porcine pararotavirus: detection, rotavirus, and ... · rotavirus and reovirus, and pathogenicity...

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Feb. 1982, p. 312-319 Vol. 15, No. 2 0095-1137/82/020312-08$02.00/0 Porcine Pararotavirus: Detection, Differentiation from Rotavirus, and Pathogenesis in Gnotobiotic Pigst EDWARD H. BOHL,* LINDA J. SAIF, KENNETH W. THEIL, ARDEN G. AGNES, AND ROBERT F. CROSS Department of Veterinary Science, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio 44691 Received 13 July 1981/Accepted 21 August 1981 Some characteristics of a newly recognized porcine enteric virus are described. Tentatively, the virus was referred to as porcine pararotavirus (PaRV) because it resembled rotaviruses in respect to size, morphology, and tropism for villous enterocytes of the small intestine. However, it was antigenically distinct from porcine, human, and bovine rotaviruses and reoviruses 1, 2, and 3, and the electrophoretic migration pattern of PaRV double-stranded RNA was distinct from the electrophoretic migration patterns of the rotaviral and reoviral genomes. By passage in gnotobiotic pigs, PaRV was isolated from two suckling diarrheic pigs originating from two herds. After oral exposure of gnotobiotic pigs, villous enterocytes of the small intestines became infected as judged by immunofluores- cence, resulting in villous atrophy and diarrhea. Mortality was high when gnotobiotic pigs less than 5 days old were infected. The C strain of this virus was serially passed 10 times in gnotobiotic pigs, and electron microscopy, immunoflu- orescence, and serological tests indicated no extraneous agents. The virus was serially passed five times in cell cultures which contained pancreatin in the medium, but replication was negligible or absent, as the number of immunofluo- rescent cells decreased with each passage. Since rotaviral infections are frequent- ly diagnosed by direct electron microscopy of fecal specimens, the presence of other morphologically similar viruses, such as PaRV, should be considered. The use of immune electron microscopy is suggested as a means of helping recognize this situation. We have previously reported the detection of a rotavirus-like virus from the intestinal tract of a suckling pig with diarrhea (15). Tentatively, we are referring to this virus as porcine pararota- virus (PaRV). However, the virus was in associ- ation with two other viruses, a calicivirus-like virus and a 23-nm virus. All three viruses were serially passed on gnotobiotic pigs, resulting in their replication in the intestinal tract and the occurrence of diarrhea. Morphologically, the PaRV was indistinguish- able from rotavirus by electron microscopy. However, immunofluorescence (IF) and im- mune electron microscopy (IEM) indicated that the virus was different from rotavirus or reovirus (15). This report describes studies on PaRV in regard to separation from a mixed viral popula- tion, methods for detection, differentiation from rotavirus and reovirus, and pathogenicity for gnotobiotic pigs. tJournal article no. 116-81 of the Ohio Agricultural Re- search and Development Center, Wooster, OH 44691. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental infection of pigs. Gnotobiotic pigs were used in studies on transmission and experimental infections so as to minimize the presence of extrane- ous pathogens and guarantee a highly susceptible animal, using procedures previously described (12). Specimens used for oral exposure usually consisted of a 1:10 dilution of large-intestine contents, having been collected aseptically from the donor pig by aspiration with syringe and needle. This latter procedure tends to minimize contamination with extraneous microorga- nisms and is considered highly important. As indicated in the text, some specimens were centrifuged and filtered through membrane filters. Electron microscopy. Intestinal contents were exam- ined by electron microscopy and IEM for detection and identification of viruses as previously described (14). Briefly, 20% suspensions of sonicated and fil- tered large intestinal contents from PaRV-infected gnotobiotic pigs were incubated overnight at 4°C with 1:25 dilutions of gnotobiotic pig convalescent antisera. Samples were then centrifuged at 31,000 x g for 1 h and negatively stained. Grids were examined at 80 kV in a 201 electron microscope (Philips Electronic In- struments, Inc., Mahwah, N.J.). IF and histology. Two methods were used for pre- paring intestinal epithelial cells, or enterocytes, from 312 on January 13, 2021 by guest http://jcm.asm.org/ Downloaded from

