powerpoint presentation - hawaiii’m here today to help you boost your knowledge of online safety...


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  • How much do you know about the internet?

  • Make sure you stay SAFE AND SECURE ONLINE

    PresenterPresentation NotesHi everyone and welcome! My name is _____ and I am from _____ (and this is _____ from _____. – if you are working with a partner). I’m here today to help you boost your knowledge of online safety and security through (ISC)2’s Safe and Secure Online program.

    You can give a brief introduction of yourself here.

    The purpose of the presentation is for you to have the opportunity to tell us the sort of things you enjoy doing online and to analyze how you can stay safe and secure in the process. Click through the next slides and see how familiar the audience is with each.







    Make the Right Decisions

    Know Your World

    Stay Safe and Secure

    PresenterPresentation NotesOur goal today is to make sure you leave here thinking about how to be safe in the online world that you know and use.


    Connect with other people?

    Create personal spaces?

    Discover and download?

    Research and read?

    PresenterPresentation NotesFirst ask the audience to consider the options – they don’t have to put their hands up yet.

    So to start off, I’d like to know more about how you all would categorize the time you spend online. Think about it – are you mostly a “connector”? Chatting and keeping up to date with your friends? How many of you are creators – bloggers/photo sharers/ status updaters? What about the gamers – how many of you have a headsets? Finally, how many of you would say you spend most of the time looking for information and downloading? Any music fans out there? Great – so those of you who mostly use the internet to connect, how many of you do so through your phone? Games console? Ipads and tablets? Take responses by asking students to raise their hands for the options.Let’s move on to creating personal spaces. It’s possible to have a range of different zones on the internet. How many of you upload photographs and videos or write blogs? Who here finds they spend most of their time looking and sourcing new information? How many of you use the Internet to find out about new music? Exchange clips on You Tube? How many of you are app fans? Any other uses or services that you use online? (get feedback from audience)



    PresenterPresentation NotesAsk them to take a look at Patricia’s FriendChatter account page. Ask if they think Patricia is making the most of her presence on FriendChatter. What is Patricia doing well on her account and what does she need to think twice about?

    Here are a few answers to look for:

    Ask what are the good things about this profile? Here are a few:Patricia did not obviously list the year she was born or her age in the birthday section Patricia recognizes that someone she doesn’t know is trying to figure out if her friend won’t be home from her fieldtrip comment. Patricia deleted inappropriate comments about Sara from her page. Ask what are the bad things about this profile? Here are a few:Patricia listed her entire name on her profile. Her email looks like it may list her birthdate (2004)Patricia’s email is listed and is provocative Patricia cannot possibly know all 1,298 friends! This can be dangerous. Patricia’s image is at risk. Her teachers now and in the future colleges and future employers can see what she is doing. Patricia should have let Charlese know about the unwanted attention her comment about no one being home is creating so it can be taken down instead of just commenting on it.



    • Privacy is important on the internet.

    • Connect with people that you know.

    • Adjust your privacy settings on all networks that you visit.

    • Remember that people are not always who they say they are.

    • Control picture tagging and be respectful of others, too.

    PresenterPresentation NotesStart with the concept of privacy: Who can give me an example of information I should keep safe?Answers you are looking for include: Full name, address, age, school address, email, phone numbers etc.

    Go over the bullet points and explain that anything posted on the internet stays on the internet.



    PresenterPresentation NotesThis is a video about a girl that loses control of an image that she sent to another.

    After the video ask the audience to consider the following questions: What do you think the film is trying to highlight? How quickly information can be distributed online. How you have no control over who may see photos/text about you.How can you help to make sure that something like this doesn’t happen to you or your friends? This is a tricky question – it is an opportunity to bring up online reputation – consider asking the audience how many of them have ever thought about their online reputation. Why should we protect our online reputation – is it really important when you are under 18?Tips to be shared might be – always think before you post. Anything you post online can be copied, changed and distributed. Have good netiquette, before you post a picture of your friend or of someone you know online, have the good manners to check with them beforehand.If this sort of thing does happen, remember that often times, sites have terms and conditions that cover “inappropriate photos”. Report the photo as soon as you can and if it is worrying you talk to someone about it. Teachers, parents, counselors. Nothing ever seems as bad when you talk it through with someone.Having taken responses…Absolutely, before information was available in digital format it would have been a very time consuming process to get information out to all of those people. So do always remember to think before you post anything online – not just photos, be careful about what you write online too! As a general rule if you wouldn’t be happy for your teacher to see the content, then it doesn’t deserve online!   


