post modern tv

Post Modern TV By Sandrah Abbuah, Ryan Bakinowski, Kevin Conley, Nick Maffeo, Benjamin Webber

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Post Modern TV. By Sandrah Abbuah , Ryan Bakinowski, Kevin Conley, Nick Maffeo , Benjamin Webber. Intro to Post Modern TV. A Brief history. What is Postmodernism?. A late 20th-century style in the arts, architecture, and criticism that represents a departure from modernism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Post Modern TVBy

Sandrah Abbuah, Ryan Bakinowski, Kevin Conley, Nick Maffeo, Benjamin Webber

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Intro to Post Modern TV

A Brief history

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A late 20th-century style in the arts, architecture, and criticism that represents a departure from modernism.

What is Postmodernism?

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The Today Show I Love Lucy Family guy The Simpsons Cops

Post modern Televisions

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Black and White Televisions(TVs) vs. Colored The growth of TVs in the house hold TV antenna Cable The Dish Evolution of the TV Content on TV

Topics to be discussed

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Post modern TVTV in the household

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Black and white broadcasting began in the United States in the 1940’s .

The first-ever televised presidential debate in 1960

Black and White Broadcasting

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In the early 1940’s, CBS came out with a system which transmitted images in the three primary colors.

This system wasn't compatible with existing black and white broadcasting.

In 1950, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), tested the CBS system, along with a compatible system by RCA.

Color Television

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 The first all-color broadcast was in 1972. By the mid-1970s, the only stations

broadcasting in black-and-white were a few high-numbered UHF stations in small markets, and smaller markets such as vacation spots.

By 1979, even the last of these had converted to color.

Color Television continued

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There are 0.4 percent home with a television in the 1948’s.

Then 55.7 percent in 1954’s.83.2 percent four years later.

Now, there are 2.73 TV sets in the typical home.

Television per household

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The average person now watches four hours, 35 minutes of television each day.

In a 65-year life, that person will have spent 9 years glued to the tube

Hours of TV watched

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TV Antenna, Cable, Zeh dish

The evolution of the brain killer

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Was the original connection Also know as “rabbit ears” Easily lost connection during storms Many Bootleg Connection enhancement

ideas, tin foil, rabbit ear extenders, ect. Do it yourself installation.


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THE ANTENNA!!!!Rabbit ears

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Picks up UHF signals Easily modified Cheap to replace

Rabbit ear specs

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Super High tech AntennaChannel Master CM 2020 Digital Advantage TV Antenna

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Picks up UHF, High VHF, FM and HD Reception Range: Channels 7 thru 69 up to

60 miles  69.5 inch Turning Radius

Specs of the Channel Master CM 2020 Digital Advantage TV Antenna

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Was required about 5 years ago All analog channels were used for

emergency purpose so mandatory switchover

If not affordable, government gave a voucher

 DTV compatible tuner

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Some service providers are Verizon Telcom Comcast Road runner

The cable box

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Works throughout super storms High definition picture quality Can now order movies though cable

company Includes universal remote

Cable box advantages

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Very expensive Not available in remote areas Need someone to come and install it Can come with contracts

Cable downsides

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The cable box

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Main company is Dish Lots of promo offers such as 4 room free

DVR Often offer free installation for new


The satellite dish advantages

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Most have year or two year contracts Goes out a lot during storms Has a delay compared to cable(sports fans

care more often) Need to have dish on house or property(can

be stolen) Expensive service

Dish disadvantages

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The TVEvolution of the TV

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Cost of the first TVsThe company RCA

launched its TRK-12 in April, 1939 at

$600 (about $7,000 in today's money),

and quickly reduced the selling price to

$395 (about $4,500) early in


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The first set was made by Westinghouse, and sold for $1295.

In 1955, Raytheon introduced a 21 inch set for $795 and CBS offered a trade-in of up to $400 for their black and white sets towards the purchase of a $895 21 inch color model.

Picture of color TV made in 1954 by RCA

1957 only 150,000 color sets had been sold.

Cost of color TVs

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1960s cost

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1970 Cinema Screen Color TV $740

25 inch diagonal screen.

