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FINAL REPORT Volume 2: SIA of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP Project


December, 2010


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E2637 V2
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EGCB Ltd. Social Impact Assessment of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Executive Summary i 1. Chapter-1. Introduction 2 1.1. Background 2 1.2. Project Location and Accessibility 3 1.3. The SIA Team 5 2. Chapter-2 Policy, Legal and Administrative Frame work 6 2.1. Voluntary and Involuntary Relocation Policies 6 2.2. Relevant regulations 6 3. Chapter-3. Project Description 7 3.1. Physical Components of the proposed project 7 3.2. Basic Information about the project 7 3.3. Existing major infrastructures within Siddhirganj power plant


3.4. Ancillary 8 3.4.1. Site Development 8 3.4.2. Civil Construction Materials and equipment movement within

the project site 10

3.4.3. Demolition work in the project site 11 3.4.4. Construction of Drainage for Domestic and Industrial

Wastewater 11

3.4.5. Temporary camp and water Supply facility 11 3.4.6. Excavation of land and foundation work 12 3.4.7. Power station facilities 14 4. Chapter- 4. Baseline Social Condition 15 4.1. Baseline social survey in project site 15 4.1.1. Social condition of the Project impact area (5Km around the

project site) 15

4.1.2. Social baseline within Sidhhirganj power plant complex 15 4.2. Population at the residential area 16 4.3. Drainage of the existing power plant 17 5. Chapter- 5. Public Consultation 18 5.1. Focus Group Discussion 18

5.2. Individual Interviews with Key Informants within power complex 18 5.3. Findings from FGD and Key informants interview 19 5.3.1. Baseline Situation 19 5.3.2.

Possible Impacts and responses based on consultation within power plant complex


6. Chapter- 6. Description of Impact and their Mitigation 22 6.1. Potential social impacts and mitigation measures 22

7. Chapter-7. Conclusions and Recommendations 26 7.1. Mitigation measures suggested by participants 26 7.2. Conclusions and Recommendations 26 8. Chapter-8. References 28

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Annex-I Terms of References for ESIA of Proposed SIddhirganj 450


Annex-II DOE Standards for Emission from Industries Annex-III DOE Standards for emission from vehicle and noise level Annex-IV Summary of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) fro proposed

Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP

Annex-V Interview Summary of Key Informants Annex-VI Notices to the Community List of Tables ES-SIA-1. Potentially significant social impact during construction and

operation phase and their mitigation measures for Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP.

Table 1.1. Description of the location of proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP site


Table 1.2. Proposed SIA team members 6 Table 1.3. EGCB Ltd. team to provide support for implementation of the

SIA report for Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP project 6

Table 3.1. Basic information of the project 8 Table 4.1. The details of the physical structures 17 Table 5.1. List of Focus Group Discussion 19 Table 5.2. List of key informant interview 20 Table 5.3. Summary of key informant interview 20 Table 6.1. Potentially significant social impact during construction and

operation phase and their mitigation measures for Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP


List of Figures ES- Figure 1. Proposed Siddhirganj power plant project site showing the old

store to be demolished.

Figure 1.1. Proposed location of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj


Figure 3.1. Plot map showing existing infrastructures and surroundings within 1Km of proposed 450MW CCPP project area


Figure 3.2. Lay out plan for proposed 450MW CCPP at project site 11 Figure 3.3. Proposed Siddhirganj power plant project site showing the old

store to be demolished 14

Figure 5.1 Satellite image showing FGD locations within project study area for proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP


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EGCB Ltd. Social Impact Assessment of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


Acronyms ADB Asian Development Bank AP Affected Person BPDB Bangladesh Power Development Board CCPP Combined Cycle Power Plant DoE Department of Environment DPDC Dhaka Power Development Company ECR Environment Conservation Rules EGCB Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh EIA Environment Impact Assessment EMU Environment Management Unit EPC Engineering Procurement Contractor ESIA Environment and Social Impact Assessment ETP Effluent Treatment Plant GIS Geographical Information System GOB Government of Bangladesh IDI In Depth Interview KI Key Informant MW Mega Watt MPEMR Ministry of Power Energy and Mineral Resources OP Operational Policy PPE Personal Protective Equipment PPP Peaking Power Plant Project SIA Social Impact Assessment SMP Social Management Plan ToC Table of Content ToR Terms of Reference WB World Bank WTP Water Treatment Plant Explanatory notes on used terms: Project site: The site/ area are delineated where the proposed project is expected to be built. Impact area: The impact area are outside the project and limited with 05 kilometer radial area taking the project implementation site as a center point.

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EGCB Ltd. Executive Summary of Social Impact Assessment of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES-1. INTRODUCTION Bangladesh is presently having severe power shortage. All sorts of people and organizations are substantially sufferer of power shortage. In order to overcome this situation, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR), The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh (GOB) initially intended to construct 2×150MW Gas Turbine Peaking Power Plant at Siddhirganj under the financial assistance of World Bank, but latter, GOB further reviewed the project and intended to explore the possibility of enhancing capacity and reducing energy loss of the project and planned to construct Siddhirganj 450MW Combined Cycle Power Plant (450 MW CCPP) instead of 2×150MW gas turbine peaking power plant, which will require additional 3 acres (approximately) of land adjacent to the north of previously earmarked project site and total 9.24 acres will be used for project purposes. This additional 3 acres (approximately) of land has been allocated to EGCB Ltd, through BPDB’s board meeting. Within this additional land one store yard of PGCB and a wall of DPDC need to be demolished, other than these two minor changes there would not be any relocation/resettlement or demolition in and around the project site. According to the Environment Conservation Rules (ECR, 1997), proposed power plant falls under “RED category” and needs to submit necessary documents for obtaining site clearance from Department of Environment (DoE). Similarly according to the World Bank Operational Policy (1999, OP 4.01), this project has been classified as an Environmental category-A project, requiring an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the construction and operation of the project with recommendations for appropriate mitigation and management measures. On the basis of GoB's previous decision for construction of proposed 2×150 MW PPP at Siddhirganj power plant complex, power cell under Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, GoB, proceeded to meet the regulatory requirement of both GoB (ECR-1997) and WB operation policy (1999, OP 4.01) and subsequently conducted full scale EIA for 2×150MW PPP at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj, and the DoE has exempted the IEE and had given the site clearance (DOE/clearance/234/2006/111-dated 16-1-2007) and later on the DoE also given approval of EIA for the previously planned Peaking Power Plant (DOE/Dh. Div./Clearance/14391/2002/3291-dated 13-12-2007). Due to the changed situation a full scale Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study needs to be conducted and submit report to WB to meet their requirement as they consider it as a separate application from Bangladesh for a new project. On the other hand the recent conducted ESIA report needs to be submitted to DoE as an addendum of the previous EIA report of 2×150 MW PPP for acknowledgement and also to meet the requirements of clearance clauses to identify potential environmental and social impacts and suggests appropriate mitigation and management measures for sustainable environmental growth and development.

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This SIA report is based on the appropriate ToR and Table of Content (ToC) to meet the requirement of World Bank and DoE for the current proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP project. The scope of the SIA includes collection and presentation of baseline environmental data, socio-economic data, and the results of public consultation in order to document the base line social conditions of the project area. The SIA also identifies social impacts/issues, and includes a Social Management Plan (SMP) which measures the proposed mitigation of potential negative impacts and will subsequently promote positive impacts. Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (EGCB Ltd.), a company under Ministry of Power, Energy and mineral Resources (An Enterprise of Bangladesh Power Development Board) will ensure that the appointed EPC contractor address all relevant social issues following social development policies, laws, regulations of the Government of Bangladesh, DoE guidelines, Labour law (2006), WB safeguard policies. EGCB Ltd. will take the responsibility and address all relevant social issues following the rules and guidelines as stated above through its own corporate Environmental Management Unit (EMU).

The power cell, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources has appointed an individual consultant (including his team) to conduct study and prepare an independent SIA report for implementation of the currently proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP covering both GoB and WB guidelines and their requirements.

Indigenous community and archaeological sites and relocation issues

In this project area there are no indigenous people residing and no archaeological sites were found, no resettlement and relocation issues are identified in this project site.

Project Location and Accessibility: The proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP project located within Siddhirganj power generation complex on the western bank of Sitalakhya river in Siddhirganj Pourashava, under Narayanganj district. The description of the proposed GIS location is given in Table-1.1. The entire power plant complex is completely enclosed, covers an area of about 88 acres and is owned by Power Development Board. The necessary land about 9.24 acres has been allocated to EGCB Ltd by Power Development Board (PDB), for implementation, construction and operation of proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP.

The proposed project site at Siddhirganj power plant complex is approximately 20 km North-East of Dhaka.To the immediate west, along the boundary of the Siddhirganj complex is the Demra-Narayanganj road. The Sitalakhya river immediately to the east of the complex.


(i) JICA’s guideline on Environmental and Social Consideration 2010, (ii) World Bank OP/Bank Procedure (BP) 4.12, “Involuntary Resettlement,” apply

principally to these instances of resettlement. World Bank, 2004, Involuntary Relocation Sourcebook: Planning and Implementation in Development Projects (Washington, DC: World Bank),

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EGCB Ltd. Executive Summary of Social Impact Assessment of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


(iii) World Bank OP/BP 4.12, 2001, “Involuntary Resettlement, World Bank, “Safeguard Policies have been thoroughly reviewed and in any case of relocation and resettlement of any sorts the above mentioned policies will be followed.

(iv) Inter-American Development Bank, 1999, Involuntary Resettlement in IDB Projects

(v) ADB, 1998, Handbook on Resettlement: A Guide to Good Practice (Manila: ADB),

(vi) Mitigating Social Impoverishment when People Are Involuntarily Displaced, 1996,

(vii) Asian Development Bank, 1995, Involuntary Resettlement,

In case of new gazette of any policies/act/rules/regulations/laws are enacted during project implementation that also will be included in the practice, overall land of the law will be of no alternate but to be followed by either side during implementation of the project. ES-3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The key components of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project for generation of power located at Siddhirganj, Nayrayanganj, would include:

Demolition of old PGCB store house located at the south-east part of the project site Fencing of the project area, guard shed, gate etc. Construction of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP (includes civil construction, setting of

turbine, generator, transformer, control room, online emission monitoring facility, mechanical, electrical, erection of all machine, equipment, cooling tower, water treatment plant, effluent treatment plant, fire fighting facility etc.) at project site located within Siddhirganj Power Plant Complex compound, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj.

Ancillary:Site development: The proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP construction site is medium high land and currently used mostly as fallow and portion of it is occupied by an old store on the South-east side of the allotted land within Siddhirganj Power Plant Complex. Detailed information about project location and area are described in the EIA Volume-1. The project site will be initially cleared by demolition of old stores of PGCB been allocated to the EGCB Ltd through a board meeting of BPDB during October 2010. Civil Construction Materials and equipment movement within the project site Most civil construction materials will be procured from industry/markets of Dhaka and will be transported to project site by both Dhaka-Chittagong high waya and also Shitalakhya river transport ways. Heavy equipment will be imported via sea port and will be landed to the project site through Sitalakhya river water ways. During shipment of equipment GB regulations and WB Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for shipping (2007) will be followed.

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The existing internal roads will be used for movement of the vehicles and transportation of materials within the Siddhirganj power plant complex. There will be no relocation of any kind of settlement including makeshift hut due to movement of the construction materials. Demolition work in the project site There will be a very minimum demolition work required during land development and site preparation of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP located at Siddhirganj power plant complex. The old unused store of PGCB (Figure-1) and a wall of DPDC will be demolished as part of the site preparation, during demolition of store care will be taken as per WB safeguard policies including Labour law 2006 of Bangladesh. This minor demolition work will not affect any settlement as this site was vacant.

Construction of Drainage for Domestic and Industrial Wastewater:

Separate drainage systems will be provided for storm-water run off, domestic sewage, oily wastes, and chemically contaminated discharges during construction and operation of the project. The Right of Way (ROW) for the above noted construction is vacant and there is no occupant or makeshift hut and therefore, there will be no relocation due to the above noted drainage construction work. Temporary camp and water Supply facility:

Water for cooling process, drinking, sanitary facilities, and showers will be sourced from the existing water system at the designated terminal point. EPC contractor shall install a properly maintained water filtration system which will be used to provide high quality camp/field office/guard shade water free from contaminants (eg. heavy metals, coliforms). The construction of water well will be in the designated place which is currently vacant. In addition to that the temporary camp will be either out side or in the vacant land within Sddhirganj power plant complex. Therefore, there will be no relocation due to above noted construction works. Excavation of land and foundation work: The Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project site is a medium high land area and is located at the north-west corner within boundary wall of Siddhirganj Power Plant campus. There is no occupant of any kind of settlements of temporary or permanent either legally or illegally in any part of the project site. There are many labours currently staying in some makeshift hut in the Siddhirganj power plant complex but no such make shift hut is currently found within prposed 450 MW CCPP project site. Therefore, there will be no need of any kind of relocation or resettlement in the project site due to soil excavation or land preparation of the proposed 450 MW CCPP project site. During excavation work if any cultural property is found, that will be considered as GOB’s state property. Therefore, during excavation work, the EPC contractor shall follow GOB regulation and WB guidelines OP 4.20-Cultural property. The details are described in Chapter-2 and Chapter-8 of EIA document.

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Figure-1. Proposed Siddhirganj power plant project site showing the old store to be demolished.

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EGCB Ltd. Executive Summary of Social Impact Assessment of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


Power plant components General components of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project to be constructed include the following: In site facilities-

(a) Plant facility comprising 01gas turbines, 01 HRSG set up, 01 steam turbine, generator, transformer and ancillary facilities.

(b) Chemical Water Treatment plant (c) Effluent treatment plant (ETP) (d) Cooling Tower (e) Circulating Pump House (f) Switch room (g) Emergency generator and transformers

Civil structures- (i) Generator and Substation Control room, administration, amenities, and workshop

facility if necessary (j) Fire protection tank, water tank and septic tank. (k) Construction of internal roads (l) Security fencing and gatehouse.

Offsite facilities-

(m) High voltage switchyard (n) CW Pump House (o) The 11 km 230 KV line-to be implemented by PGCB (not included in this EIA) (p) 60 km gas transmission line-to be implemented by GTCL (not included in this EIA)

ES-4. BASELINE SOCIAL CONDITION Social condition of the Project impact area (5km around the project site) The project site is located in the Siddhirganj Pourashava within Narayan ganj district under Dhaka Division. The Narayanganj district is divided in to five thanas. These are Bandar, Narayanganj sadar, Sonargaon, Rupganj and Demra under Narayanganj district. The area is economically very active. The project area is mostly consists of people of middle and lower middle class. Total household and population of project impact area for 2009 (based on the BBS-2001 and projected to 2009) is 522429. The total land area of Narayanganj district is about 759.57 km2. Social baseline within Siddhirganj power plant complex The Siddhirganj power plant complex is an enclave of about 88 acres of land which is totally surrounded by wall and owned by the Bangladesh Power Development (BPDB) under MPEMR, GOB. The entire complex area is constructed in a planned way and distributed with plant area, residential area, mosque, community market, school, hospital etc. The employees of the power plant complex are mainly residing within the power plant complex in their residential quarters. They are using all the civil facilities of the complex such as students

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are studying in the school, all residents and including out siders are praying in the mosque, residents are taking medical facilities from the hospital, procuring daily requirements including groceries from the market, students are playing in the school field etc. The proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW PP will be constructed on the north side of the power plant complex which is extended near the Siddhirganj power plant complex school. From the Feasibility report it has been found that the main equipment of the power plant facilities will be distributed on the north side of the proposed project site. The WTP will be located close to the school boundary wall, but it will not occupy any part of the school ear marked property. ES-5. PUBLIC CONSULTATION

Focus Group Discussion

Group discussions in a randomly selected given locality with interested groups or their representatives, representatives of Union Parishad, fishing communities, workers at power plants both male and female, mixed groups of farmers, businessmen, labours, shop keepers, rickshaw pullers, van drivers, unemployed youths, students, etc were conducted. A total of 04 group discussions were conducted. General level of participation was 10-20 persons. Individual Interviews with Key Informants

Information was collected from different key informants in which in depth interviews (IDI) were taken regarding the impacts of existing power plants and possible effects of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project. Within the study area, 08 key informants were interviewed who expressed their views and opinions on different aspects, with particular focus on their subject area.

