~tna were not "llowed to talce bait on any term1, while Ameriot.na had all the advautaaee of Cree

. hai~ and ioe. The Oaoadiana retaliated by a praotiC..Uy prohibitive duty on Newfoundland tieh an:l produota, and threatened 6shiog re­.. tdotion• on the Labrador ahare, and the ~ewfquodland govf!mment were cot long in ooming to term1. Possibly there is a leuon for the TT 1ited St.atea here."

--TQZ LABAV& Ft.sm~o HLUT-Tbe baymen of ~' l:ine are aboat ready •for tbeir •urnmer'a work Some of the oaptalaa ftQd area• <1llftoult7 lo teooriog soen eooaab It .. uow nldaot t.bat the paopl• of Laltue ow' too mao1 baultlag •oboooe11 for the number o1 men who IIY11 io cba plaoe and ma . of &be Iars"' aoboooera h&Y8 DeeD iiDS OIU tbil pr!OI( bJ tbelr OWDIU to earaae darloe cba • mmar In ooudor bOll· o... Labf&dor and tbo ~ort.b Bsy are oow tbe attractive pla01a for tbe tlebarmt.a and for the pnrpoae of carrylor on tbe: ftebia« .buioeu ln tbeee plaoea a aolcable aobooaera bave been ballc oo tbe tlnr c'urtoa the p~lotar aad

-AN hrPORTANT CASE "''&a bofore Je Supreme Coar\ oa MondRy morliio~r wbeo ioterpleeder proceedin~ra in the one of Job Broil. & Co va. Geore Hampton. Ayre & Sons ve. Goodfellow & C . aori in u parte Henrietta tlampton. were bear . Tbe quP&tioo wu &d to the owncrebi'p or" veRSe I cdled the Grace. r.Irssre. Job Rros s•1 ~plled Geor~e Hampton with 1\ Labrador outfit during two se&aone, but be wM unRaccoMful and f"ll in rlobt to them. The VIIB!el f1race. io which •-hmpt.on w11nt to the L'lbr~ having beeo lost. .Job llros. ls3nod a writ for tho recovery of tbeir b'l11nct againat llamptoo lnd a warrant of attacb­menc•waa pll\ced io the haode of the 1\Iutual Insurance Club. attaohio~t tho ve~ael's insurance. The lo1araoce bad beeo effected In Mnna Ayre & Soo1' oame, aad when it wu retaloedtby!tbe club uoder the attacbme'lt, the Meure. A.yre took prooeediDJZI to the u1ual way lo rroo•er lt. Meure. Ayre & &oa don't claim the Ytllel u their own. but u agente of Henrietta Hamptoo, for wborn they io1ared her. George Hampton admita that the Yeuel wu his wife's. and that be bad oo claim upoo It Menra Goodfellow & Co. oaly come Into tbe matter u membere of tbe Io1uranoe Club, the formal way of ''k'" ~" acuoo a~raioal the club belull to lUll O••• of IL<r membera for hie 1·roportioo of tb1 amount claim· ed to be doe V.vidf'noll ·~~~lvea to abow that ,b.,.. ve111el wu purohuerl p Mre. Hampton's nama out of the rnooey beq 1eathetl to her by ber ~traadfsther. Ou bebr.lf of .\le~lra. Job Rro1. & Co~u oontou•le J ~laM tlle naael wu George Ramptou'e. aurl DOt btl en.,·.. Sir J . s Wiater. Q C., for J ... b Groll & Co. a11d Gl)()drellow & Co,; Mr. Groentt . Q. t;., for Heorge and Beori­etla Hampton aud .1\Jre .. ~; Soo1.

