ppt paper checklist revised fall 2010

8/8/2019 Ppt Paper Checklist Revised Fall 2010 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/ppt-paper-checklist-revised-fall-2010 1/30 Before handing in your paper, use this PPT Checklist! the rubric the rubric the rubric the rubric the rubric the rubric the rubric the rubric the rubric

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Before handing in your paper, usethis PPT Checklist!

the rubricthe rubric

the rubric

the rubricthe rubric

the rubric

the rubricthe rubric

the rubric

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Hi!Like, you wannause this PPT to

check your paper,like, cuz… youwanna do good andstuff? Cool.

Click YESto begin.

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Got your paper infront of you?


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My PAPER is now in 

front of me.

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Okay.Now, let’s start with

the biggest deductions.

Because who wants toget smacked with those?

w long is your essay/paper/project?

Is it the required minimum?


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I added MORE words.

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If you are confused by parentheticalcitations, click HERE.

If you have used parenthetical

citations correctly, click YES.

Now that the length is taken care of,are you required to use sources?

If so, are they cited in the essay withparenthetical citations? (Also known asin-text citation.)

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This is an in-text citation.

Back to Checklist.

 The word dumb is defined as“lacking intelligence or good

 judgment; stupid; dull-witted”(“dumb”). My sister bluntly defines

it as “characteristics of an idiot”(Priebe).

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How about your Works Citedpage?

Does it contain completed entries?

Is it alphabetical? To look at an example, check

HERE. To move on, check THIS.

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Works Cited

"dumb." Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1).Random House, Inc. 21 Sep. 2009.<Dictionary.com


Priebe, Alisa. Personal Interview. 20 Sept 09.

Works Cited PageCheck 

Back to Checklist.

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Next, we would like to

remind you to handin your project ONTIME. Late projectsand papers typically

receive massive

deductions. Ick .Click  YES to

handing it in ontime!

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Look at your topic sentences

(the first sentence in each

 paragraph); does each topic

sentence flow into the next

one?YES  NO

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To further check for organization and flow,

look at eachparagraph – does itconnect back to the



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I may be a baby, but I know thesisstatements shouldn’t just be questions.Duh.

Also, if the thesis starts with, “In thispaper,” change that as well.

Click HERE for Thesis Help.

Click THIS to continue with the PaperChecklist.

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Good Thesis Examples:--- The true definition of “slut” is acombination of amount of partners

and length of time with eachpartner.--- At the age of 18, Americans areallowed to vote and buy cigarettes

(a drug); this age should also beallowed to buy and consume alcoholas well.

Not-So-Great Thesis Examples:--- In this paper, I’ll explain why drinking

is bad for you.--- The definition of “beautiful” isdifferent things to different people.

Return to Checklist.

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Checking for transitions.

In between each

paragraph should be asentence (or two) thatconnects the previousparagraph with the onethat follows.

Click HERE for TransitionHelp.Click THIS to continue.

S l T iti

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From the time I was sixteen I ceased to say my prayers andceased to go to church or to fast of my own volition. I did notbelieve what had been taught me in childhood but I believed insomething. What it was I believed in I could not at all have said.I believed in a God, or rather I did not deny God - but I couldnot have said what sort of God. Neither did I deny Christ and histeaching, but what his teaching consisted in I again could not

have said.

Looking back on that time, I now see clearly that my faith - myonly real faith - that which apart from my animal instincts gaveimpulse to my life - was a belief in perfecting myself. But inwhat this perfecting consisted and what its object was, I couldnot have said.

Sample Transitions.

Return to Checklist.

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EVIDENCE CHECK.We want to know if you havebacked yourself up in the paper

with evidence (sources orexamples, etc.)?

Click HERE for help.

Click THIS to continue.

S l E id

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Currently, the American way is the Hypocriticalway. We view sex and violence and political

bashing and religious wars on TV, but the minutethose subjects are in print, particularly sex, Bam!,letters to the editor come pouring in. We can’thandle those topics in our paper, but we’ll surelygo shop at Abercrombie where naked peopleare used for advertisements or purchase

magazines where half the ads use sex to sell ussomething. Like one of the latest ads on MTVdemonstrates, we’ll let our kids watch ahead get blown off on TV, but the minutesomeone fondles someone on TV, the wool

comes over the eyes. We’ll fight openly aboutpolitics in our kitchens with 8-year-oldsnearby, but we have parents that won’t telltheir sons that it’s a “penis” and not a“pee-pee.”

Sample Evidence:

Return to Checklist.

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So, you’ve checked the

big items in your paper.Now to look at thesmaller things can makeor break anessay/paper/project.

Spelling. Don’t just usespell-check either!Proofread with human

eyes or read it aloud.Click YES once you have

completed this.

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Now, let’s look at

punctuation.---Do all completesentences end with aperiod or semi-colon?Click HERE to check on

punctuation issues.


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This is why I teach; this is why I am in graduateschool. I want to learn more, and I want toencourage others to learn/discuss/write aboutsubjects they are ignorant in. I’ll deal withbeing pushed and shoved because I want tohave discussions, even if they’re“uncomfortable” ones.

This is why I teach, this is why I am in graduate school. Iwant to learn more and I want to encourage others tolearn/discuss/write about subjects they are ignorant inand I’ll deal with being pushed and shoved because Iwant to have discussions, even if they’re“uncomfortable” ones.

SampleSentences:Which oneis correct?

Return to Checklist.

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My title is interesting.Is yours? No, Mine isn’t.

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Like, Duh: The Controversy of LIKE.

Swearing with Acronyms!

A Definition Essay.

My Academic Narrative.

Who Let the Language Out?

Paper 1.Sample

Titles:Which ones

are the best?

Return to


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Click here if you understand how to Save As .rtf, etc.

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