Findings from FGD and key informants interview The key findings of the public consultation are as follows:

Baseline Situation:Project site:

The project area is reported to be the area, where the proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP is

scheduled to be constructed.

There is no accommodation of any staff or persons or any un-authorized or authorized

occupants in the old store or nearby premises of the old store which is planned to be

demolished for proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP power plant area and therefore, no

relocation issues will be necessary to be addressed.

Noise pollution at proposed project area is not reported to be higher with comparison to

the residential areas of this power plant complex.

Within the residential area there is a small medical center for the immediate services of

the residents of the power plant complex

Drainage system within power plant complex and project area is fair.

All residents of within this power plant area are officers and workers of this power plant


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The social condition within this power plant area is reported to be healthier with

comparison to the impact zone.

Project impact area o The local resident expected that some of them will be employed in accordance

with their ability. o The construction labour should employed from local area. o During construction and operation there will be more business opportunity and

economic activities will be increased. o The residents are affected due frequent power failure, they expect that after

construction of power plant there will be uninterrupted power supply in their locality.

Possible Impacts and responses based on consultation within power plant complex

There will be no relocation of settlement or any kind of institution due to construction of

proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP at Siddhirganj power plant complex.

The WTP by the side of the School should be managed in such a way that it will not

make any kind disturbances, negative impact to the health and mind of the student and

waiting guardians.

In any case there should not be allowed to occupy any school land or property, which

may cause negative impacts on the education of the school children.

Careful consideration need to given to minimize the sound and odour problem from the

adjacent WTP and ETP for proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP.

There will be no impact on river and other aquatic bodies as there will be no thermal

discharge in to the river water as there will be a provision of cooling tower in place.

The power plant will not release any untreated solid/liquid waste in to the river/canal at the study area.

Extra bit of traffic will be increased during construction and after wards, therefore there

should be proper traffic management, vehicle pollution control following the GOB

regulation and WB Environmental, Health and Safety guidelines for Thermal Power


Load shedding will be reduced proportionately and there should be interrupted power

supply in the national grid.

The project will bring benefit to the national economy. The people of the project area have recommended for installing a plant of good quality,

which will be able to provide uninterrupted power supply and will be able to keep good

air quality and noise pollution of the project study area within DoE’s specific guidelines

and WB Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008.


The details study on the possible social impacts and mitigation measures have been

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given below in a tabular form. Potential social impacts and mitigation measures (SMP): The Table-ES-SIA-1 summarizes the potentially significant Social Management Plan considering the potential social impacts during construction and operation phases and their corresponding mitigation measures. Table ES–SIA-1. Potentially significant social impact during construction and operation phase and their mitigation measures for Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP.

Proposed project activities/issues

Potentially Significant Impacts

Mitigation measures Implementation


A. Siddhirganj450 MW CCPP Pre-construction and design impacts

Impact on social life

a. Survey and land allocation

i. Possibility of damage of agricultural field and create economic loss

i. The land is within the compound of Siddhirganj Power Plant and there is no agricultural field within the compound

i. EGCB Ltd. will be the implementing Agency of the proposed power plant, the EMU section will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

b. Displacement of settlements, during laying of foundation of Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP

i. Dislocation of settlements and loss of livelihood

i. EGCB Ltd., own the allocated land which have no settlements and there is no possibility of disruption of any settlements

i. EGCB Ltd. will be looking into the matters.

c. Set-up of campsite

i. May disturb local community and share resources

i. camp will be set up within Siddhirganj Power Plant compound by the side of the project site and will not disturb local community

i. EGCB Ltd. will be looking into the matters.

d. Demolition of old stores of PGCB on the south-East side of the proposed site

i. Impact on human health hazards,

i. The demolition will be done by mechanical means and will be confined for short time during day period -There will be regular water spray to control dust and avoid health hazards related to the demolition.

i. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

ii. Loss of productive asset, including land, income, and livelihood

ii. The specific parameters have not found at site, so there would be no requirement of such mitigation measures

ii. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU

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Proposed project activities/issues

Potentially Significant Impacts

Mitigation measures Implementation


section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

iii. Loss of housing, possibility entire community structures, systems, and services

iii. The project will be constructed within government land, so there is no possibility of loss including housing, community structures, and services

iii. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

iv. Loss of other assets

iv. No loss of other assets is expected to occur,

iv. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

v. Loss of community resources, habitat, cultural sites, and goods

v. No loss of community resources is expected to occur, under that circumstances, there would not be required any mitigation measures

v. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

vi. Relocation of existing structures and Institutions

vi. Presently there is no such relocation is expected to be in place, but if any relocation cases arises, there should have been properly addressed.

vi. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

vii. Resettlement of household and families

vii. As the proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP project area is vacant land having owner ship of BPDB, there is no possibilities of resettlement of any sorts,

vii. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental

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Proposed project activities/issues

Potentially Significant Impacts

Mitigation measures Implementation



e. Construction of WTP and ETP of 450 MW CCPP behind the school

i. Noise ii. Odour iii. Impact on surrounding natural waterways and soil if effluents are improperly disposed/left untreated

EPC contractor will comply with WB Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008 and all other national and international health and safety guidelines for proper management of noise, odour and effluent discharges.

EPC contractor during contract period and beyond that stipulated contract period, EGCB Ltd., will comply the noted regulations.

B. Occupational Health Hazards and Safety measures (During demolition of DPDC’s wall and PGCB’s store yard adjacent to the Project)

i. impact on human health and family economic crisis

i. Provide appropriate safety measures to workers .Proper safety measures need to be discussed among the workers and officers involved in the preconstruction- demolition work

i. EGCB Ltd. appointed contractor for pre-construction work will provide appropriate PPE during demolition work and EGCB Ltd. will monitor the whole work

ii. Proper training regarding demolition of old building will be provided to the workers before initiation of the work

ii. Appointed Contractor will provide training and EGCB Ltd. will monitor the process.

iii. Ambulance will be stand by at site for immediate life support

iii. Appointed contractor will provide training and EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the process.

C. Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP Construction phase

Impact on social life:

a. Influx of labour for construction works

i. spreading of epidemic diseases

i. Medical support center will be provided for workers and officers working at site

i. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

ii. sharing of resources

ii. appropriate drinking water will be provided for protection of workers health

ii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

iii. loneliness and lack of amusement facilities

iii. amusement facilities to be provided

iii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

b. Workers health hazards during

i. Deterioration of hygienic condition of workers and officers at

i. Proper health and sanitation facilities must be ensured in any situation.

i. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will

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Proposed project activities/issues

Potentially Significant Impacts

Mitigation measures Implementation


construction work monitor the activities. ii. Sufficient water and

sanitation facility for work force must be ensured

ii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

iii. Protective measures must be taken for protection of all kinds of hazards

c. Socio-economic impacts

i. Employment opportunity

i. Employment of local people as much as possible

i.EGCB Ltd./Contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

d. Accidental hazards

i. Impact on the workers health

i. Regular inspection and maintenance of equipment

i. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

ii. Environmental health and safety briefing

ii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

iii. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

iii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

D. Operation phase

Impact on environment/biodiversity and social life:

a. Socio-economic improvement during Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP operation

i. Opportunity of local employment

i. -EGCB Ltd., will ensure that the EPC contractor takes step to employ local people during Siddhirganj450 MW CCPP operation (if possible)

i. EGCB Ltd. may take initiative to give preference to employ local people

ii. Provide sufficient notification to the local people about the intended onset of project activities

ii. EPC contractor/EGCB Ltd.

This may also be noted that there shall be a complain redresser committee to address environmental and social complains arising from residents within and out side Siddhirganj power plant complex including workers during construction and operation phases of the proposed project and details are described in the Chapter-8 of EIA for proposed 450 MW CCP. ES-7. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Mitigation measures suggested by participants: Project site

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Demolition work will not affect the local residents, because there will be regularly water

spraying systems to control generated dusts following the DoE guidelines including

WB’s Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008 for

protection of Environmental pollution due to dust and Environment Health and Safety

General Guidelines 2007 for protection of demolition workers.

The required toilets for workers will have septic tank/ soak pit facilities therefore there

will be no sewage discharges out side the project site.

The existing power plant workers will not be sharing any civic facilities with demolition

and construction, operation maintenance workers.

There should be taken proper care schedule so that this demolition work will not affect

the educational activities movement within and adjacent to the school compound local

residents including women residing within power plant complex.

Due new establishment of new power plant there should have provision of further

expansion of new housing and amusement facilities including club.

Gender issues should be a taken care and should have equal opportunity of jobs during

construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed project.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The old unused store house of PGCB which will be demolished during project site preparation is

not occupied by any resident. Therefore, there will be no relocation and resettlement required.

Generally people within the power plant complex are aware about the proposed Siddhirganj

450MW CCPP project. The respondent express their concern to maintain the WB safeguard

polices to protect the student of school, residents, woman and children; they also suggested to

confined the construction work during day time.

Out side the power plant complex the respondents welcomed the proposed project of Siddhirganj

450MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Project at Siddhirganj. However, they recommended

installing a plant of good quality, which will be able to provide uninterrupted power supply and

will be able to keep project and impact area free of air and noise pollution and the authority will

follow the DoE’s specific guidelines and WB Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for

Thermal Power Plant-2008 and WB relevant safeguard policies in this regard. They also

recommended for few social activities as for example community center for special occasion,

higher educational institute like intermediate/ degree college at this locality. They recommended

to employ the local people at this power plant according their ability. The participant also

recommended for uninterrupted power supply at their locality.

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1.1. Background: Bangladesh is presently having severe power shortage. All sorts of people and organizations are substantially sufferer due to power shortage. The industrial sectors will not be able to grow without reliable power supply. In order to overcome this situation, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR), The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh (GOB) initially intended to construct 2×150 MW Gas Turbine Peaking Power Plant at Siddhirganj under the financial assistance of World Bank and the process was under progress, but latter during the course of study, GOB further reviewed the project and intended to explore the possibility of enhancing capacity and reducing energy loss of the project and planned to construct Siddhirganj 450 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant (450 MW CCPP) instead of 2×150 MW gas turbine peaking power plant at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj with the financial assistance of WB, which will require additional 3 acres (approximately) of land adjacent to the north of previously earmarked project site and total 9.24 acres will be used for project purposes. This additional 3 acres of land has been allocated to EGCB Ltd, through BPDB’s board meeting. In this additional land one store yard of PGCB and a wall of DPDC need to be demolished, other than these two minor changes there would not be any relocation/resettlement or demolition in and around the project site. According to the Environment Conservation Rules (ECR, 1997), proposed power plant (installation of Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP within Siddhirganj compound, Narayanganj location) falls under “RED category” and needs to submit necessary documents for obtaining site clearance from Department of Environment (DoE) and also an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to the DoE for Environmental Clearance. Similarly according to the World Bank Operational Policy (1999, OP 4.01), this project has been classified as an Environmental category-A project, requiring an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the construction and operation of the project with recommendations for appropriate mitigation and management measures. On the basis of GoB's previous decision for construction of proposed 2×150 MW PPP at Siddhirganj power plant complex, power cell under Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, GoB, proceeded to meet the regulatory requirement of both GoB (ECR-1997) and WB operation policy (1999, OP 4.01) and subsequently conducted full scale EIA for 2×150MW PPP at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj, and the DoE has exempted the IEE and had given the site clearance (DOE/clearance/234/2006/111-dated 16-1-2007) and later on the DoE also given approval of EIA for the previously planned Peaking Power Plant (DOE/Dh. Div./Clearance/14391/2002/3291-dated 13-12-2007). Due to the changed situation a full scale Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study needs to be conducted and submit report to WB to meet their requirement as they consider it as a separate application from Bangladesh for a new project. On the other hand the recent conducted ESIA report needs to submitted to DoE as a addendum of the previous EIA report of 2×150 MW PPP for acknowledgement and also to meet the requirements of clearance clauses to identify potential environmental and social impacts and suggests appropriate mitigation and management measures for sustainable environmental growth and development.

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This SIA report is based on the appropriate ToR and Table of Content (ToC) for the current proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project (Annex-I). The scope of the SIA includes collection and presentation of baseline environmental data, socio-economic data, and the results of public consultation in order to document the base line social conditions of the project area. The SIA also identifies social impacts/issues, and includes a Social Management Plan (SMP) which measures the proposed mitigation of potential negative impacts and will subsequently promote positive impacts. The SMP documents project activities to world standards in a manner that it is respectful of the needs of the local community, land and available resources. Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (EGCB Ltd.), a company under Ministry of Power, Energy and mineral Resources will ensure that the appointed EPC contractor address all relevant social issues following social development policies, laws, regulations of the Government of Bangladesh, DoE guidelines, Labour law (2006), WB guidelines, and EPC contractor’s own corporate policies and guidelines, relevant treatment methodologies and control strategies and also international laws and regulations that are relevant to the development, operation and implementation of the project during contract period. After completion of the contract period with EPC contractor, EGCB Ltd. will take the responsibility and address all relevant social issues following the rules and guidelines as stated above through its own corporate Environmental Management Unit (EMU).

The power cell, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources has appointed an individual consultant (including his team) to conduct study and prepare an independent SIA report for implementation of the currently proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP covering both GoB and WB guidelines and their requirements.

This document is suitable for submission to WB to meet their requirements and acknowledgement to DoE as an addendum and will be used by appointed EPC contractor during contract period and subsequently EGCB Ltd., will follow the same after initiation of commercial hand over of this power plant by the EPC contractor.

Indigenous community and archaeological sites and relocation issues: In this project area there are no indigenous people residing and no archaeological sites were found, no resettlement and relocation issues are identified in this project site.

1.2. Project Location and Accessibility

The proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project located within Siddhirganj power generation complex on the western bank of Sitalakhya river in Siddhirganj Pourashava, under Narayanganj district. The details description of the proposed GIS location is given in Table-1.1. The entire power plant complex is completely enclosed, covers an area of about 88 acres and is owned by Power Development Board. The necessary land about 9.24 acres has been allocated to EGCB ltd by Power Development Board (PDB), for implementation, construction and operation of proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP.