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Page 1: Porcine Pararotavirus: Detection, Rotavirus, and ... · rotavirus and reovirus, and pathogenicity for gnotobiotic pigs. tJournal article no. 116-81 of the Ohio Agricultural Re-search

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Feb. 1982, p. 312-319 Vol. 15, No. 20095-1137/82/020312-08$02.00/0

Porcine Pararotavirus: Detection, Differentiation fromRotavirus, and Pathogenesis in Gnotobiotic Pigst


Department of Veterinary Science, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio44691

Received 13 July 1981/Accepted 21 August 1981

Some characteristics of a newly recognized porcine enteric virus are described.Tentatively, the virus was referred to as porcine pararotavirus (PaRV) because itresembled rotaviruses in respect to size, morphology, and tropism for villousenterocytes of the small intestine. However, it was antigenically distinct fromporcine, human, and bovine rotaviruses and reoviruses 1, 2, and 3, and theelectrophoretic migration pattern of PaRV double-stranded RNA was distinctfrom the electrophoretic migration patterns of the rotaviral and reoviral genomes.By passage in gnotobiotic pigs, PaRV was isolated from two suckling diarrheicpigs originating from two herds. After oral exposure of gnotobiotic pigs, villousenterocytes of the small intestines became infected as judged by immunofluores-cence, resulting in villous atrophy and diarrhea. Mortality was high whengnotobiotic pigs less than 5 days old were infected. The C strain of this virus wasserially passed 10 times in gnotobiotic pigs, and electron microscopy, immunoflu-orescence, and serological tests indicated no extraneous agents. The virus wasserially passed five times in cell cultures which contained pancreatin in themedium, but replication was negligible or absent, as the number of immunofluo-rescent cells decreased with each passage. Since rotaviral infections are frequent-ly diagnosed by direct electron microscopy of fecal specimens, the presence ofother morphologically similar viruses, such as PaRV, should be considered. Theuse of immune electron microscopy is suggested as a means of helping recognizethis situation.

We have previously reported the detection ofa rotavirus-like virus from the intestinal tract ofa suckling pig with diarrhea (15). Tentatively, weare referring to this virus as porcine pararota-virus (PaRV). However, the virus was in associ-ation with two other viruses, a calicivirus-likevirus and a 23-nm virus. All three viruses wereserially passed on gnotobiotic pigs, resulting intheir replication in the intestinal tract and theoccurrence of diarrhea.

Morphologically, the PaRV was indistinguish-able from rotavirus by electron microscopy.However, immunofluorescence (IF) and im-mune electron microscopy (IEM) indicated thatthe virus was different from rotavirus or reovirus(15).

This report describes studies on PaRV inregard to separation from a mixed viral popula-tion, methods for detection, differentiation fromrotavirus and reovirus, and pathogenicity forgnotobiotic pigs.

tJournal article no. 116-81 of the Ohio Agricultural Re-search and Development Center, Wooster, OH 44691.

MATERIALS AND METHODSExperimental infection of pigs. Gnotobiotic pigs were

used in studies on transmission and experimentalinfections so as to minimize the presence of extrane-ous pathogens and guarantee a highly susceptibleanimal, using procedures previously described (12).Specimens used for oral exposure usually consisted ofa 1:10 dilution of large-intestine contents, having beencollected aseptically from the donor pig by aspirationwith syringe and needle. This latter procedure tends tominimize contamination with extraneous microorga-nisms and is considered highly important. As indicatedin the text, some specimens were centrifuged andfiltered through membrane filters.

Electron microscopy. Intestinal contents were exam-ined by electron microscopy and IEM for detectionand identification of viruses as previously described(14). Briefly, 20% suspensions of sonicated and fil-tered large intestinal contents from PaRV-infectedgnotobiotic pigs were incubated overnight at 4°C with1:25 dilutions of gnotobiotic pig convalescent antisera.Samples were then centrifuged at 31,000 x g for 1 hand negatively stained. Grids were examined at 80 kVin a 201 electron microscope (Philips Electronic In-struments, Inc., Mahwah, N.J.).

