post mauryan period - · after the death of ashoka, the mauryan empire steadily...

Post Mauryan Period

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Page 1: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Post Mauryan Period

Page 2: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing away. Independent kingdoms arose out of the provinces.

Foreign invasions were occurring in the northwest.

Kalinga declared its independence.

In the South, the Satavahanas rose to power and in the Gangetic plains, Sunga or Shunga dynasty replaced the Mauryas.

अशोक की मृतु्य के बाद, मौर्य

साम्राज्य लगातार विघवित हो गर्ा

क्ोोंवक उसके उत्तराविकारी विशाल

साम्राज्य को खोंवित होने से रोक नही ों

पाए। स्वतोंत्र राज्य प्ाोंतोों से बाहर


उत्तर पविम में विदेशी आक्रमण हो

रहे थे।

कवलोंग ने अपनी स्वतोंत्रता की घोषणा


दविण में, सातिाहन सत्ता में आए और

गोंगा के मैदानोों में, मौर्ों की जगह शुोंगर्ा शुोंग िोंश ने ले ली।

Page 3: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Sunga Dynasty

Pushyamitra Sunga was Brahmin army chief of Brihadratha, the last king of the Mauryas.

During a military parade, he killed Brihadratha and established himself on the throne in 185 or 186 BC.

According to some historians, this was an internal revolt against the last Mauryan king. Some say it was a Brahminical reaction to the Mauryan overwhelming patronage of Buddhism.

Pushyamitra Sunga’s capital was at Pataliputra.

He successfully countered attacks from two Greek kings namely, Menander and Demetrius.

He also thwarted an attack from the Kalinga king Kharavela.

He conquered Vidarbha.

He followed Brahminism. Some accounts portray him as a persecutor of Buddhists and a destroyer of stupas but there has been no authoritative evidence to this claim.

पुष्यवमत्र शुोंग, मौर्ों के अोंवतम राजा बृहद्रथ काब्राह्मण सेना प्मुख था।

एक सैन्य परेि के दौरान, उन्ोोंने बृहद्रथ को मारिाला और 185 र्ा 186 ईसा पूिय में खुद कोवसोंहासन पर स्थावपत वकर्ा।

कुछ इवतहासकारोों के अनुसार, र्ह अोंवतम मौर्यराजा के खखलाफ एक आोंतररक विद्रोह था। कुछलोग कहते हैं वक र्ह मौर्य के बौद्ध िमय केव्यापक सोंरिण के वलए एक ब्राह्मणिादीप्वतवक्रर्ा थी।

पुष्यवमत्र शुोंग की राजिानी पािवलपुत्र में थी।

उन्ोोंने दो ग्रीक राजाओों, मेन्डरेंिर औरिेमेविि र्स के हमलोों का सफलतापूियक सामनावकर्ा।

उन्ोोंने कवलोंग नरेश खारिेल के हमले को भीविफल कर वदर्ा।

उसने विदभय पर विजर् प्ाप्त की।

उन्ोोंने ब्राह्मणिाद का पालन वकर्ा। कुछ खातेउसे बौद्धोों के उत्पीड़नकताय और सू्तपोों को नष्टकरने िाले के रूप में विवत्रत करते हैं लेवकन इसदािे का कोई आविकाररक प्माण नही ों है।

Page 4: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

During his reign, the Stupas at Sanchi and Barhut were renovated. He built the sculptured stone gateway at Sanchi.

He performed Vedic sacrifices such as Ashvamedha, Rajasuya and Vajapeya.

Pushyamitra Sunga patronised the Sanskrit grammarian Patanjali.

According to the Puranas, his reign lasted for 36 years. He died in 151 BC.


Was Pushyamitra’s son who succeeded him to the throne.

His reign lasted from about 149 BC to 141 BC.

By this time, Vidarbha broke away from the empire.

Agnimitra is the hero of Kalidasa’s poem, Malavikagnimitram.

उनके शासनकाल के दौरान, साोंिी औरबरहुत में सू्तपोों का निीनीकरण वकर्ा गर्ाथा। उन्ोोंने साोंिी में मूवतयकला पत्थर के प्िेशद्वार का वनमायण वकर्ा।

उन्ोोंने अश्वमेि, राजसूर् और िाजपेर् जैसेिैवदक र्ज्ञ वकए।

पुष्यवमत्र शुोंग ने सोंसृ्कत व्याकरवणक पतोंजवलका सोंरिण वकर्ा।

पुराणोों के अनुसार, उनका शासनकाल 36िषों तक रहा। उनकी मृतु्य 151 ई.पू.