    Keep chats relevant to the game.

    Never provide personal, private, or secure information.

    Consider setting up private chats with known friends only.

    Never spend real currency in-game without getting permission.

    Respect age requirements on games.


    PresenterPresentation NotesGo over the bullet points to reinforce the messages of privacy, only talking to those you know online, and never sharing personal information.

  • Sarah often goes plays games online with people from all over the world. One contact, Rocker2016, is often online and they often chat away from the game on IM.

    In their chats, Rocker2016 tells Sarah since they are both going to the same concert over the summer, he wants to make sure they meet up. He asks her how they will recognize each other …

    What are your thoughts about this situation?



    PresenterPresentation NotesIn the film, we saw that we should keep our personal information safe. Lets look at this scenario.Ask for a volunteer to read the scenario. (The scenario is deliberately left open ended this will make it more engaging for young people).Is Sarah’s situation similar to the video we just saw?

    What advice would you give to Sarah?If you don’t know someone in the real world you shouldn’t meet up with people from the internet. If you really want to meet up take and adult with you. Don’t give out your personal information like a photograph!

    Let’s think again about the scenario. What would your response be if you were Sarah? Imagine you are chatting online and a personal question about your appearance comes up? What would your “chat” response be? Some young people may say they would lie about what they look like; others may say they would tell the questioner to “get lost”.

    I wonder how many of you would feel comfortable simply refusing to answer this question?

    The reality is that Sarah may find out that Rocker2011 is the same age as her – however, she could find out that Rocker 2011 is an adult with an inappropriate interest in children. When adults use the Internet in this way, it is called online grooming. It is illegal. Friendships are easily made on the Internet and you may find yourself telling your online friends things that you would never dream of sharing with your offline friends. Just be careful…adults looking to establish an unhealthy relationship with a young person online are very manipulative and very clever. If you have something in your life that is worrying you, make sure you find the best people to discuss the problem with.


    Stop and think before you post.

    Don’t lie about your age to get on a social media network or game.

    Never share your age, school, address, phone number, last name, vacation information, or when parents are not home.

    Never agree to meet a stranger you met online.

    Always tell mom and dad what you are doing online- they can help you if something goes wrong.

  • Do all internet risks come from strangers?



    PresenterPresentation NotesWe’re going to move on to our next subject area now. Take a look at the screen. Do all internet risks come from strangers? What do you think? Allow students to respond – they may talk about viruses from friends (if so, reassure the audience that you will be looking at some security risks later on in the presentation) praise any ideas from the students. Bring up the third question. Has anyone heard of the word cyberbullying before?Unfortunately, there is another way that people can misuse technology. Who can tell me what cyberbullying is?�Cyberbullying is the use of the internet, to deliberately upset someone else. �What do you think are some of the differences between cyberbullying and other forms of bullying? Can you think of 2 differences? Give students 10-20 seconds to think of 2-3. Take one example from the audience and perhaps share another from the list below. �- Cyberbullying can occur 24/7 and invade home/personal space�- The audience can be very large and reached rapidly�- People who cyberbully may attempt to remain anonymous �- Cyberbullying can take place both between peers and across generations �- Some cyberbullying is unintentional – forwarding of e-mails or images�- Many cyberbullying incidents can themselves act as evidence ��


    What is it and where does it happen?

    Is getting the police involved realistic?

    What can you do if this happens to you?

    If you see this happening to someone else, what can you do?


    PresenterPresentation NotesCyberbullying can happen anywhere hurtful or offensive comments or photos can be sent or posted.

    Anonymity is not an excuse to say anything you would not say directly to a person's face.

    Always report an inappropriate ID online, and block that ID from future interaction, tell a parent, guardian, or teacher immediately

    The law is in place to protect children, getting the police involved can be done.

    Save the texts/posts/emails. Don't reply to them and don't delete them.