1978 was the last year for selling the black and white console TVs

1970s TVs

1974 Portable TV 90sqaure inches of screen $265

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Black and white TVs were still being sold for about $110 and color TVs were sold from $500-1500

Mini hand held TVs were being sold a 3inch LCD screen costs $300


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Samsung, RCA, and Sony were the big TV makers.

Color prices ranged from $350 for a 19 inch TV- $2300 for a 35in TV.

35-36 inch TVs were considered enormous


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Rear projection TVs allowed people to enjoy a much larger screens.

Screens ranged from 40in-70in and were priced from $500-$3000

Late 1990s early 2000s

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Now we have LCD, LED, Plasma TVs, and even “smart TVs”. These produce a much better picture than the TVs in the past. Smart TVs are connected to the internet, some are even touch screen, and even voice activated.

LED TVs are the most expensive, followed by plasma, and then LCD. TVs that have 1080p are more expensive than those that have 720p (the p stands for pixels) So this means for 1080p TVs there are 1080 pixels measured vertically (for each row) in the TV.

A lot of the TV pricing is based off of brand and marketing.

Televisions Now

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Meaning you can by a 40in Sceptre LCD TV for $280

Or you could by a 40 in Sony LCD TV for $500

Tvs now continued

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Smart TVs range from 50in-80in and are priced from $1000-$5000

The bigger the TV the more expensive.

However you can get a bigger smart TV for less if it doesn’t have a lot of features.

A 50in smart TV that is internet ready, touch screen, and voice activated will cost more than a 55in smart TV that is just internet ready.

Smart tvs

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A lot of television dealers (best buy, walmart, ect.) offer free installation for new televisions.

However, this does not include wall mounting which runs from $200-1000.

If the installer needs complex wiring in the house (surround sound/limited space) the price can reach up to $1,200.

The cost of Mounting brackets ($25 -$300) and HDMI cables ($20 -$50 each) are usually not included in installation quotes, as they are expected to be supplied by the customer.


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Content in Postmodern TV

What we can and cannot see on TV

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The rules on television are created by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is responsible for regulating the U.S. airwaves.

Many FCC rules have changed over the years, like how many TV stations a single company can own.

Broadcasters complain that FCC rules on indecency have been revised very little, despite massive upheavals in society and in media.

Federal Communications Commission

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Super Bowl XXXVIII

Biggest Censorship Error

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TV Censorship is adults viewing what children are watching on TV, and how it affects them.

Studies have shown long-term childhood exposure to acts of violence is a major cause of the large number of homicides, assaults, and other kinds of violent crimes committed in this country.


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Television broadcasters are able to censor live television by delaying the feed by 5 to 10 seconds and then if they see anything bad that happens, they are able to stop the feed or press the “dump” button to mute the audio.

Live TV

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It is a device built into most television sets since 2000 to allow parents to block out programs they don't want their children to see.

The V-Chip electronically reads television program ratings and allows parents to block programs they believe are unsuitable for their children. 

How does this affect television viewing today?

The V-Chip

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Comedy in some TV shows deals with real world problems.

It makes fun of very controversial issues within society that gives viewers a feeling of discomfort and they find it funny.

Postmodern Comedy in TV Shows

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Things like Tosh.0 and South Park are very funny from the outside but if you look beneath the surface of what you’re laughing at there is a whole new meaning.

Other Comical TV Shows

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Ownership of Warner Bros. cartoons passed to United Artists in 1968 and they created a "Censored 11" list of cartoons they refused to air or make available for purchase on any media.

Due to objections by parents, sensitive sponsors, and corporate policy, many more classic cartoons were heavily edited or pulled from syndication. Many have already been lost forever.

Ex. Spongebob was originally an adult cartoon. 

Banned Cartoons

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The Genre of TV shows has drastically changed over time. There are new shows coming out each year due to society’s interests.

The idea of reality TV is very postmodern because people are very concerned with celebrities and what they do with their time.

Different Genres

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ConclusionWhat postmodern TV gives the people of today

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TV gives us an escape from our lives Entertainment Brings people together

The Benefits of Postmodern TV

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Demonstrate wrong behavior Could promote bad ideas to younger


Negative effects of Postmodern TV

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