क्ा पुष्यवमत्र का पुत्र था, वजसने उसेवसोंहासन पर बैठार्ा।

उनका शासनकाल लगभग 149 ईसा पूिय से141 ईसा पूिय तक रहा।

इस समर् तक, विदभय साम्राज्य से अलग होगर्ा।

अविवमत्र कावलदास की कविता,मालविकाविवमत्रम के नार्क हैं।

Page 5: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

His son Vasumitra succeeded him as king.

Vasumitra’s successors are not clearly known. Different names crop up in several accounts such as Andhraka, Pulindaka, Vajramitra and Ghosha.

The last Sunga king was Devabhuti. He was preceded by Bhagabhadra.

Devabhuti was killed by his own minister, Vasudeva Kanva in around 73 BC. This established the Kanva dynasty at Magadha from 73 to 28 BC.

Effects of Sunga rule

Hinduism was revived under the Sungas.

The caste system was also revived with the rise of the Brahmanas.

उनके पुत्र िसुवमत्र ने उन्ें राजा के रूपमें उत्तराविकारी बनार्ा।

िसुवमत्र के उत्तराविकारी स्पष्ट रूप सेज्ञात नही ों हैं। आोंध्रका, पुवलोंदका, िज्रवमत्राऔर घोषा जैसे कई खातोों में विवभन्न नामोोंकी फसल होती है।

अोंवतम सुोंग राजा देिभूवत थे। िह भागभद्रसे पहले थे।

देिभूवत को उनके ही मोंत्री, िासुदेि कण्वने लगभग 73 ई.पू. इसने 73 से 28 ईसापूिय मगि में कण्व िोंश की स्थापना की।

सुोंग शासन के प्भाि

सुोंग के तहत वहोंदू िमय को पुनजीवितवकर्ा गर्ा था।

ब्राह्मणोों के उदर् के साथ जावत व्यिस्थाको भी पुनजीवित वकर्ा गर्ा।

Page 6: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Another important development during the Sunga reign was the emergence of various mixed castes and the integration of foreigners into Indian society.

Satavahana Dynasty

The Sunga dynasty came to an end in around 73 BC when their ruler Devabhuti was killed by Vasudeva Kanva. The Kanva dynasty then ruled over Magadha for about 45 years. Around this time, another powerful dynasty, the Satavahanas came to power in the Deccan area.

Kanvas (73 BC – 28 BC)

There were four kings of the Kanva dynasty namely, Vasudeva, Bhumimitra, Narayana and Susarman.

The Kanvas were Brahmins.

सुोंगा शासन के दौरान एक और महत्वपूणयविकास विवभन्न वमवित जावतर्ोों का उदर्और विदेवशर्ोों का भारतीर् समाज मेंएकीकरण था।

सातिाहन िोंश

सुोंग िोंश लगभग 73 ईसा पूिय में समाप्तहो गर्ा था जब उनके शासक देिभूवत कोिासुदेि कण्व द्वारा मार वदर्ा गर्ा था।कण्व िोंश ने लगभग 45 िषों तक मगिपर शासन वकर्ा। इस समर् केआसपास, एक और शखिशाली राजिोंश, सातिाहन दक्कन िेत्र में सत्ता में आए।

कों िास (73 ईसा पूिय - 28 ईसा पूिय)

कण्व िोंश के िार राजा हुए, वजनके नामिासुदेि, भूवमवमत्र, नारार्ण और सुषरमनथे।

कण्व ब्राह्मण थे।

Page 7: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

The Magadha Empire had diminished by this time considerably.

Northwest region was under the Greeks and parts of the Gangetic plains were under different rulers.

The last Kanva king Susarman was killed by the Satavahana (Andhra) king.

Cheti Dynasty (Kalinga)

The Cheti or Chedi dynasty emerged in Kalingain the 1st century BC.

The Hathigumpha inscription situated near Bhubaneswar gives information about it.

This inscription was engraved by king Kharavela who was the third Cheti king.

Kharavela was a follower of Jainism.


मगि साम्राज्य इस समर् तक बहुत कमहो गर्ा था।

उत्तर पविमी िेत्र रू्नावनर्ोों के अिीन थाऔर गोंगा के मैदानोों के वहसे्स अलग-अलग शासकोों के अिीन थे।

अोंवतम कण्व राजा सुषमारन कोसातिाहन (आोंध्र) राजा ने मार िाला था।

िेती राजिोंश (कवलोंग)

पहली शताब्दी ईसा पूिय में कवलोंग में िेतीर्ा िेवद राजिोंश का उदर् हुआ।

भुिनेश्वर के पास खस्थत हाथीगुम्फावशलालेख इसके बारे में जानकारी देताहै।

र्ह वशलालेख राजा खारिेल द्वारा उत्कीणयवकर्ा गर्ा था जो तीसरे िीिी राजा थे।

खारिेल जैन िमय का अनुर्ार्ी था।

Page 8: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing


The Satavahana rule is believed to have started around the third century BC, in 235 BC and lasted until the second century AD.