IF and histology. Two methods were used for pre-paring intestinal epithelial cells, or enterocytes, from


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pigs for IF staining. The routine and more commonlyused method consisted of making mucosal smears onmicroscope slides from the duodenum, jejunum, andileum as previously described (3). By the secondmethod, small segments from various portions of thesmall intestine were fixed in acetone for 30 min,dehydrated in additional acetone for 1 h or more, andthen placed directly in melted paraffin in a vacuumoven at 60°C and 25 in. (63.5 cm) of Hg for 10 min (6).Specimens were then embedded in paraffin blocks andsectioned in the usual way. Sections were deparaffin-ized by rinsing in xylene, followed by a 5-min rinse inacetone. Smears or sections were stained for viralantigens by direct or indirect IF procedures.For histological examinations, segments (2.5 cm)

from the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were fixed in10% Formalin, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, andstained by azure and eosin as described previously (7).

Electrophoresis of ds RNA. Rotaviral and porcinePaRV double-stranded (ds) RNA were extracted fromthe intestinal contents of infected gnotobiotic pigs byCF-11 cellulose chromatography by a previously de-scribed procedure (18). Reovirus 3 ds RNA was ex-tracted from infected L-929 cell cultures in a similarmanner. The ds RNA preparations were subjected toelectrophoresis in composite 2.5% polyacrylamide-0.5% agarose vertical slab gels prepared with PeacockTris-borate-EDTA buffer, pH 8.3, and then stainedwith ethidium bromide as described previously (18).

Cell cultures and media. Monolayers of primary pigkidney cells and the following cell lines were used forviral studies: fetal rhesus monkey kidney (MA104),swine testes (ST), and porcine kidney (PK15). Growthmedium was Eagle minimal essential medium supple-mented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Sterile Systems,Logan, Utah), penicillin (100 IU/ml), streptomycin(100 ,ug/ml), and mycostatin (25 U/ml). Maintenancemedium was the same but did not contain serum. Allcell cultures were rinsed and fed with maintenancemedium at least 3 h before and rinsed again just beforeviral inoculation. Agar overlay for plaque detectionwas maintenance medium supplemented with 0.8%Noble agar (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.),0.0007% neutral red, and pancreatin as indicated be-low.

Pancreatin in cell culture media. Pancreatin wasadded to agar and liquid media to facilitate replication,plaque formation, or cytopathic effect (1, 10, 16). Astock solution composed of 1 volume of pancreatin(4 x NF, catalogue no. 610-5720; GIBCO Labora-tories, Grand Island, N.Y.) and 9 volumes of phos-phate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) was added to media at alevel which was slightly less than toxic for the cellularmonolayers. This amount varied slightly, dependingon the cell type and age of cells, and was predeter-mined for each cell system. With MA104 cells, about1.2% of the stock solution was added to agar or liquidmedia just before overlaying the viral inoculatedmonolayers. In the case of 96- or 24-well plates, about30 ,ul (1 drop) of 1:200 or 1:40, respectively, of thestock solution was added to the liquid medium in eachwell after viral inoculation.

Detection of virus in cell cultures. Large-intestinecontents were diluted 1:25 with maintenance mediumcontaining 100 Fg of gentamicin per ml, centrifuged at700 x g for 30 min, and stored at -20°C. Supernatantfluids were inoculated on cell cultures grown in 96- or

24-well microtiter plates or 2-ounce (60-ml) bottles.A cell culture immunofluorescence test was used for