The proposed project site at Siddhirganj power plant complex is approximately 20 km North-East of Dhaka The proposed project location is accessed from Dhaka by traveling via Dhaka-Chittagang Highway to reach Siddhirganj, Narayanganj. The location of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj is shown in Fig-1.1.

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Table 1.1. Description of the location of Proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP site.

District Type of construction Coordinates Upazilla under

project area


Development of site and construction of Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP construction site (between latitude 23° 41' 14" to 23° 40' 45" North and Longitude 90° 30' 50" to 90° 37' 51" East )

Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

On the east side across the river and within 2-3 km radius, there are three other gas fired power

plants. These include: (i) the AES Haripur 360 MW power plant, located about 1 km

downstream of the Siddhirganj site; (ii) the PDB 99 MW gas turbine power plant, which will

soon be upgraded to 400 MW with funding from JBIC; and (iii) the NEPC barge mounted

1110 MW power plant. Besides, there is a wooden board making factory located in between

the AES Haripur and the PDB power plant, known for its high emission of fine particulates that

clogged the air intake filters of the PDB plant in the past. The site of the recently closed-down

Adamjee Jute Mill is located immediately along the southern boundary of the Siddhirganj plant

complex, which is now being converted into a Export Processing Zone (Special Economic

Zone). On the northern side, there is a steel re-rolling mill, and also a couple of brick kilns.

There are numerous other small and medium industries within and around the Siddhirganj area.

To the immediate west, along the boundary of the Siddhirganj complex is the Demra-

Narayanganj road constructed on the embankment of an irrigation canal. The whole Siddhirganj

area is quite densely populated like most peri-urban areas around Dhaka. The Sitalakhya river

immediately to the east of the complex is used as a major waterway. It is also the main source of

water for all the industrial activities in the Siddhirganj area, including the power plants.

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Fig-1.1. Proposed Location of Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

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1.3. The SIA team

The professional team engaged for the technical studies and analysis of information for SIA comprised of the following individuals as shown in Table-1.2. Table-1.2. Proposed SIA team members.

Name of professionals


Md. Noor Newaz, Ph.D. Team Leader, EIA Specialist and Senior Environmental Specialist

Md. Rafiqul Islam Geographer and GIS specialist

M. Delwar

Socio-economic and Environmental Survey Specialist

Field Surveyor

2 persons

Data Analyst

1 person

Computer composer

1 person

Technical personnel from EGCB Ltd. involved for supervision of SIA study for 450 MW CCPP at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj is shown in Table-1.3. Table-1.3. EGCB ltd. team to provide support for implementation of the SIA report for Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project Name of professionals


Kazi M.H. Kabir, M. Sc. (Ag.), M.Sc. Environmental Science, (Australia), Ph.D. (Fellow), ESC (Japan).

Environmental Management Specialist (Manager Environment), EGCB Ltd.

Md. Ibrahim Ahmed Shafi Al Mohtad, M.S. Engg. (Renewable Energy), German.

Manager P&D, EGCB Ltd.

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2.1. Voluntary and Involuntary Relocation Policies (i) JICA’s guideline on Environmental and Social Consideration 2010, (ii) World Bank OP/Bank Procedure (BP) 4.12, “Involuntary Resettlement,” apply

principally to these instances of resettlement. World Bank, 2004, Involuntary Relocation Sourcebook: Planning and Implementation in Development Projects (Washington, DC: World Bank),

(iii) World Bank OP/BP 4.12, 2001, “Involuntary Resettlement, World Bank, “Safeguard Policies have been thoroughly reviewed and in any case of relocation and resettlement of any sorts the above mentioned policies will be followed.

(iv) Inter-American Development Bank, 1999, Involuntary Resettlement in IDB Projects

(v) ADB, 1998, Handbook on Resettlement: A Guide to Good Practice (Manila: ADB),

(vi) Mitigating Social Impoverishment when People Are Involuntarily Displaced, 1996,

(vii) Asian Development Bank, 1995, Involuntary Resettlement,

The above mentioned operational policies of the above Bank has been thoroughly reviewed and in case of any relocation and resettlement actions that polices will be followed by the EPC contractor and the by the owner as and when required to protect the social harmony of the local society. In case of new gazette of any policies/act/rules/regulations/laws are enacted during project implementation that also will be included in the practice, overall land of the law will be of no alternate but to be followed by either side during implementation of the project. 2.2. Relevant regulations

As noted earlier, construction of a power plant project falls under the RED category of projects according to the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Rules 1997 (GoB, 1997). For projects under this category, it is mandatory to carry out Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) followed by Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) including Environmental Management Plan for getting environmental clearance from the Department of Environment (DoE). In addition to that any project when implemented under financial assistance of WB, it needs to meet WB requirements and shall follow WB Operation policy (1999, OP 4.01), industrial emission (Annex-II) and motor vehicle emission and noise level (Annex-III) as depicted in SRO 220 schedule-6 (2005) and SRO 212, schedule-1 (2006). According to the World Bank Operational Policy (1999, OP 4.01), this project has been classified as an Environmental category-A project, requiring an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the construction and operation of the project with recommendations for appropriate mitigation and management measures.

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3.1. Physical Components of the Proposed Project

The key components of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project for generation of power located at Siddhirganj, Nayrayanganj, would include:

Demolition of old PGCB store house located at the south-east part of the project site and a boundary wall belonging to DPDC

Fencing of the project area, guard shed, gate etc. Construction of Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP (includes civil construction, setting of

turbine, generator, transformer, control room, online emission monitoring facility, mechanical, electrical, erection of all machine, equipment, cooling tower, water treatment plant, effluent treatment plant, fire fighting facility etc.) at project site located within Siddhirganj Power Plant Complex compound, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj.

3.2. Basic information about the project

The basic information about the project is shown in Table-3.1. Table-3.1. Basic information of the project

Items Description Name of the project Siddhirganj 450 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant (450 MW

CCPP) Project proponent EGCB Ltd. Project location Siddhirganj Power Plant Complex compound, Siddhirganj,

Narayanganj, P.S. Narayanganj Total capacity of Power Generation

300-450 MW

Project cost Approx. US$ 420 million=300 Crore Financial support Financial assistance from WB and part from GOB Period of construction 20-30 months (approx.)Project area 9.24 acres (approx.) within Siddhirganj power plant complex,


3.3. Existing major infrastructure within Siddhirganj Power Plant complex The major existing infrastructures within the Siddhirganj power plant complex are listed below:

(1) A 210 MW steam turbine power plant: It produces 180-200 MW of electricity. The plant currently produces 44,60,400 KWHr electricity per day.

(2) A 2×120 MW gas turbine Peaking Power Plant: It is newly built under financial assistance of ADB and operating under management of EGCB.

(3) Two 132 KV Sub-stations. (4) Gas reducing main station. (5) A water treatment plant. (6) Residential complex for almost 2500 people.

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(7) A school located close to the site of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project.

(8) Two mosques. (9) A hospital, and (10) Shops and some other common facilities that can be expected in a small

township. Figure 3.1 shows the above noted major infrastructure within the Siddhirganj power plant complex. The 210 MW thermal power plant is located on the eastern side of the complex. The 2×120 MW gas turbine Peaking Power plant is also located on the eastern side of the complex close to the bank of the Sitalakhya river. The proposed site for Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP is the vacant land on the north-western corner of the complex. The 132 KV/230KV sub-station is located on the eastern side of the proposed site. A store yard of PGCB is located to the south of the project site. The backside boundary of the high school of the power plant complex is located just opposite to the 132 KV sub-station. The school boundary wall is about 200 ft (60 m) away from the south-eastern boundary of the project site. Residential quarters are located to the east of the school and also to the south of the school on the other side of the main road passing through the complex in the east-west direction. The detail description of the proposed site for construction of Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP is described in section 3.4 below. 3.4. Ancillary

3.4.1. Site development:

The proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP construction site is medium high land and currently used mostly as fallow and portion of it is occupied by an old store on the South-east side of the allotted land within Siddhirganj Power Plant Complex. Detailed information about project location and area are described in the EIA Volume-1. The project site will be initially cleared by demolition of old stores of PGCB which has been allocated to the EGCB Ltd through a board meeting of BPDB during October 2010. The concerned PGCB authorities have been duly consulted and have agreed to transfer the land to BPDB who will in turn allocate it to EGCB. No alternative store will need to be constructed as the present structure was old and abandoned. A boundary wall belonging to DPDC will be demolished. DPDC has been consulted and have no objection to the required activity. The project site located within the Siddhirganj power plant complex area will be upgraded as needed considering the last 50 years flood level (6.93 PWD level), excavating of soil for pile work for civil construction where necessary and excavated soils will be used for backfilling and restoration of the Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP site. The detail of the lay out plan of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project site is shown in Fig.-3.2.

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Fig-3.1. Plot map showing existing infrastructures and surroundings within 1km of proposed 450 MW CCPP project area.

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Fig,-3.2. Lay out plan fro the proposed 450 MW CCPP at project site.

3.4.2. Civil Construction Materials and equipment movement within the project site: Most civil construction materials will be procured from industry/markets of Dhaka and will be transported to project site by both Dhaka-Chittagong high way and also Shitalakhya river transport ways. Heavy equipment will be imported via sea port and will be landed to the project site through Sitalakhya river water ways. During shipment of equipment GB regulations and WB Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for shipping (2007) will be followed. The nearest sea port will be Chittagong sea port and imported machinery will be transported from Chittagong port to Siddhirganj via Dhaka-Chittagong Highway and also by Shitalakhya river transport ways. Essential small machinery or electrical/electronic parts will also be transported to Dhaka by aircraft and from Air port to Siddhirganj, Narayanganj via Dhaka-Chittagang highway. The existing internal roads will be used for movement of the vehicles and transportation of materials within the Siddhirganj power plant complex. This may be noted that relocation of

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any kind of settlement including makeshift hut will be necessary due to movement of the construction materials within Siddhirganj power plant complex. 3.4.3. Demolition work in the project site There will be a very minimum demolition work required during land development and site preparation of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP located at Siddhirganj power plant complex. The old store of PGCB at the south-east side of the proposed project site will be needed to be demolished (Fig.-3.3) as a part of the site preparation to accommodate space for setting of the configuration of proposed power plant as suggested in the feasibility report. A boundary wall belonging to DPDC will also be demolished.

This minor demolition work will not affect any settlement as this site was vacant and old unused store room of PGCB. During demolition care will be taken as per WB safeguard policies including Labour law 2006 of Bangladesh. The demolition work will be conducted under direct supervision of EGCB Ltd., with own financial assistance as pre-requisite for clearing of land and making it available for proposed construction activities. Both social and the land use survey results indicate that currently there is no person occupying or living (legally or illegally) in the premises of old store which is planned to be demolished for construction of proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP and therefore, no relocation or resettlement is needed to be addressed. The detail area map of demolition site is shown in Fig-3.3. The demolition work will be done fully by mechanical means and shall be confined within limited times during school holidays in day period. The Environmental Management Unit (EMU) of EGCB Ltd., will monitor over all environmental management and occupational health and safety issues during implementation of the demolition work. EGCB will notify concern authority regarding demolition schedule before initiation of the demolition work. The demolition work will create dust and noise pollution in the surrounding area. Therefore, there will be regular water spray to minimize dust particle, the debris will be covered with polythene sheet temporarily before disposal for reuse or land filling. In addition, all workers shall use musk during working time to avoid inhalation of dust particles.

3.4.4. Construction of Drainage for Domestic and Industrial Wastewater:

Separate drainage systems will be provided for storm-water run off, domestic sewage, oily wastes, and chemically contaminated discharges during construction and operation of the project. The Right of Way (ROW) for the above noted construction is vacant and there is no occupant or makeshift hut and therefore, there will be no relocation due to the above noted drainage construction work. 3.4.5. Temporary camp and water Supply facility:

Water for cooling process, drinking, sanitary facilities, and showers will be sourced from the existing water system at the designated terminal point. EPC contractor shall install a properly maintained water filtration system which will be used to provide high quality camp/field

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office/guard shade water free from contaminants (eg. heavy metals, coliforms). Camp water will be periodically tested during the construction program. Water for emergency/fire fighting; these will be located at the project site, in addition to that, water from the adjacent Rivers out side Siddhirganj Power Plant area boundary will also be available for fire fighting during construction.

The construction of water well will be in the designated place which is currently vacant. In addition to that the temporary camp will be either out side or in the vacant land within Sddhirganj power plant complex. Therefore, there will be no relocation due to above noted construction works.

3.4.6. Excavation of land and foundation work:

The Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project site is a medium high land area and is located at the north-west corner within boundary wall of Siddhirganj Power Plant campus, Narayanganj. This land is currently used as a fallow (Fig-3.4). There is no occupant of any kind of settlements of temporary or permanent either legally or illegally in any part of the project site. There are many labours currently staying in some makeshift hut in the Siddhirganj power plant complex but no such make shift hut is currently found within prposed 450 MW CCPP project site. Therefore, there will be no need of any kind of relocation or resettlement in the project site due to soil excavation or land preparation of the proposed 450 MW CCPP project site. During excavation work if any cultural property is found, that will be considered as GOB’s state property. Therefore, during excavation work, the EPC contractor shall follow GOB regulation and WB guidelines OP 4.20-Cultural property. The details are described in the Chapter-2 and Chapter-8 of the EIA document..

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Fig-3.3. Proposed Siddhirganj power plant project site showing the old store to be demolished.

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3.4.7. Power plant components General components of the proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project to be constructed include the following: In site facilities-

(a) Plant facility comprising 01gas turbines, 01 HRSG set up, 01 steam turbine, generator, transformer and ancillary facilities.

(b) Chemical Water Treatment plant (c) Effluent treatment plant (ETP) (d) Cooling Tower (e) Circulating Pump House (f) Switch room (g) Emergency generator and transformers

Civil structures- (i) Generator and Substation Control room, administration, amenities, and workshop

facility if necessary (j) Fire protection tank, water tank and septic tank. (k) Construction of internal roads (l) Security fencing and gatehouse.

Offsite facilities-

(m) High voltage switchyard (n) CW Pump House (o) The 11 km 230 KV line-to be implemented by PGCB (not included in this EIA) (p) 60 km gas transmission line-to be implemented by GTCL (not included in this EIA)

The installations of the in site facility of the proposed project which will be constructed close to the School are described blow.

Water Treatment Plant and Effluent Treatment Plant

From feasibility study of proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP, it has been identified that the water treatment plant (WTP) and effluent treatment plant (ETP) of the proposed power plant will be located close to the school wall but not occupy any part of the school campus. Therefore, no relocation of the school will be necessary. However, as the school campus will be close to the WTP and ETP of the proposed plant, the EPC contractor shall take appropriate measure to protect noise and odour including improperly treated or untreated effluent discharges from ETP (if accidentally occurred) following GOB and WB guidelines (WB Environmental, Health and Safety Thermal Power Plant guidelines-2008 and also Environmental, Health and Safety General guidelines-2007). These are mentioned in Chapter 6-Impact and Mitigation and also in Chapter-7-conclusions and recommendations.