The Satavahana kingdom chiefly comprised of modern-day Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra.

Their capital cities varied at different times. Pratishthana (Paithan) and Amaravati were its capitals.

Simuka founded the dynasty.

They were the first native Indian rulers to issue their own coins with the portraits of the rulers. This practice was started by GautamiputraSatakarni who derived the practice from the Western Satraps after defeating them.


माना जाता है वक सातिाहन शासन ईसापूिय तीसरी शताब्दी के आसपास, 235ईसा पूिय में शुरू हुआ था और दूसरीशताब्दी ईस्वी तक िला।

सातिाहन साम्राज्य में मुख्य रूप सेआिुवनक आोंध्र प्देश, तेलोंगाना औरमहाराष्टि शावमल थे।

उनकी राजिानी अलग-अलग समर् परअलग-अलग थी। प्वतष्ठान (पैठण) औरअमरािती इसकी राजिावनर्ााँ थी ों।

वसमुक ने राजिोंश की स्थापना की।

िे शासकोों के वित्रोों के साथ अपने स्वर्ों केवसके्क जारी करने िाले पहले मूलभारतीर् शासक थे। र्ह अभ्यासगौतमीपुत्र सातकणी द्वारा शुरू वकर्ा गर्ाथा वजन्ोोंने उन्ें हराने के बाद पविमीित्रपोों से इस अभ्यास को प्ाप्त वकर्ा।

Page 9: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Satakarni I (180 - 124 BC)

Sarakarni I was the third Satavahana king.

Satakarni I was the first Satavahana king to expand his empire by military conquests.

He conquered Kalinga after the death of Kharavela.

He also pushed back the Sungas in Pataliputra.

After annexing the Godaveri Valley, he assumed the title of ‘Lord of Dakshinapatha’.

His queen was Nayanika who wrote the Naneghat inscription which describes the king as Dakshinapathapati.

सातकणी I (180 - 124 ईसा पूिय)सरकणी प्थम तीसरा सातिाहन राजाथा।

सैन्य विजर् द्वारा अपने साम्राज्य काविस्तार करने िाले सत्यकणी प्थमसातिाहन राजा थे।

उसने खारिेल की मृतु्य के बाद कवलोंगपर विजर् प्ाप्त की।

उन्ोोंने पािवलपुत्र में सुोंगोों को भी पीछेिकेल वदर्ा।

गोििेरी घािी को बोंद करने के बाद, उन्ोोंने 'दविणापथ के भगिान' की उपावििारण की।

उनकी रानी नर्वनका थी वजन्ोोंने नेनघािवशलालेख वलखा था जो राजा कोदविणापथपवत के रूप में िवणयत करताहै।

Page 10: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

He is considered the greatest king of the Satavahana dynasty.

He defeated the Greeks, Pahlavas (Indo-Parthians) and the Sakas.

His kingdom ran from Krishna in the south to Malwa and Saurashtra in the north and from Berar in the east to the Konkan in the west.

He defeated Nahapana, an important king of the Western Satraps.

He is also called Ekabrahmana.

His mother was Gautami Balasri and hence his name Gautamiputra (son of Gautami).

He was succeeded by his son Vasisthiputra Sri Pulamavi or Pulamavi II.

उन्ें सातिाहन िोंश का सबसे बड़ा राजामाना जाता है।

उसने रू्नावनर्ोों, पहलिोों (इोंिो-पावथयर्न) और साकोों को हरार्ा।

उसका राज्य दविण में कृष्ण से लेकरउत्तर में मालिा और सौराष्टि तक और पूियमें बेरार से पविम में कोोंकण तक िलताथा।

उन्ोोंने पविमी ित्रपोों के एक महत्वपूणयराजा नहपान को हरार्ा।

उन्ें एकब्रह्मण्य भी कहा जाता है।

उनकी माता गौतमी बालिी थी ों औरइसवलए उनका नाम गौतमीपुत्र (गौतमीका पुत्र) था।

उनका उत्तराविकार उनके पुत्रिावसवष्ठपुत्र िी पुलमिी र्ा पुलामिी वद्वतीर्ने वकर्ा।

Page 11: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Kushana Empire

Kanishka (Reign: 127 AD – 151 AD)

Son of Vima Kadphises.

His empire covered Gandhara, Peshawar, Oudh, Pataliputra, Kashmir and Mathura. His kingdom also included parts of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

His main capital was Peshawar, then known as Purushpura.

After the capture of Pataliputra, he is said to have taken away the Buddhist monk Ashvaghosha with him to Peshawar.