detecting PaRV and rotaviruses by a method similar toprocedures previously described (2, 5). Cells weregrown for 6 to 10 days in flat-bottomed, 96-wellmicrotiter plates (Costar, Cambridge, Mass.), wellswere rinsed as described above, and 0.15 ml of dilutedviral specimens were inoculated into each well. Rou-tinely, intestinal contents were tested at 1:25, 102, and10' dilutions, using maintenance medium as dilutingfluid. After viral inoculation, the plates were placed incentrifuge plate carriers (Dynatech Laboratories, Inc.,Alexandria, Va.) and centrifuged at 2,800 rpm (1,300 xg) in a GLC-1 centrifuge (Ivan Sorvall, Inc., Norwalk,Conn.), using a type HL-4 head. In some tests, onedrop (30 ,ul) of a 1:40 dilution of stock pancreatinsolution was added to each well. After the plates wereincubated at 37°C for 16 to 24 h in a 5% CO2 atmo-sphere, the medium was aspirated from individualwells and the wells were rinsed with phosphate-buff-ered saline (pH 7.2). The cells were fixed by adding toeach well about 0.2 ml of a solution containing 80%acetone and 20% distilled water for a period of 10 minat room temperature (13). The fixative was aspiratedand replaced with phosphate-buffered saline and, after5 min, aspirated and replaced with 30 ,ul of fluoresceinisothiocyonate-conjugated viral antisera, if the directIF staining procedure was used. Thereafter, the IFstaining procedure was conventional. For indirect IFstaining, the procedure was similar, except porcineantiviral sera were initially applied to the fixed mono-layers, rinsed thoroughly with phosphate-buffered sa-line, and stained with fluorescein isothiocyonate-con-jugated rabbit anti-porcine immunoglobulin G (MilesLaboratories, Inc., Elkhart, Ind.). Microtiter plateswere inverted on the stage of a Dialux fluorescentmicroscope (Leitz/Opto-Metric Div. of E. Leitz Inc.,Rockleigh, N.J.) equipped with a Ploem illuminatorand a 200-W mercury arc lamp, and the monolayer ineach well was viewed through 12.5x eyepieces and alOx objective.The viral antisera used in the indirect IF procedures

and in preparing fluorescein isothiocyonate-conjugat-ed antisera (17) were from gnotobiotic pigs which hadconvalesced from infection or had been hyperimmun-ized with the strains of viruses as listed below.

Serology. Plaque reduction neutralization tests wereconducted in MA104 cells grown in 2-ounce (60-ml)bottles similar to a method previously described (10).The viral strains used for these tests included: porcinerotavirus (OSU) (3, 16), bovine rotavirus (NCDV)obtained from C. A. Mebus (Plum Island Animal Dis-ease Center, Greenport, N.Y.), human rotavirus type2 (WA) obtained from R. G. Wyatt (National Instituteof Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, Md.),reovirus type 1 (Lang), reovirus type 2 (D5, Jones),and reovirus type 3 (Abney). All reoviruses wereobtained from the American Type Culture Collection,Rockville, Md. Fourfold dilutions of heat-inactivatedsera, beginning with 1:4, were mixed with equal vol-umes of virus diluted so as to give about 50 PFU per0.1 ml. Virus-serum mixtures were incubated at 37°Cfor 1 h, and 0.2 ml was inoculated onto the monolayersof 2-ounce (60-ml) culture bottles which had beenpreviously rinsed as described above. After a viraladsorption period of 1 h, the monolayers were rinsedwith about 10 ml of maintenance medium to remove

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residual serum and overlaid with an agar mediumcontaining pancreatin as described above. Plaqueswere counted after 4 to 8 days. Neutralizing antibodytiters were expressed as a reciprocal of the initialserum dilution that resulted in an 80% reduction inplaques.

Antibodies for PaRV were assayed by an indirect IFtest. The antigen substrate consisted of intestinalmucosal smears, made on microscope slides, fromgnotobiotic pigs infected with PaRV. Smears werefixed with acetone. Test sera in fourfold dilutions wereapplied to the smears. After 30 min, the slides wererinsed and stained for 30 min with rabbit fluoresceinisothiocyonate-conjugated anti-porcine immunoglob-ulin G. Antibody titers were expressed as the recipro-cal of the highest dilution which produced fluorescingcells.


Isolation of PaRv in gnotobiotic pigs. A mixtureof three viruses-PaRV, calicivirus-like virus,and a 23-nm virus-was detected in an intestinalspecimen from a 27-day-old diarrheic sucklingpig, as previously described (15). After threeserial passages of this specimen in gnotobioticpigs, diarrhea still occurred, but only a fewPaRV and many calicivirus-like particles wereobserved by IEM in the intestinal specimen fromone of the pigs. This specimen was diluted 1:30,centrifuged at 1,200 x g for 30 min, and passedthrough a series of membrane filters (MilliporeCorp., Bedford, Mass.), ending with a 0.05-,mfilter. The object was to remove the larger PaRVparticles (55 to 70 nm) from the smaller calici-virus-like particles (28 to 38 nm) in the speci-men. One milliliter of this filtered specimen wasorally administered to each of two 12-day-oldgnotobiotic pigs. No diarrhea occurred, but 3days postexposure, pig 1 was euthanatized, andby IEM only calicivirus-like virus was observedin the intestinal specimen. At 27 days postexpo-sure, pig 2 was orally exposed to a viral prepara-

tion which contained a mixture of the three viralagents. Theoretically, pig 2 would be immune tothe two smaller viral agents but susceptible toPaRV, as subsequently proved to be the case.