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4.1. Baseline social survey in project site: The detail social baseline survey has been carried out as part of the SIA. The primary objectives of this baseline surveys are to gather information on the existing physical social condition in and around the project site within the power plant complex. 4.1.1. Social condition of the Project impact area (5km around the project site) The project site is located in the Siddhirganj Pourashava within Narayan ganj district under Dhaka Division. The Narayanganj district is divided in to five thanas. These are Bandar, Narayanganj sadar, Sonargaon, Rupganj and Demra under Narayanganj district. The project area is an industrial site in the eastern outskirt of the Dhaka city. The Siddhirganj is a semi-urban area where most of the population is engaged in industrial and commercial activities. The area is economically very active. The project area is mostly consists of people of middle and lower middle class. Total household and population of project impact area for 2009 (based on the BBS-2001 and projected to 2009) is 522429 and 2306890 with average household size 4.4, which is lower than the national average of 5.4. The total land area of Narayanganj district is about 759.57 km2. 4.1.2. Social baseline within Siddhirganj power plant complex The Siddhirganj power plant complex is an enclave of about 88 acres of land which is totally surrounded by wall and owned by the Bangladesh Power Development (BPDB) under MPEMR, GOB. The entire complex area is constructed in a planned way and distributed with plant area, residential area, mosque, community market, school, hospital etc. The employees of the power plant complex are mainly residing within the power plant complex in their residential quarters. They are using all the civil facilities of the complex such as students are studying in the school, all residents and including out siders are praying in the mosque, residents are taking medical facilities from the hospital, procuring daily requirements including groceries from the market, students are playing in the school field etc. The proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW PP will be constructed on the north side of the power plant complex which is extended near the Siddhirganj power plant complex school. From the Feasibility report it has been found that the main equipment of the power plant facilities will be distributed on the north side of the proposed project site. The WTP will be located close to the school boundary wall, but it will not occupy any part of the school ear marked property. The detail description of residential area within power plant complex is given in Table-4.1.

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Table 4-1. The details of the physical structures are given below:

Sl no. Items Category Nos Unit Remarks

1 Old building B type

11 166 Decision has been taken for

demolition, which will be constructed by the EGCB Ltd.

2 Old building B Type 06 24

3 Old building C Type 15 120

4 New Building Russian 10 100

5 New Building Other 23 230

6 Mosque 01 Muslim prayer place

7 Madrasa 01

8 Eidgah ground 01 Prayer place during Eid day

9 Bank 01 Agrani Bank Ltd.

10 Play ground 01 In front of School

11 Play gournd 01 Within residential area

12 Dormitory 01 For Bachelors

13 Dormitory 01 For Officers


Police Camp


Police: 12 Ansar: 40

Security: 48 including supervisors

15 Security post 01 PWD gate

16 Security post 01 KPI gate

17 Officers Club 01

18 Lawn Tennis court


19 CBA office 02

20 Canteen 01 At Administrative building

21 Cooperative Market


22 Rest House 01

23 Power Plants 01

210 MW Thermal power plant

24 Power Plant 01

Siddhirganj 2×120 MW PPP, ADB financed

25 Power Plant 01

Rental Power Plant

26 Proposed

Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP


CCPP project, WB financed

27 Water 01 For De-mineralize water and

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Sl no. Items Category Nos Unit Remarks

Treatment Plant boiler feed water 28 Store Yard 1+1+1=03

29 Medical Center 01

30 RMS 01

Owned by Titas Gas company Ltd.

31 Secondary School


Having student nos 1109 (Boys and Girls) and teachers 32

4.2. Population at the residential area: The total officers at 210 MW thermal power plant is approximately 486 and 25 officers and staff at 2×120MW PPP project and workers, labours altogether around 2500 residents are residing at the Siddhirganj power plant complex.

4.3. Drainage of the existing power plant

There is one drainage canals in Siddhirganj power plant complex for the disposal of water used in the power plants for cooling. The canal in the south disposes off the cooling water after use in the 210 MW plant. At present, sewage generated in the plant premises is being retained in the septic tank and the storm water is drained through a drainage canal located near the middle (between the north and the south canals) of the plant area.

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CHAPTER-5: PUBLIC CONSULTATION 5.1. Focus Group Discussion

Group discussions in a randomly selected given locality with interested groups or their representatives, representatives of Union Parishad, fishing communities, workers at power plants both male and female, mixed groups of farmers, businessmen, labors, shop keepers, rickshaw pullers, van drivers, unemployed youths, students, etc were conducted. Interviews were structured, though varied to meet the level of knowledge and expected interest of the individuals and groups. In order to facilitate the discussions, tools like information on the project, certain socio-economic survey information, and illustrative maps and diagrams were used. A total of 04 group discussions were conducted. General level of participation was 10-20 persons. Table 5.1 shows the list of FGDs and the locations of FGD is shown in Fig-5.1.The summary of all the FGDs have been presented in Annex-IV. Table 5.1 : List of Focus Group Discussion.

FGD No. Category Location Date Number of


Summary of FGD participants within the project site


Male and

Female staff




Siddhirganj Power Plant, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj Sadar 03.10.2010 20

Summary of FGD participants out side the power plant complex


Businessmen/ Housewife/ Service/ Customers

Sonamia Bazar, Adjacent ot Adamjee EPZ, Siddhirganj,

Narayanganj. 02.10.2010 10

2 Businessmen/ Agro-farming

Gokuldas Bazar, Haji Abedali Super Market, Adamjeenagar,

Siddhirganj, Narayanganj Sadar 02.10.2010 14


Mixed Groups Bepari para (Silo gate), Siddhirganj, Narayanganj Sadar 03.10.2010 12

5.2 Individual Interviews with Key Informants within power plant complex

Information was collected from different key informants in which in depth interviews (IDI) were

taken regarding the impacts of existing power plants and possible effects of the proposed

Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP project. Within the study area, 08 key informants were interviewed

who expressed their views and opinions on different aspects, with particular focus on their

subject area. It was intended to do so by the consultation team. For example, while talking to

fishers, fish related issues were given priority, similarly during an interview with a doctor, health

issues were the main focus. List of Key Informants interviewed is shown in Table 5.2. The

summary of the KIs is provided in Table 5.3. Details of the Key Informant Interviews are

presented in Annex-V. Before the above mentioned discussion the residents of that selected area

were duly notified (Annex-VI).

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Table 5.2: List of Key Informant Interview

KI No. Name

Profession Sex Date

1 Md. Rashedul Matin Head Master, PDB Secondary School, Power Plant Complex, Siddhirganj

M 02.10.2010

2 Dr. Mohammad Shamsul Alam Senior Medical Officer Siddhirganj Power Plant Complex, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

M 02.10.2010

3 Dr. Md. Muksudur Rahman Medical Officer, Siddhirganj Power Plant, Siddhirganj M 02.10.2010

4 Md. Abdul Halim A M (Technical), 2×120MW Peaking Power Plant Project, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

M 02.10.2010

5 Md. Atiar Rahman Deputy General Manager, Siddhirganj 2×120MW Peaking Power Plant Project, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

M 02.10.2010

6 A K M Manjur Kadir Manager, 2×120MW Peaking Power Plant Project, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

M 02.10.2010

7 Md. Zahid Uddin Ahmed Deputy General Manager, Siddhirganj 2×120MW Peaking Power Plant Project, Siddhirganj

M 02.10.2010

8 Md. Mahbubur Rahman Assistant Chief Engineer, 210MW TPS M 02.10.2010

Table 5.3: Summary of Key Informant Interview Issues Key Informant Interview No

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Aware of the project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Aware of the project activities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Impact on surrounding environment - - - - - - - -

Impact on river/khal 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0

Impact on fisheries 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0

Impact on crops, soil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Impact on vegetation 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0

Impact on livestock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Impact on income + + + + + + + +

Impact on mobility - - - - - - - -

Impact on people 0 - 0 0 0 NK NK 0

Impact on Industry 0 - 0 0 - NK - NK

Will support the project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

( – ) : Negative Impact; ( + ) : Positive Impact; ( 0 ) : No Impact; NK: Not Known

5.3. Findings from FGD and key informants interview The key findings of the public consultation are as follows:

5.3.1 Baseline Situation

Project site

The project area is reported to be the area, where the proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP is

scheduled to be constructed.

There is no accommodation of any staff or persons or any un-authorized or authorized

occupants in the old store or nearby premises of the old store which is planned to be

demolished for proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP power plant area and therefore, no

relocation issues will be necessary to be addressed.

Noise pollution at proposed project area is not reported to be higher with comparison to

the residential areas of this power plant complex.

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Within the residential area there is a small medical center for the immediate services of

the residents of the power plant complex

Drainage system within power plant complex and project area is fair.

All residents of within this power plant area are officers and workers of this power plant


The social condition within this power plant area is reported to be healthier with

comparison to the impact zone.

Project impact area The local resident expected that some of them will be employed in accordance

with their ability. The construction labour should employed from local area. During construction and operation there will be more business opportunity and

economic activities will be increased. The residents are affected due frequent power failure, they expect that after

construction of power plant there will be uninterrupted power supply in their locality.

5.3.2. Possible Impacts and responses based on consultation within power plant complex There will be no relocation of settlement or any kind of institution due to construction of

proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP at Siddhirganj power plant complex.

The WTP by the side of the School should be managed in such a way that it will not

make any kind disturbances, negative impact to the health and mind of the student and

waiting guardians.

In any case there should not be allowed to occupy any school land or property, which

may cause negative impacts on the education of the school children.

Careful consideration need to given to minimize the sound and odour problem from the

adjacent WTP and ETP for proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP.

There will be no impact on river and other aquatic bodies as there will be no thermal

discharge in to the river water as there will be a provision of cooling tower in place.

The power plant will not release any untreated solid/liquid waste in to the river/canal at the study area.

Extra bit of traffic will be increased during construction and after wards, therefore there

should be proper traffic management, vehicle pollution control following the WB

Environmental, Health and safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008.

Load shedding will be reduced proportionately and there should be interrupted power

supply in the national grid.

The project will bring benefit to the national economy. The people of the project area have recommended for installing a plant of good quality,

which will be able to provide uninterrupted power supply and will be able to keep good

air quality and noise pollution of the project study area within DoE’s specific guidelines

and WB Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008.

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Fig. 5.1. Satellite image showing FGD location within project impact area for proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP.

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The details study on the possible social impacts and mitigation measures have been given below in a tabular form. 6.1. Potential social impacts and mitigation measures

The Table-6. 1 summarizes the potentially significant Social impacts during construction and

operation phases and their corresponding mitigation measures. The environmental management

responsibilities are also described in the following Table 6.1. During project implementation

period appropriate measures will be taken for elimination of adverse impacts and enhance

positive impacts.

Table –6.1. Potentially significant social impact during construction and operation phase and their mitigation measures for Siddhirganj 450 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant.

Proposed project activities/issues

Potentially Significant Impacts

Mitigation measures Implementation


A. Siddhirganj450 MW CCPP Pre-construction and design impacts

Impact on social life

a. Survey and land allocation

i. Possibility of damage of agricultural field and create economic loss

i. The land is within the compound of Siddhirganj Power Plant and there is no agricultural field within the compound

i. EGCB Ltd. will be the implementing Agency of the proposed power plant, the EMU section will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

b. Displacement of settlements, during laying of foundation of Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP

i. Dislocation of settlements and loss of livelihood

i. EGCB Ltd., own the allocated land which have no settlements and there is no possibility of disruption of any settlements

i. EGCB Ltd. will be looking into the matters.

c. Set-up of campsite

i. May disturb local community and share resources

i. camp will be set up within Siddhirganj Power Plant compound by the side of the project site and will not disturb local community

i. EGCB Ltd. will be looking into the matters.

d. Demolition of old stores of PGCB on the south-East side of the proposed site

i. Impact on human health hazards,

i. The demolition will be done by mechanical means and will be confined for short time during day period -There will be regular water spray to control dust and

i. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental

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Proposed project activities/issues

Potentially Significant Impacts

Mitigation measures Implementation


avoid health hazards related to the demolition.


ii. Loss of productive asset, including land, income, and livelihood

ii. The specific parameters have not found at site, so there would be no requirement of such mitigation measures

ii. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

iii. Loss of housing, possibility entire community structures, systems, and services

iii. The project will be constructed within government land, so there is no possibility of loss including housing, community structures, and services

iii. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

iv. Loss of other assets

iv. No loss of other assets is expected to occur,

iv. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

v. Loss of community resources, habitat, cultural sites, and goods

v. No loss of community resources is expected to occur, under that circumstances, there would not be required any mitigation measures

v. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

vi. Relocation of existing structures and Institutions

vi. Presently there is no such relocation is expected to be in place, but if any relocation cases arises, there should have been properly addressed.

vi. Appointed contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

vii. Resettlement of vii. As the proposed vii. Appointed

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Proposed project activities/issues

Potentially Significant Impacts

Mitigation measures Implementation


household and families

Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP project area is vacant land having owner ship of BPDB, there is no possibilities of resettlement of any sorts,

contractor of EGCB Ltd. will be responsible for this demolition, the EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the social and Environmental activities.

e. Construction of WTP and ETP of 450 MW CCPP behind the school

i. Noise ii. Odour iii. Impact on surrounding natural waterways and soil if effluents are improperly disposed/left untreated

EPC contractor will comply with WB Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008; and all other national and international health and safety guidelines for proper management of noise, odour and effluent discharges.

EPC contractor during contract period and beyond that stipulated contract period, EGCB Ltd., will comply the noted regulations.

B. Occupational Health Hazards and Safety measures (During demolition of DPDC’s wall and PGCB’s store yard adjacent to the Project)

i. impact on human health and family economic crisis

i. Provide appropriate safety measures to workers .Proper safety measures need to be discussed among the workers and officers involved in the preconstruction- demolition work

i. EGCB Ltd. appointed contractor for pre-construction work will provide appropriate PPE during demolition work and EGCB Ltd. will monitor the whole work

ii. Proper training regarding demolition of old building will be provided to the workers before initiation of the work

ii. Appointed Contractor will provide training and EGCB Ltd. will monitor the process.

iii. Ambulance will be stand by at site for immediate life support

iii. Appointed contractor will provide training and EMU section of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the process.

C. Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP Construction phase

Impact on social life:

a. Influx of labour for construction works

i. spreading of epidemic diseases

i. Medical support center will be provided for workers and officers working at site

i. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

ii. sharing of resources

ii. appropriate drinking water will be provided for protection of workers health

ii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

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Proposed project activities/issues

Potentially Significant Impacts

Mitigation measures Implementation


iii. loneliness and lack of amusement facilities

iii. amusement facilities to be provided

iii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

b. Workers health hazards during construction

i. Deterioration of hygienic condition of workers and officers at work

i. Proper health and sanitation facilities must be ensured in any situation.

i. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

ii. Sufficient water and sanitation facility for work force must be ensured

ii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

iii. Protective measures must be taken for protection of all kinds of hazards

c. Socio-economic impacts

i. Employment opportunity

i. Employment of local people as much as possible

i.EGCB Ltd./Contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

d. Accidental hazards

i. Impact on the workers health

i. Regular inspection and maintenance of equipment

i. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

ii. Environmental health and safety briefing

ii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

iii. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

iii. EPC contractor will implement and EMU of EGCB Ltd. will monitor the activities.