The scholars in his court included Parsva, Ashvaghosha, Vasumitra, Nagarjuna, Charaka and Mathara. He also patronised the Greek engineer Agesilaus.

Kanishka convened the fourth Buddhist Council at Kundalvana in Kashmir.

कुषाण साम्राज्य

कवनष्क (शासनकाल: 127 ईस्वी - 151ईस्वी)

विमा किवफसेस का बेिा।

उसके साम्राज्य में गाोंिार, पेशािर, अिि, पािवलपुत्र, कश्मीर और मथुरा शावमल थे।उनके राज्य में उजे्बवकस्तान औरतावजवकस्तान के वहसे्स भी शावमल थे।

उनकी मुख्य राजिानी पेशािर थी, वजसे तबपुरुषपुरा के नाम से जाना जाता था।

कहा जाता है वक पािवलपुत्र पर कब्जा करनेके बाद, िह बौद्ध वभिु अश्वघोष को अपनेसाथ पेशािर ले गर्ा था।

उनके दरबार के विद्वानोों में पारसिा, अश्वघोष, िसुवमत्र, नागाजुयन, िरक औरमथारा शावमल थे। उन्ोोंने ग्रीक इोंजीवनर्रएजेवसलॉस का भी सोंरिण वकर्ा।

कवनष्क ने कश्मीर के कुों िलिन में िौथीबौद्ध पररषद बुलाई।

Page 12: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Significance of the Kushana Empire

Sanskrit literature began to be developed during this time. The fourth Buddhist council was held in Sanskrit.

Ashvoghosha is considered to be the first Sanskrit dramatist.

कुषाण साम्राज्य का महत्व

इस दौरान सोंसृ्कत सावहत्य का विकास

होना शुरू हुआ। िौथी बौद्ध पररषद

सोंसृ्कत में आर्ोवजत की गई थी।

अश्वघोष को प्थम सोंसृ्कत नािककारमाना जाता है।

Page 13: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Who among the following assassinated the last Mauryan King Brihadrath?

Pushyamitra Sunga




वनम्नवलखखत में से वकसने अोंवतम मौर्य राजा

बृहद्रथ की हत्या की?

पुष्यमित्र शुुंग




Page 14: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Who of the following ruler controlled the Silk route which started from China and passed through Central Asia, Afghanistan and Western Asia?



Rudradaman I


वनम्नवलखखत में से वकस शासक ने

रेशम मागय को वनर्ोंवत्रत वकर्ा जो िीन

से शुरू हुआऔर मध्य एवशर्ा,

अफगावनस्तान और पविमी एवशर्ा से

होकर गुजरा?



रुद्रदामन I

िेन ुंडर

Page 15: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Who among the following was the hero of Kalidasa’s drama malvikagnimitran?





वनम्नवलखखत में से कौन कावलदास के

नािक मालविकाविवमत्रन के नार्क


िसुवमिि ा




Page 16: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Which of the following dynasty referred to as Scythians?

Kushana Dynasty

Sakas Dynasty

Satvahanas Dynasty

Sungas Dynasty

वनम्नवलखखत राजिोंशोों में से वकसको

सीवथर्न के रूप में सोंदवभयत वकर्ा

गर्ा ?

कुषाण िोंश

शक वुंश

सातिाहन िोंश

सुोंग िोंश

Page 17: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Under whose presidentship did King Kanishkahold a great Buddhist Council?

Vasu Mitra




राजा कवनष्क ने वकसकी अध्यिता में

एक महान बौद्ध पररषद बुलाई?

िासु वमत्र




Page 18: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Who was the founder of Sunga dynasty?





सुोंग िोंश का सोंस्थापक कौन था?





Page 19: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Satavahanas belonged to :


Andhra region

Konkan region


सातिाहन वकस िेत्र से सिोंवित थे ?


आुंध्र प्रदेश

कोोंकण िेत्र


Page 20: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

The rulers of which dynasty started the practice of granting tax-free villages to Brahmanas and Buddhist Monks?





वकस िोंश के शासकोों ने ब्राह्मणोों और

बौद्ध वभिुओों को कर-मुि गााँि देने

की प्था शुरू की?

स तव हन




Page 21: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Who started the Saka Era which is still used by the Government of India?



Samudra Gupta


शक सोंित की शुरुआत वकसने की थी

जो आज भी भारत सरकार द्वारा

उपर्ोग वकर्ा जाता है?



समुोंद्र गुप्त


Page 22: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing

Who were the first kings to issue gold coins in India?





भारत में सोने के वसके्क जारी करने

िाले पहले शासक कौन थे?





Page 23: Post Mauryan Period - · After the death of Ashoka, the Mauryan Empire steadily disintegrated as his successors were not able to keep the vast empire from fracturing