The pig developed diarrhea and was euthana-tized 68 h after viral exposure. By IEM, intesti-nal specimens from this pig revealed (i) rota-virus-like particles which were agglutinated byantiserum prepared against the composite of thethree viruses but not agglutinated by anti-por-cine rotavirus serum and (ii) an absence of theother two viral agents.

Subsequently, 10 serial passages were made ingnotobiotic pigs. With each passage, diarrheaoccurred, and enterocyte smears stained by di-rect IF revealed infection with PaRV but notwith rotavirus. Enterocyte smears from severalpassage levels were examined by direct IF, andall were negative for transmisssible gastroenter-

itic virus, porcine enteric calicivirus, and reovi-rus 3. Convalescent serum samples from severalpassage levels were examined, and all werenegative for porcine rotavirus antibodies, as islater described. This virus is referred to as the Cstrain of PaRV.More recently, a second isolate (S strain) of

PaRV from a different herd was made in gnotobi-otic pigs. The S strain originated from a 27-day-old suckling pig which had a profuse liquiddiarrhea. The pig was euthanatized. IF stainingof enterocytes were positive for PaRV but nega-tive for rotavirus, transmissible gastroenteriticvirus, and porcine enteric calicivirus. The Sstrain has been serially passed five times ingnotobiotic pigs and has remained free of rota-virus, transmissible gastroenteritic virus, por-cine enteric calicivirus, and reovirus, as judgedby IEM, IF, or serology. Diarrhea occurred ateach passage level.Clinical signs and pathogenicity. After separa-

tion from extraneous viruses, the C strain wasserially passed 10 times, using a total of 56gnotobiotic pigs ranging in age from 7 h to 19days. Diarrhea occurred in pigs at each passagelevel but was most severe and consistently pro-duced in pigs less than 5 days old. Of 33 pigsexposed at 5 days of age or less, diarrhea wasobserved in 32, usually beginning at 17 to 30 hafter exposure. In these diarrheic pigs, feceswere usually tan, liquid to creamy in consisten-cy, and often contained yellow flecks of undi-gested curd.

Since most pigs were euthanatized between 16and 72 h after exposure, limited data are avail-able on morbidity and mortality at different agesof viral exposure. Observations were made on16 pigs which were not euthanatized. Of 10 pigsexposed when less than 72 h old, all developeddiarrhea, and 9 died. Of six pigs exposed whenmore than 5 days old, diarrhea was observed infive, and none died.Gross lesions were evident only in the intesti-

nal tract. The small and large intestines con-tained abnormal amounts of fluid, and the wall ofthe small intestines, especially ileum, was thin.

Histologically, the small intestines were char-acterized by shortening of the villi, especially inthe ileum. The crypts were elongated in thosesegments where villi shortening occurred. Theselesions were not usually evident in pigs whichwere examined at the onset of diarrhea but wereseen in pigs several hours after the onset ofdiarrhea.

Detection of viral antigens in enterocytes by IF.After infection of gnotobiotic pigs with eitherstrain of PaRV, villous enterocytes along theentire small intestines became infected as deter-mined by direct or indirect IF. Fluorescence wasobserved in villous but not crypt enterocytes, as