-CODTIIAPS AND S ALloiO:i N a."T.i -There waa a very lotl!ronlu~: a ·e-frorn a flabermaa'e point of new-tried at the Coort lloulll lO·day be­fore Jud.rA Conroy lt .,u bstwel"lo two ftab­ermeo of p ,,oot. Cove, and r~lau.ed \0 lhe Itt• tiog of codtr"pa I ' 11ppeare 1ha~ u . early u 'be l~tb vf Avril lout. roap u•m~ Monllon ... a oodlrillp ou 1\ plactt tbl\t i1 o·.n~lder.,tf tho obolo. e1t ou tbo 'f b<~le or thu Ptlaloh Covot fllblug gtOUtld l'be law amOD,iit the Qe!.arOHJQ II tbal tbe coduap lo poaiLlt>u le eotltl,.,t to tb.s benn it calt:11 foy.tbe remainder or the eutoo Ba' abe time f6r ll•io~t oooltrage bact DQ' arri•,ed when· Moalto~ pll~ bU. oe• la place ; 10 ipate•d of elqkiDR t~e oot u a oodtr•p eboqld bo 11aa~1 be allowed h to ~Q&,, and uud h &I a ••lrnoo ael Alit ••• aeed a1 a nlmoq nil otbor 6'btorcaea aoceptotl \bl faoa tba~ it ••• " aal.pon ue' ~d placed tbeir q~ta ae11rer thaa ftftJ (&thorne wblob II tbe dl1tanoe pre~rlbed bJI,.w to be becweea ttfO codtra~ or . b"t•ea~ a oodcrap aad UJ .oabar oo' Mo111t~o uow ma\ee .a ood aec oct of • •lmon 1.11t, aod recal"log bit ber&b frOM to law ~ make all ot~er Dt\1 keap ftftJ faahoma an7 from bl111 TJ\•·caqll&lo~a oow Ia, oaa a ood Dtl be a •l•oD D .. IUia!t.....,. ll .. e, or ID1W 1\

Tbla aew deyelopmoot bu oaoeed the people .of oar commouity to enquire into &be aot.ed Grippe Caro, lawly apokon of in eo maoy of oar loadin~e New1paper1 aDd Jooroal• It hu bean tried ia Cape Bretod, where the iocreue II Yery rapid, aud tbe ruulta fatal A J McKillov of L'Archereque, write•· tba& the \rial wu •tllfac­tory.lbat every ooe lotbe town Ia trJIDif to obtain a •apply He tlnitbed bit lener by '\lklnsr for a larae qnaotity of it (Dr Mone'a bdlan Roo• Pilla) with which to aupply &be demaada of the pnblio

Many 'of your , read~ ha•e poaslbly but lit.tle knowledge of The Babamu. A glance at tbe .map will letfli.le to reveal the whole group, oolllilting of teveral hundred illa~~d1 and oaya 11 a ohi Jter of amall dot.l, Nuaau, a towu of abo11t 12,000 inhabitantl, on the illand ol New Ptovidenceo, il the obief city and the le&t of government. It i1 a great winter reeort on aooount ohhe lovely clim~tte -lovt~ly indeed-from Oot.Qber ~ill I une, but ho~wfully bot - during the other monthe, Up &o a few Je&ra o ago, N ... 11 waa a de:td place indeed, and when ~U: A.mbro1e Shea-a Newfoudlandllr, I .1m proud · c.o aay~me here u Governor five yeart ago, there wu not an ind111try &o aJ*Ir of, io t.h~ illandt --eT~ing wu 1tagnation. Sir Ambroae'• poah and keen bllliD- inati1Dot1100n ~rouaht new life into tbe Colony. He •w the poeabl· Jitla ol the 6bre plane oallecl U..l. S~dl· .&e~ were Ol'pDiled, .od forelp 011pital wu iDtiMaoed few tbe eaceneive oulu•..Uoa cf &be plato~~ 'lboti•Dclt of .one .,. , DOW

.....Woald.•&doD, aad t» oolouy i. J•t •· ~ 1lpCII' u • ol wooclerfal proapt rl~

Tdllr ...... ......,. latalll .. & p J)Ut_. ............ .. ........ 011" .....