    Always report cyberbullying, whether happening to you or someone else.

  • Stay in control of your online image.

    Respect your own and other people’s privacy.

    Always report bullies.



    PresenterPresentation NotesOK – so over the last few slides, we’ve looked at a range of different subjects including social networking, cyberbullying, online strangers and digital information.(This is an opportunity for the audience to review their learning so far - this section can be presenter led or alternatively the presenter may ask the pupils to share their recommendations for young people in light of the subjects covered.)  Stay in control of your online image. Respect your own and other people’s privacy – use privacy settings Always report bullies- save conversations, block contacts and do not reply.Online friends are still strangers- be suspicious!Online activity lasts forever – comments, photos, conversations are digital pieces of information that can be changed, copied anddistributed without your knowledge- remember this when posting on Youtube.



    What is this?

    Why is it dangerous?

    What can you do?

    PresenterPresentation Notes Does anyone here have a cell phone? Do you use it to connect online? Anyone use Geolocation/Geotagging?  Geotagging can be risky to use if you have added people you don’t know onto your friend lists or haven’t considered your privacy settings. Someone could be able to locate where the photo was taken, we hear stories about how Predators can use geotagging to stalk people and find out where they like to hang out and live. Let students know that it is ok to enjoy their phones and take pictures on them. We have to be safe and secure with our technology.

     Geotagging OPTIONAL activity  Volunteer will use their smart phone and take a picture with it. They may take a picture of the teacher’s desk or something in the room. Then the volunteer will go in their in album and show how the location is shown on a map with the date and time that the picture was taken. Highlight how it can potentially also be risky, because when these photos are posted on line you are sharing that location with lots of people if you haven’t considered your privacy settings and friend lists. Someone could be able to locate where the photo was taken, we hear stories about how Predators can use geotagging to stalk people and find out where they like to hang out and live.  



    Can you find the setting for photo geolocation?

    Help each other and show your parents, too!

    PresenterPresentation NotesTalk about deactivating geotagging and remind the audience each phone may be a little different- but it can be done!

  • Ben tells his friend his password for his instant messaging account. A week later they have an argument and that night the ex-friend goes online using Ben’s account.

    He pretends to be Ben and is rude to the people that he talks to online. The next day Ben’s friends don’t talk to him because they believe it was him online the previous night.


    What are your thoughts about this situation?


    PresenterPresentation NotesOk – so keep in mind what we have just been talking about. We’re going to move on now to focus a little more on developing your skills as a secure user of the Internet.Ask for a volunteer to readWe’ve already looked at cyberbullying as a theme in this presentation, but what about personal security? I imagine a number of you have shared your password with friends. What sort of situation is Ben facing? Take responses. His friends will think that he has sent abusive messages and there is the likelihood of them not believing him if he suggests it wasn’t him.Really, the answer is to keep your password to yourself at all times...but what about on the Internet…even if you don’t tell someone your password, there are clever bits of software designed to crack your passwords! How many of you know enough about strong passwords? What makes a strong password? Do any of you have any recommendations for making strong passwords – obviously without telling me your password! Select next slide that takes the audience through how to create a strong password. Volunteers may want to challenge the audiences to think up a secure password when they go home that afternoon and to start using it ASAP!


    Longer passwords are stronger at least 12 characters

    Mix UPPER and lowercase letters

    Add numbers and symbols like this # $ @ 5

    Add punctuation like this ! ?


    PresenterPresentation NotesGo over the aspects of a strong password, and if you have time, create a few on the white board with the students.

  • One day, Tony returns home to find his parents very upset, as they have received a letter accusing them of illegally downloading music and threatening legal action. They have checked the computer and found over 100 illegal downloads.

    Tony regularly uses the family computer where he has downloaded file sharing software and is using it illegally to download his favorite music.


    What are your thoughts about this situation?Is the law the only concern with downloads?


    PresenterPresentation NotesAsk for a volunteer to read.Ask for a show of hands over the next questions:How many of you think this is realistic? Many students will know that downloading copyrighted material is illegal but they are unlikely to be aware that the law is now being enforced online. Copyright infringers may receive a letter from their ISP outlining the illegal activity and in some cases there are lawsuits. How many of you think Tony has done something wrong?Why is this? Because he has infringed copyright law.