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shown in IF-stained, paraffin-embedded sec- _tions (Fig. 1). Mucosal smear impressionsproved to be a simple and effective means fordemonstrating infected enterocytes (Fig. 2). Flu-orescence was observed only in cytoplasm. Thehighest number of fluorescing cells were detect-ed at the onset of diarrhea, usually 14 to 20 hafter viral exposure, and the number decreasedrapidly within 12 to 24 h after the onset of 4. ,diarrhea. In some specimens, 100% of the enter-0ocytes on the tips of villi were infected, with thenumbers decreasing to the base of the villi (Figs.1 and 2). Villous enterocytes of the ileum wereinitially most severely infected, followed bythose of the jejunum and duodenum.EM and IEM. Intestinal contents from gnoto-

biotic pigs infected with PaRV revealed viralparticles which were indistinguishable in sizeand morphology from those of porcine rotavirus(Fig. 3), concurring with our previous report(15). As with porcine rotaviruses, the largePaRV particles of both the C and S strainsaveraged 70 nm in diameter and had a doubleouter capsid layer with a smooth periphery,whereas the smaller particles averaged 55 nm indiameter and had a single outer capsid layer.By IEM, both strains of PaRV were aggluti-

nated with serum from convalescent gnotobioticpigs previously infected with either the C or S FIG. 2. IF-stained mucosal smear of the duodenum

of a pig 20 h after infection with PaRV. One villus isshown, with the majority of fluorescing cells on thevillous tip. x300.

4_Jbv strains of PaRV. However, neither viral strainwas agglutinated with serum from convalescent

-F gnotobiotic pigs previously infected with por-::-@kYatfir. ; f4r *_A * cine rotavirus (OSU).

PK15, primary pig kidney, or ST cell cultureswith intestinal contents from PaRV (C strain)-

* A infected gnotobiotic pigs resulted in infectedcells, as shown by IF staining. Inoculation of

0. - ,9^;tMA104and PK15 cells in 96-well plates yielded107 fluorescing foci per ml by the cell culture

't,immunofluorescence test with some intestinalspecimens. The presence of pancreatin in the

.'.' maintenance medium enhanced the sensitivity of~ S j*-+ + ^#thetest by about 5- to 10-fold. IF occurred only

in the cytoplasm. IF cells have been detected- through five serial passages on MA104 cells||it scontaining pancreatin in the maintenance medi-_ um. However, the number of infected cells

'4*kt declined in successive passages, suggesting lit-.4<t ~ tle, if any, viral replications. IF was not ob-> served when cells were stained for rotavirus or

IG. . IF-stained, paraffin-embedded section of reovirus 3 antigens. Attempts to demonstratethe ileum of a pig 20 h after infection with PaRV. plaques on monolayers grown in 2-ounce (60-ml)Enterocytes of the villi but not crypts were stained. bottles were negative, even when pancreatinMagnification, x120. was incorporated in the agar overlay.

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FIG. 3. IEM of PaRV incubated with hyperim-mune gnotobiotic pig PaRV serum (diluted 1:500). (A)Particles (55 nm) with a single outer capsid layer; (B)particles (70 nm) with a double outer capsid layer.

The ds RNA preparations derived from theintestinal contents of PaRV-infected gnotobioticpigs produced electrophoretic migration pat-terns with 11 resolved segments that differedsignificantly from the characteristic rotaviralgenome electrophoretic migration pattern (Fig.4). The electrophoretic migration patterns of theds RNA preparations from gnotobiotic pigs in-fected with the C and S strains, although similar,did differ in the electrophoretic mobility of theirthird-largest ds RNA segment. The electropho-retic migration patterns of the PaRV ds RNApreparations were distinctly different from theelectrophoretic migration pattern produced bythe reoviral genome (data not shown).

Serology. Neutralizing antibodies for porcine,bovine, or human rotaviruses or for reoviruses1, 2, or 3 were not detected in sera diluted 1:4from gnotobiotic pigs convalescing from infec-tion with either the C or S strains of PaRV(Table 1). As expected, there was some cross-

reactivity among the three rotaviruses, especial-ly with the hyperimmune bovine rotavirus anti-serum, and among the three reoviruses.However, no cross-reactivity was observedamong the rotaviruses, the reoviruses, andPaRV. Antibodies for PaRV were detected in

convalescent pigs by an indirect IF test, usinggut smears from PaRV-infected pigs as an anti-gen substrate (Table 2). Antibody titers fromconvalescent gnotobiotic pigs ranged from 16 to1,024, and those from hyperimmunized gnotobi-otic pigs ranged from 1,024 to 4,096. Antibodiesfor PaRV were not detected in pigs which hadrecovered from infection with porcine or humanrotavirus or with reovirus 3 (Table 2).

