poster the teacher of the future is a guide on the side

The teacher of the future is a guide on the side, not a sage on the stage. Aphorism Education is NOT the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire. W. B. Yeats Most students might forget what you taught them, but they will always remember how you treated them. Aphorism A big obstacle to bringing Computer Assisted instruction into the classroom is the teacher, because teachers love to perform. Abraham S. Fischler Jack dropped out of school to avoid terminal boredom. Get more posters from I never let school get in the way of my education. Mark Twain Drive out fear. W. E. Deming

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DESCRIPTION provides these posters as part of the teacher training ... Quotes by Littky, Gardner, Fischler and other pioneers of education


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The teacher of the future is a guide on the side, not a sage on the stage. Aphorism

Education is NOT the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire. W. B. Yeats

Most students might forget what you taught them, but they will always remember how you treated them. Aphorism

A big obstacle to bringing Computer Assisted instruction into the classroom is the teacher, because teachers love to perform. Abraham S. Fischler

Jack dropped out of school to avoid terminal boredom.

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I never let school get in the way of my education. Mark Twain

Drive out fear. W. E. Deming

Never do for a child what a child can do for himself. Maria Montessori

There are 2 billion children in the developing world. Instead of asking their teachers to "reinvent the wheel" every day, why not share lesson plans that work with their 59 million teachers? 

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Gordon Dryden,

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What a gift some power could give us: 

to see ourselves as others see us. Robert Burns

The goal is to gradually transfer responsibility for learning to the student.  John Gardner

 Schools teach children to obey.  But we need creative answers to the challenges of our times.  Many of the people who've had the greatest influence on our times were failures in school. Jurriaan Kamp

The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able

to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist.” Maria Montessori

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Let’s create people who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating

what other generations have done. Jean Piaget


Innovative schools offer small classes, individualized instruction, and flexible curricula which can accommodate the child. The same teacher stays with the same group of children for as many as eight

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grades. The teacher has to grow and learn with the children.  David Elkind

Keep Teacher Talking Time to a minimum. CELTA

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Many teachers believe that they need to control how they teach and how they test.  Other teachers negotiate with their students what they will learn, when they will learn it and how we will check that they have learned it. Dennis Yuzenas

Until we find the child’s passion, it’s just school.  When the child finds his passion, we teach to that passion.  We find internships for high school students. Kids say, “I love this internship!” Dennis Littky  

Unfortunately, to most people, teaching is the giving of knowledge.  “What are you going to tell the students?  What is your expertise?”  But teaching is really

about bringing out what's already inside people.  Dennis Littky 

If individuals have different kinds of minds, with varied strengths, interests and strategies, then could biology, math and history be taught AND ASSESSED in a variety of ways? Howard Gardner 

Trust.  Truth. 

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No Put-downs.  Active Listening.  Personal Best. Seen at in St. Louis, Mo.

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Page 7: POSTER the Teacher of the Future is a GUIDE on the SIDE

Checklist□ Something new every day.

□ Former students are welcome to contribute to the class.

□ Show me your Individual Education Plan (IEP)

□ Show me your Digital Library

□ Show me your portfolio of past work

□ Tell me a story

What is …□ your dream today?□ your big goal?

□ your goal this week? (to support your big goal)

□ Tell me about a cool website.□ Show me a cool youtube video.

□ Do you want a new penpal?□ Show me a cool page on Facebook.

Order of importanceThe studentPeersMentors“The city, not I, teaches.” Socrates

The InternetLibrariesTextbooksThen the facilitator

Websites to inspire

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Stages of developmentErik Erikson (1902-1994)

Industry vs. Inferiority (competence)

Erikson viewed the elementary school years as critical for the development of self-confidence. Ideally, elementary school provides many opportunities for children to achieve the recognition of teachers, parents and peers by producing things - drawing pictures, solving addition problems, writing sentences, and so on.

If children are encouraged to make and do things and are praised for their accomplishments, they begin to demonstrate industry by being diligent, persevering at tasks until completed, and putting work before pleasure. If children are instead ridiculed or punished for their efforts or if they find they are incapable of meeting their teachers' and parents' expectations, they

develop feelings of inferiority about their capabilities.

Many students want to use their hands and create something, to be industrious and useful to the community. What do many adults say? “Your job is to get good grades.”

“I got a 41!”So? What is a number?

“I got an A!”So? What is a letter?

Which is more powerful?

“I have a GPA of 3.99.”

Show us things that you created

A short story?A letter to the

editor? A composition?

A drawing? A video?A website?

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… or …

“Here is my portfolio.”Get more posters from

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In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity -- it is a prerequisite. Today, three-quarters of the fastest-growing occupations require more than a high school diploma. And yet, just over half of our citizens have that level of education. We have one of the highest high school dropout rates of any industrialized nation.

Half of the students who begin college never finish. This is a prescription for economic decline, because we know the countries that out-teach us today will out-compete us tomorrow.Barack Obama

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In a technology-rich classroom, students don't "learn" technology. Technology merely provides the tools to be used for authentic learning. It is a means, not an end. Lynne Schrum    

An enriched environment for children Includes positive support; Provides a nutritious diet; Stimulates all the senses; Is free of undue pressure and stress;

Presents a series of novel challenges; Allows social interaction; Promotes mental, physical, aesthetical, social and emotional skills; Lets children choose many of their efforts and to modify them; Promotes exploration and the fun of learning; Encourages active participants rather than passive observers.

M. Diamond and J. Hopson

Magic trees of the mind

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A good teacher knows when to act as Sage on the Stage and when to act as a Guide on the Side. Because student-centred learning can be time-consuming and messy, efficiency will sometimes argue for the Sage. When students are busy making up their own minds, the role of the teacher shifts. When questioning, problem-solving and investigation become the priority classroom activities, the teacher becomes a Guide on the Side.Jamie Mackenzie

The teacher is on the move, checking over shoulders, asking questions and teaching mini-lessons for individuals and groups who need a particular skill. Support is customized and individualized. The Guide on the Side sets clear expectations, provides explicit directions, and keeps the learning well structured and productive. from

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There is a big difference between the earlier and current forms of online learning. The earlier type, called Computer Based Instruction (CBI), focused on the interaction between the student and computer drills, tutorials or simulations. Today, the prevailing paradigm is Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), where the primary form of interaction is

between students and instructors, mediated by the computer.


The biggest single change that online education brings about is an increased tendency towards collaboration amongst students and teachers. 

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Page 14: POSTER the Teacher of the Future is a GUIDE on the SIDE

Recent research builds a powerful case against what used to be accepted "truths" about learning and technology. First, there is

strong evidence that traditional models of learning, traditional definitions of technology effectiveness, and traditional models of the cost effectiveness of technology don't work. In place of these old assumptions, researchers are positing new ways of looking at learning that promote:

engaged, meaningful learning and collaboration involving challenging and real-life tasks and

technology as a tool for learning, communication, and collaboration

New Times Demand New Ways of LearningNorth Central Regional Educational Laboratory

Customizing education for every child will ensure that never again will our

children’s hopes, futures, and dreams be determined by the color of their skin, the

quality of their healthcare, the poverty in their home and/or community and last, but far from least, the teachers’ and students’ ability to withstand the frustration and boredom inherent in today’s public education systems.Jack Taub

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