D. Operation phase

Impact on environment/biodiversity and social life:

a. Socio-economic improvement during Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP operation

i. Opportunity of local employment

i. -EGCB Ltd., will ensure that the EPC contractor takes step to employ local people during Siddhirganj450 MW CCPP operation (if possible)

i. EGCB Ltd. may take initiative to give preference to employ local people

ii. Provide sufficient notification to the local people about the intended onset of project activities

ii. EPC contractor/EGCB Ltd.

This may also be noted that there shall be a complain redresser committee to address environmental and social complains arising from residents within and out side Siddhirganj power plant complex including workers during construction and operation phases of the proposed project and details are described in the Chapter-8 of EIA for proposed 450 MW CCP.

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7.1. Mitigation measures suggested by participants

Project site

Demolition work will not affect the local residents, because there will be used proper

mitigation measures to control generated dusts, noise and environmental hazards by

following the DoE guidelines including WB’s Environmental, Health and Safety

Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008. Health and Safety General Guidelines 2007

will be used for protection of demolition workers.

The required toilets for workers will have septic tank/ soak pit facilities therefore there

will be no sewage discharges out side the project site.

The existing power plant workers will not be sharing any civic facilities with demolition

and construction, operation maintenance workers.

There should be taken proper care during demolition work to avoid any disturbance to

the educational activities, movement within and adjacent to the school compound, local

residents including women residing within power plant complex.

Due to establishment of new power plant there should have provision of further

expansion of new housing and amusement facilities including club.

Gender issues should be taken care and should have equal opportunity of jobs during

construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed project.

7.2. Conclusions and Recommendations The old unused store house of PGCB which will be demolished during project site preparation is

not occupied by any resident or any person. A boundary wall belonging to DPDC will also be

demolished. Therefore, there will be no relocation and resettlement issues.

The EGCB Ltd., will ensure that EPC contractor follows International maintenance and product

vendor recommended practices and maintenance guidelines including WB Environmental,

Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008, Health and safety guidelines for

Thermal Power Plant (2008) and other GOB guidelines including relevant International

guidelines to minimize noise, odour, air pollution and waste discharge within GOB/WB limits

and protect surrounding environment including ground water.

During over hauling of cooling tower and boiler blow down, the waste water will be treated in

the ETP of the power plant and discharge in to the river through discharge channel complying

industrial (power plant) waste water discharge guidelines of GOB and WB. It may be suggested

that Electric contaminant removal (ECR) technology may be used instead of chemical treatment

technology in the WTP and ETP of proposed power plant after consultation with EGCB Ltd., as

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ECR technology is cost effective and produce low sludge compared to chemical treatment


The residents of power plant complex are aware about the proposed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP

project. The respondent express their concern to maintain the WB safeguard polices to protect

the student of school, residents, woman and children; they also suggested to confined the

construction work during day time.

Out side the power plant complex the respondents welcomed the proposed project of Siddhirganj

450MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Project at Siddhirganj. However, they recommended

installing a good quality plant, which will be able to provide uninterrupted power supply and

will be able to keep project and impact area free of air and noise pollution and the authority will

follow the DoE’s specific guidelines and Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for

Thermal Power Plant-2008 and WB safeguard policies in this regard. They also recommended

for few social activities as for example community center for special occasion, higher

educational institute like intermediate/ degree college at this locality. They recommended to

employ the local people at this power plant according their ability. The participant also

recommended for uninterrupted power supply at their locality.

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Asian Development Bank, 1995, “Involuntary Resettlement,” http://www.adb.org/Documents/Policies/Involuntary_Resettlement/involuntary_resettlement.pdf ADB, 1998, Handbook on Resettlement: A Guide to Good Practice (Manila: ADB), http://www.adb.org/Documents/Handbooks/Resettlement/Handbook_on_Resettlement.pdf. JICA 2010, Environment and Social Consideration. Atlanta-BPDB (2006), EIA and SIA study of BPDB’s proposed Haripur Combined Cycle Power Plant Project, Atlanta Enterprise Ltd., Bangladesh Power Development Board. BBS (2001), ‘Population Census 2001 Preliminary Report’, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Dhaka, Bangladesh. DOE (1997), ‘EIA Guidelines for Industries’, Department of Environment, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Downing, Theodore E. 1996. “Mitigating Social Impoverishment when People Are Involuntarily Displaced.” In Understanding Impoverishment: The Consequences of Development-Induced Displacement. Ed. Christopher McDowell, 33–48. Providence/Oxford: Berghahn Books.

ECOMAC-EGCB (2004), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Siddhirganj 2x120 MW Peaking Power Plant Project, Environmental Conservation and Management Consultants Ltd. and Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd. Fischer, H. B., et. al., (1979), Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters, Academic Press, New York. GoB (1997), Environmental Conservation Rules 1997, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka. Inter-American Development Bank, 1999, Involuntary Resettlement in IDB Projects: Principles and Guidelines, http://www.iadb.org/sds/doc/Ind-ADeruytterePGIRPE.PDF. World Bank (2008), Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant-2008, World Bank, Washington. World Bank (1999), Operational Manual –OP 4.01, The World Bank operation manual for environmental assessment, Washington. World Bank OP/Bank Procedure (BP) 4.12, “Involuntary Resettlement,” apply principally to these instances of resettlement. World Bank OP/BP 4.12, 2001, “Involuntary Resettlement,” http://go.worldbank.org/ZDIJXP7TQ0. World Bank, “Resettlement Plans,” http://go.worldbank.org/HRF9IQRLT0. World Bank, 2004, Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook: Planning and Implementation in Development Projects. Washington, DC: World Bank. World Bank, “Safeguard Policies.” http://go.worldbank.org/WTA1ODE7T0. Particularly OP 4.12, Operational Policy on Involuntary Resettlement. http://go.worldbank.org/64J6NBJY90

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Annex­1­TOR of SIA for Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP  Page  



Terms of Reference Environmental and Social Assessment of the World Bank Financed 450MW

Combined Cycle Power Plant at Siddhirganj

1. Background Under the Sidhirganj Peaking Power project, an open cycle gas turbine unit of about 300 (2 X 150) MW was planned to set-up at Sidhirganj. During the project preparation, a full scale environment assessment for this open cycle gas turbine power plant was carried out. This power plant was designed to operate only during the peak demand of the day. However, in view of the severe generation shortfall now gripping Bangladesh, the Government has requested to expand the power station to a combined cycle unit of about 450 MW. The combined cycle design would provide 50% more power output per unit of natural gas input. Due to alteration of project nature few components would be added in this project, namely; cooling tower, water treatment plant, produced solid and liquid wastes, relocation/dismantling of few establishment including school & transformer store under that circumstances the proper environmental impact assessment and mitigation is necessary to meet the Environmental management and mitigation obligation of both World Bank and Department of Environment (DoE), Bangladesh. Also a social impact assessment and related relocation plan is necessary. 2. Project location Siddhirganj power complex is located within Siddhirganj Thana under Narayanganj district and just outside the metro Dhaka area, which is known as an Industrial area. The site for the power plant is located within 88 acre property owned by the BPDB currently managed by EGCB Ltd. Within that premises the proposed WB Financed 450MW combined cycle project will require about 12.25 acres of land with minor relocation. This power plant complex is having the following existing establishment in place; (a) housing complex for almost 3000 people, mosque, school, health center, 210 MW Steam Turbine (ST), 2×120MW Peaking power plant, 100MW rental power plant which is under construction, two 132 KV Sub-stations, RMS of Titas gas, shops, and most other common facilities that can be expected in a small township. The distance between the WB funded sites to ADB funded sites is about 800 meters, likewise the WB funded site to 210MW ST is about 600 meters. On the east side across the river and within 2-3 km radius, there are three more gas fired power plants (Pendakar 360 MW, PDB 99 MW GTs going up to 360MW combined cycle power plant which is also under progress and due to be constructed soon by the JICA’s financial assistance, the NEPC barge mounted 1 x 110 MW is adjacent to the JICA funded project. Beyond the southern boundary of the EGCB Ltd. Adamjee Export Processing Zone and on the other side at northern side of boundary there is a steel re-rolling mill, and

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then a couple of brick kilns. There are numerous other industries around in the Siddhirganj area. Along the immediate west of the power plant complex the Demra-Narayanganj road is place. The whole Siddhirganj area is quite densely populated like any other peri-urban area around Dhaka. The Sitalakha river immediately to the east of the property is used as a major waterway. It is also the main source of water for all the industrial activity in the Siddhirganj area, including the proposed 450MW combined cycle power plants. The initial estimated land requirement for the open cycle power plant was 6 acres and estimated land for the combined cycle power plant is 12 acres. EGCB can accommodate this within the BPDB compound, but will have to shift and demolish a number of existing structures to do so. This will result in the displacement of approximately 21 families (EGCB/PGCB employees) for whom EGCB has already planned alternative accommodation. A number of structures belonging to other public agencies such as PGCB, DPDC will need to be demolished and shifted at pre-identified sites within the Siddhirganj compound. A Secondary School belonging to the Power Development Board, where 1,109 students are currently enrolled from grades 1-10 will need to demolished and be relocated, as will a housing facility for the guards and two Labor Union Offices and other sheds. EGCB has planned alternative locations for these facilities. There are two storage buildings, a number of tin sheds and other temporary structures which will need to be cleared. 3. Assignment Objective The overall objective of this assignment is to carry out an environmental assessment of the 450 MW combined cycle power plant to be constructed at Sidhirganj based on the existing environmental assessment report carried out for 300 MW open cycle power plant during 2006-2007 and continuous environmental monitoring data of other power plant located in campus. The assessment will include the environmental assessment of the dismantling of the existing infrastructure in proposed sites and site development. It may be noted that during the earlier Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the same project, the World Bank operational policy (OP) 4.01 and the relevant regulatory requirements of the GoB were followed as this project is classified as Category-A of OP 4.01 and red category under DoE’s guideline. The classification of the project will remain same and all detailed information will be required for this new combined cycle power plant. Since the previous design of the project did not trigger any social issues for this component, no Social Impact Assessment was undertaken at that time. However, this is now necessary due to the demolition and shifting of structures and the relocation of families/other people. 4. Scope of Work Given the existing and proposed development in the area, significant information about the environmental status of the area is already available. The full scale EIA has been undertaken in the recent past for the same project area for previously designed 2×150MW peaking power plant project. The assessment will use all the relevant information from the earlier assessment. However, updating of all information will be

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mandatory for this assessment. In addition, the assessment will have to address and include the additional features/components added in this project namely; cooling tower water intake and discharge channel, water treatment plant, boiler blow down water treatment provision, solid and liquid waste management to meet the guideline of WB pollution and prevention abatement hand book and the guideline of DoE. The brief scope of work of the assignment:

i) Update the baseline information of the previous EIA report using the continuous monitoring data and carrying out additional investigation (for example, the water flow and water quality of the adjacent river will have to be carried out);

ii) Carry out critical comparative analysis between the open cycle power plant and combined cycle power plant and identify the additional component and requirements for the combined cycle power plant;

iii) Assess the environmental impacts of the additional components of the combined cycle power plant (in comparison to open cycle power plant) and overall impacts of the combined cycle power plant;

iv) Carryout a commutative environment assessment of the sites considering a number of power plants and industries in the areas;

v) Prepare a standalone environment management plan (EMP)1 for the combined cycle power plant;

vi) Assess the environmental impact due to dismantling of the existing facilities, land development and construction of new building (compensation of existing buildings)2 and carryout separate EMP for these activities;

vii) Identify the technical and institutional capacity needs to implement the environmental mitigation and monitoring measures;

viii) Carryout consultation with local community, NGOs and other stakeholders and guide the client on the disclosure requirement of the World Bank

ix) Prepare a combined EIA report following the World Bank standard guidelines; and

x) Advise the EGCB on the DoE’s requirements and approval process. Scope of work for the SIA/SMP

Develop a detailed lay-out plan clearly identifying all affected structures (temporary and permanent) on the proposed project site and at the proposed replacement sites (including square footage).

Identification of Impacts: Since all affected entities are public and all impacts will be constrained within the PDB compound, a brief assessment should be conducted to identify all affected structures and impacts from the demolition/shifting activities, and other social impacts arising from this project component.

Consultation Strategy: Adequate consultation must be demonstrated with the owners of the affected structures and agreements with them for the demolition and shifting of structures belonging to them must be recorded. Appropriate

1 The EMP will have both the mitigation and monitoring plan 2 An alternative analysis of the proposed locations should be carried out

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consultation must be documented with people who will be directly affected by the demolition of the school, dormitory and residential buildings. People who will be affected by noise, pollution and general disturbance associated with demolition and construction work will also have to be part of a wider consultation.

Social Management Plan: A management plan will be required to lay out actionable mitigation measures associated with the impacts of the project; for example:

o Compiling a list of all affected people and entities, and an inventory of impacts (for example, people may miss a few days of work due to shifting etc.)

o shifting the school in a manner that leads to the least disruption to the student’s school year,

o Laying out a process to ensure that EGCB bears all costs associated with the shifting of the school and families, (a compensation mechanism may be put in place). All compensation must be at market rates/replacement value,

o maintaining safety standards during construction and demolition, o management of noise and pollution, o traffic management, if required , o spelling out the institutional arrangements for all the activities

involving shifting the school and families, procurement of agreements with all entities involved for the demolition/shifting, etc

o An M&E mechanism o A grievance redress mechanism (simplified) o Budget and Timeline for Implementation of the SMP

4. Structure of EIA Report EIA report will be concise and limited to significant environmental issues. The main text should focus on findings, conclusions and recommended actions, supported by summaries of the data collected and citations for any references used in interpreting those data. Detailed or uninterrupted data are not appropriate in the main text and should be presented in appendices or a separate volume. Unpublished documents used in the assessment may not be readily available and should also be assembled in an appendix. Organize the environmental assessment report according to the outline below:

Executive Summary Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework Description of the Proposed Project Description of the Environment Significant Environmental Impacts Analysis of Alternatives Environmental Management Plan, incl. mitigation, monitoring, capacity

development and training and implementation schedule and costs Inter-Agency and Public/NGO Consultation List of References

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Appendices: List of Environmental Assessment Preparers; Records of Inter-Agency and Public/NGO Communications; Data and Unpublished Reference Documents

Structure of SIA report

Executive Summary Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework (National Laws and WB

Policies as applicable) Description of the Project (including activities leading to social impacts

and the detailed map) Methodology for the SIA (BRIEF) Description of Baseline Consultation Description of Impacts Social Management Plan Appendices (Lists of affected people and entities, inventory of losses,

compensation amount- if required, lists of people consulted)

5. Duration Considering the highest priority of the government to fast track the project, the environment and social assessment will be carried out in very short duration. The consultant(s) will have to submit the draft ESIA report for review within 30 days of starting the assignment. The final report will have to be submitted within 45 days incorporating all the comments and suggestions of ECGB and the World Bank. 6. Reporting The consultant(s) will report to EGCB’s Environment Management Specialist (Manager Environment). They should work together extensively to complete the whole addendum document to meet the deadline in reality. 7. Qualifications of Consultants The consultant/s should have 8-10 years experience in undertaking EIA and SIA for power generation projects. The consultant/s, if necessary, can draw supports of other consultants/skills. Experience in ambient environmental monitoring, modeling, and analysis is also mandatory.

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Annex­II­SIA­DoE Standards for Emission From Industries 


ANNEX-II-DOE standards for industrial emission

Table-1: Bangladesh Standards for Industrial and Project Emissions

Sn. No.