    PresenterPresentation NotesAsk the Question: How many of you know what this is?How many of you see pop ups offering you things for free? Does this happen when you are looking for free games or music online? Sometimes these offers arrive in your e-mail box and encourage you to click through and download something that looks interesting. This is particularly bad as it is designed to trick you into thinking your computer is under attack and then offers free anti-virus software. It looks normal doesn’t it? But it isn’t real. This is a trick to get you to download nasty malware designed to steal your information or destroy your computer. Does anyone know what malware is?  Volunteer can describe some of the things that can happen to personal computers; share personal anecdotes.



    PresenterPresentation NotesWe have talked about a number of ways in which you can be tricked into downloading viruses and spyware - these can be pretty destructive. A lot of files in peer to peer sites have invasive programs, they can arrive in your e-mail box or you can be tricked by phoney pop ups. They can seriously damage your computer and even end up stealing yours or your parent’s/caretaker’s bank account information.

    There are things you can do to help!Make sure you only visit reputable sites – usually ones where you pay for the music, games or films you download. These guarantee quality, and also won’t come with viruses or spyware. This can also help to ensure that you are not breaking the law. Talk about a few that might be available in your area like Pandora, Netflix, or Hulu.  Using antivirus software is a really good idea, but you have to remember its not 100% effective, so don’t rely on it to keep your computer bug free. You also must keep the software updated to fix any holes the hackers found. This is easy and your software will prompt you to update. Just ask your parents if you aren’t sure. In fact, all of your software at home like word processors, website browsers, and even games need updating from time to time.   Remember a website will never ask you to confirm your log in details via an e-mail – this is what is known as phishing. Never give this information away if you are ever unsure. Remember to be really careful about what you open and what and who you trust online. If you receive nasty online chain mails (e-mails that encourage or threaten you to pass it on to your contacts) just delete them. They are just bogus messages that may contain viruses or other malware that could damage your own or other people’s computers.  Another way you can help to keep your computer secure is by getting your parents involved!!

    Some main points: Only download from reputable sitesGet AntivirusKeep your computer software updatedQuestion what you see: e-mails and pop ups may not be genuine Think before you respond to an e-mail or open a file- Can I trust this?Only download Apps from reputable stores on your tablet or phone



    Make sure you have up-to-date anti-virus

    Only download from reputable sites

    Question what you see in emails and pop-ups

    Think before you respond to an email or open a file – Can I trust this?

    Respect yourself and others.

    Use privacy settings.

    Report bullies and tell an adult.

    Online friends are still strangers-be suspicious!

    Create strong passwords.

    Remember that online activity lasts forever.

    PresenterPresentation NotesReview the information the students have learned today.

  • What should you do before posting photos of friends on the internet?

    What helps you decide a game is suitable for you or not?

    Why should you involve your parents in the online world?

    What are ‘updates’ and how can they help you?


    Can you come up with four safe and secure rules for the internet?


    PresenterPresentation NotesVolunteers with extra time in schools may want to challenge the students to think about answering the following questions. Some relate to the content covered within the presentation, whereas others raise new topics like searching for information on the Internet and age ratings on games.What should you do before posting photos of �friends on the Internet?Check that your friends are happy for their photos to be posted – ask permission! What helps you decide if a game is suitable for you or not?Game ratings and the information on the back of the box. In the US, use the ESRB system. In the UK, use the PEGI. Having participated in the presentation, come up with four safe and secure rules for the Internet.Allow the audience time to come up with ideas related to the content that has been covered.Updates – don’t ignore your anti-virus and program updates! Installing the latest product patches means that you will always be updating your software which will help to fix problems with computer programs. These can range from fixing bugs, to replacing graphics, to improving the usability or performance of a previous version. It is important to check this with your parent or caretaker.

    Finally – share your knowledge and teach someone. I imagine many of you are the Internet experts at home. Remember to keep your parents updated about the kind of sites you are using and the strategies you use to stay safe and secure - they might learn something from you!

    It’s important to involve parents and caretakers in your online experiences – they may not be online experts, but they will be able to help if you get yourself into a tricky situation.


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