Cross protection. Gnotobiotic pigs that recov-ered from infection with either the C or S strainof PaRV were susceptible to infection with por-cine rotavirus (OSU). For example, two 8-day-old gnotobiotic pigs were exposed to PaRV (C).Diarrhea occurred in both pigs. At 28 days afterexposure, both were serologically positive withPaRV but negative with porcine rotavirus. Atthis time, they were challenged with porcinerotavirus (OSU), and severe diarrhea occurred.One pig was euthanatized 48 h after exposure,and IF tests on mucosal scrapings indicatedmany enterocytes infected with rotavirus butnone with PaRV. The second pig was serologi-cally positive with porcine rotavirus 14 days


FIG. 4. Comparison of the electrophoretic migra-tion patterns of ds RNA preparations extracted fromthe intestinal contents of gnotobiotic pigs infected with(A) porcine rotavirus (OSU strain), (B) PaRV (Cstrain), and (C) PaRV (S strain). Size of ds RNAsegments decrease from top to bottom. Direct compar-ison of the electrophoretic migration patterns in lanesB and C cannot be made because these are fromdifferent electrophoretic runs. It can be noted, howev-er, that the electrophoretic mobility of the third-largestds RNA segment relative to that of the fourth segmentis different for the C and S strains of PaRV.


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TABLE 1. Plaque reduction neutralizing antibody titers

Antibody titer obtained with antisera to":

Virus PaRV PaRV Rotaviruses Reovirus(C strain) (S strain) Porcine Human Bovine type 3

Porcine rotavirus <4b <4 580 <4 120 <4Human rotavirus <4 <4 5 720 105 <4Bovine rotavirus <4 <4 28 8 6000 <4Reovirus 1 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 350Reovirus 2 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 78Reovirus 3 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 1,150

' Antisera were obtained from gnotobiotic pigs about 21 days after oral infection. except for the bovinerotavirus antiserum, which was obtained from a hyperimmunized gnotobiotic pig. Antibody titers are expressedas reciprocal of the initial serum dilution resulting in an 80% reduction in PFU.

after being challenged with porcine rotavirus. Asimilar cross-protection test was conducted withthe S strain of PaRV and porcine rotavirus, andsimilar results occurred.

DISCUSSIONWe have tentatively given the name porcine

pararotavirus to the enteric virus described inthis report. It resembles rotavirus in respect tosize, morphology, and tropism for enterocytesbut is antigenically distinct. We previously de-scribed the detection and some characteristics ofthis virus, but it was associated with two otherviruses (15). This report describes its separationfrom a mixed viral population, methods fordetection, differentiation from the other viruses,and pathogenicity in gnotobiotic pigs.PaRV and rotaviruses are indistinguishable in

regard to size and morphology as viewed bydirect EM. However, by IEM, PaRV aggluti-nates with homologous antiserum but not withrotaviral antisera; likewise, porcine rotavirusagglutinates with homologous antiserum but notwith PaRV antiserum. If fecal samples are exam-

ined by direct EM, no distinction can be madebetween rotavirus and PaRV. Since the diagno-sis of rotaviral infections is frequently made bydirect EM of fecal specimens, the presence ofother morphologically similar viruses, such as

PaRV, should be considered.

Debouck and Pensaert (8) and Bridger (4)have also reported the presence of rotavirus-likeparticles in intestinal contents from diarrheicpigs which did not react as rotaviruses as judgedby IEM or IF, suggesting similarities to thePaRV we are describing. To our knowledge,viruses with characteristics of PaRV have notbeen described in animals other than swine.