Parameters Values

(in mg/Nm3) 1 Particulates

(ka) Power station of capacity of 200 MW or more (kha) Power station of capacity of less than 200 MW

150 350

2 Chlorine 150 3 Hydrochloric acid vapor and mist 350 4 Total fluoride (as F) 25 5 Sulfuric acid mist 50 6 Lead particulates 50 7 Mercury particulates 10 8 Sulfur dioxide

(ka) Sulfuric acid production (DCDA* process) (kha) Sulfuric acid production (SCSA* process) (* DCDA : Double conversion, double absorption, SCSA : Single conversion single absorption) Lowest height of stack for sulfur dioxide dispersion : (ka) Coal based power plant 500 MW or more 200 MW – 500 MW Less than 200 MW (kha) Boiler Steam per hour – up to 15 tons Steam per hour – more than 15 tons (Q = SO2 emission in kg/hour)

kg/ton acid 4


275 m 220m


11m 14(Q)0.3

9 Oxides of nitrogen (ka) Nitric acid production (kha) Gas based power stations 500 MW or more 200 – 500 MW Less than 200 MW (Ga) Metallurgical oven

3 kg/ton acid

50 ppm 50 ppm 40 ppm 30 ppm

200 ppm 10 Kiln soot and dust

(ka) Blast furnace (kha) Brick kiln (Ga) Coke oven (Gha) Lime kiln


500 1000 500 250

Source : Schedule-11, Rule-13, Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 (Page 3135, 3136, Bangladesh Gazette, 28 August 1997) (Own authentic translation from original Bengali).

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Annex III, DoE standard for emission from vehicle and noise level …1


DoE standard for emission from vehicle and noise level

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Annex III, DoE standard for emission from vehicle and noise level …2

Unofficial English Version [Bangla text of the rules was published in the Bangladesh Gazette additional issue of 28.08.1997 and amended by notification SRO 220-Law/2005 of 19, July 2005]

Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Ministry of Environment and Forests Planning Section-5

Notification Date: 1 Shrabon 1412/ 16 July 2005

S.R.O. No: 220-Law/2005: In exercise of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 (Act 1 of 1995), the Government hereby amended the Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 as under: (Kha) Instead of schedule 6 the following schedule 6 will be replaced:-

“Schedule-6 (See Rules 4 & 12)

Part- Ka (Emission standards for diesel driven vehicles during registration)

Bangladesh-1 (Table-1)

Vehicle type Emission Standards (gm/km) Test

Procedure CO HC + NOx PM 1 2 3 4 5

Light duty (Not more than 8 seats in addition to driver & max. weight upto 2.5 tons)

New Type Approval (TA) 2.72 0.97 0.14 91/441/EEC

Conformity of Production (COP) 3.16 1.13 0.18

Imported used 3.16 1.13 0.18

Medium duty (More than 8 seats in addition to driver but less than 15 seats & weight more than 2.5 tons but upto 3.5 tons)

New TA 6.9 1.7 0.25 93/59/EC

COP 8.0 2.0 0.29

Imported used 8.0 2.0 0.29

Bangladesh-1 (Table-2)

Vehicle type Emission Standards (gm/kWh) Test

Procedure CO HC NOx PM*

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Annex III, DoE standard for emission from vehicle and noise level …3

Heavy duty (More than 15 seats in addition to driver & weight more than 3.5 ton)


and ECE R


New TA 4.5 1.1 8.0 0.36

New COP 4.9 1.23 9.0 0.4

Imported used 4.9 1.23 9.0 0.4

*For the diesel engines with 85kW or less power the limit is to be multiplied by a factor of to 1.7.

Abbreviation: EC : European Council km : Kilometer EEC : European Economic Community. TA : Type Approval. COP : Conformity of Production. ECE : Economic Commission for Europe.

Part –Kha (Emission standards for Petrol and CNG driven vehicles during registration)

Bangladesh-2 (Table-1)

Vehicle type

Emission Standards (gm/km) Emissions due to

Evaporation (g/test)

Test Procedu

re CO HC + NOx

1 2 3 4 5

(2 and 3 wheeled) 4-stroke

4.5 3.0

- ECE-40

Light duty (Not more than 8 seats in addition to driver & max. GVW. 2.5 tons)

2.2 0.5 2.0 94/12/EC

Medium duty (More than 8 seats in addition to driver but less than 15 seats & GVW more than 2.5 tons but max. 3.5 tons)

5.0 0.7 2.0 96/69/EC

Bangladesh-2 (Table-2)

Vehicle type

Emission Standards (gm/kW-hr) Evaporation



Test Procedure CO HC/


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Annex III, DoE standard for emission from vehicle and noise level …4

Heavy duty (More than 15 seats in addition to driver & GVW. more than 3.5 ton)


and ECE R

49.02 and *13-

mode test cycle

New TA (Petrol/ CNG)

4.5 1.1 8.0 2.0

New COP(Petrol/ CNG)

4.9 1.23 9.0 2.0

Imported used (Petrol/ CNG)

4.9 1.23 9.0 2.0

* Applicable for CNG driven vehicles Abbreviation: CNG : Compressed Natural Gas COP : Conformity of Production EC : European Council EEC : European Economic Community ECE : Economic Commission for Europe TA : Type Approval km : Kilometer kW : Kilo Watt Hr : Hour

Part- Ga (Emission inspection standards during registration mentioned in Part-A and part-B)

Vehicle type Parameter Emission Standard

1 2 3 At least 3 wheeled petrol and CNG driven vehicles

Idle CO Idle HC

0.5 %v/v 1200 ppm

No load, 2500-3000 RPM



0.3 %v/v 300 ppm 1± 0.03

Visual check 3-Way catalytic converter fitted in the exhaust

Diesel naturally aspirated Free acceleration smoke 1.2 m-1 smoke density (40 HSU)

Diesel turbo-charged Free acceleration smoke 2.2 m-1 smoke density (61 HSU)

Abbreviation: HSU : Hartridge Smoke Unit ppm : Parts Per Million m-1 : Meter Inverse

Part- Gha (Emission standards for In-use diesel vehicle registered before September 1, 2004.)

Vehicle Type Test

Smoke Opacity Effective

01 September, 2004-31

December, 2006

Effective 01 January, 2007-

31 December, 2008

Effective 01 January,


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Annex III, DoE standard for emission from vehicle and noise level …5


Free acceleration

80 HSU or

3.7 m-1

70 HSU or

2.8 m-1

65 HSU or

2.4 m-1

Trucks and all other diesel vehicles

Free acceleration

90 HSU or

5.3 m-1

80 HSU or

3.7 m-1

65 HSU or

2.4 m-1

Part- Umma (Emission standards for petrol and CNG driven vehicles registered before September 1, 2004)

Vehicle Type

Test CO (% by volume) HC (ppm)

1 2 3 4

4-wheeled petrol vehicles Idle Speed 4.5 1,200

All CNG driven vehicles Idle Speed 3.0 -

Petrol driven 2-Stroke engine 2 and 3-wheelers

Idle Speed 7.0 12,000

Petrol driven 4-Stroke 2 and 3-wheelers

Idle Speed 7.0 3,000

Note: Idle Speed RPM to be specified by the manufacturer.

Part- Ch (Emission Standards for vehicle registered after September 1, 2004)

Vehicle Type Test CO (% by volume)

HC (ppm) Lambda

() Smoke

1 2 3 4 5 6 4-wheeled petrol and CNG vehicles.

Idle Speed 1.0 1200 - -

No load, 2500-3000


0.5 300 1.0 ± 0.03


Petrol driven 4-Stroke 2 and 3-wheelers

Idle Speed 4.5 1200 - -

CNG driven 3-wheelers Idle Speed 3.0 - - - Naturally aspirated diesel vehicles

Free acceleration

- - - 65 HSU or 2.5 m-1

Turbo-charged diesel vehicles

Free acceleration

- - - 72 HSU or 3.0 m-1

Note: Idle speed RPM to be specified by the manufacturer”.

By Order of the President Jafar Ahmed Chowdhury Secretary

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Annex III, DoE standard for emission from vehicle and noise level …6

Noise level Table-2: DoE standard for noise level (2006, SRO No-212, schedule-1) Locations Standards (dB) at day Standard (dB) at night Silent Zone 50 40 Residential area 55 45 Mixed area 60 50 Commercial area 70 60 Industrial area 75 70

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Summary of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for proposed Siddhirganj 450 MW CCPP

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EGCB Ltd. Annex-IV, FGD of SIA for Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


FGD for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of World Bank financed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP project at Siddhirganj, Narayanganj

FGD meeting no.1 Location of FGD : Sonamia Bazar, Adamjeenagar, (Impact area)

Pauroshova: Siddhirganj, Thana: Narayanganj Sadar Category : Shopkeepers, local traders/Customers Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 03:40 PM

Sl. No. Name of the Participants Sex Age Present Occupation

1 Md. Shamsul Haque M 66 Business 2 Md. Fazlul Haque M 55 Business

3 Md. Abdul Jabbar M 80 Business 4 Md. Rowshon Mia M 60 Business 5 Md. Abdul Hakim M 41 Business

6 Md. Abdur Rahim M 39 Business

7 Md. Mokhlesur Rahman M 52 Service 8 Mrs. Saleha Begum F 35 Housewife

9 Mrs. Kulsum F 30 Service in NGO

10 Mrs. Afia Tahsin F 28 Customer/Agro-business

Issues and concerns raised (project related): River and canal water will not be affected by the project

Fish resources will be severely affected if hot water generated from the proposed plant is discharged into the river

Crops, vegetation and soil quality will not be affected

During the construction stage traffic movement along the road may be hampered if proper measure is not taken

Issues and concerns raised (existing environment related): River, canal and ponds are in good condition

At some indefinite or unstated time when the existing plant released steam/gas sound level becomes intolerable and because of this children specially infants in the area suffers most during night time

There is hardly any fish found the Shitalakhaya at present time

Income of the people is not good after Adamjee Jute Mill shut down

There no mentionable industry in the area as discussed

Overall health of the people of the area and health system is not good

Insufficient electricity and loadshading is the common problem of the area

There no waste management system. Existing wastes are dumped and discharged into the river

Only severe flooding creates problem in the area

Comments of the Interviewer: In overall project has the beneficial effect to the country although it will create some negative impact like sound pollution. People in area are suffering from unemployment after the closure of Adamjee Jute Mill. Local business, trading and markets are also affected for the closure of Adamjee Jute Mills. They are expecting that, the situation will be improved when Adamjee EPZ will function fully and the new power

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EGCB Ltd. Annex-IV, FGD of SIA for Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


plant project will also bring some positive impact at the impact zone particularly employment. They demanded for one intermediate college and degree college as part of social activities from this project. FGD meeting no.02 Location of FGD : Kuripara Bazar, (Impact area)

Thana: Bandar (Narayanganj) Category : Businessmen Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 10:26 AM

Sl. No. Name of the Participants Sex Age Present Occupation

1 Md. Nurul Islam M 49 Business 2 Shahjalal Member M 47 Business

3 Md. Ruhul Amin M 44 Service

4 Md. Amin Uddin M 34 Service

5 Azim Uddin M 49 Business

6 Mahfuzur Rahman M 64 Agro- Farming

7 Delwar Hossain M 50 Business 8 Md. Amzad Hossain M 44 Business 9 Md. Mohiuddin (Mohin) M 49 Business 10 Md. Ali Hossain M 44 Business 11 Md. Hossain Ali M 34 Business 12 Md. Motalib M 42 Business 13 Abdul Mannan M 42 Business 14 Md. Hossain (Sana) M 40 Business

Issues and concerns raised (project related): River or canal water may be affected by the discharged water of the proposed plant.

Fish resources of the nearby Shitalakhaya River may be partially affected.

Used hot water of the proposed power plant will be discharged through 1.5 Km (appx) drain/canal in to the river.

Vegetation, agricultural practices, livestock, poultry industries, transportation, different industries etc may not be affected by the proposed project.

Short and long term few employment opportunities may be increased.

Industrial development around the country will speed up.

Issues and concerns raised (existing environment related): River, canal and water bodies are in good condition.

Noise pollution occurs as complained by the some attendees.

Fishes on the Shitalakhaya River has become in extinction.

Unemployment is one of the problem in the area as raised in the discussion.

People suffers for interrupted and insufficient loading of electricity.

Comments of the Interviewer: It can be stated from the discussion that people has no such complain about the project and the environmental condition of the area is not bad.

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EGCB Ltd. Annex-IV, FGD of SIA for Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


FGD meeting no.3 Location of FGD : Siddhirganj Power Plant, (Project site)

Pauroshova: Siddhirganj, Thana: Narayanganj Sadar Category : Male & Female workers in the power plant

Date : October 03, 2010 Time : 11:10 AM

Sl. No. Name of the Participants Sex Age Present Occupation

1 Md. Feroze Miah M 58 Service 2 Md. Ishaque Khan M 44 Service 3 Md. Nurul Islam M 37 Service 4 Md. Abdus Salam Miah M 47 Service 5 Md. Nazrul Islam M 41 Service 6 Sddique Ahmed M 42 Service 7 Anwar Hossain M 42 Service 8 Md. Kabir Hossain Khan M 44 Service 9 Dewan Jasim Uddin M 39 Service 10 Abdul Halim M 44 Service 11 Md. Mahbubul Alam M 46 Service 12 S. M. Shafiqul Islam M 45 Service 13 Md. Ali Miah M 41 Service 14 Md. Rafiqul Huq M 56 Service 15 Reazuddin Ahmed M 50 Assistant Head Master

16 Anwarul Azim M Asstt Teacher

17 Rowshan Ara F 35 Asstt Teacher

18 Shamsun Nahar Joarder F 37 Asstt Teacher

19 Zillar Hossain M 30 Scout Teacher

20 Jahanara Begum F 40 Guardian

Issues and concerns raised (project related): Air pollution may occur if new project implemented without proper mitigation measures There will be no adverse impact on nearby river, canal and crops, vegetation and soil Local traffic movement may be hampered during construction phase, so alternate route can be

suggested. Alternate service road is advised to be constructed and used for power plant. Residential facility of the power plant employee should be increased and improved. There should provision for subsidised gas, water supply and health service for the employee of the

power plant. Capacity of students may be increased for the power plant residents and for local residents residing

outside of the power plant complex. Safety and security will not be affected by the proposed project activities. New project will definitely increase the employment opportunity. Authority should take the responsibility of the safety aspects including using personal protective

equipment. Industrial activity will be benefited as successful implementation of the proposed project will add

more power in the national power grid. Issues and concerns raised (existing environment related): River depth is gradually lowering because of unplanned industrial invasion around the impact area

outside the project site, the government should take care to restore flow of adjacent river as national wealth.

