porrazzo pft nasa 2006 white paper abstract

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  • 8/9/2019 Porrazzo PFT Nasa 2006 White Paper Abstract


    P o r r a z z o 2 0 0 9 Page - 1-

    Advances in Non-Invasive SalivaBased Medical Testing Systems

    Using Advanced Membranes


    The Success of the Personal Fertility Testing and Reproductive

    Health System (PFT 1-2-3) and the Future Potential for Saliva

    Based Membrane Diagnostic Technology And Substance Abuse


    SUBTITLE: PFT 1-2-3 and Advanced Diagnostic and Drug Testing Devices


    E. Michael-Porrazzo, Senior Scientist and Vice-President of

    Research and Development for Chain Reactions, Inc.; Co-Inventor of PFT

    1-2-3 and Advanced Membrane Transducer Technologies, publishedauthor and patent holder.


    The Invention of the PFT 1-2-3 Membrane Diagnostic

    Device represents a significant

    breakthrough for three reasons.

    1. First, A successful commercial application for portable,reusable, inexpensive and accurate use of photonic

    activation using membranes to induce crystal growth in

    biological fluids for non-invasive medical diagnotistics.

    The inventors research and development position with the

    PFT membrane technology was that the time before

    ovulation is where a women is most likely to conceive.

    2. Recent medical research appears to validate this position.

    It was previously thought that a womens most fertile timewas at and just after ovulation. Therefore current medical

    testing methodologies which analyze LH factor have now

    been found to be inappropriate. This is because the surge in

    LH occurs at or just after ovulation. More importantly, a

    women seeking to avoid conception could easily become

    pregnant if she relied upon the results of these kind of

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    medical tests since sperm could

    survive well into the most fertile

    period, (before ovulation). This is

    because the LH medical test

    would provide the user with a

    positive result just as she had

    ovulated. PFT therefore representsone of the easiest to use, accurate

    personal devices for fertility

    testing and positive ovulation


    3. The PFT 1-2-3 is able to provide awide range of information from the crystalline patterns that are displayed from the Universal

    Indices. Universal Indices are the inventors discovery which seem to open an entirely new non-

    invasive medical diagnostic capability.

    4. Third, the use of advanced membranes in products like the PFT may open the future to new kindsof non-invasive testing products and methodologies, including low cost, reliable and accurate

    substance abuse testing systems.


    This technology relates to an advanced membrane health analysis system that is applicable to

    both men and women. In particular the device is a portable, hand-held, integrated unit which is

    manufactured out of plastic. The unit can be disposable for hygienic purposes, or cleaned or sterilized

    for repeated use as desired. The device has numerous aspects. These main aspects include: (1) The

    use of any body fluid, but especially saliva to perform the

    analysis test upon. (2) The current device is a plastic,

    completely integrated, portable, self-contained and self-focusing Examination System which relies on a visual

    reference system making it language independent; (3)

    The current device uses a Test Area Section with

    replaceable slides where different, specific wavelengths

    of light are employed; (4) The embodiment of compound

    test areas in the current device allows multiple Tests to

    be conducted simultaneously with the capability to

    immediately perform two or more Tests simultaneously

    using different body fluids or secretions; (5) An

    electronic interface device is under development which

    can provide a novel battery powered microprocessor

    system to automatically perform Testing or BatchTesting.

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    P o r r a z z o 2 0 0 9 Page - 3-

    Current commercial application has provided a highly reliable, low cost, unique, immediate

    testing methodology employing any and all female fluids or secretions called Positive Fertility

    Testing, PFT. The PFT embodiment of the technology provides one of the most accurate

    indicators of positive ovulation whereby

    a woman may pinpoint times of

    greatest fertility, thereby knowing the

    optimum time period for achieving oravoiding pregnancy. Therefore PFT

    may be used as a highly effective

    method to support birth control. The

    PFT may also be used to identify

    hormonal imbalances, irregular cycles

    or infertility; introduce young women

    to their fertility cycle, sexuality and


    Another aspect of the

    present PFT Invention is that it greatly

    simplifies the testing process and results in numerous economies. For instance, unlike many alternative

    systems, the PFT does not require a prolonged period of time to perform the analysis, nor are

    comparative tests required to get extremely accurate readings. However, the PFT can perform

    multiple confirming tests simultaneously by using the same or different female fluid or secretions. In

    this way the Invention can immediately provide information on the positive or negative status of a

    womens fertility and the condition of her reproductive health.

    The PFT may be used without extensive training. Furthermore, the device and its

    associated processes are based upon a visual reference system designed to be language independent

    so that it can be used anywhere in the world and in areas where the user may in fact be illiterate.