All known mammalian and avian rotavirusesshare a group antigen which can be demonstrat-ed by IF, complement fixation, IEM, or geldiffusion (9, 11). The two isolates of PaRV didnot contain this group rotaviral antigen as deter-mined by IF or IEM. For example, enterocytesor cell cultures infected with PaRV did notfluoresce when stained by direct or indirect IFwith rotaviral reagents, but did fluoresce whenstained with the homologous reagents.We have also shown by neutralization tests

that there are marked antigenic differencesamong PaRV, rotaviruses, and reoviruses. Gno-tobiotic pigs which had recovered from PaRVinfections were negative for neutralizing anti-bodies at serum dilutions of 1:4 against porcine,human, or bovine rotaviruses or against reovi-ruses 1, 2, or 3. As anticipated, some cross-

reactivity occurred within the rotavirus and reo-

virus groups (Table 1).At present, the Reov'iridae family of viruses

are composed of three genera; reoviruses, rota-

TABLE 2. Assay of antibodies to PaRV or porcine rotavirus by indirect IF. using gut smears from infectedgnotobiotic pigs as antigen substrate

Antibody titer obtained with antisera toh:Virus (strain)"

PaRV (C strain) PaRV (S strain) Porcine rotavirus Human rotavirus Reovirus 3

PaRV (C) 1,024(' 64 <1 <1 <1PaRV (C) 256 64 <1 <1 <1Porcine rotavirus <4 <4 256 64 <1

Enterocyte smears from infected pigs.b Antisera were obtained from gnotobiotic pigs about 21 days after oral infection. Neutralizing antibody titers

for the antisera against rotaviruses and reovirus are given in Table 1.' Reciprocal of the highest fourfold dilution of serum resulting in fluorescing cells.


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viruses, and orbiviruses (9). Morphologically,complete orbiviruses are described as having afuzzy periphery (19), whereas complete rotavi-ruses and the PaRV, as described in this report,have a smooth periphery. Incomplete orbivirus-es can also morphologically resemble incom-plete rotaviruses (19). To our knowledge, orbi-viruses and reoviruses have not been reported toinfect enterocytes. Previously, we reported thatPaRV particles were not agglutinated withpooled antibodies prepared against arboviruses(orbiviruses) of the Kemerovo and palyamgroups (15).As a further distinction, the electrophoretic

migration patterns of the PaRV ds RNA prepara-tions differed significantly from the characteris-tic electrophoretic migration patterns producedby the rotaviral and reoviral genomes. More-over, these PaRV electrophoretic migration pat-terns differ from the electrophoretic migrationpatterns formed by the 10 segments of the orbi-virus genomes (19). These differences provideadditional evidence that PaRV is unique anddistinct from other known members of the Reo-viridae family.

Infection of gnotobiotic pigs with PaRV re-sults in infection of villous enterocytes along theentire small intestines, resulting in villous atro-phy and diarrhea. In these respects, PaRV re-sembles porcine rotavirus and transmissible gas-troenteritic virus, a coronavirus. Mortality was90% in 10 gnotobiotic pigs exposed when lessthan 72 h old, but was 0% in 6 pigs exposedwhen more than 5 days old. No information isyet available on the prevalence of this infectionin swine.PaRV infection in pigs can be diagnosed by

direct or indirect IF on mucosal smears from thesmall intestines and by IEM on intestinal con-tents, using anti-PaRV serum. Specimens shouldbe collected as soon after onset of diarrhea aspossible. The virus will infect certain cell lines,such as MalO4 and PK15, as judged by IF.However, effective viral replication has not beenestablished in serial cell culture passages, evenwhen enzyme treatments similar to those previ-ously reported for the successful propagation ofrotaviruses are used (1, 11, 16, 20).

IF examinations of gut specimens collectedfrom infected pigs at various intervals after viralexposure suggest the following sequence ofevents. Mature enterocytes, as found on the tipsof villi, are initially and rapidly infected. Thesecells are sloughed and replaced by immatureenterocytes which are much less susceptible tothe virus, resulting in a somewhat self-limitinginfection. Thus, for detecting optimal numbersof infected cells by IF, best results were ob-tained when intestinal specimens were collectedat the onset or shortly before the anticipated

occurrence of diarrhea, before the majority ofinfected cells were sloughed into the lumen ofthe gut.


This investigation was supported in part by Public HealthService research grant AI-10735 from the National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Diseases and by Special Grants Pro-gram no. 901-15-137, Science and Education Administration,Cooperative Research.We thank Richard Braun, Kathy Miller, Peggy Weilnau,

Diane Miller, and Christine McCloskey for technical assist-ance.


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