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EGCB Ltd. Annex-IV, FGD of SIA for Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


Air temperature within power plant complex is higher than the adjacent villages. Noise level reaches higher than the standard level at some specific location inside the power plant Health services are not up to the standard at this locality, but minor pathological tests may be

introduced in the local medical center within the power plant complex. Water supply is adequate and quality of the drinking water is good. Waste management system is systematic and dustbin is used inside the power plant. There is no separate storm water drainage system inside the power plant. The old residential houses often submerge during excessive rainfall. Comments of the Interviewer: People said that existing Russian power plant is generating power and connected in the national grid system. Gradually the power plant complex area is being congested with many establishments like one rental power plant has been built inside this power plant. The respondents opined that, the existing school within power complex need to be upgraded to a intermediate college facility. They also recommended for establishment of one auditorium hall at school premises for all type of educational and social activities for school children and residents of this power plant complex. The WTP and ETP are expected to be set adjacent to the school boundary wall so, the teachers, guardian, students expressed their concern about the noise and odour expected to be generated. Under this circumstances, proper attention need to be given, the WB safeguard policies, DoE emission and noise standard should be strictly followed by the contractors and EGCB Ltd. subsequently. FGD meeting no.4 Location of FGD : Silo Gate, (Impact area)

Thana: Narayanganj Sadar

Category : Mixed

Date : October 03, 2010 Time : 03:45 PM

Sl. No. Name of the Participants Sex Age Present Occupation

1 Md. Alhaj Abdus Salam M 49 Service

2 Md. Mohsin M 45 Service

3 Md. Alhaj Ali Asgar M 40 Service

4 Md. Abdul Mannan M 42 Service

5 Md. Shah Alam M 50 Service

6 Md. Ruhul Amin M 45 Service

7 Md. Milon M 34 Service

8 Md. Hossain Ali M 25 Service

9 Md. Abed Ali M 50 Service

10 Md. Ramjan Ali M

11 Setara Begum F 54 Service

12 Rowshan Ara Begum F 52 Service

Issues and concerns raised (project related): Workers in the power plant may be affected by the excessive exposure of the intolerable noise if

proper PPE were not used. New project will engage more manpower from the locality. River and canal water will not be affected. Fish resource may adversely affect if hot water discharged from the proposed power plant.

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EGCB Ltd. Annex-IV, FGD of SIA for Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP 2010


There will be no negative impact on the crops, soil, terrestrial flora and domestic animal due to the proposed project activities.

Job opportunity will be increased if the new power plant operates as a limited company. Traffic and pedestrian movement outside the existing power plant complex will be hampered if

vehicle used for construction is not properly managed. During the construction stage noise pollution will occur to some extent. Existing WB safe guard policies and GoB’s industrial rules should be followed during construction

and operation stage. Issues and concerns raised (existing environment related): Sedimentation at river ways will not be expected during construction and operation of this project. Air temperature inside the plant complex is higher than the outside, temperature seems good at our

locality. Harmful noise may be produced if proper attentions are not taken during construction and operation

activities. Fishes in the Shitalakhaya River is rarely available now a days, because of gradual invasion of

unplanned industries at this locality around impact area. Transport service in the area is not good as condition of the bus, truck, utility vehicles are very poor Quality of education is good but people feel the absence of university in Narayanganj district Solid waste management system is up to the standard inside the power plant complex but outside the

complex area waste management is not up to the mark. Residents usually affected due to excessive rainfall, because of not proper drainage system around the

impact area. The project authority can help the local residents to repair the adjacent road for the local residents

outside the power plant complex. Comments of the Interviewer: Student capacity of the school within power plant complex should be increased to accommodate more local students as the school inside power plant complex is having good reputation. They also expect more employment from the local villages for this project.

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Interview Summary of Key Informants


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Annex- V Summary of KI ii

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of World Bank financed Siddhirganj 450MW Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) Project,

Siddhirganj, Narayanganj Interview of Key Informants (Interview Sl. No. 1) Name of Interviewee : Md. Rashedul Matin Occupation : Head Master, PDB Secondary High School, Address : Siddhhirganj Power Station, Thana: Siddhirganj, Narayangang Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 10:20 AM

Summary : Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

1 Aware of the new project Knows about the project

2 Knowledge about project activity Knows about the project activities to some extent, during

implementation of project the mitigation measures are of great importance.

3 Impact on surrounding environment There would be noise problem, proper mitigation should

be taken care, otherwise the students of this school will be affected

4 Negative impact on specific environmental features

- River/khal - No negative impact is expected to occur but other surrounding industries may have some adverse effects on the environment.

- Fish resource - We do not get regular fishes in the river except in monsoon; the river is gradually getting out of fish.

- Crops, soil - In this area few agricultural land is available, the production of vegetables and fruits are unaffected, soils not reported to be contaminated or deteriorated at this stage.

- Vegetation - Vegetation may not be affected after installation of power plant

- Livestock - Few livestock are found in this area, and that livestock are healthy. No adverse impact so far is expected.

- Income - Income may increase due to further economic growth in this area.

- Mobility - Movement of construction vehicle and equipment would be detrimental for human health, and to the student s studying at the school from neighbouring areas.

- People - There would be no impact on the people of this area - Industry - The industries will have no negative impact

5. Proposed mitigation measures Project activities should be followed by appropriate design

using modern technology to mitigate the measures in efficient manner


Beneficial impact - Considered significant project for the country - Lessen a certain level unemployment as overall development will be enhanced - Power generation will be increased Local people will be employed in the project during construction and operation phases.


Be helpful in the project People in this area are mostly employed by BPDB and EGCB Ltd. so, they are always ready to help and contribute their labour for the successful implementation of the Siddhirganj 450MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Project.

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Annex- V Summary of KI iii

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

8. Baseline Condition (Environmental aspect)

River/Canal/Pond - In September the river water is good and the surrounding pond and canal as well

Air Quality - Satisfactory Noise Pollution - We are not suffering from noise problem at this moment,

but the new Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP may cause some noise problem

Fish Resources - In the river the fishes are seasonally found, in the lean period no fishes usually caught in the nearby river due to over polluted condition of the river.

Crop/Soil - Good for agriculture, but gradually the land is being diminished due to invasion of industrial activities.

Vegetation - The surrounding vegetation is having no problem and growth of these plants seems ok.

Livestock - Number of livestock is gradually decreasing due to gradual invasion of industries.

Income/Employment - Satisfactory level Transportation - Satisfactory level Industry - Industries are gradually increasing around this area Health Facility - Moderately satisfactory Educational Facility - No degree college and university Drinking Water - Satisfactory Power/Electricity - Interrupt daily by 6 to 8 times at our private houses Waste Mgt System - There is no waste management system, managed by the

BPDB at Siddhirganj. Drainage System - No good drainage system exists Natural Disaster - No significant hazard so far in history Law and Order - Satisfactory


Specific Comments - The Head Master of the School reported that they are concern about the noise of this proposed power plant, he also suggested keeping the nose level within WB and DoE’s guideline values.

- He also requested to build one hall room of School for multipurpose use as social activities of this project. He also opined to develop the old school premises for extra facilities for the female students.

Interview of Key Informants (Interview Sl. No. 2) Name of Interviewee : Md. Shamsul Alam Occupation : Senior Medical Officer, Address : Medical Centre, Siddhhirganj Power Station, Thana: Siddhirganj, Narayangang Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 11:00 AM

Summary : Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

1 Aware of the new project Knows about the project

2 Knowledge about project activity Knows about the project activities to some extent, during

implementation of project the mitigation measures are of great importance.

3 Impact on surrounding environment There would be noise problem, proper mitigation should

be taken care, otherwise the students of this school will be affected and more patients would have to be handled.

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Annex- V Summary of KI iv

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

4 Negative impact on specific environmental features

- River/khal - There may negative impact if ETP is not established - Fish resource - Fish resources will be affected if there would not have

any ETP in this plant. - Crops, soil - In this area few agricultural land is available, the

production of vegetables and fruits are unaffected, soils not reported to be contaminated or deteriorated.

- Vegetation - Vegetation may not be affected - Livestock - Livestock may not be affected due to operation and

maintenance of this project. - Income - Income is likely t be increased due to further industrial

activities at this area. - Mobility - Movement of construction vehicle and equipment would

be detrimental for human health, and to the student s studying at the school from neighbouring areas.

- People - During blow down of boiler, the sound affects the students, teachers and waiting guardians.

- Industry - Due to good numbers of industrial activities are in place which, ultimately affecting each other due congested industrial installation.

5. Proposed mitigation measures Project activities should be followed by appropriate design

using modern technology, proper ETP and solid waste dumping facility should be in place.


Beneficial impact - Considered significant project for the country - Remove a certain level unemployment as overall development enhanced - Power generation will be increased - Local people may be employed in the project - Economic growth will be increased - Electricity will be generated

7. Be helpful in the project Eventually the People in the area are expected to be

benefited from this project

8. Baseline Condition

River/Canal/Pond - Water condition at this moment is good Air Quality - Satisfactory Noise Pollution - Gradually increasing but at the health centre area is better

with comparison to other part of the power station Fish Resources - Worse than before Crop/Soil - Good for agriculture Vegetation - Growth of vegetation is appears to be in good condition Livestock - Much lesser than earlier Income/Employment - Satisfactory level Transportation - Satisfactory level Industry - Many industries are now close compared to the past days Health Facility - Moderately satisfactory Educational Facility - No degree college and university in this area Drinking Water - The drinking water quality appears to be satisfactory Power/Electricity - Within power station uninterrupted power supply is

available but outside the power station load shedding is of common phenomena

Waste Mgt System - There is no waste management system in Siddhirganj Power plant complex other than few open drains,

Drainage System - Not proper storm water drainage system in the power

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Annex- V Summary of KI v

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response station, sewage is being managed by soak pit

Natural Disaster - No significant hazard so far in history Law and Order - Satisfactory


Specific Comments - Plantation of trees is of great importance to restore the good environmental condition at this area, worker having no personal protective equipment (PPE) usually committed accident which could be avoided through using PPE. - The rental power so far has no environmental clearance and may affect and pollute the area, which will increase more associated diseases at this residential area, - During construction the project may provide one standby ambulance to give services to the workers and after construction this ambulance may be handed over to the medical centre, - To avoid the power hazards the whole residential area may be shifted to another safer place.

Interview of Key Informants (Interview Sl. No. 3) Name of Interviewee : Md. Maksudur Rahman Occupation : Medical Officer, Address : Siddhhirganj Power Station, Thana: Siddhirganj, Narayangang Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 11:40 AM

Summary : Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

1 Aware of the new project Knows about the project

2 Knowledge about project activity Knows about the project activities to some extent, during

implementation of project the mitigation measures are of great importance.

3 Impact on surrounding environment There would be noise problem, proper mitigation should

be taken care, otherwise the students of this school will be affected

4 Negative impact on specific environmental features

- River/khal - No negative impact is expected to occur other industries may have some adverse effects.

- Fish resource - We do not get regular fishes in the river except in monsoon,

- Crops, soil - In this area few agricultural land is available, the production of vegetables and fruits are unaffected, soils not reported to be contaminated or deteriorated.

- Vegetation - Vegetation may not be affected - Livestock - Few livestock are found in this area, and that livestock

are healthy. No adverse impact - Income - Income may increase due to further economic growth in

this area. - Mobility - Movement of construction vehicle and equipment would

be detrimental for human health, and to the student s studying at the school from neighbouring areas.

- People - No impact - Industry - No impact

5. Proposed mitigation measures Project activities should be followed by appropriate design

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Annex- V Summary of KI vi

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response using modern technology


Beneficial impact - Considered significant project for the country - Remove a certain level unemployment as overall development enhanced - Power generation will be increased - Local people may be employed in the project

7. Be helpful in the project People in the area are cooperative so far for the

establishment of heavy industries like power generation industry.

8. Baseline Condition

River/Canal/Pond - Good enough Air Quality - Satisfactory Noise Pollution - Better than before Fish Resources - Worse than before Crop/Soil - Good for agriculture Vegetation - Acceptable Livestock - Lesser than before Income/Employment - Satisfactory Transportation - Satisfactory Industry - Many industries are now close compared to the past days Health Facility - Moderately satisfactory Educational Facility - No degree college and university Drinking Water - Satisfactory Power/Electricity - Interrupt daily by 6 to 8 times at our private houses Waste Mgt System - There is no waste management system, managed by the

BPDB at Siddhirganj. Drainage System - No drainage system exists Natural Disaster - No significant hazard so far in history Law and Order - Satisfactory


Specific Comments - The residential area shall be relocated, as the nos of plants are being increased, in the middle of the power plant the residential area is not hygienic. - Proper noise protection is of great necessary. The air quality must be kept under control, with that view a good reputed EPC contractor is of great importance. - In case of any boiler blow down the residents should be informed prior to that operation, otherwise there may have severe health hazards to the normal inhabitants of this area.

Interview of Key Informants (Interview Sl. No. 4) Name of Interviewee : Md. Abdul Halim Occupation : JAM (Technical), EGCB Ltd. Address : Siddhhirganj Power Station, Thana: Siddhirganj, Narayangang Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 1:00 PM

Summary : Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

1 Aware of the new project Knows about the project

2 Knowledge about project activity Knows about the project activities to some extent, during

implementation of project the mitigation measures are of great importance.

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Annex- V Summary of KI vii

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

3 Impact on surrounding environment There would be noise problem, proper mitigation should

be taken care, otherwise the students of this school will be affected

4 Negative impact on specific environmental features

- River/khal - No negative impact is expected to occur other industries may have some adverse effects.

- Fish resource - We do not get regular fishes in the river except in monsoon,

- Crops, soil - In this area few agricultural land is available, the production of vegetables and fruits are unaffected, soils not reported to be contaminated or deteriorated.

- Vegetation - Vegetation may not be affected - Livestock - Few livestock are found in this area, and that livestock

are healthy. No adverse impact - Income - Income may increase due to further economic growth in

this area. - Mobility - Movement of construction vehicle and equipment would

be detrimental for human health, and to the student s studying at the school from neighbouring areas.

- People - No impact - Industry - No impact

5. Proposed mitigation measures Project activities should be followed by appropriate design

using modern technology


Beneficial impact - Considered significant project for the country - Remove a certain level unemployment as overall development enhanced - Power generation will be increased - Local people may be employed in the project

7. Be helpful in the project Government decision are always welcome by officers and

employees of this power plant and also cooperative for the benefit of the general people of the country

8. Baseline Condition

River/Canal/Pond - Good enough Air Quality - Satisfactory Noise Pollution - Better than before Fish Resources - Diminishing gradually Crop/Soil - The soil of this area is suitable for growth of crops and

vegetables Vegetation - The growth of vegetation seems good at this area. Livestock - The number of livestock is lesser than earlier years Income/Employment - Good Transportation - Well communicated with Dhaka and Chittagong district Industry - Industrial activities has increased with comparison to

earlier days Health Facility - Moderately satisfactory Educational Facility - This area is facilitated with Intermediate colleges and

schools of different sorts. Drinking Water - Satisfactory Power/Electricity - Interrupt daily by 6 to 8 times at our private houses Waste Mgt System - There is no waste management system, managed by the

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Annex- V Summary of KI viii

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response BPDB at Siddhirganj.

Drainage System - Few drainage system exists but need more good drainage system along with storm water drainage

Natural Disaster - No significant hazard so far in history Law and Order - Satisfactory


Specific Comments - The students of this school should not be disturbed, during day time the alternate route for the movement of construction vehicle and equipments need to be ensured by the EPC contractor. - The construction must be kept within DoE and WB guideline values. - The Smelting factory adjacent to the northern side of the proposed 450MW should be taken care, which is releasing huge unburnt CO and smokes, which will ultimately clog the filter of the Siddhirganj modern 450MW CCPP. - The newly designed Siddhirganj 450MW CCPP should have duel fuel facilities as the gas supply and pressure is still under stress.