    Because the PFT can tell the user when positive ovulation has occurred it can help awoman prevent or postpone pregnancy, or assist a woman in becoming pregnant naturally, as desired.

    The Invention is accurate during any reproductive situation, including breastfeeding, pre-menopause,

    after the discontinuation of medication including, contraceptive pills, and during times of illness or

    stress. These are all time which medical research cofirm a women can become pregnant. For women

    having difficulty becoming pregnant the PFT can help identify many specific infertility problems

    relating to reproductive health.

    The PFT can support or reduce the use of other contraceptives and support or reduce

    the use of other ovulation test methods. However, the PFT may also be used as a stand-alone birth

    control device or reproductive health tool. Other prior art devices are physically invasive, time

    consuming, cumbersome and onerous. Traditional prior art devices interrupt or halt intimacy. For

    women using the PFT , loving and sexual feelings can flow into spontaneous lovemaking. The PFTnot only avoids the interrupting of lovemaking, but it also eliminates the mess and often harmful side

    effects of contraceptive devices and chemicals. The PFT s visual display gives information directly

    to the woman, thus providing self-confidence, independence and security knowing just when she can

    or cannot get pregnant.

    Given the Presidents mandates regarding the problem of teenage unwed pregnancy in the

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    United States and concerns of overpopulation PFT represents a highly effective and reliable

    international sex education/awareness tool. Given the high incidence and burdened support costs for

    unwed pregnancy in the United States Military and among their dependents the current low-cost PFT

    device could be issued to each active duty service man as a preventative measure. It has been

    identified that unwanted pregnancy is a

    very significant problem in the

    United States, with The NationalInstitute of Health stating that more

    than fifty percent of all pregnancies

    are unintended. Unintended

    pregancy and failure to have proper

    fertility awareness education creates

    personal stress and a tremendous

    financial burden of hundreds of

    millions of dollars in support, time

    and personnel which depletes

    funding resources that could be

    channeled to other programs. The

    availability of low cost, reusable,

    easy to use non-invasive diagnostic

    tools like PFT could free up

    valuable labor resources and cause

    direct cost savings. Deploying PFT

    in quantity could allow the

    redirection of a significant amount

    of funds for other programs.

    The PFT can also be a check

    step for sexual partners being

    untruthful about using birth controlpills or other contraceptives.

    Because it is highly portable,

    personal and reusable the PFT issued to

    women and men would have immediate applicability either to replace or augment existing systems.

    The PFT can also be used when and where traditional contraceptive technologies are not available,

    cause allergic reactions, or are not used for religious or other reasons.

    This non-invasive Membrane Diagnostic Technology may be directly applicable to other

    diagnostic capabilities including Saliva Based Membrane Drug and Substance Abuse Testing for

    alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and other illegal substances. Further, the inventors believe that non-

    invasive testing methodologies using advanced membrane technologies like the PFT are

    fundamentally important to future medical diagnostics.

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    DEMONSTRATIONDemonstration of the simplicity of the PFT 1-2-3. Discussion of Medical Tests and Protocol

    of Current PFT 1-2-3 Technology. Short 7 minute video may be shown.

    Discussion of the commitment needed for future applications of the Saliva Based Membrane

    Medical Diagnostic Technology And the potential to create new testing systems for substance abuse


    P o r r a z z o 2 0 0 9 Page - 5-


    The PFT is a Saliva Based Membrane

    Diagnostic Technology And Testing System and is a

    method of diagnosing the fertility status, health

    condition of the test subject. The technology employs

    an integrated Positive Membrane Testing Apparatus for

    both propagating and observing

    Universal Indices found in

    any human fluids or

    secretions, especially saliva, the

    method and apparatus comprising a viewing and magnifying area means and

    an optically accessible and photonically energized sample collection and

    examination area means so that sample(s) of any human fluids or secretions

    deposited on the sample collection and examination area means are under

    the influence of evaporative processes and the application of light waves

    such that crystalline formations of Universal Indices are caused to be

    propagated and revealed when observed under viewing and magnifying area

    means, thus providing for the qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of

    fertility status, health condition and potential levels of substance abuse of the

    sample donor. The tests may be self-administered, or administered by

    medical personnel.


    The Current PFT Membrane technology has been released

    commercially since 1/96. The PFT devices are now available in any quantity

    for immediate deployment. Qualified educational personnel are at hand to

    train designated personnel. Training video, literature and multi-media

    material are available. PFT is being evaluated by various agencies including,

    NASA, US Army, NRAD, NIH, AAFES, among others.

    Contact Information: Michael Porrazzo, CTO of MODDHA-Porrazzo,

    808.298.6508 email: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]