... ill ...... u.. ..,... ol .. , .....

l11) 'TBI &OITO& OT Till 11 UDUD. j 0&4R 8"1H.•- ' , ·

H4ri.Pw t.bat PatriCJk W a lab uy11 that he haa ~~ •ncour&f(ed by me to 6th on tbe Eottate. Room at ~gged· Ialand•, Labrador, thl•\~Jt<- •rtif1 that John Waflr:er beard a oon•eru 1n ~tween me ancJ P~riok Walah

·(berore \ a agreement between ~1&&0 J'um· phrey an!!(' l,»atriok Wt.llb bad *q. en~red into) ootUferning tbe above Room ; and tbat [ told 'P.attick Walah t~at J. wo~:Jl4 give OJY 0001en' when he (Walah) w.,nld go to Iaaac Pornt\hrl'ly and my mother; tnd i' be sot a ri~u• •Jm b.t would ba'e.;a fW' 6el4 &~Jd a ,ooct flU~s.atutL Yoara V~JIJ,

D&NIBL PUMPHRBY. Harbor Ate, ohM 10, 1891.

~ ...... ~- ........ ,,, .. Jf!'I'P' ... _,. OD ~ aid• lroaa Oapa.

Ult IJOiat. JIIM , .... iaeiWO mtD DO'

-==~~~·=· -: ... no. d&J• ,, .. 10..._. ... .., ............ ~ ..

oow m\ay of 'biUJ bne to aetk f<>r c of tbelr ctewt ia oober plaoM lo Noya 8oo lilt aol pOJifbfe to Ofllr•tQU the biJifOMI ID &bja lien alao? -LK'IIftblfrq Proqr.,q --

-l'ba Ora& batcb of beabn arriY8d oo Sen· day ·aad do oo• bria11 a rerJ eDOOutiJIJOI rapon of ~be Oll&loo~ for • aqod ..-•'• work ¥.-' Qf &.beep bare 4ab_. priaQt(I4IIJ abou• aat.lt ._. laDd, PD W•Mrn &nk p OD BaGqii.,_Q

n., .. "'*' WWa "" .,.. .. o.pe Kortb lolle'or &be S..• wen tlolaa Jtell. otMn poor· IJ ba• ~ 8Mt 11 a wtaoft ioald a,.,... 76,000 .. ., 000 poudl .,., .. ..,. Capt Bobblet. ...... tile ...... ll ..... fat alale .... ,.. 160, ouo poucll TMn be .-or. Juwe ....... ,~'T.;. .,. :::'1'.-,.-Gij'f ,;;

. be auk Wj/'eD&f .. t Jt ,~. IW ii&Ued a ood lilt t Ta ... ...._ pDID" .1~tfi .l'W 0o•rt •Ill taka &1111e to ooaaldtr, aall 10 · ~- to 4o oo. tbe oue bll '*• po•~aecl •ta lloed~ Mr It 8 ~· •trel • .,..,. tot t)lilad • P J ..... Q u, foe ~--&-CMillil .

-Orr Ta& SLtP-Tile repairl to the atranded aoboouer Maggi4 W SrniJA wert oompleted Yll• terday, a11d at 4. 80 p.m eb'e •ae IQCOQflfully lauacbed from •he alip Sbe II uow at 118111"1 Joba McDn & Oo'a wharf, tlfb• u a bottle, and u good Ill ehe wu befort abe raa ubore at Bradley'• OoYe Tbe l'lpalra wen aU effected Ia 18 da71 1 there were H e&reekt or pJaak PD' oa, oa an aYerace aboa' balf the ledlth of th• n~~~l; aa e.atln D4w keel, ed a full ~ plaok oo oae fllde a part . of ... IDpol'- belid• tbla. ~6 abeell of oopper '"" pua oo, utl1 her pluklaa ftlted Tlat work-of tati~W ol tal• brokea plaat &DCl ketl.,..oollllldenbl_!sO~ to ibt fMttolop tto Mr Wb•tiJ act.._ ~· Tboapeoa an bo&b well NttW Willa th jot); •• II .. aood ... be doDe ID ......... .,. Mt W WilleD no W -.. of .._ won:, WM. II- '-a protect. tbt tJclal -. Ia &bt == :\ -=~=~!"' ... -