Interview of Key Informants (Interview Sl. No. 5) Name of Interviewee : Md. Atiar Rahman Occupation : DGM Siddhirganj 2×120 MW PPP Project, EGCB Ltd. Address : Siddhhirganj Power Station, Thana: Siddhirganj, Narayangang Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 2:00 PM

Summary : Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

1 Aware of the new project Knows about the project

2 Knowledge about project activity Knows about the project activities to some extent, during

implementation of project the mitigation measures are of great importance.

3 Impact on surrounding environment There would be noise problem, proper mitigation should

be taken care, otherwise the students of this school will be affected

4 Negative impact on specific environmental features

- River/khal - No negative impact is expected to occur other industries may have some adverse effects.

- Fish resource - We do not get regular fishes in the river except in monsoon,

- Crops, soil - In this area few agricultural land is available, the production of vegetables and fruits are unaffected, soils not reported to be contaminated or deteriorated.

- Vegetation - Vegetation may not be affected - Livestock - Few livestock are found in this area, and that livestock

are healthy. No adverse impact - Income - Income may increase due to further economic growth in

this area. - Mobility - Movement of construction vehicle and equipment would

be detrimental for human health, and to the student s studying at the school from neighbouring areas.

- People - No impact - Industry - No impact

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Annex- V Summary of KI ix

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

5. Proposed mitigation measures Project activities should be followed by appropriate design

using modern technology


Beneficial impact - Considered significant project for the country - Remove a certain level unemployment as overall development enhanced - Power generation will be increased - Local people may be employed in the project

7. Be helpful in the project People and officers of all concern are very helpful in this

regard to implement the proposed project

8. Baseline Condition

River/Canal/Pond - Water seems ok during monsoon and quality deteriorates in lean period

Air Quality - Seems good at this time Noise Pollution - At housing area within tolerable limit but, in the plant

area is having mixed feelings Fish Resources - Except monsoon river is getting devoid of fishes Crop/Soil - Agricultural cropping area is diminishing with gradual

increase of industrial invasion/activities Vegetation - The area is having good coverage of vegetation, but

gradual increment of industrial activities, may at times can hamper the normal growth of vegetation

Livestock - Seems the numbers of livestock has been decreased as the industries are gradually increasing around this area

Income/Employment - It is expected that, the income and employment will increase to some extent

Transportation - As this growth centre is close to Dhaka, so the transportation connectivity is up to the mark with comparison to other parts of country

Industry - Many industries are now being set newly particularly the textile and other industries

Health Facility - The existing power plant has its own health care centre within the campus and the government hospital at district level and the capital is also around 25 kilometres away from this proposed power station site

Educational Facility - No degree college and university is located near this proposed power station

Drinking Water - The drinking water quality is satisfactory Power/Electricity - the interruption of electric supply is found within power

plant complex but outside this power station frequent power outage is of common phenomenon

Waste Mgt System - There is no waste management system at Siddhiganj power plant complex.

Drainage System - No such coordinated drainage system so far has been developed yet by the power plant complex authority

Natural Disaster - No significant natural disaster so far has been recorded at this area

Law and Order - Under satisfactory level


Specific Comments - The noise and air quality will be deteriorated - This Power plant should have cooling facilities otherwise, during the lean period the performance of power plant may deteriorate,

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Annex- V Summary of KI x

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response - The dual fuel option is a must for this power plant. - The ETP facilities must be in place - An incinerator facility is of great importance, because some PCB and other lubricating oils which are beyond recyclable condition should be incinerated, - This incinerator may also be used for commercial uses for other industries as and when required - The residential area gradually should be relocated - The proper EMU should be in place to successfully operate the whole system

Interview of Key Informants (Interview Sl. No. 6) Name of Interviewee : Md. A K M Manjur Kadir Occupation : Manager Siddhirganj 2×120 MW PPP Project, EGCB Ltd. Address : Siddhhirganj Power Station, Thana: Siddhirganj, Narayangang Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 2:30 PM

Summary : Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

1 Aware of the new project Knows about the project

2 Knowledge about project activity Knows about the project activities to some extent, during

implementation of project the mitigation measures are of great importance.

3 Impact on surrounding environment There would be noise problem, proper mitigation should

be taken care, otherwise the students of this school will be affected

4 Negative impact on specific environmental features

- River/khal - No negative impact is expected to occur other industries may have some adverse effects.

- Fish resource - We do not get regular fishes in the river except in monsoon, it is reported by the nearby fisherman that in old days they usually having good fish catch with comparison to earlier days

- Crops, soil - In this area few agricultural land is available, the production of vegetables and fruits are unaffected, soils not reported to be contaminated or quality deteriorated.

- Vegetation - Vegetation may not be affected - Livestock - Few livestock are found in this area, and that livestock

are healthy. No adverse impact - Income - Income may increase due to further economic growth in

this area. - Mobility - Movement of construction vehicle and equipment would

be detrimental for human health, and to the student s studying at the school from neighbouring areas.

- People - No impact - Industry - No impact

5. Proposed mitigation measures Project activities should be followed by appropriate design

using modern technology

6. Beneficial impact - Considered significant project for the country

- Remove a certain level unemployment as overall development enhanced

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Annex- V Summary of KI xi

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response - Power generation will be increased - Local people may be employed in the project

7. Be helpful in the project Officers are having positive mentality toward the

implementation of this project

8. Baseline Condition

River/Canal/Pond - The river water seasonally regain its quality, but in lean period they got worst water quality having deep different colours

Air Quality - Gradually deteriorated due to different types of industrial activities

Noise Pollution - Gradually the noise level around this area is increasing Fish Resources - The river water quality is deteriorated and some

cooperative society are culturing captive fish culture around this study area

Crop/Soil - The soil properties around the project area were having no complain, but the recent outcome has changed my mind set, which is being describe in the following row of this table

Vegetation - Recently I have planted some vegetables, which did not grow at the residential area, it may be due to deterioration of soil and air quality due to the activities of nearby Adamjee EPZ

Livestock - Much less than before Income/Employment - Satisfactory Transportation - Satisfactory Industry - Some industries have been closed and many new

industries have been set around the impact areas Health Facility - Moderately satisfactory Educational Facility - Education facility seems ok at this stage, as one good

quality secondary school is situated within this premises having around 1150 students of either sex

Drinking Water - Satisfactory Power/Electricity - Interrupt daily by 6 to 8 times at our private houses Waste Mgt System - There is no waste management system, managed by the

BPDB at Siddhirganj. Drainage System - No drainage system exists Natural Disaster - No significant hazard so far in history Law and Order - Satisfactory


Specific Comments - The residential should be relocated from this industrial area as gradually the power plants are being established around the housing complex, so gradually the authority should take necessary action in this regard to relocate the housing estates out of this power plant complex more safe operation of the industrial activities in future. - The Proper PPE need to be ensured in this project area during construction - As due to lack of awareness about the safety, the accidents and fatality could happen during project implementation.

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Annex- V Summary of KI xii

Interview of Key Informants (Interview Sl. No. 7) Name of Interviewee : Md. Zahid Uddin Ahmed Occupation : DGM Siddhirganj 2×120 MW PPP Project, EGCB Ltd. Address : Siddhhirganj Power Station, Thana: Siddhirganj, Narayangang Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 03:00 PM

Summary : Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

1 Aware of the new project Knows about the project

2 Knowledge about project activity Knows about the project activities to some extent, during

implementation of project the mitigation measures are of great importance.

3 Impact on surrounding environment There would be noise problem, proper mitigation should

be taken care, otherwise the students of this school will be affected

4 Negative impact on specific environmental features

- River/khal - No negative impact is expected to occur other industries may have some adverse effects.

- Fish resource - We usually hear about the non abundance of fisheries at this area, even the river water is not up to the mark during lean period, but in the quality regain in monsoon,

- Crops, soil - In this area few agricultural land are available, the production of vegetables and fruits are seems to be unaffected, soils not reported to be contaminated or quality deteriorated.

- Vegetation - Vegetation may not be affected - Livestock - Few livestock are found in this area, and that livestock

are healthy. No adverse impact - Income - Income may increase due to further economic growth in

this area. - Mobility - Movement of construction vehicle and equipment would

be detrimental for human health, and to the student s studying at the school from neighbouring areas.

- People - No impact - Industry - No impact

5. Proposed mitigation measures Project activities should be followed by appropriate design

using modern technology


Beneficial impact - Considered significant project for the country - Remove a certain level unemployment as overall development enhanced - Power generation will be increased - Local people may be employed in the project - Proposed project may contribute to kick up the growth rate in national economy

7. Be helpful in the project People in this area, officers and staff are cooperative to be

in help of this project 8. Baseline Condition

River/Canal/Pond - Good enough Air Quality - Satisfactory Noise Pollution - Noise will be a big problem if not proper measures are

taken, particularly during the time boiler blow down Fish Resources - Gradually decreases Crop/Soil - Good for agriculture

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Annex- V Summary of KI xiii

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response Vegetation - Is of good health and reasonably distributed around the

study area as it was Livestock - Gradually decreasing as with the invasion of industrial

activities Income/Employment - This project may have little impact on the employment

with comparison to national employment Transportation - Satisfactory Industry - Many industries are now closed compared to the past

days, and subsequently other new industries also have taken the old place

Health Facility - Moderately satisfactory Educational Facility - For the study of the school children, there is a reputed

secondary school within power complex, but this school may upgraded to college

Drinking Water - Satisfactory Power/Electricity - Availability of power is satisfactory within power plant

complex but outsider has complain over the availability Waste Mgt System - There is no planned waste management system within

power plant complex Drainage System - No good drainage system exists in the power plant Natural Disaster - No significant hazard has occurred so far in past history Law and Order - Satisfactory


Specific Comments - The school and medical centre need to be relocated to a safer place to avoid noise or - The EPC contractor should use proper protection to avoid excessive exposure of the noise during operation and maintenance of the this Siddhrganj 450MW CCPP - The river water should be used for feed water and cooling tower as the ground water depletion is being frequently discussed in this area so, the extraction of ground water may not be suggested. - All sorts of discharges should be within acceptable limits of DoE and WB. - To monitor and implement the whole environmental monitoring and management system the Environmental Management Unit (EMU) must be in place prior to EPC contractor’s are in the field.

Interview of Key Informants (Interview Sl. No. 8) Name of Interviewee : Md. Mahbub Occupation : Assistant Chief Address : Siddhhirganj Power Station, Thana: Siddhirganj, Narayangang Date : October 02, 2010 Time : 03:30 PM

Summary : Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

1 Aware of the new project Knows about the project

2 Knowledge about project activity Knows about the project activities to some extent, during

implementation of project the mitigation measures are of great importance.

3 Impact on surrounding environment There would be noise problem, proper mitigation should

be taken care, otherwise the students of this school will be affected

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Annex- V Summary of KI xiv

Q/No Issues raised Informant’s response

4 Negative impact on specific environmental features

- River/khal - No negative impact is expected to occur other industries may have some adverse effects.

- Fish resource - We do not get regular fishes in the river except in monsoon,

- Crops, soil - In this area few agricultural land is available, the production of vegetables and fruits are unaffected, soils not reported to be contaminated or deteriorated.

- Vegetation - Vegetation may not be affected - Livestock - Few livestock are found in this area, and that livestock

are healthy. No adverse impact - Income - Income may increase due to further economic growth in

this area. - Mobility - Movement of construction vehicle and equipment would

be detrimental for human health, and to the student s studying at the school from neighbouring areas.

- People - No impact - Industry - No impact

5. Proposed mitigation measures Project activities should be followed by appropriate design

using modern technology


Beneficial impact - Considered significant project for the country - Remove a certain level unemployment as overall development enhanced - Power generation will be increased - Local people may be employed in the project

7. Be helpful in the project All are equally helpful for the implementation of the new

projects for the benefit of the country 8. Baseline Condition

River/Canal/Pond - Good enough Air Quality - Satisfactory Noise Pollution - Better than before Fish Resources - Worse than before Crop/Soil - Good for agriculture Vegetation - Acceptable Livestock - Much less than before Income/Employment - Satisfactory Transportation - Satisfactory Industry - Many industries are now close compared to the past days Health Facility - Moderately satisfactory Educational Facility - No degree college and university Drinking Water - Satisfactory Power/Electricity - Interrupt daily by 6 to 8 times at our private houses Waste Mgt System - There is no waste management system, managed by the

BPDB at Siddhirganj. Drainage System - No drainage system exists Natural Disaster - No significant hazard so far in history Law and Order - Satisfactory


Specific Comments - The emission should be maintain within baseline values of all parameters which will monitored subsequently during construction, operation and maintenance of Siddhirgnaj 450MW CCPP

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Annex- V Summary of KI xv

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Annex-VI , Announcement 1

weÁwß GZØviv me©mvavi‡Yi ÁvZv‡_© Rvbv‡bv hvB‡Z‡Q †h, BwRwmwe wj: wmw×iMÄ we`¨yr Drcv`b †K†›`ªi Af¨š—‡i wek¦ e¨vs‡Ki Avw_©K mnvqZvq wmw×iMÄ 450†gtIt wmwmwcwc cÖK‡íi ev¯—evq‡b wmw×iMÄ _vbv GjvKvq cwi‡e‡ki myôz e¨e¯’vcbvi j‡¶¨ D³ cÖKí GjvKv I cÖKí GjvKvi evwn‡i cÖvq 05 eM© wKtwgt GjvKvq wewfbœ †kªYx †ckvi †jvKR‡bi g~j¨evb gZvgZ MÖn‡bi Rb¨ wbæwjwLZ ¯’vb, ZvwiL I mg‡q GKwU Av‡jvPbv mfv AvnŸvb Kiv nBqv‡Q| D³ mfvq Avcbviv Dcw¯’Z _vwKqv Avcbv‡`i mywPwš—Z I g~j¨evb gZvgZ cÖ`vb Kwiqv cÖK‡íi myôy cwiKíbv I Zv ev¯—evq‡b mnvqZv Kwi‡eb| Gd.wR.wW -1 ¯’vb t MÖvg- ‡mvbvwgqv evRvi, Av`gwRbMi| _vbv t wmw×iMÄ, bvivqbMÄ| ZvwiL t 02/10/2010

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Annex-VI , Announcement 2

mgq t weKvj-03t40 NwUKv| Gd.wR.wW -2 ¯’vb t‡MvKzj`vk evRvi, Mªvg t jvj Lvu evRvi,MÖvg-mb‡UwK, BDwbqb t avgMo, _vbv t e›`i, bvivqbMÄ| ZvwiL t 02/10/2010 mgq t mKvj 10t26 NwUKv| Gd.wR.wW -3 ¯’vb t wm×iMÄ we`¨yr †K›`ª ‡cŠimfv t wmw×iMÄ, bvivqbMÄ| ZvwiL t 03/10/2010 mgq t mKvj-11t10 NwUKv| Gd.wR.wW -4 ¯’vb t mvB‡jv †MU, _vbv t wmw×iMÄ, bvivqbMÄ| ZvwiL t 03/10/2010 mgq t ‰eKvj -3t45 NwUKv| cÖPv‡i t EGCB LTD. KZ©„c¶|