poster research

By Rymel Constantine Poster Research

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Post on 01-Sep-2014



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By Rymel Constantine

Poster Research

A film marketing campaign is basically a variety of marketing strategies which are usually set out before the film has been released in order to entice the most amount of consumers to come and view the film. The whole ideology of implementing a film marketing campaign before a film has been released is to gain the most product awareness and excitement so that when the film is released they can gain as much revenue from the box office from high views. Film marketing campaigns play a huge part in the success of a film. Without a marketing campaign there’s a high possibility no one will be aware of the films release of the whole film in general and without anyone being aware may result into no profits being made as no one will go to watch the film.

What is meant by a film marketing campaign? Why is this campaign so important?

there are several ways in which how distributors market films. The most common way in which nearly every distributor advertises there film is by creating a film trailer. The whole purpose of a film trailer is to give the audience a slight insight into what the film is roughly about, but however the most important strategy of creating a film trailer is not to give too much of the story away to the audience. The whole point of a trailer is to make the audience want to see more, so its just like teasing them so they can actually go to the cinema or buy a hardcopy in order to watch the whole film. Below is an example of a good film trailer:

Examples of how to Advertise or Market a Film?

Fast and Furious Trailer Clip

Film trailers are highly crucial during the process of marketing and distributing a film, for the simple reason that before the audience even view the film they are usually going to see the trailer which is the only way in which they are going to get a rough insight into what the film is actually about. Therefore evidently is advised that the film trailer mainly consist of the exciting and interesting parts of the film in order to entice the audience to want to see more and to come pay to see the film. Furthermore another reason for why film trailers are usually exaggerated prior to their importance is because they often contain crucial information such as release dates, directors, actors and usually within the trailer the genre of the film is usually exemplified to entice audiences which are in favour with those specific genres.

Importance Of A Film Trailer…

Film posters are another way in which films are marketed. Film posters often contain key images of characters or even some scenes within a films. Film posters also usually contain crucial information such as release dates, starring actors, directors, producers and in most cases they usually portray the mise-en-scene & genre of the film. These elements are commonly taken into high consideration by audiences, hence some audiences may be in favour of certain directors or actors and these factors may be the reason why they may want to go a view the film. So in that case film posters are also another crucial element within the process of marketing a film.

Film Posters & Their Importance….

Yes, there are several types of film posters which are implemented into a marketing campaign of a film for different purposes. A Teaser Poster/ Advance Poster is a type of film poster which is usually an early promotional film poster which often hardly consists of any information about the film. Its usually implemented into a marketing campaign to create a anxious affect of wanting to go and watch the film even more upon the audience by not showing any forms of clue to what the film is about or whose starring in the film through the film poster. An example of a successful teaser poster from a marketing campaign was from the ‘Dark Knight’. Below is an example of one of the teaser posters:

Is there more than one type of film poster?…

• Film marketing campaigns more commonly consist of theatrical film posters. Theatrical film posters consist of the usual conventions of a film poster such as:

• Release dates• Images of the film or characters• information about directors• Starring actors• Production company/ producers

Theatrical Film Posters…

The typical conventions of a film poster usually consists of the following: • Title • Date • Main characters• Use of colour to illustrate the genre• Credits • Images

Typical Conventions of A Film Poster…